#v; blood sacrifices (TVD/TO)
criesblood · 4 years
; I’ve been working on some sub-verses and some AU verses for Mary, you can find them HERE ! Anyone is free to request them when you like a starter call or send me a meme, or plot with me! ooor honestly just toss them at me if you write me a starter! They include verses for Harry Potter, historical/legendary/epic settings, The Vampire Diaries/The Originals, The Hundred, Bates Motel, a college verse, The Following and a Heroes/Marvel/DC/etc verse. She is still Bloody Mary, the spirit, in all of them, but there are twists. I still want to have an OUAT verse, maybe a pirate verse and a few others, but these will come later.
The verses are under the cut for my own reference but if you wanna check them out you should go HERE because I have more pretty icons there and you should appreciate them haha!
v; slithering through mirrors (Hogwarts)
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Mary Worthington was a 5th year Slytherin student at Hogwarts, but something had changed by the time 6th year started. Her friends and other students could tell something was off-- Mary was skipping a lot of classes and sometimes her eyes would spontaneously bleed. The professors didn’t acknowledge it or brushed it off, but they added a mysterious mirror to the Slytherin girls’ dormitory; they knew what happened. Mary kept it a secret from everybody else but the truth was she was dead now. Murdered during the summer between 5th and 6th year, her restless, vengeful spirit attached itself to a mirror. The magical energy surrounding Hogwarts helps her stay corporeal and out of the mirror (though she can still be summoned too), and the legend of Bloody Mary has yet to spread. Who killed her, how she died and the mythology behind the mirror, the summoning, the killing etc are exactly like in Mary’s main verse, but she is a born witch here; no demonic deals needed. Also note she is eternally sixteen in this verse, the only verse where she is underage.
v; the legend of the dead witch (historical) 
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Not a fandom-specific verse but geared toward anything that as a mythological, legendary, epic, historical or fairytale vibe. Mary Worthington was a well known powerful witch, who traveled between kingdoms and used her abilities to help others, often staying in kingly courts or powerful covens. She gained her magic not through a demonic deal but through a deal with one of the Fae, a member of the Seelie Court (the fae’s identity is thread-dependent!), who favored Mary due to her open heart and closeness with nature. Her powers are mostly relating to working with the elements, healing, glamours and of course using herbs, but can wander into darker territories if necessary. Her fame granted her many admirers but not all were convinced; some feared and were threatened by anyone who possessed magic. It was one such man who wounded her with iron (a weakness inherited from her Fae patron) and murdered her while her magic was bound. He gouged out her eyes and she tried to write a blood spell on the mirror, but couldn’t finish it before succumbing to her injuries. Perhaps it was a combination of the Fae folk watching over her, her half-done ritual on the mirror and the anger and trauma of the murder that brought her back to life, as the vengeful ghost of Bloody Mary (the summoning/killing rules are the same as in her main verse!). But instead of fading into being thought of as a myth, she made sure everyone knew she was still around, murdering those that kept murderous secrets and even innocents if they didn’t summon her correctly. She maintained her presence on the courts and covens, still trying to use her powers for good whenever she could, and her fame only grew.
v; blood sacrifices (TVD/TO)
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When a witch dies with vampire blood in her system, she loses her magic and ceases being a witch; everyone knows that. But what happens if a soul that is to become a restless, vengeful spirit has vampire blood inside her upon her death? Something weird, and Bloody Mary is proof of it. Her backstory in this verse is the same as her main verse, up until the murder and attempt to write the killer’s name on a mirror. She died and was brought back to life because of the vampire blood in her system, given to her by a friend who knew a killer was after her. Mary didn’t want to live like that, so she refused to feed and died again, peacefully. That should’ve been the end, but the anger and trauma of the murder and the injustice that the murderer was never caught brought her back as the vengeful spirit known as Bloody Mary, same as the main verse. The difference is, something of the vampiric blood still affected her: she grew fangs and could sustain herself by drinking blood. Unlike a vampire, she doesn’t need to feed (she is still a ghost, after all), but whenever she’s out of the mirror, in corporeal form, she can increase the length of time she’s free by consuming the vital life energy contained in blood. Hearing that Mystic Falls and New Orleans are hotbeds of supernatural activity, she traveled to those locations in search of something that could free her from mirrors and end the curse of the bloody Mary once and for all. [Please note that her strengths and weaknesses remain that of a ghost, not a vampire. Her eyes flash red and fangs grow when she feeds and that’s about all the vampiric you get from her!]
