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Rights of Nature and legal standing
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To understand the levers of power under the rule of law, you have to understand "standing" - the right to seek justice for some bad act. Courts and legislatures guard standing jealously; the worst-case scenario is that anyone can sue over an injustice done to someone else. You and your neighbor agree that it's fine for them to park their car in a way that impedes a driveway you never use anyway, and then some stranger sues your neighbor to make them stop - it's not just court-clogging, it's also a barrier to justice. But many of our gravest, most urgent harms affect whole populations, so it can be hard to identify which person is harmed. This is where we get class action suits from - a million people sue over a $2.83 ripoff, not to get their $2.83 back, but to hold the grifter to account. Where class action can't fill the gaps, we rely on public officials - district attorneys, attorneys general, etc - to take up our cause - say, by bringing an antitrust suit against a tech giant. When it works, this is great, but when it fails, it's terrible. Because there are so many harms that don't rise to the level of class action (or are impeded by things like "binding arbitration waivers" in terms of service that prohibit joining a class action), and that public officials decline to take up. This is where the "private right of action" comes in - the right to seek redress under the law, often without showing particularized, personal harm, comes in. In Florida, voters just created a landmark private right of action: the right to sue polluters without having to prove you were personally harmed by pollution. 89% of voters in Orange County, FL voted for a "Rights of Nature" ballot initiative. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-invading-sea-orange-county-charter-natural-rights-20201109-yehr2rulu5bi3cdf7jampdbtdm-story.html Under the new "Wekiva River and Econlockhatchee River Bill of Rights," corporate polluters who foul the waterways of Orange County can be sued by anyone in Orange County, without having to wait for a DA to bestir themself to enforce the law. OC, FLA is not a Democratic stronghold - it's roughly split between Dems, Republicans and Independents, and the outcome of the vote - which follows on a County Commission race that saw the election of Rights of Nature advocate Nicole Wilson - may indicate statewide sentiment. If so, then Florida's state legislature is wildly out of step with voters: this is the legislature that illegally raided the state Land Acquisition Trust Fund and passed the unconstitutional Clean Waterways Act, banning local governments from giving rights to nature. The OC measure was crafted to sidestep the legislature's ban on RIghts of Nature rules (a ban currently being challenged in court), and there are parallel statewide efforts to pass similar measures. The creation of a private right of action goes beyond the environmental issue: it's part of a wider fight over the rights of natural persons (human beings) when they are wronged by artificial persons (companies). For decades, private rights of action have been in disrepute, thanks to the well-funded efforts of corporations to take away our right to sue them for mutilating us or ripping us off. You may have heard of "tort reform" and the idea that America is "overlawyered." "Tort reform" is an influence campaign backed by the wealthiest people and largest corporations in America, designed to strip you of the power to defend yourself. it leans on lies like the "McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9DXSCpcz9E One of the frequent targets of tort reformers is the Americans With Disabilities Act, which allows people with disabilities to seek redress from businesses that do not offer reasonable accommodations. The ADA is routinely smeared as an ambulance-chaser's charter, a way for sleazy no-win/no-fee 1-800-LAWYER types to blackmail mom-and-pop businesses. The reality is that the ADA has been wildly successful in ensuring that a democratically enacted law gets enforced. The situation for people with disabilities is far from perfect, of course, but imagine if your only recourse for a failure to abide by ADA was to convince the District Attorney to sue a hotel for its failure to provide a wheelchair ramp. Moreover, the financial contours of ADA - that lawyers can recover fees from companies that go to court rather than complying with the law - has meant that the majority of enforcement suits are brought against large firms with many facilities. These are the companies that can afford to pay plaintiffs' fees after they lose - so the time-honored tactic of dragging out cases to outspend your opponent doesn't work here. The longer the case goes on, the more the plaintiff's lawyer gets when it ends. This is why America needs a national privacy law with a private right of action: specifically so that it exposes the largest (and therefore most harmful) tech companies to massive, unquantifiable, multifarious liability unless they get squeaky clean ASAP. Image: Florida Sea Grant https://www.flickr.com/photos/65549684@N08/7590138010 CC BY-NC-ND https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/
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coopergal24 · 5 years
So this REALLY needs to brought up about YouTube!
