zu-is-here · 8 months
God, this would be totally Killer as a uncle (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
> video translation :
      - Child: I don't think the uncle comes with so much rain.
(the uncle appears epically)
      - everyone: uncle!
      - Child: throw yourself ! throw yourself ! >:D✨
       (the uncle proceeds to throw yourself !)
       (celebratory shouts? xD)
PFFF for real! (≧∀≦)☆
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elkian · 6 months
I've probably said this before, but I absolutely love the Body Improvement Club in Mob Psycho 100, both in general and in what they bring to the story.
Early in the series, we're introduced to the Telepathy Club, essentially a hang-out gang for three disaffected tweens (their fourth member having just quit), only one of whom cares at all about telepathy for real. Lacking appropriate numbers, they're at immediate risk of losing their club room space. Enter Shigeo (Mob) who has actual psychic powers.
Ultimately the story closes with the Body Improvement Club taking the clubroom, but since they're constantly jogging, lifting, etc., they graciously allow the remaining Telepathy Club members to use the space.
Sidenote: I've seen a very interesting point about how Tome's motivations and inner monologue are given way more space than all of the BIC's combined, because she's trying to scam Shigeo while the BIC is just chillin', and Shigeo volunteers to join them unasked. Anyways, the focus here is on the buff bois.
The Body Improvement Club is full of unfeasibly jacked middle-schoolers, and one would be forgiven for assuming it's chock-full of stereotypical jocks. However, the BIC is actually full of nascent himbos. Every member of the club is constantly decent (if a little skewed in perceptions due to the Gainz being their core focus). This is really refreshing, especially with how they interact with Shigeo.
Shigeo starts the series as, well, a boilerplate bonafide wimp. He has no muscle mass, faints after a couple meters of sprinting (whether he actually has anemia or if that was a catch-all that didn't translate is uncler to me), can barely lift one of the smallest weights, etc. He starts out as the standard psychic minmaxer - absurdly powerful PSI, wet tissue body.
In fact, we only encounter a handful of psychics who have any physical prowess, and at least two of them (Teru, and the muscle dude from the mid-Claw arc) are implied or explicitly using their psychic powers to bolster their phsyical body.
(Sidenote, this is why Serizawa fanart of him being jacked is so damn funny to me - he went from stagnant shut-in to VIP in the Psychic Power Is The Only Thing That Matters Gang. When, exactly, was he hitting the gym?)
Shigeo doesn't, according to a significant chunk of the cast, need anything except his ESP. It's ridiculous for him to start weight training and jogging when he could just use his brain boost to do it!
And I think that's a big part of why I like the Body Improvement Club and their involvement in the series so much. Because MP100 is a story about becoming more than the lottery of birth, pushing yourself and improving yourself and learning to connect with other people.
And Shigeo not only improves his physical body by participating in the club, but constantly exemplifies this core theme by doing so.
(And in the epilogue he is 200% beef with his normal head on top, it's hilarious.)
But the real kicker here is how the other tweens in the club treat him. Because the "Improvement" part of "Body Improvement Club" is not tacked on for show. Every time Shigeo makes any kind of milestone, the entire club celebrates him. They are completely genuine in this, celebrating his accomplishments just as much as he is. It's not only endearing, but extremely encouraging, and not just to Shigeo. Watching a kid who struggled to pick up a gallon of milk become super buff in the end is funny, yes, but it's also a great way to end the seres. Not only did his effort matter, but his effort was recognized by the people around him.
Hell, in essence, I've just predicted the Separation Arc (spoilers) - because while there's multiple elements involved, what I remember really kicking this off is Reigen dismissing Shigeo's social life - something he has absolutely struggled to achieve at all. Something that, in the beginning, Reigen was supposed to be teaching Shigeo to improve at.
That isn't this post, though. My point is the Body Improvement Club.
ONE could have written the BIC as standard jocks whose encouragement was sarcastic or outright cruel, but he refused to take that easy route and instead made them a major element in Shigeo's growth. The message of the Body Improvement Club is the message of the series as a whole, in a way - that the effort one puts in (with the help of a good friend of five) matters much more than whatever you were born with. That striving to improve is essential to life, and worthwhile friends will celebrate your accomplishments. The Body Improvement Club is full of boys who are already tough and strong, but every single one of them praises Shigeo for his progress, no matter how it might compare to their own.
