james-p-sullivan · 9 months
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i needed to cheer myself up so i combined my two favourite things: dumb boys and gravity falls
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breannasfluff · 6 months
Genuine question about ravio/link
Is it considered linkshipping? I thought ravio was the link in another universe and looks identical to our link, just different color schemes, but people react vastly differently when it comes to ravioli as opposed to a different link/link situation, and im confused honestly;; have a good day
No, it falls in the same category as VioxShadow. Or maybe the Loki show. He's not a reincarnation of the hero's spirit, nor is he genetically related. They have very different personalities, life experiences, etc.
Some of it comes down to how they are portrayed? If you show people acting as a family, treat them as a family. If Ravio treated Legend like a brother vs a romantic interest and then turned around and kissed him uhh yeah that would be a new issue.
I'm sure there's plenty of discourse you could find, but in my realm of stories, they are two separate people and treated as such.
Generally, though, I curate my fandom experience and stay out of stuff :)
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umbrenshadowart · 3 years
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I have made a meme
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talasdoodles · 3 years
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Hey there @singingvio this is suuuper early, but I hope you enjoy! Each has a different type of surprise for the other
As always thanks a bunch to @imaginefourswords for hosting the fs ss!
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umbrenshadow · 3 years
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saltyskychild · 5 years
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have some fluff~!
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singingvio · 5 years
“Hey Zee hey Zee hey Zee hey Zee hEY ZEE HEY ZEE--”
“I’m bored.”
Zelvaati turned to look at the fusion. “I don’t give a crap about whether you’re bored or not, Vidow.”
“Can you play with me?” Vidow asked, ignoring her. Zelvaati sighed.
“I’m busy.” she said. Vidow groaned, irritated.
“You can leave your magic stuff alone for one minute!”
“Why don’t you go read in the library or something.”
“I already did that.”
“You can’t have possibly read every book in there, go find something, Vidow.”
“Don’t underestimate me.”
Zelvaati stared at him. “You read every book in the library?” Vidow shrugged.
“It was just a general statement, but yeah.” he said, then grinned again. “Now, can you play with me?”
For a fusion that’s two of the smartest people I know, he sure is childish. Zelvaati thought. Maybe it’s because of that personality clash. At least the… other side effect is okay. He hasn’t killed anyone yet.
Zelvaati turned away from her desk and sighed. “Fine. What do you have in mind?”
“Well…” Vidow flew into the air and sat there, hovering. “I saw Arcy walk by a while ago, and--”
“I am not participating in one of your stupid pranks.”
Vidow stomped his foot. (Which had no effect since he was flying.) “They’re not stupid! They’re a lot more thought-out now! Remember, I’m also Vio as well as Shadow! And Vio’s, like, really smart!”
True, his pranks were a lot better, more complex, and also a lot harder to notice since the two became a fusion, but that didn’t mean Zelvaati wanted to participate in a prank run that targeted the castle cook. She just wanted to find a way to change them all back, she knew Zelda hated being merged with Vaati and Vaati with her.
“Vidow, if you don’t leave, I will gouge out your eyes and stuff them down your throat so you can’t talk OR see where you’re going.” Vidow closed his mouth.
“Fine. What are you working on, anyway?” he asked, leaning over Zelvaati’s shoulder to see her notes. Zelvaati shoved him away.
“For someone merged with Vio of all people, you sure don’t know anything about personal space.” she said.
“But what are you working on?”
“A way to change us back.”
Vidow crossed his arms. “After, like, a month? But I’m fine like this! And I think the others like being more powerful than they were before.”
Zelvaati rolled her eyes. “Sure, you really LOVE having Vio and Shadow talking all the time in your head so that you have to do and say everything you think of because you don’t have enough room to keep it in your brain.”
“I’m dealing with it perfectly fine.”
“You’re insane.”
“I don’t know why you refuse to call yourself crazy, because you are. Accept your insanity.”
“That would make me weirder.” Vidow floated down to the ground again. “So, what do YOU want to play?”
“I want to play, ‘I work on what I need to work on and you sit down and stay quiet or just go away.”
“That’s not fun!”
“It’s fun to me. Why don’t you see if one of the others want to play with you.”
