#vulcan 1700
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As I took the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve off, I had some time to dedicate to my scoots.  Thursday, December 29, I set aside to work on the SAC Cycle.  The clutch had been finicky lately, and it wasn’t holding fluids, though no apparent leak could be found.  I planned on putting her up on the jack and trying to find the culprit.  I hadn’t ridden her yet this month, so I was looking at a “cheat” ride - basically filling up the master cylinder with fluid, pumping the clutch till I got some action, and taking her for a quick 1.5 mile ride around the block before putting her on the jack.  Before doing that, I opted to check all connections and tighten everything down.  I was surprised when I took off the cover of the master cylinder, she still had fluid . . . I topped it off, and tried the clutch . . . it had action . . . As it was a beautiful day, I figured I would go for a quick 10 mile spin around the Manassas Battle Fields and focus on the clutch feel to see if it acted up again.  As the miles ticked away, the clutch felt rock solid . . . so I kept on riding.  All told, I put an additional 69 miles on the SAC cycle and brought her odometer up to 109,100 to close out the year.  All told, over the course of  22 rides, I put 3,528 miles on her in 2022 averaging 160 miles per day I took her out.
December 30 was a planned ride day for Jipci.  The forecast called for a great riding day, and it didn’t disappoint. 
Knowing this would be my final ride of 2022, I got up early (for a guy who has been off all week).  I realized I left my riding pants in the back of my truck, so running out in the near freezing cold, I grabbed them so I could drape them on a chair over an air vent, so when the heat kicked on, the warm air would blow on them.  As I knew I had a long day ahead of me, I made a simple but hearty breakfast - what in my family we call a Hunter's Sandwich - Because I grew up eating them while going hunting with my dad.  The simple concoction of a fried egg, ham, cheese, with a slice of raw Bermuda onion, some ketchup, and a shake of hot sauce on Dave's hearty multi grain bread was exactly what I needed to go with my morning coffee and get the day started out right.  I made one f or me and one for my son. After wolfing that down, I got my gear together and put on my now warmed up riding pants and boots.  With my helmet, battery chargers, and Hydro flasks (one with coffee, one with water), and a few "just in case" snacks, I jumped in my truck and headed off to my shed where Jipci was waiting for me.
Getting to the shed, Jipci started right up. Since I installed the Fuel X controller, she has none of the historic Himalayan hard cold starts or stalling after she got started - She was as ready for this as I was. With 4,029 miles on the odometer and the thermometer saying it was 36 degrees outside, we were off on our final ride of 2022.  The original plan I had was to head over and pick up some of Skyline Drive.  I have had Jipci now for 14 months and have yet to experience the vistas and views from her saddle . . .  Needing to change my glasses, and since I forgot to start my route in Rever, I pulled off in the Moo-Thru at the intersection of Routes 28 and 29 to make my final adjustments and decide what route I was taking.  It had already warmed up a bit in the half hour since I left the shed.  I knew I was in for a fantastic riding day.  One of my destinations was the site of a “Drop” in the Virginia tag-o-rama on advrider forums.  I wanted to get there to get the “Grab” before anyone else grabbed it.  If I got the Grab, I get to pick the next Drop for others to try to get.  But if I was in for such a day, so were other inmates (inmates are what the users of the forums are called - and once you get to know some of them- you will understand why) who were lurking, waiting for such a day to make a run for the elusive "Grab!"   Thinking I would shoot down 29 to 33 and take 33 over to Skyline, then run Skyline down to 250, I figured I could reach the Grab by around 1:30 PM.  I took a quick picture of Jipci at the Moo-Thru and sent it off to a group chat of guys from my Blue Knights Chapter because they know how I am about Ice Cream and Riding, and because it gets under Bob's skin when I do that - OK that was the first reason I sent that.
