#unfortunately failed at their job and their mother was one of their guardians. she dies 'protecting' insert
valentinesparda · 7 months
working on a second self insert for ffx and unfortunately I have once again fallen into the "insert who was a gifted child that failed to live up to their parents expectations and becomes a martyr for their ideals" trap so thats cool
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🌼 any of them
Whoops, wrote a fic
Describe one of your OC’s worst nightmares.
An optimist would look at the world of divination with wonder. The universe is a but a magnificent hall of tapestries, beautiful pieces of art woven into anything you could imagine. Tapestries where you are a hero, tapestries where you are royalty, tapestries where your people live with riches, tapestries depicting your eternal victory over your enemies. The universe is endless and bountiful, for in the future, all futures are possible.
This is how Astor usually can depict the good fortune tellers from the worse.
If they’re an optimist, they’re most likely a faker.
The only true divinator that he had met that was even a bit of an optimist was his mother, and even then, he had always had the sinking feeling that she hid a deeper sorrow behind her simple shoes of colorful flames and shining moon and starlight. No, it was quite hard to stick to true, unfiltered optimism in this field, as while it was true that all futures and choices were possible, that freewill ran its course through all who walked the vast possibilities of the universe, the issue came in the fact that you could not travel it to and fro.
There are futures where you live, there are futures where you achieve your wildest dreams, timelines where your childhood is happier, and timelines where you find true love and satisfaction.
But you aren’t in those timelines. The future you have is this one, and it is set in stone.
Walk all the roads you want, say all the words, read all the stories, but when a seer analyzed exactly what world we live in, exactly what end is destined for this string of the universe, there will be no holding back. There is only the unfiltered, raw, typically pessimistic truth of the end. Savor it.
“In truth, Elane, I hate my job. Fear it, even,” Astor set his teacup down, looking out the balcony towards the inky, midnight view. “I fear one day I will find the prediction—the true, ultimate glimpse into the night, that seals in the fact that we’re doomed.”
The Queen only cocked her head with a smile. “Well, I’m flattered that there’s still a ‘we’ in this scenario. Good to know I’ll be joining you in the lockup when my mother find our contraband cucco nuggets—“
“I’m serious, Elane.”
She only laughed quietly, before leaning back in her chair, and gazing out into the pleasant evening. “I know...”
There was a quiet between them, not quite awkward or stiffening, but quiet in the way that you might hold your breath after someone embraces you warmly. Quiet in acceptance, quiet to make room for the sounds of something rare and fickle.
“I swear, I might retire early,” Astor finally said. “Quit while I’m ahead. Head off to Hateno or Mabe and bury my head in the sand.”
“You might want to try Gerudo then, if sand is what you’re searching for. I’m sure Urbosa would be thrilled.”
“Tsk. I am inclined to disagree.”
Elane chuckled again, and she let the quiet embrace her for a moment.
“Eternal doom aside, for a moment, I would posit that there’s hardly anything to fear. You’ve foreseen my daughter’s growth, analyzed the future livelihood of the kingdom, and predicted our victory over Ganon. I’d say it’s hard to bargain with that.”
“Maybe, but I could be wrong.” Astor circled his finger on the lip of his cup. “It happens, people make a prediction, but miss one star, or slip up one word...or perhaps one cow suddenly dies, or one ember quickly fades, and suddenly we’re actually in an entirely different timeline than predicted.”
“Didymos Astor? Wrong about something? Oh my, I never thought I’d see the day...” Elane smiled to herself again as she lifted her cup for another sip.
Astor clicked his tongue. “Well. You should hope I’m not wrong about anything. If someone of my skill makes an incorrect prediction, it would probably be disastrous for everyone.”
Elane winked as she set down her cup. “Well, good thing you’re a prodigy, then.”
“Good thing, indeed.”
Quiet keep their third company once again. Astor still had not sipped from his cup, but Elane was already heading for her fourth refill, no doubt begging for any energy after tucking her daughter to bed. A young toddler with enough energy to power a Guardian army, Elane has always found it quite odd that she used up a lot of her energy to annoy the Royal Seer. It was charming to see him get put off by a Mallory’s boundless curious aura, but mostly relieving in the sense that the Queen could get a moments rest and trust little Zelda would be alright.
Elane looked back inside through the half open door, and smiled at a bundled sleeping figure, surrounded by an army of stuffed animals. She then turned back and finally noticed Astor’s continued silence on the next refill.
She sighed. “Although I would be saddened to see you leave,” she began, “If a retirement would make you happy, Astor, I would loathe to do anything to stand in your way.”
He looked up at her, analyzing her body language and expression. She was genuine, of course, as she always was in these sorts of talks. Astor finally let himself exhale in peace, as he smiled and shook his head.
“Unfortunately I don’t think it would do me much good, anyways. Location won’t let me escape my own thoughts and visions.” He took a sip of his tea—a bit citrusy this evening, a hint of apple—and relaxed. “I’d imagine His Majesty would miss me dearly, and I simply wouldn’t want to leave him in distress.”
“Ha! Oh yes of course, Rhoam would be crying tears if you left us...” she replied, sarcastically. “Tears of deep, deep sorrow.”
Astor looked out into the night in silence again, not touching his cup.
“But I’ll tell you what Astor,” Elane began again. “If you ever receive that world dooming prediction, whatever may happen that may instigate your view of the deepest hells,” she raised her cup. “You come find me, and we’ll have a drink.”
He raised an eyebrow. “A drink? What sort of drink?”
She shrugged. “Whatever you like. Tea, wine, beer, water or juice if it’s your fancy. Whatever will keep your spirits high.”
Astor smirked, solemnly. “I don’t think you understand just how severe and dreadful certain predictions can be. When we say ‘all futures are possible,’ we do mean all possibilities.”
“And I understand, dear seer. I truly do.” She tilted her head as she kept her cup in the air. “But the way I see it, is that with divination or not, doom and hell come into people’s lives one way or the other. But it hasn’t really stopped the majority from loving their lives now, has it?” Her eyes twinkled like starlight. “Dearest Astor, if our destined doom is predicted one day, I command you to at least smile through our tea party.”
He finally sighed, the corners of his lips perking. His protests drowning in her expression.
“I suppose if you’re the one pouring, it’d be difficult to refuse.” He raised his cup and clinked it with hers.
She was dead eight days later.
With her death came the final factor. The final star.
“Your daughter is destined to fail us,” he said again. “The Calamity shall rise and consume us all, and she won’t stop it in time.”
Rhoam slammed his fists on the desk, but the seer did not flinch. “We’ll train her hard, we’ll start now, even! I’ll get those clerics from the temple to teach her the starting prayers!” he yelled.
“It won’t work.” Astor replied, simply. “Perhaps she might attain them down the line, but she most certainly won’t awaken her powers by Ganon’s rise. It’s over.”
“You told me we could do this!” Rhoam pointed a finger, accusingly. “You saw our prosperity, our victory!”
“That was what I initially saw, yes. But unfortunately we live in world where the Queen of Hyrule is dead, and thus the threads of our future weave accordingly.”
“You’re a liar!” Rhoam bellowed again. “You saw her death, saw our end and lied to us since the beginning, haven’t you?!!”
“Don’t you think that if I knew Elane would die, I would say something?! That I would give ample time for her to say goodbye to you and her daughter??” Astor finally raised his voice, met with equal silence. “I failed to correctly analyze our timeline the first time around, and for that I am sorry. But I can not control what pieces of the future fate allows me to see. It’s not an open novel for you to give me a bad book report grade on. It’s a museum of endless tapestries, of which I am task with analyzing one stroke at a time to identify which is woven to a singular man, and the fact that I have given you a complete enough answer now is a gift within itself, so don’t even try to accuse me forgery and lies.”
The two men clenched their jaws, staring angrily at each other.
Astor finally whispered. “Overtime I might gather more specifics, but overall—this is over.”
Rhoam balles his hand into a fist. “We’ll start a new schedule for Zelda first thing in the morning—“
“It won’t work, it’s futile—“
“We’ll make it work—“
“This is set in stone, this is the world you live in—“
“Well what if you’re wrong again?”
“I’m not.”
“But what if you are?”
“I’m. Not. I’ve read the signs again and again and again, in fact I’ve been reaching the same conclusions repeatedly for the last four weeks. It. Is set. In stone.” He tapped his finger on the wood with each syllable to emphasize. “Perhaps the futures of prosperity are accurate for the Rhoams and Mallorys that live in a different time, but unfortunately for us, we live in one where Elane is dead. This is our reality and you’re doing no good denying as such.”
Rhoam made his way towards the door. “You’re a liar.” The seer scoffed. “You’re a liar and you don’t know what you’re saying! Borderline treason if I’m being honest! You’re pathetic, and a rotten fake—“
“If it pleases His Majesty to confirm the integrity of his humble subject,” Astor cut in, sarcastically, “It might be good to know that also I’ve predicted you won’t imprison me, or exile me, or execute me, given you’re still ever reliant on my uncontested skills for more personal matters. That, and you wish to try and keep me around to hopefully prove me wrong, in which you can then tell yourself you’d be in the right to truly punish me.” He stared the regent dead in the eyes. “But don’t worry, you won’t.”
Rhoam slammed the door shut as he stomped off.
That night, Astor has another dream. Or perhaps it was a vision, he wasn’t sure, as the details were so surreal and horrific and captivating that it would have surely been a blessing to chalk it up entirely to vivid imagination.
There were screams and the sound of rocks crumbling. Bones were cracking and monsters were squealing and shrieking. And be felt his arms burn, and he felt his soul drain, and he looked down to see his skin peeling into dark flakes, his muscles, sludge. And in the distance, a young woman with golden hair laughed at him, but her eyes were hollow and gold. And she laughed and laughed as his body was slowly broken to pieces, bones torn asunder, skin burned to smoldering malice, senses vivid until the final moment when he woke.
But the good thing about nightmares, was that...that was it. There was no where else to go. There was nothing left to offer. No more pain to fear.
It made sense of course. Of course, of course. He never went to the funeral, he never offered his sympathies. There was no longer anything to mourn, as he allowed himself to view the world in its true, disgusting form. The people were doomed, and the dead, well...perhaps they might have deserved it. Yes, that was the only way this all made sense, of course. He even stopped trying to warn other folk after a few too many dozen harsh rejections to his character. No, now in complete isolation and resignation of his path, there was nothing else that could possibly drag him back to—
“How do I die?” Zelda Mallory Hyrule asked, one day.
At first, he was confused, and he turned in his chair. “What?”
She was seven at the time, and it was truly an odd and concerning thing to be coming from a seven year old girl’s mouth. Or perhaps it wasn’t, given the circumstances.
“How do I die?” she said again. She was laying down on his worn carpet, fiddling with the frilled edge.
Was she truly that bored? Already out of other questions? Hmph, he had always warned her to stay away, as a seer’s office wasn’t really meant for childish entertainment. Yet still she always came and asked to hide away from her father, and, well...anything to spite that man...
“Why do you ask?” he finally replied. Had someone said something to her? A threat? He clenched his jaw. I swear, if that fool tried to force her powers by—
“You’re always going on about how I’m wasting my time with praying and stuff...but father says I still gotta to stop the Calamity or else we could all die.” She didn’t look up from the bits of carpet string she was playing with (and contemplating on popping in her mouth), “So I figured if you tell me how I die we can settle the debate for good!”
Astor just sighed. “Well, of course you d—“
He stopped himself, but not for the reasons a more put together person, might. Not because of the generally frowned upon action of telling a child how she dies, no, that was not exactly beyond him. No, Astor cut off his sentence simply because it had crossed his mind that—
“...I’m not entirely sure...” he whispered.
He suddenly stood. Walking towards the other end of his office, carefully stepping over the child. “E-Excuse me a moment.”
Why had he never considered this? Of course, he had seen the signs clearly enough, the visions, the stars. A girl cries over a corpse, a light vanishes in the night. Malice plagued the sky and dooms the day. But did the Calamity actually kill her? Does she drown in rubble and malice like the others? Slain by a demon or monster perhaps? Or if not, then, would that mean...?
The princess soon forgot about the question by the next day, and the next, and the next, and the next, and the next.
Astor spent nearly eight sleepless nights into finding an answer.
But he never truly did.
These things happened more times than one may think, when it came to predictions. Vagueness was commonplace, but specificities and straightforward answers were about as rare as a green sunset. Of course, he knew she would die, goddess blood or not, she lived the life of a mortal. But how? When? While it certainly wasn’t impossible to predict a person’s death, but whatever the circumstances of Mallory’s was made the process was infuriatingly impossible.
It was possible she would die of malice or suffocation under rubble, even circumstances where she dies at the Ganon’s hand himself. But then there were clear visions of her living, walking through a grassy field, ruins in the distance covered in leaves and moss, her turning and calling to a friend to keep up with her pace.
But no, nonono. She would die during the Calamity’s rise, that was the majority of what the futures offered to her were. That was the probable outcome.
But the factors and visions and signs and alignments were so fine and minuscule in difference, that Astor truly couldn’t a true statement, a true prediction, a true answer to the question. What timeline did we live in?
It taunted him.
Maybe it was better if the question was put to rest, did it even matter?
“Mallory?” he asked. “That’s a stupid name.”
“What?! No it’s not!” Elane laughed and shoved his shoulder. “Please, YOU’RE not one to talk.”
“Well as a victim of stupid first names, I think I’m qualified to speak accurately on the subject.”
“Aha! But it’s not technically a first name.” Elane tapped his head. “It’s a middle name, her first name would be ‘Zelda,’ of course.”
“Yes, and that is also a s—“
The queen shoved his shoulder into the wall before he even finished the sentence. “Oh would you shut up...”
He laughed, unconventionally carefree. Her Majesty’s happiness these days truly was contagious. Or perhaps that was a side effect of pregnancy? Did all expecting mother’s give off this aura?
“I think it’s a wonderful name.” Elane said. “Reminds me of a cute little duck, like a mallard!” She tucked her arms and flapped her elbows to imitate as such. “Quack, quack!”
“This is further adding to my argument actually”
“Hmph! Ok then Mr. Overseer of all names” She tapped a finger to his chest. “If it’s such a stupid name, then when she starts getting bullied for it around the castle, I shall expect you to take care of her in full.”
He scoffed. “Oh, I’ll be sure to do so. She’ll definitely need it.”
Elane pecked his head with a kiss.
“Good! I grant you my blessing lovingly tease her, as well. And I expect the best from you, Astor!”
His face suddenly warmed for some reason, and he couldn’t form words.
He was suddenly whack in the head with a rolled up piece of paper. Astor sprang awake from his desk. “...W...What...?”
“Morning, Mr. Astor!!” Princess Zelda-Mallory beamed. “And happy birthday!!! Sorry I woke you up early, but I needed to give this to you before the winter solstice festival later and—“
She continued to ramble on and on, but Astor simply opened the rolled up paper she had handed to him. It was simply filled with dozens and dozens, arguably hundreds, of hand drawn stars. In the corner was written, “You always look at the same stars so here’s some new ones!” in crude purple crayon. At the time, he failed to notice the accompanying note on the back that read “One for each year of how old you are!” Thankfully he was too busy looking through the different stars, with varying degrees of sparkles and smiley faces.
He finally looked back at the princess, who was still rambling on and on about her day, and her father’s day, and her newest stuffy dress, and her latest adventures with her stuffed toys, and—
“Why are you always here, Zelda?” Astor finally said. She stopped talking, looking at him, quizzically. “I mean...” he grumbled, “You know I don’t really like you, right?
“Eh, I don’t care. I think you’re neat!!” She held out her arms as she zoomed around his circular office. “Your room is so cool! And you got fun books!”
“Necromancy isn’t necessarily what I would consider ‘fun’ reading material—“
“Plus your outfits are cool, and you’re super smart, like my mom.”
He blinked.
“Plus, you’re the only one that’s not mean to me about my dumb powers. But really that’s just a chair on the top!”
“Do you mean cherry on top?”
“No! I meant chair! Watch me!! I’m gonna do a backflip off of this—“
“NO.” Astor immediately stood up, and snatched the girl off of the wooden chair. “NO. No backflips.” He set her down on the rug and pointed to a side of the room which held a broken table, stool, and a few old chairs—the victims of the princess’ previous acrobatic attempts.
She crossed her arms and stuck out her tongue. “You’re no fun!”
“I’m running out of furniture, is what I am.”
“But I’ll let this slide since it’s your birthday! Hmph.”
She started pulling at the loose threads of the carpet. “Don’t know why you had to stop my birthday backflip! Who cares if I get a little scratch?”
“I do—“
“YOU DO?!” Mallory was immediately up and clinging to his robes.
Astor sputtered, instinctively waving his arms to free himself from the child’s grip. But then he finally processed her question, and...
“I...” He looked at her starlight eyes. She had that stupid, naive grin that he always remembered from her mother. A stupid, pathetic, horrible, terrible, optimistic smile.
He finally scoffed. “I just can’t have you getting hurt on my watch, as otherwise, I’d probably be a dead man. That’s all.”