“I want to play with YOU! Besides, they’re at Hyrule Castle explaining to the king that Zelda isn’t coming back until they fix this or until she actually gets along with Vaati so they don’t make you so grumpy all the time!”
“Ah, okay.”
“So can you play with me?”
“No. That’s final. Leave me alone and play with the cat or something.”
Vidow’s shoulders slumped and he walked out. “Fine.” he said. Zelvaati watched him leave, then turned back to her work.
Why does he only want to play with me? Why not the others, I’ve only seen him hang out with someone else ONCE since we all fused together. It’s irritating! I just hope he listens to Vio sometimes so he’ll have some sense to leave me alone.
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thatonefanficwriter · 3 years
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Hi I’m ThatOneFanficWriter you can call me Rin I’ll be posting whenever I feel like it and most of my post will probably be vioxshadow related I hope I can spread some joy with my low quality writing
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james-p-sullivan · 11 months
Summary: follow along on Vio and Shadow’s journey through Hyrule by scrolling through the camera roll on their Purah Pad.
Pairings: Vio/Shadow
There are two versions of this story posted, the first chapter is spicy and the second chapter is the SFW version. They both tell the exact same story, though the ending has been slightly changed for each. I wasn’t sure whether to split them into two postings or not so I just put them both together.
I also sketched out a little scene from halfway in the fic. Granted, I kind of gave up on the drawing like ten minutes in hence why it looks like that but I’d still like to post it lol not my best work hahaha
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6, 27, 30?
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
ok so there’s a listtm
legend of zelda: redxblue (fourswords), vioxshadow (fourswords), ghiralink (skyward sword), midlink (twilight princess)(if you want a bunch of hcs about these two to like fuck you up, i’ve got some)
Supernatural: destiel, also charlie and life no i’m not still salty about her death even though i haven’t watched in over a year
Agents of Shield: fitzsimmons
miss kobayashi’s dragon maid: tooru and kobayashi
myself and sleep
voltron: klance, hunk and shay (idk if they have a ship name??)
atla/lok: korrasami, bolin and the one guy that he caught that one time that i can’t remember, sokka and suki
percy jackson +co: percabeth, apollo and happiness, solangelo, calypso and leo (caleo?)
haikyuu: matsuhana, iwaoi, kagehina (i used to be like a hardcore kagehina but that was before i started this blog and while i still love them, not as much as iwaoi), daisuga, OUJITANA
probably more that i’m forgetting lmao
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
ok but tbh it’s usually summaries bc with titles i usually just think of something really quick but summaries those have to be thought out and everything and i suck at summarizing things usually
30. What inspires you to write?
so like I get ideas for writing either from like talking with people ( @aseikh for the most recent idea) and being either like lmao wouldn’t this be funny or like holy shit this is a good idea
or i find a prompt and i’m like wow i wanna write something for this but like what and then i create an entire backstory thing for what happened before
or for a few of them i enter a gift exchange/something similar and then i have to try and think of something and make it entirely more complicated than it needs to be
or i read something and i’m like wow you know what would be great? this wildly different idea that i just had that just barely relates
or (and this one is always fun) i have a dream and i’m like holy fuck that needs to be a fic (bc how can i not write pirate captain witch oikawa)
anyway, what makes me continue to write, esp for the haikyuu fandom, is the wonderful feedback i get for the stuff i write and also i wanna finish at least one long fic
fanfic questions
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umbrenshadowart · 3 years
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mm vidow pixel art
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tavrosian-disaster · 7 years
What was your first queer ship?
OKAY... it was... VioXShadow from the Legend of Zelda: Four Swords manga.
I know it’s technically self-shipping but... They’re kind of meant to be different characters canonically?
