#vod'ika masterlist
vodika-vibes · 11 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist version 3.0~
Well, actually, it’s a masterlist of my masterlists! I apparently had too many links for one masterlist and Tumblr said “lol, no.”
Anyway! Thank you for your patience while I sorted this whole mess out, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Also! You can now give me a tip if that’s what makes you happy! But I certainly don’t expect you to do so! 
❤️❤️❤️ - Vod’ika
Vodika-Vibes 650 Followers Event Notice
Rules - please read me if you're new!
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Writing Prompts
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OC x Canon Characters Masterlist
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Captain Keeli x Reader Masterlist
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Other x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist currently consists of: Droidbait, Hevy, Sinker, Hound, Gregor and two of my own clone OCs
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Clan Skirata x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist is currently made of up Darman, Mereel, Ordo, Atin, Prudii, A’den, Niner, Kom’rk, and Corr Skirata
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Delta Squad x Reader Masterlist - Sev, Boss, Scorch, and Fixer
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Mandalorian x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, and Mij Gilamar
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Alpha-17 x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Alpha-17, and poly Alpha x Reader x Fordo
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501st x Reader Masterlist - currently consists of Echo, Fives, Rex, Tup, Dogma, Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase
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TBB Masterlist - consists of Hunter, Crosshair, Echo and Howzer
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Commanders x Reader Masterlist - currently comprised of: Wolffe, Neyo, Thire, Fox, Thorn, Monnk, Bacara, Cody, Bly, Doom, Colt, Mayday, and Gree
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Multi-Character List
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Magic and Knights AU Masterlist - Consisting of: Wolffe, Jesse, Fox, Fives, Cody, Gregor, Hound, Tup, Boba, Howzer, Rex, Kix, Echo, Hunter, Dogma, Alpha-17, Fordo, Keeli, Bly, Neyo, and Crosshair
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Ahsoka Travels to the past AU - Part 1, Part 2
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Follower Celebration Jan-Feb 2024 - Consisting of Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Dogma, Jesse, Wolffe, Alpha-17, Tech, Wrecker, Hound, Crosshair, Sev, and Fixer
500 Followers Event: March-April 2024 - Consisting of Fives, Kix, Rex, Clone Assassin, Hunter, Crosshair, Howzer, Tech, Keeli, Ezra Bridger, Fox, Tup, Dogma, Sev, Jesse, Echo, Wrecker, Jango, Cody, Boss, Alpha-17, Fordo, Darman Skirata, Scorch, Fixer, Colt, Wilco, Atin,
650 Followers Event: May - June 2024 - Consisting of Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Fox, Tup, Wrecker, Rex, Wolffe, Sev, Jesse, Cody, Mereel Skirata, Clone OC: Misfit, Fives
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Chapter 1 - Modern Star Wars AU - Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and Captain Gregor are trapped on an island where the rules are a little different than what they're used to.
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Okay, okay, okay! I don't know how I missed this this morning! (Yes I do, I was dehydrated and words were hard lol)
But! For your event~
Jesse, 300 words, SFW or Spicy (I know how finicky plot bunnies can be, lol) and "When was the last time you ate?" With a fem!reader. Pretty please?
❤️ - @vodika-vibes
Jesse x Fem!Reader
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Pairing: Jesse x Fem!Reader
Tags & Warnings: suggestive themes, food issues, food play kink if you squint reallyyyyyyyy hard
Word Count: 300
Author's Note: Vod'ika my love 🥺 Thank you so much for participating and sending in such a great ask! Technically, prompt #3 was slept, not ate, but the idea I had was too good to pass up, so I rolled with it 🥰 This one made me feel a little 🥵 Not gonna lie. So, please enjoy 💚
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It was a long day at work, and you are happy to finally be home so you can shower and have a well-deserved nap. However, only moments after your apartment door shuts behind you, you are greeted by a perturbed Jesse. Oh no. You’re not sure what has his feathers ruffled, but he’s making that scrunchy face, so it can’t be good.
Jesse sits down in the chair, propping his legs up on the table, fingers interlaced behind his head as he leans back. He glares at you from across the room. You know it’s coming, at least you know something is coming. You haven’t been home for more than ten seconds and he’s ready to grill you like he’s a detective in the Coruscant Guard.
Jesse raises a suspicious eyebrow. “When was the last time you ate?”
Oh, that. You fidget with your fingers. “I had a twizzler two hours ago,” you answer.
“That’s not food,” he says.
“Technically, it is,” you argue.
“Technically, it’s not,” he retorts. 
You sigh. “I’m not hungry.”
“I need you to eat,” he says.
“What do you want me to eat?” you ask.
“Anything,” he says.
A devilish thought crosses your mind and you smirk at him. “Anything?”
“Food!” he adds when he catches your drift. “Anything that’s food!”
“Killjoy,” you pout.
Jesse takes a deep breath to compose himself. He swings his legs off the table and walks over to you, leaving no gap between your bodies. He trails the back of his fingers down your cheek in a soft caress, ending his journey by grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him. His lips are barely a breath away from yours, but still too far to touch.
“What if I feed you?” he whispers. “What if eating could be… pleasurable?”
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Event Masterlist
Tag List: @nahoney22 @kixs-husband @commander-sunshine  @sunshinesdaydream @padawancat97 @verndusk @starrrgazingbunny @coraex @lickylickylicky @homemade-clones @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @starrylothcat @moon-wrecked @ladyzirkonia @stunkbiggu
Join my taglist HERE
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lamaenthel · 4 months
Blood-Stained Tiles
[read on ao3][masterlist]Febuwhump prompt: blood-stained tiles
Kix kept up the chest compressions, counting in his head. Jesse was losing too much blood; his skin had quickly bypassed pale olive and had arrived at bloodless white. "Jesse, don't you dare do some di'kutla osik like dying on me, do you understand?"
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Characters: CT-6116|Kix, CT-5597|Jesse, Anakin Skywalker Wordcount: 372
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"Shabla haraan—" Kix kept up the chest compressions, counting in his head. Jesse was losing too much blood; his skin had quickly bypassed pale olive and had arrived at bloodless white. "Jesse, don't you dare do some di'kutla osik like dying on me, do you understand?"
As much as he wanted to hear his little brother make some sort of smart-assed reply, Jesse didn't respond. "I mean it, vod'ika," Kix continued. His hands were slick and bloody up to the elbow, and kept slipping sideways off Jesse's bare chest.
"Stick him with another amp of epinephrine and run his fluids wide open!" Kix barked, still punching down.
"Sarge, it's been twenty minutes."
"He's not dead!" Kix couldn't really feel his arms anymore, but that didn't matter.
"Kix." An unusually heavy hand landed on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Sergeant. He's gone."
"He's not!" Kix didn't stop compressions, not even to breathe. His eyes stung with a deluge of salty sweat.
"Stand down." General Skywalker held his hands still. "It's time to call it."
Kix stared down at Jesse's open mouth, his eyes that stared into nothing, and realized that it wasn't sweat in his eyes. 
"Come on." The General carefully pulled him down. 
"But—" Kix whispered, trembling.
"You did everything you could." Skywalker guided him to the neighboring gurney and pulled the curtain. 
General Skywalker took a knee. "He has become one with the Force," he said gently.
Kix stared at the double set of bloody footprints on the tile. "Thought you had to burn to do that," he murmured.
"No. Just helps things along a little bit quicker." Skywalker smiled sadly. 
Kix nodded and looked away. "He's…" He screwed his eyes shut. "He's gone."
"He is." Skywalker squeezed his knee sympathetically. "And I'm sorry to do this to you, Kix, but more of your brothers are going to die if you don't pull it together and go help them. You can mourn later, scream, I'll even let you hit me if you need to. But right now, I need you to go and help them before it's too late."
Kix took a long, shuddering breath, swallowed his grief like a pill, and nodded. "Alright," he forced out. "Let's go."
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork, @febuwhump, @soliloquy-of-nemo Divider: @saradika-graphics
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saltyladynightmare · 1 year
Jiliu AU 9.2
Beginning, Previous, Next, Masterlist
Ori'Ana : mando'a/basic, a mix of Ori'vod, and Anakin, basically naming him Older Brother Anakin, just as the suffix -'ika makes 'younger Brother' from Vod'ika
/italics/ : thoughts, emphasis
bold : talking though the Force, because why not
Chapter 9 is not completely finished, but chapter 10 is an idea. If anyone has any ideas for scenes in which the Vod'e are learning how to use the Force, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. So far, all of my ideas involve various troopers launching themselves into walls when they jump/run/do something too fast. It gets monotonous after a while.