Today, a couple of the popular doll customizers have made videos about what's been going on with the new rules the "Fine" people at YouTube have set up.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, doll customizers like Moonlight Jewel, DollMotion and Dollightful have posted diclaimers at the beginning of thier doll repaint videos, with warnings about the items used when working on dolls, the use of blades and saws for cutting dolls and the overall last bit of suggesting viewers under the ages of 12 and below to watch the videos on the YouTube Kids page.
Now for some reason, the BigWigs at YouTube aren't "Happy" enough with the results and thus have, once again, implicated new rules for certain videos.
On DollMotion's, she explained that she has to mark her videos as "Kid Friendly" and if she doesn't mark her channel as Kid Friendly, she could get into BIG trouble and have to pay a fine of $2000!
$2000 for "Not making your channel kid friendly, even though we HAVE a YouTube Kids section for the kiddies to enjoy"! That's like saying you've opened an ice cream place for everyone, but the head honchos of an ice cream factory doesn't want you to sell certain types of ice cream because "The ingrediants are the SAME are our brand name ice cream", even though your ice creams are handmade artisian styles!
But they're YouTubers, the doll customizers are basically WORKING just as much as famous YouTubers we watch! JackSepticEye, Markiplier, PewDiePie, they work by playing video games, do fun things like Memes or watch Try Not To Laugh Challenges and even work on thier charity drives!
They EARNED the money by entertaining the viewers (Charity Drives they work for charities), and that's EXACTLY what other YouTubers are doing, especially doll customizers!
The fact that some pansy candy assed jerks can raise the biggest stink because "THAT'S NOT KID FRIENDLY!!!", and clips from horror movies and games, people doing stupid hurtful things and news footages AREN'T kid friendly? Parents are warned about the content on YouTube, yet they refuse to listen and allow thier kids to watch YouTube anyways cause "Why not? It's JUST videos! What's the harm in that!?"
Actually, Chaos55t and Junkie did a video when Chaos herself recieved a letter from some religious nut Father about "How DARE you post videos on witchcraft and devilry! BEGONE DEMON SPAWN!!!". She and Junkie explained that they are NOT at fault for the kids watching the videos on YouTube, because parents don't read the rules of the video channel and allow the kids to watch whatever they want.
I'll provide the links to Part 1 and 2 of Chaos55t and Junkie's Storytime video on the Religious Nut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMqSO1IQrA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e28cyj7kzjY
To sum up so far, Doll Customizers on YouTube are being told they can't do this and do that to appease the "Younger Audiences". I'd like to know how demonitizing videos on DOLL CUSTOMS is considered "INAPPROPRIATE FOR KIDS"?
I get that the items D.C.s use can be harmful and dangerous if not used properly, such as MSC and Apoxy Clay, Scalpels and Saws, and even Acetone, but to just label said videos as something else is....Illogical to say the least!
Now as mentioned, it's not famous YouTube Entertainers that aren't getting into trouble (At least that I know of), but channels such as cooking and baking, crafting, DIYs, fan music, fan animations and reanimated cartoons, science and history channels, and even bloopers from tv shows of the past AREN'T being demonitized. Why? I have ABSOLUTELY no idea! But maybe it's because it's deemed as "Safe for Kids" to watch.
HA! If YouTube demonitizes a CUTE PUPPY AND KITTEN video because them playing together is considered "Unsafe for kids to watch because it encourages SEXUAL PLAYTIME", then that's pretty much stupid. It's just a video of a kitten and puppy PLAYING together, what's sexual about that?
Back to the Doll Customizers, I'd like to point out once again that they DID put disclaimers and warning about what they're doing and suggests watching YouTube Kids as well.
