lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday.
Interview with VivWiley
VivWiley has X-Files stories at more archives than I could list, but you can find the biggest collection (30 stories) at AO3. She's been prolific and around the fandom for a long time. I've recced some of my favorites of her stories here before, including Autumn's Threshold and Equilibrium. Big thanks to VivWiley for doing this interview.
Does it surprise you that people are still interested in reading your X-Files fanfics and others that were posted during the original run of the show (1993-2002)?
It does and it doesn’t.  As someone who is always discovering new shows and new fandoms, I know that one of the first things I do is go hunting for the related fic.  I love the ways that fanfic can fill in missing gaps, give us other POVs, and just generally help us see characters that we love (or are growing to love) in new lights. The X-Files, in particular, left so many freaking plot holes and jumps in logic, that I suppose it’s logical that people newly discovering TXF would gravitate to the fic.
What do you think of when you think about your X-Files fandom experience? What did you take away from it?
First, I should say that my “fandom” experience was really limited to the fanfic for TXF.  I didn’t get involved in discussions about the actors, the show runners, etc. Nor did I go to any of the conventions.  But, from the fanfic experience, I remain astonished by how many smart, funny, wonderful women I met (sorry, guys, I know you were out there, but I mostly didn’t get to know you), and how many of them are still close friends. My life would be infinitely less interesting and rich without all those friendships.
I also took away from that experience a confidence in my own creativity that I didn’t previously have.  I have done a great deal of professional writing throughout my career – policies, reports, protocols – but TXF fic writing allowed me to exercise a whole other part of my brain and heart.  It was fun and also felt like another way of learning and building a skill set I’d lacked.
Finally, I say that it was an early exposure for me to both the good and ill that online communities can foster.  There so many amazing acts of kindness and support.  One of my friends organized the Beta Readers Circle, a group of volunteer fic editors who would read and help you with stories on everything from grammar to “is this character acting in character” questions.  I both used and volunteered with the BRC. On the flip side, some of the discussion threads on the email lists could get a bit ugly.  Forerunner to the comment threads on today’s posts. So, humanity in a nutshell, right?
Social media didn't really exist during the show's original run. How were you most involved with the X-Files online (atxc, message board, email mailing list, etc.)?
I initially discovered XF fic through a Washington Post article that was trying to drum up interest in the World Wide Web (as it was then talked about).  Every week, they featured a list of “hey you might find this cool/interesting” sites, and one week one of the sites they listed was the Gossamer archive.  I dove in and emerged utterly hooked.  I also discovered one of the early fic mailing lists (the name of which now escapes me), and from there I began sending feedback, which allowed me to start building relationships with authors, etc.  I later joined other mailing lists like Scullyfic, Sparky’s Doghouse, etc. I never connected with atxc or the message boards, really.
What was it that got you hooked on the X-Files as a show?
The characters! Particularly Scully, at first.  It was clear from almost the beginning that the “story arc” (or the notion that there actually was an arc) was pure fiction, but I loved the relationships between the characters, the nuances that so many of them had, and the interplay of the notion of skeptic-believer could have.  And, of course, later on, Skinner was a personal favorite. [Lilydale note: VivWiley wrote a number of really great fics featuring Skinner.]
What is your relationship like now to X-Files fandom?
In many ways I think about TXF and TXF fandom in the same way I think about fond memories from high school or college.  Something that helped shape who I am today, in ways that aren’t always straight-forwardly apparent.  I still don’t really get involved (or care TBH) about the lives of the actors, the politics of the show construction, etc. I keep in touch with a large number of fandom alumni, and we will still occasionally reference the show, but our real-life connections have long-since overtaken TXF as our common denominator.
Were you involved with any fandoms after the X-Files? If so, what was it like compared to X-Files?
I read and wrote in several other fandoms post-XF, but nothing ever grabbed me in the same way, and I certainly never found the kind of real community that I did through XF.
Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Why?
I think I’m drawn to characters who are human – flawed, nuanced, neither purely good nor purely evil – and who are ultimately driven by higher principle or purpose, even as they make mistakes along the way. From early days, King Arthur was a particular favorite, as are Raederle from the Riddle Master of Hed series (Patricia McKillip), Sam Vines (Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series), and Codi Noline (Animal Dreams, Barbara Kingsolver).