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umbrenshadow · 3 years
Oh, btw I can cosplay n edit
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saltyskychild · 7 years
((yooo i’m in content pain and wanna die ;D, have a story i wrote so long ago and thought i was proud of, i’m for sure there is so much wrong with it even after going over it. so ya know.
anyways all jokes aside i had started dong this for school, i gave it no effort at first because i just didn't care. but then i put a lot into because i was going to do something else with it. when it was done i was so proud! but..i still failed... life’s a bitch... anyways. have a shitty fanfic. enjoy))
//also i was helped greatly by @littlechair4427, thank you//
The room was dark, silent and unwelcoming, no words had been spoken for hours, no light had been seen for days. Blinds and blankets boarded the windows to shield any light from reaching inside... There was no light and never would be. The one harbored in the room didn't want to be reminded of where he was. The dark realm was a very brutal place; a place people were casted away to as banishment for the horrible things they've done. The boy who sat there in the small dark room was no different than the others in the realm.
Even with no light, shadows lurked in the room. Evil, hideous creatures. ones that caused the nightmares where you felt as if you were falling, falling to death. These creatures pulled your soul as it wandered in a dangerous dream land. the only way to be saved from these nightmares were the Angels send from the three goddesses above that watched over your mind, body, and soul as you slept. But sometimes the shadows were stronger than the angels and they pulled you down to the dark realm, this in your dream was if and when you hit the ground, it was them dragging you to the underworld and if this happened, your body lay empty free from your soul for any shadow monster to take over. There was no return for you who now would be stuck in a barren dark sadistic place to never see or feel the warm rays of light. This was how lost souls came about.
Most of the dwellers in the dark realm were lost souls and demonic entities. But there was always that rare occasion when there was the creation of a real shadow being one of a true light. This was the being who sat in the dark room, hiding himself from the horrid land.
This process wasn't fair, to be created and placed in such a land without a say. To be controlled and told you're nothing your entire life. this was the boy’s life. But he was different, he had gotten a taste of freedom, what it was like to be something he wasn't, a hero.
The shadow pulled himself from the deep red comforter of the very plush bed he lay on, 'The light won't hurt you, don't you see, you're a Link too, deep down inside you're really a hero.' The voice of the princess echoed in the shadows head as if he were back in the light realm on the very day it all went down. He didn't think of his consequences when he smashed the mirror banishing him and the all-powerful wind mage back to the dark realm. He now lives in constant fear again, if the Mage got ahold of him again he'd be a dead man. The first time he got out of the mages clutch was out of pure luck, he was stronger then but with the scars he carries now and how much more powerful Vaati had gotten there was no way he's got away from him. There were posters out for his capture, all of the dark realm knew his face, the once powerful Prince of Shadows now stayed hidden away from everything, jumping place to place never staying in one area to long to keep from being found and taken back to Vaati.
Shadow let out a breath and took his sword in hand leaving the room to the long hallway. Three years ago when he shattered the dark mirror in the light realm it cracked the one in the dark realm making it impossible to use, but Shadow would fix it and use the remaining magic he had to walk through the portal to the other side, into the world of light.
When shadow made it to the big black mirror he took a good look at himself. He looked exactly like the others, his only differences was his pale skin, his crimson eyes and his memories. When link pulled the four sword he was split into four personalities: Blue, his overconfidence, Red his childish side and Vio the smart, calm collected one, shadow thought he was able to read him so easily… But that wasn’t true. Vios betrayal proved to him he let his feelings for the purple clad boy get the best of him. All five of the boys looked the same all but the different colored tunic they wore. Shadow pushed the thoughts from his mind before memories took him again. Putting his hand up to the cold, cracked glass, closing his eyes to focus on big long cracks that spread across the huge mirror. Shadow started to whisper words of ancient Hylian to mend the mirror back to its original form with the powerful dark magic. As the cracks slowly began to piece themselves together Shadows whispers became breathily but he continued the spell, nothing was going to stop him from reaching the light realm once more.
"My dearest prince~" a soft, yet dominant voice called. The purple haired shadow boy who jumped quickly taking his hand away from the mirrors cold surface.
"Oh how you've fallen so easily back into my hands," sharp nails grazed across the shadows pale neck making him gasp, "no," he whispered shakily under his breath.