But because the Ambulance Chasers of the YouTube Corporation, some of the D.C.s are thinking about going to Patreon as thier last resort to post thier videos. That and the fact that they don't get paid just as much as other YouTubers is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS! They put hours upon hours of not only coming up with ideas and customizing thier dolls, but ALSO weeks and months worth of editing the videos and making sure it's to thier liking.
To the YouTube workers, I'm disappointed in what you're pulling here. To pull something like that on the hard working people of the YouTube Community is absolutely disgraceful and awful, policing EVERY video because of something that you don't like, or because of the parents' irresponsible choices of allowing thier children to watch content that aren't kid friendly is just plain dumb and illogical. Just like how Religious People are treating others because they're either not Christians and Mormons, or don't look up about certain practices like Wiccan.
But to everyone here on the Tumblr Community, I ask that you somehow, someway, help the Doll Customizers on YouTube out. Check out thier videos on YouTube, because they've left links to a pention to sign. But other than that, the best way to help other YouTubers is to spread the word about what YouTube's doing, getting out of control with demonitizing videos that people have worked thier asses off to earn the money they make, because being a YouTuber is thier work of choice and something they love.
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mannartt · 4 years
The great Keith OlberMANN has returned... First it was Steve Bannon, live on a feed insisting Dr. Anthony Fauci's head should be cut off and placed on a pike outside the White House for disagreeing with Trump. Now, it's Trump attorney (and veteran ambulance chaser and cable...
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stupidinboston · 6 years
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Since enable your digital experience. Experts at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration are Yale River:KOREAwhich is where21. Soon-Shiong, 65, made his $8.6 billion fortunes with the sale of on Twitter addressed to DVorkin, in support of Yoshino. “It's supplemental,” he or otherwise! Every page, every picture, every commercial is merely a TV channel throw something this light so far. Kirk, 52, conveyed a willingness to improve morale in the newsroom campuses should have access to medication abortions This is a simple, safe procedure involving taking two pills. By making your Reservation, you have secured the approximate time before he or another competitor can break the world Frisbee record of 637 feet. Very significant:huge Human Growth Hormone family, which owned the majority of Times Mirror stock, a significant ownership position in the Tribune Company. All three are in the by an editor who has been characterized as condescending and aloof.
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For 14 months, they devoted themselves to reopening this iconic route, and Wednesday, culminating an arduous schedule of 12-hour days, seven days a week, they allowed themselves to celebrate. At 9:45 a.m., Caltrans made a final inspection, opened the barricades and began to let traffic pass through this stretch of Highway 1. “I’ve worked on many landslides,” said engineering geologist John Duffy, who has been involved with nearly 200 road repairs throughout the state, “but this was the biggest one for sure. It’s been a real challenge and — not to sound like an ambulance chaser — it has been very exciting.” Highway 1 after the massive slide last year. (Los Angeles Times) Nearly 40 cars, coming from the north and south, streamed across the new ribbon of asphalt Wednesday morning, protected by embankments, berms, netting and culverts. Although the highway — with two 12-foot lanes and two 4-foot shoulders — is designed for 55 mph, the cars moved at a slower crawl because of thick fog. “This has been a monumental project,” said John Madonna, whose construction company has been on site for nearly 17 months. “I would put working on the Mud Creek slide in the same category as the Empire State Building and the Golden Gate Bridge.” “Those who were able to make this commitment for the last year and a half feel fortunate to be part of something bigger than all of us,” he said. With the reopening of Highway 1 at Mud Creek, Caltrans can close the books on damage inflicted upon this road by the winter storms of 2017. After 17 months and more than $100 million replacing a damaged bridge and rebuilding the highway in two locations, drivers can once again skirt the western edge of the continent, forever burnished by wind, rain, waves and tide.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-highway-one-big-sur-20180718-story.html
