wunderkammerett · 10 months
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americankimchi · 4 months
what happened in your first bg3 playthrough that made it a sad ending?
after an entire game where i kept asking gale to drop the ascension to godhood with the crown of karsus he immediately told my tav to fuck off, broke up with them, took the crown of karsus, and became the worst version of himself for all eternity 😔
i looked it up afterwards and apparently it doesn't matter how many times you successfully persuade him and tell him that becoming a god isn't the move if you don't convince him first to ask mystra for forgiveness?? either that or my game was bugged 😔😔😔
still, i crafted a bittersweet ending for my tav where after a few years of heartbreak, adventuring around with shadowheart, and spending time with the rest of the gang in/near baldur's gate my tav ends up reconnecting with halsin and deciding to retire and help take care of the kids halsin's adopted..... perhaps even find love again...... and occasionally thinking on the good man who died so a god could rise..............🥹🥹🥹
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gender-trash · 18 days
Having the kinds of educational exhibits about art history or technique that you demand seem like they necessarily compete with actually displaying parts of the museum's collections. Which you also say you care about more than traveling exhibits, which almost always have plenty of the educational content you want. But they don't count because ???
at art museums i've been to, the vast majority of the square footage consists of permanent exhibits, not temporary or traveling ones. as a result i spend most of my time at permanent exhibits because that's... most of the museum? it would be cool if there were more temporary exhibits, so more stuff from the collection could get airtime; it would also be cool if the remaining permanent exhibits were better exhibited. the popular "paintings on the wall spaced a reasonable distance apart in a big room with no seating" exhibit style, for example, leaves a lot of space for tables in the middle of the room where you could put stuff. (AND BENCHES.) but i'm also okay with taking some paintings off the wall in service of better exhibit design, or making more room for temporary exhibits.
the thing about traveling exhibits *specifically* (as opposed to temporary exhibits that pull from the museum's undisplayed collection -- i think you may be somewhat confused about this distinction) is that transporting artworks is both expensive and a massive pain in the ass, so there's a straightforward incentive to have more interpretation-ish stuff in your traveling exhibit and devote less space to art which needs to be carefully transported. my understanding is that generally the hosting museum doesn't have much to do with the exhibit design of traveling exhibits.
as an artist, and as someone who likes looking at art, it makes me really sad that 95%+ of the collections of major art museums are tucked away in vaults/offsite storage. systemically this is because deaccessioning is a really thorny political issue, so for a curator the path of least resistance is to keep getting stuff and putting it in storage. (one aspect of this: sometimes donations and bequests will come with conditions that the entire collection needs to be kept together, even if the museum only wants to display a few of the pieces.) this sucks for people who might really enjoy seeing the stuff from the vault, and it sucks for smaller museums that don't have a huge acquisitions department and that COULD productively display a lot of those "minor works", and climate-controlled archival art storage isn't exactly cheap either. however, i have a much clearer idea of what good exhibit design looks like than i do of how to fix the problem of cool art sitting in storage forever.
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angelkincensus · 6 months
2022 Angelkin Census: Full Report
The angelkin community on Tumblr is, despite being small and obscure, a constantly shifting landscape with a surprising amount of history. While being fairly busy as of 2016, the makeup of the community has shifted significantly due to controversial events throwing members into disarray, invasion and disruption of community tags, and simply the passage of time. In 2022, our team decided to take a closer look at this new community landscape and display the data publicly in order to attempt to reconnect members to each other, bring some unity to the community, and analyze in what ways the community demographics have changed.
The 2022 Angelkin Census was created primarily by our leading team member, with input on questions and neutral phrasing by the rest of the team. Our primary goals were 1. To identify as many active members of the angelkin community on Tumblr as possible, 2. To identify ways in which the community has changed, and 3. To make the questions as neutral and system-friendly as we could. Though this was our aim, once the Census was closed, our team had to do quite a bit of data organization due to questions being misunderstood, and lots of unique fill-in answers. The data being presented is heavily cleaned up by hand, with fill-in answers being sorted into larger categories when possible. 
Additionally, though we attempted to make the Census as system-friendly as possible, we neglected to clarify this through Census instructions. As such, there are system members who each filled out the Census individually, and systems who filled out the Census as a group and only submitted one response. This is something that, with over 150 responses, we do not have the ability or insight to standardize ourselves. As such, we will be leaving these submissions as they are and not attempting to sort them together or apart. We acknowledge that this is a flaw in our data, but hopefully one that won’t cause too much bias.
