#unless they're only announcing this new character now and bringing him in later
robocracker · 1 year
i’m sure i’ll inevitably grow attached to this new doctor, since that’s what always happens when someone new comes to holby, but. i do wish they’d waited at least a few months before bringing in a new face, rather than right after ethan’s departure...
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
He has a new contract that we don't know what it is. He's not doing it because he wants to, but it's a contract thing,>> Not sure what fantasy land you are living in anon, but Marvel is not indentured servitude. Actors are usually the ones begging to be included in a Marvel project because it's the franchise in movie history. I'm sure Seb feels lucky to still be included, especially alongside such high calibre actors like Florence Pugh, JLD and Wyatt Russel. FYI, Marvel no longer does 9 picture deals since Endgame, now it's only single project contracts – screenrant*com/marvel-studios-9-movie-contract-done-why-details
Anon 2: but actually doesn’t want to be in a Marvel movie and is only doing it because he has a contract? >> He signed the contract years ago, after Endgame, back then there was no Pam and Tommny, Emmy nomination, Fresh, nothing. MCU likes actors to sign contracts for various products, so yes, he will do it for the sake of the contract. That's how it works.
Anon 3: Still trying to understand why people are offended by he did it because of contract or money. There's nothing wrong with doing something for the sake of money. Seb likes Bucky but he doesn't need to like what they're doing with the character so I feel like for him it's more huh they're paying me this money. You Bucky fans don't care that they're still shitting on the character so why would Seb care? Take the money, Seb!
Anon 4: I'm really disappointed that he's still in the MCU, I really am. He's going to have to turn down projects because of months of filming for a movie that's going to be rubbish, shit./ ok and? What that gotta do with you? Seb is literally booking some people want him in the MCU either way he’s going to still work. Even before it’s announced that he’s back he was doing projects after projects he knows what’s he’s doing and honestly he’s getting up there idk why people can be grateful and asking for sm
Anon 5: Everyone should get down their high horse, if if If If Florence Pugh and Julia Louis-fucking-Dreyfus can be in the thunderbolts movie, not even talking about people like Olivia Colman or Christian Bale still signing up to do a one-time character, then Sebastian is more than likely satisfied with being involved. It's damn good money, if anything
Anon 6: The “fans” who are disappointed that Sebastian is in Thunderbolts should consider themselves not fans because how much more disrespectful could a person be in regards to Sebastian’s career. Either be his fan and support him, or go away. It’s that simple.
Anon 7: It seems pretty clear to me that Seb was done with Bucky after FATWS unless he got a decent story, and Feige gave him one with TB, so yes, he signed a new MCU contract of unknown length based on this new turn of events. And yes, he may have to turn down a role or two because of it, but starring in an Avenger-type Marvel movie is a level of exposure Marvel's never given him before, and it will open more doors at a higher level. So the net gain for Seb should be absolutely fantastic.
Anon 7: Seeing all the mcu is slander and everything really tells me that you really cannot make everyone happy lol. As for Seb being forced due to contract, Elizabeth Olsen mentioned that she has signed a different contract each time she came back, so there’s that. Thunderbolts is gonna bring bring him a lot a of visibility and help him set up a leading man, given 2024 award season would include ADM and Dumb Money. Shit on marvel as much as you want but they still are the biggest franchise in the world and since he’s finally gonna be a co-leader, it’s gonna help him in a lot of promotions and campaigns, even if it releases later. (Ps: I’m really sorry mods you have to go through all those cranky anons)
Anon 8: Being part of MCU/DC Comics /Starwars franchise has become the latest new trinket to have in Hollywood. "A" list actors are putting themselves out there to be part of one of these franchises. Kim Kardashian is vying for a spot in the MCU multiverse( I hope she doesn't get in). They might be rubbish to you but these movies are exposing the actors to new audiences. Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie weren't on my radar until I saw them in the MCU. I now follow their work. The sh!t movies are making hundreds of millions to billions of dollars. They're a nice palette cleanse from the more serious dramas.
