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elagreenschoolblogs · 30 days
Embracing Learning: Insights from Ela Green School’s Grade EYP 3 Student-Led Conference
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Learning at Ela Green School is not limited to the classrooms, but a colorful depiction of real-life encounters and practical experiences. Recently, there was a student-led conference where students from grade EYP 3 showcased what they had learned through engaging activities and presentations. When looking back at their achievements, I remember being amused by the question, “Which sounds better: ‘You’re 5’5 ft’ or ‘You’re 20 Kitkats long?’” This single question captures the true nature of learning at Ela Green School, described as an expedition that involves exploration, inventiveness, and significant relationships.
Exploring Measurement Creatively
This student-led conference by Grade EYP 3 pupils showed how far they have gone in holistic schooling. The little ones did not only listen actively while being taught; rather, they took part fully in various activities that may involve standard and non-standard measurements as well. They used idiomatic expressions such as ‘you are 20 kitkats long’ instead of traditional metric measurement tools that measured objects, thus demonstrating their full understanding of mathematical principles and resulting in high levels of curiosity and imagination.
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Addressing Global Challenges: Climate Action
Apart from mathematics, these students also spoke passionately about pressing global issues centered on global warming. These young minds displayed a level of maturity when it came to environmental problems and the need for sustainability during this presentation. It was not just their knowledge that made them stand apart from the rest; it was their empathy towards others as well as their activism that called for making positive change.
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Engaging with Nature: Animal Interactions
One of the things that brought this conference alive was students interacting with animals and exploring the characteristics of environments where animals live. Rather than relying on textbooks alone, they went out into nature themselves. Thus, this practicum helped deepen our understanding of ecosystems and taught us to be protectors of wildlife.
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Beyond Textbooks: Real-World Connections
The emphasis on experimental learning and meaningful connections is what sets Ela Green School apart. It develops students into leaders of the future who are knowledgeable not only in terms of information but also caring and innovative for the world. The school does this by encouraging children to explore beyond what they have been told in class, thus acquiring a desire for knowledge based on curiosity.
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Nurturing Curiosity and Empathy
Seeing the EYP 3 classes’ confidence, ingenuity, and passion during the conference, I can firmly say that their future seems bright. Learning is not just tuition at Ela Green School; it’s a path toward self-knowledge, compassion, and possibilities without end. This was evident in the Grade EYP 3 student-led conference, which celebrated growth through learning and impacting positively on others’ lives.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenblogs · 4 months
ELA Green School Triumphs at State-Level Athletics Championship
Excitement and anticipation filled the air as the athletes from Ela Green School stepped onto the hallowed grounds of Ajeya Stadium in Avadi for the State-Level Athletics Championship on January 20, 2024. The event marked a significant moment for the school, as a team of talented athletes prepared to showcase their prowess and determination on a statewide platform.
Setting the Stage:
The Ajeya Stadium, renowned for hosting prestigious athletic events, provided the perfect backdrop for the championship. Nestled in Avadi, this state-of-the-art facility became a battlefield where Ela Green School athletes would compete against the best from across the state. The venue itself added an extra layer of excitement and grandeur to the already prestigious event.
Ela Green School's Stellar Performance:
From track and field events to relays and jumps, Ela Green School athletes participated in a myriad of categories, demonstrating their skills and resilience. The team's training and preparation were evident in every stride, leap, and throw, showcasing not just physical prowess but also discipline and dedication.
Notable Achievements:
The championship saw Ela Green School athletes clinch several podium finishes, leaving an indelible mark on the competition. Gold, silver, and bronze medals adorned the necks of our talented athletes, symbolizing their hard work and commitment to excellence. The school's pride swelled as cheers echoed through the stadium, celebrating the achievements of these exceptional young athletes.
Team Spirit and Camaraderie:
Beyond individual achievements, the championship emphasized the importance of team spirit and camaraderie. Ela Green School athletes not only competed as individuals but also supported and cheered for each other, fostering a sense of unity and sportsmanship that went beyond the track.
