#vore prey
melliemelons · 1 month
❤️ ANIMATED YCH C*mmissions now available! ❤️
Do you like my animation? Do you like affordable art? Well, I have news for you! In preparation for Mayternity, I'll be accepting animated YCH c*mmissions for ONLY $25! Don't be shy, DM me if interested~! 🥰
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hooter-n-company · 1 year
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For anyone wondering where the header image of this blog came from. ;) Starring Aveon and my owl-sona Rae.
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teal-fiend · 13 days
when it comes to naming prey after a meal time, i do think that lunch is the best option
breakfast is too small, and ppl usually don't eat as much for breakfast
dinner makes it seem like too big of a deal, like dinner is a big event, u pull out all the stops etc. but it puts too much pressure on it imo
but lunch is perfect because:
it has a longer time frame; basically any meal can be lunch, because it's any time in between breakfast and dinner
if someone asks why you look bloated, you can be like 'i just had lunch,' or better, 'i had a big lunch.' you can't say 'i had dinner' bc no you didn't, it's the middle of the day (this kind of is the same as the previous point)
lunch is no big deal, it's casual, and after you have lunch, you can move on with your day. whereas dinner you should go to bed, and breakfast who cares about it.
Lunch is like important but not too important, you don't need to eat that much for lunch, but you can if you want to. You didn't have to have an entire person for lunch. But it's like a treat, having something extra filling when you usually would just have a sandwich
afternoon nap
it can be more spontaneous. You don't have to plan a lunch that carefully, you can just see a prey, and decide hey, lunch time.
I think if you want to call someone dinner, you have to do a bit more scheming. You'd need more time to prepare, and it has a different tone
But lunch is easy to have, it applies to more situations, and therefore it's the best thing to call a prey
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honeyed-poet · 1 year
Musings of a Digesting Poet
The End of the Honey Boy
written by Honeyedpoetprey
Art credit goes to Izumy and mementomori
WARNING: Implied willing fatal Vore and lots of digestion talk ahead
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Wow, there I was adventuring along as always… seemed like any other day, and now here I am packed in a tummy just stewing and churning… I had a dream it would end this way.

From the satisfied belch up there… I’m glad you enjoyed me! The accommodations are very warm and wet and soft, with just enough dim reddish light to watch the fluids secrete and drip their way down through all the little folds and crevices. Kinda mesmerizing, and I intend to just relax and enjoy myself while it lasts. You can only get eaten once, after all.

As for what to do with the rest of our time together? Well, if you’re lonely, we can chat. Maybe find a nice wine to compliment what’s left of my flavour in your mouth. When you’re ready though, do go ahead and digest me all up. As much as I enjoy it in here, it would be greedy of me to keep filling this space in your belly when I’m sure there are many more who would like to follow. Speaking of, you can feel free to go ahead and burp up my phone when you’re done with me and use my contacts as a menu, if you wish.

If there’s anything I can do to make the afterglow of your meal more enjoyable before I become a nutritious human smoothie and a layer of pudge, do let me know, and if you should hiccup and feel a light, sweet taste of honey in your mouth, that’s just me saying hello. Or displacing air as I roll over to get more comfortable… either one of those.
What’s that? If I dreamed about this in advance… and that must make you the girl of my dreams? Huh, yes, I suppose that’s true. By all means do take it as a compliment!

Might explain why the idea of being eaten always mingled with the erotic for me but.. bah. That would be a crass direction to take this lovely discourse. Speaking of which, I would be a poor and ungentlemanly one-time dinner host if I didn't also buy you a drink. I recommend a nice Merlot to pair with sweeter meats like myself.
If my jacket is still nearby, there should be ample cash in my wallet for you to nab a celebratorybottle while I'm still relatively solid and fresh on your palate. Moreover, I happen to quite like the scent, so melting away as it showers down over me just sounds heavenly.
Mmf! Oh my! Was that a possessive, proud pat I just felt? You naughty girl teasing me like that!
