incamminoblog · 1 month
La Liturgia di Venerdi 26 Aprile 2024 VANGELO (Gv 14,1-6) Commento:Rev. D. Josep Mª MANRESA Lamarca (Valldoreix, Barcelona, Spagna)In quel tempo, disse Gesù ai suoi discepoli: «Non sia turbato il vostro cuore. Abbiate fede in Dio eabbiate fede anche in me. Nella casa del Padre mio vi sono molte dimore. Se no, vi avrei mai detto: “Vado a prepararvi un posto”? Quando sarò andato e vi avrò preparato…
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canalsart · 9 months
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Avui és notícia nacional que Teresa Laceta, és "Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas" per ser aquesta catalana, pionera des dels anys 70 en l'ús del tèxtil com a forma d'expressió, esborrant el límit entre l'artesania i l'art. Ella en els anys 70 viu a Valldoreix -Sant Cugat- i assisteix durant un temps al taller de "Can Montmany" de Carles Delclaux. Un del molts creadors implicat en la renovació de l'art tèxtil, que neix a la Casa Aymat de Sant Cugat. Aquí és renova aquest art en l'àmbit europeu.
Imatge de la fàbrica Aymat de 1920
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heretoinspire · 1 year
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Design by @alexmarchstudio Photos by @danielschaeferstudio Styling by @erika_g_lee Featured on @maneramagazine (en Valldoreix) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkS-Vro4Ha/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wanderlust23-2022 · 2 years
Traveling alone is Therapeutic
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As an employee with shifting schedule, traveling in between is a way to relieve the stress and burn out. The problem is, when all your friends have the same job as you, traveling together should be planned ahead (but as you know, based on experience, planned travel has a little to none chance of actually fulfilling it). But when you have four days off in a row... What will you do? 
Yes, you heard it right. Travel alone. Some people will wonder why, and I answered, why not? Because why the hell not? At first, I was also skeptical if it is worth trying. But after some uncontrollable events that happened, I decided to give it a go. Let me guide you to my solo tour in Catalunia, Spain.
When I saw my schedule for the month of June, I noticed that I have four days off. Since my friends are either at work or living their life, I decided to travel alone in Spain. After all, I needed some quiet time to think. 
I booked my flight with @ryanair​ from Cologne-Bonn Airport to Barcelona EL Prat (177,48€). Next step would be the roof under my head for three days. I used @booking.com to looked for a hostel. Unfortunately, there was no available hostel in the city at the time of my travel. Then I found one decent B&B Inez in Valldoreix (128,41€). It was far from the city center and I had to travel by train until the last station, but it was quiet and comfortable (complete reviews later). My days of course would not be wasted by sulking, so I booked a lot of activities under @getyourguide​​. And with that, my planning was now complete. 
DAY 1 (June 10,2022) 
My flight was at 16:40 departing from Cologne-Bonn airport. I arrived at the airport a little before 15:00 and the line to the security was already piled up, but they were moving fast. I think I spent at least 30-45 minutes in the line. 
My flight was delayed for about 20 minutes. It was not really strict if you are traveling to a European country from a European country, although you still have to have your passport and visa (for foreigners like me in Germany) then you are good to go. 
I arrived in Barcelona at around 19:00. Since it was already summer time (I mean literally, here in Europe there’s a winter time and summer time, which I still find... strange?😬) Anyway, so 19:00 was like 16:00. The sun was still out, it was still so bright everywhere. I found my way to exchange my voucher for a four-day ticket in Barcelona courtesy of @holabarcelona​ (31€). The tourist office in the airport was really helpful, he even gave me a map and pointed my next destination and how I would arrive there. At first I got lost on finding where the train station was. I asked again but some of them couldn´t speak English, and I couldn’t speak Spanish, so yeah. I kept circling the airport and I refused to get a taxi. 😂 Eventually, I found my way to the train station.  
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I travelled from airport to Pl. Catalunya, then from there another train (S1/S2) to Valdoreix (9 stops). From Valdoreix, it was either you walk or take the bus, which was not covered by the ticket. But since I was a one ass lazy girl, I decided to take a bus, in which I didn’t regret! There were lots of going up in a steep hill. After 6 stops, I arrived at the site of my sleep. It was hard to find it at first because the name of the hostel is a little small. I arrived at around 23:00. I booked one room with 2 beds (because there is no other available anymore). The place was quiet and clean. There was a common toilet and shower for girls and boys, a common area with television, kitchen, fridge (you can put your foods). I didn’t have a picture of the place because I forgot to take one 🙄. 