Community Celebration:
The success of Ela Green School athletes was not confined to the stadium. Back at the school, the entire community joined together to celebrate the achievements of their sports stars. A special assembly was organized, where athletes were felicitated and applauded for their outstanding performances. The school's commitment to holistic development and the importance of sports in education shone through during this celebration.
Inspiration for Future Champions:
As the ELA Green School athletes returned victorious from the State-Level Athletics Championship, they became a source of inspiration for their peers and future generations. Their achievements showcased the importance of hard work, perseverance, and a never-give-up attitude, reinforcing the school's dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals.
The State-Level Athletics Championship at Ajeya Stadium, Avadi, was a defining moment for Ela Green School, highlighting the talent, determination, and sportsmanship of its athletes. The school's participation and success in such prestigious events underscore its commitment to providing a holistic education that goes beyond the classroom. The championship not only celebrated individual achievements but also strengthened the bonds within the school community, creating memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 2 months
Ela Green School Annual Day 2024: A Spectacle of Talent and Diversity
Celebrating Cultural Harmony: Performances from Kashmir to Kanyakumari
The Ela Green School Annual Day in 2024 was a colourful exhibition of the cultural wealth and oneness displayed throughout India, from the North (Kashmir) to the South (Kanyakumari). Every show highlighted specific traditions, music, and dance styles, which underscored the magnificence of our country’s diversity.
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Sensory Delights Amidst the Heatwave
In the scorching heat, this annual day was an oasis for all those present. The bright colours, throbbing beats, and melodies transported us away from the furnace-like environment to a world of artistry and festivity.
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Honouring Achievements: The Annual Prize Ceremony
The evening began with the annual prize ceremony, in which we recognized the achievements made by our students. From academic feats to arts-related fascination, every award reflected the sweat equity given by each student in school.
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Captivating Performances: Glitters and Shimmers of Talent
Afterward, there were some captivating performances that set the stage ablaze. Their talent sparkled as they performed at the centre, weaving stories using their dancing steps, music, or expressions. These acts were not just entertainment but reflections of their dedication to their art.
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A Glimpse of Magic: Leaving Us Wanting More
Our students’ performances during this day left us dumbfounded in awe; we became an insatiable audience, desiring more from them. In each act they executed, one could see how devoted they were to being creative geniuses because it left a lasting impact on everybody who experienced it.
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Looking Ahead: Anticipation for the Future
As we look back at what took place on Annual Day 2024, our hearts leap with expectation about what lies ahead for us. Year after year seems like yesterday as our children surprise us in unimaginable ways and the brilliance we expect to happen at the next year’s event.
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Conclusion: A Favourite Day at Ela Green School
This was one of those days that will never be forgotten by students at Ela Green School because it brought joy, pride, and celebrated talent, diversity, and unity. We are proud of our pupils, with lots of memories awaiting the future.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 2 months
Empowering Excellence: Highlights from Ela Green school's Student-led Conference
The nurturing of academic excellence as well as the promotion of empowerment and self-expression are some of our beliefs at Ela Green School. Our recent Student-Led Conference (SLC) were a proof to this notion whereby our little ones took charge themselves, displaying their achievements, talents and growth during the year. We will now explore SLC in vibrant Ela Green’s world to appreciate brilliance amongst our learners.
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Empowering Young Leaders:
It was a truly breathtaking experience seeing our students take the stage with no fear throughout SLC. They did presentations that were captivating, conducted experiments, collected data, recited rhymes and displayed artifacts that reflected on their learning journey. This method not only showcased their academic prowess but also brought into focus their creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
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Celebrating Achievements:
For our students, the SLС became an open floor where they shared their accomplishments in academics with their parents and teachers. Each presentation was a proof of all the sweat they poured out in that year through commitment and hard work.Parents together with teachers were amazed by how much our students knew and understood.
