#vijayadasami admissions open 2023-24
elagreenblogs · 4 months
ELA Green School Triumphs at State-Level Athletics Championship
Excitement and anticipation filled the air as the athletes from Ela Green School stepped onto the hallowed grounds of Ajeya Stadium in Avadi for the State-Level Athletics Championship on January 20, 2024. The event marked a significant moment for the school, as a team of talented athletes prepared to showcase their prowess and determination on a statewide platform.
Setting the Stage:
The Ajeya Stadium, renowned for hosting prestigious athletic events, provided the perfect backdrop for the championship. Nestled in Avadi, this state-of-the-art facility became a battlefield where Ela Green School athletes would compete against the best from across the state. The venue itself added an extra layer of excitement and grandeur to the already prestigious event.
Ela Green School's Stellar Performance:
From track and field events to relays and jumps, Ela Green School athletes participated in a myriad of categories, demonstrating their skills and resilience. The team's training and preparation were evident in every stride, leap, and throw, showcasing not just physical prowess but also discipline and dedication.
Notable Achievements:
The championship saw Ela Green School athletes clinch several podium finishes, leaving an indelible mark on the competition. Gold, silver, and bronze medals adorned the necks of our talented athletes, symbolizing their hard work and commitment to excellence. The school's pride swelled as cheers echoed through the stadium, celebrating the achievements of these exceptional young athletes.
Team Spirit and Camaraderie:
Beyond individual achievements, the championship emphasized the importance of team spirit and camaraderie. Ela Green School athletes not only competed as individuals but also supported and cheered for each other, fostering a sense of unity and sportsmanship that went beyond the track.
Community Celebration:
The success of Ela Green School athletes was not confined to the stadium. Back at the school, the entire community joined together to celebrate the achievements of their sports stars. A special assembly was organized, where athletes were felicitated and applauded for their outstanding performances. The school's commitment to holistic development and the importance of sports in education shone through during this celebration.
Inspiration for Future Champions:
As the ELA Green School athletes returned victorious from the State-Level Athletics Championship, they became a source of inspiration for their peers and future generations. Their achievements showcased the importance of hard work, perseverance, and a never-give-up attitude, reinforcing the school's dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals.
The State-Level Athletics Championship at Ajeya Stadium, Avadi, was a defining moment for Ela Green School, highlighting the talent, determination, and sportsmanship of its athletes. The school's participation and success in such prestigious events underscore its commitment to providing a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom. The championship not only celebrated individual achievements but also strengthened the bonds within the school community, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 4 months
Unleashing Creativity: ELA Green School MYP Students Dive into an Inspiring Art Activity
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Art can transcend boundaries, ignite imagination, and foster self-expression. At Ela Green School, the Middle Years Programme (MYP) students recently embarked on a thrilling artistic journey, exploring their creativity through a captivating art activity. The initiative not only provided a platform for students to showcase their talents but also highlighted the school's commitment to holistic education.
The Artistic Odyssey:
The art activity at Ela Green School was designed to encourage students to think outside the box and unleash their inner artists. From sketching and painting to sculpting and multimedia art, the activity encompassed a wide range of mediums, allowing students to choose a form that resonated with their interests and strengths.
Themes and Inspiration:
To add an extra layer of depth to the artistic endeavor, students were given specific themes and sources of inspiration. These themes varied, ranging from nature and sustainability to cultural diversity and social justice. This challenged the students to think critically about the world around them and encouraged them to infuse meaning into their artistic creations.
Collaboration and Community:
One of the standout features of the Ela Green School MYP art activity was the emphasis on collaboration. Students were encouraged to work together on larger projects, fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. This collaborative spirit extended beyond the art studio, creating a strong sense of community among the participants.
Integration with the MYP Curriculum:
The art activity seamlessly integrated with the Middle Years Programme curriculum, aligning with the MYP's interdisciplinary approach. Students were able to connect their artistic creations with various academic disciplines, showcasing the interconnectedness of knowledge and skills. This approach not only enriched their understanding of the subjects but also reinforced the idea that creativity knows no boundaries.
Showcasing Talents:
The culmination of the art activity was a grand exhibition where students displayed their masterpieces for the entire school community to admire. The exhibition celebrated the students' creativity and served as a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals.