The princess lifted her hands in a “hooray!” fashion, and yelled the exclamation, accordingly. She then resumed her zipping and zooming around the room, much to Astor’s unexpected relief.
That night, he visited the question again.
Why? He didn’t really know.
The question wouldn’t offer him anything, it wouldn’t relieve him of anything—in fact it really did just the opposite. If he found that died miserably, it would be another scream in the nightmare, another nail in the comforting coffin of despair. But if he someone found that she lived, that there was a day after the Calamity, where even a child such as her could possibly prosper...
Having hope and seeing it fail anyway would probably be the most torturous of all.
Again, he had a dream, of a world tainted by blood and malice. But this time he was floating. He was floating and watching the end of it all.
Castle Town was nothing but ruins and ash, and no colors existed but red, black, and grey.
He couldn’t hear anything but a shrill hum in his ears, but he knew there was screaming. He looked to his hand, expecting to see malice or blackened skin, but instead found a strange floating device in his palm. It spin slowly, pink constellations drifting across its surface.
The hum in his ears turned into a groan, and then a whisper. It said something familiar, but he was sure he had never heard it before.
It is time.
The next night he had a dream of a girl standing in a green field, calling out to her friends somewhere behind her. She rested under the ruins of a collapsed pillar, and ate a homemade sandwich with a memorable smile.
Astor reached a conclusion.
In most futures, the girl dies horribly. He wrote in his journal. To be expected, I would assume the rise of the Calamity isn’t exactly easy to survive from.
But what I have discovered is a very specific set of circumstances that lead to a more favorable outcome, at least for her.
I have no way of knowing if it accurately depicts the comings of our time, or another. There are too many variables and specifics. Too long I have spent trying to discern our fate, but the probabilities and possibilities for doom are so interchangeable that it really go either way. The only truth I know is that she lives if—
He paused, tapping the dry quill to the desk again in thought. He dipped it once more.
I’ve decided that if I ever find myself in the scenario where I can solidify her a more favorable destiny, I will take it. I can only hope dare to alter my existing nightmare into something different, there’s really nothing left to lose, is there?
Astor leaned in his chair for a moment, savoring the silence of his office. He looked out the window and took in the night. The stars were gorgeous this evening.
Although if it fails I hope it kills me.
Call it arrogance, but I don’t think I can handle being wrong again.
The seer sighed, then suddenly flipped to the next blank page, angrily.
If I had never met her it would have been fine. If I had just minded my own damn business and continued to work in being resigned to our fate, at least then I could have—
There was a soft knock at his door.
He knew who it was.
Astor pinched the bridge of his nose as he opened it. “It’s past 2am, Princess, what could you possibly have to tell me?”
She looked down and shuffled her feet. “I had a nightmare...”
“Yes, people do have those sometimes.” He immediately closed the door.
Another knock.
After a moment, Astor opened it again. “Don’t you have guards outside your room, how did you sneak up here?”
“Secret tunnel!” She grinned, proudly, as she replied with a sort of sing-song tone.
“That’s nice.”
The door slammed shut again.
She knocked once more. There was the longest pause.
“FFFFFFine!” The world was out of his lips before he even fully swung open the door, and Mallory happily scrambled inside. “But no touching anything, I’m working.”
“It’s ok, I just wanna stay up all night and read your books!” She was already scrambling for the necromancy section, again.
Astor sighed, and went to slump back into his desk. The princess was already sprawled across the floor, distracting herself with another stack of wondrous, ill-recommended book. He didn’t really care.
I don’t really care. He wrote once again. I know there are futures where I dedicate myself to the Calamity, and she dies anyway. I know it doesn’t really matter, I know it’s hopeless to care, and that’s why I don’t.
He looked back at Zelda, he saw her slowly blink back her tiredness. He knew in a few hours or so, he’d have to drop her sleepy figure back off to those useless guards, and berate then for letting her wander off again, as it always was.
If I do this and it’s all for nothing, he began, I fear it will be worse than if I had just stood to the side and perished. It’s already doomed, and this pathetic, foolish optimism might cause me to turn this nightmare into something even worse.
He sighed, and the hours passed as he just sat with his thoughts.
Zelda was using and open book as a pillow.
Astor opened the door, and went to pick her up.
I’m not living through another nightmare. He thought, as he descended the stairs from the observatory. The girl’s breathing was steady as she wrapped an arm by his shoulder.
If it fails I hope it kills me before I see it. He repeated again.
I can’t handle being wrong again.
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dinahperlman-sb · 3 years
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I saw [DINAH PERLMAN] at a coffee shop in [MANHATTAN] today. I forgot how much [SHE] looks like [INBAR LAVI]. They are a [THIRTY-FOUR] year old [ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY] who’s been in NYC for [SIXTEEN YEARS (ON AND OFF)] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [INTELLIGENT & PASSIONATE] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [SUSPICIOUS & CURT]. [FIND AN ISLAND BY BENEE] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio. — [gabs, she/her, 24, est]
it’s gabs again! finally presenting u my sad baby bean dinah! she’s a fairly new character so she is open for any connections y’all might need! | @villagestart
tw: death, emotional abuse
about —
full name: dinah jane perlman age: 34 birthday: january 6th, 1987 sexual orientation: demisexual/heteroromantic gender: cis female pronouns: she/her
bio —
tw: death, emotional abuse
dinah was the only child of adam and davina perlman, born in rochester, new york. she grew up a happy girl, with a close bond to both of her parents, who were also happily married. as a small girl in a situation as privileged as the one she was in, she had no idea just how rare it was. she attended many classes and spent all of her free time doing activities with her parents, it was almost a childhood out of a fairytale.
DEATH TW. it was unfortunate, but very early in her life, the peaceful and loving world she’d been raised in would be ripped away from her in an instant. she was ten years old when the accident happened. it was a head-on collision, and according to many, dinah had been lucky to have survived the hit, especially with as little injuries as she did. whereas her parents hadn’t been so lucky, and had died either instantly or before reaching the hospital. 
she had only ever been close to her parents, she had never even met any extended family. so it was a surprise when her uncle, her father’s brother, stepped up and volunteered to take care of his brother’s only daughter, just as he had done with his company — as a way to honor his memory, he had said.
ABUSE TW. dinah moved into her uncle’s house in hermosa beach, california, soon after all formalities were over and done with. lifestyle wise, it wasn’t too bad of an adjustment, maybe just the warm winters were the ones that confused her the most. but everything else... it was a very chaotic change in dinah’s life. to begin, her new guardians, her uncle and aunt... they weren’t nearly as kind as her parents had been. they would put her down with every chance that appeared, only to then tell her it was for her own good. not to mention they were so dead set on keeping up this... perfect family façade with her uncle being the new ceo of the family company and whatnot, especially when she knew how they spoke of everyone involved behind their backs, how they acted with each other behind the scenes... all the yelling, the blaming. it made for a very confused young dinah, when it came to social interactions.
dinah’s only saving grace growing up in california was her cousin, natalie. the two were close in age, and she found solace in the girl. natalie reminded her a little bit of what her life had been like in upstate new york, she had this soft character that reminded her of her mother. despite going through the same stuff, natalie had always chosen to be kind and remain herself, so she wouldn’t become bitter like her parents had. so the girls were best friends, and in all formality, they were like sisters.
in high school, dinah had no problems making friends — but there was always something missing. she had learned how to treat people and have them like her from her new family, but she had never really been able to have a connection like the one she had with her parents in her early youth. until alexander came around. he was going through a whole new kind of shit that dinah couldn’t quite grasp, but she understood the motions of grieving and losing someone you love. they became close friends, and eventually, dinah’s first serious relationship.
despite her new family’s thoughts, she moved to new york city with alex with the premise of going to college. it wasn’t a complete lie, but it was also an excuse to leave that home and build something with her love, something that could become what she had had in her childhood, to her future children. it all seemed like it was falling into place: her degree in psychology and an engagement to the love of her life.
of course though, based on past experiences, dinah had some suspicion with how well her life was going. it usually ended up a preface to something terrible, something she had no control over. and well, her suspicions ended up being correct — while she attended law school, her previously perfect relationship with alex quickly deteriorated... until there was nothing else to do. and the engagement ended fairly quickly after she realized they had reached that point of no return. 
very much in her feelings about the failed engagement, dinah began refusing the love and care natalie would always offer. it came as something hypocritical to her, as she seemed to be so happy with her partner, that her parents seemed to love so very much. why couldn’t they have supported her, too? and why hadn’t natalie defended her?
DEATH TW. the woman decided to stay in new york despite the clusterfuck that it had become, dinah refused to make any appearances in california, she hadn’t even attended natalie’s baby’s birth. but she would soon regret her choices, as a year or so after the baby’s birth, dinah received the news that both the baby and nat had died in a car crash. of all things, a fucking car crash. part of her felt like she held some curse, and maybe that was why alexander had fallen out of love with her so quickly.
these kind of situations will harden up anyone. the woman placed her focus almost entirely on her work, doing some paralegal work in a number of offices, until reaching the district attorney’s office, recently getting the job as an assistant district attorney.
after natalie’s death, dinah actually came to learn that her relationship with her baby’s dad wasn’t as accepted with their family as she had first thought (which infuriated her. how could she not have known? they did the same to her!) and how little her uncle seemed to care. how he was mostly angry at the inconvenience. since then, there’s been some alarm bell ringing every time she has to be in contact with the man. she’s turning a blind eye to the suspicion, but she’s starting to think that her parents’ death was way too similar to natalie’s.
 headcanons —
dinah has tried to channel her negative energy since losing natalie into self-defense. she’s proficient in krav maga and kickboxing!
very recently though, she realized aggression wasn’t the best way for her to go about things (although self-defense has proven to be useful in the city and in the courtrooms), dinah found a healthier way for her to let out her energy: dancing. nothing fancy, she attends some classes and loves throwing it back on the weekends lmao
her apartment complex doesn’t allow pets, but she’s befriended a feral cat that she feeds and pets every so often. still needs a name for the cat.
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norafike · 4 years
I'm sorry you're feeling sad. I hope your night turns around. I would love to hear about Nora's backstory and how she came to be an outlaw/moonshiner
Thank you for your kind words 💖
Unfortunately, the post I did make regarding Nora's backstory I had deleted and the notes in which it had been saved I can't find; I will try and rewrite it here for the best my memory will allow so sorry if it does get a little too long. Also, I tried making it a decent read so excuse any grammar mistakes I may have made- I failed my English exam.
"Born 1874 in Wales, Nora Morgan came to the USA with her family at a young age in search of "a new chapter." Shortly after moving to Blackwater, Nora's mother had given birth to twin boy's she named Harry and James.
While at first thing's had began looking bright for the small family, it soon began turning sour with an unfavourable reputation Nora's father gained as the local "drunken idiot." At around the time she had turned fifteen, her parents had died mysteriously one night- leaving Nora and her brother's in the care of an aunt they had previously never met before.
Aunt Marge, as they came to know her as, was a bitter old women who was very 'proper' in her way's and so had high expectations of the three Morgan Children and had raised them up until Nora had turned eighteen, in which case she viewed herself as having done her job and no longer needing to take care of the siblings.
Nora, now eighteen, soon became the guardian to her thirteen year old brother's for the next five years before being sent to Sisika, framed for a murder in which she did not commit. Fortunately for her, the widow of the deceased, had discovered that she was simply at the wrong point at the wrong time and due to being silent had been sent to Sisika falsely and so, with the her husband's former assistant Horley, managed to rescue Nora just before her execution. Soon after she was reunited with her brother's.
It was through Horley she had met Cripps, a father-figure of sorts to the female (or more and uncle-figure) and in turn she had met Maggie 'Lightning' Fike through Cripps, who happened to be a former admirer of Cripps'.
Harry, who had since started up a trader business with Cripps, was originally meant to meet with Miss Fike for her business proposal but declined as he was happy with the job he had and so had asked for Nora to go instead. While moonshine was never something a young Nora could see herself doing, she was tempted and so easily agreed to purchase an old moonshine shack and help with the business.
This quickly became the best decision she thinks to have made as very quickly she found new friend's within the business, those being Marcel, Maggie and her nephew Lem. Nora became close with Lemuel and while finding herself in situations where she does come close to dying on his behalf [in which case, these are the mission's 'come hell, come highwater' as well as 'the certainty of death an taxes'] she never blamed him for it and in turn, quickly laughed regarding the entire situation.
While initially going to be a temporary thing, she found herself sticking with the moonshine business although this could partially be due to a small crush she began developing on the Fike boy himself. Not that Nora would ever admit this. She's contempt with their relationship now."
It's not much, or an interesting read. Nora's the first original character I've really thought of and so as far as backstory's go- I'm a little new at those. 😬
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santamonicaroleplay · 4 years
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NAME: Sawyer O’Connell GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female, She/Her DATE OF BIRTH: January 12th, 1984 BIRTH PLACE: Where were you born? CURRENT RESIDENCE: Santa Monica Pier/Ocean Avenue  OCCUPATION: Juvenile Defense Lawyer FACE CLAIM: Katie McGrath
trigger warnings: abandonment, alcoholism, alcohol poisoning, death, m.i.a. soldier
If asked Sawyer O'Connell would claim that she was born and raised in Ireland, and with her Irish accent no one has any reason to doubt her. In truth, Sawyer was born in Boston where she was raised for the first eight years of her life. The reason she prefers to lie is that the truth means acknowledging her father, and Sawyer does her best to forget he even exists.
Although they were never married, in all other respects Sawyer’s parents might as well have been. Her mother moved to Boston to be with him, they lived together and had two daughters together - Sawyer and her younger sister, Imogen. Sawyer’s father wasn’t around a lot as he travelled for work. Over time his work trips got longer and longer until he didn’t come back at all. All her mother got was a text that he wouldn’t be returning. Sawyer later found that he had a second family and he abandoned Sawyer, her mother, and her sister to be with them.
Sawyer’s mother hung around Boston for a couple of years, hoping he’d come back, but as money began to run out she had no choice but to move them all back to her native home, Ireland. She had an aunt there who agreed to let them live with her. They might not have had to worry about living on the streets, but life was still a struggle. Sawyer’s great aunt took care of her and Imogen, but she was rather old and her health started to fail. The older the sister’s got the more their roles reversed and they had to take care of her.  
They were better off financially living in Ireland, but Sawyer’s mother still had to work three jobs to keep their heads above water. Unfortunately, to cope with all the stress and pressures, nevermind the pain of been betrayed by the love of her life, her mother turned to alcohol. She was a high-functioning alcoholic, so it never affected her work, but at home, she often ended up drinking until she passed out. This meant that as well as caring for their great aunt and their school work, it fell onto Sawyer and Imogen’s shoulders to do most the cooking, shopping, and cleaning.
Sawyer never held any ill will towards her mother. She loved her dearly, and it broke her heart to see what she’d become. Sawyer knew her mother did the best she could, and if anyone was to blame it was her father. It was hard on both sister’s when after one weekend of particularly heavy drinking her mother’s body could no longer take it and she died from alcohol poisoning. Sawyer was only 16, and her sister 14.
Somehow the sisters managed to keep things together, until two years after their mother died their great aunt died too. They grieved the loss of their aunt, but her death gave them the freedom to do whatever they wanted. Imogen decided to enlist and joined the army, whilst Sawyer made the tough decision to move back to America to attend university. She loved Ireland, and it was tough leaving, to Sawyer it was her homeland, but there were better opportunities in America.
Fortunately, Sawyer was used to hard work because that’s what it took to get her degree. Never one to choose the easy option Sawyer had decided to pursue a law degree. She’d always enjoyed a good debate and wanted to stand up for those who, like her, was a victim of their circumstances - which is how she ended up choosing Juvenile Law. To pay for her tuition, books, and everything else that came with university Sawyer had to work two jobs. It didn’t matter that everything she owned was second hand or from a charity shop, she was used to that, and it didn’t matter that all she ate were various tinned foods that cost less than a dollar a tin, at least she had food.
Graduation day was one of the happiest days of her life, even if the only person left to share it with her was Imogen. Unfortunately, the hardest blow was yet to come when she lost her sister. It had been a couple of years after graduation when Sawyer got the news that Imogen had been declared M.I.A. Not knowing what happened to her sister made it even harder to deal with. Sawyer still struggles with it, the unknown element preventing her from getting closure.
Needing a fresh start Sawyer moved to Santa Monica six years ago. Most people get the wrong impression upon meeting her, thinking she’s some kind of spoiled, bitchy, trust fund baby, and Sawyer rarely bothers to correct them. Losing her sister pushed Sawyer over the edge. To protect herself from the pain Sawyer became cold and distant. She even tries to make people hate her, acting bitchy on purpose.
Her work means everything to Sawyer, it’s what keeps her going. Money no longer being an issue Sawyer likes to enjoy the finer things in life, things she could never afford growing up. It’s this that can give people the wrong impression, they don’t realise how hard she’s worked to get to where she is. Given her general demeanour, people can be shocked when they learn what Sawyer does for a living. The way she acts around her clients is the complete opposite to how she acts around everyone else.