v; space pocket mirror (The 100)
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Mary Worthington was 21 when she lived on the Ark. There was a little girl she cared for like she was her own sister, and the girl got sick. Instead of a demonic deal for witchy powers like on her main verse, in this verse Mary’s solution was much more mundane. She stole antibiotics and saved the girl, but she got caught. Arrested, and floated. Her mother watched, and cried, clutching a pocket mirror Mary had given her as a way to remain close to her family in the afterlife. The last thing Mary saw as she drifted into space was this blinding light that hurt her eyes, and then she was dead. And then she was back--- kind of, thanks to the anger over her death sentence being unfair, and seeing her mother’s grief. Mary’s spirit was stuck inside the mirror now, bloody tears coming from her eyes, the only way to free her was with a surge of energy...which she didn’t know about. When The 100 were sent down to Earth, someone took the mirror too, unknowingly bringing Bloody Mary along for the ride and separating her from her family again. The violence freed her from her prison (the mirror/summoning rules are the same as her main verse) and a girl that lived her whole life in space has to learn to adapt to living on a nearly empty Earth, among nature and enemies.
v; the eyes are the windows to the soul (The Following)
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I’ve yet to come across any muses from TF, but a girl can hope (this verse works well with any police investigation type of universe, anyway!) With Mary’s canon death involving her eyes being gouged out, and Joe Carroll’s canon MO being exactly that, the verse kind of wrote itself. Mary was a modern day witch, pursuing an English degree at Winslow University, Virginia, right around the time the Virginia Campus Murders started . Nobody suspected the rather well-liked (and Edgar Allan Poe obsessed, thus equating beauty with death) literature professor, Joe Carroll, of being a serial killer. Unfortunately for Mary, she fit his victim profile to a T, and he killed her. Drawing her last breaths, she wrote the letter J on a mirror, attempting to write the name of the killer, but she died before finishing. Several other female students would still be murdered before FBI agent Ryan Hardy apprehended Joe. The traumatic death and the anger at the injustice kept Mary’s spirit trapped in mirrors, and from that point on everything is the same as her main verse, with one addition: when the cult of Joe emerged she did her best to work with the police to find them, but only very few people within the task force knew one of Joe’s victims had returned as a ghost.
v; peering through a broken mirror (Bates Motel)
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A sub-verse that is part of her main verse, started as a thing between me and ofwrittenschemes’ Norman but open to anyone that wants to interact within this setting! Everything is the same as the main verse up until two girls who are staying at the Bates Motel decide to play the Bloody Mary game, summoning Mary who has no choice but to kill them. Just as the now-corporeal ghost stepped out of the mirror, motel manager Norman came into the room and Mary had to quickly pretend that she was a victim too, the only survivor of a paranormal attack. Little does she know that Norman is hiding something too. Now Mary is staying in White Pine Bay, a small town with a history of crime, conspiracies and mob wars, and the pair have some crimes to cover up, some crimes to try and solve, and they have to decide whether to trust each other with their secrets or not. At least until Mary’s time is up and she’s swept back into the mirror.
v; haunted sorority house (college)
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Also a sub-verse that is part of her main verse, meaning everything is the same up until she is summoned by some college boys playing the Bloody Mary game. They die, the energy lets her loose on campus, where curiosity and a desire to live a normal life make her decide to stay and blend in, pretending to be a student with an undeclared major. She even manages to rush a sorority, all while keeping her ghostly identity a secret from most.
v; vengeful vigilante (Heroes/DC/Marvel)
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Also a sub-verse that is part of her main verse, meaning everything is the same up until the rise of superheroes and supervillains. The wave of vigilante crime fighting resonates with Mary, who decides to put her supernatural skills to good use whenever she’s out of the mirror and learns how to physically fight too. She finds those guilty of murder and gets them arrested or, sometimes, killed. Whenever she’s out crime fighting she wears black, ties her hair up and often times she’s crying blood; Mary doesn’t bother with a mask because she can’t be caught or found anyway--- she lives in mirrors and is a spirit that died centuries ago. She goes by Blood Tears, but many people refer to her as Bloody Mary because she ‘reminds them of the urban legend’, not realizing she is, in fact, the urban legend. They usually assume she’s some kind of metahuman/evo/mutant that can travel through mirrors and/or control blood. She’s not a hero, she’s an antihero who is not above murder and petty crimes if they help her stop other killers.
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high-supernatural · 3 years
Kai Parker x Female Reader/Character
Word Count: 2136
Warnings: typical tvd themes, S.Assault mentions/details, sex scene, they cut each other’s hands again
Summary: V finds a way to figure out what she is but it involves a sex ritual, Kai volunteers... sort of.