Is anyone else tired of contract talk? He signed one, whether it’s a new one or a revision of his previous one. The end. Lots of A-list talent in the MCU, Seb is probably thrilled to be working with fellow actors he hasn’t had a chance to yet like JDL & Miss Flo.
And if you’re not an MCU fan or unhappy with Bucky’s character development, go read some fanfic (like I do!) when canon doesn’t suffice.
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rai-knightshade-art · 5 years
Canonverse AU Metas
(Warning: long post)
The counterpart to my last post about Mac Ever After, these are the two main metas of how Brady might join the canonverse. They're mostly the same story with minor differences between them (and one is written way more angstily than the other) but I'm including both for the sake of completeness. Also bonus Macdalton incorrect quote at the end.
Also here have a Lily Story Mac and Jack to match Brady.
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Version 1:
Canon based Macgyver au idea; or, how to bring Brady into the canonverse and a proposed ending to the show itself:
Basically Nikki somehow ends up dead, for realsies this time. This obviously sucks and is super depressing for everyone, but more pressing at the moment is that she apparently had a kid, a son named Brayden (nicknamed Brady). And to Mac's utter confusion, HE is listed as Brady's godfather/next of kin in case anything should happen to her. This confusion is cleared up pretty abruptly when Brady shows up at the Phoenix with Mac's blue eyes, Nikki's hair and nose and a penchant for taking things apart to look at them (aka there's less "godfather" to his role and more just. Straight father). They bond and Mac sets to work caring for his kid, with the assistance of the Phoenix team (Jack is a remarkably adept babysitter... When Brady decides not to escape. Luckily Mac is an escape Master and always knows how and when the kid gets out). Eventually though Mac realizes that juggling Phoenix and Brady... Isn't going to work. He has to pick one of the other, and he knows in his heart that the choice will always be Brady. He tries to announce this to the rest of the team only to find that they'd already realized that this couldn't go on forever and that he'd always choose his son first, and reveal that they all have contingency plans for when he decides to leave. Riley is going to stay with the Phoenix, working with the other computer nerds almost exclusively and helping Leanna with her missions. Bozer is going back into movie making, still dating Leanna and always leaving his door open if the Phoenix needs any prosthetics (he and Leanna get Mac's house). Matty is staying as Director of course, and working on putting together another flagship team (not as good as theirs, but still plenty competent). And Jack? Well, Jack figures now is as good a time as any to retire completely from this life. His new home? Wherever Mac decides to go with Brady, whether that's still LA, Mission City, Boston, etc. Where Mac goes, he's sure to follow. It's at this point that Mac, somewhat sheepishly and probably a little tearfully, admits that he wants to raise Brady on the Dalton Ranch.
And that's how Bozer becomes a well-known effects man with a secret agent wife, Riley becomes the lead hacker at Phoenix, Matty eventually becomes Oversight, and Mac and Jack raise a kid in Texas.
Jack: *steps out of a yellow taxi, Mac by his side, little Brady hidden behind them, to see Mama Dalton waiting for them*
Jack: Mama!
Mama Dalton: Jack Jr! You finally come to your senses and decide you better come home and give me grandchildren?
Jack: *sheepishly* Well Mama, about that...
*Both men step aside to reveal Brady, who shyly hugs his Dad's leg*
Mac: Mama, this is Brayden Macgyver.... My son.
Mama Dalton: *coos over the little boy* Well hello there Brayden, I'm Mary Dalton, and I'm Jack's mama. You can call me Me-ma if you'd like though...
