#ufc Richmond
veryace-ficrecs · 10 months
Trent/Ted Lasso Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)  
Part 2 here
if the years are all gone by marcaskane (commanderdameron) - Rated T
Nearly two decades before Rebecca Welton hires Ted Lasso as AFC Richmond's new manager, Trent Crimm spends a semester abroad in the midwestern United States. Everything unfolds a little bit differently from there. 
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered by mardia - Rated E
Ted Lasso: Schrodinger's Witch.
Or, the one where AFC Richmond are leading the Premier League table, and Trent Crimm and the rest of the British press are slowly losing their minds as a result.
 i don't joke about crushing balls by orphan_account - Rated T
The sight is so bizarre, so out of place that for a minute, Roy’s not sure what he’s looking at. Trent (Crimm, the Independent) looks just as shocked as Roy feels. He’s wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, stupid hair ridiculously mussed, and he’s holding a mug of steaming coffee. 
turn and face the strange by rockinhamburger - Rated M
Trent is writing a book, so he's in the room, generally, whilst [AFC Richmond's magical season] fucking happens. 
The Hair and the Whole Vibe by TheWitchsCat - Not Rated
Ted notices Trent Crimm's hair and it's all downhill from there. An exploration of their relationship as it moves from casual to not. Romance and pining and fluff and soft smut for these sweet boys. 
'cause all i want to do is by punk_rock_yuppie - Rated T
Trent didn’t even pause to say good morning, which has become an indelible part of their morning routine (if you ask Ted) since he joined Richmond under the guise of writing a tell-all book.
Clearly, something is very wrong
orange marmalade by arrowxsun - Rated T
or: Trent Crimm comes home to find Ted Lasso waiting for him
“Sorry I’m late mum, traffic was hell and—oh”
Ted Lasso was right in front of him, wearing the apron Trent’s mum got him for Christmas. Trent couldn’t tear his eyes away.
“You’re not my mum” he said.
Wow. That was. Wow. He was a writer, a pretty renowned one for fuck’s sake, couldn’t he come up with something better?
Today wasn’t really Trent Crimm’s day.
Ted Lasso smiling at him like that sure wasn’t helping.
Pen Names and Pining by I_wouldnt_be_one_of_them - Rated M
Trent is a fan of cosy mystery novels. His favorite author is Dora Lariat, a Midwestern American who has recently moved to London and writes themes ranging from baking to football. For some reason Ted Lasso seems very interested by this fact. 
semaphore by trentcrimminallybeautiful (biDEMONium) - Rated T
Four bracelets and thirteen mugs later, Colin might have finally gotten the hint. Because it was directly pointed out by a crowd of himbos, but you know, still! We got there! Right?! Right?! 
PRE-ORDER NOW by spqr - Rated M
“I can’t send this to the publisher,” his agent announces, before Trent can even say hello. “Are you serious, Trent? If this is some sort of joke, I don’t get it—”
“It’s not a joke,” he says levelly, pouring himself a second scotch. “I’m being professional, that’s all. If I wrote a book about my mother I’d have to disclose she was my mother.”
 “Interestingly, the identity of your mother would not fetch quite so many headlines as you being in hopeless gay love with a Premier League manager—”
“No need for the ‘gay’ part,” Trent tells her. “Just ‘hopeless love’ will do, thanks.”
Lies, Damned Lies, and Lies to Journalists by gutterandthestars - Rated T
"It’s bad," says Rebecca, "because Trent Crimm is a very good journalist and knows you just bullshitted him right to his face. Which means..."
“He doesn’t believe I had food poisoning?”
“That’s highly likely,” agrees Rebecca. “And that means….”
“Means you’re fucked,” says Roy, appearing in the doorway. “Because now he’s not writing a story that reads ‘Richmond Coach Shits Himself’, he’s investigating a story he assumes is so embarrassing it’s worth your while to try and cover it up by pretending you shit yourself. And since that is already pretty fucking embarrassing, he’s thinks he’s onto something big.”
