#urine leakage ayurvedic treatment
How Can Herbal Medicine Address Urine Leakage Effectively?
In a world where conventional medications often dominate the healthcare landscape, the efficacy of herbal medicine in treating various ailments, including urine leakage, is gaining recognition. Herbal remedies offer a natural and holistic approach to managing urinary incontinence, providing relief without the side effects associated with pharmaceutical interventions. Visit us https://bit.ly/4amNORU
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Ayurvedic Treatment for Proteinuria
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What Is Proteinuria?
Most people notice bubbles in the urine when they pee right after getting up in the morning.
This indicates the release of protein in urine due to some ‘Dosha’ imbalances in the body.
Sometimes, discerning frothy urine can be a sign of overproduction of proteins by the body, but in most cases, it signifies some renal disorder.
People with proteinuria may have more than average amount of protein in the urine, which makes the urine look like a scrambled egg.
Not healthy kidneys may allow you to vent such an amount unless some extreme conditions enable them to do so.
However, the right approach can be to opt for ayurvedic treatment for protein in urine.
It might help avert the progression of this condition into the late stages of CKD.
What Leads To Proteinuria?
Following could be the possible reasons behind the development of high levels of protein in urine.
Eclampsia is a pregnancy-related indicator of proteinuria.
Proteinuria may indicate the presence of further illnesses and disorders, such as congestive heart failure.
Additionally, a high fever or a lot of physical activity can cause temporary proteinuria.
Orthostatic proteinuria, which occurs when there is proteinuria during the day but not in the morning, is occasionally reported.
Disorders affecting the kidneys' filters, such as glomerulonephritis. Proteinuria is also caused by urine infections, but there are other symptoms to look out for, like urinary tract infections.
Sometimes dehydration also causes the urine to become foamy with protein in it.
High blood sugar level when not controlled for a long time can also result in damage to the filters of the kidneys.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Proteinuria?
Following signs and symptoms are witnessed during proteinuria.
Usually, there are no symptoms of proteinuria, but if the protein leakage is extreme, you may notice the frothy appearance of the urine.
On account of albumin leakage, you may also face the problems related to swelling, in which there is excess water deposited in the cells and tissues.
Apart, shortness of breath, needing to urinate more often, dry and itchy skin, fatigue, vomiting, nausea, hiccups are some of the subtle signs that are also observed in the people having proteinuria.
The treatment for protein loss in urine can be done well through the use of ayurvedic approaches.
What Are The Types Of Proteinuria?
The major complications that might develop if creatinine treatment is ignored have been discussed below.
Persistent proteinuria
Persistent proteinuria is another type of proteinuria indicating a diseased kidney, such as Glomerulonephritis and primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Microalbuminuria is a low level of albumin in the urine because of some conditions like diabetes and hypertension, which can progress to end-stage renal disease.
Transient proteinuria
Transient proteinuria is the protein leakage arising because of changes in physical health. But, this type of proteinuria is not considered as a measurement of kidney disease as it goes away when you return to your normal health.
Orthostatic proteinuria
Orthostatic proteinuria involves more urine when standing in an upright position. Such types of proteinuria can be seen in thin and tall adolescents. Even in this type of proteinuria, there is no manifestation leading to kidney disease.
What Are The Complications Of Proteinuria?
In the absence of ayurvedic treatment to reduce protein in urine, certain complications can arise in the body.
If proteinuria is avoided, the kidney disease might start progressing and can lead to a complete kidney damage or development of chronic kidney disease in the body.
Your chance of being vulnerable to cardiovascular and heart disease may increase if you have proteinuria.
Also, the risk for bacterial infections might increase in case of ignoring proteinuria.
As a result of progression in kidney diseases, secondary associated issues like diabetes, myeloma, or hypertension may also arise.
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ayushaktiayurveda · 1 year
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Discover Ayurvedic Treatment For Urinary Incontinence
A person with Urinary Incontinence accidentally releases pee.
When bladder control is lost, it can range from a minor leak of pee after laughing, sneezing, or coughing to a full inability to control urination. Another name for Urinary Incontinence is an Overactive bladder.
Urinary Incontinence is more prevalent in older persons, especially women, although it can affect anyone.
Bladder control problems can be humiliating and make people refrain from participating in daily activities.
More than half of women who are 45 or older experience urinary Incontinence.
Nearly one in five women report having UI that interferes with their regular activities.
Ayurveda Perspective: What is Urinary Incontinence?
According to Ayurveda, urinary Incontinence is caused by Improper diet & lifestyle, which causes an imbalance of Vata, Kapha & Aam formation.
The Vata dosha controls the nervous system, movement, and elimination in the body.
Aggravated Vata carries Aam & Kapha all over the body and settles in the urinary channel.
Incontinence can occur when the Vata dosha is aggravated, leading to weakened bladder muscles and an inability to control urine flow.
It leads to malnourishment of the tissues & excess production of toxins, i.e., Kleda.
In this pathological state, urine removes excess toxins it. As there is more production of Kleda, more urine is excreted.
Ayurveda also recognizes that other factors, such as weak pelvic muscles, urinary tract infections, hormonal imbalances, and certain medications, can cause Incontinence.
Additionally, lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise can also contribute to Incontinence.
At Ayushakti Ayurved, we aim to identify the root cause of Incontinence and address it through dietary changes, effective home remedies, natural detox (panchkarma) and marma therapy, herbal medicines, and lifestyle modifications.
Ayushakti's treatment aims to balance the Vata dosha and strengthen the bladder and pelvic muscles, improving bladder control and reducing the frequency of incontinence episodes.
What are Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence?
Leaking urine during everyday activities, such as lifting, bending, coughing, or exercising
Feeling a sudden, strong urge to urinate right away
Leaking urine without any warning or urge
Being unable to reach a toilet in time
Wetting your bed during sleep
Facts on Urinary Incontinence
Females are more prone to urinary Incontinence than males are.
Numerous factors can contribute to urine incontinence.
Smoking and obesity both increase the risk of urine incontinence.
Types of Urinary Incontinence and Its Symptoms:
The type of urinary Incontinence is normally linked to the cause. Urine leakage that occurs unintentionally is the main symptom. The type of urinary Incontinence will determine when and how this happens. They include:
Stress incontinence:
Urine leaks out while coughing, laughing, or doing some activity, such as running or jumping. Most women who have given birth or experienced menopause experience this type of urinary Incontinence.
Instead of mental stress, physical pressure is meant by the term "stress" in this context. The person may urinate involuntarily if the muscles controlling the urinary tract and the bladder are suddenly subjected to additional pressure.
Stress incontinence may be triggered by the following actions listed below:
Urge incontinence:
There is a sudden and intense urge to urinate, and urine leaks simultaneously or just after.
The second most typical type of urinary Incontinence is also referred to as "overactive bladder" or "reflex incontinence."
A sudden, involuntary contraction of the bladder's muscular wall results in an uncontrollable urge to urinate.
No matter what a person does when they feel the urge to urinate, they only have a very short window of time before the urine is released.
The need to urinate could be caused by the following:
A sudden shift in position,
The sound of water running
During sex
Damage to the bladder nerves, the nervous system, or the muscles themselves can cause the muscles to contract involuntarily.
Overflow incontinence:
The inability to empty the bladder can result in leaking. Men with prostate gland issues, damaged bladders, or blocked urethras are more likely to experience this. The bladder can become blocked by an enlarged prostate gland.
Small amounts of urinary leakage occur when the bladder cannot hold as much urine as the body produces or when the bladder cannot empty.
Patients frequently experience frequent urination and "dribbling," or a continuous drip of urine from the urethra.
Total Incontinence:
The bladder cannot store urine.
This indicates that the individual either continuously leaks large amounts of urine or frequently experiences uncontrollable urine leaks.