***since y’all like the one shots better than the series, I’m gonna write one shots for female readers under the name V for what I would’ve/will write in the series... read the series masterlist for any of this to make sense, lol***
As the weeks went on, V and Kai basically went back to normal. Kai was a little more stand-offish with pushing physical boundaries even though he knew that V didn’t know the real story.
She went back to obsessing over reading occult books to figure out why she had the abilities she was born with while they both spent their days watching movies while she recovered.
A month had passed until she found something.
Kai had been sitting on the couch as she sat at the desk, “Kai, I think I finally found something,” she said lost in thought.
“What’s the theory?”
“Well, it’s not a theory, it’s a method to see for myself, it’s like an astral projection,” she read, “it says ‘what is needed for a ritual to success is two negatively charged vibrations, energy in the form of a black flame, this symbol, and a mix of the two souls,’”
“Again, in English,” Kai sassed.
V let out a sigh, “it’s basic sex magic,” Kai’s eyes widened, and he looked away from her direction, “I spent all this energy searching and I could’ve found out through a basic sex magic ritual,” she sat back in her chair mildly disappointed in herself.
“Yeah, now all you have to do is trick somebody into some freaky sex romp,” he mumbled.
She paused before asking, “would I have to trick you?”
He looked back over at her with light eyes unsure of what to say, so she asked again with more infliction, “would I have to trick you?”
Kai stumbled on his words, “uh, I—, uh…”
V got up from the desk and went to sit by him, “awh, are you nervous,” she teasingly asked.
“No… it’s just, why me?”
“You’re a witch, you know the game, you’re probably the only one who won’t freak out about being proposed some sex magic sacrifice,” V looked at him for a second, “so would you,” she placed her hand on his forearm.
“What would we have to do?” he asked.
“It says to lay the symbol on the ground big enough for the two people, light a few black candles, say some words, mix a bit of our blood together… then get to it and close our eyes, supposedly it’s supposed to let both of us see into our souls.”
“What if it doesn’t work?” Kai questioned. He felt uneasy with the idea, knowing that she wouldn’t even be worrying about this stuff if she had known the real story of what had happened weeks before.
“Then I guess you have a new ‘date from hell’ story to tell,” she smiled.
She knew he was nervous because he never asked so many questions. She figured it was the same emotions you get on a first date, jittery, clammy hands… so they decided to head to the store and come back with supplies.
V laid down a sheet on the floor and spray painted the symbol onto it so it had some time to dry. Kai stood and watcher her silently until she noticed him, “what,” she asked smiling, “nothing,” he looked away and sat down to get everything else out of the bag.
She sat the can down on the dresser and sat by him, noticing he was avoiding looking at her when she could see him.
“Why you so nervous,” she asked, “are you a virgin or something?”
His eyes twitched open wider, not expecting her to be so blunt with the question, “I mean, I’m sure there’s another way to do this,” he started.
“So you are,” she teased, nudging his arm playfully.
“I just don’t want you to regret anything,” he looked down.
“Why would I? If it doesn’t work then we saw each other naked, not a big deal. If it does work then I might have any sort of clue about what I am, I think it’s worth it, but if you don’t want to…” Kai interrupted, “no, I do if you do… I’m just nervous I guess,” he trailed.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” she asked.
“There’s nothing to talk about,” he muttered and scooted closer to her, trailing his fingers up his arm to cup her cheek, gazing down into her eyes in a way that made her feel like she was experiencing love for the first time all over again.
“You should kiss me for doing this for you though,” he whispered.
Her breath was too taken away for her to respond with words, instead choosing to close the gap between them with a passionate kiss lasting a minute before pulling away.
“Let’s do this,” Kai said, breaking the silence.
V got up and arranged the candles in their appropriate spots before lighting them.
She leaned to grab Kai’s hand and pull him slightly, “ok, now get on the symbol and say the words.”
They stood in front of each other holding hands repeating the chant before they both lowered to sit on their knees.
“Now I cut your hand and you cut mine,” V spoke softly before cutting Kai’s hand and giving him the knife to cut hers.
She interlocked their fingers, “say the words again,” they looked into each other’s eyes and spoke, feeling the energy in the room shift as the candle flames blew rapidly.
“We both have to be 100% naked, by the way,” she teased as if she left that part out before her smirk went away and she pulled him into another kiss.
Her hand slid up his shirt to feel his chest and signal for him to remove it before it trailed down to his belt to unbuckle it.
Kai rested his hand respectfully on her knee with the other on her arm that cupped his face. He avoided telling her he was a virgin earlier when she asked, thinking she’d find somebody else like he had suggested. His whole body felt on fire waiting for her to tell him what to do.