Version 2:
The Canonverse + Brady au:
Ok so basically Nikki got pregnant after that last night with Mac before they busted Thornton, but she didn't tell him because she knew he'd drop everything for the kid and she wanted him to continue his work at Phoenix. She raises Brady on her own for a few years, possibly still with the CIA but maybe not in the field as much, but something goes wrong and she's killed when Brady's 5 (because parallels). Mac and Jack are informed by Matty (because Mac hasn't been in contact with Nikki in years) and Matty has to break the news that Nikki had a son and that she's named Mac the father (possibly using pictures of Brady that Jack sees and immediately recognizes as being spitting images of Mac as a young boy). Brady's brought to Mac at the Phoenix and Mac just kinda,,, breaks? Because Brady asks if he's his Daddy and reveals that Nikki had told him about Mac, shown him pictures, but told him that while Mac loved him he wouldn't get to see him unless she had to leave, and well... It's just a super emotional moment and leads to Mac embracing his son for the first time and promising fervently that he'd never, EVER let him go. It's at this moment that everyone knows that this is the end of the team, cause there's no way in hell Mac's gonna keep putting his life at risk when he's got Brady.
("Why didn't she tell me?!?!" "Because she knew the same thing I know, hoss: as soon as you found out about this kid you'd have quit the team for him." "*Spluttering* I wouldn't-" "Angus, look me in the eyes and tell me truthfully that had you found out Nikki was pregnant that you wouldn't have dropped everything for her and the kid." "....*silence*" "That's what I thought. And that's why she loved you, that's why I love you now, but she and I both know that the world has needed you these past few years, Mac. Now though... Now the world could live without you, if it needed to.")
At some point James sees this and finally realizes that he fucked up, has a bit of a breakdown and Jack talks to him.
("My pop always told me that it's never too late to say you're sorry and mean it. But another wise man once told me that sorry doesn't fix everything, it just starts the conversation. And right now that man needs all the help he can get, especially from a dad who knows how 5-year-old Macgyvers work; I only know how 12-year-old Riley's work, man, I'm not gonna be much help here.")
(This is a lie, Jack is plenty of help, especially when Mac says he wants to retire to the Dalton Ranch, and even more especially when Brady stops calling him Jack and starts calling him Papa. Mama Dalton is Mema from the get go and welcomes the kid with open arms.)
And that's how Mac and Jack retire to the ranch, probably James in tow, with the rest of the crew visiting frequently. Eventually Riley sets up shop in the area (possibly with Billy because him cheating seemed really out of character), and Bozer becomes famous as a filmmaker and sets up his own Skywalker Ranch on some annexed land. Matty visits on occasion, more often when she finally retires. Mac goes on maybe one more mission (like, a world-is-literally-ending-and-ONLY-mac-can-stop-it type of mission) and everyone else helps from the Ranch/takes care of Brady so he can come back to his kid without worrying. Not sure what to do about Murdoc, maybe he stays locked up, maybe he dies (though that would kinda suck for Cassian, maybe he dies and they adopt Cassian too? Ooooo that could be good actually). Later on they might also adopt a little girl, maybe one of Brady's classmates who lost her family and has nowhere else to go (two soldiers with abandonment issues know how THAT feels and could deal with nightmares that she'd have after the trauma). And they just. Create their own happy little life on the Ranch. And it's nice. James learns how to be a proper parent and grandparent, possibly with some help from Mama Dalton. Mac and Jack get married sometime after Brady starts calling Jack Papa (he asked at one point if Mac and Jack were dating, and if so why Jack wasn't Papa or Dad too, which led to a conversation about it and Jack's official elevation to Papa status). Brady was the flower boy and ring bearer combined. All of Jack's Deltas came and adopted Brady on sight. In general everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
Bonus quote:
Snippet from canonverse:
Mac: *is about to get hella shot*
Jack: *shows up out of the blue right on time* hey babe sorry I'm late *shoots down two goons* traffic was a bitch man you know how it is *shoots three more goons*
Mac: .....I love you,,, so much
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ookamikasumi-writer · 3 years
Just say NO to Author Intrusion
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The Fourth Wall is the Audience. -- Every time the writer addresses their story's audience --their Readers-- they are violating the fourth dimension, or wall, of that story's Reality.
