wayward-bird · 9 years
✣ ❇
send me a symbol for how you feel; accepting!
✣ - I like the way you express your muse
❇ - I love the way you write
-WEEPS- I haven’t harassed you on this blog like on my Erwin, but fsdfdsfs awww I’m glad you like how I’m doing things on here! ///// This muse is….difficult compared to Erwin, so it’s a struggle sometimes. It’s nice to know people like how I’m doing things! ^/// q /// ^ )/
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cthereal · 9 years
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&& ——-  JUBILANCE SEEPED INTO parted lips with ease, blithe merely dripping from serene tone whilst ivories gave a brief flash; sure his marred condition tainted pallid skin with subtle specks of crimson, but at  least survival is acquired once more; embedded dimples curving off  sharp cheeks, a slight              jest escaped the soldier, beckoning the other.
                              ❛ ––– IF YOU KEEP frowning like that,                                                it’s  gonna stay stuck, y’know ?  C’mon,  your                                                wounds aren’t that bad, here–— I’ll patch them                                                                   up for you if you’d like ? ❜
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msmegurineluka-blog · 9 years
What Am I?
"It is true that we are defined by our works, but when we ourselves are works of another, do we truly have a definition? Are we a proxy by which to give the other praise?" Luka paced, hands wrapped firmly in her synthetic hair, breathing though she had no need to. Her life was one of routine, code, actions dictated by another. These emotions were not her own, yet they always felt like it. She hated this. With a passion she hated everything about what was in her mind a false existence. Luka was not real and still she was here. "When I wake up in the morning is it because I choose to or because I have no choice? If my heart is a motor, then why do I hurt? I do not belong in a world of people, but of machines. Yet they still put me in this place."
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uzuroos · 9 years
unguibusx said: // It hasn’t updated in awhile I noticed, the mods said they were busy? I got no idea I was wondering too. yeye I kinda knew they were busy but two weeks without a word I dunno I’m just kinda worried that it’ll end up another group that is active for so long then just sorta closes yaknow? Which’ll suck cos it’s so amazing and stuff ;;;
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morteisms-blog · 9 years
&&;; unguibusx.
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❛ we meet again, old friend.❜
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survivantx-blog · 9 years
"That doesn't usually happen"
                                            meme || accepting!!
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          ‘ NOTHING IS usual about this shit hole. thought you would have figured that out by now. ’
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probavi-blog · 9 years
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“Take a picture, Eren, it lasts longer.”
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msmegurineluka-blog · 9 years
“Does anybody else think Eren has a very slappable face?”
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unguibusx                                                 CURIOSITY killed the cat                                                        good thing he’s a DEMON.            He had ventured to the bright and sunny side of California to get a            book Eren had left here after all these years. Like a good lap dog, he            had listened and obeyed. go fetch boy! Erwin hadn’t taken too long,            perhaps a good few hours before he had reached the forests in which            an old tree house was. It was covered with vines, moss --- abandoned.            But he can’t help feeling the emotions that lingered in the air. It was as            if two bright spirits use to hold here. Erwin had shrugged it off before he            had climbed up into the house and saw it was covered in paintings, but            they were rotten, old. Old paints and dried up water cups were moldy.            A memory was left behind and he wonders, why hadn’t Eren ever spoke            of this place?            Shaking it off he’d ask him about whenever he got back but as he does,            nose wrinkles as he sniffs the air. What was this? It smelled of DESPAIR.            but as if whom it was coming from was too clingy, too hopefully, it reeked ��          but it smelled divine at the same time? Erwin had decided to sniff it out and            ended up at an old house, but his eyes fell on the boy who lingered outside            of gates. With that smell, it was almost to easy to take him. He hadn’t had            a good soul like that to feast on for a moment. Just as his mouth waters, he            catches the smell another of --- another demon but this one. . . he’s tame.            Tame and on the verge of destruction. He knows that whatever beast lurked            within that home, he could not leave.            Why not fuck with him then? Why not make him reach his potential? Erwin            snuck around the house seeing glimpses of other spirits that crowded this            home but he still is curious as to which owns that bag of meat and it’s evident            which one does. As he moves into the home and lingers in the basement, he            hears a voice. Though to some it is demanding and full of malice, it’s nothing            but the sound of a squeaker toy to him. He turns his head, gazing down at the            small boy. This was him? That scent of foulness came from that tiny thing?            Oh they had a lot of work to do.