"Yes~" the voice replied as two arms wrapped around his neck, in the corner of his eyes he could the wind Mage who he had betray those three years ago for the hero of the four sword the reason he existed had been to kill them to kill Link! But he had turned on his master and destroyed the dark mirror to save him. "My dear prince," Vaati repeated again, "I thought you'd be smarter than to come back to the Palace of Winds and fall so easily into my trap." Sharp black nails dug into Shadows neck causing the crimson substance to ooze down both the Mages long skinny finger and down the shadows neck to stain the collar of his white undershirt. Shadow gasped jointing forward only to find himself being tugged back into Vaatis arms, "now now Shadow Link," his voice said a bit louder in his ear restraining the struggling boy, "Did you really think I'd let you get away without any punishment?" The man’s voice cackled in his ear causing Shadow to struggle more.
How could he have let this happen to him? How could he have fallen straight into Vaatis hands again?! He was so close to opening the portal, now with it like this darkness could once again seep into the light. Without thinking Shadow reached out for the portal, maybe if he could just slip through Vaatis grip he could transfer back into his shadow form and slip into the light realm.
Vaati saw Shadow’s arm stretching out his fingertips brushing the surface of the cold glass as it seemed to make it ripple, the mirror was working again. Vaati grabbed Shadows wrist digging his nails into the pale skin making him bleed, but it didn’t stop Shadow from struggling. He tried to ignore the nails going deeper and deeper into his skin before letting out a cry of pain to reaching farther getting his hand through the mirror, "Do you really think they will take you back? You’re a creature of darkness, you’re just a shadow!"
Everything felt like it stopped, the words echoed in his head. Those words told to him many times before. that's all he really was, just a shadow of the hero Link. he was nothing but something to be controlled. Shadow could feel everything, his and the mages heart beating, one faster than the other. The pain in both his neck and arm. The warm red substance slowly turning cold as it Cascaded decadently down his arm. The others, they wouldn't accept him, would they?
'You're one of us!' the green Links voice echoed in his head from the day that he lay on the stone floor of the crumbling palace of wind, the shattered pieces of the dark mirror scattered around him as the four Links stand around him, he remembered Vio's face, he remembered the way his voice cracked when he held his fading body in his arms pleading with him to hold on as tears seeped down his pale alabaster face in heavy heaving sobs, his breath coming in wild rasping pants as he begged the other's breath not to slip between life's fading cracks. the way his brow slicked with the defeated chill of his cold sweat, the cruel sickle of life reaping the breath from his lungs as if it were time for autumn's harvest, and yet, the deep violet of his eyes so much closer to blue bled with more profound beauty than the most luminous of the rawest gems, and he cried for him he cried for those eyes he feared he might never have the undeserving pleasure of gazing upon again. so he wept. unable to decipher emotion, from brawn, and yet as his eyelids peaked and folded themselves open he was afraid , Tortured by the irrevocable fear that someday he might lose the onset of his heart, and the fill for my rage. They all cared for him, he wasn't evil he was just troubled, they saw the good in him,especially Vio.
"I will not be dragged in by your lies again! So what if I’m only a mirror image of the light hero? I defeated you once and I can do it again!" Shadow yelled out darting against Vaati’s chest with Iron clad vengeance forcing him to Clamber backwards hitting the shrill stone. blood rushed to the mages face in a white flash of seething anger so hot it could have easily crumbled the palace into steaming rubble with so much as a glance. in seconds vaati was at his feet teeth bared and gleaming at the shadow anger constricting in his bones as he lunged giving Shadow just enough time to unsheathe his sword and arm it, in attention at the Mage, "This time you won't come back!" Shadow growled charging Vaati full force. But with a blink of an eye the blade of his sword was in Vaatis hand and the Mage had shoved his clawed hand into Shadows chest. There was no moment to think. Shadow gasped and struggled to grasp Vaatis arm as he started coughing up blood. Everything around him was black. The air weighed heavily on his chest like a million bags of sand burning as the blood puddled in his throat.
"...And here I thought I'd offer you your place as being prince again... Oh well." Vaati drew his arm away from the shade spattering the essence of what was left of him onto the decrepit stoning of the palace walls, letting Shadows body fall to the cold stone floor watching as he gasped limply for air, the gash in his chest slowly exsanguinating him.
