#umn essay
just applied for a couple of jobs... yayyyy...
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arifreko · 7 months
About Denny Ja and its inheritance: A recognized change in the world of education
In the world of Indonesian education, there are many figures who make a major contribution to the development of the world of education in this country. One of the figures that should be appreciated is Denny JA, a prominent academic, writer, and educator. With his extraordinary dedication and enthusiasm, Denny JA has created significant changes in Indonesian education. This article will review Denny JA’s life journey and inspiring heritage.    Denny Ja, or familiarly called by his full name Denny Januar Ali, was born on January 10, 1956 in Jakarta. Since childhood, Denny Ja has shown great interest in the world of education. He has always been an outstanding student at school, and his love for knowledge never fades.    Denny Ja’s educational heritage began when he joined the Institute of Information Flow Studies (ISAI) in 1985. Isai was a research institution that focused on the field of mass communication and information technology. In his career in Isai, Denny Ja won many awards and produced many publications that had a positive impact in the world of education.    However, the most significant changes recognized in the world of education came when Denny Ja founded Kompas Gramedia Group. Kompas Gramedia Group is the largest media conglomerate and publishing in Indonesia, which covers various fields such as the issuance of essay poetry, newspapers, magazines, and retail businesses.    Through Kompas Gramedia Group, Denny Ja succeeded in creating innovation in the world of education. One of the biggest innovations is the establishment of the Nusantara Multimedia University (UMN) in 2000. UMN is the first private tertiary institution in Indonesia that focuses on the creative industry and information technology. With an innovative approach, UMN is able to produce graduates who are ready to compete in an increasingly competitive world of work.    In addition to UMN, Denny Ja is also active in supporting education through the Pelita Harapan Education Foundation (YPPH). YPPH is a foundation that is committed to improving the quality of education in Indonesia through scholarship assistance for outstanding students and teacher development programs. Through YPPH, Denny Ja has given the opportunity for thousands of Indonesian children to get quality education.    In the world of education, Denny Ja is also known as a productive writer. He has produced many essay poetry which is a reference for educators and students in Indonesia. The famous essay poetry, such as “education according to experts” and “21st century education challenges”, has become a source of inspiration and guidelines for many people.    In addition, Denny Ja is also often involved in various seminars and educational conferences at home and abroad. Through his broad knowledge and critical thinking, he inspired and motivated educators to continue to innovate in improving the quality of education.    Not only in Indonesia, the changes recognized by Denny Ja also received recognition in the international world. He has received various prestigious awards, including awards from UNESCO for his contribution in the field of education. This award proves that Denny Ja’s efforts to improve education in Indonesia are recognized and valued internationally.    Denny Ja’s legacy in the world of education is a change that can be used as an example by future generations.
Check more: Denny Ja and its inheritance: A recognized change in the world of education
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pinklett · 7 years
Could use a 2nd opinion on anthro paper
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ellabailapog0-blog · 7 years
My College Education The first class I went to in college was philosophy, and it changed my life forever. Our first assignment was to write a short response paper to the Albert Camus essay “The Myth of Sisyphus.” I was extremely nervous about the assignment as well as college. However, through all the confusion in philosophy class, many of my questions about life were answered. I entered college intending to earn a degree in engineering. I always liked the way mathematics had right and wrong answers. I understood the logic and was very good at it. So when I received my first philosophy assignment that asked me to write my interpretation of the Camus essay, I was instantly confused. What is the right way to do this assignment, I wondered? I was nervous about writing an incorrect interpretation and did not want to get my first assignment wrong. Even more troubling was that the professor refused to give us any guidelines on what he was looking for; he gave us total freedom. He simply said, “I want to see what you come up with.” Full of anxiety, I first set out to read Camus’s essay several times to make sure I really knew what was it was about. I did my best to take careful notes. Yet even after I took all these notes and knew the essay inside and out, I still did not know the right answer. What was my interpretation? I could think of a million different ways to interpret the essay, but which one was my professor looking for? In math class, I was used to examples and explanations of solutions. This assignment gave me nothing; I was completely on my own to come up with my individual interpretation. Next, when I sat down to write, the words just did not come to me. My notes and ideas were all present, but the words were lost. I decided to try every prewriting strategy I could find. I brainstormed, made idea maps, and even wrote an outline. Eventually, after a lot of stress, my ideas became more organized and the words fell on the page. I had my interpretation of “The Myth of Sisyphus,” and I had my main reasons for interpreting the essay. I remember being unsure of myself, wondering if what I was saying made sense, or if I was even on the right track. Through all the uncertainty, I