Feedback and Reflection:
Following the exhibition, students engaged in a reflective process, discussing their creative journey and receiving feedback from peers and teachers. This reflective practice not only deepened their understanding of the artistic process but also honed their ability to accept constructive criticism and grow from it.
The Ela Green School MYP students' art activity stands as a shining example of how education can go beyond traditional boundaries to cultivate creativity, collaboration, and community spirit. By providing students with a platform to explore and express themselves through art, the school is fostering a generation of innovative thinkers and problem solvers. The art activity serves as a testament to the school's dedication to holistic education, nurturing not only academic excellence but also the creative and expressive potential within each student.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
+91 – 89399 58989
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gkjainschools · 8 months
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elagreenblogs · 4 months
Unleashing Creativity: ELA Green School MYP Students Dive into an Inspiring Art Activity
Art can transcend boundaries, ignite imagination, and foster self-expression. At Ela Green School, the Middle Years Programme (MYP) students recently embarked on a thrilling artistic journey, exploring their creativity through a captivating art activity. The initiative not only provided a platform for students to showcase their talents but also highlighted the school's commitment to holistic education.
The Artistic Odyssey:
The art activity at Ela Green School was designed to encourage students to think outside the box and unleash their inner artists. From sketching and painting to sculpting and multimedia art, the activity encompassed a wide range of mediums, allowing students to choose a form that resonated with their interests and strengths.
Themes and Inspiration:
To add an extra layer of depth to the artistic endeavor, students were given specific themes and sources of inspiration. These themes varied, ranging from nature and sustainability to cultural diversity and social justice. This challenged the students to think critically about the world around them and encouraged them to infuse meaning into their artistic creations.
Collaboration and Community:
One of the standout features of the Ela Green School MYP art activity was the emphasis on collaboration. Students were encouraged to work together on larger projects, fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. This collaborative spirit extended beyond the art studio, creating a strong sense of community among the participants.
Integration with the MYP Curriculum:
The art activity seamlessly integrated with the Middle Years Programme curriculum, aligning with the MYP's interdisciplinary approach. Students were able to connect their artistic creations with various academic disciplines, showcasing the interconnectedness of knowledge and skills. This approach not only enriched their understanding of the subjects but also reinforced the idea that creativity knows no boundaries.
Showcasing Talents:
The culmination of the art activity was a grand exhibition where students displayed their masterpieces for the entire school community to admire. The exhibition celebrated the students' creativity and served as a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals.
Feedback and Reflection:
Following the exhibition, students engaged in a reflective process, discussing their creative journey and receiving feedback from peers and teachers. This reflective practice not only deepened their understanding of the artistic process but also honed their ability to accept constructive criticism and grow from it.
The Ela Green School MYP students' art activity stands as a shining example of how education can go beyond traditional boundaries to cultivate creativity, collaboration, and community spirit. By providing students with a platform to explore and express themselves through art, the school is fostering a generation of innovative thinkers and problem solvers. The art activity serves as a testament to the school's dedication to holistic education, nurturing not only academic excellence but also the creative and expressive potential within each student.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 5 months
🌾 ELA Green School's Pongal Celebration: Embracing Tradition with Joy! 🌾
Singing "Pongal, oh Pongal" from the depths of our hearts this Pongal season, Ela Green sends out warm wishes to you and your family! As we gather to celebrate the bountiful harvest, we invite you to join us in reveling in the age-old traditions that bind us together.
🌾 A Feast of Flavors: Rice, Jaggery, and Love! What makes Pongal truly special? Is it the aromatic rice, the sweetness of jaggery, the crunch of dry fruits, or the generous sprinkle of love? At Ela, we believe it's all of the above! Love is our secret ingredient, and as we celebrate, our hearts overflow with gratitude for the abundance in our lives.
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🌎 Traditions Amidst Technological Transformation, Yes, the world is evolving, and AI is weaving its way into our lives. Flying cars may not be a distant dream anymore. Yet, amid this transformation, there's solace in knowing that some things remain constant – our traditions. Passed down through generations, they anchor us to our roots, reminding us of the rich tapestry that shapes our identity.