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Confidence in Communication:
Perhaps one of the most outstanding things about SLC was how confident children addressed their parents. The way these young boys articulated what they have achieved over time, challenges faced and goals ahead left people mesmerized with good communication skills depicted hence making them confident enough to share with others what they have owned about the education process.
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Visually Engaging Experience:
The SLC was not just informative; it was visually attractive as well. Our students acted as MCs who confidently used microphones in guiding audiences through presentations. The combination of technology, creativity and confidence made SLC memorable for teachers as well as parents.
Ela Green School’s Student Led Conference celebrated student empowerment; it was an epitome of academic success and effective communication. It was a joyful event that saw our young leaders showcase their achievements and development, permanently etching in the minds of those who attended it. We anticipate more such occasions for our students to be at the helm, inspiring others on their educational path.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 2 months
The Effervescence Day in Ela Green School
Unveiling Nature's Marvels: Guna Caves Explored
“Guna Caves,"  whose other name is Devil’s Kitchen, has become the talk of the town at Ela Green School recently. At an impressive height of 2,200 metres above sea level, the caves have provided an interesting subject for students and lecturers alike. It is amazing how such formations from nature as this cave can evoke our interest and awe.
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Landforms: Nature’s Architectural Masterpieces
Landforms are world architecture at its best; haven’t we all once had a picture taken with hands arched on top of some mountain tips? The Effervescence Day at Ela Green School celebrated various breath-taking landforms that define our planet. Students contemplated these nature wonders’ beauty and worth, from beautiful mountains to wide plateaus, serene islands to dry deserts.
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EYP 2 Presents: A Journey Through Time and Terrain
One unforgettable day in Ela Green School was recently experienced during “Effervescence Day,” when students were able to demonstrate their talents and skills in EYP 2 through spectacular performances. The theme of the day was centred on landforms; therefore, students’ presentations breathed life into every second of the movie clip from the Ice Age through detailed research work as well as captivating exhibits. It was a journey across space as well as history that made us appreciate fascinating works of geology.
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Bringing the Ice Age to Life: Creative Interpretations
The EYP 2 creativity was evident in the way they interpreted ‘Ice Age’. They recreated every part, starting from frozen landscapes to memorable characters, with great care so that their passion for learning and telling stories could be exhibited. This was a testimony that imagination bears witness while exploring different epochs or places, which brings happiness.
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The Power of Contagious Energy: Highlights from Effervescence DayThere was so much excitement in the air during “Effervescence Day." The EYP 2 students were so passionate and enthusiastic in their presentations that they figuratively shook the ground on which people stood. On this day, the school community came together to marvel at nature’s wonders and how its young minds are able to stretch even beyond.
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Celebrating Creativity and Curiosity: Reflections on a Memorable Event
 Innovate, inspire, and leave indelible marks behind is the role of education as we ponder the memorable moments of “Effervescence Day.” Such events at Ela Green School go beyond just enhancing our academic lives; they also lead us into exploration and discovery far from classrooms. It was a day of honouring creativity, curiosity, and, above all, looking ahead positively.
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Conclusion: Inspiring Tomorrow's Leaders
"The Effervescence Day" celebrated at Ela Green School was more than just a talent show; it emphasised what schools do: make future leaders through learning for life. As we move forward to other occasions and ventures, there is something that is still with us from memories that have been shared in one big celebration of discoveries made.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, 
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 
+91 – 89399 58989 
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elagreenschoolblogs · 2 months
Our Commitment to Sustainability
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At Ela Green School, our aim has always been to provide a transformative educational environment that is beyond traditional education and where students can excel academically, socially, and environmentally. We want a world where learning is not bounded by walls, thus creating compassionate people who are aware of global initiatives. Our vision is to be a beacon of excellence for holistic education and to create learners who are focused on making positive changes in their societies.