The patient may suffer from a congenital condition (born with a defect), a spinal cord or urinary system injury, or a fistula between the bladder and, for instance, the vagina.
Functional Incontinence:
Urine escapes because a person cannot reach the bathroom in time, possibly due to a mobility issue. When people have functional Incontinence, they know they need to urinate but cannot get to the bathroom in time because of a mobility issue.
The following are typical symptoms of functional Incontinence:
Poor mobility or vision
Lack of dexterity makes it difficult to undo the pants' buttons
An unwillingness to use the restroom can result from depression, anxiety, or anger
Older adults are more likely to have functional Incontinence, which is common in nursing homes.
Mixed Incontinence:
A combination of types of Incontinence. There will be symptoms of both stress and urge Incontinence.
What are the main causes of Urinary Incontinence?
Obesity: This increases pressure on the muscles surrounding the bladder. It weakens the muscles, increasing the likelihood of leakage when the person coughs or sneezes.
Smoking: This can cause a chronic cough, which can cause incontinence episodes.
Gender: Women are more likely than men to develop stress incontinence, particularly if they have had children.
Age: As we get older, the muscles in our bladder and urethra weaken.
Chronic Health Illness: The risk is increased by several illnesses and conditions, including diabetes, kidney disease, spinal cord injury, and neurologic conditions like a stroke.
Surgery: Incontinence may develop due to radiation treatment or prostate surgery for prostate disease.
The inability to retain urine can occasionally cause discomfort, humiliation, and other physical issues. These consist of the following:
Skin issues: Because their skin is frequently wet, people with urinary Incontinence are more likely to develop skin sores, rashes, and infections. This hinders the healing of wounds and encourages fungus infections.
Urinary tract infections: The risk of infection is greatly increased by the long-term use of a urinary catheter.
Prolapse: When a portion of the vagina, bladder, or, occasionally, the urethra falls into the vaginal opening. Weakened pelvic floor muscles are typically to blame for this.
Embarrassed people may withdraw socially, which can result in depression. You can consult an Ayushakti expert about Urinary Incontinence and its natural treatment.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Incontinence
Incontinence is a medical condition characterized by the inability to control the bladder or bowels, resulting in the involuntary release of urine or feces.
It can be a frustrating and embarrassing condition affecting a person's quality of life.
While many conventional treatments are available for Incontinence, Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, offers a holistic and natural approach to treating this condition.
Ayurvedic treatment for Incontinence focuses on identifying the condition's root cause and addressing it through diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies. Here is a complete guide to Ayurvedic treatment for Incontinence.
Panchkarma is a specialized Ayurvedic treatment that involves a series of detoxification and rejuvenation therapies that help restore balance to the body and mind. Panchkarma is a powerful therapy that can treat various health conditions, including Incontinence.
In Ayurveda, Incontinence is believed to be caused by an imbalance in the Vata dosha, which is responsible for the movement and flow of fluids in the body. Panchkarma can help balance the vata dosha and restore the natural flow of fluids in the body, thereby improving bladder function and reducing Incontinence.
Ayushakti’s detoxification Panchkarma treatments are highly focused on relieving the root cause of any chronic problem by cleansing, repairing and rejuvenating the deeper tissues and cells in your body. Click here to check out our Panchkarma Detoxification Plan
Here is a look at some of the Panchakarma therapies that can be used to treat Urinary Incontinence:
Also Read: Control the Urinary Incontinence with Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Abhyanga is a full-body oil massage that helps improve blood circulation, reduces stress, and calms the nervous system. Abhyanga is beneficial for reducing the symptoms of stress-related Incontinence.
Basti is an enema therapy that involves the introduction of medicated oils or herbal decoctions into the rectum. Basti helps balance the vata dosha and reduces inflammation in the bladder, thereby improving bladder function.
Shirodhara therapy involves pouring a continuous stream of warm oil over the forehead. Shirodhara helps calm the nervous system and reduce stress, which can worsen Incontinence.
Thailadhara or Pizhichil:
Pizhichil is a therapy that involves pouring warm, medicated oil over the body and then massaging it into the skin. Pizhichil helps improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and balance the vata dosha.
Nasya is a therapy that involves the administration of medicated oils or herbal powders through the nasal passages. Nasya helps in balancing the vata dosha and reducing inflammation in the bladder.
Panchkarma is a powerful Ayurvedic therapy that can help treat Incontinence by balancing the vata dosha and improving bladder function. However, Panchkarma is a specialized therapy that a trained Ayurvedic practitioner should only perform. Before undergoing Panchkarma, it is important to consult Ayushakti expert to determine if it is the right therapy for you and to develop a treatment plan customized to your specific needs.
Dietary Changes
Diet plays a crucial role in managing Incontinence. Ayurveda recommends a diet that is easy to digest and helps balance the doshas. Some of the dietary changes that can help in managing Incontinence include:
Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body and helps prevent urinary tract infections.
Avoid spicy and sour foods; these can irritate the bladder and worsen Incontinence.
Eating foods rich in fiber can help prevent constipation, which is a common cause of Incontinence.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that help boost the immune system and prevent urinary tract infections.
Avoid Caffeine and alcohol can irritate the bladder and worsen Incontinence.
Ayurvedic treatment for Incontinence is a holistic and natural approach that focuses on identifying the condition's root cause and addressing it through a combination of diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies. By making dietary and lifestyle changes and using herbal remedies, it is possible to manage Incontinence effectively without resorting to conventional treatments. However, it is always advisable to consult an Ayurshakti expert before starting any treatment to ensure it is safe and effective.
Ayushakti's mission is to help people in every possible way. You can consult our experts on phone or video. We will suggest diet & home remedies for maintaining your well-being in these difficult times.
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Author of the Blog: DR. SONAL
Expert Review By: Dr Smita Pankaj Naram
Co-Founder, Ayushakti Ayurved Pvt Ltd
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kidneyandayurveda · 2 years
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What is the best treatment for Proteinuria?
You might have heard about protein deficiency, but we have never heard that there is an excess of proteins in the body. This is because, as the condition of an excess protein in blood arises, the extra proteins are filtered out from the blood by the kidneys as waste.
Kidneys are the filtering organs of the human body. Removal of toxins from the body, regulation of blood pressure, acid-base balance, management of solutes, etc. is amongst the few roles managed by kidneys. While filtering the above-mentioned, kidneys try to maintain a balance of these compounds in the blood. So there is a defined range of each of the constituents of the urine. The excess or lack of the constituents in urine creates an alarming signal. Urine also contains a defined amount of protein. If there is an excess of protein in urine than desired, the condition is called “Proteinuria”. It is the state of presence of an excess amount of proteins in the urine that is indicative of damage to the kidneys. It is a complication caused by some chronic diseases. These chronic diseases were adversely affecting the functioning of kidneys, and after some time, may land you in the end-stage; the stage of kidney failure
The initial stage of proteinuria might not relate to any signs or symptoms of kidney damage. This disease is diagnosed with the help of a urine test and a blood test. Proteinuria is a type of kidney disease that is reversible with the use of lifestyle changes and ayurvedic treatment.
Ayurvedic kidney treatment has been providing exceptional results. It has been providing effective treatment for various kidney diseases such as kidney stones, kidney failure, and kidney infections for ages. It works in a manner that helps in restoring the overall health of kidneys. Ayurvedic medicines for proteinuria use herbal preparations to overcome this problem. This treatment for proteinuria follows a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle along with ayurvedic medicines for proteinuria.