People are even more shocked to discover that Sawyer’s the legal guardian of a teenager - Casey. Sawyer began fostering her three years ago and adopted her two years ago. Casey was a victim of circumstances, much like Sawyer, and was constantly running away from various foster homes. She was a friend of someone Sawyer was representing, and somehow, before Sawyer even knew it Casey was living with her. Despite all her efforts, it seems some people manage to slip past her barricades.
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A Call to the Light - Chapter 2 (Kylo RenxOC)
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Warnings: Language, Torture, Force choking, Blood, Gore, Feels, Angst, Flashbacks 
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Chapter 2
Ben’s P.O.V
I awaited the arrival of the Jedi where I would then interrogate her, see if she held any useful knowledge and then dispose of her. General Hux was aware of my plans and demanded to be present during the interrogation. He would only get in the way in my opinion. He got in the way a lot of the time. Phasma entered the meeting room and handed me the Jedi’s saber, which I attached to my belt. “Is she unharmed like I asked?” I questioned her. “Yes sir. General Hux is interrogating her now.” “What?!”
Phasma stood her ground. The man was making it increasingly difficult to work with him. I left the meeting room, heading straight for the interrogation chambers. The two troopers outside her cell let me pass and I headed inside. Hux was stood to the side, watching as some of his men beat her. They stopped when they noticed my presence. “About time Ren, sorry we started without you,” Hux said. “Out.” “I beg your pardon.” “Out! I specifically gave instructions that she was not be harmed. Or can you not even understand simple instructions!” Hux’s men had left the room by now, afraid of what I might do to them. Hux glared at me, balling his fists. I could kill him with no more than a thought and he knew it. “Don’t let your personal interests get in the way Ren. I shall inform the Supreme Leader of her arrival,” he said in a threatening tone.
Hux left the room, the door closing behind him. I turned to Cora, the start of a black eye was forming and her lip was split. She seemed calm however. “Your friend seems nice,” she said sarcastically. She hadn’t changed much clearly. Still cocky and sarcastic. And look where it got her now. Into trouble. Her appearance hadn’t changed much either only the usual growth the human body goes through. “A few ground rules before the interrogation starts. You take that mask off and I won’t be calling you Kylo Ren, I’ll be calling you by your real name,” she said matter of factly. “You think you’re in any position to make ground rules? The mask stays on.”
She rolled her eyes and made herself more comfortable. Her calm demeanour was starting to get on my nerves. “I know you weren’t captured by Nashi Hutt, you gave yourself up. Why?” I asked. “You’re smart at least you were when we were kids. Why don’t you work it out?” I held out my hand using the force to choke her. Her eyes widened in surprise, which was slowly replaced by fear. She began thrashing around as if that would somehow help her. Eventually I let her go. She coughed and gasped for air. “Are you going to tell me now? Or do I have to search your mind? The latter will be more painful for you.”
Her eyes narrowed but she didn’t throw an insult at me. She knew better now. I cocked my head, waiting for her answer. “I wanted to be here. I wanted my friend back,” she spoke, her gaze meeting mine. I chuckled. How pathetic, “your friend is dead. I changed for the better.” “I don’t believe that. You can say what you like, beat me, torture me. I’m not giving up on you.” “Then you will have died for nothing. But I’m sure you still have your uses before that. Your base for instance. Or perhaps the last piece of the map to Skywalker.” “I don’t know where the base is. Not anymore at least. And besides there’s a number of bases, you need to be more specific.” “The one you were on before you were here. Where is it?” “You won’t find anything there. Your mother took the precautions that were necessary. I don’t know where she is anymore.”
I didn’t quite believe that. I had no reason to believe a word she said. I invaded her mind being greeted with images of the planet Lothal. The same planet was used by previous rebels that were against my grandfather. When I tried to search for their new location however she allowed me, meaning she was telling the truth after all. Well I could still get rid of Lothal and the base. One less place for them to run. And now the map to Skywalker. Unfortunately she had only seen what the rest of us had seen. The map was still incomplete and no clues as to where to find it. Cora then forced an image before me. A memory. I instantly left her mind, not wanting to be reminded of my past.
“You don’t remember that day? Master Luke sent us out to find out saber crystals. Everyone else split up, more excited about their own but we stuck together, helped each other,” she spoke. “You will remain here until a decision has been made about what to do with you.” I turned and left the interrogation room, heading back to my private quarters. I removed my helmet and my gloves. I placed her saber on the table in the corner of the room. I sat before grandfathers mask hoping it would give me the strength I needed. Of course she had forced that memory on to me on purpose.
“Come on Ben,” Cora called. I ran to catch up with her. She stood on the top of hill searching the landscape before us. We could see fellow Padawans running to random areas, finding their lightsaber crystals. I noticed a glint of blue coming from a cave. I took Cora’s hand and pulled her over to the cave. We stood at the mouth of the cave, the blue glint had now become prominent. “What colour is it?” Cora asked. “Blue. You see yours yet?” “Yeah. It’s green.”
We continued further into the cave, expecting pure darkness only the whole cave was lit up with saber crystals of various colours embedded into the floor and walls of the cave. Cora was looking around in wonder, walking backwards at times just to take everything in. I reached the crystal that called out to me, taking it. It slipped out of the rock easily as if it wanted to be taken. Cora grinned, excitement evident on her features. “This is so cool. You know what the colours mean right?” She beamed. “Yes, you’ve told me enough times.” “Green means I’m going to be a Jedi Guardian.” “Don’t get ahead of yourself. You still have to pass the trials.” “Which we will. We can be Jedi masters together and have our own Padawans.”
I rolled, my eyes smiling to myself. She always had a way of getting ahead of herself. I guess I couldn’t blame her being excited, I was excited myself. Getting our crystals meant we could finally build our own lightsabers. The saber we would have for the rest of our lives. Cora took her own crystal, marvelling at it like it was a small animal. “We should head back,” she said. “No harm in staying a little longer.” “We could make this place into a fort or at least somewhere we could meditate. That way we’d be so much closer to the force.”
Well she wasn’t wrong but meditation bored me unlike her. I preferred to be actually doing something when it came to my training not just sitting down for an hour with my eyes closed. And it didn’t help we had to do it five times a day either. “Fort sounds good. We could probably duel in here too,” I suggested. “Might hurt when I keep knocking you on your ass,” she smirked. “You wanna test that now.” I gave her a playful shove, which she returned giggling. We decided it was best to head back to the temple however, Cora didn’t want to make Master Luke angry with her. Not that he ever did get angry with her. She was a teacher’s pet, the biggest goody two shoes out there.
It had been a week and I had made sure Cora was being fed and she had been cleaned up a little. I hadn’t visited her since however. Her only visitor had been a doctor. It was up to me to decide what was to be done with her. On the one hand I should kill her for many reasons. She was my enemy, against me and everything I stood for. She was only the Padawan I had failed to kill, her demise would make me stronger. One less call to the light, one less reminder of my past, of my weakness. Her ‘mission’ was futile. It was a suicide mission. She should have known that.
But there were benefits for keeping her alive. A possible bargaining chip with the resistance. I could use her to prove to the Supreme Leader that I wasn’t weak and pathetic. I could turn her to the dark side. Show her the power he had shown me. She would make a good addition to the Knights of Ren. She was a good fighter, which would make her a valuable asset. Turning her against the resistance would be delightful, watching as she murdered those she had lived with for so many years, those she had considered friends.
It was worth a try at least. If she didn’t join me then I would kill her. Simple as that. I know Hux wouldn’t approve of me keeping a Jedi on board but it wasn’t up to him. She was my responsibility now. And when I wasn’t able to keep an eye on her there was another that could. One of Hux’s latest experiments. She was part clone, part human. You wouldn’t know at first glance, but looking at her different coloured eyes gave it away. One blue eye, the other green. She was almost as strong as Phasma and she was reliable.
I left my room and called for Chaise to be brought to the meeting room. The brunette was quick to arrive. She was dressed in the simple navy First Order uniform. Her storm trooper uniform wouldn’t be needed on board. She bowed her head a little in respect. “Phasma said you have a job for me,” she spoke. “Not an exciting one I’m afraid, which I do apologise for. You’re aware of our prisoner?” “Of course.” “I want you to watch her at all times, except for when I’m able to of course. You will escort her to places she’s allowed to access if she wishes to go there. Basically make sure she doesn’t cause any trouble.” “I can do that. Using brute force if necessary?” “If necessary.”
A hint of a smile played at the corners of her lips. I had Chaise follow me to Cora’s cell. Chaise waited outside the room. Cora’s full attention was on me as I entered the room. She knew today was the day where she would either die or be spared. “I’ve come to a decision,” I announced. “And?” Using the force I opened the restraints around her wrists and ankles. She remained still however. She didn’t trust me, not that she had much reason too. For all she knew I could be toying with her. Wanting the thrill of a chase before killing her.
Cautiously she stepped down from the rack, rubbing her wrists and stretching her limbs. I motioned for her to follow me and she did so, her guard still up. I led her down a long corridor, stopping outside an empty room. Not far from mine, just in case she needed to be dealt with. I opened the door for her and she took a quick look inside, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t understand,” I blinked. “I’m letting you live, what more is there to understand?” “But at what cost?” “There won’t be one if you behave. Now this is Chaise, she’s in charge of you when I’m unavailable.” “So I’m still a prisoner.” “That is entirely up to you.”
Cora entered her new room, slamming the door behind her. Chaise remained outside, leaning against the wall. I retired to my own quarters for the evening. I undressed and took a shower before climbing into bed. I lay staring at the ceiling for a while, sensing that Cora was still awake. She wasn’t planning on going to sleep anytime soon either. She was scared. Scared that all this was still a trick and I was going to kill her in her sleep. I sighed, closing my eyes. I slept for an hour and she was still awake. Sleep, if I wanted you dead I would have killed you already. We hadn’t spoken to each other through our minds since we were children. I sensed her confusion before she relaxed. You could still change your mind. Aren’t sith meant to be unpredictable? Her voice filled my mind. Just go to sleep.
I awoke in the morning and changed into my usual robes. I put my mask on and left my room. I passed Cora’s room on my way and considered going inside. But I had work to do. I would visit her later in the day. I needed to find a relief for Chaise. She couldn’t babysit Cora twenty four hours a day, she had a life of her own. I motioned for Chaise to follow me, which she did. I explained to her what hours she would work. Just through the day and I would find someone else for nightly duties. Although she was relieved for today. She smiled and headed in the direction of the training room.
I headed to the main control room where Hux was barking orders as usual. I felt somewhat sorry for the people that had to put up with him all day. Hux turned away from the computers and he only seemed to grow angrier when his eyes fell on me. “What do you think you’re playing at? Keeping that harpy alive? She could ruin everything that I – we have worked on,” he snapped. “A little trust goes a long way General. She has personal guards with her so she can’t cause any trouble.” “If anything goes wrong I’m holding you responsible. And so will the Supreme Leader. She is your prisoner after all.” “I am aware of that. I have put Chaise in charge of her throughout the day.”
I noticed how his face softened a little at the mention of Chaise. So he did have feelings for her. Interesting. “She has better things to do than babysit your Jedi,” she snapped. “Like what?” He remained silent, his fists clenching. He knew what I was getting at, which only angered him more. His attention turned from me to one of the screens behind me. “And this is why you should have killed her,” he hissed. I turned to the screen he was looking at. It showed Cora in one of the filing rooms looking through various files. Exactly where she shouldn’t be. “Are you going to deal with it or do I have to clean up your mess again?” Hux growled. “She’s my prisoner, I will punish her how I see fit. When you have a prisoner of your own Hux then you can do the same.” I left the control room, heading for the filing room. And she said she didn’t want to be treated like a prisoner. Yet she continues to get herself in to trouble.
Taglist: @my-world-of-imagines, @sarahlee8793, @cltex84
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stephicness · 7 years
Fantasy Daddy Simulator -- Final Fantasy XV x Dream Daddy Headcanons (Part 2)
Heeey~ Making good progress on writing tonight. c: I think two parts is pretty good, though I wonder if I can power out one final part to finish off all them dere dads and all. These are all so fun to write, so I hope you guys are enjoying them too~ Speak of too, let’s move onto part two of the headcanons, introducing even more of those single dads. c;
Let’s add about 15-20 years on these boys. Give them time for the children to grow older.
Let’s also say they live in that cul-de-sac area just like from Dream Daddy.
And the children are just me throwing dumb thoughts your way. Because yay for thinking up of headcanons (and child characters unmentioned!).
Featuring: Ravus Nox Fleuret, Ardyn Izunia, Loqi Tummelt, and Cor Leonis
PART ONE -- Featuring Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio
Ravus Nox Fleuret – Widower, Father of One Girl and One Boy
Likes: Classical Music, Teaching His Children, Cake, Some Goddamn Peace and Quiet Dislikes: Socializing With People, Babysitting Other People’s Kids, The Screamo Death Metal That His Daughter Loves
Poor Ravus can’t catch a break, especially in terms of loss and tragedy in his life. His mother had died in an awful housefire that left he and his sister, Lunafreya, devastated. And then as time passed and he married to a beautiful woman and had two of the most darling children, she passed away during a car accident.
And worth of all for Ravus, he was the one who had been driving that night.
On the way home from a night out, their car was hit by another, Ravus swerving out of the way and unfortunately crashing head on with a tree. His wife was dead on arrival and Ravus was left with an injury that forced his arm to be amputated and left him going through months of extensive habilitation.
His children were left to stay with his sister until he was finally able to return home to recover, but things in the house were tense because of it all. Ravus was no stranger to grief, but the fact that his children lost their mother too was a heavy toll on them all.
But nevertheless, his kids did their best to be supportive of him, even if they were only nine and six years old at the time. And so, he pushed himself to make sure he was the best father to his kids. It’s what their mother would have wanted.
Despite his reputation as being the scary police commissioner, he’s really kind and compassionate towards his kids. Perhaps only his kids, but he shows them a side that very few get to see, especially because they bring out a sense of patience and kindness to them.
They’re his kids, after all. He doesn’t need to babysit anyone else besides his own children.
Unless, of course, he’s stuck babysitting the Caelum boys. Those little shitheads… But he and his eldest daughter do a good job in making sure that the boys stay in line and eat their goddamn vegetables for once. Ignis’s tips on making meals more ‘fun’ works wonders.
His son is the one that he usually has a hard time trying to figure out rather than his daughter, who is a splitting image of himself. His son took after his mother, a much more free-spirited soul. And one with a rather nasty vocabulary.
…Actually, he probably got that from his daughter. She REALLY needs to hold her tongue.
But despite his differing viewpoints with his son, he’s more than glad to support his son throughout whatever strange endeavor he’s pursuing. Painting or something, last Ravus recalled. Ravus could only sigh and curtly remind his son that they aren’t called ‘Starving Artists’ for nothing…
He loves his kids both to death, but he just wished that at least ONE OF THEM will give him grandchildren. Some way, somehow, considering that his daughter is exclusively a lesbian and his son eventually starts having a love-hate-bang relationship with both the Argentum boy.
Ravus just as to sigh and keep wishing to the Astrals that adoption is something one of his children will consider. 
Ardyn Izunia – Unmarried, One Known Daughter and One Known Son
Likes: Giving Sermons To People, Drinking, Gambling, Pretending He’s A Good Guy, Drinking More Dislikes: Responsibility, The Caelum Family – Especially That Runt Noctis, Being Called Old
Times change, time passes, and Ardyn had gone through quite a bit of mischief in his younger days. Well, not that he really looked that old to begin with even if he probably is old as dirt, but not everyone has been ‘blessed’ by the Astrals with eternally youthful skin.
In his time and prime, he’s had countless of lovers, men and women alike, but he always tried to forget them the next moment and move along with his life. C’est la vie, after all.
But it was high time his past decided to catch up to him and his antics to get back at the business that wrongly fired him for just trying to help make it better and causing Ardyn to go back to being a priest again. It had nothing to do with the business, he hoped.
So needless to say, when he continued his work as the local (crazy-ass) preacher of the Inferian church, he was surprised to see that after his sermon, a red-haired woman waited in the seats with her black-haired companion, as if anticipating getting Ardyn’s attention.
“Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Yeah. You’re our father.”
“Well, yes. I preach at the church you go to, after all.”
The two groans that came from the town adults only got Ardyn to laugh more at his stupid joke. But he was surprised to see that they weren’t actually kidding about the fact that he was a legitimate father. In fact, he was there dad for about thirty years now.
Well, thirty-two since the sister was older than her brother by two years.
Ardyn had to rub his temples before trying to play it off as if he made his choices and his kids were better off without him, but they did little to let up. Especially as they delivered the news that their mother had died, so they wanted to at least invite him to the funeral.
He let out a small sigh and looked away solemnly. It seemed like he outlived far too many people. He never really was a funeral type of man (liking to celebrate the death of assholes in private and, you know, cry over the ones that weren’t assholes), but he at least agreed to dinner with the two children of his.
He was able to catch up and hear a bit in amidst the awkward tension of realizing that his kids were so old now. His daughter was a rising star in the movie industry, and his son was working to one day start his own health clinic as a doctor. How admirable of them both. It was too late for Ardyn, but it was good to see that his kids were doing well without him.