She guided his hand that was on her knee to above her shorts for him to unbutton before guiding him to lay down.
He watched attentively as she slid out of her shorts on her way to placing both legs on either side of his, straddling him.
Again, he waited for her to tell him what to do. She leaned down to kiss him for a small moment before moving her lips to his neck, guiding his hand up the side of her thigh and the other up the front of her other thigh.
V took her lips from his neck and sat up to remove her sweatshirt, exposing that she hadn’t been wearing anything underneath it. Now Kai truly felt on fire, as if he was experiencing love for the first time like she did when he kissed her. He didn’t wait for her to guide him before he trailed his hand up her torso, leaving the other one to squeeze that curve where the hip meets the thigh.
His eyes were glued to her breasts until his hand grazed across one and up to her neck, pulling her back down to kiss him and finding one hand in her hair as the other explored her back and thigh.
Her hand reached down his stomach and into his unbuckled pants to feel him through the fabric of his boxers as her lips moved to nibble his ear and kiss down his neck again.
Kai unintentionally squeezed the parts where his hands laid when she moved her hand underneath his boxers and took him into her hand, pumping at an extremely slow pace before he pulled his pants down so he was fully exposed.
The tenseness in his body and expression of desperation on his face grew more evident when she sat up with her hands on his chest and grinded her core onto his with the pressure of a feather. He squeezed her arms again, “relax,” she whispered, trailing her fingers from his biceps to his hands, interlocking them after pushing them to rest above his head and leaning to kiss him again.
For the first time in a long time, Kai was frozen without knowing what to do in a situation. He was letting her take control.
V slid her panties to the side and aligned them before sliding all the way down onto him, placing her hand back onto his.
“You good?” is the last thing Kai heard before she started slowly bouncing up and down onto him.
After that, neither of them was in the room their bodies were in. They awoke out of their bodies in a forest place that was comfortably and eerily dark at the same time. Kai looked at her before he realized she wasn’t next to him anymore.
He called out her name with no response before seeing a large shadow dart across the room from the corner of his eye. He followed it and was met with a large gold-trimmed mirror leaning against a tree. There was something off about the mirror. He gazed into it, trying to make out what was so different about the way he looked before a large, frightening creature popped into the mirror.
Kai jumped back and stared at it. It had a large animal skull for a head with large, gnarly teeth and huge antlers, its body was covered from the neck down in a cloak, and its hands were shaped like a human’s hands, but they were discolored with long, sharp nails.
He looked at this creature in awe before it whispered in distorted breaths, “you…the chosen pair…”
Kai spoke anxiously, “what? What do you mean? What are you talking about?” He had never encountered anything like this, especially not this size.
The creature let out another distorted whisper and grabbed him, “protect her,” it said intimidatingly.
Kai and V both woke back in their bodies, out of breath and not in the positions they started in. Kai was now on top of her, and they were moaning like it was the last time they’d ever see each other as they both orgasmed at the same time before processing what they saw on the other side.
V threw her head back, digging her nails into Kai’s hair as he buried his face in her neck and rode them both out.
Before either of them had come down, V spoke frantically, “what the fuck was that” she pulled his face to look at her, “did you see that?!” in reference to the other side.
She stood up before Kai could get off her and put her sweatshirt on to sit at the desk and open her laptop. Kai sighed and pulled his pants and boxers back up before walking over to her.
“We’ve been gone for an hour and a half…” she said.
“No way, that had to have been five minutes, tops,” he responded dumbfounded.
“Check the time… an hour and a half on the dot…” she paused to analyze his puzzled facial expressions, “Kai what did you see?”
He scratched the back of his head, “I uh… we were in this forest,” she watched him attentively, “it was pretty dark, you disappeared, then I saw this gold mirror and this creature stood in it,” she interrupted him, “what did it look like?”
She started typing to document what they had seen, “it had an animal head with horns, wearing a black cloak, long hands…it was gigantic…” she interrupted again, typing without looking at him, “did it say anything?”
“It said something about me, then it said, ‘chosen pair’, and told me ‘protect her’,” he imitated the creepy way it spoke.
V glanced up at him and said nothing before looking back at her screen to type.
Kai sat at the desk across from her, “anyways, what’d you see,” he asked.
She glanced at him before typing again, “I don’t know. It all looked like a bad acid trip. One minute I was standing next to you…” she stopped and looked at him again before closing her laptop screen so she could see his full face, “it told you chosen pair?”
Kai shook his head, and she squinted her eyes in confusion and wonder, “did you look at me before we lost each other?” Kai shook his head no.