continued writing the best I could. I finished the conclusion paragraph, had my spouse proofread it for errors, and turned it in the next day simply hoping for the best. Then, a week or two later, came judgment day. The professor gave our papers back to us with grades and comments. I remember feeling simultaneously afraid and eager to get the paper back in my hands. It turned out, however, that I had nothing to worry about. The professor gave me an A on the paper, and his notes suggested that I wrote an effective essay overall. He wrote that my reading of the essay was very original and that my thoughts were well organized. My relief and newfound confidence upon reading his comments could not be overstated. What I learned through this process extended well beyond how to write a college paper. I learned to be open to new challenges. I never expected to enjoy a philosophy class and always expected to be a math and science person. This class and assignment, however, gave me the self-confidence, critical-thinking skills, and courage to try a new career path. I left engineering and went on to study law and eventually became a lawyer. More important, that class and paper helped me understand education differently. Instead of seeing college as a direct stepping stone to a career, I learned to see college as a place to first learn and then seek a career or enhance an existing career. By giving me the space to express my own interpretation and to argue for my own values, my philosophy class taught me the importance of education for education’s sake. That realization continues to pay dividends every day.
Now we can easely recognize what is narrative essay and what is academic essay
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tasyacp2-blog · 7 years
First of all, I want to study at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), Jalan Scientia Boulevard, Gading Serpong, Tangerang-Banten. This universitiy was made by Kompas Gramedia. And it's like a new building university. They made the building so specific that I can't explain because it's to complicated. As far as i know, they made it with a physcis skills or so..I don't know..I'm not good at explaining buildings tho.. The reason I want to study there because, my older sister study there, and she told me that the university have a different lesson..I mean maybe it's the same lesson as the other university, but what makes it different that the teacher will give you a massive crazy homework every single day in every single different teacher for four years..and there is still an essay for the students to do in the end of their year before graduated. It's pretty hard..especially for me..because you know..haha..but there is always a good side on everything right? The good side is..you can meet a new neighborhood, a new friends, new experience that you haven't got it in your own town...but my older sister told me that..on the first year it's okay to be far from home and separated from people that we usually know at our town..but..the harder part is, when you're sick..and nobody taking care of you..you have to take care of yourself..even when you're sick..you still have to go to college and study with that fragile-not feeling well-body..because if you take an absent..you will not graduated..and the university won't allow you to take absent if you don't have a statement from hospital that you're very sick and have to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks..I know..it's crazy as hell..but..they teach us..what would you do when you're in a pressure..because when we work..the condition will be more hectic than the university..when our body accustomed with that crazy schedule..so when we have a day on the future that everybody else giving up because they can't take it..and you're standing there in the middle of them just say "I can do that..just a piece of cake..i have experienced a nasty work than this" haha..let's be real..we all have that experienced.. Okay..stop with that story..emm..at this time..I'm thingking taking a management marketing or accounting for my subject..because at this time..I like accounting and economics..everything about money especially..but I know..accounting in university will never be as easy as 123 or abc, right? But...we'll see..haha What I want to do for Indonesia after graduating? Not much..like right now..I don't have a future plans for Indonesia..we can just go follow the flow and see what's happening in the future..I mean for example Ahok..I adore him so much..because he done a lot for this country and I can't ask for a better leader for a change of this country..he use his brain, he thingking what should he do for his country...not just giving us a lot of promise that he can't keep..even sometimes the way he talk is too firm..but c'mon..we're human are not perfect..okay.. So..I think that's all..I'm sorry if I talk too much..haha..so..thankyou for whoever reading this...you have a good patience for me..haha..and I'm sorry if there any mistakes on my grammar..it's just a little me talking too much about what I felt..haha
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hairunli · 6 years
“Good morning, world! It is 9:00 am now!” Oh, I really did the thing which I talked about yesterday.  The best thing you can do is don’t need to be scared by alarms and have enough sleep. But I still felt a little bit sad because then I realized that I have many works to do. 
For today, I decided to go to the Western Photo and buy a external hard drive and a SD card reader from there. But things always cannot be what you expect. I found that today is a game day and the buses I cannot take is changed their station because of the game. I need to go to the Dinky town to take the bus. Today was also extremely hot and it is almost 90 degrees outside. Another bad thing is that I didn’t found what I want to buy in the Western Photo. The external hard drive was not the brand I prefer, and the SD card reader was expensive. When I decide to go back, I missed the bus which comes once per 30 mins. 