A little exploration of how this could have panned out, and why. With eventual kissing!
Season 2 Episode 9 comes on on Friday - I'm clutching my emotions tightly.
A day in the life by GrantaireandHisBottle - Rated T
‘I saw you with a man bun once, it really suits ya. Your hair in general is very nice but the man bun is twelve out of ten. Just saying!’
Trent blinks. ‘Thank you?’
‘You’re welcome,’ the golden retriever personification in Lasso nods and walks back to his own desk. Trent casts a glance at Beard’s empty chair, almost hoping to see some silent explanation of what the hell this was about.
Drawn Sunflowers by ItsClydeBitches - Rated T
This just in, his mind whispered, tone both exacerbated and snide. Local ex-journalist enamored with middle-aged man writing in a journal. Can his life get any more pathetic? Tune in at 11:00 to find out!
Fuck, but he shouldn’t have drank last night. Coming out to Colin had been bad enough. Pairing that with alcohol, mere hours before he’d spend the day in an enclosed space with Ted Lasso, was stupidity, plain and simple.
Still, nothing to do but shoulder ahead. So Trent cleared his throat, wincing at how rough his voice was.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Boxes by BrilliantlyHorrid - Rated T
“Excuse me, Coach Lasso, could I have a word?” Trent asked, tamping down the butterflies in his belly as Ted Lasso gave him his full attention.
Ted put his thumb and pointer finger under his chin for a moment thoughtfully before snapping his fingers and pointing at Trent.
Takes place after 3x07
Colin and Trent come out to the team. It goes well but things get weird.
off the handle by trentcrimminallybeautiful (biDEMONium) - Rated T   
Ted lets himself be angry, kisses the man of his dreams, accidentally makes said man of his dreams cry, acquires a boyfriend, and smashes some shit with Trent Crimm in a parking lot at 3 am. Not in that order. No one ask where Coach Beard got those mugs.
(The man of his dreams, the acquired boyfriend, and Trent Crimm all happen to be the same person. This is a surprise to no one but Ted and Trent Crimm himself.)
Tasteful Treasures by speccygeekgrrl - Rated G
Trent hoards the myriad facts he's learned about Ted safely in his mind, where no one can see just how deep his fascination runs. Those facts spawn theories, including one that Trent puts to the test: how much of Ted's hatred of tea is because no one's bothered to dress it up to his taste? 
 i'll lend it to you if you treat it tenderly by premortem - Rated T
“I knew,” Trent began cautiously, “that after the… incident, the one I stitched together on that godforsaken flash drive, that the sign had to have been carefully repaired and hung back up very deliberately to keep anyone from finding out what had happened. I knew that it worked for months, which probably required someone keeping an eye on it to make sure one half wasn’t slipping. I knew that someone had to have already known the sign was torn in order to put it back up, and I knew that you didn’t react with as much shock or hurt as I’d expected when we showed you the tapes.”
Ted’s eyes refused to meet his. They were focused on a spot of sauce on the floor, which he was scraping at with the toe of his sneaker as if that could fix the blemish. It was nothing short of painful to watch Ted fold into himself like this. But Trent had committed almost all the way to this confrontation; at this point, he had no choice but to drop the other shoe and get it over with.
“And I, um. I saw the security footage of you spending hours to make sure it seemed perfect,” he finished with a shuddered exhale.  “Would you like to comment?”
The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret by laiqualaurelote - Rated T
“Ted,” he says, mouth dry.
“Trent,” says Ted.
“Is this a date?” says Trent stupidly.
“Trent Crimm, bringing that heat.” Ted still hasn’t withdrawn his hand.
They’re standing in the street outside Ted’s flat where any tosser in Richmond could gawk at them. Trent hasn’t blanked so hard since his first press conference at Man United, where Alex Ferguson insulted his hair. His mouth, trained by years of journalistic habit, says on autopilot: “Follow-up question.”