They still wanted to see Ardyn more, however, and thus invited him to a family reunion with the usual gossipy folks. Ardyn did love gossip, so it was tempting. But the suggestion that there was going to be a lot of booze there got Ardyn to immediately sign up. 
Perhaps trying to reunite with his kids wouldn’t be too bad after all.
Loqi Tummelt – Guardian, Guardian of Two Boys
Likes: Going Out, Clubbing, Fancy Cars, Texting Dumb Memes to People Dislikes: Keeping Promises, Fun-Suckers, That Asshole Teacher That Keeps Failing His Boy for Spelling ‘Immortal’ Wrong
By the words of everyone Loqi knew – and Loqi had to admit, he asked himself this too – why the hell did he even agree to this? With issues going around about a familial friend of his supposedly ‘dying’ and other drama back in his hometown of Gralea, Loqi was a bit confused on just what everything meant.
Was he going to get money? He hoped he was going to get money. Or at least a nicer car than his beat-up pinto. Seriously.
Nope. Instead he got kids. Well, teenagers, but since they were younger than he was, they were, in fact, kids. Hardly what you called a gift.
But as part of the will, he would be granted two million gil to help with child support if Loqi was able to provide the kids with a nice home for about a year. Stupid lawyers and their stupid deals.
So, he sort of just sat there across from the two twin teenage boys, having a staring contest with the two of them as they negotiated just what it would take for all three of them to get the gil and never deal with each other again as they both go off to college.
“If I have a date that I’m going to bring back here, you’re either in your room or you’re walking out of here at midnight to go do something else for awhile. Got it?”
“But what if we get stopped by the cops for being out at midnight?
“Then jump the fence and run from him! Not like he can do much with one arm anyways!”
Loqi was honestly easy to please, and he was okay in just living around the boys than having to deal with them. But as time passed, the little things that the boys did made living a lot more fun. And, you know, a lot less lonely.
They would cook dinner and make sure that Loqi ate before he went out on one of his various dates, they’d clean the house, and when evening hit and Loqi brought back one of his many boyfriends to the house, he’d see the two boys passed out on the couch together. Both were waiting for Loqi to return home.
Loqi would just let out a heavy sigh as he shooed his boyfriend, smiling at the two boys that were taking more care of him than he was of them. He’d end up grabbing a blanket and laying up with the two of them as he fell asleep too.
He eventually grows a better bond with the boys and becomes a bit more responsible for their well-being over the year of the agreement with the lawyer. And as the lawyer asked Loqi if he still wanted to keep the boys, Loqi just sort of shrugged and went, “I mean… They’re such troublemakers. I think I’m the only one who can keep them in line!”
The boys only laugh before they shake hands with the lawyer and load up into the dinky little pinto to go out to celebrate Loqi’s surviving an entire year with them and to discuss the idea of potentially adopting the boys as his own sons. 
Cor Leonis – Adoptive/Foster Father, Father of Two Girls and ‘Father’ of Four Dumbass Boys
Likes: Cherry Blossoms, Lecturing People, Learning About/Collecting/Using Swords Dislikes: Being The Only Dad That Knows What He’s Doing, Stupid Questions, Snakes
Most people just sort of consider him to be their dad because, let’s be real, everyone goes to Cor for dad advice about anything – boys, girls, how to change a tire, how to be a dad. Literally if you have a question about it, Cor knows the answer.
Or he’ll just tell you to figure it out yourself. That’s the answer he loves telling his four adopted dumbass boys.
In case you were wondering, it’s Prompto, Noctis, Ignis, and Gladio he’s talking about.
Prompto was the first one that he really ‘adopted’ when his father had abandoned the poor child. Cor was a part of child services trying to locate baby Prompto to a new home, but Cor just plain had a soft spot for Prompto and his chubby face.
Because, despite Cor wanting to have a married life with picket fences and all, his crazy changes of careers really lead him to so many places that left him unable to really, you know, mingle with the ladies.
That, and when you’re a school teacher, you kind of devote your life more to the kids than you do to your wife. Husband. Whatever you really prefer.
But nevertheless, he still applied to become a foster parent to kids who are looking for a home after he had worked and studied the art of child care (and swordplay, but that’s a hobby). He eventually became the foster dad of two beautiful girls because of it.
They were a bit older than Prompto around the time they were taken in by Cor, luckily mature enough to be more independent so Cor wouldn’t have to parent them as much. But not like he needed to do much with them cooing over their cute little ‘brother,’ Prompto.
He loves his daughters a lot, but sometimes he finds himself apologizing to them because he has four other sons to cater to apparently. Whenever something goes wrong, it’s always Prompto, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis who calls him. In that order.
He just has to let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his temples as he asks one of his daughters to drop off some of her hand-me-down clothes to Gladio and the other daughter to help Noctis cook something other than frozen salmon for the fifth night in a row.
Kids… They’re all such a hassle and pain sometimes. Especially when he’s getting too old for this shit.
But nevertheless, they all love Cor as their father, foster dad, self-proclaimed adoptive dad, all of the like. Father’s day is always a treat because they really do shower Cor with random gifts of thanks that Cor never really turns down. About damn time he gets some appreciation.
At least he’ll never run out of coffee mugs that say ‘Best Dad’ on it, and he’ll never have to worry about losing his slippers because he’ll always have a back-up pair. 
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saeranlover · 7 years
Original story updated version
I’ve updated some previous parts of the story, and added a bit more~
I’d love for feedback, specifically on whether you believe there is a bit too much dialogue at parts...
 I sighed as I looked at the official letter which had just been posted through my door, staring at my name written in faintly glowing letters on the front of the envelope. A pure white wax seal was on the back, and that meant only one thing…
With a frown forming on my face, I removed the seal and pulled the sheet of paper out of the envelope.
 Your assigned human went through an untimely death, young guardian angel. As a consequence, you have been sent to a point one week prior to their death to prevent this occurrence.
As you may know, it is a guardian angel’s duty to protect the humans from danger, and to provide divine intervention at times of need. Only a select few are given the prestigious duty of protecting a particular human, with a majority of humans monitored from the heavens above, and you were one of few deemed worthy of carrying out such a task.
May the grace of the head angels assist you in protecting your human this time around, young one.
 That was the fiftieth of those letters I had received. For almost an entire human year, I had been trying to protect a human from their untimely death. Just two more weeks… Then I would be removed from my position as a guardian angel and assigned a new divine job, and my human would remain dead with their soul cast down to the depths of hell for an eternity. Not even the head angels knew what happened once a human passed between the realms of the living and hell, but it was surely bad.
But how do I protect a human… When it was completely unknown on as to who my human was? The only piece of information which I knew about my human was that they lived somewhere within the town, as all guardian angels are sent to live within the vicinity of their humans…
“How am I meant to find out who it even is?! It isn’t as though I can look back to the final day of their life from last time to see how they died, because I don’t even know who it is!” I fell back onto a chair, before I made my way into the basement room of my home.
I glanced around the room, before I closed my eyes and allowed my wings to materialise from my back. It was almost like a release of a burden on my shoulders being able to do that, because it reminded me of the days where I was a child, free from the burden of trying to identify and protect a human. Not to mention it looked somewhat like my bedroom back at home, minus a bed…
Once I was calm, I approached a shining red crystal which was the only stationary thing within the vicinity. I then reached out, and placed my fingers upon it. This was my few ways of connecting with the heavens whilst I was stationed on Earth, so I felt a sense of warmth as I brought the crystal to my chest. I wasn’t actually permitted to go to the heavens unless I had a valid reason to, but I could communicate to anyone from here. Basically… It was like a phone between realms, if that makes sense.
With that… I decided that I would communicate with the one angel I had been able to confide in since the beginning of my life. Dad… Silence lingered for a few moments, before there was a quiet sigh.
“Ciel... How are you? Am I right in assuming… That you have lost another chance?” His voice was quiet, and he sounded almost upset. “My precious daughter, I must apologise…” I remained silent as he sighed quietly, and the warmth radiating from the crystal began to grow more intense. “It is myself and your mother behind your curse… We were given a choice for reasons which you need not know, but we had to decide whether we both fell from the heavens, leaving you behind… or one of us fell from the heavens, leaving the other to care for you... Your mother begged for me to stay behind, and discussed with the head angel without my knowledge when I refused to let her fall. As her own mother was the overall head angel… she was able to persuade her to let her take the fall… But we did not know that there was a further consequence to your mother falling... You were to be cursed with an ancient curse… The curse of obliviousness. You cannot know who your human is as a guardian angel… You have to figure it out yourself.”
Tears were starting to slip down my cheeks at what my father had said, before I felt my wings growing weak. I was only going to be able to maintain my angel form for another few moments… “F- Father… D- Don’t apologise… I-!” My wings faded, and the crystal escaped from my grasp and it began to fall. Further… And further…. And further… Until…
A pair of piercing red eyes appeared in my line of vision, before a bright flash. And then…
I was lying on the floor, shattered pieces of the crystal surrounding me. The cold floor beneath my back hurt, and as I sat up, I looked around the small room. My few belongings from the heavens which I was allowed to take with me to the human world were stored in here. One of those belongings… Was a painting. A painting of my mother, my grandmother… And me. It was painted not long after I was born, and as second in line to becoming the overall head of the angels upon my grandmother’s final days, this was painted. Unfortunately, with my mother falling… I was set to take over after my grandmother. Hence why I was chosen to act as a guardian angel – to show I could possess a responsibility over lives.
But if I failed at this task, and fail to identify my human…
Anarchy would arise.
My mother falling caused enough trouble – people said that it deemed our family unworthy of taking charge…
I placed my hand on the painted version of my mother’s face, before bidding her goodnight as I went to the opposite side of the room. Perched on a desk was my tablet. It was basically the same as a human’s tablet, just much more technologically advanced.
I picked it up, before looking at its display. This was one of the few ways in which I could remain informed about the different happenings in the heavens. There seemed to be one very popular discussion though…
‘The angel and the human.’
That was an occurrence which happened not long after I was born… Apparently, an angel fell in love with a human which they were meant to be protecting, and went against the highest divine rules and turned the human into an angel so that they could remain together until their time to exist ran out. That led to the introduction of a rule forbidding human-angel relationships. That was over one hundred human years ago now, but the equivalent of about twenty angelic years. Perhaps it was the anniversary behind people wishing to discuss it…
Despite that, I ignored those discussions, and went to what I wanted to read up on.
The angels which fell – my mother being one of them – end up in the depths of hell with the human souls which are incapable of being saved by their guardian angels. They go unnamed, and become nothing but rumour. Meanwhile, angels which die end up reborn as either a human or another angel, which is named within the news. I read up on it every once in a while, just to keep an eye on whether any of my friends or family end up on that list.
It was a relief to know that my father and grandmother were not on that list… That means that I may be able to sleep peacefully that night, unless my unknown human ends up in trouble…
    The morning came about quickly. That meant that my human didn’t end up in danger last night… good. However, the sunlight meant one thing: I had to go about a normal human life for the time being. All guardian angels within this town worked in a small café, called Le Café Tranquille. I had to make my way there soon to do my work for the day…
I still had about two hours to get ready and leave though, so I decided to go through with a routine which I used in my human form. First, I would quickly shower and get dressed, which would take about twenty minutes at most. I didn’t need to eat or drink unless I wanted to, so I could skip that out. I still had a kitchen, but it wasn’t often I decided that I wanted to eat.
Then… I would watch television, typically the human news, until the time that I had to leave.
As I got to turning on the TV, there was a weather report on the news. There was a new weather anchor today. And it had been the same for the past fifty weeks. Today would always be that person’s first day on the job…
“Within the northern regions of the town, there is a chance of strong winds and fog, so make sure that you are prepared for that! For the rest of the town, the skies are overcast and there is expected to be about ten to fifteen millimetres of rain, so make sure to have your coats or at least an umbrella if you intend on going out. Now, to look over the weather for the coming days…” For some reason, my body felt relaxed as I heard the man’s voice. Relaxed enough to accidentally slip into my angel form…
I shrieked at that, before quickly making my wings vanish and I then cast a glare at the man on the television. I couldn’t exactly stay angry at him for long though… He seemed so excited for it to be his first day of reporting the weather. His eyes were shining… He was shivering with anticipation… And he was jumpy.
Before I could start paying attention to the news stories which were being discussed now, my human phone began to ring. The name of the caller made me sigh…
Chrysanthemum. Also known as Chrys, the annoying head angel who monitored guardian angels from the heavens, and was essentially my boss. And the boss of all other angels within this particular town… He was also like an angel’s equivalent of a human bully.
I brought the phone up to my ear, and waited to hear the up and coming lecture over the amount of times my human had died untimely…
“Ciel. Please be present in the cafe as fast as possible. I have something which we must discuss.”
     As I stepped into the café, the atmosphere was… sombre. My guardian angel colleagues were silent as they went about making drinks and food, before serving them to the customers. At the doorway to the staff room at the back, Chrys was stood with his lips pursed together and his arms folded. The thing was… He was looking down towards the floor, and was oblivious to my presence by the entrance. His dark purple hair framed his face, and he seemed to be deep in thought.
I approached him, and cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up at me, before a forced smile formed on his face. “Ciel… You’re here, finally. Get a move on, Lady Alessia and your father are awaiting at the back. I apologise for summoning you a few human hours before you were expected to be here.”
How strange… Chrys was apologising to me?
And my dad and grandmother were here?!
I followed Chrys with a feeling of anxiousness taking over my body. As soon as the staff room door closed, both of us ended up reverting to our angelic forms, and I noticed my family sat upon a sofa in the room. My grandmother, Grand Head Angel Alessia, was sat with a serious look on her face. My father though, Kian… He looked completely lost.
Chrys gestured for me to sit down on a sofa opposite to them, and that was when my grandmother stared straight at me.
“Oh, my young granddaughter… I apologise for requesting that Chrysanthemum summon you. However… We have something serious to discuss”. She then glared at my father, and folded her arms. “Kian, please tell your daughter about the situation she has ignited in the heavens.”
My father sighed, before he shakily clenched his fists together. “She didn’t cause the situation… But… The other angels have made the discovery that I was the human who an angel broke the rules for… They realised that I am the reason your mother fell, and you were cursed to be unable to know who the human under your protective custody is… And they want to boycott you as next in line as head angel following Alessia.” A tear stained his cheek then, before he stood up and went over to me in order to place a hand on my shoulder. “And your grandmother has accepted their request, despite it being your birthright to take up the position.”
My grandmother then rose to her own feet, and ordered for my father to sit down once more. “Ciel, angels have also heard of your repeated failures at saving your human due to the curse. And so, there is only one way for you to take the position which you were born for…” She then looked at Chrys, and her face softened. “You are to marry Chrysanthemum. He, as my deputy head angel and as head angel of the guardians, is to take my place upon my death if you are… unfit. You are to marry him, as your right to become head angel has already been forfeited… And you are to produce a further heir to the position as his wife.”
A shiver went down my spine as Chrys’ arm then snaked around me, and my father seemed incapable of reacting properly. It seemed that this was news to him too…
“Now, come with me, Kian. You must prepare your daughter’s belongings in the heavens to be transferred to Chrysanthemum’s residence.” Before my father was pulled away by my grandmother, he went over to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I’m so sorry… I can’t dissuade her… I am just a lowly human turned into an angel, so I have no right to make her change her mind…”
As my father and grandmother then left the café’s staffroom through a portal to heaven, my heart began to race through anxiety.
No, this can NOT be happening.
I-I can’t marry Chrys!
Suddenly, I was pulled up to my feet, and heard a clicking sound across the room. A door which was always locked when us angel employees had a break was now slowly creaking open, and Chrys was laughing quietly. “I am going to give you a quick taste of what is to come as my wife, once you fail to protect your human for a further two weeks… Come with me, my dear Ciel…” He then smirked, and muttered something under his breath. He didn’t seem to think that I could hear him. “I have been waiting for this since she was assigned under me as a guardian angel… An angel who does not know her own human…”
This reminded me of one misconception which humans had with regard to angels… They all assumed that the lives of angels were peaceful, with no need for rules and such due to how flawless the society of angels apparently was…
That was a huge lie.
The angelic society was far from flawless. There were criminals and violent acts, and many different crimes constantly committed… And from what I could see… Chrys was about to commit a crime shared in common with both humans and angels.
Once I was pulled through the doorway, Chrys used his angelic powers to make the door close and lock, before he started leading me up some stairs. I knew that up here was his residence, similar to a human apartment. He then turned to face me when the two of us were stood in the middle of his lounge. My wings were twitching as I wanted to just run out of here and get to work in the café below us.
Chrys then used his powers again, and a pain coursed through my wings and back. A cold, numbing pain. Oh no… He had frozen my wings in place!  “No flying, my precious Ciel… Now… Before you keep those silly thoughts of escape in your mind…” He then quickly muttered something, which I recognised as an ancient incantation taught within the advanced classes at school. That was a restraint incantation!