Things always be the counter way which you didn’t expect. For instance, when you waiting for a bus or light rail, the bus from other direction has passed several times and you still didn’t see one bus you waiting for. When you know from weather forecast that today will be rainy, the rain will always come if you didn’t bring the umbrella. And it usually doesn’t have rain if you decide to bring a umbrella. Sometimes I even thought that this is a kind of principle of nature which doesn’t discovered by experts. My explanation for it is that people may usually don’t pay attention to the situation which everything be the way as you wish. People may even think it is a normal situation. But people usually keep the bad things in their heart. But, I’m not a sociologist. I will be not going to do social surveys to prove my theories, and write a essay based on it (and I don’t think I have this kind of knowledge to do it).
Hoping every important things are run in the right way. 
09/15_2018, a hot day, UMN, USA
by Hairun Li
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hilalisler · 6 years
I write, and I teach college social justice.
Thanks to the good people at Wildness Literary, my short story “Nothing for Something” will be published in the February (2021) issue.
I’m happy to be part of the forthcoming anthology “New Moons: Contemporary Writing by North American Muslims,” edited by Kazim Ali, and out on Red Hen Press spring, 2021.
My writing has appeared in the Paris Review, Literary Hub, Catapult, Electric Literature, The Rumpus, the LA Review of Books online, and in the Believer.
I’m a 2018 Loft Mentor Series Fellow, sponsored in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. In 2019, my work was supported by the Jack Jones Literary Arts Association (where I was a Roxane Gay Fellow), and by the MacDowell Foundation. Next year, I will be in residency at Yaddo.
I can be reached by email (first.last@Gmail).
My latest essays are linked here:
Kismet (The Believer) 10/20
When in Riyadh (The Cut) 1/20
On Naguib Mahfouz, Storyteller (LA Review of Books) 11/19
A Correspondence: On the Humanity of Literature (The Rumpus) 6/19
James Baldwin, at Home in Istanbul (Lit Hub) 3/19
The Surprising Story of Eartha Kitt in Istanbul (Paris Review) 10/18
When Turkish Carpets Were Good Enough for Australia, But the People Who Made Them Were Not (Catapult) 8/18
My B.S./M.S. degrees are in ‘Cell and Molecular Biology and Genetics,’ from the University of Maryland, my doctorate is from the University of Pennsylvania. My dissertation considers the coming-of-age processes of South Asian/Muslim youth in urban environments, post 9-11.
Today, I teach in the social justice program at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis). I’ve been teaching (past posts: SAS UPenn, AsAmSt UPenn, STS RPI, AsAmSt UMN, AmSt UMN) for the last decade. I love my job, and feel lucky to do this work. 
Other Writing:
Since about 2006, I’ve been freelancing as a writer. I’ve conducted interviews and done reported pieces for magazines and newspapers here and abroad (bylines: O, the Oprah magazine, Toronto Star, Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, the Guardian, Time). For two years, I maintained a new music column for Rolling Stone India.
You can find me on Medium and Twitter (@hilalisler).
Thanks for reading.
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essie71h0557-blog · 6 years
Educational institution From Miami.
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migulsymblog · 7 years
Its highly practical for me. Only wanted to say i love reading via your blog and anticipate all of your posts! I used in order to locate Eood advice frIm your content.
If you think god didn’t require a creator, then you think nothing created your god. But by means of the present economic world, it unavoidable. Due to SSN and UMN, I can continue my generation.
AC, obviously, comes with its negative facets. The info delivered when using essay has to be accurate. First, allow me to say this is a good dialogue to be having.
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michaelmcleodblog · 7 years
There May Be Quite A Few Reasons
Its highly practical for me. Only wanted to say i love reading via your blog and anticipate all of your posts! I used in order to locate Eood advice frIm your content.
If you think god didn’t require a creator, then you think nothing created your god. But by means of the present economic world, it unavoidable. Due to SSN and UMN, I can continue my generation.
AC, obviously, comes with its negative facets. The info delivered when using essay has to be accurate. First, allow me to say this is a good dialogue to be having.
