#ukitake is just gay tho
dooptown · 1 year
Shunsui is like a bi guy who has a huge preference for women but still married a man
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archvillain · 2 years
Kyouraku and Ukitake for the character bingo please! (btw I'm absolutely in love with your Mayuri art)
omg teehee thank you for looking at it -//w//-(\ lessgooooo
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starting with the obvious:
they are so cool looking: kyoraku is hot, ok? he's just a handsome guy. he's got everything in the world going for him and i'd probably fall prey to his wiles... i do wish kubo would've made more outfits for him, though, he really looks good in everything
they work better as part of a dynamic: with ukitake, kyoraku is a wonderful character. i looooved the regai filler with the evil gay clones fighting closely in sync and checking in on each other constantly. that being said, while kyoraku can stand on his own as a character, i feel like he just does better with a straight man to riff off...
nothing i like about them is technically canon: ...which is why him letting ukitake slip through his fingers with little fanfare rubs me the wrong fucking way. i get it; kyoraku is a self-sabotaging pity party on two legs at the worst of times, & he's always scummy and a little sneaky, but damn, that would've been an excellent place for fanfare that just got passed up. -_- that was your husband, dude! you just let him die & go to hell! this would be a radically different anime if he was the main character. it'd be a LOT gayer
they are a horrible person: kyoraku's vibes are rancid, almost as bad as isshin's (but not quite). the way he seamlessly blends the trope of "embarrassingly drunk uncle who can chess you under the table" and "creep hitting on you at a bar" in a way that's somehow both charming and loveable... this guy gives me iroh vibes something fierce i wish his backup straight man waifu was not his FUCKING niece however!!! kubo's obsession with fucked up relationships makes bleach so so interesting but the way kyoraku treats her is downright insane. the way that she never even seems to know that he's her uncle... imagine finding out your scumbag man baby of a boss is actually your BLOOD RELATIVE. EUGH
(a lot of this creep factor comes from the extra-canon omake collection from color bleach. the anime goes lighter on it! which is funny, because the anime's filler is MORE incesty with diff characters than the manga in places...)
they're like a blorbo to me: ....i still wuv him tho <3 i hemmed and haw'd about "deeper than they seem" and "not as deep as they seem" but i think all his depth is basically canon text. his depth is actually something i love about him
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(climbs up the side of my soapbox with a knife in my teeth) im coming for you jushiro ukitake you son of a BITCH--
they're cool looking: he is so pretty. just getting that out of the way
they got done DIRTY by fans/everybody but me is wrong about them <3: since ukitake is basically what i'd like to call the ambassador of the bastards, the nicest cop in the regime, the poster boy for good boy did nothing wrong. he gets a reputation for being a saint. and that is both in canon and fanon! there's a LOT of angel fluff on this boy, because being the best of the worst still has to count for something? right?
wow! they are a horrible person: AND THEN THERE'S KAIEN'S DEATH. the way that ukitake stakes honor over life, the way that he lets rukia burden herself with the sole ownership of his death to the point that she feels like she deserves death for it... this man is both doing the most and also never ever doing enough. he practically orders kaien's death in the most sinister flashback, and then is never held accountable, leaving rukia to hold herself accountable instead... not to mention the way that he insists on sheltering his underlings & being kind and respectful and honorable, while coexisting like ROYAL GRADE A FREAKS like MAYURI KUROTSUCHI, and seemingly never noticing the blood on the hands of the system he upholds!!!!
wasted potential: this makes him SO INTERESTING. i wish i could crack him open and read his bones like tea leaves. his flaws make him so much more interesting than the candy floss man he tries to present himself as, but then he dies in a really predictable and unhelpful way, which is absolutely fucking tragic, but it doesn't really go anywhere.... gah!!! i have high hopes for this to change in the hell arc, but not... that high
not as deep as they seem/they got too much screen time: in spite of all of this deliciously interesting flawed material sitting seemingly just beneath the surface, ukitake then goes on to become Nice Guy: The Husband for a lot of his appearances. it's like the royal court guard squads are introduced as villains and then becomes the protag cast, and their war crimes are just like... funny. cute. the murders were justified in fact ect. kubo loves the deaths actually. i'm starting to sound like a broken record here: the first arc of the gotei is heinously interesting, but after that bleach loses a lot of steam in general. the blorboification of the gotei did almost every one of them a massive disservice to their complexity, as bleach moved from a story to a serialized performance. i know a lot of this is in fact the pressure of kubo's studio's fault, but it still is tragic
i'm mentally ill about them: ^^^^
they're like a blorbo to me: in spite of all of this i really do like him. he's cute. i like watching him do things on screen even if his flaws got lost in the gotei's move from "flawed military institution we must fight" to "it's fine they were just a little confused we love them now!!". like, what was THAT about
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phantomqueen · 7 years
gimme that Rukia Content
Why I like them
i like that shes very brave & cares a lot abt her friends. i like that she’s cool & collected but also occasionally brash. and i relate a lot to her insecurities & being sort of..closed off
Why I don’t
???? cant compute this question
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
all the eps of her fight with um Two Balls In A Jar i cant spell his name im sorry the espada who pretended to be kaien. anyway, those parts made me literally cry
also my gay ass just really likes the scene where she comforts orihime after urahara tells orihime she cant fight 
Favorite season/movie
the fav episodes i just mentioned were in the first(?) part(?) of the arrancar arc (which was technically…3-4 arcs? god i hate bleach), but that arc as a whole felt flat to me, so: the very first arc. i really loved seeing her running around the human world
Favorite line
“I remembered where the heart lies. What’s inside you is indeed Kaien’s spirit body, but… Kaien is not there… Kaien… left his heart with me!” remember how i mentioned those episodes made me cry
Favorite outfit
i…..like none of her actual outfits. she looked cute in the karakura school uniform tho
rukihime. my hobby is having impossible femslash dreams
renji & ichigo
ukitake is more…a mentor or at least a…healthier older authority figure than a bro but he also counts
Head Canon
i can Very Strongly see her wearing clothes from uniqlo. like they’re plain and simple, baggy & comfortable but also elegant at the same time
Unpopular opinion
i…dont like her relationship w byakuya after the soul society arc? or rather, i feel like it couldve used more development. A Lot more development.
A wish
kinda wanna see her suplexing renji and/or ichigo. not for malicious reasons but just like, training shenanigans i guess. im gonna draw it
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
(looks at manga ending) i mean
5 words to best describe them
uhh cute! (my) hero! secretly goofy! 
My nickname for them
lmao i dont have one? i call her my gorl a lot tho
wow this took me 300 years
((gimme a character))
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