Anakin is a lonely string bean. He also has no trust in the Jedi, because I was salty when i started writing this, and must stick to my guns. Mentioned mistreatment of the Coruscant Guard.
Fox commed at 0003. When Anakin accepted the comm, he was unsurprised to find it was only audio. Fox was using the comm built into his helmet; the one with top tier GAR encryptions, assigned to each Clone Commander. Exactly as careful as Anakin had hoped.
"General Skywalker," Fox greeted.
"Commander Fox," Anakin returned easily. If titles were what Fox wanted to use right then, than Anakin had no problems letting him lead the conversation in a direction that would make him most comfortable. "I'll warn you now; this isn't a social comm."
"Your earlier comm conveyed that, sir," Fox assured gruffly.
Oh, good. "I know you're busy, so I'll do my best to keep this brief," Anakin started. "Due to..." whatever in the name of the Force had happened, "...an incident on my last mission, I'm on medical leave for the foreseeable future."
"What?" Ah, there's Ori'vod Fox, as Anakin knew and adored. Never mind that Anakin was a little under nine years older than him. Elder Sibling was a mindset, not a birth order, even if he and Fox had a weird tendency of tossing that particular title back and forth like a live grenade.
"I'm fine," Anakin stated. "I'm not dying, or even lightly maimed. I'm moving around on my own, and I'm not on bed rest." Anakin inhaled to continue, but hesitated. He cursed himself. This is Fox. Anakin can tell him this kind of thing without being judged for more than being a little bit of an idiot. He was pretty sure. But really, even if he was wrong and Fox did judge him, what dignity did Anakin have left? "I'm currently confined to a heavily shielded room in the Healing Halls, because the Force is suddenly excruciatingly loud and my body responds appropriately, but physically okay."
"Appropri—you're saying that your body is acting like its taking sonic damage?"
Anakin grinned. "Yes. Good news is: there is a possible treatment option, but I'm probably not going to see results for a few days if it does actually work." It'd work. Anakin would make sure of it, even it meant hemorrhaging energy into the Force itself. He would not stay in this room for a moment longer than necessary. "In the mean time, I've been confined to a heavily shielded room with limited access to the outside, and a To Do list longer than a venator-class cruiser. I was wondering if the Guard was able or willing to assist my men in getting some of the things on my list completed."
Fox went quiet for several beats. Anakin bit his lip to force himself to remain silent, giving Fox enough time to process.
It didn't take him long. "You'll want Guide," Fox stated.
"If he's willing," Anakin agreed.
Fox concurred, "If he's willing." The crackle of flimsy shuffling fizzed through the admittedly shoddy speakers of Anakin's make-shift comm. "I can arrange for four Vod'e to be available at oh-six hundred today."
"Excellent." Anakin hauled his aching body up onto the chair behind him, and reached for one of the closer, mostly blank datapads. "If you could comm me with the names of the four, I'll wright up instructions to send them."
"Will do."
Nerves rolled in Anakin's gut, but he shoved them away. Fox is reasonable, and if he turns Anakin away, that's on him, he reminded himself. "While we're talking," he started forcefully casual, "does the Guard need anything? We're aiming mostly for medical supplies and food, but I want to introduce Torrent to little bit of everything."
Fox hummed contemplatingly. Anakin tapped a free finger against the datapad. Fox didn't need to think about what the Guard needed; he knew because he was a good Commander. He was staling because, like most competent people who'd been spurned before, Fox was hesitant to ask for anything like assistance.
"Ten crates of food, and three crates of medical supplies," he said eventually.
"No problem." Anakin typed the requests into the 'pad one-handed, making a note to triple that if at all possible, and maybe see about getting them a quick sweet snack they could stash in their utility belts. It was the least he could do.
While he typed this, and Fox filed his mountains of datawork, something pings softly on Fox's side of the comm. A moment later, Fox told Anakin, "Guide has agreed to act as a guide."
Anakin grinned. "Well, that's one thing off my mind. And the other three?"
"Ok." Anakin thought about ending the conversation there with a reminder to comm him when Fox had confirmation. Something in him rebelled at the idea. It wasn't a big deal to stay on the line with Fox, it had been awhile since they had talked. And, if Anakin was honest with himself, he really didn't want to be alone right then anyway. If Fox wants to end the comm, then he can, Anakin decided. Until then, they could sit in silence.
Absently humming to himself, Anakin pulled his To Do lists toward himself, and woke up the one with his personal long term list to add a note to talk to Rex about supporting the Guard the next time Torrent got leave on Coruscant.
The idea was to not only help the Guard so they could actually get a few eight hour sleep cycles in a row if they so chose, but also to ensure Torrent understood the Guard were not data processors, or flimsy pushers.
Not that Anakin had heard Torrent's opinion on the Guard, or if they even had an opinion. Still.
Anakin had heard more than a few troopers' thoughts of them, and it had not been good. Best nip that at the bud, really. Especially when such opinions came from ignorance and misinformation.
"The other three have gotten in contact with me," Fox stated abruptly. Anakin twitched in surprise, before blinking at the comm in his mech hand. Right. He was still on a comm. "They've agreed to provide assistance. Sending their comm codes now."
The comm vibrated in Anakin's hand, metal against metal, signifying an incoming text comm. A quick check shows the new comm code, all helpfully labeled.
"I have them," Anakin tapped the tiny screen with his thumb to save the codes.
"All four of them are currently available, General," Fox stated.
Ah. Time to get to work, it seemed.
"Understood, Fox. I'll leave you to your datawork," Anakin assured the Commander. "Hopefully, I'll see you before I get shipped out again, should everything conclude as expected."
"Yes, sir."
And Fox is done for the day. Commander Fox will keep going because he must, but Vod Fox needed either his allotted five hours of sleep or several cups of kaf before he could produce anything like social skills. Understandable. In his place Anakin would be a walking corpse all the time instead of only in the last six hours of his thirty-two hour shift.
"K'oyacyi, Fox." Anakin hit the button that'd end the call before the exhausted man could reply, hoping against logic the man would get some rest some time soon. Stay alive, Fox, stay alive.
Anakin breathed deep, held it, then let it out slowly as he set the comm on the table top.
Fox was a grown man, he'd live this long, he'd survive a few more days if he had anything at all to say about it; this Anakin knew.
Trusting this was, as always, more difficult than Anakin could say. He did it anyway. He must.
Anakin sighed, and picked up the comm again.
He tapped the screen a few times, calling up the comm codes Fox had sent him, then selected the one that looked the most familiar.
Hopefully, this would be Guide.
The comm rings once, then clicks to signify it had been answered.
Anakin smiled at the crisp acknowledgment. "Good morning, Guide. Eat anything interesting recently?"
Guide perked right up. "Ori'Ana!"
"Upani," Anakin returned warmly. "Fox said you had agreed to assist my men in our endeavors?"
"Torrent, right? Yes, I did," Guide affirmed. "Do you have plan for tomorrow, sir?"
"Less plan, more To Do List. If I give you the comm code of the other three volunteers, could you add them to this call?" Anakin smiled sheepishly. "My...device is a little limited."
"No problem!"
In short order, Guide linked in three other Vod'e.
Immediately, in the manner of siblings everywhere disturbed by another particularly daring sibling, they started complaining.
"What in the name of the Force is this supposed to be?" It wasn't until the unspoken threat crackled through the tiny speakers on his comm that Anakin realized exactly who he had on comm.
"A debriefing!" Anakin chirped.
The comm went silent. Then—
The three Vod'e try to out speak the others, but it was Guide's near demented giggling that won out in the end. Anakin grinned.
"The one and only! It's good to know you three are still among the living," he greeted. "My understanding is that the four of you have volunteered to act as guides for my men as they run errands?"
"We did, sir, although I hadn't known the Favor Commander Fox mentioned was to you," Ka'ahk stated.
Faze, Guide, and who Anakin could only assume to be Slip, Guide's newest not-so-shiny partner after his last one had learned all he could from Guide about the lower levels of Coruscant, named such for his ability slip out of any sort of sticky situation Guide might fling himself, and thus his partner, into, murmured their agreement.
