#unfortunately leif got ahold of it anyway. and then a copy fell through a portal to elibe
playing fe7 and I have not learned anything from the Gluing Fergus To His Horse incident. used some cheat codes and accidentally deleted legault from my army. My survival rank is still at the max so he's not dead I think? I just can't find him in my army anymore. He's blacked out in the support logs and everything. I suppose I'll see in the end cards if the game thinks he's dead or just unrecruited somehow
Mark is going through post-battle summary with the lords: "...and finally, we seem to have lost Legault."
Eliwood: "He was killed? That's--"
Mark: "Oh, no, I don't think so. I just can't find him anywhere. Nobody's talked to him since the last battle and all his stuff is gone from the barracks."
Hector: "So he ditched us."
Mark: "Well...about that..."
Lyn: "Mark, why was your book of tactics open to a page about 'teaching a thief or assassin to stealth so hard he exits the game'? What does that mean?"
Mark: "...yeah he definitely ditched us, Hector you're right. I didn't do anything."
Lyn: "Why does this same tactics book advocate for gluing your soldiers to their horses, ruining their capability to fight indoors?"
Eliwood: "Is it too late to find another tactician?"
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