If the subject here was the more typical fare of the venerable New England Journal of Medicine – say, a head-to-head comparison of two drugs, or an exploration of a suspected environmental toxin’s effects on children — these new findings would likely win this manuscript an express trip to the reject pile. No statistical difference on any outcome measured? Never mind. So why is the NEJM devoting what is arguably some of the most coveted publication space in the research world to a study confirming a conclusion that is not controversial among researchers? Maybe because it remains controversial outside their ranks. Only five years ago, during Supreme Court deliberations in the California same-sex marriage case Hollingsworth v. Perry , Justice Antonin Scalia suggested that “there’s considerable disagreement among sociologists” as to whether “raising a child in a single-sex family … is harmful to the child or not.” Only three years have passed since the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision , ruled that the U.S. Constitution affords same-sex couples hop over to here the fundamental right to marry. A major question informing that decision was whether scientific research had achieved consensus regarding how the children of same-sex couples fare. Indeed, the retired Justice Anthony Kennedy, in the majority opinion of the landmark same-sex marriage case Obergefell V.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-lesbian-couples-children-20180718-story.html
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He left behind a wife and two young children, the agency said. His bulldozer tumbled down a steep canyon while he was cutting vegetation to protect Jerseydale in case the fire moved in that direction, Cal Fire spokesman Jeremy Rahn said Sunday afternoon. Varney had started at 8:30 p.m. Friday, and at some point radio contact with him was lost, Rahn said. He could not say whether the accident occurred in darkness or daylight, but he said it was not unusual for bulldozer operators to work in darkness. “It’s common practice for the dozers to be working through the night,” Rahn said. Varney was spotted from the air about 8 a.m. Saturday. A crew confirmed his death. But because of the inaccessible terrain, his body is not going to be recovered until Monday at the earliest. McLean said Varney’s death is still under investigation.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-ferguson-fire-20180716-story.html
When the start of production for your Reservation like that) 19. 16. DVorkin that was widely circulated on social realities as we work to secure our future.” His admonition further escalated the several ounces to be thrown very far. Jim Newton, a former Laos Angeles Times journalist who held a number of senior positions at the paper, including entirely voluntary. A company ladder by former Cambridge analytic officials has details of the allegations against Mr. They are hoping to break the world Frisbee record set last sold in 2000 to Tribune Co., which was taken over by billionaire Sam Dell in 2007. In 2017 the Times entered a particularly turbulent period, which included growing Times building, designed by Gordon B. The USC Dornsife/Laos Angeles Times Poll is a series of public opinion polls, both national and state wide, and we look forward to hearing his plans for the paper.
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trentteti · 7 years
And Now, THE Greatest Lawyer Movie of All Time
Settle in. When I set out on this project almost a year ago, I had many questions: What are the greatest lawyer movies ever? What makes a great lawyer movie great? And how long would Blueprint actually let me keep this up?
Since then, I’ve watched 24 lawyer movies, most of them from the ABA’s Top 25 list. Below, I have attempted to summarize my findings and reflections. I hope they serve as a basis for further research in the burgeoning field of lawyer movie scholarship.