The school’s Vision
Ela Green School envisions that, along with education, every child should develop a deep connection with nature and be a socially responsible person contributing to a sustainable environment. Ela Green School aims to enlighten that education and sustainability shape a compassionate and empowered citizen.
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Aims and Objectives
Our objectives are ambitious yet necessary for sustainable development. We plan to cut down carbon emissions by 50% below 2025 levels and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. A yearly report showing progress will be given out every year so as to ensure we remain transparent on our journey towards sustainability.
Detailed Carbon Footprint Analysis for 2023
In 2018, as we began,the school had an insignificant effect on carbon emissions; as we grew,we decided to report the carbon emissions.We use Karbonwise,our sustainability partner,to effectively monitor the CO2 emissions and the outcomes of the carbon emissions report for 2023 are:
Scope 1: Emissions: These include direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by Ela Green School, like fuel sources at site, fugitive emissions, and company vehicles totaling up to 87.8 tCO2e/yr.
Scope 2 Emissions: These pertain to indirect emissions associated with electricity purchased through the State Utility Grid (specifically CO2 emissions from electricity drawn from the grid), estimated at around 56.1 tCO2e/yr.
Scope 3: Emission: indirect emissions within the value chain of Ela Green School in the form of goods and services purchased, business travel, occupant commuting, etc. 8.2 tCO2e/yr for transport, 0.7 tCO2e/yr for business travel; scope three emissions contribute 42.3% to our carbon footprints.
Insights into Our Sustainability Initiatives
Our journey with Karbonwise has been significant in tracking down and reducing our carbon footprint. Ela Green School is proud to be the first school in the world that is LEED Platinum certified under the rating system v4.1 Existing Buildings: Interiors category. Our sustainability initiatives include emission reductions, offsetting emissions, and transparency in reporting. We insist on public transport for our students and staff members; we buy fair trade products; we support small businesses; and we engage with local residents.
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Future Strategies and Goals
In the future, we will keep cutting emissions, establish sustainable practices, and engage with the community on a larger scale. Our forthcoming strategies include holding open days for other schools so that they can learn from us regarding sustainability measures and set specific target levels of performance and report regularly on these parameters of performance.
Ela Green emphasises that sustainability is not just a goal but a lifestyle. We strive to create an environment that promotes environmental consciousness, innovation, and collaboration among us all. Together, we can make today’s society more sustainable so as to prepare it for tomorrow’s generation, who are more resilient than ever before. A journey towards making this place more eco-friendly continues unabatedly; therefore, any partners or thoughts within these lines are welcome by management.
Download the Report
We gladly invite you to look into the details of our sustainability journey. Let's keep working together to make a positive difference for our planet and future generations.
Ela Green School Sustainability Report-2023
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, 
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 
+91 – 89399 58989 
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elagreenschoolblogs · 3 months
Empowering Young Minds: A Look into Elagreen School's Student-Led Conference by Grade PYP-3
At Elagreen School, students are not limited to books and exams; their education is all about making them independent thinkers. The recent student-led conference by the Grade PYP-3 children demonstrated immense growth and talent that will forever remain in people’s memories.
Empowering Students Through Action: A Unique Approach to Learning
We bet that our favourite hobby in May was melting ice cubes in our mouths." This introduction, which is a little strange, sets the tone for the kind of innovative and hands-on learning experiences provided at Elagreen School. The Student-Led conference for PYP-3 students was not just about presentations; it entailed turning ideas into action. Consequently, a number of fun learning activities have been used by students to demonstrate their grasp of concepts and apply them in real-life situations.
From Balloons to Brilliant Minds: Unleashing Creativity and Curiosity
Blowing balloons? So they blew up our minds with their otherworldly research skills and experiments. The PYP-3 students displayed various projects and events indicative of their creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking abilities. Science experiments and art projects were all manifestations of their love for knowledge and exploration.