 As I headed south, I kept marveling at how beautiful this day was.  The forecast had called for Partly sunny skies, but there wasn't a cloud in sight.  As I rode south, the voices started telling me . . .  If it's a nice day for you, it's a nice day for other inmates . . . Someone else is gonna beat you to the Grab . . . Passing a few other riders out enjoying this perfect riding day only made the voices stronger, so to placate them I finally said - Fuck it!  Get the grab first, and hit Skyline on the way back home . . . It made perfect sense. Skyline wasn't going anywhere . . . The Grab could elude me . . . Somehow, I remembered the address . .  1581 Maidens . . . I plugged that into my Garmin and followed her instead of my trial run of Rever.  Having already passed by 522, I took 15 down to 250 then cut east to 522.  As I turned on 522, I knew I was close and I passed a bike heading the opposite way.  As I waved I thought, wait a second was that guy smiling, or laughing at me?  Was that an inmate? Did he just get the Grab and is now running home to post it? Sumofabitch!!! I got to get there!! 522 ran into 6, and it was a quick ride to Maidens Rd.  I made it!  But . . . wait a second . . . The sign doesn't look the same . . .  I pulled in the lot and rode back looking for that purple sign with white lettering, but it was not to be found, so I turned back to the road, parked Jipci and pulled out my phone.
I was surprised I remembered my password - Until today, I had never logged into advrider forums on my phone.  But the Gods were smiling on me as I not only had signal, I actually remembered my password!  Looking at the Drop, I compared what was around the sign to what I was seeing. The fence, the trees, the little white sign in front of it . . .  Yup this is it . . . they just changed the sign . . . I also saw that, if I did pass an inmate heading home to post the Grab, I had beat him!   Clicking my photo and quickly figuring out how to upload it from the phone, I had the Grab!  Success!!!! So 106 miles to the Grab . . . now for the amazing ride home and on to Skyline Drive.  As I was this far south, I figured, why not kill two birds with one stone . . . Let me take 6 west and pick up a bit of the north end of the Blue Ridge Parkway and get Skyline Drive in!   Visualizing where I would put the stickers for the BRP and Skyline on Jipci, I headed west.  I hadn't ridden this stretch of 6 for about 10 years, but it was as great a riding road as I remembered.  Following that for a bit I jumped over to 20 as I thought about trying to find a nice place on the BRP or Skyline for the Drop.  Then something caught my eye . . . I passed by it before I could process the photo opportunity, but as my brain caught up, I decided to turn around and get some pictures.  Not sure if this would be my Drop or not, I wiggled back through some nice roads following the signs . . .  to . . . nothing there - WTF!!! Figuring it may just be a bit further than the signs indicate, and since the roads were nothing short of amazing, I pressed on.  Until I finally decided to enter the destination into my Garmin.   It wiggled me through some more amazing roads and brought me back to the same place of nothing . . . but a little sign I didn't see before . . . I read it and followed the instructions and was there in no time.
I took the pictures at Trump Winery for the same reason I sent Bob and the other guys the picture of the Moo-Thru . . . To get under someone's skin.  Yeah I can be a jerk like that ;-)
After grabbing some pics there, I headed back towards the BRP and Skyline Drive . . . Taking the ramp to them (I was entering right at the Southern Point of Skyline and Northern Point of the BRP), I was confused by all the cars parked . . . everywhere.  Reaching the top of the ramp, I looked north towards the Skyline drive entrance and saw the barricade and sign "ROAD CLOSED"  Shit!  I turned south and found another barricade and sign for the BRP.  Technically, I was on the Parkway and there was a sign . . .   so I grab a pic then tried to decide where to go from there.
I dropped down the west side of the mountains and headed north on 340.  I figured I would take that to 33, take 33 up to Skyline and jump on there for the ride up to 211.  I would get the drop along the way.  With this plan firmly in mind, I headed up and turned into the entrance of Skyline Drive at 33.  There was a a very cute and polite Park Service lady in the booth, and as I started to take out my military ID and park pass, she just pointed to a sign posted on the outside of the booth "SKYLINE DRIVE IS CLOSED".  She said I could come in and park and hike or walk about, but I was out for a ride, so I did a U turn and headed out.  Apparently Skyline Drive was hit hard by the storms and the downed trees and what not led to the closure of both of these magnificent roads.
