#usually kaeya suspicion from other characters makes me roll my eyes but hers seems so childish it makes me laugh
latinokaeya-moving · 1 year
i want. kaeya amber to talk abt them feeling like outsiders in this city they were raised by but still choosing to serve mondstadt anyways… their most influential parental figures being taken from them as children…. the way that has affected their connection to their roots/ancestral homelands… but most importantly kaeya needs to be an excessively annoying older brother figure to amber bc i just want to see them bicker sooo bad
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goldenworldsabound · 4 years
Winery Talk
Golden and Kaeya become somewhat of an item, and Diluc has some words for his friend. Lisa also has some words. Geez, Golden thinks, is there anyone who doesn’t have an opinion about them and Kaeya??? Sequel to No One Between Us.
word count: 2237
content warning: food/(non-alcoholic) drink mention
Taking a breather between tasks, Golden made their way over to the Dawn Winery, gliding to a gentle stop right at the entrance. They loved gliding, even when it was entirely unnecessary. It felt like a faint memory was almost within reach when they did so.
In any case, they were looking for Diluc. They walked into the winery, peering around curiously. There were books and antique looking things everywhere.
"Oh, hello. Are you looking for someone?" One of the maids wandered over to Golden. Golden gave a sigh of relief, as they had been uncertain what to do next.
"Yes, I'm looking for Diluc?" Golden said, smiling nervously. "He told me to stop by today."
"Yes, of course, you're Golden, right?" The maid asked. "Er, pardon me. I'll go get him." They scampered off before Golden could confirm or deny. 
Golden blinked, staring after her for a moment. What to do...they wandered over to look at Diluc's collection of things on display while they waited. The statue of the owl was...Golden tilted their head to stare intently at it.
"Hoo." They said quietly.
"Are you talking to my statue?" Diluc asked.
"AH!" Golden yelped, standing up straight. "Uh, no, I mean, yes, but I wasn't expecting an answer or anything-" He'd certainly gotten here fast. And quietly too.
Diluc shook his head. "You're quite a character, traveler." Diluc headed for a sideroom Golden hadn't noticed earlier. They followed after a momentary delay as they recovered from their surprise and mild embarrassment. There were yet more books and objects of intrigue, and two couches. Diluc sat down on one, and Golden on the other.
"I don't have too much to say, but please consider my words." Diluc said solemnly, meeting Golden's gaze unflinchingly.
"Ah, yes, sure. Is something wrong?"
Diluc made no direct response to their question.
"You should be wary of Kaeya." Diluc responded bluntly.
Golden stiffened. They had literally been kissing Kaeya less than 24 hours ago. But they didn't quite feel like they should tell Diluc that, even as they could feel a warmth spreading across their cheeks. They fought that down as best they could.
"Wh- why's that?!" They pressed, smiling uncomfortably. How should one react in this situation, they wondered. Kaeya had made a vague comment about Diluc being likely to say something odd, and Golden wished he would have been a bit more clear so they could have prepared better.
"I'd rather not say. I just wanted to offer my warning. Consider it." Diluc felt his frown deepening at their response. He could see clearly how their cheeks flushed, how uncomfortable and anxious they looked...it was far too late to warn them against getting romantically involved with Kaeya. He was beginning to suspect something had happened last night after he'd kicked them out of Angel's Share.
"It's hard to consider your words very seriously if you don't tell me, you know." Golden laughed nervously. They regretted the action immediately.
Diluc narrowed his eyes. "I understand your point, but I won't relent on this. I should hope that knowing we grew up together and are no longer on good terms would lend my words some weight." Diluc leaned back against the couch, crossing his arms and staring at Golden. Golden flushed in response, stammering for a moment.
"Well, yes, but..." Their hands gripped at the fabric of their top that spilled over their legs anxiously. "Thank you for your concern." A polite but vacant smile appeared on their face. They would ask Kaeya for more information. Or maybe they'd ask a more neutral party first. Decisions. "Was there anything else?"
Diluc took in the change of expression. Fine. He breathed in. Golden was an adult. They could make their own choices. Even choices that he thought were objectively bad.
"No. You're welcome to stay here if you'd like." Diluc offered, already suspecting their answer.
