#under armour alter ego
himboculture2 · 1 month
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arkhamasyl-m · 7 months
Random Arkham Fun Facts!
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Since Arkham Asylum had such a tight budget, majority of the sound effects were made in studio, the most well-known example is the explosive gel sound actually being from a can of whipped cream.
After the Arkham City incident, all of the prisoners were simply freed because there was nowhere to put them. Despite this, majority of them actually gave up crime, leading to the crime rate going down, though some of the thugs had secretly gone on to work for Two Face's gang under the guise of working for Hell's Gate Disposal Services.
Out of all the factions it seems the most trusted group is the miltia working for the Arkham Knight, since they know the Arkham Knight's identity and majority of them aren't psychotic criminals hired for numbers, but are ex-military members who joined because they couldn't adjust to civilian life and Jason offered them purpose.
Jack Ryder's alter ego the Creeper is mentioned multiple times throughout the games, and although he never actually appears he is heavily implied to be canon. Jack Ryder himself mentions that he wishes he had superpowers, which implies the fact that he himself doesn't know he's the Creeper and probably only turns into the Creeper on very rare occasions, especially since he is under stress a lot during Arkham City and Arkham Knight but never transforms.
Frank Boles had actually been working for the Joker for a long time before his murder in Arkham Asylum, as he was one of the main reasons the Joker was never caught torturing Jason, despite him doing so in one of the wings at Arkham Asylum.
Harley Quinn was the one who gave Jason Todd his main alias "Arkham Knight" as during his torture she called him "Arkham's Knight in Shining Armour" believing he would kill Batman so she and the Joker could finally be happy together.
Jason was actually in the Asylum, during Arkham Asylum, but escaped the island during the early parts of Joker's prison break, and thus never ran into Batman.
Most of Jason, Deathstroke and Scarecrow's plan was funded by one of Bruce Wayne's various bank accounts reserved for Batman, leading to millions being stolen without Batman really noticing.
Jason was in Arkham City during Batman's fight in the Steel Mill, and even spoke with Joker one final time before his death.
It’s also implied he was stalking Batman in the prison, as his base has a bunch of photos of Batman and Robin during their talk in Arkham City. This means he was watching this go down from afar.
Before Batman was revealed to actually still be alive in a trailer for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, there was a Batman comic which featured Batman travelling to different universes and meeting alternate Batmen (Batman #900). One of the many Batmen he met was none other than the Arkham Batman, taking place sometime after Arkham Knight where he talks to the main Batman about life after faking his own death and how the Joker keeps plaguing his mind even after his death.
The Asylum has been present in every single game in one way or another. It was the primary setting of Arkham Asylum, it was the base of operations for Hugo Strange's TYGER guards in Arkham City, in Arkham Origins it was planned to be reopened by Quincy Sharp and was further developed in Arkham Origin's DLC's and spin-offs. In Arkham Knight it was where Scarecrow took Batman to reveal his identity and finally in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, it has been renovated and reopened with the members of the Suicide Squad currently being prisoners there.
The reason Alfred disappears halfway through Arkham City and is replaced by Oracle is because he was currently busy with the paparazzi at Wayne Manor, all asking questions about Bruce Wayne's recent arrest.
Talia Al Ghul's body keeps disappearing, implying she might've been revived at some point by the Lazarus Pit.
It's likely the film tie-in Assault on Arkham is no longer canon, since King Shark dies in it, Deadshot is the original one, Amanda Waller is implied to be killed in it and finally lots of people are very out of character in the film.
In Arkham Asylum, only Harley, Joker and Scarecrow are in their full costumes. This is because Joker had only just been captured and Harley hadn’t been captured at all. Scarecrow is wearing his costume, though it appears that he was rushed and didn’t put on his entire costume. Every other villain is in their prison clothes.
The smoker at the start of Arkham Knight is Jason Todd. He wears a Red Hood, is carving an "A" into the table (Arkham Knight) and is the one releasing the fear gas into the diner. He is also the one who strikes first, setting off the entire event.
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silurisanguine · 2 years
Zofie Orel - Augmented Assassin OC Character Profile
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Basics Default Universe: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Assassin's Creed (circa 2029)
Full Name: real name - Zofie Orel (Alter ego/ Cover name - Sofia Croft). Nickname(s): Nicknames - Bílá Ruka (aka White Hand), Golden Eyes and Zo. Age: 33 (as of 2029). Date of Birth: Oct 30th 1996. Hometown: Cardiff/London. Current Location: Prague. Ethnicity: Caucasian (Welsh British with Czech ancestry). Nationality: Welsh (UK). Gender: Female. Pronouns: She/Her. Orientation: Bisexual. Religion: None. Political Affiliation: Socialist, but no political affiliation. Occupation (starting with present):
Assassins with the Coterie of Assassins (former known as Brotherhood). Cover job - as Property manager for her parent's property company and interior designer. Hidden reference in her ID as secret agent for MI6 to keep Czech police off her back.