The cold hearted Mage stared down at the mess before him stepping over the boy's body and took his steps in strides to join the mirror. He pressed his hand to the mirror feeling it ripple like liquid under his fingertips, "you repaired the very thing you broke to keep me from taking over the light world. But because of you I'm more powerful, and I'm not going charging in under the commands of that brainless pig king Zander. I can take over vessalius, and I owe it all you, Shadow, such a stupid creation- !!" Vaatis words were shattered by a sword impaling him diagonally through his heart.
"You fool," Shadow painted, "I'm a shadow remember? A flesh wound will do anything but slow me down... You on the other hand, are done for." He pulled the sword away watching as Vaati disintegrated into purple smoke, he'd be back, and he'd be angry. With a wound like this to save Shadows body he'd need more than just Vios medical knowledge to fix him. But he was determined to get to the light realm, even if he had to live in the shadows again. It was better than being stuck in an eternal hell.
The mirror in the light realm had been taken back to vessalius castle in hopes to resurrect the shadowy boy in secret by the very person who used it and betray him. The violet link was filled with guilt about everything that happened. He knew what he meant to Shadow but he still attempted to smash his only life source. But after seeing all that he did in the end Vio came to regret everything he had done. He stayed up countless nights lost in horrible thoughts cursing himself, some days he even wished the other Links hadn’t come to his rescue and he would have been dropped in the pit of lava. It was only what he deserved after all.
But it had been three years since Hyrule was returned to normal, Vio took part in potion making for Hyrule’s medical care and the guards just as the rest of his brothers. Vio tried so many times to find a way back to the dark world but all experiments came up failures. They were all dangerous and he'd even gotten very ill once. This is where Saraph drew the line, she knew Vio was doing such but knew he wouldn't be able to get there with what he had and found, it was all impossible. Oh how she knew it was treacherous to mess with such a thing but she thought he would follow precautions
After one of the worst accidents Zelda forbid Vio from trying to open a portal to the dark world again. He listened only for a while, but he still hadn’t given up. He did it in secret now in risk of losing his job and putting a bad wrap on his and his brother’s names.
Currently the blond headed hero sat asleep in his chair with his head on the desk, he fell asleep doing research on the dark mirror last night. Papers scattered the desk with drawing, diagrams and notes on the dark world. Vio had found things that he didn’t know and he had only predicted but with all this information gathered he planned to do another experiment with the shards of the dark mirror. He knew his consequences but didn’t care anymore. Shadow was a hero and he deserved a better life than what he had explained to Vio once.
The room the mirror was hidden away oozed a purple black smoke from under the doors cracks. Flowing like a poison into the room. The smoky substance, however, was formed enough to wrap around the blonds’ chair and up his ankles.
Vio woke up to the cold and eerie feeling. He wiped the drool from his face closing the book and gathering the notes that were scattered around the table in hopes no one had come in seeing his studies knowing the princess had told him to give up on this nonsense. It was only when he went to stand did he see the blackness covering the ground.
He froze just watching it move and shift slowly, his mind wasn't sure what it was, where it came from or what to do. Vio snapped from looking at the fog and looked around to find the source, he walked to the door and almost to his surprise It wasn't hard to walk through.
Upon opening the door to see the hallway was clean and the fog didn't dare move to the outside, it was if there was still a wall even though Vio had opened the door. He quickly closed it and looked around. He studied the blackness covering the ground again. He could have sworn he'd seen it before, like it may have been familiar.
Vios eyes wandered to the door he always kept locked and let no one go in. The room he kept the shards of the dark mirror in. He slowly approached it taking the key he kept around his neck off and unlocking the door. When opened the heavy wooden door more black fog poured out. He stepped back watching the way it swirled and moved about. But soon pulled from a trance when he heard heavy panting. Without thought Vio quickly grabbed a broom that stood outside the door before stepping into the room. He was in the castle's basement how could anything gotten in without his notice? "Ya look like yer' gunna beat me with a broom," a voice chuckled weakly. Vio jumped and griped tightly to the broom, "I will" he growled, how had something- let alone someone- gotten down here, "How did you get down here? Why are you here? I have all right to banish you!" His tone was harsh and ready to strike if the person tried anything, "what? Don't remember a familiar voice, Vi?" The voice chuckled which turned into troubling coughs.