Heh. "Classic Fox move there," Anakin observed. "Now, as I told Guide earlier, I have a To Do list I both need and want completed before I ship out—"
The next few hours are spent going over what, exactly, the four Guardsmen would be helping his men with over the next few days. When they need to sign off to get their scheduled five hours of sleep—and, oh, did he both await and dread the moment Kix caught wind of that little detail— Anakin began messaging and comming his lower level connections to arrange for a drop of disguises that would make the men less obviously clones by midday.
That done, he messaged the four Guard Vod'e with the coordinates of the drop, and the instructions on how to get them. Then, he messaged his Command Staff with the details of what he had done.
Breathing in deep, Anakin forced himself to set his comm down. He checked his To Do lists, and grumbled at finding there really wasn't much more he could do at—he glanced at the clock and cringed—0347 in the morning.
A quick evaluation of himself revealed he was /way/ too wound up to even consider sleeping right then.
Okay, now what?
He plopped his chin on his palm, eyes wondering around the walls the light from his datapad barely touched. He could work on the mousedroid, or stretch some. Except he didn't really want to do either of those things.
So what else—ah. His eyes land on the neat pile of holocrons in the center of the table.
Rex had left him the list of questions he couldn't answer before, right?
He looked at the clock again.
Yeah, he had time.
With a flex of his fingers the holocron on top lifted up and came to hover before him. A twist in the force here, and a press there, and its seals cracked open, allowing greenish white light to escape. It swirled gently, then twisted up and around into a humanoid figure in armor.
Anakin sat back. "Hello, General."
"Greetings, General."
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galacticgraffiti · 2 years
Cody, Wolffe and Fox at 79’s for the mini ficlets??? if possible?? if not? Foxxy boy at 79’s please!
absolutely sobbing because i have not stopped thinking about this ABSOLUTELY INSANE ARTWORK BY @maygalodon WHICH IS MY FAVOURITE THING I HAVE EVER LAID EYES ON EVER so i am. quite in the mood for this trio tbh (the art is very much SFW! my brain just lives in the gutter 24/7)
if y'all wanna come for me for supposed 'clonec*st' which this decidedly is not please just unfollow and block me :)
The ficlet requests are now closed! I am working on the ones in my inbox and will post the as soon as they are finished. They will be collected in a small ficlet collection Masterlist.
Warnings: waitress!reader, bratty!reader, tease!reader, some explicit language, possessive!Wolffe, implied foursome (like i said, no clonec*st)
!!! NSFW/18+/Minors DNI !!!
You can feel their eyes on you as you weave through the crowd, and you don't even try to hide your smirk. Your three favourite commanders, all in one place, each with that hungry look on their face as they watch you. It's a busy night at 79's, and you are not the only waitress on duty by far, but still, you take your sweet time to get to their table. The other servers know damn well, if any of the commanders come in, they are yours. Tonight you just got lucky to have all three.
Taking your sweet time, you flirt a little more with the other troopers you serve than you usually would; you bend a little closer, tug your shirt a little lower and your skirt a little higher. Finally, when Wolffe looks about ready to snap, to just pick you up and throw you over his shoulder and absolutely fucking ruin you, you saunter over to their table.
"What'll it be tonight, boys?" you ask with a grin that feels like it nearly splits your face in half. Wolffe stares at you with murderous eyes, teeth grinding. Fox raises an eyebrow and tilts his head, his gaze roaming across your body until you feel more naked than you ever have been. It's Cody who speaks up. Of course it is.
"You," he says, his voice measured, but with a sharp edge to it that pierces through you and makes your cheeks burn and your pussy clench.
"What?" You heard him perfectly fine, you just want to hear him say it again. Cody does you the favour.
"We'll have you," he repeats calmly.
"I have to finish my shift-" you start, your core tingling with excitement even as you speak the words, but Wolffe interrupts you.
"Not looking like that you don't," he snarls. His hand shoots out to wrap around your wrist and tug harshly until you bend down to him. His teeth graze the shell of your ear when he speaks, and as always, it feels like his teeth are somehow sharper than those of his vode. "You little fucking tease. Ignoring us, serving everyone else first. I think you need a reminder who you belong to."
You shiver when Wolffe lets you go, his grin more than satisfied at your obvious reaction. A trooper shoves past you and you step forward to make space for him. Cody's hand comes up to your waist. To anyone else, it would look like he is trying to steady you, but you can feel his fingers digging into your skin. It's a quiet reminder of what's to come, and the thought of it runs through you like molten syrup: Their hands on you, their mouths- Fox is still staring at you like he wants to devour you whole, his eyes glued to your heaving tits, his hand tapping a nervous rhythm on the table. Cody lets go of you to elbow him in the side.
"Asleep at the wheel, vod'ika?"
"Hm?" Fox rips his eyes away from you for one second to stare at Cody, then he rolls his eyes at Wolffe's rumbling laughter. "No. Just thought I'd let you do the talking since we all know who's gonna make her come the hardest later."
Wolffe's laughter stops abruptly, and even Cody has the decency to look mildly surprised by Fox's confidence. You can't stop the giggle that escapes you. Fox shoots you a lopsided grin while the heads of his vode whip around to stare you into the ground. It makes you laugh even harder - they are so competitive. It's endearing, them thinking they have all the power when clearly, they are hopelessly devoted to your pleasure. You smile to yourself - time to add fuel to the fire. You turn around and cock your hip to the side, glancing over your shoulder one last time, fixating first Wolffe, then Cody with a mischievous sparkle in your eyes.
"Don't act so scandalised, boys. You both know he's right."
And before they can catch their breath, you strut away, making sure to put an extra sway in your hips. Oh yes, this will be an interesting night.
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outercrasis · 3 years
The Photo
Pairing: College!Din Djarin x F!Reader (Tutor/Mesh’la)
Rating/Word Count: T / 3k
Warnings: gun mention & I think that’s it?
Summary: A new photo of Mando pops up online, but this time he’s not the only one in it...
A/N: Everyone give an official warm welcome to another Mando that has only been name dropped in this series so far and Layla makes a triumphant return! 💕
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Din wakes to the sound of something – someone – in the kitchen. It takes him all of two seconds to figure out that it isn't Grogu, the fridge door slamming harder than the three year old would be capable of. 
Swiftly getting out of bed, he pulls on a nearby pair of pajama pants and a white t-shirt before glancing around the room for a weapon. His eyes flicker to the closet as he inches towards the door, wondering if it would be worth it to pull down his gun. It's safely tucked away from Grogu's inquisitive hands up there but it could come in handy now. 
Din takes another step, left foot landing on his discarded belt. He quickly weighs his options and decides the belt will do. Besides, the gun would be overkill to incapacitate whoever is idiotic enough to break into his apartment. He doesn't much care for the idea of firing it around Grogu either.
Adrenaline thumping in his ears, Din peeks around the corner of the hallway. The belt is raised by his head, ready to strike, until he sees a familiar splash of blue on the wobbly kitchen table. 
Din drops the belt to his side, letting out a heavy sigh. Stepping out from the wall, he's met with the sight of his adoptive brother pawing through his kitchen cabinets. With his hulking frame, he's somewhat reminiscent of a bear tearing through a campsite.
"Were you actually going to hit me with that?" Paz asks without turning around.
Din doesn't dignify him with a response. Of course he would've. Instead he tosses the belt aside and pads into the kitchen. Silently, Din pulls a bowl down from the cabinets and tears the cereal box Paz is currently rummaging through from his hands.
"I always forget how grumpy you are in the mornings, vod'ika." There’s a small part of Din that regrets not hitting Paz with the belt anyway.
He continues to ignore the ribbing, flicking on the coffee pot before pulling milk out of the fridge – oat milk, Din bought it by accident once and discovered that he preferred it – and pours it into his cereal bowl. Leaning back against the counter, he finally acknowledges Paz around a mouthful of food.
"You can't just walk in here like it's the Covert, di'kut. This is my home."
Paz smiles, bringing another handful of stolen cereal up to his mouth. "Sure I can. I have a key."
"I didn't give you a key."
"I know. I had one made." The proud look on Paz’s face makes him look extremely tempting to hit as Din's eyes narrow over his bowl. He’s not even sure he wants to ask how he got the key made – that would probably bring him too much joy.
It’s early in the morning, the clock on the stove reading out 7:13. At least Paz had the decency to wait until after seven to break in. The maniac in question always gets up at five for whatever workout routine he has planned for the day before then taking time to do meditative yoga. Din isn’t exactly sure where he picked that up from but he quickly learned to not make fun of it. He swears his shoulder still tweaks sometimes from that armlock.