These violations are known as: Author Intrusions.
Author Intrusions show up as little comments that express the author's personal feelings on what's happening in their story, or heavily hint at things to come during the story.
Author Intrusions are a Bad Idea.
----------- DISCLAIMER: This is how I was taught to write for publication purposes by my professional editors. If you don't want to do it this way -- Don't. (Less competition for me.)
WHY Author Intrusions are a Bad Idea.
Author Intrusions jar the Reader out of the mental movie they've generated while reading because the Author keeps rudely shoving them out of the story to remind them that They know something the Reader doesn't.Compare it to watching a movie you haven't seen before with a friend that won't shut up about how cool the next scene is.
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See this shit? This is Author Intrusion.
Identifying Author Intrusions:
The most common form of Author Intrusion is when the writer plants overly-obvious hints of things to come addressed directly to the Reader.
In hindsight, he would be thankful for his overreaction.
Unfortunately, his choices had truly never been his own.
If only they'd realized how wrong they were.
These are normally found at the end of a chapter, or book, but I've also seen them posted smack in the middle of a scene in progress.They had no idea what consequences their choice would bring.
I have been told that these particular intrusions are meant to be a form of Foreshadowing.
This shit is NOT Foreshadowing.
True Foreshadowing symbolically hints at things to come. It Does Not point-blank TELL the Reader that something is coming.
More on actual Foreshadowing: TV Tropes: Foreshadowing
I have also been told that this form of Author Intrusion is supposed to create suspense and entice the Reader to read the next installment.
This shit does NOT create Suspense either.
The truth is, this sort of cheap-assed teaser-spoiler Does Not add suspense because it entirely Removes the surprise factor of what is coming.
Suspense is about Anticipation. It's about waiting for 'the other shoe to fall'. When an author point-blank announces that there's another shoe, all that lovely anticipation is halved because the Reader now knows for a fact that this shoe WILL fall -- that something IS going to happen.
THINK: How can anyone be surprised if they're already expecting a surprise?
If you want to create Suspense, don't TELL the Reader outright that something is going to happen. Instead, SHOW IT by planting Clues; the butcher knife was missing from the kitchen drawer, and give Hints through ominous Sounds, creeping Shadows, character Body Language, and stilted Dialogue that something is going to happen.
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Authors: Keep Your Opinions to Yourself!
The next most common form of Author Intrusion happens when the writer just can't keep their personal comments about certain characters, or what's happening in their story to themselves.
This is particularly virulent in fan-fics written by new writers who get over-excited about what they're writing.
Cut that shit out!
Literally, cut all that shit Out of your work.
Us readers do not want anyone interrupting our stories with their opinions, feelings, or comments about the story we're reading. That includes comments from the Author. Save that crap for the Author Notes.
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"Lines like those (in my fan fiction anyway) are actually meant as red flags; a sort of, "Hey, pay attention, I'm doing something over here!" This is because, in the...years I've been writing fan fiction, I've noticed that the majority of 'new readers' (i.e. those new to fan fiction,) will not pay attention [to what they're reading] and will inundate me with questions that are easily answered if they did. With lines like those thrown in, the questions are fewer and I don't have to waste time explaining things that don't need explanations." -- Annoyed FF Writer
While all that might sound like a good excuse -- it really Isn't.
When the author inserts comments about a character or situation happening right there in the middle of the story just to make it easier for lazy-assed readers to figure out what's going on, those comments are nothing more than Spoilers for the rest of us.
Spoiling the Story for Lazy-Assed Readers -- is a BAD IDEA.
While some readers love to be babied like that, the rest of us readers don't. The rest of us are paying close attention and we love ferreting out the author's little hints exposed by the plot's progression and character reveals. We are reading specifically to discover what the heck is going on.
Spoilers strip all the suspense and discovery --the most enjoyable parts of the story-- right out.