Do you ever still watch The X-Files or think about Mulder and Scully?
I did watch the most recent reboot/seasons of XF (and try not to think of them too much as I don’t need that kind of stress).  I do think about Mulder, Scully and Skinner on occasion.  Sometimes when the news reports something particularly weird or absurd, I wonder how Mulder and Scully would react to that, or amuse myself by thinking about how Skinner would be clenching his jaw and subtly undermining the current misuse of federal law enforcement resources.
Do you ever still read X-Files fic? Fic in another fandom?
I still read a lot of fic.  I kind of cycle through fandoms.  I read a lot of Marvel stuff, but have gone through other fic cycles.  I tend to find an author I like and then follow them into other fandoms.  That is, if I can find characters and stories in those fandoms that call to me.
Do you have any favorite X-Files fanfic stories or authors?
I’m a really old school XF ficcer, so some of the folks who drew me into the genre were writers like Madeleine Partous, Parrotfish, Meredith, MustangSally, Rivka, etc.
There are so, so many other writers and authors I could mention, so I think I’ll just stick to some of my early favs.
What is your favorite of your own fics, X-Files and/or otherwise?
In XF, my favorite is Equilibrium.  It was the most plotting I’d done, and one where I wrote from several POVs and where I had to really let the characters tell the story. In order to avoid spoilers, I’ll just say that there was a moment where a character did something I thought was really stupid, and I actually quit writing the story for about a week during which I argued with the character.  Then I had to go back and just let the story unfold. It’s the only time I’ve ever actually shed tears while writing a scene, but at the end of the day (end of the story?) it was the correct decision for the story I was writing.
Of other fandoms in which I’ve written, I think Fieldstripping (Farscape) and Gravity is not Responsible for your Fall (Firefly/Serenity) are ones where I felt I got it most “right.”
Do you think you'll ever write another X-Files story? Or dust off and post an oldie that for whatever reason never made it online?
I actually have a long Skinner-related story that I’ve been threatening to write for about 10 years.  I have it 80% outlined and a very clear picture of the first and last scenes…. I just need to find the energy and focus to sit down and start writing.  I think I finally tracked down all my old fic and it’s posted up to AO3.
What's the story behind your pen name?
Which one?  Ha!  I’ve had a few.  Viv Wiley is a weird one – it just sort of came to me while driving one day.  Not entirely sure where it came from, just settled into my brain while at a stoplight in Northern Virginia (where I was living at the time).  I ultimately consolidated all my fic under that name.
Do your friends and family know about your fic and, if so, what have been their reactions?
Some friends and family know.  I’m judicious in who I tell.  I think people find it surprising, and of course, up until 5 years ago or so, I’d have to explain what fanfic is to most folks.  Now it’s so mainstream that I think if I were to tell someone new about it they wouldn’t be that surprised.
Is there a place online (tumblr, twitter, AO3, etc.) where people can find you and/or your stories now?
Everything is on AO3 under VivWiley
Is there anything else you'd like to share with fans of X-Files fic?
At the end of the day, what I care about is stories.  I think about the Doctor Who quote:  We’re all stories in the end, just make it a good one.  I am so grateful for all the nooks, crannies, and giant chasms of plot holes that the XF writers left for us to fill in.  Through that filling in, I discovered so many other wonderful stories, and wonderful writers and people.
(Posted by Lilydale on September 8, 2020)
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enigmaticxbee · 4 years
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✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️ 5x19 Folie a Deux
The one where... Mulder is locked up for believing a man is really a giant bug and Scully is the only one who believes him (eventually).
Best: Mulder: Scully, you have to believe me. Nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will. You’re my one in... five billion. This speech is... I love it so much. He needs her to believe him - to believe in him. Not by default because she’s the only one who’s willing to stick around. Way back on their third case together (Squeeze) he told her you may not always agree with me but at least you respect the journey. He asks her to believe him and she goes out and finds the evidence that lets her. No one else would do that. It’s such a perfectly indirect X-Files way to say please believe in me, you’re my person, I love you.
Worst: The bug man special effects are... not great.