In 48 hours, Trent Crimm lands a scoop, implodes his career and makes some drastic life decisions. And then there's the aftermath. And Ted, of course.
Winning Over Journalists by PrincessAmonRae - Rated G
"I violated journalistic integrity."
"Not why you resigned, I know that part, I meant why did you violate journalistic integrity?" Trent is briefly flummoxed and muses on the fact that this has turned into a true role reversal. "You're a good journalist Trent and you wouldn't have tossed that away for nothing. Not just outta respect."
"Well fuck." Trent reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose before resigning himself to the embarrassment he is about to endure. "I had hoped your stubborn American politeness would have allowed us to dance around this issue."
All the Time in the World by one_true_houselight - Rated T
Ted has a heart attack, and Trent is the only one there.
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kittythelitter · 1 year
I don't want them to continue Ted Lasso past the point it was supposed to be. But. I would KILL for a spinoff about the Richmond Women's Team and them fighting to get recognized and supported the way the men's team is.
Imagine a show where it's like. Yes. These women are fighting for respect. And holy shit was that Dani walking by in the background.
It's so frustrating playing for a mainly empty stadium, but what's that? The entire men's Richmond team is in the stand cheering these ladies on!!!
Also. Lesbians. Because what would women's sports be without lesbians.
And just. All these little Easter eggs about how all our favorite Ted Lasso characters are doing without centering them. Instead, this time, we're centering a whole new set of characters who are mainly women.
Extra points if Shannon is involved.
Obviously my perspective on women's sports comes from the US so idk how much of this is relevant in the UK but I'm pretty sure in most places women's sports are underappreciated in comparison to men's.
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rodricksfilipinagf · 1 year
Lust Conquers All: A Holiday Romcom (Jamie Tartt x Reader) Part 1
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       “Y/N, I need you to cover the Diwata sports line in London.”
        Never have more shocking and exciting news been uttered by my boss. Ever since my sophomore year of high school, I’ve been dying to study abroad in Europe. Unfortunately it never came into fruition, with living expenses being a thing to consider.
        “I thought Jana was going,” I say in shock.
        “Jana needs to handle the clothing line’s main launch in New York. You’ll be there about a month or so. I hope you don’t mind spending the holidays there if you have to.”
        “Yeah, no, for sure,” I say. I usually spend Christmas alone anyway, in front of a Netflix Christmas romcom. Year by year they were getting worse. More soulless. More going through the motions. But ever since I adopted my son Tristan I haven’t been so lonely. Especially since he has friends over a lot. He’s introduced me to a lot of new things, such as Naruto, “cracked” being a compliment, and hilarious kids’ graphic novels.
        Any normal 24-year-old would probably feel constrained by the responsibilities of having a 10 year old son, but I want to use my newfound wealth to provide for someone that I love, and give him a good life. Our house has a pool in the backyard like I’ve always wanted for myself, and come fall it will have a trampoline. It has not one but TWO cushy basements for playdates. And the kitchen has- get this- an island. I know!!! Only rich people have islands, and whenever he does his homework at it, I know how grateful he is.
        My wonderful son has jet black hair with a constantly shifting top layer, color-wise- right now it’s platinum but he’s been wanting purple since Halloween. He has a heart-shaped face, perceptive brown eyes, and the sweetest angel smile. I only had to experience his energy and zest for life, as well as the taste of a picky book critic with good taste, to know that I would be a great parent for him. We’re very attuned to each other’s feelings, so I let him delay homework for fifteen minutes to think by himself after an upsetting day because he needs it, and he tries his best not to use sarcasm with me unless I can tell. And even though he has beautiful tanned Mediterranean skin from being half- Italian, he has not one drop of Filipino blood.
        Is it awkward when people don’t immediately think we’re related? Kinda. I always wear my Hermes Birkin, my Cartier jewelry, my pink lace Burberry trench when I take him to the Asian grocery store or to the trampoline park with his friends. It keeps people guessing. It might not scream, “this kid that looks nothing like me is my son!!!” but it does scream, “I’m not this kid’s nanny cause I can afford all these! At the same time!!!”