                   ❝ I don’t see your name on this house. ❞
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itsrankaa-blog · 9 years
unguibusx replied to your post “//gods I don’t even know how to start up a group verse thingie but...”
//Raises hand shyly I'm totally interested if you start it
//but hooooow. I don’t know how to START a thing like this, but man I WANNA DO IT MORE. T.T
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Tell Me
Leave a “Tell Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about my character confessing something to yours
     A smokey trail left his lips as he exhaled, the scent of nicotine easily filling the air around him. It was one of the few pleasures he took in life any more, at least since he was promoted up this high in the military. He was too young to be a commander of the branch that he never wanted to enter, but then again they all seemed to old at the same time. It seemed no one made it pass 30 unless they were really good. 
     His mind wandered as he thought of all the things that happened to him through the years. His mother expected him to go into the Military Police with how much he talked about it, the pain on her face when he told her that this one boy convinced him to be a scout of all things. Of course back then there was no looking back at that moment, too many people were going to die if they didn’t do the things they did. All those crucial moments that he played a part in...all because of a loudmouthed brat that couldn’t had a mouth to brain filter if he tried. 
     A soft chuckle left his lips as he snuffed out what was left of the cigarette under the toe of his boot. A lot of things wouldn’t of happened without Eren’s big mouth now that he thought about it. He rubbed his chin as the fond memories seemed to flood forward into his mind. He wouldn’t of been promoted so far with out him, that’s for sure.
     He pushed away from the balcony, his muscles groaning as he stood up. A break within the their expeditions was a nice one, a full week before he had to get used to the hard ground and his ass slamming into a horse saddle for at least a month. At least it’d be worth it, Armin said according to the flora around them last time, that they were near the ocean. An ocean of all things, Eren would be ecstatic over such a thing, he wanted to see beyond the wall after all and they were going to show him the furthest thing out there. 
     They were all prepared to go out on this journey, everything strapped into place and they were off. For 3 weeks they all traveled along, just a small party of what was the 104th. They were going to reach their goal for sure. Sure enough, Armin was right, after three weeks of horse back and walking, they had reached an endless blue. The noise was wonderful, the sound of waves crashing against the shore. There was only one thing that they needed to do.
      They all made their way to the top of one of the sea cliffs and set down a tiny marker for all to see when they came to this sea. Tiny trinkets were placed down around the stone pillar, names engraved into its stone face. It was the names of everyone that helped them get so far, without them they wouldn’t of even thought to come out there. 
     They all grieved that night, passing a bottle around to ease their sorrows. No one would dare come near, no titans, if to only allow them to grieve in peace. 
     Jean slowly made his way back up the cliff to the marker, there was one trinket that should be there but he couldn’t force himself to give it up. It was the only thing he had left after all. He reached up and clutched the small key under his shirt, swallowing down the tears that were threatening at the corners of his eyes. 
     “Hey...Eren, do you see the ocean?” He murmured quietly, sliding the key out of his shirt almost if he was talking to it. “You know, I never thought something could change colors like your eyes did. Sometimes blue, sometimes green, don’t even know what to name it but it looks beautiful.” He paused as he took a shaky breath, trying not to lose his nerve. Even when he’s dead and gone, he still can’t admit it. “We may of had our differences, but I truly think if I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t of been happy in life, I wouldn’t be the person that I am with out your...’gentle persuasion’.” He laughed at that, gripping the key a little tighter. 
     He really hoped no one else decided to come up there at that moment. He didn’t want to explain why he was talking to a key of all things. “But you see, there was something that I never told you, even with you in my arms I didn’t tell you- I know I know, I’m a coward like always, but it’s hard trying to say something like this with what we were going through. They say that war has no room for love on it’s battlefield- what I’m trying to say is that...is that I love you Jaeger, I love you so much. I wished I’d of been faster, stronger, anything better to of saved you. But I have a feeling if you didn’t die there, that it would of been somewhere else, always gotta be the hero.”
     He slowly tucked the key back into his shirt, letting the tears slide down his cheeks now. “Eren Jaeger, if things had worked out, I honestly was going to tell you upon this beach. I know you said don’t be a hopeless romantic, but out here it seems like there’d be no more expeditions, no more walls, no more rules. It’d be the perfect place. I know that Connie and Sasha already got together, Mikasa is thinking about having a family, Armin doesn’t even seem interested- said he was going to marry his books.” He snorted quietly at that before shaking his head. “But yeah...I really wish I could of told you this, Mikasa said you’re very dense so you probably would of shrugged it off if anything.”