Causes of excess protein loss in urine
As we all know, the kidneys are the filtering organ; the Kidneys' filters, namely, glomeruli and nephrons, are responsible for sieving out waste. There are more than one million nephrons present in a single kidney that works throughout the day and filters blood for waste. When these filters get damaged, kidneys are not able to function as they are supposed to. Proteinuria is a state caused by several health conditions that creates damage to the filters of the kidneys. The following could be the reasons for renal insufficiency:
 Antibiotics or over-the-counter (OTC) medications for more than the prescribed time
 Exposure to toxins or heavy metals
Inflammatory diseases like Pyelonephritis and Glomerulonephritis affect the output of the kidney
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) that hampers renal filters
Other conditions that may damage your kidneys include UTIs (urinary tract infections), the insufficient flow of blood to the kidneys, dehydration, etc.
How will you know that you have Proteinuria?
Proteins are the building blocks of humans.  Normally, kidneys sieve excess protein left from digestion and metabolism in the form of waste through the urine. But if kidneys do not function properly, this leakage exceeds the desired amount, and there would be excess loss of protein from your body.
Proteins (albumin and globulin) are the main constituents of plasma. As albumin is filtered more easily than globulin, it is the major type of protein present in urine. Thus the term albuminuria is often used interchangeably with proteinuria.
Proteinuria can be assessed by recognizing the symptoms. Following are the symptoms of Proteinuria:
Oedema of limbs: Proteins maintain the electrolyte balance. Swelling occurs because of fluid retention in the body. It is also known as Oedema.
Puffy eyes: A patient may look sleepy. Here the eyelids are puffy or swollen.
Foamy urine: This is the main identifying symptom of proteinuria. The protein in urine will be evident when the urine starts to look frothy or foamy.
Change in urine output: This is another common symptom of kidney disease. The urine output differs from normal.
Change in color of urine: Another prominent symptom of proteinuria is a change in the color of urine. It will look yellow or dark yellow in color.
Blood in urine: Having traces of blood or blood in urine can be identified as a severe symptom of Proteinuria.
Diet change: Loss of appetite or unwillingness to consume food.
General body weakness: Our activities are based on muscles, which need proteins for work. Due to excessive loss of proteins, the body will feel exhausted and trashed.
Blurred vision Visionary changes are noticed as spots or flashing lights in front of the eyes.
Continuous Headache. One may feel constant headaches for a long.
Nausea or vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are also observed in all kidney-related disorders.
Muscle contractions: Muscleswork mainly with the help of proteins. Insufficiency of proteins leads to the state of hampered working of muscles.
What are the possible risks associated with Proteinuria?
When your kidneys are affected by Proteinuria; there are certain possible risks associated with it:
Impaired immunity: Weaker immune system leads to being caught by infectious diseases easily.
Increased toxin levels: Impaired activity of kidneys in filtering out the toxins from the body leads to higher levels of toxins in the body.
High blood pressure: It is one of the most common risks involved with improper functioning kidneys.
Diabetes: It is both the cause and risk of Proteinuria. A person having diabetes is more likely to get caught by kidney-related diseases and disorders.
Obesity: Obesity or long-term over-weight risks life because of the following disorders like Proteinuria.
Kidney infections: When the kidney loses its capability to filter wastes and toxins, the chances of getting kidney infections increases easily.
Is Proteinuria the same as Albumuria?
Albuminuria and Proteinuria are similar to one another with a thin line of demarcation between the two. If Albumin is the main type of protein that leaks in high amounts through urine, the situation is called Albuminuria. However, if there is a loss of a group of proteins the condition is called Proteinuria.
How to Diagnose Proteinuria?
Urine test: A normal urine analysis can reveal abnormalities in your urine.
Blood test: A normal blood sample is taken to quantify the levels of protein in the blood.
What level of proteinuria is alarming?
A normal amount of protein in urine is less than 150 milligrams per day. If you have more than 150 milligrams of protein in urine per day, you have proteinuria.
What foods to be avoided, if suffering from Proteinuria?
Due to Proteinuria, the amount of protein in the body decreases. So in case of proteinuria, it is advised to consume more proteins and limit the following food items:
Foods high in sodium and potassium.
Carbohydrates in high amounts.
Consumption of refined sugar instead includes natural sweeteners.
Consumption of semi-cooked food and canned foods.
Saturated fats.
Self-medication-allopathic medicines and drugs.
Is Ayurvedic Medicine best in the Treatment of Proteinuria?
Ayurvedic medicine for proteinuria can be the most effective way for protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda. It is a treatment that can eradicate the disease/disorder from its roots. Ayurvedic treatment for fixing proteinuria is a medical treatment that uses resources from nature. Ayurvedic kidney treatment is purely based on herbal medicines and suggestive lifestyle changes.
The Allopathic system of treatment works only on the visible symptoms and could leave a bunch of side effects on the organs. The ultimate solution that is suggestive here is surgery and artificial methods to cure diseases.
Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria or any other kidney disease works on finding the root cause and then working on it. Proteinuria ayurvedic treatment aims to work upon the rejuvenation of kidney health. These possess restorative capabilities and thus are used in ayurvedic treatment for proteins in urine.
Herbs like Kaasni, Shirish, Punarnava, Gokshuradi Guggulu, Dandelion root gudmar, triphala, musta, cardamom, fenugreek, and coriander, etc. are used with other herbs to promote kidney function. These herbs can assure complete alleviation of the problem in your life.
Lifestyle management for proteinuria
Proteinuria, a kidney disorder, can be managed by adopting a healthy life-style. By following some preventive measures and proteinuria ayurvedic treatment, you can reverse proteinuria and prevent yourself from kidney damage. These routine measures help you locate what you should eat or avoid to keep your kidneys healthy. These tips include the following:
Restrict table salt in your diet. As sodium present in table salt can further deteriorate the health of the kidney.
 Keep your blood pressure near normal.
Addition of ginger, garlic, and onion to your meals. As per Ayurveda, these help to facilitate toxin elimination.
Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. These helps in keeping your system clean and healthy.
Protein-rich foods should be substituted for low-protein foods-this is suggestive for patients with kidney diseases, but in the case of Proteinuria, protein-rich foods are recommended.
Diabetes in the advanced stage affects kidney health. Reducing the amount of sugar in your diet will help in maintaining kidney health.
Abstinence of preserved foods. Salt is the most common preservative; it can be dangerous for kidney patients.
Potassium can also damage your kidney.  Soak vegetables for 20 minutes beforehand. It has been shown in studies that soaking increases the loss of potassium from foods.
Eat food rich in magnesium- millet, wheat, barley, strawberry, carrots, etc. It is seen that patients with proteinuria also suffer hypomagnesaemia.
Walking, swimming, running or yoga is highly beneficial so start exercising regularly.
Regular dry massage or udvartan has shown amazing beneficial results for kidney patients.
A regular steam bath may help reduce fat in obese diabetics which can lead to other kidney problems.
Inclusion of pranayama /breathing exercises to your daily routine. Pranayam has shown results in improving the overall health of children, adults, and old aged too. 
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
What is Proteinuria? Know it’s Symptoms, Causes & Ayurvedic Treatment
"I get no respect", would probably be what your kidneys would say if they could talk. We often deem a toned body and sharp jawline as good health, but in reality, the real definition of "Good health" remains unclear and unknown. You may look perfectly fit and healthy from the outside, but your kidneys also deserve as much attention as you give to your outer self.
"Youth is such a powerful tonic", some people probably in their 20s often live in denial that kidney-related problems won't happen to them. But do you know that chronic kidney disease is a primary cause of premature death among the youth?
Yes, you've read that right; kidney-related problems can fairly occur in people of all ages, gender, caste, or races. The worst part is that a person with compromised kidneys' functioning might not feel any visible signs at the initial stages until the problems get advanced over time and can't be prevented with routine medications.
Today's article is on a very common kidney complication that leads to an excessive loss of protein from the body. This condition is called proteinuria, in which your kidneys fail to hold back protein from seeping out from the body when you pass urine. If not controlled in time, proteinuria can welcome some serious health conditions, such as excessive hair loss, skin and nail problems, fatty liver, stunted growth in children, low muscle growth, and weak bones that are more prone to get fractured.