Living Arrangements: Home in London and Apartment 86 Libuše in Prague. Languages Spoken: English, some Welsh, French, learning Czech, although she has a translation implant as part of her social Aug. Accent: Posh English (think Emily Blunt) when in cover and a softer English with welsh lilt accent when relaxed off duty amongst friends. Physical Appearance Face: Pale skin. Hair Colour: Pillar box red. Eye Colour: Golden yellow. Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 160 pounds (thanks to augments). Build: Athletic dancer like build. Scarring: Scars that connect her inner frame bolts on both front and back of the torso. Piercings: Ears only. Clothing Style: Contemporary within DX universe.- sleek and elegant when undercover. Has custom-made body armour for work. Wears only white, red and black. Usual Expression: Often seen with a soft smile on her face, but sometimes thought to have a 'resting bitch face' which is usually her actually connected to her drone and seeing through its cameras. Distinguishing Characteristics: Over 80% augmented. Almost as much as Adam Jensen himself. Bright red hair and yellow eyes. Health Augmentations -
Hidden blade augmented arms. A hidden pointed mono directional nanoblade that comes out of a port under her forearm.
Dermal Rhino armour under her skin.
Infolink directly connected to her eyes and cochlea bone. Can speak covertly and directly without need for phone. Linked to a drone, she has called Zrak
Cranial sentinel. SPIN Social Pheromone Interference Nullifier. She does not have C.A.S.I.E. but she does have a system that can detect its usage on her, that prevents coercion of the mental and chemical variety.
Sentinel health system. Allows rebreathing through gas and underwater. Monitors her health and helps restore damage.
Augmented legs. Klipspringer to allow higher jumps, but also designed to assist in parkour.
Glass shield.
Wraith gas projectile augment in arms. Acts as smokescreen during combat and also drops enemies not wearing masks.
A form of Icarus landing, called Descent of Faith, as in cities now there are no hay bales or leaf mounds to land in. Wing like golden energy vortexes spring from her back and act like a parachute to slow her descent to safe limits no matter how high she jumps from.
Eagle Eye synthetic eyes - Similar to the Eyeknow augment, allows her to see through buildings but also allows her to directly interface with her drone Zrak, linked to her infolink, so she can see through its cameras. Allowing her to see from high above a situation and mark targets with smart scan.
Physical Ailments: None as she has the Sentinel augment and thankfully doesn't need as much Neuropozene as most thanks to her hybrid ISU DNA. Neurological Conditions: Neuropozene requirements are lower than average – Which the Assassins find is down to ISU DNA. Fear of fire due to PTSD from the attack that caused her to be augmented. Allergies: None now. Used to have hayfever. Sleeping Habits: Sleeps little, due to her need to be out at all hours of day or night, depending on mission. usually max 6 hours, but can manage of less than 2 thanks to the Sentinel compensating short term. Eating Habits: Sweet tooth, eats on the go mostly, high calorie intake.
Exercise Habits: Her vocation is her exercise - Parkour, combat training. Emotional Stability: Hides a lot of her past trauma to the point she forgets she has a fear of being surrounded by fire. But usually very calm and a tad cocky. Sociability: Has high charisma level, very charming and has managed to make even Aug hating people tolerate her. Can swing between high society social and underground gangs with ease. Temperament: Sanguine (optimistic, social) Addictions: None thanks to her Sentinel. Drug Use: Nicotine (obviously Nupoz). Alcohol Use: Social and relaxing. Around 4-5 units a week max. Personality Label: The Assassin
Positive Traits: Adaptable, compassionate, charismatic, focused. Negative Traits: Stubborn, can come across as cold when hunting a target.
Goals/Desires: To stop the Templar/Illuminati threat at every chance. Succeed in her current mission (find the source of Lucius Debeers extended lifespan and cut it at its source). Assist her allies. Meet someone who 'gets' her.
Fears: Surrounded by fire, being taken apart by Harvesters working for the Templar Hunters. Failing in her mission and thus wasting her life.
Hobbies: Silversmithing jewellery and interior design.
Habits: Smoking and drinking. Clicking her neck during combat. Chewing their lip when thinking. Favourites Weather: Cool and overcast, but dry. Colour: Blood red. Music: Eclectic - rock, heavy pop, ebm and trance but also classical. Movies: Star Trek and old fantasy films using stop-motion. Sport: Parkour, martial arts. Beverage: Earl grey tea, hot chocolate with all the trimmings, soda, gin liqueurs, amaretto, sweet white wine, whisky, Absinthe (traditionally done with sugar cube and water). Food: Veggie sushi, Bramboráky, welsh cakes, her mother's roast dinner, anything sweet and junk food, especially burgers. Animal: Cats, birds of prey and snakes. Family Father: Alexandr Orel (alive and well). Mentor with the Coterie of Assassins in London. His cover job is as a surveyor and architect, which he has sometimes used to case places of targets. Mother: Elizabeth Orel (Alive and well. Also known by her ripper handle as R3dvixn). Elizabeth's official job is freelance programmer and property developer. Formerly the Chief Cybersecurity and Operating Officer for the London branch of Sarif Industries. Sibling(s): None. Children: None. Pet(s): None now. Once had a grey goshawk called Ghost. But now she helps any stray cat she sees and financially supports a shelter in Prague. Family’s Financial Status: Officially - comfortably well off. Unofficially very Wealthy thanks to redistributed Templar assets.