❌ Flashlights
❌ Woods
❌ Slideshow
✔️ Autopsy
✔️ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
✔️ Mulder Ditch
❌ Sunflower Seeds
❌ Voiceover
❌ Catch Phrase
❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
❌ Casual Scully
❌ Casual Mulder
✔️ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
❌ Glasses Watch
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder
50 States: DC x48 & Illinois x2 (35/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 59%
❌ Bechdel Test: Scully doesn’t speak to another named female character.
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽👽
Humor: 👽👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
His fingers are still taped! Love the continuity.
Scully: You’re saying “I” a lot. I heard “we”. Lot of that from Mulder this season (well always) but at this point it must really sting. What else does she need to do to prove her commitment to the X-Files, to him?
Mulder’s really having a time this episode isn’t he? Starts off with a chip on his shoulder about being “monster boy” (I’m surprised that doesn’t thrill him! They start plenty of episodes with Mulder raring to check out something Scully assumes will be a waste of time - but he’s coming off of some real L’s this season); gets held hostage and pistol whipped; sees a monster; no one believes him about said monster who taunts him and gets him locked up in a mental institution; monster attacks him; he’s saved from said monster by his partner who finally believes him, but is unable to admit it to their boss. Although she does admit it (in a roundabout way) to him at the end.
Great tense hostage scene. The whole sequence when he’s trying to reach for his gun... I almost wish the episode didn’t show us the monster until Mulder sees it. We know what show we’re watching so the fact that the monster’s real wouldn’t be a huge surprise, but if the whole hostage scene the guy just sounds disturbed, and then we’re finally able to see it as Mulder does I think it would be really effective.
Scully stands so close to Mulder when she’s checking on him after the hostage rescue... It’s obscene you two, get a room.
I’ll know it when I see it is Mulder’s motto.
Skinner, if she hasn’t reported Mulder for erratic behavior by now... Scully is ride or die, even when awkwardly forced into performing autopsies she said no to.
Mulder: Five years together, Scully. You must have seen this coming. They joked about it last season! Love the idea that Mulder getting locked up is a running joke between them.
Folie a Deux is such a good metaphor for their partnership on the X-Files. Scully says sometimes people in close association under tense conditions, the delusions of one can be passed on to the other. Mulder is always asking Scully to believe, to open herself up to extreme possibilities. In this case it’s made literal - you have to believe in the bug man to see him, someone needs to open your eyes to it. The X-Files are a madness shared by two.
Episode-Related Fanfic Recs:
Through a Glass by VivWiley - sequel to Mind’s Eye post ep But Then Face to Face. Scully questions her perceptions and confronts Mulder about the future of their partnership. Good angsty post-ep.
Folie Imposee by @seek-its-opposite - She could play his scrapes on a turntable and the vinyl would sing a slow tragedy, a myth reborn in jazz. Cassandra the cursed prophet, reincarnated as a boy who believes in aliens.
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lilydalexf · 7 years
Random XF Fic Rec
This story is a wonderful glimpse into the life and mind of Scully. She muddles through an Autumn day, and who do you think she finds? Title: Autumn’s Threshold Author: VivWiley Summary: Two are born to cross their paths, their lives, their hearts. If by chance one turns away, are they forever lost? - The Cowboy Junkies. But this is not a song fic. Length: 2,692 words Classification: None provided Rating: G Spoilers: Set Post-The End, Pre-Fight The Future Favorite line: Their conversations, too, took on a physical quality of connection, a friction of idea against voice that was sometimes comforting and soothing, and sometimes irritating to the point of feeling like all her skin had been rubbed away. Read the story!