A NOTE: Alt text for images is provided, and will be consistent across all posts. The writing for the image descriptions follows a philosophy of describing what seeing people would get from a brief look at it, as we believed that a full, detailed description would quickly turn into meaningless numbers. The numbers and percentages detailed in the graphs will be extrapolated on in the full posts these images belong to. If anyone decides to write image descriptions outside of alt text, we humbly ask that they copy what we wrote in the alt text.
Social media used to engage in Angelkin community besides Tumblr
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Fig. 1: Other social media platforms are displayed by percentage.
Though undisplayed, the most popular result with 120 responses was a lack of other social media platforms being used. This was not included on the chart above so as to make the other responses more comprehensible. A lack of response in this category is not necessarily to indicate that no other social media platforms are used at all; rather, it’s an indication that no other platforms are used to engage specifically with the Angelkin community.
Discord is by far the most popular non-Tumblr social media platform with the Tumblr Angelkin community at a whopping 61%. This is likely a reflection of not only the ubiquity and versatility of Discord as a chat platform, but also the last remnants of popular Angelkin discords from 2016 and earlier, such as the now-defunct Memeing Angels Discord server. Members of the Census team who submitted responses to the Census may have biased this result in Discord’s favor, as our team originates from and resides on a 2016-era Angelkin Discord server.
After Discord, the most popular results (though significantly less so) are Instagram, forums, and TikTok. Many Angelkin from Tumblr can indeed be found on Otherkin-specific forums such as Nonhuman National Park. While the Census team knows of the Instagram and Tiktok Angelkin communities, we have no experience with them and don’t wish to; as such, we cannot comment on the overlap.
Year Joined
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Fig. 2: A bar chart displaying the year still-active members of the Tumblr Angelkin community joined.
An important thing to note is that this question is specifically asking still-active members what year they joined. As such, it’s difficult to tell whether the sharp increase in membership in 2022 and adjacent years is due to an increase in Angelkin awakenings, or simply due to members who joined more recently being more likely to still be active in the community than older members who may have left Tumblr or simply gone inactive within the community. 
An interesting note is that the increase in recruits began in 2016. A year frequently mentioned, 2016 was both a renaissance and a trial for the Tumblr Angelkin community. Despite how the Angelkin community was torn apart by the events in the years around 2016, there seems to be a decent amount of members from that time still active, though likely also biased by the submissions of the Census-runners. 
Regardless, the modern Angelkin community on Tumblr is still dominated by those who’ve joined in more recent years, especially 2022. The high levels of recruitment in 2020-2022 is most definitely influenced by not only recency bias, but also the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns bringing more opportunity for exploration and introspection. Whether the numbers from these years will stay active is the subject of a future Census.
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Fig. 3: A pie chart displaying age ranges of active community members.
The current Angelkin community is dominated by members aged 15-24. Any members outside of this ~10 year age range are an extreme minority. It’s difficult to analyze the ages of the responses who declined to share their age range; but they are enough of a minority that being included within this section of the results is insignificant enough to not clutter results. It could be speculated that the members of the non-sharing group are on the older or younger extremes of results, due to the influences of 90s internet safety campaigns on elder members and of good common sense for much younger members, but this is speculation and should not be taken as legitimate data.
It can also be speculated and discussed that the 15-19 age range accounts for many of the recruits in the 2020-2022 recruitment range, while many in the 20-24 age range were likely members in the 2016 era. But again, this is speculation and cannot be taken for a legitimate conclusion. 
All in all, the current landscape of the Tumblr Angelkin community is very young, which holds consistent with historical demographics.
Do You Consider Yourself Abrahamic in Origin?
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Fig. 4. A pie chart displaying the proportions of responses that are Abrahamic angelkin.
With “Abrahamic” being defined as “any religion that recognizes the religious figure of Abraham as part of their religion, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism”, this identification is the source of a large split in the Angelkin community, both in and out of Tumblr Angelkin communities. While the concept of an angel originates in Abrahamic religions, there are those within the Angelkin community who do not consider their origins to have ties to any of the Abrahamic religions. This may be because they originated with a deity from a non-Abrahamic religion; it may be because they’re of a fictionkin origin; they may not have religious or spiritual ties at all. 