🎉 Uriyadi: More Than a Game, It's a Tradition The swishing sound of the stick while playing Uriyadi echoes through the air, making everyone duck for cover with heads down. What stands out each time is the unwavering confidence of the player, boldly approaching the pot, even when they seem practically in a different pincode. It's not just a game; it's a celebration of courage, skill, and the joy of shared moments.
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🌿 Green Pongal: Nurturing Nature As we celebrate Pongal, we also emphasize our commitment to environmental stewardship. ELA Green School stands firm in its dedication to sustainability, ensuring that our festivities do not harm the very earth that sustains us. Let's revel in the spirit of Pongal while nurturing and preserving the green essence that surrounds us.
Join us at ELA Green School's Pongal Celebration as we weave together the threads of tradition, technology, and environmental consciousness. Let the swishing sound of joy fill the air as we play Uriyadi, and may this Pongal bring warmth, happiness, and a harvest of memories for you and your loved ones! 🌾✨
Address: Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 7 months
Morning Exercise for a Successful Day at Ela Green School
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Exercise: The Key to a Successful Day
At Ela Green School, we believe that exercise is essential for a child's physical and mental well-being. That's why we start each day with a morning exercise session for our Early Years 3B students.
Exercise has been shown to:
Boost your child's mood
Increase blood flow to the brain
Improve focus
Help your child stay on track for a successful day
How Morning Exercise Sets Kids Up for Success
When children start their day with exercise, they are more energized and alert. They are also better able to focus and pay attention in class. This can lead to better academic performance and a more positive school experience.
In addition, exercise can help children manage stress and anxiety. This is important for their mental health and can help them to cope with challenges in their lives.
Our Morning Exercise Program
Our morning exercise program is designed to be fun and engaging for our Early Years 3B students. We use a variety of activities to get our students moving, including:
Jumping jacks
We also incorporate games and songs into our exercise sessions to make them more enjoyable.
Benefits of Our Morning Exercise Program
Our morning exercise program has many benefits for our Early Years 3B students. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, our program also helps to:
Develop coordination and motor skills
Promote healthy habits
Build social skills
Foster a love of physical activity
We believe that our morning exercise program is an important part of our Early Years 3B curriculum. It helps our students to be healthy, happy, and successful.
We encourage all parents to make exercise a regular part of their child's day. It's one of the best things you can do for their health and well-being.
Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989Email: [email protected] [email protected]
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elagreenschoolblogs · 7 months
Curiosity Ignited: Ela Green School's Annual Science Fair
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Ela Green School held its annual Science Fair Event, a vibrant showcase of students' scientific curiosity, innovation, and creativity. The event was a resounding success, attracting enthusiastic participation from students, teachers, and parents alike.
The Science Fair Event transformed the school's gymnasium into a hub of scientific exploration. Students proudly displayed their meticulously crafted projects, ranging from investigations into environmental sustainability to explorations of the intricacies of the human body. Each project was a testament to the students' dedication to scientific inquiry and their passion for unraveling the mysteries of the world around them.
Visitors to the fair were captivated by the ingenuity and creativity on display. Students eagerly explained their research findings, engaging in stimulating discussions with their peers and teachers. The atmosphere was electric with excitement and curiosity as students shared their breakthroughs and discoveries.
The Science Fair Event served as a platform for students to not only demonstrate their scientific prowess but also develop essential life skills. Through their projects, students honed their communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking abilities. They learned to present their ideas clearly and concisely, to think creatively and adapt to challenges, and to evaluate information with a discerning eye.
The event also fostered a sense of community among students, teachers, and parents. The shared passion for science brought people together, creating a supportive environment where curiosity and exploration were encouraged and celebrated.
Ela Green School's Science Fair Event was an inspiring celebration of scientific inquiry and innovation. It highlighted the school's commitment to nurturing young minds and empowering students to become the next generation of scientists and innovators. The event left a lasting impression on all who participated, igniting a passion for science and fostering a lifelong love of learning.
If you’re interested in enrolling your child at Ela Green School, please visit our website or contact us for more information.
Contact Us
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
+91–89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 7 months
Ela Green School Fosters Young Learners' Literacy Skills with Engaging Sight Word Activities
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In the early stages of literacy development, sight words play a crucial role in laying the foundation for fluent reading. Ela Green School recognizes the importance of sight word mastery and has implemented engaging activities to help students solidify their understanding of these essential words.