"Oh, thank you, that's kind of you. But I really ought to get back to commissions. The Adventurer's Guild is quite busy these days." Golden smiled sheepishly, putting a hand on their neck. "Perhaps another time though." They got to their feet, with the appearance of someone who was restraining themself from running out the door.
"Hm. Certainly." Diluc got to his feet as well, to walk them to the door. "Stay safe."
"Thanks." Golden left without another word, clearly still restraining themself from running. They felt a chill over their heart at Diluc's warning. Certainly, a fair few number of people seemed to regard Kaeya with some level of suspicion, but there were an equal number who held him up as an exemplary knight. They were certain there was truth to both views. But this was something they'd have to worry more about later.
Diluc watched them go until they were out of sight. He turned to go back inside and immediately spotted Kaeya leaned against the wall. He wondered briefly if Kaeya had been eavesdropping, but dropped the thought as he realized he didn't particularly care one way or the other.
"What do you want?" He asked, scowling.
"I had a feeling you'd do something like this." Kaeya replied, drumming his fingers on his arm. "Don't you think our issues are just between us, bro?"
"Golden can of course do whatever they like, but I could not in good faith remain silent." Diluc headed inside. Kaeya followed.
"Hm. Will you toss them out like trash if they make a choice you don't like? If they say something that doesn't fit with your view of how they should be?" Kaeya purred, doing his best to jab the metaphorical knife into Diluc's side.
Diluc stopped in the entryway, clenching his fists tightly before letting them loosen again.
"No. I won't. But if you do something to hurt them, I'm sure I won't be the only person you'll find at your throat." Diluc walked away again.
Kaeya frowned at Diluc's back, before laughing with a shrug. "Well, that's no surprise with how beloved they are." Kaeya had one more thing to say. "Well, whatever. I certainly don't intend to hurt them."
Diluc rolled his eyes. "With the way you throw lies around almost nonstop, it's inevitable." He'd stopped walking again.
"That's not true." Kaeya snapped back immediately. Diluc turned to look at him, surprised by the outburst. It was rare to get Kaeya's mask to falter. He looked...annoyed.
"Isn't it?"
"No, it's not. I won't hurt them." Kaeya took a few steps closer to Diluc. Diluc was startled to see Kaeya so agitated, but he was careful not to show it.
"I'll believe it when I see it."
"Then get ready to be wrong, bro." Kaeya laughed quietly, even as his eye flashed with anger. And just like that, the mask was back on. "I'll let you get back to work. I'm sure Golden will be looking for me later, so I better get all my work done too. Buh-bye." He sauntered out. Diluc shook his head, not bothering to watch him go.
He hoped for Golden's sake that Kaeya was as serious as he'd seemed.
Golden was tapping their foot impatiently as they waited for Lisa to show up. They'd picked a quiet, out of the way spot for a chat. Lisa had insisted on making an ordeal out of it, and Golden sat with tea and snacks at a small table. They had asked Lisa if she could tell them about the relationship between Kaeya and Diluc.
I don't have time right at this moment, but let's meet in an hour.
Golden was anxious to meet her. They'd spent that hour gathering the snacks per Lisa's request and fretting over the situation. Finally they'd set everything up and sat down to wait for the appointed time as their mind ran wild.
"There you are Golden!" Lisa smiled wide, arriving right on time as per usual. "As cute as always! Though I must say, you do look a bit worried."
"Well, yes." Golden mumbled, too distracted to even flush at Lisa's flirty exuberance.
Lisa sat down. "Please, don't worry." She poured Golden and then herself some tea, holding it up to smell the fragrance. Pleased, she smiled and set it down. "So you wanted to know about Kaeya and Diluc, right?"
Golden nodded.
"Well, you may already know this, but Diluc's father adopted Kaeya. He raised the two boys as siblings. They were very close, I hear." Lisa tilted her head, thinking on it. "I don't know Diluc very well myself." She added. "From what I understand, when Diluc's father was killed, something happened between them that formed this rift."
Golden leaned in, listening intently. "And?"
"No one knows what that thing was." Lisa concluded.