I looked on in a panic as I then felt my limbs grow stiff, and that was when Chrys began laughing loudly. “There’s no need to look so scared. I just want to take in that look on your face, that’s all…” He then raised an eyebrow, and took hold of my chin. “Ahh… You were expecting for me to ‘sleep with you’, as humans would put it… Weren’t you? No… I am saving that…” Colour drained from my face as he then suddenly pressed a kiss to my lips. Disgusting! “I am saving that until after our wedding…”
After Chrys did as he wanted around his apartment for a short while, with a smirk on his face the whole time, he removed the restraint spell and unfroze my wings.
“F- Finally…” I whispered under my breath, before Chrys looked at a watch upon his wrist.
“Nine in the morning… Thirty minutes late for work, Ciel. Better get to work.” He then straight up dismissed me as tears began to stain my face, and quickly, I fled from his apartment and into the staff room below. One of my friends and co-workers, Nari, was stood in there with a fearful look on her face.
As soon as she saw me, she approached me and sighed. “Finally! Everyone was worried you were turned to a fallen angel, with the fact that you were having to talk with idiot Chrys and Lady Alessia and that you were gone for so long! Now, come on, we’ve got some new cakes for you to try!”
     Following the drama of the morning, things seemed calm in the café through the day. Chrys never made an appearance, which presumably meant that he had returned to the heavens deal with something. Also, the customers weren’t too fussy today, which was good.
The thing with the customers though… They were all the assigned humans of us guardian angels. They would all feel an instinct to come into the café, and would end up speaking to their respective guardian angels about their life without even realising it.
But one customer, close to closing time, caught my attention… The bell rang as the door opened, and a man ran over to the counter. “S- Sorry that I’m coming in at this time, but I need to get back to work quickly… C- Can I have a coffee to go?” He seemed familiar, but it took a moment to realise why. It was the weather reporter from the news this morning! I couldn’t help but recognise those bright red eyes, and fluffy brown hair!
“Sure thing, what size? Small, medium, or large?”
“Uh… My boss is being so frustrating at the moment, so large. And make it strong too… If that isn’t a bother.” He then sighed, and leaned against the counter as he started pulling some money out of his pocket.
“Tell me about it… My boss is frustrating too. If it helps, you can vent out to me, you know.”
He looked up at me, before giving me a timid smile. “Okay then…” As he then began talking to me about all of the different ways in which his boss would frustrate him. He actually stayed behind for a further five minutes after he had paid for and got his drink just talking to me, before he gave me a friendly smile and a card with his phone number on, just in case I wanted to ‘return the favour with regard to talking about annoying bosses’.
Once he left… Nari ran over to me with her eyes shining.
“Ciel! Ciel! Do you have any idea who that was?!” She grabbed hold of my hands, and jumped up and down for a few moments. “Humans do not divulge about their lives to anyone in here, except their guardian angels! Ciel, he was your human! That cute guy is your assigned human!” She then ran off to the staff room for a few moments, and returned with a piece of cake in her hands. “Time for some celebration cake!”
      That night, when I got home, I turned the television on just as I had done that morning, and smiled at the sight of the weather report on, being presented by my assigned human. That feeling made me feel… proud, I guess?
However, as I continued to watch the television, something began to feel wrong. For one, my body was doing something which only human bodies did… It was starting to sweat. It was overheating too… And the feeling of my clothes was… Well, it was making me want to squirm. In an attempt to make it stop, I quickly pulled my dress off, and threw it to the side. The feeling of my bare skin made things a whole lot worse.
What was wrong with my body?!
As I placed my hand against my cheek – another action which sent shivers down my spine – I realised that I must have been flushed. Damn it! What could have brought this on?! Maybe I’ve caught a human illness? I then tried to use one of the healing spells which we are taught as beginner angels… But nothing happened. Have… my powers been sealed…? Just to check, I then tried forming my wings, but again… nothing.
I started crying as I then went over to the phone, and sighed. I wasn’t going to have any other choice… It was always stated that if any problems ever came of an angel being unable to use their powers, their superior had to be informed. That meant… I was going to have to contact Chrys… Joyous. I grabbed hold of my phone, and dialled his number.
Almost as soon as I told him about the situation, there was a bright flash in the corner of the room. I instantly recognised that purple hair… “Well, isn’t this a sight to behold…” Chrys looked highly amused at the sight of me red in the face and topless as I remained sat on the floor. “The aphrodisiac worked.”
I glared straight at him then. Aphrodisiac…? That was a human substance which, if consumed by an angel, has the typical effects that it has for humans, but also restricts an angel’s powers!
Chrys then laughed loudly, before he kneeled down and took hold of my arm. “Were you honestly not suspicious of the cake which my dear sister Nari gave you for discovering the identity of your human? I laced it with one of her silly concoctions when I heard her excitement about what happened.” He then took hold of my other arm, and quickly I was pinned to the ground. “Don’t you get it? I don’t want you saving your human, I want you and I want to take charge of all of the angels. Your grandmother is foolish. She has no idea of how angel society has changed over the years… I, however, have a very clear idea of what it is like…”
A dark look was present in Chrys’ face as his finger then stroked my cheek, making my entire body freeze up. “Also… I love the way in which your eyes seem so fearful. But don’t worry… I am not going to do much to you, I promise.” He then snapped his fingers, and something appeared in his hand. “Do you know what this is, Ciel? It is a collar. It lets me know of your location at all times, and on top of that… It allows me to summon you to my side at any time I wish.” He then stood up after forcing the collar onto me, and looked down at me with a grin. “Now, I am going to leave you as the effects of the aphrodisiac wear off. Make sure that you’re in work tomorrow.”
Chrys then vanished, and as soon as he was gone, the feeling of the leather against my neck made my body quiver.
I hate him so much-!!! As soon as I have my powers back, I am contacting grandmother and begging for her to annul the engagement!
   1 Week, 4 days.
Since the aphrodisiac incident, things had been… tiring. I was doing my best to avoid Chrys, especially at work, but he would almost constantly have his eye on me unless his assigned human ended up in trouble. Another annoying thing was that the stupid collar he had put on me couldn’t be removed, so I would be on the verge of falling asleep, then suddenly, I would find myself in his apartment.
He seemed almost like… a stalker.
On the times where his eye wasn’t on me though… That was when I dialled the number of my human.
“Hello, this is Lucas Hart here. Who is calling?” I sighed the first time that I heard his voice down the phone, it was… calming. “Oh, is this the cute barista who I complained about my boss to?”
“Yes, I am… My name is Ciel, by the way. It’s nice to have a proper chance to talk to you, Lucas.” I was just stood behind the counter at work, after having served a long string of customers at the evening rush. “Do you, um… mind if I just let something out here? I… I’m so angry, and upset, a- and-!”
“Hey hey hey, I can already tell you sound a little tense. Just breathe…” I heard him then shout something to somebody, before he quickly returned to me on the phone. “Sorry about that, I was just saying bye to some of my colleagues. Anyway… Are you working right now? When do you get off for the day? If it’s something which you really need to scream and shout about, maybe it would be better to do that in person. Besides… My boss is being a grumpy old ass today, getting frustrated at everything. We can have a ‘damn our bosses’ get together, if you want.”
I couldn’t help but let off a quiet laugh as I wiped away some tears forming in the corners of my eyes. “Are you sure…? Thanks… That would be nice…” I gazed down at the floor, and then smirked as I gestured to Nari, who was also behind the counter, that I was going to be leaving. “I actually finish now, so, um… Where do you want to meet?”
“Hmm… Have you seen the large fountain inside the mall? How about we meet there, in say… 20 minutes?”
“At the fountain… Yeah, that sounds good. See you there!” I then quickly hung up, and ran out from behind the counter. I was getting to escape, and for a valid reason too! My human wanted to see me! “See you, Nari! We’ll catch up tomorrow, okay?”
However, I wasn’t aware of the situation in the café after I had left… Or that I had just gone and put not just myself, but also Nari and Lucas, in serious trouble.
Nari had served her final customer for the day, when she was approached by her brother. “Your hair looks nice today, sis. Can I style it for a while? Like when we were kids?” She gasped, and turned around just to be met with the sight of Chrys smiling at her. “It’s nice to think back to when we were little, isn’t it…? Before our parents were…”
“… Caught by demons…”
“Yeah…” Chrys then pulled Nari into a hug, before he sighed. “So, how about it? We can have a drink upstairs if you want too.” Nari had been drawn into the trap which her brother had set out, by tugging at her emotions using their parents as a tool. She accepted his offer, and went up with him to his apartment.
Eventually, she was sat on a beanbag, with Chrys just behind her, playing with her hair and braiding it up. They were watching a cringe-worthy soap on TV, watching all sorts of things happening such as explosions and speed dating all going on at once. They both had a drink each – coffee for Chrys, tea for Nari.
“So, Nari… Where did Ciel go off to?” Chrys casually slipped in to a conversation about their home back in the heavens. “I thought you two were working together this evening.”
“She had something to do. Nothing maj-owwww-! Careful, you almost ripped out a clump of my hair then! Geez…” Nari grumbled, before she pouted and asked if she could go to the bathroom to sort out her hair properly.
With a blank look in his eyes, Chrys then glanced at his sister’s drink. “I’m so sorry, Nari… But I need to keep Ciel away from her human at all costs. And if it means using you to get to her…” He reached into his pocket, and put a few drops of a liquid possessing a label saying ‘Truth potion – Warning, contents extremely potent. Lethal for human intake, restriction of angelic powers for 72 hours minimum.’ “And if it also means raiding into your supply of potions to use on you to do this… So be it.”
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*sorry for rushed bad art.*
No worries, it doesn’t look bad at all. 
(A bit of context. This is a zombie infection on a smallish scale during present time (only a small area affected) so while everything is going on the government is covering things up from the public at large. So if it seems odd that people aren’t freaking out, it’s a very isolated thing.)
Character’s full name: Isabella Lolita Peste
Reason or meaning of name: Isabella = Devoted to god/ gift from god Lolita = sorrow/suffering Peste= plague/disease
Was this a name given to her at birth or given by herself? Because it’s very fitting, her parents must have assumed she’d be fucked from birth. 
Character’s nickname: Izzy, Rotting one, Plague mistress Reason for nickname: Izzy is what her family and friends called her, the other two are titles she has been given as her reputation grew.
Plague Mistress sounds really neat. 
Birth date: December 14th, 1315
Physical appearance Age: At time of story roughly 700 years old
How old does he/she appear: It’s hard to tell as he face is heavily disfigured by her body’s decomposition.
How does she keep it from completely rotting and rendering her entirely useless and immobile?
Weight: 56 pounds. (Has lost weight due to starvation and decomposition)
Height: 5’7”
Body build: Ectomorph
Shape of face: sharp and pronounced eyebrow, chin and cheekbones.
Eye color: formerly brown, now do to ruptured veins and arteries in the eyes are redish-black.
Glasses or contacts: none
Skin tone: formerly a nice olive, now a greyish green.
Distinguishing marks: Right cheek has rotted away, multiple cuts on neck and forehead. Veins and arteries are easily visible.
From what?
Hair color: once a dark brown now faded to a greyish brown.
Type of hair: straight hair that seems limp and lifeless
Hairstyle: shoulder blade length, shaggy unkempt.
Voice: A soft, raspy whisper.
Overall attractiveness: uh unless you like zombies not very.
Don’t kinkshame the necrophiliacs. 
Physical disabilities: blind, and can’t feel physical sensations (ie someone tapping her or running into something) very well.
How does she do things if she can’t see or feel things? Smell? Sound?
Usual fashion of dress: ripped and tattered commoners clothes from the 13th century.
Personality Good personality traits: passionate and determined for her work, rather careful about what she says or does and is very patient. (Progress and success take time after all!)
Bad personality traits: obsessive over every little detail, absolutely a neat freak of the highest order, way to serious about her work.
Mood character is most often in: curious
Sense of humor: loves others pain and laughs at their misery. Mostly because she caused it.
Character’s greatest joy in life: watching her creations (deadly diseases) do as intended.
Character’s greatest fear: That she will be stopped.
Why? It would delay scientific growth and mean the destruction of her creations.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Regaining her humanity or finding love.
....Why love gotta be included, she’s a little dead and rotting. I was joking, please kinkshame the necrophiliacs. 
Character is most at ease when: she has been working nonstop for days.
Most ill at ease when: In the presence of non sick humans
Enraged when: her creations fail.
Depressed or sad when: flashes of her former life surface.
Priorities: her work before all else.
Life philosophy: nature is a cycle, you are born, you live, you die, and your body helps the next generation in the cycle live. This cycle is absolute and can not be stopped or delayed, only sped up.
If granted one wish, it would be: to finally be able to die. Not that she is aware of it.
Why? Her humanity is disgusted by what she has done and would like to end this monster she has become.
Character’s soft spot: rats. Or any other disease carrying animals.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? If others got close to her, most definitely.
How are people able to get close to her???
Greatest strength: her intelligence.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: her obsessiveness.
Biggest accomplishment: her ‘improved’ version of the bubonic plague.
Character’s darkest secret: regrets everything but is compulsed to continue creating deadly diseases.
Does anyone else know? No.
Goals Drives and motivations: A compulsive need to create more horrific diseases to unleash upon the world.
Immediate goals: work on whatever project she has on the go.
Long term goals: figuring out how she became the intelligent dead.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: work no stop until she figures it out.
How other characters will be affected: they will be her guinea pigs for the new infections and mutations.
Past Hometown: small fishing village (name is a work in progress)
Type of childhood: average for a 13th century Italian peasant woman.
First memory: picking flowers in a field with a blurry figure she thinks is her mother.
Most important childhood memory: being married off to an older man.
Why: she despised him and it hurt that her family cared more about status then her.
Dream job: would have loved to be a sailor but women were considered bad luck to have on board a ship.
I assume diseased ones are especially bad luck.
Education: learned household chores from her mother.
Religion: Roman catholic.
Present Current location: somewhere in the USA
Religion: Roman catholic.
Occupation: ‘researcher’
Family Mother: Maria Peste Relationship with her: somewhat distant.
Father: Giovanni Peste Relationship with him: hates him for forcing her into a marriage she did not want.
Siblings: two brothers and a sister. Relationship with them: never met them, they died in infancy.
Spouse: Nico grassi Relationship with him/her: Despises him and finds him gross.
Children: Lunette Grassi Relationship with them: loved them dearly, died young in an accident.
Well given she was from the 13th century I’m assuming everyone here is actually dead. Why only mention that some are? If they aren’t dead, why aren’t they?
Traits Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Cautious
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Working
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Confident.
Animal lover? Depends on the animal.
Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: both as a monster and as the caretaker of the cycle.
One word the character would use to describe self: Monster (for the human side) Guardian (the rest of her)
Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Not at all, she is an open book that talks so to speak.
Person character most hates: her now deceased husband.
Best friend(s): None
Love interest: Kevin Springs (unfortunate protagonist.)
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Kevin Springs
Person character feels shy or awkward around: No One
Person character openly admires: Kevin Springs
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Lunette Grassi
After story starts: Kevin Springs
Isabella was born during the early 13th century and had a normal childhood for the time, learning sowing and other domestic tasks from her mother while her father taught her how to read and write.
Eventually when she came of age, she was immediately married off to one of the rich traders in town to help boost her family’s status. She hated her husband, and fought the union every way she could. But it was all in vain and she was married to him, and eventually had one child named Lunette.
Isabella may have hated her spouse, but she loved her daughter dearly. Lunette was a light in her life, and Lunette’s presence made the forced marriage bearable. But this was not to last.
When Lunette was 10 she was killed in an accident while playing at the docks. The pier she was on collapsed and she was dragged under the water by the currents. They never found her body.
Isabella grieved, she wailed and she cried for the loss of her daughter. Isabella refused to eat, sleep or drink, instead she would sit by the docks and stare out into the ocean. This lead to her being one of the first to die to the bubonic plague/the black death.
Her corpse was dumped in a mass grave away from the town, and while she lay decomposing, the disease began to mutate. It began to preserve what little of her remains that had not rotted, and caused angry blisters and welts to forum on her body. Then in the early 16th century she woke up.
Hazy memories are all she had, so she began to wander. She sparked terror across Italy as she drifted around, aggravated by her hunger and a nagging urge at the back of her mind. Eventually the hunger got so bad she dug up fresh bodies in a cemetery and devoured them.
She soon gained the title of the rotting one after her ghoulish appearance, on top of becoming An urban legend, one calling her a herald of sickness and hard times ahead.
She was oblivious to all this, but what come to her attention was the rumors of the new world. So through one way or another Isabella went to what would become America, and isolated herself.
Eventually she began to grow bored, and this boredom led to pay attention to the advancements in medicine. The dull urge in the back of her mind came to the for front and pushed her to begin experimenting on the bodies of those who died do to diseases.
Over the years her research lead to the creation of many horrible illnesses, which she kept hidden from the world in an abandoned coal mine. Then finally she created he raster piece, a virus that would turn others into what she was.
She released the virus into all nearby water sources, and slowly all nearby towns and cities became infected. It spread quickly, but the results were not what she had hoped. Instead of being sentient and intelligent, the infected were basically brain dead and stupid. Isabella was enraged and threw herself back into her work, improving and strengthening the virus.