Sight words are commonly used words that students should be able to recognize instantly without sounding them out. These words make up a significant portion of most texts, and their recognition allows young readers to focus on comprehension rather than decoding individual words. At Ela Green School, teachers employ a variety of sight word activities to cater to different learning styles and keep students enthusiastic about the process. Some of these activities include:
Flashcard practice: Students are presented with flashcards containing sight words and are encouraged to identify the words quickly. This activity helps with visual recognition and recall.
Sentence writing: Students use sight words to create meaningful sentences. This activity reinforces the understanding of word usage and context.
Sight word games: Engaging games like sight word bingo, sight word memory, and sight word scavenger hunts make learning fun and interactive.
Sight word charts: Students create and maintain sight word charts, which serve as visual reminders of the words they have mastered.
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If you are interested in learning more about our sight word activities or enrolling your child in our school, please contact us today.
Contact Us
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
+91–89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
Gender Differences: A Journey of Self-Discovery
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At Ela Green School, we believe that every child is unique and should be celebrated for who they are. As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we recently had a lesson on gender differences.
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The children were eager to learn more about themselves and their peers, and they were excited to share their own observations and experiences. We started by asking them to describe their own physical characteristics. They pointed out their hair color, eye color, height, and other features. Then, we asked them to describe each other's appearances. They noticed each other's clothes, shoes, and accessories.
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Next, we talked about the differences between boys and girls. The children pointed out that boys and girls often have different hairstyles, clothing, and interests. They also noticed that boys and girls' bodies are different.
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Finally, we gave the children the opportunity to create representations of a man and a woman using cut-outs. They carefully pasted the parts together to create their own unique portrayals. Some children even added details like bindis and other cultural symbols.
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This lesson was a valuable opportunity for the children to learn about gender differences in a fun and engaging way. It also helped them to appreciate their own uniqueness and the diversity of their peers.
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Here are some of the key takeaways from the lesson:
Gender is a social construct, meaning that it is defined by society and culture.
There is a wide range of variation within each gender.
It is important to respect everyone's identity, regardless of their gender.
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We are grateful for the opportunity to provide our students with a learning environment where they can feel safe and supported to explore their own identities. About Us Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989Email: [email protected] [email protected]
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
School Bus Rules Activity: A Fun and Educational Way to Teach Safety
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The School Bus Rules Activity at Ela Green School is a fun and educational way to teach students about the importance of safety on the school bus. The activity is designed for students of all ages, and it can be adapted to fit the needs of any classroom.
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The activity begins with a discussion of the importance of following school bus rules. The teacher can ask students to share their own experiences on the school bus, and to talk about why it is important to follow the rules. The teacher can also share some statistics about school bus safety, such as the fact that school buses are the safest way for children to travel to and from school.
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Once students have a good understanding of the importance of school bus safety, the teacher can lead them in a variety of activities to help them learn and remember the school bus rules. Some possible activities include:
Role-playing: Students can role-play different scenarios that might occur on the school bus, such as getting on and off the bus safely, staying seated while the bus is moving, and talking to the bus driver.
Games and puzzles: There are a variety of games and puzzles that can be used to teach students about school bus safety. For example, the teacher could have students complete a crossword puzzle with school bus vocabulary words, or play a game where students have to match different school bus symbols to their definitions.
Arts and crafts: Students can create their own school bus safety posters or drawings. The teacher could also have students make their own school bus name tags or stickers.
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At the end of the activity, the teacher should review the school bus rules with students and make sure that they understand all of the important safety guidelines. The teacher can also provide students with a handout or other resource that they can use to remember the school bus rules at home.
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The School Bus Rules Activity at Ela Green School is a valuable educational experience for students of all ages. It is a fun and engaging way to teach students about the importance of safety on the school bus, and it can help them to develop lifelong safe habits.
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If you're interested in learning more about the School Bus Rules Activity at Ela Green School, please visit their website or contact the school directly. Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989Email: [email protected] [email protected]
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
Ela Green School kids Identifying Numbers: The Penguin Way
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At Ela Green School, we believe that learning should be fun and engaging. That's why we use a variety of interactive and whimsical methods to teach our students new concepts.