Hmmm, your strange pride in having me in your tummy and my strange contentment with my fate may well be a sign that this was just destiny and a fulfillment of my purpose…
Kind of mind boggling to think about, really. My family line going back hundreds of years (many of their obituaries more resembling food reviews) until finally, my parents produced me with the correct flavour profile and feel to just to go through life waiting until the moment you got to taste and feel this well-bred meal glide over your tongue and plop into a tummy made to fit it and squeeze and churn it just right.
l used to like to play games with predators (it was my way of reconciling my survival instinct with my strange attraction to being eaten). Give them hints as to my location, tease, them, and lead them on a merry chase before finally escaping and wishing them better luck next time…
Every narrow escape, every predator I left hungry without so much as a lick, and here, there was no such struggle. You saw me, decided I belonged in your belly, and gobbled me down. No more running, nothing complicated, I was caught, and it was time to fulfill my purpose as a delightful dinner.
And now, my survival instinct isn't screaming at me like it always did before. I'm here. And I'm content… even as I contemplate how much longer I have until I sink into the soupy slurry that will soon be forming beneath me.
Would make for a nice parody of a destined love story with a cliche title like "Love At First Bite", I'd consider writing it if it wasn't for….. Well you know, your tummy walls and stomach acids getting right to work on lovingly caressing and churning me into Cream-of-Me soup.
But perhaps that's why I'm okay with ending up in the belly of a uniquely talented writer and deep thinker like yourself. I may be ending, but rather than leaving my own legacy behind, by digesting inside you, nourishing you, contributing to your body, and energizing yourmind will make your future accomplishments, the dreams you will fulfill, in some small way an extension of myself. It's a nice consolation whether you forget me completely after I melt into more of you, or think back occasionally on that dinner conversation so long ago.
Personally, I hope I'm brain food (can't know for sure. I wasn't really born with an index of nutritional facts) so I can motivate your talented mind to produce yet more fantastic writing! After all the stories I've written… having she who ate me carry on writing long after I’m just her pudge sounds so fitting!
l apologize for rambling. Destiny, purpose, and legacy are heady chit-chat topics to have with someone you are currently digesting. (The acids are accumulating and rising quite nicely, more of a chest-deep hot tub than a sauna at this point).
I'll wriggle and squirm for a bit, and I do hope you enjoy the feel of my movements until my form rounds out into a bellyfull of pleasantly bubbling and groaning mush slowly being moved along and put to use. Hope your digestive system is efficient! I would hate for too much of me to go to waste.
Glad you found me delicious, hopefully you'll leave a five-star review for my relatives and failed predators to see, and don't feel too bad about me missing out on your future writings. It is a fitting end to just be part of your story... Whatever comes next that I miss once I'm offering a little padding beneath you upon your writing chair, I will always have my own little chapter. This moment just for me~
~Glorp Glorp~
"Oh! He DID taste like honey~ yummmm~"
And in that instant… the Honeyed Poet was gone…. and only a satisfied pred, looking forward to healthily digest the rest of him away remained.
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ianarovoices · 10 months
Dontcha love flustering an adorable preyslut?~
Especially one that so clearly wants to be in your belly...
(Full audio is too big for Tumblr! You can listen to all 7 minutes here!)
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fluffybellyhog99 · 1 year
Two amazing Vore art Works from my good friend and favorite artist @Bonesss17 (Twitter) he took the inspiration from my new and not yet published Vore video I really love this kind of art even when I'm not into Vore
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omgcatboi · 2 years
Oh man, this here? All this is my chubby boyfriend. Well, wasn't chubby boyfriend. Now he's just extra lard packed on my body. He's really fattened me up, I can feel him spilling out my shirt when I reach for something, or jiggling when I walk. I can't wait to do this to our master. She had me eat him to plump me up so she can have both her boyfriends at once. I'm so excited! But I have limited time to enjoy my body before it's hers, limited time to play with the moobs he gave me, the belly he grew on me. I have so limited time before that's me. Before I'm the one packed inside her fat body. She's so small, I wish I could see how fat a lard ass guy like me would make her. But I want even more to be the lard ass guy who made her that fat.