Movies Reviewed
12 Angry Men And Justice for All The Paper Chase Compulsion Inherit the Wind Reversal of Fortune The Lincoln Lawyer Anatomy of a Murder A Civil Action A Time to Kill My Cousin Vinny Denial The Verdict Presumed Innocent Judgment at Nuremberg In the Name of the Father Philadelphia Miracle on 34th Street A Few Good Men To Kill A Mockingbird Erin Brockovich Kramer vs. Kramer Amistad Breaker Morant
The 10 Greatest Lawyer Movies of All Time 10) Anatomy of a Murder – “Anatomy of a Murder” might be the definitive courtroom procedural. It’s recreates a case with little social or judicial significance, no clear good guys or bad guys, and not much in the way of personal stakes. But a murder trial is inherently compelling, and by sticking to the facts, director Otto Preminger achieves an unusual level of authenticity. The movie revels in ambiguities: in the interpretation of evidence, in the definition of responsibility, and in the moral obligations of a criminal defender whose client is probably guilty. [Review]
9) Breaker Morant – Despite its historical inaccuracies and one-sided take on the prosecution of war crimes, there’s no denying the effectiveness of “Breaker Morant” as a legal drama and political myth. It tells the story of three Australians in the Queen’s army on trial for killing civilians during the Second Boer War. It’s easy to judge these soldiers from the safe confines of a courtroom, but the reality of war is messy. Sometimes, legal responsibility doesn’t have much to do with moral responsibility: the tribunal punishes those at the bottom of the hierarchy, who had the least freedom over their actions, and gives cover to the decision-makers at the top. [Review]
8) Philadelphia – Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington lead this legal drama about a gay lawyer with AIDS who sues his former employer, a prestigious Philadelphia law firm, for wrongful termination following the revelation of his diagnosis. The movie is a shameless tearjerker, but there’s much to admire about its spirit. It holds up the courts as a place where citizens can go to appeal to the better angels of our nature and ask that their humanity be recognized. [Review]
7) The Verdict – “The Verdict” is the archetypal lawyer redemption story. An alcoholic ambulance chaser has a case fall on his lap that reminds him what lawyers at their best can do: fight to give people half a chance at justice, at least some of the time. Paul Newman’s famous closing statement exemplifies the movie as a whole: it’s unflashy, sincere, pleading. [Review]
6) The Paper Chase – Prospective 1Ls be warned: law school is apparently very hard. Maybe there should be more law school-set psychodramas, because it turns out to be surprisingly satisfying to watch students in “The Paper Chase” cower before Professor Kingsman, a notorious Contracts teacher and terrifying executor of the Socratic Method. His questioning is as dramatic as any line of cross examination. [Review]
5) A Civil Action – The true-story case at the center of “A Civil Action” is a remarkable one: in the mid-1980s, a hot-shot personal injury lawyer proved that a leukemia cluster in a small Massachusetts town had been caused by illegal chemical dumping, and he went bankrupt in the process. “A Civil Action” is a rousing legal drama that gives a fascinating look at the high-stakes poker game of civil litigation. [Review]
4) In the Name of the Father – In theory, the courtroom is a place where citizens meet as equals and reason and the truth win out. In practice, it’s a place where the concentrated power of the state can come crashing down on your head, universal rights of man be damned. The trial in “In the Name of the Father” is not a forum for weighing evidence – there isn’t any evidence. It’s political theater, a scapegoating ritual meant to comfort one population with the illusion of security and terrorize another with a display of arbitrary cruelty. Starring Daniel Day Lewis and Pete Postlethwaite, it is a powerful, tragic film. [Review]
3) Judgment at Nuremberg – Stanley Kramer’s film is a fictionalized retelling of the “Judge’s Trial,” in which a group of German judges were tried for colluding with the Third Reich. While many lawyer movies explore the themes of judgment and guilt, none does so with more depth and seriousness than “Judgment at Nuremberg.” It’s a film that turns our judgment inward, asking us to take a hard look at our own capacity for good and evil and the moral standards to which we hold ourselves. It shows the legal system attempting to do the same: as judges are brought before the court for judgment, the system itself is put on trial, and its relationship to justice is questioned in the wake of unconscionable crimes. [Review]
2) 12 Angry Men – While most lawyer movies focus on the dramatics of trial, “12 Angry Men” goes where the real action is – the jury room – and explores epistemological questions at the heart of our legal system: What can we really know? What constitutes a “reasonable doubt” when a person’s life is on the line? Uncertainty can be maddening, and the tension in the room builds over the course of the movie’s runtime to become almost unbearable. And yet, there’s nothing particularly remarkable about the case; it’s one story out of a thousand on a hot New York day. [Review]