I took 33 down into Madison and worked my way over to 29 to head home.   My wife and I had a night to ourselves, so I may as well get home and enjoy the time with her.  Along the way I stopped at my "back-up Drop" location.  The Graffiti House in Brandy Station.  Pulling in I took a couple of pics.  I was disappointed that the house was closed for the season, as its history is pretty awesome.  From the web: http://brandystationfoundation.com/
A two-story frame structure located directly beside the railroad tracks, the Graffiti House is believed to have been constructed in 1858. According to local tradition, the building was used as a hospital site by Confederate soldiers following the Battle of Brandy Station and other local battles. Union soldiers used the house during the Winter Encampment of Brandy Station in 1863-1864. The Graffiti House is named for the signatures, inscriptions, and drawings of Civil War soldiers who drew on the walls with charcoal and pencil. Much of the graffiti that still survives is on exhibit in the house.
After those photos, I ran Jipci back to the shed . . . Putting her away for the year, her odometer read 4,346 . . . So on the 30th of December, I got her out for 317 miles.  Ironically, this is the 2nd highest mileage day I had on her all year . . . Over 2022, I had ridden her a total of 2,974 miles over 25 days, averaging 119 miles per day that I took her out for a ride.
As I closed the shed door for the last time in 2022, I reflected that while this was a relatively low year in terms of mileage, it still was a great riding year as I broke new grounds and experienced new things on two wheels . . . all this will be covered in my upcoming year in review . . .  Until then . . .  RIDE ON!
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el-osario · 6 months
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rianmobili · 8 months
Top 10 Best Touring Motorcycles For 2023
By “touring” we mean it in the traditional sense of the word. Touring motorcycles are a special breed. They need to be strong and reliable, and able to accelerate to highway speeds whilst carrying heavy luggage, but they also need to be comfortable and equipped with plenty of accessories to keep riders relaxed for mile after mile. Today, there are more touring motorcycles available than before, each geared towards different riders with different touring ambitions. Organizing this list was no easy task, as our contributors discussed and debated which bikes belonged on this list, until we had ones that we all agreed upon.
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episodeoftv · 8 months
Round 2 of 8, Group 3 of 4
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propaganda and summaries are under the cut (May include spoilers)
Our Flag Means Death: 1.05 The Best Revenge Is Dressing Well
tw racism
Blackbeard and Stede attend a fancy party. Oluwande and Frenchie embrace false identities. Izzy and Lucius go head-to-head.
It's the best episode of the show in my opinion. It has the iconic line "You wear fine things well", it gives us more information about Ed, we get to see Frenchie invent pyramid schemes in the 1700s, it has a boat full of awful rich people burning, it has Lucius being a bitch to Izzy and winning against him (we love to see it). I know it probably doesn't make any sense if you haven't watched the show, but I adore this episode
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 7.04 Take Me Out To The Holosuite
A Vulcan captain challenges Sisko to a game of baseball.
The whole crew takes a break from the ongoing war storyline to play baseball
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hoochieblues · 3 months
tagged for a last line written by @aria-i-adagio (ty!) and... there has been very little writing. But, because 'tis the season, and because the second round eds will be continuing for another three million years until I get time to finish them, here's a whole ass excerpt from the Valentine's lottery chapter of The Fountain and the Nightjar (title? title!! ...title...?) which is one of the latest to get _FINAL-final(2)_FINALFINAL appended to the scriv subdoc heading. Yay!
My brain is fried today so I forget who's actively doing these rn, but tagging with love and no pressure @faux-fires, @dreadfutures and @highwayphantoms. If you would like to consider yourself tagged, please do so. :)
For context: I'm admitting it now... TFANT is basically Georgian noir. This chapter takes place in the story's equivalent of a smoky jazz club (lol), i.e. a molly house run by an old dandy and his toyboy abolitionist husband. A Valentine's lottery was basically like secret Santa, but for V-Day gifts and/or 'dates.' Also, if you need the historical primer, molly houses were the gay bars of their time (c.1700-1820-ish) but more 'lowkey local institution' than 'hot 'n' cruisey clubland.' Similarly, 'maiden names' were queer nicknames or alter egos, closer to C20th Polari/camp slang than, say, a femme persona associated exclusively with drag (or allied to gender identity). I pulled a lot from primary sources, so not only is much of the book based on real(ish) people's lives, I've also got a... uh. lot. of research material on C18th queer culture. It is interesting as all hell, so I have to cut myself off before I digress.
Behold, my protagonist, thrust into that most chilling of scenarios: a social event. Gasp.