But as she did this, Isabella noticed some people were immune to her creation. Eventually she fixated on a group of survivors lead by ex chef Kevin Springs, and she was smitten. She became obsessed with Kevin, to the point she would begin to stalk him and ignore her work.
The stalking escalated to her harassing his survivor group, attempting to kill the others and to get close to Kevin. She hunted the group down and managed to kill Kevin at the time love interest, but was severely wounded. This caused her to back off for a time to lick her wounds and regroup.
How is she able to be wounded? 
Eventually after men conflicts Kevin and his group found out about her being sentient, and the source for the infection. So they began to track her back to her hide out. There they confront her for the last time and kill her.
And finally Isabella was free, and with her notes the government created the cure to the virus and everything was covered up.
I’m not sure if she counts as a villain, but I think she would be. The story is very work in progress, and any and all suggestions for what I could fix or change is appreciated.
I definitely consider her a villain, yes. She’s pretty interesting, I do love the idea of a mother of disease pretty much. It sounds really cool. 
I think things like her general anatomy need work, like how does she work? How has she survived, why was she revived, why did it take so long for her to be revived, things like that. 
Generally, I despise “zombies”, but I think this is a pretty neat concept.
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askcursedangels · 7 years
An Angel’s Curse - Part 1
Part 1 summary: It was the start of another cycle for the Guardian Angel Ciel Reed, after the untimely death of the human she was meant to protect... But she has another week to stop their death again. However... Can she do it, due to her curse of being unable to know who her human is?
I sighed as I looked at the official letter which had just been posted through my door, staring at my name written in faintly glowing letters on the front of the envelope. A pure white wax seal was on the back, and that meant only one thing…
With a frown forming on my face, I removed the seal and pulled the sheet of paper out of the envelope.
 Your assigned human went through an untimely death, young guardian angel. As a consequence, you have been sent to a point one week prior to their death to prevent this occurrence.
As you may know, it is a guardian angel’s duty to protect the humans from danger, and to provide divine intervention at times of need. Only a select few are given the prestigious duty of protecting a particular human, with a majority of humans monitored from the heavens above, and you were one of few deemed worthy of carrying out such a task.
May the grace of the head angels assist you in protecting your human this time around, young one.
 That was the fiftieth of those letters I had received. For almost an entire human year, I had been trying to protect a human from their untimely death. Just two more weeks… Then I would be removed from my position as a guardian angel and assigned a new divine job, and my human would remain dead with their soul cast down to the depths of hell for an eternity. Not even the head angels knew what happened once a human passed between the realms of the living and hell, but it was surely bad.
But how do I protect a human… When it was completely unknown on as to who my human was? The only piece of information which I knew about my human was that they lived somewhere within the town, as all guardian angels are sent to live within the vicinity of their humans…
“How am I meant to find out who it even is?! It isn’t as though I can look back to the final day of their life from last time to see how they died, because I don’t even know who it is!” I fell back onto a chair, before I made my way into the basement room of my home.
I glanced around the room, before I closed my eyes and allowed my wings to materialise from my back. After that, the sound of quiet bells ringing filled the room, before I felt the floor disappear from beneath my feet. That was my cue to open my eyes. It took a good few moments to adjust to the brightness of the white surroundings, before I flew forward slightly just to make sure that I was definitely in the right place.
Once I was reassured that I was, I approached a shining red crystal which was the only stationary thing within the vicinity. I then reached out, and placed my fingers upon it. This was my only way of connecting with the heavens whilst I was stationed on Earth, so I felt a sense of warmth as I brought the crystal to my chest. I wasn’t actually permitted to go to the heavens, but I could communicate to anyone from there.
With that… I decided that I would communicate with the one angel I had been able to confide in since the beginning of my life. “Father… May I please speak with you?” Silence lingered for a few moments, before there was a quiet sigh.
“Hello, Ciel. Am I right in assuming… That you have lost another chance?” His voice was quiet, and he sounded almost upset. “My precious daughter, I must apologise…” I remained silent as he sighed quietly, and the warmth radiating from the crystal began to grow more intense. “It is myself and your mother behind your curse… We were given a choice for reasons which you need not know, but we had to decide whether we both fell from the heavens, leaving you behind… or one of us fell from the heavens, leaving the other to care for you... Your mother begged for me to stay behind, and discussed with the head angel without my knowledge when I refused to let her fall. As her own mother was the overall head angel… she was able to persuade her to let her take the fall… But we did not know that there was a further consequence to your mother falling... You were to be cursed with an ancient curse… The curse of obliviousness. You cannot know who your human is as a guardian angel… You have to figure it out yourself.”
Tears were starting to slip down my cheeks at what my father had said, before I felt my wings growing weak. I was only going to be able to maintain my angel form for another few moments… “F- Father… D- Don’t apologise… I-!” My wings faded, and the crystal escaped from my grasp as I began to fall. Deeper… And deeper…. And deeper… Until…
A pair of piercing red eyes appeared in my line of vision, before a bright flash. And then…
I was in the basement of my human world home once more. The cold floor beneath my back hurt, and as I sat up, I looked around the small room. My few belongings from the heavens which I was allowed to take with me to the human world were stored in here. One of those belongings… Was a painting. A painting of my mother, my grandmother… And me. It was painted not long after I was born, and as second in line to becoming the overall head of the angels upon my grandmother’s final days, this was painted. Unfortunately, with my mother falling… I was set to take over after my grandmother. Hence why I was chosen to act as a guardian angel – to show I could possess a responsibility over lives.
But if I failed at this task, and fail to identify my human…
Anarchy would arise.
My mother falling caused enough trouble – people said that it deemed our family unworthy of taking charge…
I placed my hand on the painted version of my mother’s face, before bidding her goodnight as I went to the opposite side of the room. Perched on a desk was my tablet. It was a strange combination of a stone tablet and a human’s tablet, just much more technologically advanced.
I picked it up, before looking at its display. This was one of the few ways in which I could remain informed about the different happenings in the heavens. There seemed to be one very popular discussion though…
‘The angel and the human.’
That was an occurrence which happened not long after I was born… Apparently, an angel fell in love with a human which they were meant to be protecting, and went against the highest divine rules and turned the human into an angel so that they could remain together until their time to exist ran out. That was over one hundred human years ago now, but the equivalent of about twenty angelic years. Perhaps it was the anniversary behind people wishing to discuss it…
Despite that, I ignored those discussions, and went to what I wanted to read up on.
The angels which fell – my mother being one of them – end up in the depths of hell with the human souls which are incapable of being saved by their guardian angels. Angels which die end up reborn as either a human or another angel, which is named within the news. I read up on it every once in a while, just to keep an eye on whether any of my friends or family end up on that list.
It was a relief to know that my father and grandmother were not on that list… That means that I may be able to sleep peacefully that night, unless my unknown human ends up in trouble…
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ageofwrathrpg · 7 years
Tumblr media
Name: Erik 'Prizrak' Volkhovovich Nechayev Age: 136 Ability: Power Mimicry Faction: CIVILIAN as a CON ARTIST Faceclaim: Zachary Quinto Availability: OPEN
THE STORY || CW: Army, Death
The oldest of two sons, Erik was born to a poor St. Petersburg Vila family in 1881 shortly after the assassination of Alexander II. Despite his Narodnik parents and their belief that the government should be “for the people”, Erik and his younger brother Vasily kept their heritage and abilities a secret from the humans with whom they attempted to co-exist. He discovered his own power at the age of twelve when he mimicked his father’s telekinesis while at play and then again with his mother’s pyrokinetics while warming dinner amidst a frozen winter. When Vasily’s ability of darkness manipulation manifested two years later, the brothers were notorious for sharing that ability to teleport anywhere they wanted. Often times, that meant Vasily following his older brother to Moscow to steal things and make quick getaways to pawn shops in towns on the other side of the country, then returning to their parents and neighborhood with riches and goods to share with everyone, often times discretely. No one asked questions, mostly accrediting the miracle to answered prayers from humble angels.
When the Rosteks marched through Moscow announcing their existence, St. Petersburg became restless. Erik, like many Vilas, was intent to show the world they weren’t all cruel and murderous. The day he signed up for the human army, his little brother joined as well. They were inseparable and often fought alongside each other. Naturally, Erik was the protective older sibling who always looked after Vasily, especially when the human soldiers began to treat him and the other Vilas as though they were lesser creatures. Due to the willful negligence of his human comrades, both Erik and Vasily were fatally wounded in battle with the Rosteks. Syphoning the regenerative healing ability from a Vila comrade, Kim Seung-gi, Erik was able to survive. Unfortunately, it was too late to save Vasily. In his rage and grief, Erik decided to take matters in his own hands. Not only did he exact revenge against the neglectful humans of his battalion, but he also joined with Kim to take down the then-Rostek leader, providing her with a telepathic shield that enabled her to sneak into their headquarters undetected to kill that monster and his commanding officers.
Though some Rosteks remained and struggled to regroup after this devastating blow, Erik no longer cared. He had sworn to protect his brother and failed. The rage he felt toward the Rosteks and the humans alike was nothing like the anger the brewed from his own failure. However, Erik did not want to die, frightened by the prospect of meeting his brother’s disappointed spirit on the other side. Siphoning youth from other Vilas with regenerative powers, he traveled the world in search of a new purpose which he has yet to find.
When he was a boy, he believed in helping others regardless of origin. The cold reality of an uncaring and heartless world has ruined that bright-eyed ideology. He has become a master con-artist and knows how to manipulate others to survive. Decades of lying, however, have caused him to lose sight of who he once was and Erik will easily become whoever he needs to be in order to successfully complete a job. Due to his age and experience, he is able to mimic multiple abilities at once as well as “store” them for later use. He is conflicted, for though he subconsciously fears dying, he thinks himself too powerful for Death to touch him. Though friendly and approachable, he is unstable and dangerous. With no purpose and nothing to lose, those unfortunate enough to cross him generally meet a very violent fate, thus earning him the nickname of “Prizrak”, or “vengeful spectre”.
Kim Seung-gi - Not only does he owe his life to her, but also his revenge. Together, they took out the original leader of the Rosteks. Occasionally, they would cross paths while traveling abroad, he’d syphon some of her healing ability to rejuvenate himself, and they’d catch up, exchange stories, relive their time in the army. Though she is more of an old war comrade than a friend, it is still comforting to see her face now and then. Besides, being a detective, she cuts him some slack when it comes to policing his cons. 
Konstantin Maksymovich Krupin - The events of a century ago have left a bitter taste in Erik’s mouth toward humans, so, this doctor sets him on edge. Though he may be seen as a good doctor to the Lesyas, Krupin is still a human who is entrusted with the care of Vilas. This doctor may appear genuine and not a complete waste of oxygen … for now … but Erik has lived through enough to know this man will inevitably betray the Vilas in his care. History repeats itself. Always.
Nikolas 'Pup' Andrej Salko - It was on the streets of Moscow that he saw this boy emerge and then dissipate into the shadows. For a moment, Erik thought he’d seen the ghost of Vasily, that his younger brother had finally come for him. Though the sight of this boy is the only thing that frightens him more than death itself, he also finds the kid’s presence comforting … like Vasily is alive out there, somewhere. Erik feels an instinct to protect this boy, whoever he is, and may or may not be acting like a silent, violent, sadistic “guardian angel”.
Isadora Muratovna Rozovsky - Over a decade ago, Erik feigned insanity and was committed to an asylum for the sake of … fun? Little did he know that his “head doctor” was actually good at her job. She knows exactly which buttons to push and understands him better than he understands himself. She is one of two in the entire world aware of who he really is. He considers her a friend and often showers her with gifts. Nevermind his methods of obtaining said gifts.
Luka Viktorovich Ikashev - Despite having no affiliation with the group, Erik doesn’t mind teaming up with this Lesya and sharing his ability for the sake of a really big score--be it monetary gain or intelligence. Double the thieving, double the fun, quadruple the rubles! Any job with Luka feels like a nostalgic trip, but it is fun--especially when someone deserving dies. Erik can tell this kid is powerful, but he can’t tell whether or not Luka actually enjoys the cage he lives in with the Lesyas, or if he’s yearning to breathe free.
[[ More Connections ]]
His prized possession is a simple gold cufflink Vasily once stole from a noble in the Royal Palace. Other than a memory, it is all he has left of his brother. He wears it on a thin chain around his neck.
Human soldiers make his favorite con victims. 
He was at the Rishikesh retreat at the same time as the Beatles in the late 1960’s. He even made friends with an empath, John Lennon. Damn, they wrote some good and enlightened music while stoned off their asses. Jai Guru Deva, man.
Contrary to popular rumor, Erik is NOT Rasputin. Silly kids with their silly imaginations.
Because of his age, Erik has a tendency to call pretty much everyone “kid” or “kiddo”.
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saeranlover · 7 years
Fate of a Guardian Angel
Note: This is still unfinished, and is an original piece of work which I am writing to calm myself down after something horrible which has happened.
As it is about 3500 words, I will post it under a cut.
I sighed as I looked at the official letter which had just been posted through my door, staring at my name written in faintly glowing letters on the front of the envelope. A pure white wax seal was on the back, and that meant only one thing…
With a frown forming on my face, I removed the seal and pulled the sheet of paper out of the envelope.
 Your assigned human went through an untimely death, young guardian angel. As a consequence, you have been sent to a point one week prior to their death to prevent this occurrence.
As you may know, it is a guardian angel’s duty to protect the humans from danger, and to provide divine intervention at times of need. Only a select few are given the prestigious duty of protecting a particular human, with a majority of humans monitored from the heavens above, and you were one of few deemed worthy of carrying out such a task.
May the grace of the head angels assist you in protecting your human this time around, young one.
 That was the fiftieth of those letters I had received. For almost an entire human year, I had been trying to protect a human from their untimely death. Just two more weeks… Then I would be removed from my position as a guardian angel and assigned a new divine job, and my human would remain dead with their soul cast down to the depths of hell for an eternity. Not even the head angels knew what happened once a human passed between the realms of the living and hell, but it was surely bad.
But how I protect a human… When it was completely unknown on as to who my human was? The only piece of information which I knew about my human was that they lived somewhere within the town, as all guardian angels are sent to live within the vicinity of their humans…
“How am I meant to find out who it even is?! It isn’t as though I can look back to the final day of their life from last time to see how they died, because I don’t even know who it is!” I fell back onto a chair, before I made my way into the basement room of my home.
I glanced around the room, before I closed my eyes and allowed my wings to materialise from my back. After that, the sound of quiet bells ringing filled the room, before I felt the floor disappear from beneath my feet. That was my cue to open my eyes. It took a good few moments to adjust to the brightness of the white surroundings, before I flew forward slightly just to make sure that I was definitely in the right place.
Once I was reassured that I was, I approached a shining red crystal which was the only stationary thing within the vicinity. I then reached out, and placed my fingers upon it. This was my only way of connecting with the heavens whilst I was stationed on Earth, so I felt a sense of warmth as I brought the crystal to my chest. I wasn’t actually permitted to go to the heavens, but I could communicate to anyone from there.
With that… I decided that I would communicate with the one angel I had been able to confide in since the beginning of my life. “Father… May I please speak with you?” Silence lingered for a few moments, before there was a quiet sigh.
“Hello, Ciel. Am I right in assuming… That you have lost another chance?” His voice was quiet, and he sounded almost upset. “My precious daughter, I must apologise…” I remained silent as he sighed quietly, and the warmth radiating from the crystal began to grow more intense. “It is myself and your mother behind your curse… We were given a choice for reasons which you need not know, but we had to decide whether we both fell from the heavens, leaving you behind… or one of us fell from the heavens, leaving the other to care for you... Your mother begged for me to stay behind, and discussed with the head angel without my knowledge when I refused to let her fall. As her own mother was the overall head angel… she was able to persuade her to let her take the fall… But we did not know that there was a further consequence to your mother falling... You were to be cursed with an ancient curse… The curse of obliviousness. You cannot know who your human is as a guardian angel… You have to figure it out yourself.”
Tears were starting to slip down my cheeks at what my father had said, before I felt your wings growing weak. I was only going to be able to maintain my angel form for another few moments… “F- Father… D- Don’t apologise… I-!” My wings faded, and the crystal escaped from my grasp as I began to fall. Deeper… And deeper…. And deeper… Until…
A pair of piercing red eyes appeared in my line of vision, before a bright flash. And then…
I was in the basement of your human world home once more. The cold floor beneath my back hurt, and as I sat up, I looked around the small room. My few belongings from the heavens which I was allowed to take with me to the human world were stored in here. One of those belongings… Was a painting. A painting of my mother, my grandmother… And me. It was painted not long after I was born, and as second in line to becoming the overall head of the angels upon my grandmother’s final days, this was painted. Unfortunately, with my mother falling… I was set to take over after my grandmother. Hence why I was chosen to act as a guardian angel – to show I could possess a responsibility over lives.
But if I failed at this task, and fail to identify my human…
Anarchy would arise.