I don't know about you, but once all the surprises are gone from a story, I have no reason to keep reading that story.
Fixing Spoilers
If the Reader doesn't get what happened and the information to set them straight IS NOT actually present in the story, then yeah, the Writer messed up.
To fix this, they should REWRITE and REPOST the Relevant Chapter ASAP! NOT answer their reader's query with any comment beyond, "Oh crap! Let me fix that real quick!"
If the Reader doesn't get what happened and the information to set them straight IS actually present in the story, meaning; the Reader simply missed it the first time around, then the Reader messed up -- not the Writer.
When this happens, the Writer should answer their query by politely telling that reader to Read the Chapter Again a little more carefully. NOT by giving them Spoilers!
Seriously, professional authors don't cater to that crap, neither should fan-fic writers.
The only thing catering to lazy-assed readers does is encourage those readers to bug other writers for spoilers -- and us other writers don't appreciate it.
As for Breaking the Fourth wall...
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Or is he?
Deadpool: Not actually Breaking the Fourth Wall. He is Narrating his own story.
Yes, Deadpool does address his audience throughout his comic books and movies. In his comics he even comments on the textboxes around him.
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Deadpool also freely admits that he's not exactly Sane.
However, addressing his readers, or watchers, or even his text boxes doesn't change the fact that Deadpool is The Point of View Character in both his comics and his movies. He's the one telling the tale. He's expected to comment on everything and everyone around him because that's what POV Characters do.
Deadpool just happens to be narrating his story out loud to the voices, and text boxes, in his own head. That there happens to actually be an audience of readers and movie watchers is entirely incidental.
Now if Stan Lee; the main author of Marvel Comics, popped into Deadpool's story, that would be Author Intrusion--
Oh, wait... He did.
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A...tasteful example of Author Intrusion. AKA: The Cameo.
Narration is Not Author Intrusion
The Narrator is The Point of View Character observing --and commenting on-- their part of the tale. If done Right, what is narrated is colored by that POV Character's thoughts, opinions, and comments about what is happening around them.
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Breaking the 4th Wall? Nope, just 1st Person POV.
Narration is not Author Intrusion because the author isn't telling the story, the POV Character is.
Deadpool, in both the comics and in his movies, uses First Person Point of View Narration. First Person POV can look like the character is Breaking the Fourth Wall, but they really aren't because Narration is supposed to address the audience. Think in terms of diary entries, or in Deadpool's case, a massive Selfie Video.
The only time Narration should ever be colored by the author's opinions is in a Self-Insert story where the author is the POV character--
-- or in a Fairy Tale.
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Fairy Tales were originally told Orally. They were spoken and acted out by a storyteller directly to their audience. The storyteller's opinions of what was happening were part of the act, rather like the Master of Ceremony for a play. When these tales were eventually written down by collectors, such as the Brothers Grimm, they wrote them in the oral style --author intrusions included-- simply because that's how they were told to the collectors.
Later writers, like Hans Christian Anderson, wanted their tales to be labelled Fairy Tales, so they used this oral style specifically so their stories would blend in with the much older collected Grimm's stories.
However, if the story is not a Fairy Tale--
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Don't Interrupt Your Readers!
Written stories are viewed in the imagination like a movie. So when the author pops in a comment to make their personal opinions known, it throws the reader out of the movie they're watching in their imaginations because someone is talking to them.
"But the whole story is the author's opinion!"
That's right, a writers has their whole story to express their personal opinions, so there is absolutely No Need for the author to interrupt their readers with additional comments on anything at all during the story.
If a writer absolutely positively must comment on what's happening in their story, an Author Note is where that shit belongs --or their personal blog, or whatever social media floats their boat-- nowhere else.
Author Intrusions: -- If you're Not writing a Fairy Tale -- Don't Do It.
Unless you're Stan Lee. (He can intrude wherever he likes.)
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