The exchange of gifts began, Julius intoning the names and matching the lottery couples together. Sukey Hackabout, a heavy, round-cheeked man of about five and thirty, was Valentine to Kingston Sally, part-time barman at the Green Dragon Inn, who had a faint Jamaican accent and a sweetly gentle smile. He presented Sukey with a painted paper fan, to much delight, and ‘Cupid’ held up his arms in triumph at the evening’s first official kiss.
“There, now!” Julius cried, taking the hands of his next victims. “Who braves the little god’s barb, eh? Molly Irons, with arms like Vulcan—”
Molly, a thickset, well-muscled blacksmith, unsurprisingly a popular fixture of the house, looked a little embarrassed at the catcalls, but preened all the same.
“—and Miss Guzzle herself, Susie Crimson. Who has to wonder what a gift’s in store here, indeed!”
Susie was a slender, unassuming young man at first glance, fair-haired and freckled, but utterly notorious for a single-minded interest, and talent. Molly offered Susie a small gift wrapped in brown paper. She tore it open, revealing a neatly wrought pair of polished shoe buckles which, judging by the shy pride in Molly’s face, she’d made herself. Somewhere among the bawdy comments and whistles, Susie looked genuinely flattered, and they smiled at each other as Julius set them palm-to-palm.
“There, now, and who first feels love’s sting? The poet says ‘Love is a fiend, a fire, a heaven—’” Julius paused just long enough to glance over at Lippy with a wink. “—and a hell, / Where pleasure, pain, and sad repentance dwell.’ But what do we say? What do we say? Take the first, and damn the rest! Now, who’s next?”
The company’s laughter and applause spilled over into cheers. In the corner, Kit had wrapped his arms around Oliver’s waist and stood behind him, chin on his shoulder and soft words in his ear as they watched the festivities unfold. Ollie’s nerves appeared to be giving way to glassy-eyed wonder. Someone had brought out a fiddle and, as Julius continued with the lottery, the first drawn-out note of a folk song rang out in warning.
“Barnfield,” Lippy confided to Will, topping off both their glasses before apparently remembering it was the watered brandy they were drinking. He sneered at the decanter as he put it down, but took a sip anyway. “One of the great poets. Aside from the classics, of course.”
“Of course,” Will agreed dutifully. “I know how you cleave unto Ovid.”
“Oh, shove your claws back in, Miss Kitten. Naughty puss don’t get no cream.”
Will snorted into his glass. Such a prospect seemed distant enough anyway.
Lippy tilted his head. A question seemed to waver behind his eyes until he shook it off and touched Will’s sleeve. “Well, you’re here, at least. I confess, I’d rather hear you hissing than not hear you at all, my dear.”
Will dredged up a smile, but could find nothing to say. The brandy barely softened the taste of guilt. The fiddle sawed into his brain, and he wondered how soon he could slip away without seeming more of a churl than he already felt. Julius called the names of another set of Valentines—Sal Draper, who was here with his long-time love, Russian Mary, matched to an older man who went by Queen Hook—and Will eyed the door, intent on fixing his escape route before any dancing threatened to begin.
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charlesreeza · 2 years
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Celestial and Terrestrial Spheres, c. 1725, made in Rouen, France, where the earthenware factories specialized in large polychrome sculptures.  These were made for the Château de Bois-Guilbert.  
The beautiful celestial sphere is decorated with zodiacal and mythological figures representing the constellations. The base shows the guardian deities of the four elements: Juno for air, Amphitrite for water, Ceres for earth, and Vulcan for fire.
The terrestrial sphere is based on engravings by Guillaume Delisle executed around 1700, including sea monsters.  The base has allegorical figures of the seasons: Flora for Spring, Ceres for Summer, Bacchus for Autumn, and Vulcan, the muscular fellow shown above, for Winter. (How is he both Fire and Winter?) The crocodile at the very bottom represents the American continent.
Photos by Charles Reeza at the Musée de la Céramique de Rouen.
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totalmotorcycle · 2 years
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dbjfj1223 · 5 months
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Switched- Star Trek Mirror Universe AU
Reader is fem!Y/n, a bit ooc sorry just go with it
Summary: You are a lieutenant on the starship enterprise, you just lead a simple life and have only one really close friend (Hoshi) but one day you are unusually called to an away mission to analyse a probe, it turns out it’s a device that makes you switch placed with your mirror universe counterpart. You must learn to live as the emperor of the Terran empire to survive, while your counterpart decided to pose as you to learn intel about the prime universe as well as cause chaos.