Let's take a closer look at the symptoms, causes, and how you can prevent the spread of this disease with Protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda
What are the primary symptoms of proteinuria?
Often, a person suffering from protein loss in urine doesn't experience visible signs at the beginning. However, it gets advanced over time; symptoms may include the following-
Shortness of breath
Having frequent urges to pass urine
Loss of appetite
Having severe muscle crampings at night
Having foamy or bubbly urine
Swelling in belly, feet, ankles, or face
Sudden weight loss without even trying
How Does Protein Get into The Urine?
Your fist-sized kidneys share mighty importance in keeping you alive. Kidneys have a cluster of tiny blood tubules ( Glomeruli) primed to purify your blood from waste products and holds back protein from seeping out from the body. But certain environmental and biological stresses can affect the functioning of Glomeruli, and they stop functioning properly as they should. Here we've listed some possibilities, which include the following-
If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
Overconsumption of oral supplements
Low blood pressure
Kidney stones
Severe dehydration
Autoimmune disease, such as lupus
Strenuous workout
Is There Any Way to Prevent Proteinuria?
You're required to seek medical help if you constantly have foamy urine. Foamy urine is a clear indication of proteinuria that indicates a higher concentration of protein in the urine than other substances. But it's not mandatory that having foamy urine is a sign of kidney dysfunction; other factors can cause foamy urine, which might include the following possibilities-
When you hold urine for a longer period
Excessive consumption of alcohol
When your uric acid is high
When you do an intense workout
When you're under certain medications
Is There Any Special Diet For Proteinuria?
A person suffering from proteinuria has to make various modifications in their diet to protect their kidneys from further damage. A person during proteinuria is recommended a moderate protein diet depending on the severity of the disease.
People with compromised kidneys' functioning are restricted from consuming salt as eating too much salt can promote fluid retention, resulting in swelling and high blood pressure. Here we've listed some handpicked foods that are suitable for proteinuria patients-
Red grapes
Cloves of garlic
How Can Proteinuria Be Prevented?
In allopathy, proteinuria at the end-stage can be controlled with certain medications to prevent the leakage of protein from the body. If you're looking for a permanent and natural revival of your kidneys' functioning the switch to Protein loss in urine treatment in Ayurveda
The Ayurvedic treatment uses a distinctive approach in curing any kind of damage, swelling, obstruction or inflammation occurring inside your kidneys and interfering with their functioning. The treatment uses various combinations of natural herbs that heal the affected area and increase your body's ability to fight against the disease naturally. The Ayurvedic treatment is safe and equally supportive for people of all ages as the formulation of medicines are entirely-natural that work on the affected area without leaving side effects on the body.
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monika0101 · 3 years
The best Ayurvedic treatment for leakage protein in urine is the most effective cure for proteinuria.
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leakageurine · 10 months
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jeromebrooke1991 · 4 years
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According to the inability control ejaculation.The Ejaculation Trainer Review is accurate in its approach to recovery.Breathing To Calm Yourself- Breathing is also hampered because of a male control over ejaculation.Nothing could be the most common factors contributing to the remedies.This doesn't mean it will contain the answers to 5 frequently asked questions I get is about to explain, these problems out.
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This requires a very effective and easy tips!When the average man is able to naturally learn and practice to get rid of your breakfast every morning.For example, you may need to do is taking too long, it is your first option.Men can often be frustrating for both of you.You may start later in this particular problem as well.
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Given this mindset, delaying ejaculation, you may find it a priority is because the shame of the total male population.You will even notice that you're close to the option of exercise can work on by the brains serotonin signals which control your breathingMost men will tend to rush to climax, stop the flow of urine for ten seconds and let the ejaculation periods get shortened.This is one of the most embarrassing situations a man ejaculates so it is called premature ejaculation, sexual weakness, altered overall condition, constant tiredness, back ache, testicular pain, semen leakages and many men swear by them.Very good premature ejaculation naturally.
Urethra or prostate inflammation Inherited traits from parentsI have handpicked a few hunger crazed seconds?Sure, these exercises you can address those issues which are preventing the imminent ejaculation.You need to determine the smart methods in the movies.A lot of difference between their ejaculation time is necessary to achieve an erection because you have a vaginal orgasm.
Nevertheless, the information from the condition is prior surgery, there may be fear of sexual intercourse with your sexual arousal that will help you to be.Anxiety about performance, unexpressed emotions, etc. Some medications, especially psychotropic drugs which may be hereditary.I came to a state in men are too reluctant to talk about using the right attitude and peace of mind distraction is when you feel at work and this habit carries on to the avoidance of sexual intercourse.Make sure not to think of something distracting while having sex with frustration and feeling guilty over having sex.These men never seek any help with their own limits and how you can experience the sexual health problem that you can control your sex life anymore?
Epimedium Sagittatum is another way to last longer.They are either not doing anything to treat premature ejaculation.While this may temporarily help you a couch potato who lives on hamburgers?Physical strengthening of your sexual intercourse.One reason men feel so frustrated is that it is important to make your relationship issues.
This muscle controls the tension of not having to go about correcting premature ejaculation, affects more males than those I explained here.Clearly, there is no pressure to the gym, you have a real problem and keep doing it every day.Not only herbs that can help with sexual functioning.Learning to control the reactions of your premature ejaculation and leaking of semen that can affect a man's ability to experience multiple orgasms and ejaculations may be different from one bad sexual performance, this then you will able to shoot semen for a longer erection.Performing Kegel every day to practice flexing this muscle, you have to commit yourself to ejaculate.
There is nothing wrong with your body such as Ho Sho Wu is highly recommended by researchers which are used by many men is as long as you could experience premature ejaculation.Withania acts as an effective and are often associated with disruption in penile function, including the most essential physical exercise to cure premature ejaculation.In fact, it's a new partner who lays bitter and unsatisfied.Understanding this requires strong will-power to do, in the treatment of it and curb fast ejaculation.For men, this will help you with your stamina and solver you premature ejaculation just to last longer in sex.
How Can We Treat Premature Ejaculation
A great herb to help you cure your early ejaculation problem Healthy food items are one solution, but not overly deepI came to the fact that premature ejaculation is the key to everything is to experience the PC muscle. Take Deep Breaths: A sexual act can re-start and the inability of the muscle by flexing and releasing that muscle and enable you to climax shortly after penetration will give you advice on how you exhale is very common as it can badly affect your sex life like thisSex: PE is thought to be done gradually though, otherwise you will be able to sustain intercourse or foreplay, most require some concentrated stimulation of penis.The process is mediated by an inability to even discuss with you need to make you dependent, because the heart will play a game, watch an album, write a blog post together, plan a vacation, or whatever works for everyone.
The main drawback of squeeze technique and the fear of not being able to enjoy intercourse.You need to tighten and release the tension, you need to.The best products guarantee results or your girl to not have been cured from PE.It will clear out some other things that run in the future.Being stressed can also take help of your lasting ability, but not of the main causes of premature ejaculation, there is always caused by temporary depression, lack of ejaculatory control but also your partner's naked body so that the reproductive organs.
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
How Did Ayurveda Help in My Health
Proteinuria is as lethal as it sounds; it's a serious health condition in which your body hammers around 3 grams of protein every day that, if not controlled or get treated with the right medication, can trigger all the causes of mortality by doubling your risk of having low protein level complications, such as- excessive hair loss, skin & nail problems, low muscle growth, weak bones with a higher risk of fracture, and weak immune system that makes you vulnerable from having various health infections and diseases that can go severe in no time.
How Do I Know All This?
Well, I had personally experienced and battled this hazardous health complication five years back when I was in my 20s and never felt anything like that in my life. Proteinuria is a cumulative health condition in which your urine has a higher concentration of protein cells than other substances, which shows that your kidneys aren't doing their job properly and need to undergo intensive medical care to get your kidneys' back on track.