The noise and smell of the percolating coffee fills the small kitchen while Din and Paz stare at each other. Although he appreciates the later break-in, it is still far too early for Din to be functional. Shoveling cereal into his mouth is just about the only thing keeping him awake as he waits for that first hit of caffeine. 
Paz on the other hand is simply used to his brother’s silences. He’s extremely familiar with all moods Din Djarin and this one is a classic quiet irritation. Paz knows exactly how to skirt around truly upsetting him as only a sibling can – pushing his buttons just enough to make him grumpy. 
Paz pulls out his phone, pulling something up on it before locking it once again. When he looks back at Din he’s rinsing his bowl out in the sink, quickly locating two clean mugs. He’s careful as he pours the coffee, treating it like liquid gold, not wanting a single drop to spill. 
Din hands a mug over to Paz, who takes it appreciatively, before taking a sip from his own. Delicious morning salvation. It’s generic drip coffee, nothing like the cold brew he'd had yesterday, but it’s enough, finally giving Din’s brain the jumpstart it needs to start the day.
“Why are you here?” he asks, squaring Paz with a look to suggest that he’s not in the mood to hear some quippy response.
Paz leans back against the counter opposite Din. “Who is she?” he asks casually.
Din’s brow furrows. He’s not sure who Paz is talking about. There aren’t too many “shes” in his life, most of them known by his brother, so Din’s guess is as good as any. "Who are you talking about?"
Paz answers by taking his phone back out from his jacket pocket. It seems he was prepared for this response, opening it to whatever he’d pulled up moments ago. He hands the phone over to Din, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Din, to his credit, tries to hide the litany of emotions he’s going through from showing on his face. It’s a picture of him from yesterday, sitting in the tucked away corner of the Java Hut. His back is to the camera, but the helmet and his jacket are a clear give-away for his identity. It wouldn’t even be a notable photo if it weren’t for the person very obviously sharing the table with him. Mesh’la.
Her head is thrown back in laughter, thankfully obscuring most of her face. Probably only those that know her would recognize her in the photo and even then some might not. Din can still hear the echoes of that laugh ringing around in his skull, a sound he wishes he could have bottled up right then and there. Having it captured here without sound doesn’t do it justice. 
Seeing the photo fills him with equal parts happiness and discomfort. In a way, the picture confirms that he isn’t crazy. She looks just as happy in that moment as he remembers. However it also confirms that whoever is  running this twitter page about him has no sense of boundaries and clearly neither does the person who took the photo – assuming they're different people. Do they really not realize that he’s just a person underneath the helmet? He should be able to share a coffee with someone without worrying about his or their privacy.
Paz repeats the question. "So? Who is she?"
Din’s not sure why he immediately feels protective of her. He can see the glint of amusement in Paz’s eyes, but he doesn’t want to give her up. Not yet. Not when neither of you asked for this photo to be taken or for it to be blasted on the internet for anyone to see. He’s not even quite sure what the relationship really is and he doesn’t want Paz asking questions he can’t answer. In a truly defiant younger sibling move, Din chooses to feign total ignorance.
“I don’t know.”
Paz rolls his eyes, taking his phone back. “Really, vod? We’re going to play this game? You do remember who won our last spar, don’t you?”
He does. It's the one that ended in the aforementioned armlock. Losing to Paz hadn’t really been his fault. Between Grogu and classes Din barely has time to think anymore, much less workout regularly. Meanwhile Paz continues to pack on muscle with his fervent diet and exercise plan. Din isn’t even all that out of shape – out of practice more than anything.
With the threat of a spar he likely won’t win looming, Din decides it’s better to just let Paz in a little. Paz is guaranteed to be insufferable teasing him, but at least this way his other shoulder won’t end up hurting.
“She’s my writing tutor.”
The answer throws Paz. “Writing tutor?”
“Yeah, one of my professors suggested it. She’s been helping me with my papers. What about it?” Din hopes that if he acts casual about it that this might be the end of it. He’s very wrong.
Paz looks at the photo again, seemingly scrutinizing every pixel. Din doesn’t like the smirk that works its way onto his face. “Okay, so if she’s just your tutor then where’s your paper? I’m not seeing anything related to school work on that table.”
Thankfully before Din has to answer, Grogu comes running out from his room. He tears through the apartment as quickly as his little legs allow, headed straight for Paz. “Ba’vodu!” Grogu shouts at him in greeting.
Din has never been more thankful for Grogu in his life. He provides a perfect distraction as Paz gets down on a knee, scooping his nephew into his arms easily. Grogu giggles, excited and surprised by the early morning visit. Typically Paz only comes over in the evening to either watch Grogu when Din is unable to or simply to hang out for the night. Early mornings only ever occur when Paz drinks too much to drive himself home and considering his size, that’s a rare feat.
While the two entertain themselves, Din turns and refills his cup of coffee. His thoughts drift to her, more than a little worried about what her reaction might be when she sees the photo. There’s no way she won’t. He only hopes that she’ll still want to see him, even if it’s only back in the privacy of their study room. He’s the one people are trying to find out more about – he doesn’t want her getting caught up in the middle of it.
He's lost, staring into the dark liquid when he hears Grogu happily say, "Mesh'la!"
Din turns to see what can only be described as a shit eating grin on Paz's face. He knows that look. It’s a look that tells him he's never going to live this down. No matter how old they get, if there is one thing Paz loves more than teasing him, it’s teasing him about girls. He can’t even get himself out of this one, that nickname just gave away everything.
“Funny, I would have called her sarad," Paz says.
Din groans and wishes that Grogu had stayed in his room. 
You're up before Layla. You always are. Sleep in any amount is always a blessing but like most things, Layla can take it to the extreme. There are some mornings you’re surprised she’s able to make it to class or work on time with how close she cuts it. After all these years living with her though you’ve grown used to her tight schedule and enjoy your peaceful mornings by yourself.
You wake up reasonably early, giving yourself enough time to do whatever it is you need to before heading out to campus. Some days that involves lying in bed until the last second like Layla, but most mornings it means getting up, enjoying some coffee or tea, and mindlessly scrolling on your phone until you need to start actually getting ready. 
The windows in your apartment face east, giving you the full effect of the morning sun. Still waking up, you squint as you make your way into the kitchen. You use Layla’s french press (that’s really more yours than hers by now) and prepare yourself coffee while deciding on the healthy option of an apple for breakfast. With your meal secured, you wander over to the couch and nestle into the corner.
You go to take the first bite of your apple when a scream comes from Layla’s room. Concerned, you immediately set the food down and are about to run over to her when she bursts into the living room. You haven’t seen her up this early since the first week of classes.
“What is this?” she screams, pointing her phone screen towards you. She sounds more shocked than angry and you take it as a good sign, thinking that maybe something was happening with a celebrity or show you both liked.
In a way you’re right. Mando certainly qualifies as a celebrity around campus and there is something going on with him. That something just so happens to be you. It’s a picture from yesterday, Mando’s back to the camera, you laughing with your head thrown back. You’re thankful for the slight anonymity the position grants, but clearly it wasn’t enough. 
Layla's initial shock wears away while you take the act of guerilla photography in and you're left with a positively fuming best friend standing before you. "Were you going to tell me?" 
You feel small, pinned on the couch by her glare. Your eyes keep guiltily shifting between her and the incriminating photo. Words are difficult to come up with, a variety of emotions all warring for the top spot.
Guilt is definitely present, uncomfortable with the situation you've caused with Layla. You did plan on telling her. You did. You just weren't sure when. There was something so intoxicating about keeping your little meetings with him secret that prevented you from finally spilling the beans to her. That and her inevitable freak out once you did. A mild freak out would have been better than this.
Still, the photo stokes that little flame in your heart just a bit brighter. You can't help but feel a thrill seeing him sitting across from you. It confirms that the impromptu coffee date – was it a date? No, not a date, a… meeting – coffee meeting was real and not something you made up in your mind.
There's part of you that's also a bit disturbed. The twitter page that seems intent on stalking Mando makes you extremely uncomfortable now that you've made an appearance. You never liked the page before, even before you met Mando, but you mostly just ignored its existence. It seems impossible to do now.
Layla looks like she could breathe fire, which is fair all things considered. You have been lying to her for the better part of a month at this point. In truth, you're a bit shocked she didn't find out sooner.
"Are you dating him?" Layla blurts.
"I- what? No- no, we're just… friends?" You're still not sure 'friends' is the best explanation for your relationship, but it works for the sake of simplicity.