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lilydalexf · 3 years
👽 X-Files Fic Recs: Novels, Part 5
Here are lots of very good novel-length X-Files fics to read! Need even more? Check out my earlier lists of novel recs. Enjoy! Part 1 ** Part 2 ** Part 3 ** Part 4 Abandoned and Apart by ML It's time to go. / I knew this day would come. I've known it for a long time. Achilles' Heel by FranTheWonderHorse Mulder is drawn into a group that claims to want to cast light on alien abductions An Alluring Indiscretion by Beduini and M. Taylor Harrison Um, Things you WON'T get in this story include; Slash,Scully/Skinner, Scully/Krycek, Death of one or more of our beloved heroes, Babyfic, Marriedfic, Rape, Alternate universe/Alternate Dimensions or anything like it. Unless, of course, you consider MSR Alternate Universe. You shouldn't be here if you do. Contact by @h0ldthiscat Unsure of the nature of their relationship, Mulder and Scully must work together when they receive an email from someone they thought was gone from their lives forever. Equilibrium by VivWiley How do you direct a manhunt for a man you know is no longer anywhere on the planet? Skinner and Scully hunt for Mulder post-Requiem. Failure to Die by Kel An undercover assignment lands Agent Jerry Luskin and his colleagues in a "cursed" hospital. Can Dr. Scully handle an emergency without calling for the paramedics? Just watch. The Fifth Column by Kemystre After the events of Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati, Mulder and Scully come to a crossroad in their relationship. The decision that Mulder makes will forever change their path together and quite possibly cost Scully her life. Gemma and Ancient Dreams by Kellie Matthews Mulder does some investigating while Scully is on vacation, and finds something other than psychic serial killers and little gray men. The woman he ends up with is a “finder” who attempts to help him locate a kidnapped child. // Scully goes to Ireland on a vacation, and discovers someone who challenges her skepticism, and provides some answers to who and what the Kindred are. Jack by Exley_61 At the age of innocence, a child witnessed the brutal murder of his mother at the hands of a monster. Ten years later, can Mulder and Scully prevent such brutality from happening again, risking more than their lives, but their hearts as well. . . . A Neurotic Need for Validation by Kel Perception is reality, for we do not interact directly with the world around us or even with ourselves. Nights of Shining Armor by Gina Rain A tale of shared dreams, fractured fairy tales and great expectations gone awry. In short, Mulder and Scully investigate a serial kidnapping case. Queen's Gambit by Suzanne Schramm Queen's Gambit: A chess strategy in which a player sacrifices key pieces in order to win. Sacrificing the Truth by DKSculder (@dksculder) After some time apart, Mulder makes a life-altering discovery that could change the course of his and Scully's lives forever. Will he make the right choice? She's Beauty, She's Grace by @sunflowerseedsandscience I was asked to write a Miss Congeniality/The X-Files mash-up… so here goes nothing. So Shall You Reap by Stephanie Davies Mulder is sent to the UK to investigate paranormal occurrences, and an old 'friend' returns The Way by KMNAHILL and MD1016 Scully becomes mysteriously ill. Mulder, Melissa, and Tao help to heal her. / On assignment in Chicago, Scully's illness progresses. / An assignment in Oregon turns out to be more than first expected. Humorous antics from the Lone Gunmen. / Samantha returns and isn't what Mulder had expected. With or Without You by Invisigoth421 What if Scully had not been returned in "One Breath"? Even 10 years later Mulder feels as though he can't live without her. But what would it do to his life if she returned 10 years later? Up the Ladder by RivkaT (@rivkat) Marita comes through for Mulder, giving him what he wants most. But twenty-five years haven't brought as many changes as he might have thought, and her gift might be more dangerous than anything he's faced to date. And what's up with those bees? A potpourri of Conspiracy elements with many old favorites present.
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted on Tuesdays. Here is a recap of all the interviews posted so far. Read them all!
If you are an old school author, I’d love to interview you. Send me a message!
UPDATED Masterlist of Old School X interviews
aka “Jake” Audrey Roget Bonetree bugs Chimerical Circe Invidiosa Dawn Dawson E. Rambo Dreamshaper Elizabeth Rowandale Finn Jenna Tooms JET Jintian Lydia Bower Mara Marasmus Mary Ruth Keller MaybeAmanda Michelle Kiefer MustangSally nevdull Parrotfish Penumbra Piper Sargasso Rae Sarah Ellen Parsons Sheryl Martin Sophia Jirafe RivkaT Slippin’ Mickeys Syntax6 Tabula Rasa Vickie Moseley VivWiley
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lilydalexf · 3 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday. This Tuesday, however, is a recap of all the interviews posted so far. Read them all!