According to the Census data, Abrahamic Angelkin dominate the Angelkin community. (This does not mean that they themselves practice an Abrahamic religion; simply that their Angelkin identity is tied to Abrahamic religion(s).) However, the proportion that definitively doesn’t identify as Abrahamic is more significant than hypothesized when creating the Census, and implies that non-Abrahamic Angelkin are a larger and more quiet part of the community than expected. The amount unsure is also surprising, and if future Censuses are administered, it would be interesting to observe any changes in these proportions as the “unsure” demographic learn more about their origins. A follow-up question asked “If not Abrahamic, how would you describe yourself?”. The answers of this were sorted into various broader categories. We hesitate to discuss these here, as the results can be somewhat presumptive, and would require definitions of the categories these results are sorted into, so they may instead be the subject of a future post.
Do you consider yourself a fallen angel?
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Fig. 5. A pie chart displaying the proportions of responses that identify as fallen or not fallen angels.
With “fallen” meaning “was once in service of God/a deity and has since left/been banished from service”, 44.5% of responding angelkin (69 respondees) do not consider themselves fallen, while 33.5% (52 respondees), and 21.9% (34 respondees) were unsure. Unfortunately, a relevant portion of the unsure respondees seemed to also be unsure as to how to respond to a survey, and when clarified, said that they responded that way because they were not Abrahamic. This skews the data and could make the proportion of the results unreliable. However, we chose to keep the responses in because not being Abrahamic does not necessarily mean that an angel is unable to fall. As such, though it could skew the data, we felt the responses worth including in the results regardless.
The proportion of fallen to non-fallen angelkin was much more even than expected. Non-fallen angelkin dominate, though that may be because they have more tags frequented on the original census post than fallen angelkin, who overlap with demonkin rather than divinekin tags fairly often. If this census was run again in future years, it may be good practice to expand the unholykin tags so as to capture a larger relevant demographic, and/or to specify that fallen angelkin are included more visibly in the post, just in case there was unintentional bias.
If you are part of a multiple or plural system, are any of your other headmates/alters angels?
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Fig. 6: A pie chart displaying the proportions of respondents who are or are not part of a system, and if so, whether or not they have other angelic headmates or alters.
While 57.9% (88 count) of respondees are not a part of a multiple or plural system, there are a total of 42.1% (64 count) of respondees to the census were indeed a part of a multiple/plural system. From here on, the 64 respondees that are part of a multiple or plural system will be addressed, while the respondees who are not will be ignored.
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Fig. 7: A pie chart displaying a subset of data taken from the question about proportions of altars. It only has the data on those who are part of headspaces/systems, and depicts the proportions of those respondents who have or do not have other angelic headmates/alters.
Of the 64 total respondees, 68.8% (44 count) have other angelic headmates/alters besides themselves, while 31.3% (20 count) do not. While we are under no illusions that this data in any way counts as significant, as it’s a very small and biased sample size, the amount of respondees with other angelic headmates/alters is notably double that of those without, which, if it ever ends up being proven as a larger pattern in the angelkin community- depending on the proportion of respondees that identify as spiritual angelkin- could have very interesting theological implications within the angelkin community and could be a relevant topic of discussion. However, until this is fully explored (if it ever is) our team will not be jumping to make any conclusions about larger community patterns or about theology.
Do you consider your angelkin experiences to be primarily psychological or spiritual in origin?
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Fig. 8: A pie chart depicting responses to whether the respondent’s experiences are primarily psychological or spiritual. Other categories are included, as responses have nuance.
To the question above, we had a total of 149 responses. As we can see from the results above, of the respondees to the census, a significant majority identify as spiritual angelkin, at over half of the responding community members as of 2022. This is followed by the lagging runner-up, psychological angelkin, at 22.1%. At 16.8% was respondees who identified roughly equally as both, with 4% unsure of their identity origin, and one notable respondee (0.7%) identifying as a literal angelkin. It should be noted that this was from a fill-in response. While most fill-in responses were cleaned into the categories above, this respondee did not fit into any. They also did not provide further explanation of what this meant in the context of the question, so we do not feel comfortable elaborating or further categorizing on this. We will let it stand for itself. The overwhelming majority of the angelkin community being spiritual does give a decent baseline for what one can expect among interactions with other community members. It is important to remember that this doesn’t mean that it should be considered the standard or default, but simply be used to help set a baseline of expectations for inter-community discussions. When we speak to angelkin community experiences, it may be good to note what origin one is speaking from.