You watch a little bit of the anger dissipate from Layla and she throws herself into the couch next to you. "Well thank fuck you didn't hide that from me."
Ouch. But warranted.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment before Layla speaks again. "So? Spill. I will make both of us late for class if you don't explain this right now."
In that moment it's suddenly very easy to remember why you didn't tell Layla sooner. You love her and she always means well, but she can be a bit much at times. If you had told her when Mando first signed up for his second session she would have been all over it – possibly even crashed the session itself. You can't imagine he would have reacted well to that. You still feel some guilt for leaving her in the dark, but not quite as much as when she first marched into the room.
You're cornered now though and with no way out you start to explain everything leading up to yesterday's coffee. Layla asks questions here and there, doing her best to get as much information out of you as possible but you hold back with some small details. After all, she doesn't need to know you have his number as of last week. Nor does she need to know about your nickname for him. It's not lying – it's omitting. Big difference.
By the time you finish it's late in the morning, you've both definitely missed your first classes, and Layla is no longer angry. In fact, she seems downright pleased. The mood swing is so drastic that it's off putting. 
"What, Lays?" you ask, curious about what has her looking like the cat that caught the canary.
"You like him," she announces proudly.
Your face immediately feels hot. "What? Where did you get that from?" you ask.
"Oh I don't know. The smile you've had on your face the entire time you've been talking about him, that look in your eyes, or maybe the fact that I'm your best friend and I know you?" Layla playfully hits you with the throw pillow she's holding.
You laugh, raising your arms up to defend yourself from her assault. "Okay, okay! I give, I'm into him!" you shout at her.
Layla tosses the pillow aside and crushes you into a hug. "I knew it! You've been way too happy lately. I thought you were just getting laid."
You scoff, extracting yourself from her arms. "Wow, okay."
"Wait, have you?" Layla asks, eyes wide.
"Oh my god, no. I told you, we're friends." You get up from the couch to both put some distance between yourself and her far too inquisitive look and rinse out your coffee stained mug.
Layla hums, clearly thinking up some sort of scheme and you're thankful you didn't mention having his number. She would be far too dangerous with that information on top of everything else.
Halfway to your room, you pause and look back towards Layla. "I am sorry I didn't tell you Lays, I was going to at some point."
Layla waves you off, smiling. "It's fine. Just don't be surprised if your ice cream goes missing later."
You want to protest but fair is fair. You decide to pick her up a tub of her favorite flavor after work as an official apology. Reaching your room she calls out after you, "And next time you see him, tell me!"
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Reblogs and comments are always welcome and appreciated 🥰
Taglist:  @honestly-shite @booksarekindaneat @wonderless-screwup @pinkninja200 @captain-jebi @ajeff855 @leias-rebelion @annathewitch @castleamc  @shadowolf993 @justdrawings101 @spideysimpossiblegirl @librariantothejedi @dodgerandevans @janebby @5pectre  @jinxxy-bby @sharkbait77 @roxypeanut @justnat15 @anastasiyax @paperbag33 @escapades-to-rivendell @hmarsattacks @writeforfandoms  @luthien-t @danidrabbles ​@mskitty79 @toxicfrankenstein​ @Stevie75 @adriiibell​
Apologies if I missed a tag or if tumblr was dumb and wouldn't let me tag you💔
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oloreaa · 3 years
Vod'ika! Might I request some hcs for Boba playing ba'buir/danger uncle to Grogu? I feel those two could get up to some pretty crazy adventures :D
Heather!❤❤ of course, thank you!!
Boba & Grogu being adorable menaces:
Wordcount: 500
I think that Boba would very much be like "what am I supposed to do with this thing" the first time Din asks him to babysit
Din is hesitant in leaving the child with him but he has had worse caretakers he trusted even less in the past, so Boba is pretty high on the list
There would be a moment where Grogu and Boba just look at each other, sizing the other up
Boba would frown, Grogu would frown right back. Boba would tilt his head, Grogu would do the same.
There is just some kind of understanding passing between them, without ever having to exchange a word, and in the end the little guy is nestled in the fearsome bounty hunter's arm, chirping curiously at everything he sees
Boba would take him walking along the halls of the palace, holding him like some kind of bread loaf, and they won't say a word but Grogu just rests in his arms and look at whatever they stumble upon
He would never admit it, but the first time Grogu sneezed Boba started to laugh so much at the disgruntled face of the little green child it made the little one babble in indignation
Boba has him on his lap, playing with a soft fabric ball while he handles audiences with the locals of Tatooine and deals with the scum of the Outer Rim
Little Grogu is always very interested in those dangerous people that visit his uncle, leaning forward with curiosity, ears raised high
When Boba has enough of people, he might go for a jetpack ride with the little menace he has to look over, and seeing how happy Grogu gets, laughing and whooping into the wind, he makes a few turns that are just a tad too sharp and moves that are just flashy enough to be unnecessary
He actively encourages Grogu throwing his toys at annoying people via the Force; Boba will give him an appreciative back pat which Grogu just loves
The toddler likes playing with Boba's vambrace until some button is pressed that should definitely not have been (he launched the rocket once. Boba was not amused. Grogu was very much)
Boba offers Grogu beer as a joke once, the little one took him seriously, and before he could blink, half the can was down the little one's throat
Panicked yelling ensued and a medbay visit was warranted, but since the droid says there is nothing to be worried about he keeps it a secret from Din
Din absolutely knew that something had happened when Grogu could not stop hiccuping but he was not about to ask
Boba is still like "what am I supposed to do with this thing" no matter how long and how many times he has watched over Grogu, but at some point there is this acceptance between them
The little one just loves chilling with his uncle because he let's him play with more things than his dad does
And Boba loves chilling with Grogu because he likes being around a little one who trusts him with their full heart, and is not scared of him
Boba becomes Grogu's favourite babysitter
General: @phoenixhalliwell @over300books @insomniamamma @mrsparknuts @adikaofmandalore @reluctant-mandalore @pisss-offf-ghostt @corvueros @crookedmoonsaultpunk @terrormonster55 @gallowsjoker @310ra @mitchi-c @buttercup--bee @opheliaelysia @the-purity-pen @thevoiceinyourheadx @mxndoscyarika @nerdypinupcrystal @chibi-yuki @djxrxn @maiihem @concussed-to-pieces @jaime1110 @absurdthirst @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mischiefnevermanaged94
One-Shots/Headcanons: @the-blind-assassin-12 @princessbatears @darnitdraco @spideysimpossiblegirl @hdlynn @just-an-adventurer @chibi-liz05 @mndalorians @a-skov @mando-amando
Boba Fett: @honeymandos
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the-silentium · 3 years
A story of shirts
Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 -  The survivor - Part 4 - Epilogue
Pairing: Bad Batch x Reader, Hunter x Reader, Crosshair x Reader
Words: 2774 words
A/N: Reader’s native language is *roll drum* French! Really original, I know! Translations will be at the end of the chapter ~
Taglist: @haloangel391​
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"You gonna eat that?" Wrecker asked from your right, his chubby pointer finger signaling to your half-eaten piece of bread. 
"Yeah." You confirmed, taking more of the ration pack, reaching for the bread to illustrate. 
"Too bad." He stole the piece before you got a hold of it, hurrying to stuff it in his mouth as soon as you reached forward to take it back. 
"Wreck! It was mine!" You whined, hitting his shoulder multiple times in retaliation. 
"Cut it out." Hunter called from his spot on the other side of the fire, shooting the both of you an unimpressed glance over his water canteen. 
"But he-!" You cut yourself, not wanting to pout like a baby, instead taking a deep breath in and planning your revenge like a petulant child. 
You've been with the Batchers for a good year, flying them around different systems, perfecting your flying skills as well as developing some basic medical ones to help them when needed. 
So far, no one from the GAR noticed that you were a fraud among the army, letting you enough time to read about the GAR and become more familiar with the whole system and chain of command. You had now all the knowledge necessary to keep the lie going without a hitch. Hell, even Cody never connected the dots. 
Over time the relationships between you and each of the boys improved to the point where Wrecker would call you his vod'ika and you'd call him your frangin. 
Tech exploited his extended knowledge to gain a serious advantage over his brothers once a month. He would generously share his secret stash of candies with you whenever the first day of your period started (you were sure he did that to stay in your good favors and keep your irritation away from himself - which was working, fortunately for him). 
Crosshair would share some of his precious secrets blackmails so you could use them when the others were being annoying shits and kindly taught you how to properly shoot with blasters so you could defend yourself better.