      He knelt down and pulled something from his pocket, laying a dozen flowers upon the marker before standing up. “I love you...Jaeger, maybe in another life it would of worked out. I just hope you’re happy wherever you are, and that you finally got to see the ocean.” He rubbed at his eyes as he made his way back to the tiny camp, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. He sagged down into his seat around the fire, gazing up at the stars. 
     Maybe in another life, we’d be able to get together. In another life we’d have a family and I wouldn’t be a coward. Maybe.
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nervous--king · 9 years
unguibusx said: //People forget he was literally crying his eyes out when he had to turn Eren in to a titan. The dude needs so much credit, idk I saw it as he loved his son enough to try and give him a tool to protect him.
im really, really happy there are more people out there that actually like Grisha hksfsjh ;w;
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The soft patter of feet echoes off the white walls, slinking over the tiny warlock stands on his tip toes before pressing his hands on the demon’s shoulders. He then drapes his arms over him pressing tiny kisses on the flesh he can touch leaving strands of vibrant color. Then, he subtly whines for attention from the demonic being that causes his hair to pepper and the color to be stripped from his touch.
“You’re not giving me attention” the tip of his nose nudges against the blonde’s cheek, just as selfish as Erwin is Eren can be the same way too as he refuses to let go before he get what he wants.
Typical for a temperamental Salem, he soon plops down in the demon’s lap curling against his chest knowing just what will work to get attention. “Stop reading your paper and sing for me, I like when you sing to me” he coos, “If you do I’ll let you take me in that room that face’s the neighbor house so she can see, please? your smell is starting to fade from me" 
[For the fluster meme u.u ]
Go into my inbox and try to make my muse flustered/embarrassed || accepting !
                                          a chance to show up that religious hooker?                                                               game on.          He often bothers Eren a lot but for now he decided to try and let the          other studying. Since when does he ever just sit and read? Never.          He use to read the newspaper often but stopped except for now. Now          it was interesting. He was currently reading over the latest murder          and took pride in the way they described how gruesome it to look at.          Though he would have preferred if it was a bit more detailed. Dimming          azure optics read over the print before he feels hands on him. He doesn’t          worry about it though because he knows it’s his Salem however this was          new. Eren hardly was the one who whined about attention, it was the other          way around if not always. Eyebrow perked as he moved the paper out the          way just watching him. Giving in wasn’t in him and he enjoyed making the          other beg for it sometimes.                                  grinning and a smirk as he watches.                                                       beg me.         He simply stares and shuts his eye as he feels the others nose nudge         his scruffy cheek. Arms are moved out the way when Eren sits and he         stares. Sing for him? Because he liked it? He gives him a try harder look         and holds the other loosely. He waits to hear it and when he does, he hums         . . .. as if he needs to think about his. Pointed ears had perked a bit as does         his tail. Erwin only takes his semi-actual form when he is in the others room         otherwise it’s clothing and his human form. A grin spreads over his face as he         thinks about the horrid look that will appear on the god gossiper. But to sing. . .         his cheeks redden a bit. Singing wasn’t something demons did and yet he did         for Eren because he knew it calmed the other when he was over whelmed or          had fits of panic. Singing for sex. . . he’d do it. Paper is tossed aside as he hauls          his salem over his shoulder and leaves the room.          He probably should have at least put pants but he doesn’t care. He walks          down the hall in his natural state and heads down the steps. Though he is          careful not to run into that bitchy racist maid. The last thing he wanted is for          her to curse at him for letting it all hang out as she put it. Just for that, he’d be          sure to leave a huge mess in that room. He makes his way to the other hall          and stops at the room that is on the lower level but the window is right where          the lady can see. He grins as he opens the door and shuts it before he walks          to the bed and tosses his Salem onto it. He’s gentle as he does so and he is          on him like a cat to cat nip. He kisses the other before nuzzling his crook.          Teeth nip at his throat before he starts to suck on the skin lightly. He leaves a           light red marking before he nips and kisses his way to Eren’s ear.                ❝ How about you sing for me instead in that pretty voice of yours?                scream my name over and over until you can’t speak anymore. ❞
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