And I mentioned that Shigeo is buff in the epilogue, but I think it's worthwhile to note that this isn't just a visual gag. His buffness is revealed as he's discussing the trajectory of the club with one of the other members, in the next school year - and the other member acknowledges that the presence of the then-small, skinny, weak Shigeo had a useful effect on the image of the club. Because there was more than just a wall of beef already there, tentative newcomers could feel more secure in joining and improving theirselves, as was the club's goal. It's difficult to join a group of people you perceive as way more talented than you already - Shigeo's noted obliviousness to unspoken trends is actually a huge boon here, as it helped him volunteer without thinking this. But it wouldn't have been possible for him to improve without the goodwill of his peers.
Anyways, I love the Body Improvement Club and will never shut up about it, goodnight.
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araksi-art · 4 months
menir and fuor...
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hi uhm. yeah :)
honestly still one of my favorite pieces of these two. its about two years old but the colors are so good... tempted to redraw it but it is almost 1am
the circumstances surrounding fuors death stay uncler for menir for many many years afterward. the death gets blamed on him and eventually leads to being sent to exile. he loses his life partner and his home very quickly, being thrown into a world he doesn't understand while full of anger and bitterness.
it takes years for menir to mourn fuor and forgive both himself and fuor.
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apesoformythoughts · 3 months
“[In another letter to her] he returns to his philosophy of gratitude, seizing on a remark by Frances that ‘it is good for us to be here’:
The same remark, if I remember right, was made on the mountain of the Transfiguration. It has always been one of my unclerical sermons to myself, that that remark which Peter made on seeing the vision of a single hour, ought to be made by us all, in contemplating every panoramic change in the long Vision we call life…
Two days later he returned to the same theme. He had made a ‘discovery’ or rather seen a ‘vision’ between two cups of black coffee in a French restaurant in Soho—‘that all good things are one thing’. And this ‘one thing’ was merely disguised in all the good things of this world […] This was the great discovery of ‘the savage old Hebrews’, who, unlike the polytheistic Greeks and Romans, were ‘thrilled . . . by the blazing idea of all being the same God: an idea worthy of a detective story’.”
— Ian Ker: G. K. Chesterton: A Biography
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humanbeanisnotamused · 11 months
did that woman just uncleric
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meltthefrozenheart · 2 years
FROZEN 3: This article is from 2019 and the writer put his own theories in it, but it perfectly reflects my personal point about F3 potential.
To me, Frozen 2 really works as a perfect middle chapter, as the directors themselves intende, the Second Act of a Bigger Story.
It brings an important evolution for Anna & Elsa, changing the status quo in an important way, but also with the goal to NOT treat the first movie as some sort of "pefectly resolved story" that can now move the characters to their next adventure. The beggining of the movie itself plays with this idea that the protagonists are living their perfect "happy ending", and yet, the Changes this movie brings are not truely "outside" of Anna & Elsa:
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Because the prologue of Frozen 2 is set the same night of the incident that will separate and isolate the Sisters for 13 years.
And the truths Anna & Elsa discover about their parents, about Arendelle and their family heritage place the events of the first movie as an echo of the past:
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To me, these truths are very important not only because it gives to Anna & Elsa a new path to follow by coming to terms with how those heritages and secrets influenced their own lives (the 13 years Separation), but also maintaining the importance of what they experienced in the first movie.
Here what producer Peter Del Vecho said in 2017 about the development of the sequel:
“Now that we’ve been involved in it for awhile, what’s exciting is it feels like it builds on the first movie. You understand things better in the first movie after you’ve seen the sequel.”
The "understand things better in the first movie" references to Agnarr & Iduna choices for Anna & Elsa, and this is why both sisters can than move on and transform in something new (the new Queen of Arendelle and the Fifth Spirit).
But the revelations of Frozen 2 not only parallelisms to the events of Frozen: they are also considerably related to two things F1 left unresolved about two very specific characters connected to Anna & Elsa present:
While Iduna was a young Northuldra and had to sacrifice her lifestyle and culture to save Prince Agnarr, Kristoff is still, to this very day, that orphan boy who only had Sven by his side, and then they met the Trolls (thanks to the Royal family, I would add);
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While King Runeard deceived and betrayed the Northuldra because of his hate for magic and his desire to submit them to his rule, Prince Hans still remains a not fully explored stranger, whose family and motivations are still quite uncler, except that he has 12 older brothers in line of succession of the Southern Isles;
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That's the reason why I think that, in order to show Anna and Elsa endurance in this new status quo (their new future), the "new but close element" for them should come from those two (their present), just like in Frozen 2 it came fro Agnarr & Iduna (their past):
Kristoff is not just a Love Interest, and Hans is not just a Villain
But, in order to do that, the Sisters need to leave some space, and that, until know, is something they weren't truely able to do because of how overwhelming their fears and traumas were.