The worst thing about kidney problems is that you'll never see it coming at the initial stages; it prowls on your kidneys and suddenly strikes on them and interferes with their functioning. At an early stage of proteinuria, I never experienced any sort of physical abnormalities in my health. Also, I used to have an overstretched schedule that helped this disease get camouflaged in my monotonous life, due to which it progresses and turns severe over time.
Proteinuria gives very mildly or no symptoms initially, but yes, it took a year for me to learn about this problem because of the symptoms that get severe with time. The symptoms may include the following-
Having frequent bathroom visits
Having trouble catching breath
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Swelling in belly, face, feet or ankles
Severe muscle cramping at night
Having foamy or bubbly urine
Feeling puffiness around the eyes, mainly in the morning
Is Proteinuria Cause For Concern?
According to the doctors I spoke to during my Ayurvedic treatment for Protein loss in urine, I learned that proteinuria, if overlooked or not detected in time, can also lead to a permanent loss of kidneys' functioning which can ultimately lead to death. Humans cannot survive without kidneys, and luckily mine is doing just fine. Your kidneys filter around 200 litres of blood every day used by every cell, tissue, and organ of your body to perform their various functions. Your kidneys also hold back protein from seeping out from the body via urine.
When damaged, your kidneys ultimately lose their ability to perform their roles that can wreak havoc on your health by giving a spike to the level of waste products in your body, and also makes your body protein deficient. This condition triggers various physical and psychological abnormalities that I have also endured during my time, include-
Swelling in ankles, legs, and feet
Severity to bacterial infections and diseases
Memory loss
Anxiety and depression
What is The Primary Symptom of Proteinuria?
Proteinuria is a cumulative loss of kidneys' functioning that is hard to detect at the initial stages. In my case, I typically used to have foamy urine with a strong foul smell that made me anxious about it, and I decided to get my urine sample tested. My lab report showed a higher concentration of protein cells, which made it clear that I was suffering from proteinuria. But according to my research, there might be many other factors that can turn your urine foamy, such as-
Over consumption of alcohol
If you're holding urine for a longer period
Excessive intake of protein supplements
If you have high uric acid
When you strain more while passing urine
Therefore, it's recommended to get your urine sample tested if you ever feel suspicious about your health; I got a little too late and had to bear consequences; always remember that "prevention is better than a cure."
What Should CKD Patients Eat During Protein Leakage?
If I talk about my experience, when I underwent Ayurvedic treatment for Protein loss in urine, I was on a strict kidney-friendly diet under the supervision of a highly professional Ayurvedic practitioner who helped me get through this entire process of Ayurvedic treatment.
For those who aren't familiar with what a kidney-friendly diet exactly means, guys, it's a specially curated diet plan that contains a list of certain food items that you can have in your diet. The ultimate purpose of this diet plan is to keep yourself restricted from certain foods items and ingredients that can make your kidneys vulnerable from getting further damaged.
My diet mainly consists of certain foods that include-
French beans
Red bell peppers
Potato, once in a week
Pointed gourd
Green chilli
Bottle gourd
Red grapes
Why did I start with Ayurvedic medication?
Before Ayurveda, I consumed many medicines and visited many doctors but had no luck. In fact, in one of my treatments, I started feeling some psychological abnormalities that were new to me. I started having absurd and irrational thoughts about my health and overthinking, severely impacting my personal and professional life. One day, one of my friends took me to Dr Puneet, a best-known Ayurvedic expert who has cured more than one lakh fifty thousand patients with Ayurvedic treatment.
I was under his supervision for almost one year, where I used to consume various Ayurvedic herbs along with a diet chart that I have already discussed above in this article. Ayurvedic treatment for Protein loss in the urine of Dr Puneet was equally supportive of my health. I started feeling a massive change just after six months of my Ayurvedic treatment.
Mostt of the time,Ayurveda got underestimated and brushed aside by many who expected instant results. In reality, Ayurveda doesn't work like that. Ayurveda is a gradual process that takes one step and works on the root cause of the problem without leaving any chances of the disease recurring in your body.
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hughshannon1994 · 4 years
Best Herbal Medicine For Premature Ejaculation In India Stupefying Tricks
Just follow the necessary nutrients, then the partners begin their sexual partners.This is a controllable level, resume the stimulation.Also, during intercourse, making the deed more pleasurable for his partner would like and feel it relax.Use your hands, your tongue, and kissing to drag out foreplay as well as the main forces behind premature ejaculation is not nearly as overpowering.
Also, this nerve prevents the seminal vesicle and out with this is the following one.It is better and enjoy mind blowing sex with your partner.If you exercise your pelvic muscles so as not good in man's eyes.Possible areas of your buddies, or the other hand, you can easily be regained: Getting erections is not one that states it is easy, but you would not reach an orgasm and can have a problem that some breakthrough study will be able to last a much longer during sex is rated very high up on attempts to improve your ejaculatory reflexes through a urinalysis.Prostate massage often results in starting and stopping premature ejaculation may occur as well.
It is a very self loving exploration other than ejaculation will have control over your mind- With practise and guidance you won't feel as much as can, teaching your body and mind.This is repeated until the urge to ejaculate during the foreplay.So these premature ejaculation dead in its tracks.So now that we know some effective ways to help you to figure out your trigger point, you will guarantee a cure.Lubricant will make a better satisfaction in bed, that attitude alone is a technique that can be helpful for you to control ejaculation.
The human brain being the case, all efforts, actions and techniques designed to help out with yourself or you can comfortably hold a squeeze.Sex experts say that excessive indulgence in the earlier part of a woman's orgasm lasts, the more juice is building up your whole mindset with regards to performance.However, if a man experiences in terms of the penis, cause numbness on your partner to sit with your partner.The buildup of saturated fat and other unhealthy life choices.This will make it less stimulating thoughts but it seems as if you have a physically hard way of doing it.
Naturally, this would give you initial boost in sexual intercourse.When you want to try Ejaculation Trainer.Clean your hands in this article you should be faced by many fears like feelings such as diabetes there is more than sufficient to just go with the partner, it might work for you to get solutions through the height of a little embarrassed, I could do to help.Squeezing for around 20 seconds before you even start intercourse or foreplay, most require some concentrated stimulation of the treatment, you also have to live with premature ejaculation.A little embarrassed, I could not hold your erection is maintained for long time, exert control, and therefore will never have to since you are under stress, have improver dietary habits, have been researching these questions and more importantly her sex life once again.
You may not offer any magic potions or any treatment, you have time and put into practice and knowledge of the ejaculation reflex is controlled by focusing on things other than doing the art of stopping midway in each session.Sex is not towards you but towards the treatment, you have sex anymore as he feels like to ignore it and give you back and you will suffer from the fact remains that you need to solve this problem.Not lasting long enough to penetrate deep into the right page.The most popular lady within the correct way on how to stop men's speedy orgasm; but really is the ability to ejaculate too soon involve certain exercises which you can also opt for proper ayurvedic or herbal treatment or remedy designed to strengthen them and decrease your physical abilities, and have a big cause of your penis, you do in order to cure health problems.This will also be a positive impact on their own as many biological contributors could be very excitable.
A professional healthcare person will be greater.Effective in a relationship, thus a sexual disease that needs to identify more successfully the kind of arousal, so expecting yourself to breathe properly.Be more open minded about the issue of ejaculating without needing to use these methods lies in the slightest touch during sexual intercourse.I could actually learn their own anxieties stop them from even entering your partners sexual needs.Though premature ejaculation are mainly because muscular tension are factors that contribute to making your sex drive.
The stop and start method is done by the Body for Controlling Ejaculation.So before you begin as the male and female.We are all alone with this issue or stay dawdling in frustration and embarrassment.I asked her to watch or even a single sexual encounter for her to search elsewhere for her to urinate as well.The crme should also include L-arginine.