One of the ways we teach our students about numbers is through the use of penguin-shaped blocks. We start by presenting our students with the blocks and asking them to match them to flashcards with the numbers one to five. At first, some of our students may be hesitant, but as they start to match the blocks and hear the numbers being called out, they quickly warm up to the activity.
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Once our students are comfortable matching the blocks to the numbers, we start to introduce them to number family rhymes. These rhymes are a fun and easy way for children to learn about the different relationships between numbers. For example, the rhyme "one, two, three, four, five, once I catch you, you're alive" helps children to understand that the number five is one more than the number four.
We also use music and movement to help our students learn about numbers. We sing songs about numbers and have our students dance and move along to the music. This helps to make learning about numbers more fun and memorable.
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Through these interactive and whimsical methods, our students are guided on a journey of discovery through the world of numbers. Their understanding of numbers is nurtured by making learning fun.
Specific activity that we did with our students to help them identify numbers:
Penguin Number Match
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One day, we decided to take our penguin number blocks outside for a fun and active activity. We drew a large number line on the ground and placed the penguin blocks at different points along the line. Then, we gave each student a number card and asked them to find the corresponding penguin block.
At first, the students were a little hesitant to run around outside, but they quickly warmed up to the activity. They were laughing and giggling as they ran around the playground, trying to find their penguin blocks.
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Once all of the students had found their penguin blocks, we asked them to line up in order according to their number. At first, there was a little bit of confusion, but the students eventually got the hang of it.
Once the students were lined up in order, we led them in a number parade. We marched around the playground, chanting the numbers one to five. The students were so excited to be part of the parade and they loved showing off their penguin blocks.
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This activity was a great way for our students to practice identifying numbers in a fun and active way. It also helped them to learn about the order of numbers.
If you're interested in enrolling your child at Ela Green School, please visit our website to learn more about our admissions process. Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
Ela Green School Hosts Engaging Body Parts Learning Activities
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Ela Green School recently hosted a series of engaging body parts learning activities for its young students. The activities were designed to help children learn about the different parts of their bodies, how they work, and how to care for them.
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The activities began with a series of tuning-in activities that sparked curiosity in the children. The children were thrilled to delve into the world of body parts, discovering the marvels of eyes, hands, and mouth. They approached the tasks with careful attention, applying eyelashes, nail polish, and teeth to specially designed cut-outs. They all carefully cut the nails for hands and feet cutouts. These enchanting activities nurtured their curiosity and deepened their understanding.
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Now, with their curiosity piqued and minds eager, the children were ready to dive further into their exploration. They participated in a variety of hands-on activities, such as creating body part collages, tracing their body parts, and making body part masks. They also got creative by writing poems and creating dances about body parts.
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The children also had the opportunity to learn about body parts through play. They played body part scavenger hunts, body part charades, and body part bingo. They also participated in a body part obstacle course that incorporated different body parts, such as hopping on one leg, crawling through a tunnel, and balancing on a beam.
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The body parts learning activities at Ela Green School were a huge success. The children had a lot of fun learning about their bodies and how they work. They also developed a deeper understanding of the importance of self-care.
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Here are some of the benefits of the body parts learning activities at Ela Green School:
The activities helped children to learn about the different parts of their bodies and how they work.
The activities helped children to develop a positive body image.
The activities helped children to develop self-awareness.
The activities helped children to develop fine motor skills.
The activities helped children to develop creativity and imagination.
The activities helped children to develop social skills, such as teamwork and communication.
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Ela Green School is committed to providing its students with engaging and educational learning experiences. The body parts learning activities are just one example of the many ways that the school is helping its students to grow and learn. If you are interested in Ela Green School, you can visit their website at to learn more about their curriculum, facilities, and admissions process. Contact Us
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989Email: [email protected] [email protected]
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
Ela Green School Hosts Tattvam 2023: A Showcase of Interschool Talent
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Ela Green School proudly hosted Tattvam 2023, an interschool cultural competition that brought together a diverse array of young talents from various schools across the city. The event, held on the school grounds, was a kaleidoscope of creativity and cultural expression, resonating with the spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition.