Parental Involvement and Impactful Interactions
The most significant part of the student-led conference was when the children were interacting with their parents. They realised that they were passionate about learning rather than rote memorization as they presented the assignments together with what they had done in class. On this occasion, the parents couldn’t help being astonished by how confident, well-spoken, and deep their children are on these subjects. As such, it marked a moment of pride for both parties (students’ parents), thus proving the necessity of supportive learning environments.
Lessons Learned and Future Aspirations
The student’s conference did not only show what has been learned but also exposed a growth mindset with resilience among the learners involved. They embraced challenges, learned from mistakes made, and celebrated achievements wholeheartedly. Young learners like these wish to tread where others have not dared go before so as to solve complex problems, thereby making a positive impact on people’s lives.
Conclusion: Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders Today
Elagreen School’s focus on student-centred learning and empowerment can be seen in events such as the Student-Led Conference by Grade PYP-3. This approach allows students to take charge of their learning process and express their ideas with confidence, thereby moulding them into leaders of tomorrow. As we commemorate their successful venture, we hope that they will continue to grow even more victorious in the years ahead.
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Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 3 months
Unleashing the Spirit of Collaboration: Inside the People Jam at Ela Green School
Introduction: Celebrating Unity and Creativity
Creativity and collaboration make the hallways of Ela Green School alive with a buzz. It’s not just about being academically excellent here, but it’s about producing all-rounded individuals who can easily navigate the complexities of life. For instance, People Jam was an event that brought out such spirit of working together.
Learning Through Organization: PYP 4 Students Take Charge
Learning about organization involves understanding how a group of individuals collaborate to accomplish a particular objective. In this instance, PYP 4 students organized a series of games, along with a prize distribution and cultural activities, under the event name "People Jam" on March 4, 2024. This experience provided students with valuable hands-on experience in event organization.
Crafting the Vision: From Concept to Reality
What then is People Jam? It is more than an event; it is a celebration of oneness, creativity and diversity as well. Picture a vibrant circus where laughter fills the air, friends unite to embrace joys that are shared. That is people jamming in short.
Hands-On Learning: The Journey of Growth
However, People Jam did not just offer fun; it also created room for learning experiences that could lead to growth. During various activities planned by students, they improved their leadership skills, understood how important communication and collaboration were as well as appreciated teamwork better than before. Indeed these are lessons that go beyond school’s walls into building blocks for what lies ahead in life.
Celebrating Diversity: Cultural Showcase
The climax of People Jam was the cultural activities, where different students displayed their customs and traditions. From dance presentations to music, it was a festivity of diversity that united individuals from diverse cultures in the spirit of oneness.
Fun and Games: A Carnival of Joy
Oh yes! Not to forget the games we played. People Jam had interesting challenges such as treasure hunts and puzzle-solving for everyone’s liking. The spectators also caught this infection since they can still not stop taking part in the merriment.
Recognition and Pride: Celebrating Achievement
Certainly, no event is complete without appreciation and so was People Jam. Prizes were given to winners at the end of the day for all types of games and contests; though, what mattered most, truly rewarding them all was that each one experienced personal fulfillment by being part of something wonderful.
Conclusion: Memories of Mirth and Fellowship
It was another memorable day at Ela Green School, the laughter and friendship vibrated in the atmosphere. Although People Jam is just a singular event, it will remain significant for a long while. It shows how strong collaboration can be, how enjoyable it is to share experiences, and how amazing diversity is. And yet again at Ela Green School, it’s only one more day in exploration and development.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, 
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 
+91 – 89399 58989 
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elagreenschoolblogs · 3 months
Cultivating Minds: Elagreen School's Unique Approach to Education
Embracing Nature in Education
In a recent interview with the local Tamil magazine "Kungamam Thozhi," Elagreen School's correspondent, Samhitha, shared her thoughts behind the establishment of this unique educational institution.Being an Architect, she had an opportunity to work on Green building project which gave her awareness about the emerging environmental issues and steps needed to be taken for the future generation to have an sustainable environment.She believed that setting up an eco-friendly school will enlighten the future generations about the importance of nature, paving way for the establishment of Elagreen school.
