#untraditional courting fic
neondiamond · 3 months
Last Line/Snippet
Thanks to the lovely @allwaswell16 @lunarheslwt and @disgruntledkittenface for tagging me to share the last line from my WIP. This is from an untraditional A/B/O courting fic I’m very slowly working on, except when I opened the document, I noticed the actual last line was a singular italicized “oh” lol, so I’ve decided to give you a slightly longer snippet.
Louis is sat at the dining table eating a late lunch when Niall walks in with a smug smile on his face.
That’s never a good sign for Louis.
“You’re courting him, aren’t you?” Niall asks as soon as he sees Louis in the kitchen.
Louis pauses mid-chew. “What? Courting who?”
To his knowledge, he hasn’t actually asked anyone if he could court them. He’s like 99% certain he’d remember if he had.
“Harry,” Niall says like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “I just saw him in the hallway, smiling down like a fucking lunatic at a plant with a sticky note that clearly had your awful handwriting on it.”
Tagging @parmahamlarrie @haztobegood @kingsofeverything @hellolovers13 @homosociallyyours @red-pandaaa @enchantedlandcoffee @thinlinez to share a line or snippet if they’d like! ❤️
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smaidjor · 3 years
On Elven Royalty, Hair Ribbons, and the Impact of High King Smajor on Elven Culture (Emptober Day 4: Ribbon)
An essay submitted by a human student in the Cod Empire, many hundreds of years after the death of King Jimmy Solidarity, on the topic of elven culture.
Yes, this is formatted in proper MLA style.
Yes, I hate myself for that as much as you hate me for it.
Wordcount: 912
Content warnings: none.
Actual fic under the cut:
Josh Gelnam
Professor Culelen
Elven Culture and History
Section 2
On Elven Royalty, Hair Ribbons, and the Impact of High King Smajor on Elven Culture
Hair ribbons are a longstanding elven tradition that has carried through multiple centuries, possibly millennia. Elves will wear hair ribbons to festivals and parties, but also to funerals and even into battle. Though seemingly impractical, the tradition is incredibly significant in elven culture, as it has persisted for generations. (Some scholars even say it began in Valinor, homeland of the elves, though there is no definitive evidence of this.)
Experts are unaware of exactly when or where the tradition of braiding ribbons through hair started, though reports of this have been traced all the way back to King Fingon the Valiant, High King of the Noldor in the First Age of Arda. Though not all elves have always observed this, there are descriptions and records of hair ribbons in some form from every era of the elves, and many different peoples. Noldor, Vanyar, Sindar, and even Silvan elves have been recorded as wearing these adornments, though wood-elves less commonly so than high-elves. In the modern day, both major elven kingdoms retain this tradition.
The ribbons themselves have been crafted from a wide variety of materials, and what is most common varies by the type of elf, their social status/wealth, and the Age they were born in. In the First Age, for example, High King Fingon was observed to wear hair ribbons which had pure gold woven into the fabric. This would be fitting for his status as king, and makes sense for Noldorin culture in that era, which was heavily focused around smithing and other forms of artistry. Noldor royalty would continue to imitate this for some time, but the practice fell out of favor with High King Smajor of Rivendell.
King Smajor was said to be an unusual elvenking in many ways, and his style reflected this. While in the early years of his kingship he wore traditional golden ribbons, in later years he is said to have worn flower crowns and roughly woven brown and green fabrics instead. This seemingly strange choice nonetheless began a trend towards less traditional materials in elven fashion that lasted for centuries afterwards. As a whole, King Smajor was vastly influential in the shift in elven culture in the early Sixth Age.
As the second prince, or ‘spare heir’, King Smajor was not expected to become the High King. However, Prince Xornoth disappeared from public view in 1240 Sixth Age, and their younger twin succeeded the throne instead. At first seen as mannish and incompetent, King Smajor was widely disliked by the elven court when he first ascended. However, as champion of Aeor and the only remaining heir to the house of Elrond Peredhel, he was the only candidate for the throne. Despite the unhappiness of many advisors, he retained the throne for many centuries to come.
Some of the most notable change accomplished during this era includes the end of the Conflict of the Great Stags, the opening of Rivendell’s borders for trade, and the first ever adopted heir of the elves. King Smajor, Champion of Aeor, made peace with Prince Xornoth, Champion of Exor, and ended what was at the time thought to be an eternal cycle of conflict. He also allied with many mortal kingdoms and rulers, including Queen Lizzie Shadowlady of the Ocean Empire, Queen Katherine of the Overgrown, Count Fwhip of the Grimlands, and most notably Codfather Jimmy Solidarity of the Cod Empire. Though the exact nature of his relationship with the Codfather remains unknown, many historians have speculated that they were lovers. The green and brown hair ribbons that King Smajor was fond of (green and brown being thematic colors of the Cod Empire), would seem to support this theory.
Though he was an unusual king, there is no doubt that King Smajor was also an incredibly influential one. Not only did elven fashion change in a direct response to his untraditional choices, the culture of the elves also began a huge shift around this time. Where before, elves had been famously isolationist and kept almost entirely to themselves, during King Smajor’s rein, their trade and interactions with other empires increased drastically. Additionally, elven royalty had long valued blood relation above all other forms, but with the adoption of the future High Queen Mirnen, this began to change.
Today, elven hair ribbons take countless forms, from rough cotton and strings of twine to fine silks and even traditional woven metal. Dyes are made from the many flowers of the Overgrown and even certain kinds of terracotta from Mezalea. Woven copper from Pixandria has become popular in recent years, and the Ocean Empire makes its contribution in tiny pieces of sea glass that are sometimes sewn onto hair ribbons and other elven clothing. Where once, Rivendell had a tradition of blue, white, and gold, there is now a whole rainbow of color, and much of that is due to the un-elven elf king: High King Smajor of Rivendell.
Works Cited:
Falashithiel, Dindraug. Elven Fashion in the Sixth Age . Rivendell Publishing, 2998 Sixth Age.
Silornion, Quentur. “Elven Hair Ribbons: Origins and History.”  Historia Ellon , vol. 14, no. 6, 1581 Fifth Age, pp. 176-180.
Marison, Iaglin. “The Unelven Elf-King: An Exploration of High King Smajor’s Rulership and the Impacts Thereof.” Journal of Interempire Politics , vol. 7, no. 24, 2241 Sixth Age, pp. 34-48.
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neondiamond · 5 months
These are both fics that I started working on in the past few months, but had to put on hold because I didn’t have much time to write. They’re both currently at very similar stages and now that I do have time to write, I can’t decide which I want to finish writing first! Vote to help me decide please? Rough summaries of each of them are under the cut if anyone wants more details. :)
Fake dating fic:
Louis has been single for years, but his friends (Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Lewis) always annoy him, saying he’s the only single one in their friend group and needs to find a boyfriend. To get them off his back once and for all, he lies and tells people he’s dating someone, keeping details very vague and not even giving them a name on the account of the relationship being very new still. A few weeks later, Liam invites them all to a fully paid couples retreat he got through his work, and his friends insist Louis bring his new boyfriend along (it is a couples retreat after all). Enter Harry, one of Louis’ coworkers, who volunteers to be his fake boyfriend for the weekend.
Untraditional A/B/O courting fic:
Louis is a boisterous, loud, confident Omega, and he’s not ashamed of it despite what society has to say about it. Harry is the shy, reserved Alpha that moves into the flat across from Louis’. It only takes a few ecounters between them for Louis to decide to ignore typical traditions and court him.
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