artbyblastweave · 1 month
Geiger by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank is compelling to me because it's the first time I've ever seen someone put two-and-two together by having a superhero whose stock powers-from-radiation-exposure origin story wasn't a lab accident or experimental detonation gone awry, but a world-ending nuclear war- resulting in a guy who'd be on the Justice League in a better timeline instead puttering about a fallout/mad-max style wasteland doing folk-hero shit.
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figureskatingcostumes · 4 months
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Eric Sjoberg skating to Take Five and Unsquare Dance for his short program at the 2019 Junior Grand Prix Chelyabinsk.
(Source: veravalenta)
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kseenefrega · 5 months
Unsquare Dance
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sinful-roxy · 2 years
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emptymilk-bottle · 2 years
you know what fuck you,,
*unsquares your squares*
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awarenessaslove · 11 months
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pixiis-blog · 1 year
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14carrotghoul · 9 months
URL Song Game
RULES: spell your url with song titles and then tag as many people as there are letters
Thank you @raysletters for tagging me!! Each of these is a song I was/am OBSESSED with! Also tried to get a decent range of my music taste!
1 - 11:11 by Rodrigo y Gabriela [had my biggest gay awakening at this concert 🫡 miss maam was shredding 10 ft away from me, how could I possibly resist falling in love???]
4 - 400 Lux by Lorde
C - Cruz de Navajas by Mecano
A - El Ahualulco by Banda El Recodo
R - Run Away With Me by Carly Rae Jepsen
R - Rompecabezas by Aterciopelados
O - On the Floor by Perfume Genius
T - Triple 7 by Japanese Breakfast
G - Got to Get You Into My Life (Cover) by Earth, Wind & Fire
H - Huey Newton by St. Vincent
O - Ojalá Que Llueva Café (Cover) by Cafe Tacvba
U - Unsquare Dance by Dave Brubeck Quartet
L - Lento by Julieta Venegas [FAVORITE SONG OF ALL TIME]
Tagging @sherryvalli @cha-melodius @orchidscript @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @formorewishes and anyone else that wants to play!
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venirush · 1 year
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Oink oink square pig but unsquare
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puppygirldick · 5 months
7/8 gem
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joelletwo · 1 month
unsquarable moebius strip i dont think gintoki would let himself be topped by anyone (half of his friends) and i dont think he can be normal/undissociated enough to top anyone (the other half of his friends). so he doesnt fuck. unless drunk. congrats to the real happy couple hasegin
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sinful-roxy · 2 years
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the-algebra-thing · 1 month
sometimes when I lie down in my bed on my left side to go to sleep it feels like it's gonna be bad probably so I flip over to my right which usually does the trick. but sometimes when I flip this thing happens where everything is COMPLETELY normal except for when I square my shoulders in the high release-esque motion that often fixes things when they feel a little off—sometimes instead of the things being fixed, something underneath my left collarbone pops. and it doesn't hurt it just doesn't really fix anything either bc I can feel it going right back to how it was the moment I unsquare myself to curl up normal on my side again. and I have no idea what it is. and so it happens the first time and I'm like aw fuck not this again because it is going to happen like 5 more times before it goes away. and this is a mystery of my bones I have not yet solved
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sburbian-sage · 1 month
Ugh, I knew I should have just waited to send that, rather than trying to rush it off before fighting the ohgodwhat...
It did actually break my computer, but I have spares of course. Anyway, I'm really sorry that I upset you, let me try and explain myself...
Firstly, you know that old adage, "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"? Well... that's what was going on with the Dream thing. I didn't re-read the Dream section of the SBURB Glitch FAQ before sending, and the ONE Dream player I've ever met didn't have transparent clothes.
Still, I really do believe it's something that's been mostly version drifted away (which I REFUSE to budge on being real). I've not seen the memes! I think the memes you speak of are dead memes, buried in 7-year-old threads! And in my defense, Dream as an aspect has been getting rarer and rarer (or so I've heard) (which I also attribute to version drift).
Anyway, I wasn't trying to say that your writing is "obsolete", I'm saying parts of it might be for most modern sessions. And if we assume that you fell out of sync recently, or over a period of time, and not early on- which you seems likely as many of the asks you've gotten make reference to things I'd say have long since version-drifted into obscurity- then many of your postings were probably helpful at the time.
All I'm saying is that in more recent asks, you seem to be operating on a slightly outdated understanding, not that your entire blog was always worthless, or that nothing your saying has any application at all to the game as it is...
Finally, I'll say that it's a bit hard to notice when a post is a submission, vs just one you made. I have to scroll down past the actual post and check in the notes section to see that... at least, the way I was reading them. Check out the difference between these posts depending on the link you use:
I had been using the bottom link, which doesn't display the "submitted by" in the actual post.
You keeping a stockpile of multiple computers because they explode at the drop of a hat instantly disproves any spurious SBOOB accusations I've made. The only other thing I'll be apologizing for is me laughing at the "I saw a Dream player once and their clothes weren't transparent" line, because it's extremely funny. I wonder why your friend instantly went to get their outfit changed when they realized how little it leaves to the imagination. Unless you ascended at the same time, in which case I will be laughing harder (and conceding that yeah maybe there was some weird stuff going on there).
But either way, I think we're at an unsquarable circle. This is the first time I'm being accused of being massively out of sync, it's only coming from one source, and your accounts are massively out of whack with what I know and am keeping up with. I know this sounds like a "no u", but I think the only one version drifted in the room right now is you. This is at least vaguely similar to a Time player messaging you from the future, to the past, and acting like you know what the fuck he's talking about. I could be outdated, but I think with my current understanding that you might be forward-dated.
In any case, I acknowledge the "your advice is still good if working off of slightly off information" line, and will resolve to hit the books some more. And in turn, I apologize for accusing you of being a phantom from the internet come to rob me of my mental faculties and ability to relate to reality. I was originally going to post the image of the anime girl saying "let's agree to disagree" while she imagines the other person being hit by a car, but I'm not going to post it anymore, because I don't want you to be hit by a car. Also because I can't find it, but that's beside the point.
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the-tzimisce · 6 months
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genuinely I hate this item to an irrational extent. the unsquare door. the halfhearted gesture at a shelf. the "red stained" fake wood. the way it rattles if I walk around in shoes. the radiator vs window combo that keeps me from at least shoving it in the corner. the way there is nowhere in my room to even put a bookshelf with it there. I don't know if I'm allowed to get rid of it and I can't decide whether to ask or just to have it meet with an inauspicious - but hardly surprising given its materials and condition - accident
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txttletale · 2 years
listen i fucking love disco elysium but i think it really tries to have its cake and eat it wrt cops. the generous reading is that they are trying to square the unsquarable circle of ‘brutal critique of policing under capitalism’ with a tentative and idealistic exploration of what ‘policing’ might look like in a revolutionary and communitarian context. the ungenerous reading is that they are still trying to do that first thing but unwilling to let go of a bunch of cool noir tropes they wanted to use. either way i think that the titanic dissonance between ‘the rcm could have revolutionary origins’ and ‘you are a motherfucker and a killer’ is one that DE fails to do enough with to not have it feel like a misstep (and i know you are not supposed to read anything kim or harry or esprit de corps say about the rcm at face value--but if all that is meant to be discarded, why include it?)
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