Located around a lush green surroundings, Elagreen School stands apart for the ideology of creating awareness about environmental issues and the need of agriculture through their curriculum. The primary vision of the school is to instill hands-on understanding of the natural world and the processes that sustain it, which relates to the name of school “Ela”- meaning “Earth” in Sanskrit.
Cultivating the Land: From Soil to Table
During the interview, the school's horticulture consultant cum accountant enlightened about Elagreen's agricultural initiatives.The school committee decided that a student should dedicate at least an hour for gardening and cultivation, and has allocated a piece of land within the school premises.The soil is carefully plowed and made fertile organically before the cultivation begins. The students are guided by farmers who share their insights about natural ways of cultivation and harvesting.
Harvesting Knowledge: Lessons in Sustainability
A wide variety of vegetables are cultivated under the guidance of experts.Students have harvested brinjal, bitter gourd, green chillies,broad beans and so on. They have also raised Ragi- a millet crop.While the students enjoy the process,they learn about the importance of preserving nature and leading a sustainable life.As a further step,delicious dishes are prepared in the school’s kitchen with the freshly harvested vegetables from the farm.
This holistic approach not only connects students to the food they eat but also imparts invaluable lessons about the importance of agriculture in sustaining communities and fostering self-sufficiency.
Structured Education: Elagreen's Course Offerings
The Primary Year Programme (grades 1 through 5), the Middle Year Programme (grades 6 through 10), and the Diploma Programme (grades 11 and 12) are the three separate programmes that make up Elagreen's educational paradigm. Every level is thoughtfully created to meet students' developmental needs while including environmental stewardship and sustainability concepts.
Closing Thoughts and Emotions for a Sustainable Future
Elagreen School fosters a generation of learners who are not only academically proficient but also have a strong connection to the natural world by means of this unique fusion of academics and real-world experience. Institutions like Elagreen are guiding lights in an increasingly complex and environmentally delicate future.
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Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, 
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 
+91 – 89399 58989 
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elagreenschoolblogs · 3 months
Ignis House Ignites the Field: A Blaze of Triumph at Elagreen School Sports Day
The Stage is Set
Excitement is building for the much anticipated Sports Day celebration at Elagreen school.A spectacular day of competition and camaraderie is set in motion by the sound of flying flags and enthusiastic cheers. One home stands out as a representation of unyielding resolve and blazing enthusiasm among the lively faces and vivid sea of colours: Team Ignis.
In Pursuit of Mythical Glory: Fantasy vs. Reality
The mythological phoenix rising from its own ashes and childhood dreams of dragons soaring through the heavens are just two examples of how fantastic creatures have long captivated our imaginations. Even while one is aware that such magical creatures are unreal, there's a certain delight in bringing them to life in any way, be it through fantasy films, comic books, or, in this case, competitive sports.
With the tagline "Reborn from the ashes", Team Ignis represents the very essence of mythical animals, and they embrace the blurring of boundaries between truth and fiction when they take the stage to perform. Like the legendary phoenix, they emerge off the field with fresh power and energy.As viewers excitedly anticipate the spectacular performance that is about to emerge, the suspense grows.
The Spectacle Unfolds: A Cloth Drill to Remember
With Team Ignis taking the center stage, all eyes are on them as the cloth drill event gets underway. They carry out their routine with grace and accuracy, their actions coordinated like those of a well-oiled machine. Every curve and twist of the fabric captivates and astounds the audience with a tale of resiliency and victory.
It's a story about the never-ending cycle of life—birth, development, death, and rebirth—rather than merely a performance. As they perform, Team Ignis creates a story that speaks to every viewer and illustrates how all living things are interwoven with the environment. Their performance seems to go beyond the confines of the playground, making an enduring impression on everyone.