My mother falling caused enough trouble – people said that it deemed our family unworthy of taking charge…
I placed my hand on the painted version of my mother’s face, before bidding her goodnight as I went to the opposite side of the room. Perched on a desk was your tablet. It was a strange combination of a stone tablet and a human’s tablet, just much more technologically advanced.
I picked it up, before looking at its display. This was one of the few ways in which I could remain informed about the different happenings in the heavens. There seemed to be one very popular discussion though…
‘The angel and the human.’
That was an occurrence which happened not long after I was born… Apparently, an angel fell in love with a human which they were meant to be protecting, and went against the highest divine rules and turned the human into an angel so that they could remain together until their time to exist ran out. That was over one hundred human years ago now, but the equivalent of about twenty angelic years. Perhaps it was the anniversary behind people wishing to discuss it…
Despite that, I ignored those discussions, and went to what I wanted to read up on.
The angels which fell – my mother being one of them – end up in the depths of hell with the human souls which are incapable of being saved by their guardian angels. Angels which die end up reborn as either a human or another angel, which is named within the news. I read up on it every once in a while, just to keep an eye on whether any of my friends or family end up on that list.
It was a relief to know that my father and grandmother were not on that list… That means that I may be able to sleep peacefully that night, unless my unknown human ends up in trouble…
   The morning came about quickly. That meant that my human didn’t end up in danger last night… good. However, the sunlight meant one thing: I had to go about a normal human life for the time being. All guardian angels within this town worked in a small café, called Le Café Tranquille. I had to make my way there soon to do my work for the day…
I still had about two hours to get ready and leave though, so I decided to go through with a routine which I used in my human form. First, I would quickly shower and get dressed, which would take about twenty minutes at most. I didn’t need to eat or drink unless I wanted to, so I could skip that out. I still had a kitchen, but it wasn’t often I decided that I wanted to eat.
Then… I would watch television, typically the human news, until the time that I had to leave.
As I got to turning the tv on, there was a weather report on the news. There was a new weather anchor today. And it had been the same for the past fifty weeks. Today would always be that person’s first day on the job…
“Within the northern regions of the town, there is a chance of strong winds and fog, so make sure that you are prepared for that! For the rest of the town, the skies are overcast and there is expected to be about ten to fifteen millimetres of rain, so make sure to have your coats or at least an umbrella if you intend on going out. Now, to look over the weather for the coming days…” For some reason, my body felt relaxed as I heard the man’s voice. Relaxed enough to accidentally slip into my angel form…
I shrieked at that, before quickly making my wings vanish and I then cast a glare at the man on the television. I couldn’t exactly stay angry at him for long though… He seemed so excited for it to be his first day of reporting the weather. His eyes were shining… He was shivering with anticipation… And he was jumpy.
Before I could start paying attention to the news stories which were being discussed now, my human phone began to ring. The name of the caller made me sigh…
Chrysanthemum. Also known as Chrys, the annoying head angel who monitored guardian angels from the heavens… He was like an angel’s equivalent of a human bully.
I brought the phone up to my ear, and waited to hear the up and coming lecture over the amount of times my human had died untimely…
“Miss Ciel… Please be present in Tranquille as fast as possible. I have something which we must discuss.”
   As I stepped into the café, the atmosphere was… sombre. My guardian angel colleagues were silent as they went about making drinks and food, before serving them to the customers. At the doorway to the staff room at the back, Chrysanthemum was stood with his lips pursed together and his arms folded. The thing was… He was looking down towards the floor, and was oblivious to my presence by the entrance. His dark purple hair framed his face, and he seemed to be deep in thought.
I approached him, and cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up at me, before a forced smile formed on his face. “Miss Ciel… You are here. Come, Lady Alessia and your father are awaiting at the back. I apologise for summoning you a few human hours before you were expected to be here.”
How strange… Chrys was apologising to me?
And my father and grandmother were here?!
I followed Chrys with a feeling of anxiousness taking over my body. As soon as the staff room door closed, both of us ended up reverting to our angelic forms, and I noticed my family sat upon a sofa in the room. My grandmother, Grand Head Angel Alessia, was sat with a serious look on her face. My father though, Kian… He had a lost look upon his face.
Chrys gestured for me to sit down on a sofa opposite to them, and that was when my grandmother stared straight at me.
“Oh, my young granddaughter… I apologise for requesting that Chrysanthemum summon you. However… We have something serious to discuss. She then glared at my father, and folded her arms. “Kian, please tell your daughter about the situation she has ignited in the heavens.”
My father sighed, before he shakily clenched his fists together. “The other angels have made the discovery that I was the human who an angel broke the rules for… They realised that I am the reason your mother fell, and you were cursed to be unable to know who the human under your protective custody is… And they want to boycott you as next in line as head angel following Alessia.” A tear stained his cheek then, before he stood up and went over to me in order to place a hand on my shoulder. “And your grandmother has accepted their request, despite it being your birthright to take up the position.”
My grandmother then rose to her own feet, and ordered for my father to sit down once more. “Ciel, angels have also heard of your repeated failures at saving your human due to the curse. And so, there is only one way for you to take the position which you were born for…” She then looked at Chrys, and her face softened. “You are to marry Chrysanthemum. He, as my deputy head angel and as head angel of the guardians, is to take my place upon my death if you are… unfit. You are to marry him, as your right to become head angel has already been forfeited… And you are to produce a further heir to the position as his wife.”
A shiver went down my spine as Chrys’ arm then snaked around me, and my father seemed incapable of reacting properly. It seemed that this was news to him too…
“Now, come with me, Kian. You must prepare your daughter’s belongings in the heavens to be transferred to Chrysanthemum’s residence.” Before my father was pulled away by my grandmother, he went over to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I’m so sorry… I can’t dissuade her… I am just a lowly human turned into an angel, so I have no right to make her change her mind…”
As my father and grandmother then left the café’s staffroom through a portal to heaven, my heart began to race through anxiety.
No, this can NOT be happening.
I-I can’t marry Chrysanthemum!
Suddenly, I was pulled up to my feet, and heard a clicking sound across the room. A door which was always locked when us angel employees had a break was now slowly creaking open, and Chrysanthemum was laughing quietly. “I am going to give you a quick taste of what is to come as my wife, once you fail to protect your human for a further two weeks… Come with me, my dear Ciel…” He then smirked, and muttered something under his breath. He didn’t seem to think that you could hear him. “I have been waiting for this since she was assigned under me as a guardian angel… An angel who does not know her own human…”
This reminded me of one misconception which humans had with regard to angels… They all assumed that the lives of angels were peaceful, with no need for rules and such due to how flawless the society of angels apparently was…
That was a huge lie.
The angelic society was far from flawless. There were criminals and violent acts, and many different crimes constantly committed… And from what I could see… Chrys was about to commit a crime shared in common with both humans and angels.
Once I was pulled through the doorway, Chrys used his angelic powers to make the door close and lock, before he started leading me up some stairs. I knew that up here was his residence, similar to a human apartment. He then turned to face me when the two of us were stood in the middle of his lounge. My wings were twitching as I wanted to just run out of here and get to work in the café below us.
Chrys then used his powers again, and a pain coursed through your wings and back. A cold, numbing pain. Oh no… He had frozen my wings in place!  “No flying, my precious Ciel… Now… Before you keep those silly thoughts of escape in your mind…” He then quickly muttered something, which I recognised as an ancient incantation taught within the advanced classes at school. That was a restraint incantation!
I looked on in a panic as I then felt my limbs grow stiff, and that was when Chrys began laughing loudly. “There’s no need to look so scared. I just want to get a few measurements for your wedding dress, that is all…” He then raised an eyebrow, and took hold of my chin. “Ahh… You were expecting for me to ‘sleep with you’, as humans would put it… Weren’t you? No… I am saving that…” Colour drained from my face as he then suddenly pressed a kiss to my lips. Disgusting! “I am saving that until after our wedding…”
After Chrys did as he wanted with the measurements, with a smirk on his face the whole time, he removed the restraint spell and unfroze my wings.
“F- Finally…” I whispered under my breath, before Chrys looked at a watch upon his wrist.
“Nine in the morning… Thirty minutes late for work, Ciel. Better get to work.” He then straight up dismissed me as tears began to stain my face, and quickly, I fled from his apartment and into the staff room below. One of my friends and co-workers, Nari, was stood in there with a fearful look on her face.
As soon as she saw me, she approached me and sighed. “Finally! Everyone was worried you were turned to a fallen angel, with the fact that you were having to talk with boss and Lady Alessia, and that you were gone for so long! Now, come on, we’ve got some new cakes for you to try!”
   Following the drama of the morning, things seemed calm in the café through the day. Chrys never made an appearance, which presumably meant that he had returned to the heavens deal with something. Also, the customers weren’t too fussy today, which was good.
The thing with the customers though… They were all the assigned humans of us guardian angels. They would all feel an instinct to come into the café, and would end up speaking to their respective guardian angels about their life without even realising it.
But one customer, close to closing time, caught my attention… The bell rang as the door opened, and a man ran over to the counter. “S- Sorry that I’m coming in at this time, but I need to get back to work quickly… C- Can I have a coffee to go?” He seemed familiar, but it took a moment to realise why. It was the weather reporter from the news this morning! I couldn’t help but recognise those bright red eyes, and fluffy brown hair!
“Sure thing, what size? Small, medium, or large?”
“Uh… My boss is being so frustrating at the moment, so large. And make it strong too… If that isn’t a bother.” He then sighed, and leaned against the counter as he started pulling some money out of his pocket.
“Tell me about it… My boss is frustrating too. If it helps, you can vent out to me, you know.”
He looked up at me, before giving me a timid smile. “Okay then…” As he then began talking to me about all of the different ways in which his boss would frustrate him. He actually stayed behind for a further five minutes after he had paid for and got his drink just talking to me, before he gave me a friendly smile and a card with his phone number on, just in case I wanted to ‘return the favour with regard to talking about annoying bosses’.
Once he left… Nari ran over to me with her eyes shining.
“Ciel! Ciel! Do you have any idea who that was?!” She grabbed hold of my hands, and jumped up and down for a few moments. “Humans do not divulge about their lives to anyone in here, except their guardian angels! Ciel, he was your human! That cute guy is your assigned human!”
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saeranlover · 7 years
Yes pleasee, 'cause I can't find it, or that I have scrolled past it by accident.
Okay! This is the beginning part of it!
I sighed as I looked at the officialletter which had just been posted through my door, staring at my name writtenin faintly glowing letters on the front of the envelope. A pure white wax seal wason the back, and that meant only one thing…
With a frown forming on my face, Iremoved the seal and pulled the sheet of paper out of the envelope.
 Yourassigned human went through an untimely death, young guardian angel. As aconsequence, you have been sent to a point one week prior to their death toprevent this occurrence.
Asyou may know, it is a guardian angel’s duty to protect the humans from danger,and to provide divine intervention at times of need. Only a select few aregiven the prestigious duty of protecting a particular human, with a majority ofhumans monitored from the heavens above, and you were one of few deemed worthyof carrying out such a task.
Maythe grace of the head angels assist you in protecting your human this timearound, young one.
 That was the fiftieth of those lettersI had received. For almost an entirehuman year, I had been trying to protect a human from their untimely death.Just two more weeks… Then I would be removed from my position as a guardianangel and assigned a new divine job, and my human would remain dead with theirsoul cast down to the depths of hell for an eternity. Not even the head angelsknew what happened once a human passed between the realms of the living andhell, but it was surely bad.
But how I protect a human… When it wascompletely unknown on as to who myhuman was? The only piece of information which I knew about my human was thatthey lived somewhere within the town, as all guardian angels are sent to livewithin the vicinity of their humans…
“How am I meant to find out who iteven is?! It isn’t as though I can look back to the final day of their lifefrom last time to see how they died, because I don’t even know who it is!” I fell back onto a chair,before I made my way into the basement room of my home.
I glanced around the room, before Iclosed my eyes and allowed my wings to materialise from my back. After that,the sound of quiet bells ringing filled the room, before I felt the floordisappear from beneath my feet. That was my cue to open my eyes. It took a goodfew moments to adjust to the brightness of the white surroundings, before Iflew forward slightly just to make sure that I was definitely in the rightplace.
Once I was reassured that I was, Iapproached a shining red crystal which was the only stationary thing within thevicinity. I then reached out, and placed my fingers upon it. This was my onlyway of connecting with the heavens whilst I was stationed on Earth, so I felt asense of warmth as I brought the crystal to my chest. I wasn’t actuallypermitted to go to the heavens, but I could communicate to anyone from there.
With that… I decided that I wouldcommunicate with the one angel I had been able to confide in since thebeginning of my life. “Father… May I please speak with you?” Silence lingeredfor a few moments, before there was a quiet sigh.
“Hello, Ciel. Am I right in assuming…That you have lost another chance?” His voice was quiet, and he sounded almostupset. “My precious daughter, I must apologise…” I remained silent as he sighedquietly, and the warmth radiating from the crystal began to grow more intense.“It is myself and your mother behind your curse… We were given a choice forreasons which you need not know, but we had to decide whether we both fell fromthe heavens, leaving you behind… or one of us fell from the heavens, leavingthe other to care for you... Your mother begged for me to stay behind, anddiscussed with the head angel without my knowledge when I refused to let herfall. As her own mother was the overall head angel… she was able to persuadeher to let her take the fall… But we did not know that there was a furtherconsequence to your mother falling... You were to be cursed with an ancientcurse… The curse of obliviousness. You cannot know who your human is as aguardian angel… You have to figure it out yourself.”
Tears were starting to slip down mycheeks at what my father had said, before I felt my wings growing weak. I wasonly going to be able to maintain my angel form for another few moments… “F-Father… D- Don’t apologise… I-!” My wings faded, and the crystal escaped frommy grasp as I began to fall. Deeper… And deeper…. And deeper… Until…
A pair of piercing red eyes appearedin my line of vision, before a bright flash. And then…
I was in the basement of my humanworld home once more. The cold floor beneath my back hurt, and as I sat up, Ilooked around the small room. My few belongings from the heavens which I wasallowed to take with me to the human world were stored in here. One of thosebelongings… Was a painting. A painting of my mother, my grandmother… And me. Itwas painted not long after I was born, and as second in line to becoming theoverall head of the angels upon my grandmother’s final days, this was painted.Unfortunately, with my mother falling… I was set to take over after mygrandmother. Hence why I was chosen to act as a guardian angel – to show Icould possess a responsibility over lives.
But if I failed at this task, and failto identify my human…
Anarchy would arise.
My mother falling caused enoughtrouble – people said that it deemed our family unworthy of taking charge…
I placed my hand on the paintedversion of my mother’s face, before bidding her goodnight as I went to theopposite side of the room. Perched on a desk was my tablet. It was a strangecombination of a stone tablet and a human’s tablet, just much moretechnologically advanced.
I picked it up, before looking at itsdisplay. This was one of the few ways in which I could remain informed aboutthe different happenings in the heavens. There seemed to be one very populardiscussion though…
‘Theangel and the human.’
That was an occurrence which happenednot long after I was born… Apparently, an angel fell in love with a human whichthey were meant to be protecting, and went against the highest divine rules andturned the human into an angel so that they could remain together until theirtime to exist ran out. That was over one hundred human years ago now, but theequivalent of about twenty angelic years. Perhaps it was the anniversary behindpeople wishing to discuss it…
Despite that, I ignored thosediscussions, and went to what I wanted to read up on.
The angels which fell – my motherbeing one of them – end up in the depths of hell with the human souls which areincapable of being saved by their guardian angels. Angels which die end upreborn as either a human or another angel, which is named within the news. Iread up on it every once in a while, just to keep an eye on whether any of myfriends or family end up on that list.
It was a relief to know that my fatherand grandmother were not on that list… That means that I may be able to sleeppeacefully that night, unless my unknown human ends up in trouble…
  The morning came about quickly. Thatmeant that my human didn’t end up in danger last night… good. However, thesunlight meant one thing: I had to go about a normal human life for the timebeing. All guardian angels within this town worked in a small café, called Le Café Tranquille. Ihad to make my way there soon to do my work for the day…
I still had abouttwo hours to get ready and leave though, so I decided to go through with aroutine which I used in my human form. First, I would quickly shower and getdressed, which would take about twenty minutes at most. I didn’t need to eat ordrink unless I wanted to, so I could skip that out. I still had a kitchen, butit wasn’t often I decided that I wanted to eat.
Then… I wouldwatch television, typically the human news, until the time that I had to leave.
As I got toturning the tv on, there was a weather report on the news. There was a newweather anchor today. And it had been the same for the past fifty weeks. Todaywould always be that person’s first day on the job…
“Within the northern regions of the town,there is a chance of strong winds and fog, so make sure that you are preparedfor that! For the rest of the town, the skies are overcast and there isexpected to be about ten to fifteen millimetres of rain, so make sure to haveyour coats or at least an umbrella if you intend on going out. Now, to lookover the weather for the coming days…” For some reason, my body feltrelaxed as I heard the man’s voice. Relaxed enough to accidentally slip into myangel form…
I shrieked atthat, before quickly making my wings vanish and I then cast a glare at the manon the television. I couldn’t exactly stay angry at him for long though… Heseemed so excited for it to be his first day of reporting the weather. His eyeswere shining… He was shivering with anticipation… And he was jumpy.