        “It’s okay,” Tristan says after I break the London news to him. He helps chop vegetables I hope he’ll eat for dinner.
        “Really?” I ask. “But you’ve been practicing for your band concert for months…”
        “Yeah, but this is ENGLAND,” he points out. “Can we see a Manchester United game?” He slides the cutting board over to me, and I slide them into the soup.
        “Maybe during the weekend,” I say. “People go to France during weekends too. So it’s definitely possible.”
        “Jeremy’s going to miss me,” he declares. “I’m his best friend and he’s never hung out with the guys without me.”
        “You should make sure they bond more before you go,” I suggest. “Invite them over for We Were Never Really Strangers: Kids Edition.”
        “We do like card games,” he muses thoughtfully. “We were playing mini Uno the other day and half the window side joined until we had to go to lunch.”
        “There you go,” I say. “I’ll be working with a soccer team for the campaign- maybe you know them…UFC Richmond?”
        He shrugs. “I guess. Man U’s still my favorite, though.”
        Plane rides always gave me this feeling of purpose- of life moving ahead, because you were going somewhere. After this trip, I would be one step closer to being promoted to CMO. Then my son and I can live even more lavishly, and I can take him and one friend (he’ll probably pick Jeremy) to Bora Bora, possibly with an au pair, so I can also have relaxing spa days, sun worship in ray warmed water, and go to karaoke, and I know they’ll be safe.
        As Tristan snoozes comfortably in his cushy first class seat next to mine, I flip through one of the London travel magazines to rest my eyes from Sense and Sensibility with Dakota Johnson- I love the blonde and people should have more respect for her feelings- her sister????) There’s a photo of Big Ben towering in the evening sky, surrounded by twinkling city lights. I wonder if you can see London from up in the sky like you could see New York.
        On the next page, there’s an ad featuring a manspreading guy against a white background that I’m pretty sure is fully naked, except for a gigantic champagne bottle covering his crotch area. The liquid from the bottle fizzes out, covering the surrounding areas too, so I can only see from very well-cut abs up and toned thighs down.
        Damn. I knew France was mega-horny about ads sometimes- a lot of the time- but England? I’d always thought they were more on the conservative side. Mostly from teen romcoms in which the wild, free-spirited, quirky American girl sticks out in…government functions and/or a strict boarding school. Maybe I should update my references. Sex Education literally had a vagina musical. I watched it after my son went to sleep, along with every other steamy show I like.
        And speaking of steam...I can’t remember the last time I flirted with a hot guy. Maybe this month I’ll meet someone and have a holiday fling…I shake off the thought. I’ll be too busy running a marketing campaign, not to mention getting my kid adjusted to a whole new country. Speaking of which, if London has a Filipinotown or Little Manila, I’m so taking him. Wouldn’t it be so cool to have these castle-like structures have our flag or our words or Baybain on the awnings?
        I study the picture again. Or it could be a good place for a date. I probably won’t meet a guy like this. He’s probably a male model or something. My agency really wants the players themselves to model for authenticity and…ethos. This guy has a slit in his right eyebrow that I could take or leave, and eyes that look not traditionally seductive. Though he’s splayed naked, the look in his eyes is brash, challenging, aggressive. As if he dares you to come for him (in more ways than one.)
        Yeah, I could really use some hot, no strings attached sex. I don’t think my personality will morph into one where I’m comfortable chatting up strangers in clubs (surrounded by people they already know) but maybe I’ll have one of those meet cutes I always see in romcoms. Maybe I’ll ask people at the London office about cool, non-touristy places to go. But I can’t tear my eyes away from the ad. I take a pic of it on my phone. Maybe my coworkers used him in their ads too and can do so again this month, and I can “randomly” stop by.