Hunter used you as his personal enhanced senses painkiller, meaning that he'd requisition you for an hour when his head felt like it was on the verge of exploding from overstimulation, sit on the floor facing you, lean his head on your chest and listen to you singing a soft lullaby in your native tongue. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you noticed Wrecker getting up from his seat on the ground beside you to get to the ship, passing right behind you to get to his destination. Swiftly, you straightened your hand, turned around and pushed the back of his knee forward to bend it with ease. 
Smirking, you admired your handy work when Wrecker yelped in surprise that his knee just gave up underneath him and crashed to the ground. 
You laughed wholeheartedly, covering Crosshair's snickers who watched you the whole time because he knew you'd serve his brother a good payback for taking your precious food. 
"You want to fight vod'ika?" Wrecker asked jokingly from his kneeled position a few feet away. 
"Bring it on frangin!" You replied, pushing your dry rations down your throat with a big gulp of water. That was something else that took some time to get used to. Tasteless water meant good water. Don't spit the good water. 
"Here we go again." Sighed Tech, rolling his eyes at banter. 
"Don't be a grinch, Tech. That's Crosshair's role." You flicked his shoulder and ignored Cross glare to get up and meet the big man who instantly went to poke your side. 
He'd learned his lesson a while ago when he punched your shoulder playfully and let you a gigantic bruise on your skin that lasted for weeks. Hunter genuinely thought that he'd hit you hard (he did, but Wrecker was excited, so you weren't mad) leading to the 'no hitting your teammates' rule. Wrecker felt bad for a while but soon you got him to cheer up and instead of fake fights, you'd do poking fights. 
Jumping to the side, you moved your foot behind his knee to repeat your previous trick, effectively making him fall on one knee and pushed him on his back with all your strength. 
As soon as he was on his back you poked his stomach, not too hard to make him sick, he just ate after all, but enough to mark your point. 
"That's for my bread!" You laughed, dodging his hands trying to grasp yours to stop you from assaulting his abdomen. 
He finally got a grab of your wrists, joined them in one of his hands and attacked your sides with his free hand, poking to the right places to have you yelp and trash around. 
"Stop! Stop!" You shrieked, pulling on your arms to free them. 
"As you wish." He grinned, opening his hand when you pulled with all your might, your elbows hitting your own abdomen and emptying your lungs from their precious air. 
You groaned for a few seconds, recovering from the blow sprawled over Wrecker's chest unceremoniously. His laugh resonated through your body, the vibrations shaking your bones and making your teeth clash together. 
"Still wanna fight?" He teased, head lifted from the ground to meet your unimpressed gaze. 
"Enough for tonight." Hunter cut you off as you opened your mouth to sass him back. 
Closing your mouth without another word, you rolled your eyes and got to your feet, following Wrecker inside the ship to retrieve an extra layer to keep you comfortable under the stars. 
You walked past Wrecker who stopped at the fresher, to enter the barracks to rummage under your pillow for Hunter's top blacks he threw at you the night prior. 
He noticed that you often stole his blacks whenever you felt cold at night in the ship, sliding under the fabric only when you thought they were asleep. You always made sure to replace it before he woke up, always neatly folded like it never left. But he knew. Your scent lingered on the fabric, a fact you forgot to think about, not that he minded. After a couple of times, he started to simply throw the blacks at your face before laying down on his bed. He knew you never got used to the cold of space, your skin remembering the constant warmth of the jungle, letting you vulnerable to any change of temperature. 
You slipped the blacks over your head, the fabric covering your three-quarter sleeve shirt without a hitch and offering you the extra warmth needed for you to be able to find sleep instead of chattering teeth for the whole night. 
Now ready to go out and bury yourself under your blanket near the fire, you walked out with a pep in your step, eager to lay down and relax for the remaining hours before a new assignment arrived and forced you all away on some dangerous mission. 
"Acceptin' the markin'?" Wrecker appeared from the fresher, wiping his hands on his pants. 
"What?" You stopped, confused at his question. Did you have ink on your face or something? 
"He means this." Crosshair answered for his brother, walking further into the ship to pinch the shoulder of the blacks on his way to his bunk where he retrieved an extra blanket for himself. 
"What about it?" 
"You're only wearin' Hunter's." He remarked, toothpick dancing between his lips. 
"Wrecker's are way too big and you'd strangle me with the sleeves if I took yours." You pointed out, a hand moving to your hip. What was his point?
"Why not Tech's?" He approached closer, clearly trying to intimidate you. It may have worked in the beginning but this era was long gone. 
"Last time I did he started hiding them so I wouldn't do it again. What is this about?" The two of them shared a look and you knew they had information you didn't, and the mere idea of it made your heart speed up a bit. 
"It wasn't Tech who hid them." Crosshair faced you again, his arms crossing at his chest, the blanket folded over one of his arms. "It was Hunter." 
It took you seconds to connect the dot and make sense of everything. Hunter started throwing you his blacks the night after you borrowed Tech's and after that, you couldn't find his anywhere again. You'd accepted the gesture and never questioned it afterward, simply thinking that he cared about your sleeping habits or something. 
He did care. But for a totally different reason. 
"He's jealous." You whispered, eyes widening to Crosshair's delight. 
At the back of your mind, a part of you was melting, the sergeant's possessiveness flattering you to no end, although another part of you found it was stupid to be jealous of his brother. You noted to talk to him about that later, but you were sure that the subject would arise rather sooner than later if the mischievous glint in the sniper's eyes was anything to go by. 
"He is. So you'll wear this instead." He took a top of his blacks from within the blanket and shoved it onto your chest until you picked it up. 
"Your blacks? Wait. Are you angry at him or somethin'?" You eyed the fabric in your hands, rolling the hem between your fingers. This wasn't a good idea. There were ulterior motives to his actions. Always. 
"Just wanna see him boilin'." He replied, rolling his head on the side a bit. 
"You wanna call him on his bullshit." You pointed out, one eyebrow slowly lifting in the air, unimpressed.
He didn't respond but his smirk told you enough, and the longer he held your gaze, the wider the grin creeping its way onto your lips became. Yes, you had feelings for the dark-haired clone, but you were fundamentally a prankster. Always in for a good laugh. Plus, what problems can a shirt do? It's a shirt!
You removed Hunter's blacks, keeping a hold of your undershirt so you wouldn't show too much to your brothers and quickly slipped into the new shirt. Sadly, the sleeves were a bit tight so you had to adjust your undershirt sleeves but you manage to replace them easily. 
You rolled Hunter's black into a ball and throw it onto your bed. 
"Don't be mean." You threatened Crosshair with a finger under his chin.
"And you don't drool all over it." He took his toothpick from his lips to poke your fingers with it. You hissed and he threw it away. 
You walked out with Cross at your side, Wrecker choosing to walk before you so you would all be close enough to see the shift in Hunter's expression. If the boys were right, that is. 
Unfortunately, Hunter seemed too engrossed in his conversation with Tech to notice your shirt so as soon as you all sat onto your respective blankets, yours placed between Wrecker's and Tech's, you leaned slightly forward toward Crosshair. 
"Thanks for the shirt Cross!" You smiled at him. 
In the corner of your eyes, you noticed Hunter straighten, head moving to you despite Tech still addressing him. Cross grunted in acknowledgment, already watching Hunter and was clearly enjoying what he saw. 
Your eyes moved to the sergeant's, who was now deeply frowning, too concentrated on analyzing your shirt that he didn't notice the four pairs of eyes scrutinizing his face, three playful, one confused. 
"What's wrong?" Tech asked, head-turning to you to see what disturbed him that much. As soon as his eyes fell on you he knew. And you felt stupid for being the last one to notice that this was happening. "Ah." That you've been stupid enough to let yourself fall into a territorial fight. 
"Not to your liking, Sarge?" Crosshair sassed, enjoying the tightness in his brother's jaw.
You started to feal really bad. And confused. Was Crosshair really interested in you too? You knew Hunter cared about you, the kisses, the hugs, the moments of vulnerability shared with one another, they all told you that you meant something more. But Crosshair’s behavior really started to contradict everything you thought you knew about him.
"What's that?" He turned to confront his brother, catching on to the fact that he'd been played as soon as he registered the smugness coating Crosshair's face. 
"Cut the crap. 's just a shirt." He rolled his eyes at Hunter's barely concealed annoyance. But it wasn't just a shirt. Not to them. 