Before I couldstart paying attention to the news stories which were being discussed now, myhuman phone began to ring. The name of the caller made me sigh…
Chrysanthemum. Also known as Chrys, the annoying head angel who monitoredguardian angels from the heavens… He was like an angel’s equivalent of a humanbully.
I brought thephone up to my ear, and waited to hear the up and coming lecture over theamount of times my human had died untimely…
“Miss Ciel… Please be present in Tranquilleas fast as possible. I have something which we must discuss.”
  As I stepped intothe café, the atmosphere was… sombre. My guardian angel colleagues were silentas they went about making drinks and food, before serving them to thecustomers. At the doorway to the staff room at the back, Chrysanthemum wasstood with his lips pursed together and his arms folded. The thing was… He waslooking down towards the floor, and was oblivious to my presence by theentrance. His dark purple hair framed his face, and he seemed to be deep inthought.
I approached him,and cleared my throat to get his attention. He looked up at me, before a forcedsmile formed on his face. “Miss Ciel… You are here. Come, Lady Alessia and yourfather are awaiting at the back. I apologise for summoning you a few humanhours before you were expected to be here.”
How strange… Chrys was apologising to me?
And my father and grandmother were here?!
I followed Chryswith a feeling of anxiousness taking over my body. As soon as the staff roomdoor closed, both of us ended up reverting to our angelic forms, and I noticedmy family sat upon a sofa in the room. My grandmother, Grand Head AngelAlessia, was sat with a serious look on her face. My father though, Kian… Hehad a lost look upon his face.
Chrys gesturedfor me to sit down on a sofa opposite to them, and that was when my grandmotherstared straight at me.
“Oh, my younggranddaughter… I apologise for requesting that Chrysanthemum summon you.However… We have something serious to discuss. She then glared at my father,and folded her arms. “Kian, please tell your daughter about the situation shehas ignited in the heavens.”
My father sighed,before he shakily clenched his fists together. “The other angels have made thediscovery that I was the human who an angel broke the rules for… They realisedthat I am the reason your mother fell, and you were cursed to be unable to knowwho the human under your protective custody is… And they want to boycott you asnext in line as head angel following Alessia.” A tear stained his cheek then,before he stood up and went over to me in order to place a hand on my shoulder.“And your grandmother has accepted their request, despite it being your birthrightto take up the position.”
My grandmotherthen rose to her own feet, and ordered for my father to sit down once more.“Ciel, angels have also heard of your repeated failures at saving your humandue to the curse. And so, there is only one way for you to take the positionwhich you were born for…” She then looked at Chrys, and her face softened. “Youare to marry Chrysanthemum. He, as my deputy head angel and as head angel ofthe guardians, is to take my place upon my death if you are… unfit. You are tomarry him, as your right to become head angel has already been forfeited… Andyou are to produce a further heir to the position as his wife.”
A shiver wentdown my spine as Chrys’ arm then snaked around me, and my father seemedincapable of reacting properly. It seemed that this was news to him too…
“Now, come withme, Kian. You must prepare your daughter’s belongings in the heavens to betransferred to Chrysanthemum’s residence.” Before my father was pulled away bymy grandmother, he went over to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
“I’m so sorry… Ican’t dissuade her… I am just a lowly human turned into an angel, so I have noright to make her change her mind…”
As my father andgrandmother then left the café’s staffroom through a portal to heaven, my heartbegan to race through anxiety.
No, this can NOT be happening.
I-Ican’t marry Chrysanthemum!
Suddenly, I was pulled up to my feet, andheard a clicking sound across the room. A door which was always locked when usangel employees had a break was now slowly creaking open, and Chrysanthemum waslaughing quietly. “I am going to give you a quick taste of what is to come asmy wife, once you fail to protect your human for a further two weeks… Come withme, my dear Ciel…” He then smirked, and muttered something under his breath. Hedidn’t seem to think that I could hear him. “I have been waiting for this since she was assigned under me as aguardian angel… An angel who does not know her own human…”
This reminded me of one misconceptionwhich humans had with regard to angels… They all assumed that the lives ofangels were peaceful, with no need for rules and such due to how flawless thesociety of angels apparently was…
Thatwas a huge lie.
The angelic society was far fromflawless. There were criminals and violent acts, and many different crimesconstantly committed… And from what I could see… Chrys was about to commit acrime shared in common with both humans and angels.
Once I was pulled through the doorway,Chrys used his angelic powers to make the door close and lock, before hestarted leading me up some stairs. I knew that up here was his residence,similar to a human apartment. He then turned to face me when the two of us werestood in the middle of his lounge. My wings were twitching as I wanted to justrun out of here and get to work in the café below us.
Chrys then used his powers again, anda pain coursed through my wings and back. A cold, numbing pain. Oh no… He hadfrozen my wings in place!  “No flying, myprecious Ciel… Now… Before you keep those silly thoughts of escape in yourmind…” He then quickly muttered something, which I recognised as an ancientincantation taught within the advanced classes at school. That was a restraintincantation!
I looked on in a panic as I then feltmy limbs grow stiff, and that was when Chrys began laughing loudly. “There’s noneed to look so scared. I just want to get a few measurements for your weddingdress, that is all…” He then raised an eyebrow, and took hold of my chin. “Ahh…You were expecting for me to ‘sleep with you’, as humans would put it… Weren’tyou? No… I am saving that…” Colour drained from my face as he then suddenlypressed a kiss to my lips. Disgusting! “Iam saving that until after our wedding…”
After Chrys did as he wanted with themeasurements, with a smirk on his face the whole time, he removed the restraintspell and unfroze my wings.
“F- Finally…” I whispered under mybreath, before Chrys looked at a watch upon his wrist.
“Nine in the morning… Thirty minuteslate for work, Ciel. Better get to work.” He then straight up dismissed me astears began to stain my face, and quickly, I fled from his apartment and intothe staff room below. One of my friends and co-workers, Nari, was stood inthere with a fearful look on her face.
As soon as she saw me, she approachedme and sighed. “Finally! Everyone was worried you were turned to a fallenangel, with the fact that you were having to talk with boss and Lady Alessiaand that you were gone for so long! Now, come on, we’ve got some new cakes foryou to try!”
  Following the drama of the morning,things seemed calm in the café through the day. Chrys never made an appearance,which presumably meant that he had returned to the heavens deal with something.Also, the customers weren’t too fussy today, which was good.
The thing with the customers though…They were all the assigned humans of us guardian angels. They would all feel aninstinct to come into the café, and would end up speaking to their respectiveguardian angels about their life without even realising it.
But one customer, close to closingtime, caught my attention… The bell rang as the door opened, and a man ran overto the counter. “S- Sorry that I’m coming in at this time, but I need to getback to work quickly… C- Can I have a coffee to go?” He seemed familiar, but ittook a moment to realise why. It was the weather reporter from the news thismorning! I couldn’t help but recognise those bright red eyes, and fluffy brownhair!
“Sure thing, what size? Small, medium,or large?”
“Uh… My boss is being so frustratingat the moment, so large. And make it strong too… If that isn’t a bother.” Hethen sighed, and leaned against the counter as he started pulling some moneyout of his pocket.
“Tell me about it… My boss isfrustrating too. If it helps, you can vent out to me, you know.”
He looked up at me, before giving me atimid smile. “Okay then…” As he then began talking to me about all of thedifferent ways in which his boss would frustrate him. He actually stayed behindfor a further five minutes after he had paid for and got his drink just talkingto me, before he gave me a friendly smile and a card with his phone number on,just in case I wanted to ‘return the favour with regard to talking aboutannoying bosses’.
Once he left… Nari ran over to me withher eyes shining.
“Ciel! Ciel! Do you have any idea whothat was?!” She grabbed hold of my hands, and jumped up and down for a fewmoments. “Humans do not divulge abouttheir lives to anyone in here, except theirguardian angels! Ciel, he was your human!That cute guy is your assigned human!” She then ran off to the staff roomfor a few moments, and returned with a piece of cake in her hands. “Time forsome celebration cake!”
  That night, when I got home, I turnedthe television on just as I had done that morning, and smiled at the sight ofthe weather report on, being presented by myassigned human. That feeling made me feel… proud, I guess?
However, as I continued to watch thetelevision, something began to feel wrong. For one, my body was doing somethingwhich only human bodies did… It was starting to sweat. It was overheating too…And the feeling of my clothes was… Well, it was making me want to squirm. In anattempt to make it stop, I quickly pulled my shirt off, and threw it to theside. The feeling of my bare skin made things a whole lot worse.
What was wrong with my body?!
As I placed my hand against my cheek –another action which sent shivers down my spine – I realised that I must havebeen flushed. Damn it! What could have brought this on?! Maybe I’ve caught ahuman illness? I then tried to use one of the healing spells which we aretaught as beginner angels… But nothing happened. Have… my powers been sealed…?Just to check, I then tried forming my wings, but again… nothing.
I started crying as I then went overto the phone, and sighed. I wasn’t going to have any other choice… It wasalways stated that if any problems ever came of an angel being unable to usetheir powers, their superior had to be informed. That meant… I was going tohave to contact Chrys… Joyous. I grabbed hold of my phone, and dialled hisnumber.
Almost as soon as I told him about thesituation, there was a bright flash in the corner of the room. I instantlyrecognised that purple hair… “Well, isn’t this a sight to behold…” Chrys lookedhighly amused at the sight of me red in the face and topless as I remained saton the floor. “The aphrodisiac worked.”
I glared straight at him then.Aphrodisiac…? That was a human substance which, if consumed by an angel, hasthe typical effects that it has for humans, but also restricts an angel’spowers!
Chrys then laughed loudly, before hekneeled down and took hold of my arm. “Were you honestly not suspicious of thecake which your dear friend Nari gave you for discovering the identity of yourhuman?” He then took hold of my other arm, and quickly I was pinned to theground. “Don’t you get it? I don’t wantyou saving your human, I want you and I want to take charge of all of theangels. Your grandmother is foolish. She has no idea of how angel societyhas changed over the years… I, however, have a very clear idea of what it is like…”
A dark look was present in Chrys’ faceas his finger then stroked my cheek, making my entire body freeze up. “Also… Ilove the way in which your eyes seem so fearful. But don’t worry… I am notgoing to do much to you, I promise.”He then snapped his fingers, and something appeared in his hand. “Do you knowwhat this is, Ciel? It is a collar. Itlets me know of your location at all times, and on top of that… It allows me tosummon you to my side at any time I wish.” He then stood up after forcing thecollar onto me, and looked down at me with a grin. “Now, I am going to leaveyou as the effects of the aphrodisiac wear off. Feel free to take the day offwork for the next few days too… That one lasts for 48 hours. Have fun with yourarousal, my dear Ciel.”
Chrys then vanished, and as soon as hewas gone, the feeling of the leather against my neck made my body quiver.
FuckChrys, I hate him! As soon as I have my powers back, I am contactinggrandmother and begging for her to annul the engagement!
 Since the aphrodisiac incident, thingshad been… tiring. I was doing my best to avoid Chrys, but he would almostconstantly have his eye on me unless his assigned human ended up in trouble.Another annoying thing was that the stupid collar he had put on me couldn’t beremoved, so I would be on the verge of falling asleep, then suddenly, I wouldfind myself in his apartment.
He seemed almost like… a stalker.
On the times where his eye wasn’t onme though… That was when I dialled the number of my human.
“Hello,this is Lucas Hart here. Who is calling?” I sighed the first time that Iheard his voice down the phone, it was… calming. “Oh, is this the cute barista who I complained about my boss to?”
“Yes, I am… My name is Ciel, by theway. It’s nice to have a proper chance to talk to you, Lucas.”
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saeranlover · 7 years
More of an update on my original writing....
I sighed as I looked at the official letter which had just been posted through my door, staring at my name written in faintly glowing letters on the front of the envelope. A pure white wax seal was on the back, and that meant only one thing…
With a frown forming on my face, I removed the seal and pulled the sheet of paper out of the envelope.
 Your assigned human went through an untimely death, young guardian angel. As a consequence, you have been sent to a point one week prior to their death to prevent this occurrence.
As you may know, it is a guardian angel’s duty to protect the humans from danger, and to provide divine intervention at times of need. Only a select few are given the prestigious duty of protecting a particular human, with a majority of humans monitored from the heavens above, and you were one of few deemed worthy of carrying out such a task.
May the grace of the head angels assist you in protecting your human this time around, young one.
 That was the fiftieth of those letters I had received. For almost an entire human year, I had been trying to protect a human from their untimely death. Just two more weeks… Then I would be removed from my position as a guardian angel and assigned a new divine job, and my human would remain dead with their soul cast down to the depths of hell for an eternity. Not even the head angels knew what happened once a human passed between the realms of the living and hell, but it was surely bad.
But how I protect a human… When it was completely unknown on as to who my human was? The only piece of information which I knew about my human was that they lived somewhere within the town, as all guardian angels are sent to live within the vicinity of their humans…
“How am I meant to find out who it even is?! It isn’t as though I can look back to the final day of their life from last time to see how they died, because I don’t even know who it is!” I fell back onto a chair, before I made my way into the basement room of my home.
I glanced around the room, before I closed my eyes and allowed my wings to materialise from my back. After that, the sound of quiet bells ringing filled the room, before I felt the floor disappear from beneath my feet. That was my cue to open my eyes. It took a good few moments to adjust to the brightness of the white surroundings, before I flew forward slightly just to make sure that I was definitely in the right place.
Once I was reassured that I was, I approached a shining red crystal which was the only stationary thing within the vicinity. I then reached out, and placed my fingers upon it. This was my only way of connecting with the heavens whilst I was stationed on Earth, so I felt a sense of warmth as I brought the crystal to my chest. I wasn’t actually permitted to go to the heavens, but I could communicate to anyone from there.
With that… I decided that I would communicate with the one angel I had been able to confide in since the beginning of my life. “Father… May I please speak with you?” Silence lingered for a few moments, before there was a quiet sigh.
“Hello, Ciel. Am I right in assuming… That you have lost another chance?” His voice was quiet, and he sounded almost upset. “My precious daughter, I must apologise…” I remained silent as he sighed quietly, and the warmth radiating from the crystal began to grow more intense. “It is myself and your mother behind your curse… We were given a choice for reasons which you need not know, but we had to decide whether we both fell from the heavens, leaving you behind… or one of us fell from the heavens, leaving the other to care for you... Your mother begged for me to stay behind, and discussed with the head angel without my knowledge when I refused to let her fall. As her own mother was the overall head angel… she was able to persuade her to let her take the fall… But we did not know that there was a further consequence to your mother falling... You were to be cursed with an ancient curse… The curse of obliviousness. You cannot know who your human is as a guardian angel… You have to figure it out yourself.”
Tears were starting to slip down my cheeks at what my father had said, before I felt your wings growing weak. I was only going to be able to maintain my angel form for another few moments… “F- Father… D- Don’t apologise… I-!” My wings faded, and the crystal escaped from my grasp as I began to fall. Deeper… And deeper…. And deeper… Until…
A pair of piercing red eyes appeared in my line of vision, before a bright flash. And then…
I was in the basement of your human world home once more. The cold floor beneath my back hurt, and as I sat up, I looked around the small room. My few belongings from the heavens which I was allowed to take with me to the human world were stored in here. One of those belongings… Was a painting. A painting of my mother, my grandmother… And me. It was painted not long after I was born, and as second in line to becoming the overall head of the angels upon my grandmother’s final days, this was painted. Unfortunately, with my mother falling… I was set to take over after my grandmother. Hence why I was chosen to act as a guardian angel – to show I could possess a responsibility over lives.
But if I failed at this task, and fail to identify my human…
Anarchy would arise.
My mother falling caused enough trouble – people said that it deemed our family unworthy of taking charge…
I placed my hand on the painted version of my mother’s face, before bidding her goodnight as I went to the opposite side of the room. Perched on a desk was your tablet. It was a strange combination of a stone tablet and a human’s tablet, just much more technologically advanced.
I picked it up, before looking at its display. This was one of the few ways in which I could remain informed about the different happenings in the heavens. There seemed to be one very popular discussion though…
‘The angel and the human.’
That was an occurrence which happened not long after I was born… Apparently, an angel fell in love with a human which they were meant to be protecting, and went against the highest divine rules and turned the human into an angel so that they could remain together until their time to exist ran out. That was over one hundred human years ago now, but the equivalent of about twenty angelic years. Perhaps it was the anniversary behind people wishing to discuss it…
Despite that, I ignored those discussions, and went to what I wanted to read up on.
The angels which fell – my mother being one of them – end up in the depths of hell with the human souls which are incapable of being saved by their guardian angels. Angels which die end up reborn as either a human or another angel, which is named within the news. I read up on it every once in a while, just to keep an eye on whether any of my friends or family end up on that list.
It was a relief to know that my father and grandmother were not on that list… That means that I may be able to sleep peacefully that night, unless my unknown human ends up in trouble…
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