UPDATED Masterlist of Old School X interviews
**Newly added
aka “Jake” ** Bonetree Dawn ** Dreamshaper Elizabeth Rowandale Jenna Tooms JET Jintian ** Mara Marasmus Mary Ruth Keller MaybeAmanda ** Penumbra ** Sarah Ellen Parsons Sheryl Martin ** Sophia Jirafe RivkaT Slippin’ Mickeys Syntax6 ** Vickie Moseley VivWiley (Posted by Lilydale on December 29, 2020)
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lilydalexf · 4 years
👽 X-Files Season 7 Fic, Part 7
There are so many great stories set in season 7 of The X-Files! Here are even more, following six prior sets of season 7 fic recs. There are a lot of good season 7 stories. Enjoy! Part 1 ** Part 2 ** Part 3 ** Part 4 ** Part 5 ** Part 6 Another Woman's Treasure by @mldrgrl Complementarity by @real-cream-cheese Equilibrium by VivWiley Fractal Images by Diana Battis It's always been you by @baronessblixen The Longest Night by aRcaDIaNFall$ luck by @i-am-alittle-on-edge Magic Fingers by @mldrgrl nereid by @catarinquar numero dieci Jersey by sitarra Petrichor by @aloysiavirgata thirty-six by @softnow To Satisfy Your Expectant Tongue by @givesmevoice Untitled "all things" story by @monikafilefan Untitled "Orison" story by @aloysiavirgata Untitled "Sixth Extinction" story by @iconicscullyoutfits The Watching Wall by amarella Xenia by @aloysiavirgata
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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Old School X is a project interviewing X-Files fanfic authors who were posting fic during the original run of the show. New interviews are posted every Tuesday. This Tuesday, however, is a recap of all the interviews posted so far. Read them all!
Masterlist of Old School X interviews
aka “Jake” Dawn Elizabeth Rowandale Jenna Tooms JET Jintian Marasmus Mary Ruth Keller MaybeAmanda Sheryl Martin RivkaT Slippin’ Mickeys Syntax6 VivWiley (Posted by Lilydale on November 3, 2020)
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lilydalexf · 4 years
👽 X-Files Fic Rec Roundup 2020, Part 9
Here is a master list of all my new X-Files fic recs from the last month. These and all my earlier recs can be found under my fic rec tag, where you can also read why I recced each story. This month I also newly posted the themed lists below. Enjoy!
Fics dealing with that one lonely night of "Trust No 1"
Fics with Mulder and/or Scully kidnapped or in a hostage situation
Fics with Mulder comforting Scully while flying
"Pilot" fics
Season 7 fics
Also related to fic, last month I continued the Old School X project where I'm interviewing XF fanfic writers from during the show's original run. New interviews were with:
aka "Jake"
Jenna Tooms
** Fic Rec Roundup 2020, 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6 -- 7 -- 8 ** Echoes by @susan-ge (Kitsunegari - ~1,200 words - Not rated) Errand of Mercy by chrofeather (Adventure - 8,099 words - Teen and up) Learning Their ABCs by Simone (Per Manum - ~2,500 words - NC-17) Most Frail Gestures by cucumberspy (Tithonus - ~3,900 words - PG)
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enigmaticxbee · 4 years
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✖️✖️✖️ 5x16 Mind’s Eye
The one where... Lili Taylor plays a blind woman with visions of her father’s crimes.
Best: Lili Taylor is very good. Mulder’s affinity for her is interesting, more thoughts on that below.
Worst: No memorable msr moments. Mulder and Scully are both very unhappy this season, and very distant from each other. It’s understandable and purposeful, but it’s not fun to watch - without even the high angst of the previous season to sustain us.
❌ Flashlights
❌ Woods
✔️ Slideshow (Scully’s this time!)
❌ Autopsy
❌ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
❌ Mulder Ditch
❌ Sunflower Seeds
❌ Voiceover
❌ Catch Phrase
❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
❌ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
❌ Casual Scully
❌ Casual Mulder
✔️ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
❌ Glasses Watch
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder
50 States: Delaware x2 (35/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 60%
✔️ Bechdel Test
MSR: 🐝
Goriness: 👽👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽
Humor: 👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
I rewatched Mystic Pizza over the summer with my mom and I kept bugging her with facts about how Lili Taylor and Annabeth Gish were both on txf 😆
Flashes of 1x03 Squeeze with Mulder’s bonkers polygraph questions. Wish Scully was around to witness it, maybe tease him about it a little. This episode needed more Mulder/Scully banter to lighten it up.