It started to dawn on you that this was a terrible idea and that you've been played and that- oh shit Hunter's fingers closed to form a fist entangled in his blanket.
"Stop right there." You hurried to cut Hunter's words that you just knew would start a bickering war. You had to stop it before it could deteriorate to something bad because you didn't trust Crosshair to not put oil on the fire and hit every single one of his brother's nerves. To top it all, he was the one right next to Hunter. This was getting dangerous.
" 'm not wearin' anyone's shirt." 
You removed the blacks, ignoring the concert of grumbles telling you not to, rolled it in a ball, switched the ball with Tech's and used it as your personal pillow. You laid down on your back and pulled the blanket tightly around yourself, eying the stars above like you used to on Fors. 
You seemed to have done the right thing, because the rest followed your example, Tech's head burying itself in his new pillow inches from yours. A yelp from Crosshair soon followed by a smack in retaliation made you sigh, effectively cutting short their childish behaviors. 
It took a couple of minutes until the sergeant heard what he was waiting for, a soft clattering muffled by the blanket covering your mouth, the sound of your hands moving up and down your arms in hope of creating warmth and your irregular breathing that you controlled enough to keep it down but not enough to keep it steady. 
The boys had fallen asleep, Wrecker's snores echoing between the trees around, Crosshair's and Tech's soft regular breathings were easy to distinguish. 
"Y/N." He called softly to not wake his brothers, his eyes already on your subtly shaking form. "I know you're cold." 
You turned your head in his direction, frowning. 
"So? I won't get the shirt back on." You whispered, gaze moving to Tech to make sure he was still sleeping. 
"Good. C'mere." He lifted the corner of his blanket, to which you raised an eyebrow. 
"Sharing your blanket to prove yourself better, now?" 
"Just…" He pointed to the spot next to him with his head. "C'mere." 
You huffed while sitting up to look around, the three remaining clones were still out, their peaceful face illuminated by the dying fire in the center of your circle. Carefully, you got up with the fabric tightly wrapped around your shoulders, stepping over Tech's hand and reached the offered spot. 
Immediately you felt the warmth radiating off him and like a moth to a flame, you wrapped yourself around him without shame because you needed this. And because it was so unfair that he could regulate his temperature while you couldn't, so you decided that he had to share. 
Clearly, he didn't mind, his arms sneaking around your waist to keep you close and offer you more of his body heat, his head leaning down a bit to breathe in your bewitching smell and place a kiss onto your hair just as you snuggled closer and leaned your head onto his chest, one of your legs sneaking between his to get more comfortable. 
"Better?" His chest rose and downed slowly, unlike the beating of his heart beneath your fingertips. This was the first time you had this much contact with each other, the feeling not lost on either of you. 
"Yeah." You moved your head to place a kiss under his jaw and reposition yourself. "Didn't know he even liked me." You whispered, finger moving in circles over his heart, asking yourself how did this happen?
"He liked you after our first time on Fors. He was a goner after the second time." He explained truthfully, the memory of the second trip onto this godforsaken planet made him shiver in dread. How people could live in this hell was beyond his comprehension. 
You noticed his reaction and automatically reached up to dissipate the trauma with a slow movement of your fingers over his cheeks. 
"But I was there first." He smirked, arms tightening around you somewhat.  
"Don't start." You smacked his chest softly to which he quietly laughed.
Frangin = Brother
Next part here: A story of having each other’s back
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This Masterlist is for the wide array of Commanders I write for.
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Miscommunication part 1 - Commander Wolffe x Reader Miscommunication part 2 - Commander Wolffe x Reader Early Morning - Commander Wolffe x Reader A New Addition - Commander Wolffe x Reader (request) A Different Kind of Happily Ever After - Wolffe x F!Reader You're Perfect - Commander Wolffe x F!Reader (request) What I Wish I Knew - Commander Wolffe & Young Padawan!Reader Welcome Back - Commander Wolffe x F!Reader (Smut)
Pod Racer!Neyo x Reader (Request) Commander Neyo x Reader Soft For You - Commander Neyo x Reader (request) What A Change - Commander Neyo x Reader (request) What A Change pt. 2 - Commander Neyo x Reader (request)
Commander Thire x Reader The Orchard - Commander Thire x F!Reader
Commander Fox x Thief!Reader (Request) Hurt - Commander Fox x Thief!Reader Commander Fox x Reader Stolen Moments - Commander Fox x Reader How to Get Away with Murder - Commander Fox x Reader Come With Me - Bounty Hunter! Fox x Reader Make Me Believe - Commander Fox x Reader (request) The Personal Assistant - Commander Fox x Reader (request) (smut) I want to make a Trade - Commander Fox x Reader (request) Lazy Afternoon - Commander Fox x Reader (request) Taking Care of Him - Commander Fox x F!Reader (Smut) Obedience - Commander Fox x F!Reader (Request)(Smut) Waiting On A Miracle - Commander Fox x F!Reader
Overworked - Commander Thorn x Reader
Yearning - Commander Monnk x Reader
Commander Bacara x Reader I won't say I'm in Love - Commander Bacara x Reader (request) A Little Miracle - Commander Bacara x F!Reader Best of Me - Commander Bacara x F!Reader (request) Cowboy Casanova - Commander Bacara x F!Reader (Smut)
Blind Date - Commander Cody x Reader Euphoria - Commander Cody x Reader (request) All Of Me - Commander Cody x Reader (request) Overworked - Commander Cody x Reader (request) Trapped - Commander Cody x Reader (request) And A Baby Makes Three... - Commander Cody x Reader (request) In Your Eyes - Commander Cody x Reader (request) Forbidden - Commander Cody x Reader (request)(Spicy?) Just One Date - Commander Cody x F!Reader Just One Date pt II - Commander Cody x F!Reader (request)(Smut) It Only Takes A Spark - Purge Trooper Cody x F!Inquisitor Reader (request)
Your Favorite Person - Commander Bly x Reader Not Enough - Commander Bly x F!Reader (request) You Make Me Happy, When Skies Are Grey - Bly x F!Reader (request) The Tattoo - Bly x F!Reader What Angel Wakes Me - Commander Bly x F!Reader (request) Snowed In - Commander Doom x Reader (request) Pick Me - Commander Colt x Reader (request) Something Sweet - Commander Mayday x F!Reader (request)(Smut)
For Him - Commander Gree x F!Reader (request)(Smut)
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This Masterlist is by far the longest, as it's dedicated to the boys from the 501st
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Hey Pretty Girl - Arc Trooper Echo x Reader Arc Trooper Echo x Reader Arc Trooper Echo x Reader Breakfast for Two - Echo x Reader Wow. Just wow - ARC Trooper Echo x Reader (Request) Love Everlasting - ARC Trooper Echo x Reader Missed You - Echo x Reader For Want of Honey - Echo x Reader Speechless - A Gryffin Industries Story - Echo x F!Reader It's My Choice - Echo x F!Reader
Reunion - Arc Trooper Fives x Reader Happily Ever After - Arc Trooper Fives x Reader Soft Days - Arc Trooper Fives x Reader Awards - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader Warmth - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader Worth the Wait - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader (Request) Playful Mornings - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader (Request) Stressful Appointments - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader (request) Not Jealous - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader (request) Safe and Sound - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader (request) Bodyguard - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader (request) Winter Warmth - ARC Trooper FIves x Reader (request) Worth The Cost - ARC Trooper Fives x Reader Love Me Like Only You Can - ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader (request)(smut) True Love - ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader Tomorrow Will Be Better - ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader Knew You Were Trouble - ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader (Request)
Rex x Reader Captain Rex x Billionaire!Reader Hooky - Captain Rex x Reader A Fresh Start - Captain Rex x Reader (request) Enter the King - Pre-Captain Rex x Reader Alright There, Captain - Captain Rex x F!Reader (request)
Tup x Reader More than Friends - Tup x Reader Reassuring Kisses - Tup x Reader (request) Comfort Cocoon - Tup Reader (request) Time for Bed - Tup x Reader (request) Never Again - Tup x Reader (request) A Selkie's Love - Tup x Reader Better Together : A Gryffin Industries AU - Tup x Reader All My Heart - Tup x F!Reader (request) All Mine - Tup x F!Reader (smut) Confession - Tup x GN!Reader (request)
Dirty Dancing - ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader (spicy) Date Night - ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader Perfection - ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader (smut) Waiting For You - ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader Kiss It Better - ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader A Spirited Love - ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader (smut) Save A Dance For Me - ARC Trooper Jesse x Reader First - ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader (Request)(Smut) Nimble Fingers - ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader It's Just Us Here - ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader (smut) You and Me: A Gryffin Industries Story - Jesse x GN!Reader