Navigating Life's Journey: Lessons from the Field
Team Ignis is becoming better as the day goes on and the contests go on, overcoming obstacles in the sports arena with resiliency and cohesion. Like the erratic voyage of life, they meet challenges head-on, unfazed by failures and motivated by a common will to succeed.
Their relentless dedication to perfection is a reflection of the perseverance needed to manage life's curves. It's similar to bearing with the traffic on an Uber journey; there will inevitably be hiccups and delays, but if you're resilient and determined, you can always make it to your destination.
Conclusion: Leaving a Mark, Igniting Inspiration
Everyone who saw Team Ignis perform had a deep sense of pride in their legacy. Their fiery passion and unshakable dedication to achievement act as a beacon of hope, inspiring us and serving as a constant reminder of the strength of cooperation, tenacity, and the human spirit's capacity to achieve greatness.
Team Ignis epitomizes the age-old notion that anything is achievable with passion, dedication, and a dash of imagination—from childhood imaginations to the realities of sporting competitions. They leave their mark on the field and light a spark of inspiration that burns brightly long after the applause has subsided.
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Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, 
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 
+91 – 89399 58989 
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elagreenblogs · 4 months
Unleashing Creativity: ELA Green School MYP Students Dive into an Inspiring Art Activity
Art can transcend boundaries, ignite imagination, and foster self-expression. At Ela Green School, the Middle Years Programme (MYP) students recently embarked on a thrilling artistic journey, exploring their creativity through a captivating art activity. The initiative not only provided a platform for students to showcase their talents but also highlighted the school's commitment to holistic education.
The Artistic Odyssey:
The art activity at Ela Green School was designed to encourage students to think outside the box and unleash their inner artists. From sketching and painting to sculpting and multimedia art, the activity encompassed a wide range of mediums, allowing students to choose a form that resonated with their interests and strengths.
Themes and Inspiration:
To add an extra layer of depth to the artistic endeavor, students were given specific themes and sources of inspiration. These themes varied, ranging from nature and sustainability to cultural diversity and social justice. This challenged the students to think critically about the world around them and encouraged them to infuse meaning into their artistic creations.
Collaboration and Community:
One of the standout features of the Ela Green School MYP art activity was the emphasis on collaboration. Students were encouraged to work together on larger projects, fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. This collaborative spirit extended beyond the art studio, creating a strong sense of community among the participants.
Integration with the MYP Curriculum:
The art activity seamlessly integrated with the Middle Years Programme curriculum, aligning with the MYP's interdisciplinary approach. Students were able to connect their artistic creations with various academic disciplines, showcasing the interconnectedness of knowledge and skills. This approach not only enriched their understanding of the subjects but also reinforced the idea that creativity knows no boundaries.
Showcasing Talents:
The culmination of the art activity was a grand exhibition where students displayed their masterpieces for the entire school community to admire. The exhibition celebrated the students' creativity and served as a testament to the school's commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals.
Feedback and Reflection:
Following the exhibition, students engaged in a reflective process, discussing their creative journey and receiving feedback from peers and teachers. This reflective practice not only deepened their understanding of the artistic process but also honed their ability to accept constructive criticism and grow from it.
The Ela Green School MYP students' art activity stands as a shining example of how education can go beyond traditional boundaries to cultivate creativity, collaboration, and community spirit. By providing students with a platform to explore and express themselves through art, the school is fostering a generation of innovative thinkers and problem solvers. The art activity serves as a testament to the school's dedication to holistic education, nurturing not only academic excellence but also the creative and expressive potential within each student.
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
+91 – 89399 58989
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elagreenschoolblogs · 7 months
Ela Green School EYP3A Crazy Hair Day 
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What is a crazy hairdo day?
A crazy hairdo day is a day when students are encouraged to come to school with their hair styled in the most creative and outrageous ways possible. It is a fun and silly way to celebrate individuality and self-expression.
