#video game boards were notorious for low effort opinions turning discussions into petty bickering and insisting everyone was an enemy
zoobus ยท 2 years
So how is an adult meant to enjoy media, not just consume it? Not simply stare at flashing images while surrounded within a wall of noise? I am asking this as someone who stopped paying attention to anything popular over a decade ago, because I don't experience interest, excitement, or drama similarly to others. (Please note: If your response includes the word "depression" or anything similar I will materialize in your bathroom at 1am and upper deck the toilet, they don't make TV Enjoyer Meds)
What is this ask is reacting to? What you're describing is something I've cried about multiple times on here, so I'm unsure why you would think I have the answer.
I don't know if you're a new follower or what but i don't armchair diagnose strangers or offer generic life advice like get therapy. Pretty offensive that you think I might.
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