Reunion - Kix x Reader Welcome Home - Kix x Reader (smut) At The End - Kix x Reader The Physical - Kix x GN!Reader (request)(Smut) The Idol - Kix x Idol F!Reader (18+)
His Angel - Dogma x Reader In the Beholder’s Eye - Dogma x Reader (request) Pay Attention - Dogma x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Two Souls Intertwined - Dogma x GN!Reader (request)
Comforting Presence - Hardcase x Reader (request) Down Under - Hardcase x F!Reader (request)(Smut) The Siren's Song - Siren!Hardcase x F!Reader
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This Masterlist is dedicated to the Clones who were adopted by Kal Skirata
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Well, I guess that answers my question - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
Jealousy - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
Hesitance - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
Blossoming Romance - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
Hesitant Crushes - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
I can’t lose you - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
No One Will Ever Hurt You - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
Flowers - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
One More Is Never Enough - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
Want - Darman Skirata x Reader (Request) (Smut)
Will You Date Me - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
Need - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)
A Surprise - Darman Skirata x Reader (request)(Smut)
Let's Try This Again - Darman Skirata x F!Reader (request)
Heatwave - Darman Skirata x F!Reader (request)(Smut)
Not A Toy - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request)
Stormy Days - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request)
Rainy Kiss - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request)
Challenge - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request) (Smut)
One Bed - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request)
So This Is Love - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request)
Look At Me - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request) (smut)
Be Mine - Mereel Skirata x F!Reader (request)(Smut)
Those Eyes - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request)
I'm Not Jealous - Mereel Skirata x Reader (request)
Trust Me - Atin Skirata x Reader (request)
Just One More - Atin Skirata x Reader (request)
Forever - Atin Skirata x Reader (request)
I want to Kiss you - Ordo Skirata x Reader (request)
I want to have all of you - Ordo Skirata x f!reader (request) (Smut)
What I Want - Ordo Skirata x Reader (request)
Mistletoe Kisses - Ordo Skirata x Reader (request)
Satisfied - Ordo Skirata x F!Reader (Request)
Abandon Ship - Ordo Skirata x F!Reader (Request) pt 1 She's My Everything - Ordo Skirata x F!Reader (request) pt 2
First Meeting - Prudii Skirata x Reader (request)
Late Nights - Prudii Skirata x Reader (request)
Come With Me - Prudii Skirata x GN!Reader (request)
Little Touches - A'den Skirata x Reader (request)
Playful Moments - A'den Skirata x F!Reader (request)(Smut)
Winter Love - Niner Skirata x Reader (request)
Most Important - Niner Skirata x Reader (request)(Smut)
Family Discussions - Niner Skirata x F!Reader (request)
Stormy Days - Kom'rk Skirata x Reader (request) Stormy Days pt 2 - Kom'rk Skirata x Reader (request)(Smut)
A Lacey Surprise - Kom'rk Skirata x F!reader (request)(Smut)
Family Meeting - Corr Skirata x F!Reader (request)
You Belong With Me - Jaing Skirata x GN!Reader (Request)
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This is the Masterlist for all of my Keeli x Reader Fics
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Napping Kisses - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Just Because - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Snow Day - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Stay - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Stay Behind Me - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) First Meeting - Captain Keeli x Reader Protective - Captain Keeli x Reader (request) Confessions - Captain Keeli x Reader The Joys of Dating A Chosen One - Captain Keeli x Reader
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This Masterlist is dedicated to Alph-17 (Because he deserves it)
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Blanket Thief - Alpha-17 x Reader Opinions - Alpha-17 x Reader Convenient - Alpha-17 x Reader His Choice - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Challenge - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) (smut) So This Is Love - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Wallflower - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) His Flower - Alpha-17 x f!Reader (Request) (Smut) Rainy Days - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Firecracker - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Content - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) A Moment For Us - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Misunderstanding - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Sweet Nothings - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Ice Cold - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Doing It Right - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Happily Ever After - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) Demonic Love - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) Eyes On Me - Alpha-17 x Reader (request)(Smut) For Them - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) You're Enough - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) Forever - Alpha-17 x Reader (request) All Mine - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) The Devil's Luck - Mand'alor!Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) The Edge of Dawn - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request) The Gambler - Alpha-17 x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Between Them - Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo Take A Break - Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo Communication is Important - Alpha-17 x Reader x ARC Captain Fordo Ruthlessness - Alpha-17 x F!Reader x ARC Captain Fordo
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This is the Masterlist for my Magic and Knights AU, listed in the order they were written
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The Prince’s Wizard - Prince!Wolffe x Wizard!Reader The Hand You’re Dealt - Knight!Jesse x Princess!Reader Ner Kar’ta - Prince!Fox x reader The Mermaid and her ARC - Knight!Fives x Mermaid Princess!Reader The Witch and the Warrior - Prince!Cody x Witch!FemReader Wonderland - Knight!Gregor x f!reader Little Red - Devil!Hound x Detective!Reader Pen-Pals - Sailor! Tup x Reader The Merry Men of Mandalore - Prince!Boba x Outlaw!Reader Neverland - Captain Howzer x Reader Another Happily Ever After - Knight Captain Rex x Reader Eternity - Kix x Vampire!Reader The ARC and the Monster - ARC Knight Echo x Reader Aliit Ori’shya Taldin - Prince!Fox x Reader The Snow Queen - Knight!Hunter x Reader The Weaver - Knight!Dogma x Reader A Healer’s Touch - ARC Knight!Alpha-17 x Reader Our Choice - ARC Knight!Fordo x F!Reader Once Upon a December - Captain Keeli x Reader The Golden Thread - Prince!Bly x F!Reader Worth Fighting For - Prince!Neyo x Reader Trials of the Goddess - Merc!Crosshair x F!Reader The Sphinx's Riddle - Clone Commando Fixer x F!Reader The War Chest - Clone Medic Kix x F!Reader
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This is the Mandalorian x Reader Masterlist - with Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel and Mij Gilamar
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The Daimyo’s Cyare - Boba Fett x Reader Mid-Day Talks - Boba Fett x Reader Stemmed From Jealousy - Boba Fett x Reader (request) Punishment - ROTJ Boba Fett x Reader (request) (Smut) Mountain Getaway - Boba Fett x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Spoiled - ROTJ Boba Fett x F!Reader (request)(Smut) My Choice - Jango Fett x Reader (request) Cultural Miscommunications - Jango Fett x Reader (request) Missed You - Jango Fett x Reader (request) Summer Vacation - Jango Fett x F!Reader (request)(Smut) The Alder Job - Jango Fett x F!Reader (request)(Smut) Just Once More - Jango Fett x F!Reader (request)(Smut) It's Been Too Long - Jango Fett x F!Reader (Request)(Smut) An Observant Man - Jango Fett x F!Reader (Request) Let Her Be Mine - Jango Fett x F!Reader (Request) Matching - Jaster Mereel x Reader (request) Welcome Home - Jaster Mereel x Reader (request) (smut) The Mand'alor's Aliit - Jaster Mereel x Reader (request) I'm Still Here - Jaster Mereel x Reader (request) Can't Not Touch You - Jaster Mereel x Reader (request) Life Day - Jaster Mereel x Reader (request)(Smut) Will You Marry Me - Jaster Mereel x Reader (request) Not To Me - Mij Gilamar x Reader (request) It's A Love Story - Mij Gilamar x F!Reader (request) Doctor's Orders - Mij Gilamar x F!Reader (request)(Smut)
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
This is the Masterlist for characters I've only written a little for (this list is the most likely to change)
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Late Nights - Droidbait x Reader Jealousy - Hevy x Reader Sinker x Reader Something New - Clone Trooper Comet x F!Reader (Smut) Just Us - ARC Captain Fordo x Reader (request) No Place Like Home For The Holidays - Fordo x Reader (request) The Sketchbook - ARC Captain Fordo x F!Reader (request) Once Isn't Enough - Clone Trooper Waxer x Reader (request) Do It For Me - ARF Trooper Hound x F!Reader As Beautiful As The Day I Lost You - Captain Gregor x F!Reader (request)(Smut) His Distraction - CMO Grain (Clone OC) x Reader (request) Date Night with Xyn - Xyn (Clone OC) X Reader (Request)
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