1996 - Born Oct 30th - In Cardiff to welsh mother, English father.
2006- 10yrs -Family moves to London, when Elizabeth is asked to help run the London branch of Sarif Industries. Alexandr rejoins Assassins as Mentor. Zofie is homeschooled within the headquarters of the Coterie with other Assassin's children. 2014 -18yrs - Officially joins the Assassins order. Trains under the Master Assassin Katherine Frye and her father. 2023 - 27yrs. Involved in stopping a plot to kill the son of the King of England by the Templar/illuminati as a way to force control of the Royal family. She helps thwart the plot and kills the then leader of the British Templar order, Sir Bertrand Scottard.
2024 28yrs - Injured in a terrible motorbike accident caused by a Templar Hunter, in revenge for Zofie's part in the death of the order's leader, that leaves her near death. Thanks to connections to David Sarif, she is put in emergency cryo suspension and taken to a limb clinic in London, where she receives top end and secret assassin augments thanks to her earlier agreement to have them done in case of injury.
2025- 29yrs - Takes a year to learn how to use her augments fully. Finds she doesn't need anti rejection drugs as much as most augmented, thanks to being a hybrid with ISU DNA. 2026 (Spring time) - 30yrs - First big mission after getting augmented. Goes to Paris for 4 months to work with fellow Assassins Dean Morel and his partner Nick on a case involving a Harvesting ring financed by the Templars. 2026 (Summer) Returns to London after successfully stopping ring and exposing connections to a bank run by the Templars in Paris. Gets her augmentations upgraded thanks to David Sarif's latest prototype designs for the organisation. (what she currently has).
2027 31yrs - Aug incident happens. She did not get her chip replaced due to her involvement in the Coterie investigation into TYM sudden development of a chip that will fix a worldwide issue that also involves Augs not made by them.
2028- 32yrs- London Coterie has recovered from the incident, but many assassins have to be even more careful now as being augmented is watched closely. Some choose to have their Augs removed and retire, others simply say they were always in the shadows and will just hide more.
2029 (November) 33yrs-Katherine Frye asks her to Investigate Adam Jensen after the London Incident. Thanks to her father's occasional collaboration with MI6 and her involvement in saving The King's son many years previous, she has an ID number for her identity card which involves a code that suggests she is actually an agent for MI5, allowing her easier freedom of movement around Prague police. 2029 (December) - Moves to Prague, joining the reformed Praha chapter. Moves into the freshly refurbished apartment 86 in the Libuse complex and works on developing the Zelen Apartment complex that her mother's company has now bought as part of regen efforts for the Překážka district. Events in London confirm to Katherine Frye that Jensen is one to have as an ally, and she lets Zofie know her mission is a go...
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unhingedmasterpiece · 4 months
Her Knight in Black Armour
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She was separated from the world by a screen of darkness. Her loneliness clouded her judgement of the world, altered her outlook to life and dominated the space she inhabited. The princess dragged around her fair skin like a burden, her legs swaggering under the load. "why do you cover your sight?" she had no answer, yet the screen of black made her feel safe, and the world more beautiful. Because when you paint the world black, it hides it's dark corners.....
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She carried the burden of her people in her battle-hardened shoulders. A deep scar ran through her, dividing and mutilating her. The blood of thousands decorated her skin, the black armor wrapped her lithe body proudly. She was the knight of the city, the guardian of her people. Because to defeat the dark, you need to be dark yourself....
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And one day, the dark knight met the dark princess, and she lifted her veil. "Oh! you are escapism!" said she, "Finally we meet!" The knight lifted her black armor, exposing her wounds, "And you sister, is loneliness, how could we not meet?" the princess smiled and said, "If I knew you were lonely, I would have traversed the seven seas, scaled mountains and braved deserts to meet you, because you, my dear, is the reason I live." The knight nodded, "And you are my only remedy!" Alter egos could be allies sometimes.....
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Under Armour Marvel Men’s Alter Ego Spider-Man Compression Heat Gear Shirt.
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alteregoua · 3 years
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maxjohnson1019 · 6 years
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Birthday squats
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himboculture2 · 20 days
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himboculture2 · 1 month
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himboculture2 · 17 days
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himboculture2 · 17 days
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himboculture2 · 2 months
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himboculture2 · 8 days
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himboculture2 · 7 days
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himboculture2 · 20 days
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himboculture2 · 29 days
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