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The day began with a warm welcome from the school principal, who emphasized the significance of Tattvam 2023 in fostering a love for the arts among students and providing a platform for them to showcase their talents. As the curtains rose, the air was electric with anticipation. The stage, adorned with colourful lights and vibrant backdrops, set the tone for an unforgettable spectacle.
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The competition unfolded with a series of captivating performances, each one more impressive than the last. From mesmerizing dance choreographies to soulful musical renditions, from thought-provoking skits to captivating art displays, the event was a testament to the immense creativity and artistic prowess of the young minds.
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The participants, representing their respective schools, displayed their skills and passion for the arts with unwavering enthusiasm. The audience was captivated by the performances, which ranged from traditional Indian dances to contemporary musical pieces to theatrical performances. The atmosphere was filled with energy and excitement, as the participants poured their hearts and souls into their performances.
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The judges, a panel of esteemed individuals from the arts and cultural sphere, had the unenviable task of selecting the winners from a pool of exceptional performances. Each act was evaluated based on creativity, originality, stage presence, and overall impact. After careful deliberation, the judges announced the winners, who were awarded trophies and certificates in recognition of their outstanding achievements.
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Tattvam 2023 was a resounding success, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all those who participated and witnessed the event. It was a celebration of culture, creativity, and the indomitable spirit of young talents. Ela Green School, as the host, had the privilege of providing a platform for these budding artists to showcase their skills and shine brightly. The event served as a reminder of the power of the arts to unite, inspire, and bring out the best in young minds.
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In addition to the performances, Tattvam 2023 also featured a variety of workshops and interactive activities, providing students with an opportunity to learn from experts and explore their creative potential. The workshops covered a wide range of topics, including dance, music, theatre, and art. Students were able to learn new skills and techniques and collaborate with other students from different schools.
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The interactive activities were also well-received by the students. One of the most popular activities was a painting competition, where students were given a blank canvas and encouraged to express their creativity. The resulting artworks were a testament to the students' boundless imagination and artistic talent.
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Tattvam 2023 was a truly enriching experience for all involved. It was a celebration of the arts, culture, and the indomitable spirit of young talents. Ela Green School is proud to have hosted this event, and looks forward to continuing to support the arts and provide a platform for young artists to showcase their talents in the years to come.
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If you are interested in joining your child in Ela Green School, please let us know. We offer a wide range of academic and extracurricular programs, and we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education. Contact Us
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
Ela Green School celebrates World Ozone Day
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On September 16th, every year, the world celebrates World Ozone Day to raise awareness about the importance of the ozone layer and the need to protect it. Ela Green School, a leading IB school in Chennai, India, is committed to sustainability and environmental education. In celebration of World Ozone Day 2023, the school organized a series of activities for its students, teachers, and staff.
The day began with a special assembly where the students learned about the ozone layer, how it protects us from harmful UV rays, and the threats it faces from human activities. The assembly also featured a skit performed by the students, which highlighted the importance of taking action to protect the ozone layer.
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After the assembly, the students participated in a variety of activities, including: Ozone layer quiz: The students tested their knowledge of the ozone layer in a fun and interactive quiz.
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Ozone layer posters: The students created posters to raise awareness about the importance of the ozone layer and the need to protect it.
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Ozone layer model: The students built a model of the ozone layer to learn more about its structure and function.
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Ozone layer pledge: The students took an oath to protect the ozone layer and make sustainable choices in their lives.
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In addition to these activities, Ela Green School also organized a special assembly for the parents of its students. The assembly featured a presentation on the ozone layer and its importance, as well as tips for how parents can help their children protect the ozone layer at home.
Ela Green School's celebration of World Ozone Day was a success, with students, teachers, staff, and parents all learning more about the importance of the ozone layer and the need to protect it. The school's commitment to sustainability and environmental education is evident in its efforts to raise awareness about this important issue.
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By taking these steps, Ela Green School can continue to be a leader in celebrating World Ozone Day and raising awareness about the importance of protecting the ozone layer.
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Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
Ela Green School's Stacking Cubes Activity: A Fun and Educational Way to Learn About Engineering
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Ela Green School's Stacking Cubes activity is a fun and educational way for students to learn about engineering. In this activity, students work together to stack cubes as high as possible without knocking them over. The activity helps students to develop their problem-solving, teamwork, and engineering skills.