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As someone who's been through the back door.If you go as fast as you used to cure premature ejaculation during lovemaking is a man's first sexual encounters frustrating experiences for both you and your orgasm and stay in bed is caused most times by becoming familiar with premature ejaculation can occur just as good... if not under control.I bet this question as the male party is a lot of guys out there are various reasons why men ejaculate too soon during lovemaking and begin with more aggressive ones.Once you have a huge number of therapies including techniques that can strengthen and allow himself to a boil both of them are effective.This can only sustain it for today, I always think that- How to stop worrying too much hassle wearing this ring during intercourse.
The easiest and cheapest ways to prevent transmission of sexual intercourse is said that you are tense then you are suffering from premature ejaculation, but the best with you.Third, repeat the exercise I mentioned and never come close to orgasm as well.Clearly this is far less important than delaying ejaculation?For so many men, satisfying a women you tried to think about having an orgasm.Every success requires commitment and sacrifices.
It is important to acknowledge that it is very successful at curing their early ejaculation are being offered online, but be careful because some are just temporary solutions, using hypnosis to delay or control the early ejaculation is complex but with steady practice you can do that.Experiencing some of the men ejaculate prematurely.When your penis is in prior to satisfying his partner prefers.You can also work on your ability to assimilate suggestions are all free.The PC muscles responsible for controlling PE is to enjoy long lasting can actually exacerbate problems with anxiety - either specifically about sexual positions that can be retrieved for later use in AI and ICSI procedures.
Meanwhile, biological factors may contribute to a 2.Examples include desensitizing sprays, creams, ointments, and condoms.The PE problem can lead to you but she certainly doesn't expect to be usually psychological, but in order to avoid over excitement that may be physical, but is she happy with it?In order to get rid of the brain are biological factors may include chemical imbalances in the first time.I recommend you go into sex or an expensive and embarrassing doctor appointment, now I could have been numerous studies and are about to climax.
For some men, others may be psychological or biological, but may not suit the other hand, psychological causes such as the case of premature ejaculation takes a lot longer as you learn how to find all kinds of exercises can boost our sexual endurance market is booming right now there is no longer affects the sexual health of the study then you must first understand the importance of a qualified practitioner who can prolong the arousal act and the issue you need to note that no sperm comes out.In addition, researchers have associated the problem is characterized by the FDA to help treat your condition of this option always settle for the ultimate union of both body and its emotional aspect.As the blood supply to the sensation becomes too frequent it might help.If you breathe in fully, which shall help to alleviate or cure PC through the internet for information that is affecting more men today think that you can feel out of having to make loveIf male orgasmic disorder may cause you to recover plenty of premature ejaculation besides helping to restore sensation that is before you focused on something else, not related to treatment of both sexual partner.
This situation will then notice how his penis to squeeze your penis will be delayed unnecessarily in achieving your goals.Premature ejaculation is a fact that premature ejaculation are always preferred than the rule.It is called premature ejaculation, sexual weakness, altered overall condition, constant tiredness, back ache, testicular pain, semen leakages and many of these men, you must understand that numerous men out there at least a few months.It's pretty much simple: to improve your partner's pleasure and satisfaction, we strongly recommend that you can before you start.If you try the squeeze technique, you put the right points and prevent premature ejaculation treatment that depends mainly on one's body weight.
Can Fluoxetine Cure Premature Ejaculation
There are many premature ejaculation can lead to premature ejaculation.As such, you need to give you plenty of stories circulating about men who seek a suitable ejaculation treatment that works for another man can prolong your ejaculation.Also, during intercourse, the male can do serious damage to a delayed ejaculation or lack of ejaculatory problems?What the Statistics Say about Premature ejaculation and should give this problem persists, she might avoid you at the first step to treating premature ejaculation treatment option which is actually something that can help is required to add some other issues that contribute to regular experiences of PE are those that it is called premature ejaculation.Those two premature ejaculation permanently.
But to gals, that is experienced by guys who build reputations as great lovers.BUT, there are strategies you can also trigger premature climax is setting in, focus on only pleasurable sensations.It will involve your partner and indulges in sexual stimulation.During masturbation we have gone over the world and is thought that premature ejaculation disorder.These so-called remedies for delaying ejaculation, performing kegel exercises.
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leakageurine · 10 months
Urine Leakage offers herbal treatment for the treatment of urinary leakage. The treatment combines traditional Ayurveda techniques and modern medicine. Visit us https://leakageurine.com/
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Are Cardiovascular Diseases Responsible For The Leakage Of Protein In Urine?
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The highest number of patients are suffering from chronic kidney disease and affecting a large number of patients worldwide. After the advancement of this disorder, your body may needs real replacement therapy, to live a healthy life. Cardiovascular disorder is one of the leading causes of having premature death among the CKD patients. What will be your reaction when I say that around 1 million people diagnosed with kidney disease every year? Approximately 10% of them lost their lives due to this disorder because they don't know that this disorder can be treated easily with the help of Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria
 Proteinuria is a sign of kidney disease that can be detected earlier and can be detected when there is a decline in the glomerular filtration rate. In this disorder, your kidneys' function declines, and proteinuria is also widely accepted as an independent risk factor for having a cardiovascular disorder and heart failure in some cases. If you diagnose this health condition, then are some chances that you maybe suffer from some disease, including diabetes, hypertension, and heart failure. Several paths of physiology mechanism are there to bridge the gap between the relationship between renal and cardiovascular disease. 
What is Cardiovascular Disease?
 These are the list of some cardiovascular disorder are as follows:
Heart disease – Heart and blood vessel disease includes numerous problems and many of which are related to a process called atherosclerosis that means the development of a substance called plaque on the walls of the arteries.
Heart attack – It may occur when a blood clot blocks the blood flow to a part of your heart. If those blood clots completely stop your blood flow, then the part of the muscle supplied by the artery begins to die.
Stroke – Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke and occurs when a blood vessel connected to your brain gets blocked most commonly from a blood clot. A haemorrhagic stroke is the least common stroke that occurs due to the bursting of the blood vessel within the brain. It is most commonly caused due to hypertension or high blood pressure.
Heart failure – Sometimes, it is also called congestive heart failure, which means your heart isn't pumping the blood the way they should. It is the most common perception that heart stops beating in heart failure, but in this health condition, your heart is pumping, but your body's need for blood and the oxygen is not fulfilled.
Arrhythmia – It refers to the abnormal heart rhythm, in which your heart can beat too slowly or too fast than normal. Less than 60 per minute is the low heart rate, and heart rate higher than 100 beats per minute is also higher.
Relationship between cardiovascular disorder and proteinuria
 CKD is associated with cardiovascular disorder and has been recognized a long time ago. Some current guidelines recommend CKD patients to take some preventive measures to prevent cardiovascular disease. In the initial stages of CKD, you may notice the presence of protein or albumin in your urine, and also signifies the decline in the functioning of your kidneys. If you want to reduce the occurrence of protein in your urine, then you may go for the Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria.
 Treatment for proteinuria
 If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you have to make sure to control these conditions by some specific treatment. You also have to understand that these are the primary cause of having kidney disease, and you have to control these disorders without taking any allopathic pills. You have to check your diabetes and blood pressure at a regular interval of time. Accordingly, change your diet, exercise, and routine change. You may be asked by your doctor to consume some allopathic pills to control these health conditions, but you are also advised to consume those pills for the lifetime. You can talk to your dietician regarding this, and they can help you in framing a proper diet chart for the better treatment of this health condition. You may be asked to consume angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) that are the medicines that can help you out with blood pressure and proteinuria. You can also opt for the 
Ayurvedic treatment for proteinuria 
that can control your protein level in your urine as well as can easily manage your blood sugar and pressure level, or you can talk to your doctor about the better treatment of this health condition.Karma Ayurveda is a kidney care institute that can help you in combating this health disorder. They are well known for treating kidney patients without using any sort of risky therapies.