All you have to do is comprehend the fundamental principles, which will proceed a ways in assisting you to purchase your very own main home. Then you are going to know about the techniques of essay writing. The style and design seem great though! Actually, it’s considerably more so simplistic in comparison with traditional American style. We’re speaking about fall portrait fashions! Don’t worry should youn’t all have exactly the same polo shirt and khaki pants! The greens and blacks within this set will guarantee that your loved ones won’t blend in the crowd!
In prestamos sin buro the event you can’t obtain qualified for financing, you ought not waste your time checking it, trying to have an excellent rate of interest, or negotiating with the vendor for your perfect price. You could find a range of great financial loans which don’t consist of these sorts of penalties. This will guarantee your own interest does not impact your payment. Because of this, affected families are somewhat more excited, since they see an opportunity of continuing their generation.
Purchasing a house is an easy procedure, after you know a little bit about this. Prior to deciding to purchase a house, you should know of how much you are able to afford. Before deciding to try to obtain a house, it’s wise to go over your financial plan along with work out how much cash you’re able to spend on a mortgage payment. If you’ve currently buy your very own first house, you should always avoid employing any sort of house value financial loan. In every reality, purchasing a house is truly a very simple process. In regards to real estate, a lot of people don’t have plenty of encounter or know a good deal about it. There are several service businesses offering essay help.
You must never, below any sort of situations take a home collateral loan, as there are a number of other ways you might clear up your personal difficulties and never need to put in danger your home. Some problems I’m going to discussed here. I’m looking for a theme or plugin that may be in a position to correct this dilemma. We faced many problems to generate the last year Description.
Anybody who is mindful of kindly respond. This thinking was reversed. Bear in mind that these are simply a few basic ideas and there are numerous other things that you’ll need to be aware of before you decide to get your principal residence. It truly is extremely excellent for myself. A number of them are only free for a brief time period and you become charged. A number of them are rife with spelling troubles and i find it quite bothersome to distinguish the truth on the opposite hand ill definitely return again. I thought it might pair nicely with the remainder of the ingredients.
You’ll require to be knowledgeable about private home mortgage insurance policy coverage, specific financial financial loan programs, set rate and adjustable price home mortgage, in addition to some other things. Don’t forget to make the most of it this year! Solely by performing these things is it feasible to specify the next course of action that’s required for private site. Research will take a while, and you also have to give it patience. I would like a specialist on this region to unravel my problem. Well, since I always tell our customers, the most essential issue is to be comfortable.
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ryantong-blog · 7 years
Standard American argumentative essays begin with an introduction that gives a main point (thesis). The thesis is supported by a series of body paragraphs with sub-points, and the essay ends with a conclusion. Below is a visual representation of this structure, adapted from the Seattle University Writing Center; on the back is an example of the typical format for an academic paper.
This is one of the strongest quotes about argumentative essay written by the staff of UMN university 
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Carol Thompson Dissertation
Carol Thompson Dissertation
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pinklett · 5 years
Listening to christmas music instead of writing my final essays
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hairunli · 6 years
Second week is started. I needed to readjust the life which have to get up at 6:50 am. To be honest, I really don't want to get up. But my course requires me to do this. The familiar breakfast was also back. Non-fat milk with cereal. The taste didn't give me any surprise. It just tasted like normal milk and normal cereal. When consuming one thing become a habit, you will automatically consume it again and again when you in the same situation. 
The first and only class for today is the web design. We started to learn coding in HTML 5. I felt that it is much sampler than I have expected before(I hope I'm right). Doing exercise also become interesting. When seeing the code you write was displayed correctly in browser, you can feel greater sense of accomplishment than solve an algebra problem. 
Because I didn't prepare lunch for noon, I need finish my lunch by purchasing from Subway again. Sadly, they didn't have the ham I always eat. I got a roast beef sandwich in $7.99, which is more expensive than the ham one. But the tasted didn't make me feel more expensive. I always hold this kind of opinion when I consume foods. I only want to pay the food with the price that is equal value to its taste. Buying expensive food with worse taste always make me really upset for a while. I especially hate to queue for trendy foods/restaurants. I never believe that their foods worth me to spend one or two hours for getting it. 
I'm going to stop here today. I fear that I'm going to write a essay if I keep talking my sense of worth for food. 
09/10_2018, a sunny day, UMN, USA
by Hairun Li
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migulsymblog · 7 years
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If you think god didn’t require a creator, then you think nothing created your god. But by means of the present economic world, it unavoidable. Due to SSN and UMN, I can continue my generation.
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