Do you consider your angelic identity to also fall under another another label (like demonkin or faekin)? If so, what labels do you also use for your angelic identity?
To preface, the validity of the data of this question in particular is highly questionable. Going through the responses- which will not be presented here as a result of this question of validity. We suspect that many respondees did not answer whether or not their angelkin identity overlapped with another otherkin identity, but rather answered what other identities they have alongside their angelkin identity. As such, some respondees may have been answering the relevant question, and some may have been answering what they thought was the question. This part of the survey was mostly a matter of curiosity anyhow, so we’re not too upset over not being able to fully present the results. We did find a small amount of interesting data, which will be listed below under the assumption that they are overlaps:
17 respondees’ identities overlapped with demonkin
1 respondent overlapped with devilkin
8 respondees overlapped with deitykin
2 respondees overlapped with eldritchkin
And 1 respondent very interestingly overlapped with crystalkin.
While again, this data has no relevance to the overall survey, we thought it was interesting. Have fun with it.
The biggest takeaway from all of this is about the number of respondents. We got a whopping 155 total respondents, though not all of them answered all of the questions. That is much larger than expected! Our team has fond memories of updating each other on the number of respondents, with us being exuberant when we reached 100, and shocked when it went over. The Tumblr angelkin community in 2022 was truly larger and more active than we had been expecting! For a small community that’s faced plenty of what can be called “extinction events”, the current age of the Tumblr angelkin community has an incredible amount of potential.
To reach this potential, however, we must know each other and be willing to speak with each other. In the beginning of our report, we mentioned how distant the angelkin community on Tumblr has become from itself. It’s challenging to find someone through the deluge of aesthetic tags, or through tags that have been hijacked and forcibly turned into aesthetic tags. To survive the current age, we must find each other and revive our community through connections. We must not only be able to find each other, but to know each other and be willing to speak with each other, even if only in a casual way. The members of our team have no expectation of theological discussion or even philosophical agreement between members of the angelkin community, especially due to the overall young demographic of the community as of 2022. But we would like to provide an avenue of finding one another to open that door.
It should also be noted that none of the data presented here should be considered significant or reliable. We have found difficulty with respondees correctly interpreting questions, which throws plenty of the data here into question, but there’s also a matter of the sample size. Our census has reached many more than expected, yes, but it’s currently the only data we have on the size of the angelkin community, and as such we have no idea if it actually represents an accurate community size. Without knowing if we were able to reach a large and varied enough portion of the community, with this census being by nature a self-reporting questionnaire, we would not take any of the data obtained or showcased to be representative of the community even back in 2022, before the inevitable demographic shifts that would have come in the 21 months that have passed since this survey was released, and the 9 months since it closed. The inadequate speed of the release of data by our team is to blame in part, demographic shift in a rapidly changing online environment is inevitable. 
In order to better understand and reach our community, we must reach out to each other, we must find each other, and we must know each other. If there is any takeaway from the 2022 Angelkin Census, it should be that. That we must rebuild our community and walk through 2023 and into 2024 together.
We thank you for your responses, and of course, for your time.
-The @angelkincensus team
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seyrinn · 1 year
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Another historical moment, previous ref for dessahs was made in 2011, and got so extremely outdated since then. Species itself appeared in 2006 as usual grey aliens and actually was among my first creations ever (with reds who was their antagonists even back then). Also a glimpse of my mostly undisplayed part of Transvern, since I was more focused on delars and 3rd aeon later in the timeline, neglecting early created stories of KataDessah. Yes I have extremely huge multiverse lore. Yes I am THAT lazy to write it down in english properly...
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andrejsartclub · 9 months
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2023.08.22. Red Helmet acrylic/canvas, 80x60 cm
In a world of steel and sparks, he stands, A man in a red helmet, his fate in his hands. With fiery passion, he tames the blaze, In the heart of the inferno, where courage ablaze.