Ela Green School EYP3A Crazy Hair Day
Ela Green School recently held a crazy hairdo day for its EYP3A students. The students were encouraged to get creative with their hairdos and come up with something that was truly unique.
There were some amazing hairdos on display, from towering mohawks to intricate braids. Some students even used colorful hair dye to add an extra pop of creativity.
The students had a lot of fun with the crazy hairdo day and it was a great way to show off their personalities.
Here are some of the best hairdos from the day:
A student with a mohawk made out of green hairspray
A student with braids that were woven into a heart shape
A student with hair that was dyed in a rainbow of colors
The crazy hairdo day was a success and the students had a lot of fun.
Here are some of the benefits of crazy hairdo days:
They can help to boost creativity and self-expression.
They can help to build school spirit and camaraderie.
They can be a fun and memorable way to celebrate a special event.
If you are looking for a fun and easy activity to do with your students, then I highly recommend a crazy hairdo day!
In addition to the benefits mentioned above, crazy hairdo days can also be a great way to teach students about the importance of individuality and self-expression.
When students are encouraged to be creative with their hair, they are also learning to be creative in other areas of their lives. They are also learning that it is important to be true to themselves and express themselves in a way that is unique to them.
So, if you are thinking about hosting a crazy hairdo day at your school, I encourage you to go for it! It is a fun and easy activity that can have a positive impact on your students. Contact Us Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District, 603209.
Phone: +91 – 89399 58989Email: [email protected] [email protected]
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elagreenschoolblogs · 7 months
A Radiant Diwali at Ela Green School: Celebrating the Triumph of Light over Darkness
As the vibrant hues of autumn paint our surroundings and the sweet aroma of delicacies fills the air, we at Ela Green School prepare to embrace the joyous festival of Diwali. A celebration of light, hope, and new beginnings, Diwali holds a special significance in Indian culture. It's a time for families to come together, illuminate their homes with lamps and diyas, exchange gifts, and savor the sweetness of life.
At Ela Green School, Diwali is not just a day of festivities; it's an opportunity to instill in our young minds the values that lie at the heart of this ancient tradition. We believe that Diwali is more than just bursting firecrackers and indulging in sweets; it's about dispelling the darkness of ignorance and embracing the illuminating power of knowledge.
This year, our Diwali celebrations will be centered around the theme of 'A Green Diwali for a Brighter Future.' We aim to promote eco-friendly practices and encourage our students to be responsible citizens. We'll be organizing workshops on making natural rangolis, creating eco-friendly diyas, and planting saplings to symbolize our commitment to a greener planet.
Our school premises will be transformed into a wonderland of lights, with colorful lanterns adorning the corridors and diyas casting a warm glow. The air will be filled with the melodious tunes of traditional folk songs, and the aroma of freshly prepared delicacies will entice every passerby.
We invite our students, parents, and the entire community to join us in celebrating this festival of lights. Let us come together to spread the message of peace, harmony, and environmental consciousness. May the radiance of Diwali illuminate our lives and guide us towards a brighter future.
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Diwali Activities at Ela Green School:
Rangoli Making Workshop
Eco-friendly Diya Making Workshop
Tree Plantation Drive
Traditional Folk Dance and Music Performances
Diwali Mela with Stalls Offering Traditional Delicacies and Handicrafts
A Green Diwali Pledge:
I pledge to use eco-friendly diyas and avoid firecrackers that harm the environment.
I pledge to conserve electricity and promote sustainable practices.
I pledge to spread awareness about the importance of a green Diwali.
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Together, let us make this Diwali a beacon of hope, a symbol of unity, and a reminder of our responsibility to protect our environment. Happy Diwali from Ela Green School!
If you’re interested in enrolling your child at Ela Green School, please visit our website or contact us for more information.
Contact Us
Karambur Village, Near Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengalpattu Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
+91–89399 58989
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