Such limited time...
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
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Stefan is the husband of Old Aleric.Spends most o his time in the stomach of his much larger husband
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @goodanswerfoxmonster
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hooter-n-company · 1 year
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Here’s Kron’s trusty partner in chaos, also one of the few prey-only OCs in my roster. She was originally an adopt I purchased from @jellyjaws
Izimba is a descendant of a high-class dragonoid family, and comes from a lineage of elite magic users. She was sent to the prestigious Academy of the Mystic Arts to specialize in evocation, but although she was passionate and eager to learn, she was a terrible student (at least according to her professors).
Izimba was usually too fidgety to focus on lessons, and she always wanted to experiment and fool around instead of doing what she was supposed to do. On top of that, her personality irritated her colleges and mentors to the point of driving them away, so she never made any genuine friends while attending school.
Feeling like a huge disappointment to her family and peers, she made the bold decision to set off into the world and learn about mysticism HER way. And so, she travels from place to place, expanding her knowledge on a personal quest to master all the magical disciplines.
Full bio under the cut:
Name: Izimba
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 25
Species: Dragonoid
Role: Prey
Height: 5’7”
Abilities: Arcane magic user (evocation and energy manipulation), some knowledge of transmutation and alchemy, above average strength and agility, excellent baker
Personality: Optimistic, bubbly, cheerful, and full of spunk, Izimba has plenty of energy and spark to go around, and THEN some. She always maintains a positive attitude and a childish sense of humor even in the most hopeless of situations, to the point that she enjoys taking risks and seeking out danger for fun. She is very sociable and open to making new friends, although her constant chattering usually comes off as irritating to most people. In academic or work situations, Izimba's high energy levels make her antsy, impulsive, and impatient, but despite this she is a lot smarter than most give her credit for.
Likes: Seeking knowledge, exploring, treasure hunting, collecting trinkets, kicking ass, cute animals, nature, eating sweets, terrible puns, making new friends, writing, sketching, helping others with her abilities, her best buddy Kron
Dislikes: Boring lectures, taking tests, feeling like a failure, disappointing her friends and family, bullying, rude jerks, magic being used for evil being forced to wait, standing in one place for too long, june bugs, bitter foods and beverages
Other: -Her staff harnesses light and heat from her surroundings (including celestial bodies like the sun and moon), and can use it to create energy blasts, shields, freeze and burn objects, and light the way in darkness. However, using magic too often can lead to her overexerting herself and succumbing to exhaustion. On her travels, she has also grown more proficient in transmutation and alchemy, which gives her the power to manipulate earthly elements.
-She carries a book of spells and incantations wherever she goes, and uses it to take notes and collect more information for future reference.
-Her satchel is a bag of holding with unknown capacity.
-Another one of her hobbies is baking, and she is particularly fond of baking cakes.
-She ends up becoming partners with the armored bugbear Kron. While venturing into one of the more dangerous cities, she is caught off guard and overpowered by a group of bandits. Before they can kill her, Kron shows up beats the tar out of them, before carrying them off to claim his bounty.
Izimba immediately takes a liking to her rescuer and tags along, much to his annoyance. Kron tries over and over again to ditch her, to no avail, until they finally come to a compromise: Kron acts as Izimba’s bodyguard while she hunts for treasure, and Izimba acts as Kron’s healer while he pursues his bounties.
-Izimba tries to be a vegetarian once due to her love of animals, but she occasionally relapses because “animals are friggin’ delicious.” XD
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malevorenhairylegs · 1 year
Unfortunately caught by a chef pred who definitely wanted me to be delicious
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ianarovoices · 3 months
I didn't fatten you up for nothing, silly! It was all to eat you...