-Chapter 1: Landing Party-
You wake up early, 0500 in the morning to get ready for your shift. You have breakfast, it was just some coffee and oatmeal. You brush your teeth and hair and apply some light makeup. You carefully put on your uniform, you are so excited to start your new post on the flagship Enterprise, as a Lieutenant!
You exit your quarters and make your way to engineering, it’s quite a long walk so it gives you time to prepare mentally. The nerves were so intense but it wasn’t like you hadn’t had a shift before. You calm yourself down, this was just like any other day.
As the doors to engineering hiss open you take the small mechanical lift from the upper level to the lower where the rest of the engineering crew are waiting for the chief.
The chief of engineering enters the room, he looks excited and peppy, ready for the day. He stands in front of all of you and says
“To the crew that are just joinin’ us today, Welcome to engineering! I’ll be handing out duty rosters shortly so get to work!
He has a southern accent and he seems to know exactly what’s going on, no wonder the captain chose him to be the chief, he’s very knowledgeable you observe as he explains schematics to various crew.
He walks up to you and hands you a PADD, it has you tasks for the next week and your shift times. You nod at him and he smiles politely welcoming you, you return the gesture and he walks off to hand out more PADDS.
You study the roster:
April 8th 0500: report to engineering, routine diagnostic, break (1200), check warp coil harmonics, repair faulty electrical conduit in mess hall, dismissed 1700
Your jobs for today were simple enough so you proceeded through the day simply. Once it got to your break you joined Hoshi in the mess hall, the chef cooked Vulcan Plomeek broth so you both decided to try it. It was slightly bland but that was to be expected, although it wasn’t half bad. You and hoshi caught up on each other’s day. They were both fairly uneventful although Hoshi did get to translate some new Klingon transmissions, you briefly recounted how agonising your routine diagnostic was, Trip was so particular, he had you re-do it 3 times cause you missed one backup system, then a small glitch a random conduit in the Jeffrey’s tubes!
After you finished eating and hanging with Hoshi you got back to duty as did she, you said your goodbyes and went to check the warp coil harmonics.
It got to 1700 and you were off duty, you were exhausted so you went straight to your quarters to rest for a bit before you met with Hoshi again. At 1900 Hoshi came to your quarters and you hung out, chatted, ate snacks then decided to watch a movie.
The movie ended at 2200 Hoshi left cause you both have early shifts.
“See you tomorrow Y/n!” She said
“Bye Hoshi!” You replied
It was the morning you repeated your morning routine, everyday was pretty repetitive. You checked your roster while eating breakfast.
April 9th 0500: report to engineering, go on shuttle with away team #3 to study alien probe, return to ship at 1500, check dilithium supply, dismissed 1700.
You were puzzled and excited you have never been on an away mission in all your years at Starfleet! You leapt up from your couch and rushed down to engineering, hoping not to have missed the to shuttle go down to the planet.
You arrived and luckily you were ten minutes early, this gave you some time to pack your supplies, Trip walked up to you
“Ah, Lieutenant Y/L/N your early I see.” He stated
You nodded “yes I wanted to have time to pack my supplies and also sir thanks for choosing me for this mission!”
He smiled “I choose you because you’re the most qualified with alien technology, you have so much experience from when on your old ship you decrypted that alien cache of tech!”
You nodded in remembrance “well, thanks anyway this is my first away mission!”
Trip was surprised by this “really?”
You replied “yeah they never really needed an ensign who specialises in alien tech, they mostly used more rounded engineers of a higher rank and experience.”
Trip nodded with his eyebrows raised “well now you’re a Lieutenant so it’s time to take on more responsibility.”
“Yes sir.” You replied
He smiled by your formality “all right I’ll let you get back to work.” He walked off before you could say anything more.
You smiled at that interaction; he was very supportive and nice, WAIT you were not catching feeling for your commanding officer! You blushed and dipped your head in shame. As a distraction you rapidly walked off to the supply room to assemble a kit to try and decipher this probe, it required some specialised equipment so you took a few minutes finding your equipment.
Hoshi walked through the doors and looked around a bit, then she saw you and smiled and started to head your way.