His helmet, a sentinel, a guardian of dreams, In the realm of flames, where nothing is as it seems. A symbol of strength, a beacon of hope, As he battles the fire, on a tightrope.
His eyes hidden beneath the visor's shade, But his spirit unyielding, undisplayed. With every step he takes through the heat, He's a warrior of flames, a man hard to beat.
In the chaos and chaos, he finds his way, A man in a red helmet, come what may. With a heart that's burning with courage and grace, He stands as a symbol of strength in this place.
In the end, when the embers die down, And the fiery tempest loses its crown, He's a man in a red helmet, a hero so true, For in the midst of adversity, he shines through.
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7vyntheefaerie · 3 days
Rave:n by Kelela
exploration of the rave as a source of life for the black queer + trans body. discussions of free labor being extracted, love unreturned, affection undisplayed alongside deeply sensual and mourning tracks. afrofuturistic lean, visually, with alien-like vignettes techno-like tracks. promotion of rebirth and transformation following destruction. call on renewal thru elements such as water.
will prob organize songs w accompanying themes, music video stills, interview references, and musical analysis soon!
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dioriysus · 7 months
there is a delay that
if you are equipped to perceive light beams making its rounds in the hollows of a space,
you may be able to notice.
a split second in which occurs her reconsideration
a facet undisplayed over which
a banishment is posited.
that is what she’ll call it for now.
a notion trajected.
a notion that is flown by the clutches of a sterling dove, deposited from her mouth.
her voice remains dormant.
in the silver hours of dawn, it is resurrected
etching the forsaken world in its view,
becoming a sifting machinery of daylight hours
it accumulates a mass of fractured sentences.
she writhes,
it is a curse to remember how much you’ve forgotten.
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xampleerie · 8 months
undisplayed art
- they say the body is a canvas, so i paint myself
i splash red and pink and yellow
but i’m different ,
for i am not worth a dime
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emptyheadgamer · 8 months
Acceptable (whole) numbers can have any digit in their first digit (or theirbonly digit), a 0 or 5 as their second digit, and the rest must be zeros.
Acceptable decimals can have any digit as their second to last digit, and their last digit must be a 5 or an undisplayed zero.
Acceptable 3 digit sequences must have 25 or 75 as their second and third digits, but not all sequences meeting such criteria are acceptable. 125 and 374 are permissible, but 425 is not.
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frscoklica · 1 year
You need to keep reminding yourself of the obvious: charm lies in the unsaid, the unwritten, and the undisplayed. It takes mastery to control silence.
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wunderkammerett · 6 days
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angelkincensus · 6 months
ANALYSIS: Social media used to engage in Angelkin community besides Tumblr
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Fig. 1: Other social media platforms are displayed by percentage.
Though undisplayed, the most popular result with 120 responses was a lack of other social media platforms being used. This was not included on the chart above so as to make the other responses more comprehensible. A lack of response in this category is not necessarily to indicate that no other social media platforms are used at all; rather, it’s an indication that no other platforms are used to engage specifically with the Angelkin community.
Discord is by far the most popular non-Tumblr social media platform with the Tumblr Angelkin community at a whopping 61%. This is likely a reflection of not only the ubiquity and versatility of Discord as a chat platform, but also the last remnants of popular Angelkin discords from 2016 and earlier, such as the now-defunct Memeing Angels Discord server. Members of the Census team who submitted responses to the Census may have biased this result in Discord’s favor, as our team originates from and resides on a 2016-era Angelkin Discord server.
After Discord, the most popular results (though significantly less so) are Instagram, forums, and TikTok. Many Angelkin from Tumblr can indeed be found on Otherkin-specific forums such as Nonhuman National Park. While the Census team knows of the Instagram and Tiktok Angelkin communities, we have no experience with them and don’t wish to; as such, we cannot comment on the overlap.
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other shots of will that i really extra love from the sitzprobe vid
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Find the Word tag
Tagged by @drippingmoon thank you! Unfortunately these words are not common XD
Words: cunning, sharp, wise and prudent
Things were too complicated already, I didn't even know what to make of this, what to consider. Was there any way, really, to complete the kill? Raymond had ruined any chances of making Jesse’s death look like an accident, who knew what kind of evidence Jesse would have left somewhere I couldn’t find? What was I going to do, make Raymond tell me?