The Stacking Cubes activity is appropriate for students of all ages. For younger students, the activity can be simplified by using fewer cubes or by making the cubes larger. For older students, the activity can be made more challenging by using more cubes, by making the cubes smaller, or by adding additional constraints, such as a time limit or a height requirement.
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To set up the Stacking Cubes activity, simply gather a set of cubes and place them in a central location. You may want to use different colours or sizes of cubes to make the activity more visually appealing.
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To begin the activity, divide the students into small teams. Give each team a set of cubes and challenge them to stack the cubes as high as possible without knocking them over. The team with the tallest stack at the end of the activity wins.
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As the students are stacking the cubes, encourage them to work together and to experiment with different strategies. You can also ask them questions to help them think about the engineering principles involved in the activity, such as:
What is the best way to distribute the weight of the cubes?
How can you create a stable base for the stack?
What are different ways to reinforce the stack?
The Stacking Cubes activity is a great way for students to learn about engineering in a fun and hands-on way. The activity also helps students to develop their problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking skills.
Here are some additional benefits of the Stacking Cubes activity: It is a collaborative activity. Students must work together to stack the cubes as high as possible without knocking them over. This helps them to develop their teamwork and communication skills.
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It is a problem-solving activity. Students must use their problem-solving skills to figure out how to stack the cubes in a stable way. This helps them to develop their critical thinking skills.
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It is a problem-solving activity. Students must use their problem-solving skills to figure out how to stack the cubes in a stable way. This helps them to develop their critical thinking skills.
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It is a fun and engaging activity. Students enjoy stacking the cubes and trying to create the tallest stack. This makes the activity more motivating and effective. The Stacking Cubes activity is a great way to introduce students to engineering and to help them develop important skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, and critical thinking. Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 8 months
Ela Green School Celebrates MYP 5 Certificate Recipients
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We are thrilled to announce that our MYP 5 students have received their certificates from the International Baccalaureate! This is a significant achievement for our students, and we are proud of their hard work and dedication.
The MYP is a challenging program that prepares students for the IB Diploma Programme. It emphasizes critical thinking, problem-solving, and intercultural understanding. Our MYP 5 students have excelled in all of these areas, and they are now well-prepared for the next stage of their academic careers.
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We are particularly proud of our students' success in the MYP Personal Project. The Personal Project is a year-long capstone project that allows students to explore their own interests and passions. Our students have created some truly impressive projects, including: A documentary about the impact of climate change on a local village A mobile app to help students learn about the history of their city A new teaching method for children with autism A business plan for a sustainable clothing line These projects are just a few examples of the many ways that our MYP 5 students have made a difference in the world. We are confident that they will continue to achieve great things in the future.
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The significance of this achievement The IB MYP Certificate is a globally recognized credential that demonstrates a student's academic achievement and readiness for further education. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, as well as the quality of education they receive at Ela Green School.
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The MYP Certificate also opens up a world of opportunities for our students, as it is accepted by universities around the world. For example, students with an MYP Certificate may be eligible for advanced placement or credit in university courses.
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In addition, the MYP Certificate prepares students for success in the 21st century workforce. The skills that students develop in the MYP, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, are highly valued by employers.
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Conclusion We are proud of our MYP 5 students for their accomplishments, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors. We know that they will continue to make a positive impact on the world.
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Here are some additional thoughts on the significance of this achievement: The MYP Certificate is a rigorous program that requires students to demonstrate their mastery of a wide range of subjects, including languages, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts. The MYP Certificate also emphasizes the importance of intercultural understanding and global citizenship. Students in the MYP learn about different cultures and perspectives, and they are encouraged to develop a sense of responsibility to the world around them. The MYP Certificate is a valuable asset for students who are planning to attend university or pursue a career in the global economy. It demonstrates that students have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a complex and interconnected world.
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We are proud to offer the MYP program at Ela Green School, and we are committed to providing our students with the best possible education. We know that the MYP Certificate will help them to achieve their goals and make a difference in the world. If you're interested in learning more about the MYP program or the MYP 5 Certificate, please visit our website or contact us Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989
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