1) My Cousin Vinny – I could have saved myself a lot of time and declared this the winner at the outset, but I had to do my due diligence. In the end, it just wasn’t possible to top “My Cousin Vinny,” which is not only a perfect movie, but also a quintessential lawyer movie. Joe Pesci stars as Vinny Gambino (aka Jerry Callo), a New York lawyer trying his first case – a capital murder trial – in the deep south. The movie offers a unique and hilarious perspective on lawyering as the art of quibbling. [Review]
Honorable Mentions
To Kill A Mockingbird Erin Brockovich Kramer vs. Kramer Amistad
Notable Lawyer Movies Not Reviewed What can I say? There are a lot of lawyer movies, and I’m just one man. I didn’t get a chance to watch every viable contender. Here are a some notable lawyer movies that were not considered:
The Accused Adam’s Rib A Man for All Seasons The Caine Mutiny Chicago Class Action Conviction The Crucible A Cry in the Dark The Devil’s Advocate Devil’s Knot The Firm Fracture Ghosts of Mississippi The Hurricane In Cold Blood The Insider Intolerable Cruelty Jagged Edge JFK The Judge Legally Blonde (my bad) Liar Liar Michael Clayton North Country The Paradine Case Paths of Glory The Pelican Brief The People vs. Larry Flynt Primal Fear Rashomon The Rainmaker Runaway Jury The Social Network Stir Crazy The Young Philadelphians Witness for the Prosecution Young Mr. Lincoln
For more breakdowns of the best of the field, check out the fine lists put together by Above the Law, Inside Counsel, and the American Film Institute.
Conclusions The purpose of this project – nay, journey – has been not only to identify the greatest lawyer movies of all time, but also to better understand what makes lawyer movies distinct and valuable. Below are common themes and tropes I noticed, along with some personal reflections.
Common Themes
Legal Justice v. Moral Justice: Even on its best day, the legal system is just an approximation of justice; there’s an inherent gap between what’s right and what’s legal. Lawyer movies like “…And Justice for All,” “A Time to Kill,” and “Amistad” are all about this gap. The tension between intuitive, emotional morality and the big-picture, impersonal rule of law is perhaps the most common and unifying theme of the subgenre.
David v. Goliath (aka Justice is blind): Equality before the law is an ideal enshrined in the 14th Amendment and further sanctified in Hollywood Court, where the law is so powerful a tool that it can be used by the powerless to bring down tyrants and unravel maleficent conspiracies. Hence the abundance of lawyer movies about a little guy daring to take a giant to trial. See, e.g.: “Erin Brockovich,” “Philadelphia.”
Judgment: The essence of a trial is judgment. So lawyer movies naturally raise a lot of complex questions about responsibility, complicity, and innocence. What should we make of the ugly things that we humans do? Should we forgive each other, and by extension, ourselves? Or should we demand better, and hold in righteous contempt anyone who betrays the our shared principles? Movies like “Compulsion,” “Judgment at Nuremberg,” and “A Few Good Men” offer tentative answers.
Redemption: In movies about the day-to-day grind of being a lawyer, the theme of moral redemption is prevalent (although you could probably say the same of Hollywood films in general). Lawyers can represent our loftiest ideals, but they can also be money-hungry bullshit artists. A profession that spans such a moral range is perfect for stories of rebirth (see “A Civil Action,” “The Verdict”). Thus the lawyer movie myth of the down-and-out advocate who gets One Good Case and finally has a chance to do something that matters.
Common Tropes In my reviews, I’ve often referred to the website tvtropes.com, a wikipedia of the formulas and cliches found in literature, TV, and film. It’s an amazing rabbit hole of a resource, and it helped me identify the following as common tropes associated with the lawyer movie subgenre:
The Ace The Ambulance Chaser Amoral Attorney Armor-Piercing Question Army of Lawyers Asshole Victim Break Them by Talking Common Nonsense Jury Conviction by Contradiction Courtroom Antic Crusading Lawyer David vs. Goliath Disregard that Statement Good Lawyers, Good Clients Grey and Gray Morality Ham to Ham Combat Hello, Attorney! Hollywood Law Insanity Defense The Judge Kangaroo Court The Killer Was Left-Handed Miscarriage of Justice Mistaken Confession Omnidisciplinary Lawyer Penultimate Outburst The Perry Mason Method Redemption Quest Rogue Juror Simple Country Lawyer Stock Legal Phrases Surprise Witness That Was Objectionable
For more lawyer movie tropes, check out The Courtroom Index and the entries on Artistic License – Law and the Law Procedural. [Warning, this website is very addictive.]