“We had a tie to each other… like a…” she struggled to find her words, so she drew a picture instead, “like this… it was like a red chord that extended into both of our chests… and then right after I saw it, something took me through like a tour of the matrix of the universe…” she explained.
Kai looked at her like she was actually on acid now. “It told me I could control all of it, then I came back…”
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inkdreamt · 6 years
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Lilly Holloway
(for v: always and forever.  Because this verse is so different from her other verses, it gets its own)
Bold for what applies totally to your muse, italic for what applies in some circumstances / some verses (or for what applies but your muse wouldn’t like to admit it). Repost!
brand new snow boots. the girl next door. windowsill flowers. skating on the pond. the beauty of a snowflake. a sharp pain in your eye. a broken mirror. frosted windows. a sudden difference in a loved one. ice-cold lips upon your forehead. a pale hand against the glass. frozen flowers. the depths of midwinter. offering a sacrifice. deep, cold water. a flower garden. an unexplainable feeling of something being missing. dreaming of love. soft silk. summer air. desperate escape from a castle. a friendly raven. autumn leaves falling all around you. a knife pressed against your cheek. running for your life as time runs out. northern lights gleaming overhead. an impossible puzzle to decipher. winter passing, to become spring. seeing the world through whole new eyes.
desperately longing for a child. a drop of blood in the snow. a heartfelt wish. loss of a mother at a very young age. uncertainty and foreboding at a grand occasion. sweet singing echoing around castle walls. white doves. a terrible enemy in the guise of a friend or family member. hair as black as ebony. skin as white as snow. lips as red as blood.a practitioner of darker magic. bitter vanity. an arrow in the dark. the heart of a deer. running terrified into a dark forest.depending on the kindness of strangers. a magic mirror. an apple fallen from a pale hand. a slumber like death. a glass coffin in the middle of a wood. all the king’s horses, all the king’s men. true love’s first kiss. the sense of contentment that comes with justice having been served to a terrible person.
a blessed childhood. a kindly heart. little mice in the walls. bluebirds. sweet and pleasant dreaming. a lifetime of scorn from your own family. being treated like a servant. invitation to a fabulous ball. barely daring to be excited. a gown ripped to shreds. crying in the courtyard.white horses. a lizard in the grass. coach and footmen. glass slippers. eyes meeting across a crowded room. the first dance with the one you love. your heart feeling like it is bursting with joy. walking arm in arm with a beloved one. a wonderful evening. the first blossom of love. the stroke of midnight. a desperate rush to be home. a secret underneath a loose floorboard.smashed glass, hopes shattered. the happiness that comes with finally having been seen for whom you truly are.
the shimmering ocean floor. brilliant blooming coral. fish with bright and shiny scales. the figurehead of a ship. sea-spray striking your face. the wind rustling in your hair on the top deck. a violent and vigorous thunderstorm. heart pounding with mingled terror and excitement. strange ripples on the water’s surface. love at first sight. a desperate bargain struck. your legs trembling as you try to walk. a terrible ache in your feet like blades with every step you take. the softness of the sand. an unrequited longing. the heartbreak that comes with seeing the one you love walking arm in arm with another. a blade held tightly in your hand. a kiss pressed to your sleeping lover’s forehead. loving another more than you love yourself. unbearable suffering.sea-foam drifting on the surface of the ocean.
a desperate craving for something which cannot be satisfied by anything else. being caught in the act of doing something criminal. making a bargain for the sake of another person’s welfare. a tall stone tower in the center of a forest. sweet singing from a window far above you. gently running a brush through your long hair. an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night. the bittersweet joy that comes with experiencing tenderness that you have never known before. cruel eyes watching from the shadows. pleading for another’s life. breaking the rules in order to prevent something terrible from happening, even though you’re frightened.finding someone beloved and long thought lost, and holding them tightly. your hand clasped tightly in the hand of another. knowing that you’re safe at last, as long as you’re together.
tagged by: @inkfated, figured I would do it for her tvd/originals verse since i just asked for one from you, lol tagging: @auradonsxking, @bellemeansbeauty, @handsomeyoungprince, @kingoftheneverwoods, @makochosen, @redemptivexheroics, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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deceptivemorals · 3 years
After Elijah left New Orleans (~ after 1x08 of The Originals), he decided to move to Europe and found a home in France [location can be carried but it's NOT New Orleans]. He stays in contact with his family through Rebekah but is not involved in family matters beyond that as he decided it's best to stay away.