Jesse kept talking. “I know you’re clever. And if Raymond’s right, you want to do the right thing, but you’re in a tough spot. I’m sure between us we can figure out a way out of this.”
“Very good. Terran, I wanted to ask you something.” Zachary closed his notebook and faced me.
That was probably a bad thing. I racked my memory for anything he would want to talk to me about. I should’ve seen whatever it was coming. “Yeah?” I asked, taking a sip of coffee to calm myself and mask casting. Focus. When I cast, it’s pretty subtle, but Zacahry can often tell when I am. A sharper breath, an intensity to my eyes, a tensing of muscles. It’s not something I can do easily, but most of the people I know well enough to get to know what it looks like when they cast I never have to. Mika refrains unless she’s been ordered to. Jasmine I can tell by the air, and Zacahry’s specialty is fire, a pretty obvious effect. 
Wise (my instance of this word is always "otherwise" or "___-wise" but this scene has Terran being insightful)
Most pictures displayed show them living here, in a house in the Hearth District, but the undisplayed photos tell me that they lived in a smaller apartment in the Crimson district for a while, meaning something must have changed for Ariel income-wise. Sure enough, I’m able to figure out that a combination of paying off student loans to Dante and getting a new job lined up with the move. Although there are a few pictures displayed of them as babies and a few of just Mika, I find a folder where Ariel had hidden away any pictures of Raymond looking feminine as a child, likely hidden away with his coming out. I find letters and paperwork for Raymond being moved up a grade, all set aside in favor of instead taking more advanced classes, and a reason why Mika’s report card a while later about how she was much more well-adjusted in classes she and Raymond shared. I find hobbies that they had tried and discarded, lessons that Ariel had ensured them a chance to learn. Find the toys and supplies they’d been given, the saved awards and star-stickered tests.
Prudent: I don't have this word because it's not a word I use but it does describe Terran pretty well. So here's a scene of him being prudent
I’d had to tuck my normal tools into the jacket's pockets, and I missed my leather one, with tools slipped into hidden pockets and secured in zippers, but it wouldn’t’ve been great for sitting out in the rain like I had. I pull a pocket-sized wrench out, one that folds out and snaps into place, and use it to pry open the window—at least he hadn’t locked it. If he had, I could've gone around and simply picked the lock on his door, but I didn’t have a way to relock it and someone might see or hear me from inside. Outside, with rain and thunder and the dark sky—it had somehow started to creep into evening—it was far less risky. 
Still, I didn't like the dent the wrench left along the bottom of the window when I got it open, and the first thing I did once I’d slipped inside and felt the relief of the warm, dry office, was roll a pen from his desk over the bottom edge until the creases were less distinct and it only looked worn. I cleaned the pen off and returned it to the holder, then looked around the office, letting myself feel some satisfaction about getting in.
Tagging @open-notebook @dontcrywrite and @deciphered-narrator and any one else who wants to!
Words (gunna go the opposite direction): dumb, stupid, idiot, fool
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mind-me-n0t · 3 years
Idea for future Animal Crossing: New Horizons update
A Happy Home Academy internship!! 
After receiving the Gold HHA Trophy you are offered a chance to join the HHA as an intern. Your villagers can now come to you for advise on how to decorate their homes. 
When asked, you go to their home and enter the decorating mode. Each villager will have a storage of 40 that their undisplayed furniture is in, both their default stuff and what has been gifted to them. If they have been gifted more than 40 items, old items just disappear.
There could be some requirements for a villager accepting your advice, like a bed, music player and DIY bench or maybe even a certain HHA score. I haven’t played Happy Home Designer but you could probably lift some ideas from there.
You can even advise that the villager sell some of their unwanted stuff, either to you or Nook’s Cranny (depending on what is most reasonable gameplay-wise). Perhaps even go through their dresser and tell them what clothes they don’t need anymore. Spring cleaning the wardrobe!  
A villager asking for help should be rare. Let’s say you need max friendship and the probability of them requesting your expertice is the same as treasure hunts or something. 
This would be so nice, because I’ve seen so many reddit posts of people unknowingly filling villagers’ homes with sea basses and other junk. Or villagers gifting stuff to each other that messes up their homes entirely.  
If anyone has an uncle that works for Nintendo, please forward this to them. 
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