Most importantly, in the Sisters new position, K & H are even less obvious, but more advantaged from a narrative point of view:
Kristoff abandoment issues are something that lies beneath his strong exterior, and "Lost in the Woods" made pretty clear that he needs to openly uknowledge and express what he feels, more importantly now that he's going to (or will, depending on the timeline) marry Anna, the freaking Queen of Arendelle.
Hans complete disappereance from the scene after three years could litteraly mean a lot for him: he could be planning something (but would he really do that?), or he could've actually had enough of searching for a solution and accepted his ultimate fate (or would he still fight destiny in a different way?). One way or the other, he would still be viewed as danger from everyone, most importantly Elsa, who hates him more then everybody else because of what he did to Anna.
Of course, these things are purely personal speculations and theories, but I think it would be kind of odd to completly diverge for other, never heard before and much more complicated things, when even Anna & Elsa "F2 final color schemes" reflect their uniques as individuals in their roles, but also, Anna's black elements in her queen dress bring her closer to Kristoff (and they wear matching outfits), while Elsa white gown as the Fifth Spirit gives that sense of heroic purity that Hans only faked acting as "prince charming" the whole time:
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erigold13261 · 6 months
Okay! Got basically all the family trees I can think of done! (I'm almost positive I either forgot one or will need to add more later on)
They probably aren't permanent and could change in the future, but these are the basics of what I am gonna be working with for the Eriverse AU!
There's 16 total pages so I'm gonna put them under the cut! (With some extra commentary I guess)
Mayday and Zuke/West: -Mayday was adopted by her paternal grandma. However, now she has no family left at all. -Zuke and West's dad left the family a while ago for a fling. He was disowned by his parents who are still active in Zuke and West's lives.
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Miles and Gwen: -I just looked up the family from the comics to get more of the names for each of the characters I didn't know (like Patrick or Gloria). -I do like the idea that Miles has a little sister, or will have a little sister.
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Eve/Remi/Pav: -I wanted to make Eve's maternal side a lot bigger than her paternal side. So like, Eve and Pav have a lot more family to connect to than Remi ends up having. -Eve and Remi's dad had an affair with Remi's mom before divorcing Eve's mom.
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Neon J/1010: -Didn't want to put all 8 robots names, so I shortened it. -This was the tree that started this whole saga lol. -I know I wanted Neon to have a large extended family that he wasn't able to connect with, with at least one set of twins and a teen or two.
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Joey/Celine/Gigi and Nova: -Nova's family tree still has a bit more relatives, but none of them are all that important to Nova's life so he doesn't actually pay attention to them (and is why they aren't shown). -Nova is also a rainbow baby. -Joey, Celine, and Gigi are all half siblings. This tree was annoying to figure out but I think I made it work. Basically they all share one same parent (don't know if it's a mom or dad yet).
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Elivy and Quida: -Quida is the youngest of 4 kids in her family. Her daughter had a baby with an unwanted man and would later die from pregnancy related problems. Quida took in her newborn granddaughter. -Elivy is married to an old roadie for the Goolings and adopted a pre-teen or teenage son with his husband.
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Sofa and Tila: -Sofa has a younger sister and some cousins. The cousins aren't super important to their life so they aren't shown. -It's just Tila and her parents in her life.
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Kento/Dodo: -Kento and Dodo's dads are half siblings. Grandparent 1 divorced Grandparent 2 and then got with Grandparent 3 (I don't know which is grandma or grandpa so that's why it's neutral). Not much else to say about this specific tree.
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Ham: -Found out the names of Ben and May were Ant May and Bee, but also Ham's adoptive aunt and uncler were just May and Ben, so I changed their names to Maize and Benny. -Maize and Benny are the ones to take Ham in (I forget if Maize is a widow or not in this AU, so Benny might be dead and I just need to put an X on his name. If that's the case then Bee is alive).
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Bunny/Rei/Hobie: -Rei as disowned by his family, Bunny disowned hers, and Hobie was abandoned by its which is basically disowned. -Rei and Bunny end up adopted Hobie, or at the very least becoming powers of attorneys for it in case something happens. -Finally, Hobie's parents went on to have at least one more kid that they most likely kept because it was "normal" unlike Hobie.