In the morning, I woke up early for my first agenda, I walked from the hostel to the train station for about 18 mins. I like to think of it as an early morning exercise. 
DAY 2 (June 11,2022)
Barcelona is the capital and largest city of Catalonia, also the most crowded  municipality of Spain.
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I arrived on my first agenda of the day at around 8:00. It is too early so I decided to eat my breakfast. You cannot start your day without coffee. I forgot the name of the restaurant 😬
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The beautiful @sagradafamilia (31,60€ + access to Nativity facade tower). Sagrada Familia is an unfinished minor Basilica located in Barcelona. I thought there will be a guided tour. My tour guide should be my phone, I downloaded the Sagrada app to hear the story of the church, but it was not working. The very helpful staff from the church said it is a common problem by booking over third parties. She then gave me a telephone-like device to listen to the history. The details in the church is really fascinating, that it left me in awe.
The Nativity facade
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It is truly a work of art. It is still not finished, so tourists actually help them to finish this masterpiece. 
The Passion facade
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Judas´ kiss to the Lord as a betrayal. The number at the back is called “the Magic Square of 33”. Once you add any 4 numbers, the total would be 33, the age of Jesus when he was crucified. 
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Inside of Sagrada Familia:
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The Sagrada when finished. 
That conclude my stroll of the Sagrada Familia. 
I then consulted Mr. Google for my lunch. I found a Filipino restaurant nearby, called Isla Negra located at  Carrer de Sepúlveda, 159, 08011 Barcelona, Spain. Check them out.
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I ordered a barbecue with lechon kawali and fried rice with egg. Delicioso.
After my sumptuous lunch, off to my next stop. 
Park Güell
Fun fact: the Taiwanese version Meteor Garden shot a scene here at the park! 
If you like nature, this place is for you. I suggest to allot the whole day to explore the park, so you can enjoy. Better if you bring a cap/hat and sun block, it is really hot there. 
From Gaudi and Güell (10€)
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That conclude my 2 days in Barcelona. See you on my next post!
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elarafritzenwalden · 4 years
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'Casa Estévez', single family house Valldoreix, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain; 1983-84
José Antonio Martínez Lapeña
see map | more information
via "COAM Arquitectura" 262 (1986)
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saxonara · 5 years
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Aquesta nit toco 🎷al rooftop del Hotel Olympus Palace de #Salou 🌴. • I diumenge de Sant Joan 🎉 toca festa privada a #Valldoreix 🙂. • 🇬🇧 Tonight I'll be playing 🎷 at the rooftop 🍸 of @summitolympuspalace in 📍 Salou starting at 10pm, Saturday I'll just lay by the beach 😎 and Sunday at a private #party near #Barcelona. • Si todavía no has visto mi última grabación de la canción Thinking Out Loud de Ed Sheeran en #Ibiza, va a 👉 https://youtu.be/kmI5E7L1LcE • La foto es del Mas Gallau ( @masgallau ) en #Cambrils, os gusta 😍? . . . https://www.saxonara.com #SaxOnAra #ArnaldPedros #barcelonawedding #destinationweddingbarcelona #weddingspain #WeddingSax #saxofonistabarcelona #saxofonistamadrid #saxofonistaibiza #SaxphonistIbiza #IbizaWedding #SaxophonePlayer #WeddingTarragona #Tarragona #LiveSaxophone #saxofonistaprofesional #saxofonistaparabodas #saxofonistaparaeventos #SaxDJ #saxofon #saxofonista #saxophone #saxophonist (at Mas Gallau) https://www.instagram.com/p/By-L84toPP2/?igshid=19g2jtbgf9jsv
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segurpricat · 2 years
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#Valldoreix #catalunya #esplaisingle2022 (en Valldoreix, Cataluna, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZpVmcXqT4b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rwprensa · 2 years
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johndiazmartinez · 3 years