“Hey y/n, you excited for your first away mission?” She asked
Hoshi had been on many away missions despite her being only an ensign, having a translator was very useful. You also suspected she would get promoted soon like you did because you both graduated the same year from the academy and have been best friends since then. You were so excited when you heard you would be posted to her ship.
“Hoshi! Hi, yes I can’t wait, I’m so nervous!” You replied
She put a hand on your shoulder “you’ll be fine, this planet has basically been deserted for thousands of years!”
Her statement helped “you’re right, maybe I’m just nervous I wanna do my job right!”
She nodded “I used to feel that way too, hell I still do! The people here are supportive no matter what you’ll be alright, plus I’m excited to be able to hang with you on an alien planet!”
You laughed “I know right how many friends get to do that!”
You both laughed, but we’re interrupted by Malcom Reed walking up to you, he was decked out holding phasers to hand out to people.
“What’s so funny?” He asked with a smile
You both smiled and shook your heads
“What’s with all the phasers Malcom I thought it was deserted?” Hoshi inquired
Malcom replied “probably, just being prepared, it’s my job.”
You nodded understandably, he handed you and hoshi a phaser, it was nerve racking holding it, but it was necessary. Malcom walked off and you both put the phasers in your holsters around your waist.
Malcom turned around after a few seconds
“Are you guys coming, we’re departing soon!” He informed you.
You looked at your watch
“Oh yeah! Thanks Malcom” You replied.
He smiled and nodded at both of you, Hoshi and you walked to the shuttle and took your seat, beaming with a smile of wonder as you lifted up, and out the shuttle bay door, it was great.
Two other shuttles followed behind you, they were other survey teams. Down on the planet were so many ruins of an ancient alien race that is long gone, the captain ordered survey teams to find out as much as they can about them, you team was responsible for exploring a small continent on the east side of the northern hemisphere.
In the shuttle was Lieutenant Malcom Reed for protection and security, you for studying and deciphering alien technology, Ensign Hoshi Sato for translating the language, Ensign Travis Mayweather to fly the shuttle and Ensign Rachel Green for xenobiology for studying the other smaller life forms on the planet (eg. bugs, birds).
You had a pretty good away team, you were acquainted with everyone and you and your best friend Hoshi were pretty good friends with Travis and Rachel from the academy.
Your shuttle landed on the dusty planet, it was like earth if it went through a very catastrophic global warming, everywhere was dry stuffy and concrete like. There were basic structures but they were extremely broken down and destroyed over the years. It didn’t take much to guess what drove this species to extinction.
a/n: thanks for reading this is just transferred over from my Ao3 account, I’ll post 2 and 3 later this is all I’ve done so far, I’ll write more another day<33
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two-wheeled-therapy · 2 years
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Fall Colors on the SAC Cycle
I just love riding in the fall. The temperatures, the crisp clean air, the colors, all make this my favorite time of the year to ride.  The last weekend in October, I rolled the SAC Cycle out for a little ride.  I was tempted to head out to Skyline Drive, but knew from experience that on a weekend day like today, it would be too crowded and the therapeutic value would be greatly diminished.  So I settled in for riding some of the local roads closer to home.
The colors did not disappoint, from the browns, to the yellows, to the oranges, to the reds, breath taking! While riding along Waterfall Drive, I spotted an Eagle flying alongside me through the trees.  As he landed in a tree I pulled off and was able to get a Big Foot-esque photo of him sitting in the tree before he took off and continued over Waterfall Drive - apparently, he likes this road this time of year as well! 
I know I won’t have many days like this to ride this year. The leaves hold on as long as they can before they fall and cover the roads and landscape.  In the roads, they are fine, as long as they are dry. But, like a Gremlin, once you add water, they become devious little creatures waiting to throw your tires one way or the other.
So for now, I ride and will take advantage of as many days like this as I can before the roads freeze over with winter’s grip.