⚜ v: an adventure of his own ▬ main
The Sacrifice // TVD S2:
After Elijah learned that Klaus has thrown their daggered siblings in the ocean, hence having sealed their fate for eternity, Elijah swore to avenge his siblings by killing Klaus. Because of this, he's keen on finding the doppelgänger before Klaus does, ultimately planning to sabotage the sacrifice to take advantage of the only opportunity in which Klaus is weak enough to take revenge.
⚜ v: the sacrifice
Linked As One // TVD S3:
After Esther's return, Elijah questions her intentions, unlike his other siblings. Unknown to them, their mother plans on killing them by linking them all together with the help of Elena's blood. Because of the link, if one thing happens to either of the siblings, it will happen to the others as well. Elijah tries to find a way to undo this.
⚜ v: linked as one
The Cure // TVD S4
Through Katherine Pierce, the existence of a cure against vampirism came to Elijah's attention. Knowing the potential danger such a cure would bring with it, Elijah teamed up with Katherine to secure it and bring it into his possession. However, his initial mission starts to become difficult after both of his siblings desired the cure for different reasons themselves. Elijah isn't yet aware of Kol's death.
⚜ v: the cure
An Unexpected Chance // TO S1 (canon divergent)
After Elijah learned from Rebekah that Klaus has gone to New Orleans to find out who is plotting against him, Elijah decided to follow him although he’s hasn’t yet decided if he stops or helps them. In New Orleans, Elijah learns that Marcel, the former protegée of his brother, is still alive & acts as the leader of the city as well as that werewolf Hayley is pregnant with Klaus’ child. Please note that this verse is canon divergent. Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: an unexpected chance ▬ to s1
A Piece of Dark Magic // TO S4 & S5 (very canon divergent)
Elijah returns to New Orleans for the first time in years after being asked to help in his family's fight to save Hope from the Hollow. Despite having never met Hope in person, he's willing to hold a piece of the Hollow's spirit in order to save his niece. Elijah thinks he's aware of the consequences of that spell, although he only starts to really realize it after the spell is done. The knowledge of never being able to see his siblings again leaves Elijah stunned and he promises to himself that this hasn't been a goodbye forever.
Please note that this verse is very canon divergent. Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: a piece of dark magic ▬ to s4/5 
The Sun Also Rises // Post TO Season 5
Despite his best attempts, Elijah hadn’t been able to convince Klaus that they could find another way that doesn’t involve his death in order to defeat the Hollow. Elijah is there for Hope and is regularly in contact with her.  Elijah hopes there’s a way to bring Klaus back eventually and helps Freya in finding a way to do so.
Please take a look at this page for more details.
⚜ v: the sun also rises ▬ post to
Heart of Darkness // TVD S2+ AU
Elijah kills Klaus in the finale of TVD S2 just as he had planned because he doesn’t believe Klaus’ words.
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: heart of darkness ▬ tvd s2+ au 
Facing Death // TVD S3 AU
Instead of Finn, Elijah is the first Original who gets stabbed with the White Oak Stake in TVD s3. They missed his heart and he managed to get away but there are still remaining splitters that are dangerously close to his heart.
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details. 
⚜ v: facing death ▬ tvd s3 au
What Will Be Left // Amnestic AU
Elijah’s brain got frozen because of a spell that went wrong or because something or someone is channeling him. Because of this, Elijah suffers from a (temporary) amnesia. He has no memory of who he is, though he has a slight idea of what he is.
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
⚜ v: what will be left ▬ amnestic au
Viking (human):
Because of their Viking heritage, Mikael made sure to make a warrior out of his second-oldest son Elijah. The training was harsh and without merci but Elijah developed into a skilled swordsman. Despite having the skills to kill, however, Elijah is not sure if he could kill a human.
⚜ v: viking
For all the 1492 things.
⚜ v: into the past ▬ 1492
Twilight AU
Please take a look at this page that contains all the details.
v: tba
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survivingpierce · 4 years
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Table Of Contents
Main Verse (post Season 4)
Canon TVD verses (Season 2-4)
Human (present time, canon divergent Season 5)
Human (past time // 1490s)
The Originals (past season 4 of TVD // The Originals Storyline)
New Orleans ( (canon) majorly divergent Season 5 of TVD)
Katherine’s Ghost Verse (post 5x11, divergent)
Katherine’s Hallucination Verse
Amnestic (canon divergent season 4/5)
Human Katherine AU (a world without supernatural beings)
Katerina // 1492 AU
Viking Age AU
Dark Katherine AU (canon divergent season 4/5, post 5x15)
Main (post Season 4)
Based on season 1-4 but Katherine wasn't force-fed the cure.