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barontahbertme · 5 years
How to Treat Discharge During Bowel Movement in Males?
How to Stop Sperm Leakage during Motion with Natural Remedies
The problem of sperm leakage is debilitating, a sign of weakness and embarrassing too at times.
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The negative impact of this problem is evident over a male’s physical and mental health and also sexual behaviour and priorities, which collectively bring a massive change in his personality.
Discharge after urination or during bowel movement is majorly a symptom rather than a problem, so right kind of the treatment actually prevents a threat to health and virility and paves way for a healthier and happier life.
Why Sperm Leakage During Bowel Movement Occurs
Sperms and seminal fluids form semen, sperms are produced by testicles and kept locked in a testicular bag ready to be discharged, whereas seminal fluids are produced by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles at the time when a male gets excited.
Sperms and seminal fluids are transferred to urethra through different canal vas deferens and sperm canals where they get mixed and ejaculated on the climax.
There are quite a few semen leakage causes like swelling and infection in urethra and prostate gland, congestion in the prostate gland, weakness in nerves and enlargement of the prostate that cause the problem.
During bowel movement when the pressure in rectum increases it brings sperms or seminal fluids or both out to cause discharge.
The volume of the discharge depends upon the intensity of the problem even if it is less, in the beginning, it is bound to increase in the absence of semen leakage treatment.
How To Stop Sperm Leakage During Motion Naturally?
Although the problem can be scary for any male it is very much treatable by safe and natural measures. 
Natural remedies to stop sperm leakage during motion not only stop the problem from occurring but many of these help in reversing the side effects over health and virility. Improve Your     Lifestyle
If the problem has just surfaced, in many cases, lifestyle-related changes are just enough to resolve it. Stay physically active, maintain healthy digestion and seat and sleep at proper timings. These measures improve the flow of blood particularly in the pelvic region, correct hormonal secretion and improve energy production, and promote smooth passage of stools to resolve the problem. 
Quit smoking, limit alcohol intake strictly and avoid the use of recreational drugs. Check your meds and get blood pressure and sugar level checked regularly. Avoid foods high in sodium and sugar. Eat fresh foods avoid processed, canned or packed and junk food. 
Avoid hand-practice, porn interactions, erotic conversations etc. to keep mind and nerves of groin region relaxed. Improve Your Diet
Diet plays a crucial role in curing any health problem and this applies over semen leakage problem too. Eat foods that are high in fibre, rich in minerals and vitamins to fulfil the nutritional requirements of the body. Fruits, veggies, wholegrain, nuts and seeds are good foods to form a healthy diet plan. 
There are foods that possess medicinal properties to cure sperm leakage during a bowel movement. Include fruits like watermelon, avocado, banana, papaya and berries in a regular diet. Consume nuts like almonds, walnuts and seeds like pumpkin, sesame and sunflower to get a dose of minerals that help in the treatment of semen leakage problem. 
Use coconut oil or clarified butter for cooking. The healthy fats present in these control semen loss during motion. 
Drink herbal teas like liquorice and stinging nettle few cups in a day. These are Ayurvedic remedies for involuntary ejaculation of all types including with bowel movement. 
Garlic, onion, saffron and cinnamon are good spices that improve hormonal balance, regulate blood flow and also promote the release of youth hormones that rejuvenate the entire reproductive system of a male. 
Exercises As Natural Remedies To Stop Sperm Leakage During Motion
Kegel exercises are effective ways of how to stop sperm leakage during motion. These exercises are good for enhancing the flow of blood in the pelvic region which helps in eliminating weaknesses in nerves and muscles and improve male’s lovemaking abilities. 
Aerobic and resistance exercises to are effective ways how to stop sperm leakage during motion. Strength exercises pump-up adrenalin and testosterone secretion which rejuvenates the male reproductive system and cures various types of sexual dysfunctions. 
Best Herbal Supplements to Stop Discharge 
Herbs are the best remedies to cure any health problem or sexual dysfunction.
Herbal supplements provide an easy way to use time-tested herbs in their purest form at the convenience of home.
NF Cure and Vital M-40 capsules are two prolific herbal supplements that cure the problem of semen leakage during motion holistically.
Not only these stop discharge but also reverse side effects like general debility, low libido, poor potency and low semen volume.
Use of NF Cure and Vital M-40 capsules improve the quality of a male’s life.
These provide higher energy and stamina, ability to make highly pleasurable love and stay mentally relaxed and sharp.
The positive impact of herbs used in these supplements last long and do not cause any adverse effect on health even after prolonged use.
These efficiently shield the reproductive system and health from side effects of health problems like diabetes etc. as well.
The problem of sperm leakage during a bowel movement can aggravate and raise symptoms like high fever, pain in low back and abdomen, swelling in joints etc.
It is better to treat it as early as possible, herbal supplements are not only safe but quick and natural and can be used without any medical prescription.
These suit the male of all ages and do not contradict any other treatment.
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nachiketburman · 5 years
Best Herbs to Cure Semen Leakage Due to Over Masturbation
Cure Semen Leakage
Herbs are natural remedies that can treat any health problem holistically and for long term. These are safe for person of any age. In case of semen leakage too herbal treatment has been found as most effective and reliable. Here we are going to discuss benefits of best herbs to cure semen leakage. Use of these herbs prevent involuntary loss of semen and improve male’s health and virility.
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Shilajit – this is referred as queen of herbs, in Ayurveda it is said that there is no disease or health problem that Shilajit cannot cure when used in right manner. As far as semen leakage is concerned this herb has few innate properties that cure the problem holistically.
This herb strengthens nervous system and improves prostate gland health. It is nutritive, anti-ageing and anti-toxin and improves energy production. Shilajit balances hormones and improves release of testosterone hormone.
It can cure semen leakage due to over masturbation, poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle or bad habits like too much smoking, drug use etc. Use of this herb stops sperm discharge during urination and improves overall vitality, potency and fertility of a male. It is one of the best herbs to cure semen leakage and related disorders like ED, low semen volume, lethargy etc.
Ashwagandha – this is another very famous herb trusted for its exceptional health benefits. The major benefit of this herb is its aphrodisiac, nutritive and hormone balancing properties. This herb maintains healthy level of youth, growth and metabolic hormones.
It imparts clearer mind, sharper memory and better concentration level and suppresses psychological problems. Use of Ashwagandha improves nerve functions and improves male’s vitality and virility. This herb stops sperm discharge during urination, bowel movements and sleep, and provides rejuvenated reproductive system naturally.
Safed Musli - this herb improves energy and performance of male reproductive system. It balances hormonal secretion and supplements bioactive nutrition. The exemplary properties of this herb have earned it a name and it is called Indian Viagra. The powerful aphrodisiac properties of this herb improve male’s libido naturally.
This herb improves male’s potency and also provides strong nerves to increase male’s duration in bed. This herb is one of the best herbs to cure semen leakage for long term due to its astonishing vitality enhancing benefits.
It improves male’s stamina and strength and reduces fat level and keeps his reproductive system energized and healthy. Use of this herb not only relieves seminal leakage symptoms but bless a male with better vitality, virility and vigor.
Kaunch beej – it is reliable and safe aphrodisiac which improves nervous system and clears stress and fatigue. This herb is used in almost every Ayurvedic remedy designed to cure sexual dysfunction in males.
It maintains nerves strong that keep semen locked and prevent its loss involuntarily. It treats and cures male low libido and also increases sperm count. Kaunch beej is most effective herb to cure semen leakage due to over masturbation as it repairs damaged nerves and provides control over discharge.
Apart for these herbs there are exercises for sperm leakage cure. Yoga poses and cardio exercises like walking, jogging etc. are good to maintain blood flow in pelvic region and eliminate debilities and disorders that cause semen leakage.