A Vore Audio
This is a mini-teaser! Much longer preview is here; all 4 minutes on Patreon
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thealmightyemprex · 10 months
If a hero wishes to gain the aid of the wizard Aldo they must make a pact.The wizard is a ravenous Maneater and if one wishes his assistance they must allow themselves to be consumed by the wizard and spend any where from a week to 7 years in the belly of Aldo
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@ariel-seagull-wings @scarletblumburtonofeastlondon @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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malevorenhairylegs · 1 year
Who's gonna come to feed ? I'm hungry and need good proteins 😋🤤
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belly9702 · 3 months
Can you hear the sound of my belly? Come and give it a rub😈🫶🏻
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justanothervoreblog · 4 months
A Date for Valentine's
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You would always tell yourself that Valentine's Day was for suckers. People who needed a single day to celebrate love. As if saying that made the day any less lonelier. This year, you decided to get with the holiday and put yourself out there. Luckily you managed to find someone who feels exactly the same way that you did.
You meet up with him and things are going great. If you had ever believed in the power of Cupid’s arrow, it was now. He was funny and relatable, and he knew all of your favorite bands and video games. Not to mention he wasn't that bad to look at either! Things were going so well that you decided to say yes when he invited you over. After all, your Valentine's Day was going well, so why end it now?
The good vibes continue all the way to his apartment. Although you do notice that he's unusually hungry. Odd considering you watched him swallow down three pizzas, but people were quirky like that. Besides, you are far too focused on the dirty talk that he was doing. Saying things like “I can't wait to eat you up” or “You look delicious”. One that particularly got you was stripping you down and licking every inch of your body. That one had your skin tingling!
Once you stepped out of the car, it was a blur. You don't know how two people could walk and make out at the same time but you made it work. Up three flights of stairs, pushing each other against the walls, tearing each other's clothes off, the works. Your hair was ragged by the time you had reached his door. Hot and bothered couldn't nearly describe how you felt.
Inside the door, the two of you traded kisses and hickeys to the couch. After some playful wrestling, he ends up on top of you. You are expecting more to come, but what comes next is not in your horoscope. He makes some comments about how delicious you look and how he can't wait to get you inside. You have no idea what he's talking about, frankly because you thought you would be bottoming. However, when his mouth opens wider than it should, saliva dripping down from his teeth, you realize that this wasn't just kinky talk.
What comes next is a smelly mouth and an invasive tongue. It looks over everything. Your face, your ears, the back of your neck. You pass into a tight pink tunnel, warmed by the air coming from below. The only thing you can hear is the steady gulping from your would-be date and now-turned predator. He didn't have any issue with turning you into a Valentine's Day meal. And with every gulp, that becomes more of your reality.
You don't know how long you spend in the tunnel. You pass by a very loud heartbeat as it slams in your ear. Eventually, you push past a tight ring of muscle into what had to be the smelliest place on earth. His stomach reeks of the pizza he had devoured. And soon it would reek of you. Your head, shoulders, and your upper body all slide in quickly. Your legs kick weakly on the outside and steadily more and more of your body is becoming wet and slimy.
Eventually, your shoes are taken off, that tongue wraps around your wet socks, and what's left of you in the world is gone. You feel your legs travel down his throat as you curl into a ball. With a steady thump, the date is over and the final course, you, was served. On the outside, your date rubs over his belly content with yet another helpless romantic lured in on Valentine's Day. He taught you about how love hurts and that this way you two will be together forever. Or something like that, it's muffled through the churning of the stomach walls as well as the gurgling.
As you settle into your temporary home, a bittersweet thought comes into your mind. You still weren't spending Valentine's alone. You would be with your pred, for as long as it takes for him to digest you. As the stomach walls squeeze around you and press all of the air out of the chamber, a soft smile plays on your lips. You gently pass out as that huge burp vibrates the apartment.
There were worse ways to spend Valentine’s Day.
Happy Voretine's Day ❤️❤️❤️
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