After Elijah left & Bonnie didn't get her the promisde immortalitly, Katherine left Mystic Falls behind and travelled to Europe. Thus she didn't participate in any of the season 5-8 drama.
She's enjoying her life right now, because Klaus is busy with and in New Orleans → nonetheless she's still on alert!
She wants to find back to herself, figuring out who she was, especially after she noticed she really doesn't remember who she once was & that she's starting to believe her own lies.
She's still a badass who will always get what she wants.
She doesn't know about her daughter yet.
Canon TVD verses (season 2-4)
Canon 1864 verse:
Tag: » ♕ v: 1864
Canon Season 2 verse:
Tag: » ♕ v: s2
Canon Season 3 verse:
Tag: » ♕ v: s3
Canon Season 4 verse without Elena feeding the cure to Katherine:
Tag: » ♕ v: s4                                              
Human (present time, canon divergent season 5)
Cured vampire → human.
Based on season 5.
Depending on the timeline, the cure is either still in her blood or not
She can’t keep vampire blood and will puke eventually. Nonetheless (depending on how long she was able to keep it) it can heal her.
It takes her much longer to heal.
The blood of an Original will heal her better than the blood of a vampire and she can keep it longer. Nonetheless she will puke eventually.
Due to her witch/traveler-nature, she can’t be compelled.
She is vulnerable and often catches colds because she doesn’t really have an immune system, and, depending on the timeline, she had a heart attack (the one in 5x10) because she was under a lot of stress and strain due to her new status as human and the loss of her vampire powers.
She’s emotional.
She didn’t use the traveler spell / didn’t want to use it because she despises the travelers.
She doesn’t know about Nadia (but that can be discussed and if you are a nadia, please plot with me, i would love to include some Katherine / Nadia dynamic).
She loves food, bring her something to eat and she’s happy.
She lives with the Salvatores.
No rapid aging.
Tag » ♕ v: cured
Human (past time)
15th century
She’s a noble woman and well behaved yet loves her freedom and will break some rules.
She was bannished from bulgaria after having a child out of wedlock.
No one knows she had a child.
She’s a quick learner and just has a slight accent.
She loves to spend time in the rosarium.
She is caring & polite, innocence & naive but also smart and does what she wants to do.
Tag » ♕ v: human 15th century
Katherine's Ghost Verse
It's set in season 5 after Katherine died in 5x11 (hence no jumping into Elena).
Instead of passing over to the other side, she's stuck between the world of the living and the other side.
She can only be seen by the people she chooses to see her. She mostly will show up in front of certain persons.
Her apperance can be compared with the ghost in the movie “Just Like Heaven”.
Tag » ♕ v: ghost
Katherine's Hallucination Verse
Inspired by season 4 episode 6 'We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes' when Elena is tormented by hallucinations of Katherine.
This Katherine is a hallucination.
She's very ruthless and evil and she will torment her victim.
Everything happens in the mind of the victim - even though they aren't harmed in reality, it will feel real.
Only upon request.
Tag » ♕ v: hallucination
Amnestic (canon divergent season 4/5)
Elena fed her the cure but it wasn’t working on her.
Nobody knows why but instead of turning human, Katherine has lost her memory.
She remembers who she is, where she comes from but that’s all she remembers
She doesn’t remember the people she has already met.
She’s extremly careful and sometimes even shy but overall a friendly person.
Tag: » ♕ v: amnestic
Human Katherine AU
This AU is settled in a world where the supernatural has never existed.
Katherine in 27 years old and lives in NYC, in a luxurious & modern apartment with view over the Central Park.
She’s a renowned lawer.
This verse can be adjusted, depending on my writing partners & the plot.
Tag: ♕ laws and heels ▬ human katherine au
More infos can be found here → (x)
Katerina // 1492 AU
This AU follows canon until Katerina’s escape in 1492.
Elijah found her and brought her back to Klaus but lied about the circumstances under which he found her.
The ritual had to be postponed by at least a month.
Katerina knows she’s going to be sacrificed but she also knows the only way to survive is by playing along and let the sacrifice happen while trying to trust Elijah’s word that he found a way to save her.
Katerina can’t be compelled because of the traveler heritage which makes her a rare kind of witch but she’s smart enough to not show it. She’s also more likely to be too intimidated by doing something opposed to an attempted compulsion, especially in front of Klaus.
Katerina is trying to make the best of it and starts to develop her own secret agenda.
Tag: ♕ what if the past could be changed? ▬ 1492 au
more infos can be found here → (x)
Viking Age AU
This AU takes place during the Viking Age.
Katherine is still a doppelgänger.
Katherine’s a human and eighteen years old.