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Peni/Asa: -Decided to change Peni's aunt May and uncle Ben's names to Mai and Ban. And like said multiple times, they are the ones to take in Peni when nya accidentally kills nyas father. -Peni's mom basically disowns Peni by abandoning kit and divorcing her husband. I didn't know how to show that without it looking like either Peni disowned kits mom (like Bunny) or making it look like both Peni's parents disowned kit. Anyway, Peni was basically cut off from kits maternal side when kits mom left -The Aunt/Uncle in the middle is the one to have helped Peni's mom leave the marriage. -Asa has a few siblings but doesn't care about any of them so they aren't shown (that side of the family is similar to Eve and Pav's side which is supposed to be much bigger than Peni's, except Asa doesn't utilize his family like Eve and Pav do).
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Noa: -Big family time! Noa is the first grandkid to be born in his family! And because of that he basically became an extra parent to any grandkid that came after him. -Didn't know if he had aunts or uncles, so I just used Auncle so I didn't have to write Aunt/Uncle 3 times lol. -(The Auncle on the left thought having a second kid would fix the marriage... they were wrong).
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Kliff and Joust: -Joust is a dick who got disowned by both his parents and his ex-girlfriend and kid. (Mom divorced the dad). -Kliff's family was that type that couldn't have their own kid so they adopted, then had a miracle baby (Kliff) and basically forgot about their adopted kids. -Those adopted kids might have their own kids, and Kliff's grandparents might be dead. I'll be honest, I couldn't think of much story at the moment, so Kliff's tree is most likely going to change.
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Miguel and Noir: -Changed George O'Hara's name to Seoirse since I didn't want to just put "George" up there and have people think it was Gwen's dad lol -Also, Miguel's family is basically the comic version of his family because I didn't have my own ideas for him. I will say that him killing Gabriella (who he named after his step-brother) got him disowned by his family (also I think I should have made Dana and him divorced). -I don't have much to say about Noir. I changed Ben and May's names again to keep them separate like the others. Noir's parents are also still alive.
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Synthia/Sharon and Spinose Family: -Sharon has a fling with a guy which wounded up in her having Synthia (who she hasn't disowned yet but is very close to doing so). -Yinu's family is basically just her mom and grandma. She doesn't know any of her mom's cousins or other family members, or at least she doesn't know them well enough to have them on her tree.
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Tatiana/Cyril/Ilma: -And finally this tree! I've already gave this tree before, it had more names (such as Tatiana's grandparents/Cyril and Ilma's great-grandparents), but I wanted to show off the like disowned and dead statuses of the family. -I actually should have figured out a new symbol for the disowned, because Anatoli was NOT disowned by his mother, only by Matvey. Eh, I guess I could have put the disowned symbol on Matvey's side because it was a mutual disownment between Anatoli and Matvey. -Cyril and Ilma probably have a few cousins and stuff that are important to them (at least Ilma would), but I just don't have energy, time, or space to think of those sides of the trees lol.
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But yea! These are the main family trees I'm gonna use. I might change things a bit here and there (give people names and figure out genders, stuff like that). But for now these are good enough.
If you think there's a character I should do a family tree that I didn't then let me know and I might try to make one! :D
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hetchofficial · 5 months
Instruction uncler
Am now bleeding.
My. Instructions were. Very clear, actually.
This is on you. I said 'remove stomach' as advice. I didn't say it was good or even particularly helpful advice.
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nintendouniverse2023 · 9 months
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Meet Esther's little Niece and Oldest Daughter to Esther's big Brother, Lexie Kong. She was the now resident of Kongo Bongo Island and was a explorer trainee alongside her two new best friends "Diddy and Dixie"
Bio: Buchin Kong along with his fiancée "Gallica Kong", have given birth to a little baby spider-monkey girl named "Lexie Kong" and their whole family decide to move out of Kongo Bongo Island and move to a different Island in their new Yatch.
After Lexie’s mother was killed, even though Her other siblings never knew their mother but her siblings believed that she wasn’t affected by the death of his biological mother, it was a lie. The only ones who know the truth are Her aunts. Lexie sometimes cried for nights but more for her mother since she had taught him everything, even playing on the bongos and drums. Lexie was still very depressed about the effect when her father turned into a vegetable out of depression, She shared a very close bound with Aunt Esther who she have a close bound with her older brother.