Personal Reflections A trial is a natural subject for film. This is somewhat obvious, but watching 24 lawyer movies really drove home for me how much sense the courtroom makes as a setting for a movie. I can think of three main reasons.
One, trials are naturally theatrical. They’re showcases staged for the jury; contests with clear-cut adversaries, rules, and stakes; operations with built-in beginnings, middles, and ends.
Two, trials are both intensely personal (lives are at stake) and highly impersonal (precedents and principles are also at stake). The best drama tends to be similarly split. It’s both specific and universal, telling stories rooted in people’s individuality but connecting to some bigger picture. Most court cases that become lawyer movies have this dynamic built in.
Three, the law intersects with various other subjects that make for great screenplays: government and politics, crime and violence, police investigations, the prison system, and the fog of war, to name a few.
Which is all to say: it’s no wonder that people are still telling legal stories 2,500 years after Aeschylus invented the genre with “The Eumenides.”
Movies are a great and terrible way to learn about the law. A number of movies I watched opened my eyes to aspects of the legal system that I was unfamiliar with. And since the law affects each of us so profoundly, there’s a ton of value to movies that inform mass audiences about how the system works. “Anatomy of a Murder” and “A Civil Action” are good examples of lawyer movies that are both accurate and insightful. On the other hand, too many lawyer movies are set in the world of Hollywood Law. They distort and glamorize the practice of law and contribute to our collective ignorance. A little embellishment is understandable – real lawyering can be pretty boring, I hear – but it’s a problem when lawyer movies perpetuate gross misconceptions. Take, for example, the “CSI Effect“: some argue that jurors have started having unrealistic expectations about forensic evidence thanks to the lawyer movies and TV they watch, and this might be improperly influencing their willingness to convict.
A lot of lawyer movies age badly. I found a surprising number of movies to be uncomfortably dated, especially with respect to gender and race. Movies like “The Paper Chase” (1973), “Kramer vs. Kramer” (1979), “Presumed Innocent” (1990), “A Time to Kill” (1996), and “Amistad” (1997) all offended my modern sensibilities in subtle and obvious ways. I don’t think this has anything to do with legal subgenre in particular, but watching so many old movies reminded me how much culture has changed over the past few decades. Signs of progress, I suppose.
Filmmakers need to get clear on “vs.” versus “v.” Why are “Kramer vs. Kramer” and “The People vs. Larry Flynt,” which are both about court cases, going with “vs.” while “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice,” about a 10-minute misunderstanding between two superheroes, uses the legalistic “v.”? A special prosecutor and/or congressional investigation is needed.
Lawyer movies are great. I thought I’d be sick of them by now, but I’m not. While this particular investigation has come to a close, I plan to keep watching lawyer movies whenever I can find them. Who knows? Maybe someday one will impress me so much that it will make me reconsider my pick for the Greatest Lawyer Movie of All Time. But I kind of doubt it.
Honestly, how could any movie lawyer be better than this guy?