This verse can be adjusted, depending on my writing partners & the plot.
Tag:  ♕ once upon a time ▬ viking age au
more infos underneath the cut → (x)
Dark Katherine AU
» Nadia was the only person in this world who really loved me. I suppose I could have spent the next five hundred years running…but for what? I was back to having nothing «
Takes place after S4 of TVD
Canon divergent season 5 → Katherine was never cured but the travelers were still after her because she’s a doppelgänger.
The Nadia storyline is the same.
Nadia got bitten by Tyler and died.
Katherine’s going into a dark state.
(Can) contain triggering content such as blood, death and violence.
Tag: ♕ i’m gonna rip this world apart ▬ dark katherine au
This verse can be adjusted, depending on my writing partners & the plot. Plotting beforehand is appreciated. More Infos below the cut → (x)
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witchofinterest · 4 years
Could we please get a spoiler for Cassandra?
Thanks v!!!
Since hope doesn’t exist in my tvd universe, I have Cassie is the one to jump into malivore, bc she is related to the witch who made it. She does a ritual with her blood, a wolf descended from the werewolf who made it, and blood from the vampire who made it. But, it still needed a sacrifice, hence why she jumps in. The ritual is gotten from the grimoire of the witch who made it, and it takes a lot of the season to translate the ritual!
0 notes
mattcontitvd-blog · 7 years
TVD: Season 7/8 (Final season)
Season 7-So, Elena is gone. Well the whole reason that happened is because the actress who plays her, Nina Dobrev, didn’t want to do the show anymore. And might I tell you, it got even better. In this season, it starts off with the Heretics, you already know what they are. But there are six of them that came over from the early 1900′s prison world with Damon and Stefan’s mom, Lilly. 
This season jumps back and fourth from present day, to three years later. Three years later Stefan is on the run from a viscous vampire hunter and goes to wake Damon up. He put himself in a coffin and was going to sleep for the next 60 years or so until Bonnie died and Elena woke up. Though it got cut short. This season is crazy. Caroline ended up being pregnant, even though she is a vampire. How is that possible you may ask. Well in the time of Alaric and Joe’s wedding, Joe was pregnant with twin girls, and when she died they transported themselves into the nearest sustainable female body, Caroline. These twins turn out to be siphons and start to drain Caroline’s life force. But they end up getting delivered safely. 
That viscous vampire hunter I was talking about before had this magical knife so when she stabbed a vampire with it, they would be trapped inside of it. Damon and Stefan ended up getting trapped, but Bonnie gets them out. Also the hunter ends up dying and Bonnie ends up taking on her burden of killing vampires in order to save her own life. So Bonnie was now a viscous vampire hunter who tried to kill all of her friends, but ended up getting saved in the end. Sadly she ended up not getting her magic back, again. 
In the end of it all Lilly ends up dying along with all but one of the heretics, Valerie, who turned out to be an old friend of Stefan’s. Bonnie ends up falling in love with Enzo, who is Damon’s old friend from when they were captured together back in the 50′s. Enzo was a jerk at first, but ends up being a trusted ally in the end. In the very end of the season Damon is inside of a vault that was forbidden to be entered upon on in The Armory, which is kind of a museum for magical beings and objects. The reason it was forbidden because what ever is in there can take control of your mind and force you to do terrible things. Enzo goes looking for Damon in the vault and finds him in a very weird state, and the nest thing Enzo knows he has a hand on his face and is dragged away by it. Here is a clip of that happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W_YJPaakq4
Season 8- I am going to make this short because this is the last season and there are only 16 episodes. So Damon and Enzo end up becoming servants of a Siren named Sybol, who was the creature from season 7. She lives of of human flesh and has very powerful mind control powers. Her sole purpose was to present corrupted souls to the devil, his name is Cade. In the lieu of everything happening Damon kills Tyler, but it was not his fault because he was under mind control. Stefan ends up taking his place and becoming even worse than he was because he once again became his evil alter ego, The Ripper. Stefan kills Enzo and Bonnie injects him with Elena’s blood to stop him. Her blood contained the cure so he became human. Cade ends up killing the siren along with her sister Seline. Cade gets killed and believe it or not, Katherine becomes the new devil. She ends up getting defeated by everyone and Bonnie regained her magic and basically destroyed hell. While that as happening Stefan sacrifices himself to save Damon. Bonnie ends up figuring out how to break Elena’s Sleeping curse and Damon and Elena grow old together and when they die they are reunited by their fallen loved ones. Here is a clip of Damon and Elena being re-united. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNJgtLAw1WA 
This show will forever be in the heats of its fans, including myself. 
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