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thefrozenfractals · 1 year
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vorahaqig · 2 years
Service kawasaki voyager 1700 bedienungsanleitung
 SERVICE KAWASAKI VOYAGER 1700 BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
           13.08.2013 — Manual - VN1700 Classic Tourer "ABS". 2013 - Kawasaki - Betriebsanleitung-Owner's Manual - VN1700 Classic Tourer "ABS" Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Classic Werkstatthandbuch Reparaturanleitung Deutsch auf CD Werkstatthandbuch Repair manual Kawasaki VN1500 Drifter 1999Ansicht Und Herunterladen Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Abs Betriebsanleitung Online. Vulcan 1700 Voyager Abs Motorräder Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Kawasaki KZ1000 C-1 police motorcycle service Manual supplement KAWASAKI VN1700 VULCAN 1700 VOYAGER ABS 2009 - 2014 SERVICE REPAIR SHOP MANUAL. Betriebsanleitung verloren? Kein Problem, hier findest du die Betriebsanleitung für deine Kawasaki. Bitte wähle zuerst sorgfältig deine Sprache und "Europa" aus Ansicht Und Herunterladen Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Voyager Abs Betriebsanleitung Online. Vulcan 1700 Voyager Abs Motorräder Pdf Anleitung Herunterladen. Fahrbericht – Kawasaki VN1700 Voyager – Die neue Üppigkeit Bedienungsanleitung KAWASAKI VN1700 CLASSIC TOURER - Laden Bedienungsanleitung KAWASAKI
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getrend · 2 years
『カワサキ「VULCAN 1700 VAQUERO」 Vツインエンジン搭載のバガー最新モデルを北米で発表』についてTwitterの反応
『カワサキ「VULCAN 1700 VAQUERO」 Vツインエンジン搭載のバガー最新モデルを北米で発表』についてTwitterの反応 ニコニコニュースのコメントまとめ 『カワサキ「VULCAN 1700 VAQUERO」 Vツインエンジン搭載のバガー最新モデルを北米で発表』についてTwitterの反応 Source: おまとめ
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monterplant · 2 years
Kawasaki Releases 2023 Tourers, Cruisers, and Standard Motorcycles
Kawasaki Releases 2023 Tourers, Cruisers, and Standard Motorcycles
Kawasaki has rolled out some returning cruiser, touring, and retro sport models for 2023. Bikes include the Vulcan Classic, Z900RS, and Vulcan 1700 Voyager. (more…)
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balrajgis · 2 years
Vulcanization Accelerators Market Insights by 2031 & Covid-19 Analysis | Lanxess AG, Nocil Ltd., Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.
Global Vulcanization Accelerators Market report from Global Insight Services is the single authoritative source of intelligence on Vulcanization Accelerators Market. The report will provide you with analysis of impact of latest market disruptions such as Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market. Report provides qualitative analysis of the market using various frameworks such as Porters’ and PESTLE analysis. Report includes in-depth segmentation and market size data by categories, product types, applications, and geographies. Report also includes comprehensive analysis of key issues, trends and drivers, restraints and challenges, competitive landscape, as well as recent events such as M&A activities in the market.
Vulcanization is a process that improves the physical properties of rubber and creates a stronger, more durable material. Vulcanization accelerators are chemicals that speed up the vulcanization process. There are a variety of vulcanization accelerators available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common vulcanization accelerators are sulfur, peroxides, and metal oxides.
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Key Trends
The key trends in vulcanization accelerator technology are the development of new accelerators and the improvement of existing accelerators. One of the most important trends in the development of new accelerators that can be used in a wide range of vulcanization processes. These accelerators can improve the performance of vulcanized rubber products.
Key Drivers
One of the key drivers of the vulcanization accelerators market is the growing demand for rubber-based products. The other key drivers include the growing automotive industry and the increasing use of rubber-based products in various industries. The vulcanization accelerators market is driven by the growing demand for rubber-based products. The vulcanization accelerators are used in the vulcanization process of rubber, which is used in various applications such as tires, hoses, belts, gaskets, and seals.
Market Segmentation
By Type
By Application
By Region
North AmericaUS
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Key Players
Lanxess AG
Nocil Ltd.
Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.
Eastman Chemical Corporation
Kumho Petrochemical
Emerald Performance Materials
With Global Insight Services, you receive:
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About Global Insight Services:
Global Insight Services (GIS) is a leading multi-industry market research firm headquartered in Delaware, US. We are committed to providing our clients with highest quality data, analysis, and tools to meet all their market research needs. With GIS, you can be assured of the quality of the deliverables, robust & transparent research methodology, and superior service.
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