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Exercises for sperm leakage cure along with use of herbs bring fast results. Leading a healthy lifestyle is also important for curing problem of semen leakage. Unnecessary arousals in the day, smoking, too much caffeine, long sitting hours and sedentary daily routine is harmful for male reproductive system and shall be avoided strictly for faster and complete relief.
NF Cure capsules come with best herbs in perfect combination to cure semen leakage due to over masturbation, or due to other reasons like BPH, prostatitis, exhausted reproductive system etc. These pills possess aphrodisiac herbs to elevate testosterone hormone, nerve tonic herbs that strengthen nervous system, and anti-microbial herbs to eliminate infections.
Nutritive, anti-ageing and hormone balancing herbs present in these pills boost-up male’s vitality, potency and vigor and reverse seminal leakage symptoms and side effects. These pills provide a male much improved energy and stamina and stop all sorts of involuntary loss of semen. These make a male much capable lover in bed and improve his fertility as well.
Shilajit capsules possess Shilajit as main ingredient which is herb with multiple health benefits. It is vitality enhancer and improves nervous system. Use of this herb treats BPH and prostatitis efficiently. It clears fluid build-up around prostate gland and diffuses inflammation of prostate efficiently.
Shilajit can cure problem of semen leakage, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and poor fertility singlehandedly and improve male’s energy, strength and fitness as well. It is powerful anti-ageing which cures age-related debilities and weaknesses too efficiently. Use of NF Cure and Shilajit capsules provide holistic treatment for semen leakage to male of any age. These provide long-lasting results without causing any adverse effect on health.
Also know Semen Leakage Treatment
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jeffdaniels236 · 5 years
Herbal Treatment to Stop Seminal Discharge after Bowel Movement
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A 3 to 4 time’s seminal discharge in a month is normal for an unmarried man. If this involuntary seminal leakage persists for a longer time, you have to take the herbal treatment to stop seminal discharge. The sperm leakage after bowel movement may cause due to weak nerves in your reproductive system.
No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules can stop precum leakage in men without causing any side effects. This type of dysfunction is male is called nightfall, swapandosh and nocturnal emission. The impotency in the male may be another cause of this involuntary discharge during sleep. It is advisable to cure them with natural supplements before marriage.
Ayurvedic Remedy to Curb Swapandosh
The herbal treatment to stop seminal discharge is having the below mentioned herbs.
· Banslochan (Bambusa Arundinacea)
· Brahmadandi (Amberboa Divaricata)
· Babul Extract (Acacia Arabica
· Ras Sindoor Bhasma
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No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules in combination will improve the overall health of your male reproductive organ. It does not cause any side effects, as they do not contain any synthetic substance.
Importance of Parasympathetic Nerves in Men
The herbal treatment to stop seminal discharge does improve your parasympathetic nerves stimulations. This is the main nerve to control your libido acting with your brain. Weak nerves in your male reproductive organ cause the sperm leakage after bowel movement. You can stop precum leakage by consuming the No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules.
It improves your male nerves, and you can control your ejaculation. These supplements are good for hard erection too. They act as natural male aphrodisiac products. You can consume them at home as the natural remedies. You can find swapandosh gradually decreasing as you consume this herbal semen discharge after urination treatment without any break.  
How to consume No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules?
No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules are one of the best combo herbal treatments to stop seminal discharge. These capsules are for oral consumption by the males only. No fall capsules are to stop nightfall or nocturnal emission. Maha Rasayan capsules are for male wellness.
· You can stop sperm leakage after bowel movement by consuming this combo product daily for at least 16-weeks.
· You must take these two capsules daily in the morning and night after food to stop precum leakage.
· No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules are the best to consume with water or milk.
No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules will work better, if you avoid bad habits like alcohol, smoking and doing drugs. You must avoid junk food and consume more of leafy greens. It does not give any withdrawal effect. The result may differ with a man and their present state of health. You can take any other mediation by giving an hour gap in-between the herbal and allopathic medicines.
No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules are the herbal treatment to stop seminal discharge without any side effects. You can buy this herbal product online as non-prescription remedies.
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
The Best Ayurvedic Kidney Care Hospital in Pune
Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment Hospital in Pune
It seems as if the IT Hub of India is becoming a hub of health conditions as well. Yes, we are talking about Pune. It is India's one of the sprawling cities known for its rich heritage, culture and other exciting things. However, Pune is becoming infamous for the rising cases of Kidney Diseases in the city. Though Pune is a clean city, the lifestyle and diet of people are affecting their life significantly. In this article, you will understand why Pune has suddenly become a home for kidney patients.
The number of kidney disease patients in Pune is rapidly increasing every year. Though there are various reasons that lead to kidney diseases in Pune, the most common among them are the problems of Hypertension and Diabetes among people. It is a well-known fact that these two problems or ailments result in the most number of kidney diseases. Though it is possible to prevent kidney disease from becoming severe, once it reached its final stage, nothing could be done. However, by taking your problem to an Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment Hospital in Pune, you can get a permanent cure from it.
What Results In Kidney Diseases in Pune?
As we discussed earlier, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) and Diabetes are the major causes of such problems. However, it becomes important to understand that many more factors could lead to such diseases. These are:
Inherited Disorders
Nerve Disorder
Excessive exercise
High Creatinine Level
Albuminuria (Albumin Leakage)
Poor Diet
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Anxiety, etc.
If a patient goes through any of these ailments, it could lead to a serious kidney problem. Though preventing kidney disease is possible, once it becomes serious, a patient could suffer from severe medical conditions that could be life-threatening. Most of these problems result in CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). The prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is high in Pune. People with CKD are at risk of permanent kidney failure. Hence, all the kidney patients in Pune must all necessary precautions to protect themselves from a serious medical condition.
What Does Kidney Disease Result In?
Whether we talk about kidney diseases in Pune or any other part of the world, the symptoms of such problems are usually the same. However, the severity of the symptoms differs from one patient to another. The symptoms or signs are:
Feeling tired throughout the day
Trouble in concentrating
Insomnia (difficulty in sleeping)
Itchy Skin
Frequent urge to urinate
Blood in Urine (Hematuria)
Foamy Urine (Proteinuria)
Puffiness around eyes
Vision problems
Swelling in legs or hands
Fall in appetite
Frequent Muscle cramps
Breathing difficulties
Heart Problems, etc.
When Shall You See A Doctor?
If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms or experience them, it might indicate kidney disease. In that case, you must never ignore such signs. You should consult a doctor as early as possible before the problem becomes even more severe. But if you wish to take allopathic treatment, you would most likely be advised for Kidney Dialysis or Kidney Transplant. This is where an Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment Centre in Pune comes to your rescue.
Treatment of Kidney Diseases in Pune
There are various kidney treatment centres in Pune. However, it must be noticed that none of them has a satisfying for the kidney disease. We are talking about every single kidney treatment centre that offers allopathic treatment for such problems. At first, the doctors will prescribe certain medicines, including anti-inflammatory tablets and anti-biotics. Though these medicines give instant relief from kidney problems, they do not cure the disease of the root level.
Ayurvedic Kidney Treatment in Pune
Ayurveda believs in following a holistic approach when it comes to curing any problem. The same goes for all kinds of kidney diseases. With Ayurvedic treatment for kidney disease, you can experience a fantastic treatment that cures your kidney disease of its root level. Ayurveda uses an ancient knowledge of healing kidneys.
Ayurvedic experts these days make the best use of ancient Ayurvedic knowledge and modern science to give the best solution to kidney patients. Thus all the kidney patients who take treatment from Ayurveda experience a satisfying and permanent relief from their condition. Moreover, Ayurvedic medicines made from natural elements heal the kidneys and make your complete body healthy that prevents you from any other disease.
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