The wooden broom came crashing to the ground and the blond who once held it stood in shock staring into the darkness "Sh-Shadow...?" It almost couldn't be heard above the coughing. His mind flooded, was this really Shadow? Could it be him? There was a torch on the wall illuminating the outer room, Vio quickly grabbed it holding it in front of him to see once white sheets that covered the mirror shards now in a wad and blood pools leading to the figure lying propped up by the wall...
"Oh Gods!" Vio shook, reaching a hand to cover his gaping mouth. It was Shadow. It was the one he ached for so badly, the one he threw his life away for. The one he risked his job for, and even the way people looked at him and his brothers, the pride in their name. He was back, but at what cost? The boy lay in a mess, gripping his chest. The light from the torch made blood on ivory skin glisten, there was so much, so much he couldn't fathom and didn't care to understand , and our Vio? he didn't know what to do.
Before he knew it he had dropped the torch on the hard granite floor and was now on his knees at Shadows side. Everywhere the torch shined the black fog didn't dare touch. But now where it lay on the ground it didn't reach Vio and Shadow that well but they could both see each other, the hurt in both crimson and Violet orbs. Pale hands and bloody fingertips found their way to the blond’s cheek. The hand was shaky as was the owners’ breath, "V-Vio," he forced a smile, oh how he wished he could say everything was going to be ok. Another pair of shaky fingers placed their warmth to cold bloody ones, "Shadow… What happened?" He asked scanning him, his eyes catching all the bloody blotches on the boy, the blood that trailed from his person and on the cold hard floor.
"Don't matter, 'm back vi" his smile turned to a true one but soon his face turned pained as his hand slipped away from Vios cheek as he fell into a fit of bloody coughing.
Shadow looked up to Vio, he knew he was going to have to leave soon even though he'd just gotten back. No, it wasn't far, but he was paying the price for his mistakes.
Tears streamed down Vios face that hurt look in his eyes, it looked the same from when he'd dyed in his arms. Shadow gave a painful smile reaching a hand weakly up to Vios face, "m' a terrible friend, t' come here an just-" he started to cough, it wasn't just a tickle in his throat, he was coughing up blood he didn't have much longer. "Shadow please!" Vio cried out leaning closer, "I just got you back, you can't leave me again!" he couldn't just sit and watch his friend die again!
once Shadows fit started to subside he brought his bloodied hand back to Vios cheek, his body shook and he let out a breath. “Vio,” he whispered in a housed tone, “Please… please stop the cycle,” tears now fell from Shadows cheeks landing on Vio’s once white lab coat. This was the end, if Vio did this he could finally rest in tranquility. “When I die this time… When my body disappears…destroy the mirror, Vio”
silent sobs fell into the darkness waiting to be swallowed by sorrow, “Shadow, I can save you!-“ Vio cried nuzzling his head against Shadows messy purple lock. He wanted this to be another horrible nightmare, he wanted to wake up, he needed to wake up!
A soothing hand caressed his shaking shoulders. On Shadows traveling in the vast of the Dark realm dealing with any enemy's Vaati would throw his way, he was lucky to escape the mage in the shape he did, but Gods how it hurt him, pain throbbed through his veins he was dying again and nothing could be done. "Vio," he whispered, "I can't stay."
Vio gripped tightly to the shadows black tunic holding back harsh sobs. “…I love you.” He whispered letting out a breath he had been holding in. “if… if destroying the mirror means you will hurt no longer. then… then I’ll do it, It shall be my last labor of love."
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singingvio · 5 years
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Here we stan a happy fusion boy.
He’s so precious and I love him so much.
He’s in a good mood. You don’t want to see him in a bad mood.
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Kasandra aka Kasi~
WOOH HOOOO I’m KASI!!!!!~~ I HAVE YT, FACEBOOK, AND... DISCORD AND WATTPAD yeah that... Ummmm.... i.. am cute.. i think... i’m akward as heck... I’m strange.. wee i wuuv fanfics um my faves will be herosteve, vioxshadow, aaannndd fronnie EEE ok i’m good i’m a fangirl ok xD welp yeah that uh me i’m Kasicat17 on YT so yep theres me. i’m gigling xD
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