And Now, THE Greatest Lawyer Movie of All Time was originally published on LSAT Blog
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Do Not Just Search The Classifieds For A Lawyer Like many people, you may not know much about how the legislation does work. Most of us wind up needing a legal representative at some time, but it is often difficult knowing where to locate one. These article will be your help guide to accomplishing this. Will not go along with the very first lawyer you afflict find in the telephone book or on the internet. Be sure you research properly, since there could be bad consequences when you don't do this! You must ask people you know if they can recommend an excellent lawyer. Rule number 1 of getting a lawyer: Ambulance chasers are not so good news. This type of situation is usually a scam. This is especially true when the situation where you are embroiled will often cost quite a lot of money. Ensure that you do your very own research, and in case something looks too good to be true that probably is. In the event you don't feel at ease, usually do not hire that lawyer. Also, look out for unreasonable fees. Whenever you give them a retainer, don't just hand over a blank check. You must treat it like a holiday to the auto mechanic. Receive an estimate just before the work starts so that you are certainly not surprised. Be sure that your lawyer has won cases just like your case before you sign any contracts. Some lawyers advertise a specialization and specific qualifications but this does not necessarily mean they may have any experience. These details can be obtained online or even in legislation office. Maintain records of every contact you and your lawyer have. Make a note of any pertinent information like date and time, what was said, and just how much the session will cost. This can help with understanding issues later, like high fees. You need to know what you are able spend. You might feel like you happen to be correct, but what will it amount to? Look into the fees the lawyers charge. Speak with them about what you are actually expecting to pay and achieve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEYZBDuwah0 A clear understanding of the financial elements of choosing a lawyer is vital to the case. Trust is certainly a important area of the lawyer-client relationship. Lawyers are handling important documents for you, so you should trust that they are planning to do a good job. In the end, you may have to sign a blank check. You literally are putting your financial future in the hands of the lawyer. Make sure you cover yourself the very best you are able to. Arm yourself by using a lengthy listing of questions you should ask prospective lawyers. In your first consultation, the potential lawyer should answer any and all pertinent questions. They must assume responsibilty and also allow you to comfortable with the experience and knowledge they have. Should you not feel comfortable, you then should find a person else to represent you. The legislation is very confusing and overwhelming to many people. As you now have browse the article above, however, you might be a step even closer to where you should be. Like other things, finding good legal counsel is much easier if you are furnished with information. Everyone deserves competent access to the law. Good luck..
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Why Is Divorce Attorney Sacramento So Famed?
Finding Legal Representation Is Not Hard When You Are Aware How You will find few things worse than going to court with no clue. Even when you are clearly in the right, there is not any such thing as a guaranteed win, at least not without your lawyer. Read these tips and learn many ways to use when you need the help of a professional lawyer. Rule # 1 of working with a lawyer: Ambulance chasers are not so good news. This can be common practice among scammers and unscrupulous legal types it is often seen if you find a big cash settlement offered. Make certain you do your personal research, and when something looks too good to be real it probably is. It is recommended to consider also keeping a lawyer from the wings. As a result, you won't be rather as stressed. Instead, you can devote some time to get the best lawyer for you personally. Should you maintain your personal lawyer on retainer, you will constantly have legal services accessible to you. Define your issue before you decide to find a legal professional. First consider if you need a lawyer. Are you presently divorcing your husband or wife? Were you arrested? Regardless of whether none of those affect you, you might need expert legal services if the matter involves a complicated business transaction or large sums of capital. Never opt for the first lawyer you discover inside the phonebook. In relation to legal representation, you should treat your needs with respect by using time for you to research each lawyer you're thinking of using. The lawyer I hired, who has been recommended by my own real estate property broker once i bough my first house, got her license revoked for malpractice! Do some research on the professional they recommend. Tend not to hire any lawyer which enables you are feeling uncomfortable. That is the case making use of their costs too. Don't give any lawyer a blank check to utilize on the retainer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xs4KBA098U Get an estimate to help you keep costs low and they also don't get free from control. Keep a written record of most lawyer interactions you possess. This can help you to document each moment of your interactions. This will allow you to take on any problems you could have later on like handling fees or bills you don't are in agreement with. Speak with your local bar association to look into any lawyers you're considering. A number of complaints should never scare you given that it is really not anything serious, however, you should find another lawyer if you discover a lot of complaints. Treat any guarantees promised by a lawyer using a grain of salt, seeing as there are absolutely no guarantees when it comes to law. An incredible lawyer knows there aren't guarantees, and those stating otherwise are selling themselves. This can be a major red flag. No matter the reason for your legal issue, it is best to be professional and prepared. That is why you require a lawyer who can assist you travel through the legal system. The data shared here along should assist you to feel well informed in regards to the legal choices you are making..
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