I think Mulder is being honest about liking Marty, not pitying her. He has an affinity for prickly, emotionally damaged outsiders, survivors. Lucy from 3x8 Oubliette comes to mind, Melissa from 4x05 The Field Where I Died, and Max Fenig.
Episode-Related Fanfic Recs:
But Then Face to Face by VivWiley - Mulder and Scully discuss their relationship through the lens of this case. (In first person. Doesn’t bother me but I know some don’t like that!)
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lilydalexf · 5 years
🍁👽 Autumn X-Files Fic Recs
Here are some great X-Files fics that happen in the lovely season of Autumn. You can find many more in the 3 themed lists below. Enjoy!
Fic Recs for Mulder's October birthday
Halloween Fic Recs Part 1, Part 2
Thanksgiving Fic Recs Part 1, Part 2
1000 Rainy Days by R. L. Montoya When Scully begins experiencing a strange form of empathy, it affects her work on an abduction case. Mulder reacts oddly, becoming more and more attracted to her because of it, but the consequences of and reasons for her new ability are more far- reaching than either of them realize.
Archives Metro 8am by @scienceandmysticism On the first day of fall in DC, Dana Scully walks to her office. Autumn's Threshold by VivWiley "Two are born to cross their paths, their lives, their hearts. If by chance one turns away, are they forever lost?" - The Cowboy Junkies.
Fall: East on M St. by tabulaxrosa (Tabula Rosa) No, she said. Mulder, it’s Saturday. Firewood by @kateyes224 Some autumn fluff. free falling from branches by @mchalowitz mulder invites scully for some casual appreciation of nature. set in the fall prior to millennium. a gold band by @how-i-met-your-mulder Mulder has a proposal for Scully. (Dialogue prompt: "It looks good on you.") Housewarming by @leiascully A walk in the woods near the unremarkable house; a fall night; a fire in the fireplace. In Spring by JHJ Armstrong A year in the life. Manistique by @all-these-ghosts She thinks this must be what sunlight tastes like: the bright and the tang and the sweetness. A Moment in the Sun by prufrock's love Autumn in New York, 1953. A legendary baseball player past his prime and a beautiful woman with a secret. Only Apples by Kelly Keil Spend an autumn afternoon with Mulder and Scully. pumpkin spice and everything nice by @all-these-ghosts The internet isn't good for Mulder, except when it is. Silence Waiting by Jesemie's Evil Twin I saw old Autumn in the misty morn stand shadowless like Silence, listening to silence . . . -- Thomas Hood Stones and Bones by @sophia-helix An autumn tale. surprise party by @foxmulders The cab Scully calls is blue and smells like Chanel and cigarettes. There is a rip in the back seat that has them squeakily situated on either side of a vast styrofoam chasm. Scully rolls down the window a polite half-inch and takes a deep breath. post-one breath. from the (very old now) tumblr prompt: Mulder & Scully's first time hanging out as tentative friends in an non work capacity. Things You Said Sitting Still by @somekindofseizure pre-Revival (Season 10) turn, turn, turn by @leiascully She likes the way the seasons change in Virginia
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lilydalexf · 7 years
X-Files Fic Rec Roundup
Here is a master list of my X-Files fic recs from the last month. These and all my earlier recs can be found under my fic rec tag, where you can also read why I recced each story. Enjoy! One & Only, First & Last by onpaperfirst (William - ~1,400 words – Not rated) (rec) Five Things That Never Happened to Dana Scully by anythingbutgrey (AU – 3,193 words - G) (rec) Whole Almond by captaingeorgy (MSR – 262 words - G) (rec) Strange Relations by mldrgrl (@mldrgrl) (Colony – 1,531 words - G) (rec) Kroner by DM (Rain King - ~2,500 words - G) (rec) Imagination by Jesemie’s Evil Twin (MSR - ~ 3,600 words – Not rated) (rec) Prelude to an X: Parts 1-5, Part 6 by Helen Wills (Season 1 – Super long novel - R) (rec) Juice by Lysandra (Sein Und Zeit - ~1,000 words - PG) (rec) Tell You A Secret by thuvia ptarth (@thuviaptarth) (Trust No 1 – 371 words - G) (rec) Autumn’s Threshold by VivWiley (MSR - 2,692 words - G) (rec) (If you have trouble with a Gossamer link, replace “krycek” with “fluky”)
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