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Valldoreix Town. Barcelona, Spain, 2021. #valldoreix #barcelona #spain #nightphotography #church #streetphotography #streetphoto #streetview #streetportrait #streetphotographers #ig_street #streetleaks #wearethestreet #friendsinperson #ourstreets #streetdreamsmag #storyofthestreet #sdmfeatures #lensculturestreets  #streets_storytelling #photoobserve #ordinaryday (at Valldoreix, Cataluna, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSZStC8jSN2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Serrallers #barcelona recordeu “Tancar amb clau i evitar panys, que es poden fer bumpin com als bombins, i evitar panys que es poden obrir amb gansua, i els lladres ho tenen ben fotut amb aquets panys.” #Gurb #HospitaletdeLlobregat #LaAmetlladelValles #LaGarriga #LaLlagosta #LaPalmadeCervello #LaRocadelValles #LesMasiesdeVoltrega #LesPlanesBarcelona #LaFlorestaBarcelona #Valldoreix #Mirasol #SoliAireBarcelona #LaVirreinaBarcelona #MasRamBarcelona #LliçadAmunt #LliçadeVall #MalgratdeMar #Manlleu #Manresa #locksmith https://rapidtecnic.com (en Playa De La Barceloneta, Barcelone)
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incamminoblog · 7 months
Liturgia di Mercoledì 15 Novembre 2023  Vangelo Lc 17,11-19 Commento:P. Conrad J. MARTÍ i Martí OFM (Valldoreix, Barcelona, Spagna) Lungo il cammino verso Gerusalemme, Gesù attraversava la Samarìa e la Galilea.Entrando in un villaggio, gli vennero incontro dieci lebbrosi, che si fermarono a distanza e dissero ad alta voce: «Gesù, maestro, abbi pietà di noi!». Appena li vide, Gesù disse loro:…
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canalsart · 9 months
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Primícia informativa per l'ajuntament de Sant Cugat i els mitjans informatius locals
Sant Cugat terra d'artistes
A Sant Cugat renovació i transformació de l'art tèxtil europeu.
La història de l'art contemporani del continent parla, de la importància de la Casa Aymat de Sant Cugat a partir dels anys vint, amb la introducció de nou a Catalunya de l'art tèxtil. I la posterior evolució a finals dels anys cinquanta d'aquesta art, amb la creació en la mateixa manufactura de l'Escola Catalana de Tapís, propiciat per als mecenes Mercè Viñas i Miquel Samaranch. Ells són els mecenes de la transforma l'art del tapís en nou conceptes de textures i relleus, i la implicació dels més destacats artistes del moment amb Sant Cugat.
L'últim director del centre fou Carles Delclaux, que paral·lelament tenia instal·lats un talles de tapisseria a ho feia les seves creacions i donava classes a la masia de "Can Montmany" a Valldoreix –Sant Cugat-
Avui Delclaux es notícia, ja que va ser metre tèxtil durant un temps de Teresa Lanceta en l'any 1974. –Avui ella es " Premio Nacional de artes plasticas 2023" - En aquell temps l'avui premiada artista vivia a Valldoreix –Sant Cugat amb el també reconegut artista Lluís Claramunt.
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extracam · 4 years
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Instalación y cambio de extractor 400/2he instalación de conducto EI30#extracam#wall57#valldoreix#extracciondehumos#extractor#cocinasindustriales. (en WALL 57) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBMHQsZhiv1/?igshid=1h8yygy81dvxr
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elarafritzenwalden · 5 years
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The face of the architect ~ Francesc de P. Cardoner Blanch
Monument to Ramon Escayola Villaró, former mayor of Valldoreix Valldoreix, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain; 1968
see map | more information 1, 2, 3
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rent24 · 4 years
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Espectacular casa en venta en Valldoreix🏠😍 Chalet a cuatro vientos de 270m2 de vivienda en tres plantas, más de 65m2 de terraza solárium privado, orientada al sur, sol todo el dia. Terreno de 542m2 con entrada, jardín, piscina, barra caribeña, porche con salón y comedor todo exterior. 🏠790.000€ #rent24 #santcugat #casa #rent24inmobiliaria #valldoreix #casaenventa #casasdelujo #realestate #luxuryhomes #vallesoccidental #inmobiliaria #altostanding (en Valldoreix, Cataluna, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9weKUToHvS/?igshid=1s7ydlj57czrt
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aes64 · 5 years
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#ermitadelasalut #papiol #valldoreix (en El Papiol) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt_C7ykAd_H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10jz1lo6sm04c
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