When her family moved to Kongo Bongo Island, Lexie along with The Konglings follows Aunt Esther to Cranky’s Cabian to get a job at the Kong Clan and meets Donkey Kong for the first time. Lexie would eventually meets new friends of DK’s esspally Diddy and Dixie as she fines them a very silly dou when they came to help her take care of her little siblings. It wasn’t long her father started dating again and would later accept Gill Koopa as her and her siblings God Uncle. She is still depressed about her mothers death but she's trying to move on eventally.
Appearance: She has orange fur, Pinkish Eyes, Blond ponytail, Her purple hat that looks like Mario and Luigi, Her purple skirt and Shirt with Balloons on it.
Voice Actor: Chloe Bennet
Age: 10
Height: 4,6 ft
Weight: 120 ibs
Personality: Sweet, Fun Loving, Worried, Serious, Kind Hearted and Depressed of the inside
Favorite Foods: Bananas Chocolate covered Bananas, Banana Cookies and Raspberries
Family: (Parents) Buchin Kong and *Deceased* (Aunts) Mora Kong *Age:25*, Esther Kong *Age:20* and Miki Kong *Age:18* (Little Siblings) Lizo Kong *Age:8* Raonic Kong, Rita Kong and Ronchi Kong *Triplets Age:7*, Grovo Kong *Age:6* and Fruity Kong *Age:5*
Allies: Charlsen Kong *Soon to be step-father* Donkey Kong, Funky, Roxanne, Candy, Diddy, Tiny, Dixie, Swanky, Chunky, Lanky, Kiddy, Mama Kong, Gill Koopa *God Uncler*, The Mario Siblings, The Princess, Amatory, Mushroom Kingdom residents and The DK Crew
Enemies: King K Rool, Krusha, Klump, Krunch, Kalypso *Frenemy*, Kudgle, Kip, Kass, Kopter, Kremlings Army, Captain Syrup and Wario
Likes: Swinging, Dancing, Spending Time with her Aunt Esther, Diddy and Dixie, Carnival Rides, Outsmarting her foes like K Rool, Watching over her family *Especially her dad.*
Dislikes: Her little siblings getting too reckless, The Kremlings harming her and her family, Being reminded of her mothers death and getting into trouble
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tillman · 2 years
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uncler fester sexual style 
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lvpnm-moved · 2 years
tubbo is streaming if that fin guy right. hes Munky8 / FinMunky he was a streamer that was on bearsmp and the big dig on them he got called out for making rape jokes and ableist and racist shit. he them deleted all his social media including discord and shi and disapeared from the internet until today, when tubbo streamed with him its uncler if tubbo actually knows abt this bc hee put on the stream name he was playing with fin from private school
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ahojojoj · 1 year
nova slova -nya ord-new words
...that I have learned in czech this week :
nezapomeň(te)- glöm inte -dont forget (imperative)
přaní - önskan/önskningar - whish/wishes
závrat - yrsel - (unsure of eng-word)
romantika - romantik - romance
ať žije - "länge leve" - "long live" (expressive?)
ochutnat - smaka - taste (verb)
smajlík - smiley -smiley/emoji
censura - censur - censorship
žralok -haj -shark
žraloci - hajar- sharks
v dnešní době - nuförtiden - nowadays
mořský ježek - sjöborre - sea urchin
tvor - varelse - creature
neuvěřitelný - otrolig - unbelivable
poděkovat - att tacka - to thank (perfektiv)
nejasný - otydligt - unclear
nejasnost = oklarhet - unclerness/confusion
spaní/spánek = sömn - sleep (verb)
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latestmoviesblog · 1 year
Stella Meghie Directing Marvel’s ‘Wonder Man’ Series For Disney Plus
Marvel’s Wonder Man series has found one of its directors. Deadline reports that The Photograph helmer Stella Meghie has signed on to direct multiple episodes of the Marvel Studios series Wonder Man, which is coming to the Disney Plus streaming service. The amount of episodes is uncler for the time being, but the series is rumored to run for six installments. Stella Meghie’s Disney ties continue…
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frodolives · 2 years
The beauty of the Semen and Gay Uncle (2021) and Gayvy Jones (2022) film series is the way gayvy jones was foreshadowed in the first film. Could not have written a more perfect duology if I tried.
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desertsquiet · 3 years
ok one more !! the gilded palace of sin
Oh boy this is gonna be SO hard but I’ll try my best. Just keep in mind the right answer is “all of them”
1) Hot Burrito #1
2) Sin City
3) Dark End of the Street
4) Christine’s Tune
5) Hot Burrito #2
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