Golden stared at her for a moment. "You...made me wait an hour to tell me no one knows?!" Golden asked incredulously, feeling frustrated. "And made me bring snacks and tea?!"
"But of course." Lisa replied. "Any reason to take some time off work." Upon seeing Golden's annoyed expression, she smiled and amended her statement. "And I'm admittedly curious why you're asking...I assume there's a story there."
Golden swallowed hard at the glint in Lisa's eyes. Right. No one really knew Golden and Kaeya were...an item.
"Um, well, yes. I've been spending, um, more time with Kaeya lately,"
"I've noticed, but go on."
"...and Diluc asked to talk to me. He, um...he said he wanted to warn me to be wary of Kaeya. But he wouldn't tell me why." Golden sighed. "I don't know what to think of that."
"Sounds a little unnecessary to me." Lisa replied, quirking a brow. "All he's really doing is make you doubt Kaeya, without even telling you why. Bringing his personal business into yours. It's rather unkind."
"Yeah...I suppose so." Golden frowned. "But it does make me have doubts."
Lisa sighed. "If Diluc gets to have an opinion, I do too." She grinned. "I've worked with Kaeya a lot, and even if his methods are sometimes questionable, he's not a bad person. He's been a powerful force for the Knights of Favonius, and he's done his fair share of work to protect Mondstadt. And, as I said before, I've seen the way he interacts with you...the way he looks at you...you've clearly sparked something in him. And," Golden was already blushing at Lisa's words. "You two would make a damn good looking couple, if I may be so bold."
"Lisa!" Golden put their hands over their face, feeling the warmth of their cheeks on their palms. "Please don't say things like that out loud!"
"But why not? Why, I heard a rumor you two were seen kissing outside your room just this past night..." Lisa's smile curled into a smirk.
"You did?!" Golden squeaked out, peering at Lisa from between their finger tips.
Lisa nodded. "And? Is it true?"
Golden stammered incoherently. "W-well, yes, it might be..."
"And how was it?"
"Lisa! Please!" Golden squeezed their eyes shut, pressing their fingers together again to entirely hide their warm face. After a moment, they lowered their hands to their lap and responded. "It was...lovely. He was quite a gentleman..."
"You had me in suspense there for a moment." Kaeya's voice and his hands on their shoulders caused Golden to let out a sharp yell, snapping their head back to look up at him. Eyes wide with horror at realizing what he may have heard them say, their hands went right back up to covering their face.
"Hi, Kaeya." Lisa replied. "I hope you're well."
"Thank you, Lisa. The same to you. I'm sure you've been enjoying Golden's company." He squeezed their shoulders affectionately, despite the shit eating grin he was still wearing.
"Oh, yes. Golden's told me some rather scandalous things. Well, you heard. You? A gentleman? I thought you were a bit of a scoundrel."
Kaeya laughed. "Not at all, Lisa. I'm a knight, after all. A captain, even. I needs must be a gentleman." He put his hands on Golden's wrists gently. "And you needs must stop hiding your beautiful face, darling." Golden let him pull their hands off their face, and shot Lisa a furious look.
"How- how long- why didn't you tell me he was listening?!" Golden stumbled out, sighing with exasperation, even as their face remained dark red.
"It didn't seem terribly important." Lisa replied, putting a hand up over her smirk politely.
"Don't worry, I haven't been here long. Though I admit I'm interested in what has you so worried and flustered." Kaeya said slyly. He placed their hands on their lap before putting his hands back on their shoulders. "I was actually looking for you."
"Were you..." Golden mumbled.
"Well, that's perfectly fine. Golden and I were just finishing up. I'm sure you two have much to talk about." Lisa laughed. "Thank you for the snacks, darling. I think I'll stay here and finish them off. But you should feel free to go."
Golden glowered at Lisa while Kaeya laughed. "Shall we?" He asked, stepping to the side to offer a hand to Golden. Blushing and eyeing the ground, Golden put their hand in his, getting to their feet.
"Um, Lisa...thanks." Golden mumbled, their expression softening as they met Lisa's gaze. Lisa smiled back at her.
"You're welcome. I'm always happy to lend an ear, Golden."
Golden smiled too.
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