#waaah I got death threats
serialunaliver · 4 months
honestly if you're offended people don't like your pedophilia-incest-crossover posts about video game characters or whatever get the fuck over yourself. oh my god you're telling me there's people who dislike romanticization of child abuse??? and you have posted these things publicly on the internet where people can share their opinions on them, which leads to you getting hate?? who could have predicted this
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olderthannetfic · 7 months
Is it bad that I don't pay attention anymore when people complain about antis in my fandom? What they usually mean isn't "I got harassed" or "people are sending me hate", it's usually just "someone left a comment on my grimdark AU saying it's not like canon" or "someone pointed out the story contained /insert form of prejudice here/ that wasn't tagged for" and I just don't see that as noteworthy. Yeah, if your AU diverges so far from canon that there's no connection, people will notice. Some people will be into it. Some will not. Ignoring all the positive comments to focus on the one guy who doesn't like it seems silly to me. And if you put a form of bigotry in your story, people are allowed to have opinions on that. That's not hateful. That's just thinking.
IDK, maybe I've been hardened by years of actual death threats, rape threats, suicide bait, people telling me I deserved to be a victim of pedophilia as a child, people calling me slurs, people saying they hoped my mother died, etc., but I just can't get behind "waaah someone pointed out the thing that is undeniably in my fic" as "anti" behavior. Anti-ism involves a lot more sex and violence and a lot more panic and insults. If they're not saying you're a shit person, then to me it doesn't read as being harassed by antis. It's more like you've been noticed by a person (cue 'ordeal of being known' pithy meme phrase here).
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odinsblog · 6 years
[re: this post]
Lmao y’all need to miss me with the bullshit and stay tf up out my notes & comments. I said what I said and no, I’m not taking it back: do men have self-image problems? Yes. But women’s self-image has priority now. The women’s dormitory just got fucking nuked, excuse me if I don’t pay attention to the people saying, “I think I maybe, possibly, perhaps, I smell smoke coming somewhere from the general vicinity of the men’s dorm.”
Let’s focus on helping the survivors from the women’s dorm before we expend energy on the men’s dorm, which is perfectly fine.
For example, we have Kelly Marie Tran being chased off Instagram for the “crime” of being a woman in Star Wars. We have Anna Diop receiving racialized misogyny for portraying Starfire. We have women writers in comic books literally receiving death threats and getting harassed off social media, just because she made this comic book cover:
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But waaah, people want me to be worried about some fragile ass dude who can’t handle a tiny dick joke??? Thousands of women a year are getting murdered for turning down men on dates, but oops, I’m seriously expected to be concerned for male fragility??
Who’s side are you on and where the hell are your priorities??
I ain’t hardly sorry, and I am 4000% not here for fragile ass men who can’t handle a dick joke. I’m a guy, and if that’s the worst thing I have to face this week, then I’m fucking winning like a mf. Meanwhile, women (and especially non-white women) have had their body image under attack for generations and generations, but I’m supposed to be worried about “teh menz” feeling bad bc they got offended by a dick joke? 
LOL. Fuck. That. Noize. 
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Some of you mean well, but you’re misguided af and have your priorities all fucked up. We aren’t there yet folks. We do not have an equal, egalitarian society where we can afford to split our energies equally between men’s (extremely minor) issues and misogyny towards women 
Men getting our feelings hurt by a “tiny dick” joke are no different than white people being “hurt” because a black person told an unflattering joke about white people. There is a ginormous power differential. Prioritize your activism accordingly, dammit 
It is a DEEPLY DEEPLY patriarchal society, and has been for centuries, so *please* believe me when I say this: Men (even men with small penises) will be just fine. Just like we always have been
LOL. What’s next? Worrying about sad billionaires, bc they have it “tough” too? 
I know I been away for a minute, but y’all are trying my last one
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