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❝ Will Welton dearly loved his older sister, but he’d never exactly endeavoured to work for her. Then again, he didn’t suppose Rebecca had ever endeavoured to have her rat bastard of a husband cheat on her with about a million different women and then to take over his football club and manage it with very little help, and also his sister was very bossy and he’d never been the best at refusing her. As such, when Rebecca had taken over UFC Richmond and asked him to become the new head of the team’s PR department, he had agreed, completely ditching his stable, well-paying job at a PR firm to work for inconsistent money at a failing football club, purely for the sake of sibling love.
Another thing Will hadn’t exactly been expecting was the hiring of Ted Lasso. Granted, he was terribly glad that Rebecca had fired Richmond’s old coach, that homophobic perverted dickhead, but he did have to question his sister’s judgement in hiring an American man who knew next to nothing about European football to coach a team that was already close to relegation, no matter how sweet and optimistic he was. Add on the fact that Rupert, her ex-husband, kept popping up just to be an asshole and that Richmond’s star player was an arrogant little prick who was antagonizing and isolating his teammates, and Will was left with a PR nightmare on his hands and an ever-growing suspicion that his sister was actively trying to sabotage herself.
Amid all of this chaos, though, Will finds himself striking up a friendship with Ted, whose unflappable cheerfulness and delectable biscuits are endearing like nothing Will has seen in another human before. But Will, who has had exactly one long-term relationship with a man since he came out at twenty-four and has an unfortunate history of developing feelings for straight men, is determined not to let his feelings for Ted, who is so painfully straight it’s not funny, be anything beyond strictly platonic.
Of course, nothing in Will’s life has been as he expected since Rebecca took over Richmond. Why should this? ❞
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General Taglist:@hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski, @luucypevensie, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @ocappreciation.
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news247planet · 11 days
#NASCAR #right #Sports Did NASCAR make the fitting calls firstly and the top of the race at Richmond? https://news247planet.com/?p=843980
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mikealisalan · 6 years
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WWE RAW last night was so much fun!! Loved hanging out with everyone ! Rowdy Ronda Rousey was too sweet!!
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sbsclothing · 7 years
Team member Steven The Gremlin Gruber dominating first-round TKO finish @ conquer Fighting Championship 4 this kid is an animal!!! #sbsclothing#stereotypebysociety#stevengruber#TheGremlin#conquerfightingchampionships#conquer4#mma#mmafighters#mmaforlife#UFC#bellator#love#friends#fightsport#firstround#TKO#muaythai#kikboxing#boxing#bjj#mixedmartialarts#killer#videooftheday#mmalifestyle#placerville#richmond#california
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champcreed · 7 years
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📲 PODCAST ALERT 🚨 .... Check out my boy @mr.pearman_sr aka MIKE KNOXXX with his recap of the MayMac Tour as he sets the table for @1340amfoxsports on our road to #mayweathermcgregor #fs1 #foxsports #espn #boxing #washingtondc #baltimore #DMV #richmond #mma #ufc #hiphop #brooklyn #bjj #tapout
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tomhardyitalia · 5 years
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Ig @royalmarinesjiujitsu
Pic di ieri 20/02/2019
A REORG in Richmond! Hoofing to spend the day with our Head Ambassador @tomhardy @carlos.santos.90410 @mrbagandtag @trentscanlen @markormrod @juniour_mcilhiney and the rest of the guys at @richmondfitnessclub @rogergracierichmond REORG Foundation Gis matching some of the environments we operate in! aJunglea aArctica & aBlack Opsa Link in bio ai
Available worldwide Link in bio ai You can join the mission and help support REORG Jiu Jitsu Foundation! Go to www.tatamifightwear.com The full range of REORG kit is available produced by Tatami Fightwear! Proceeds of the REORG Range directly support the REORG Jiu Jitsu Foundation through Tatami Fightwear. If youare a Veteran and would like to get involved in Jiu Jitsu please message REORG directly @royalmarinesjiujitsu #reorg #royalmarinescharity #royalmarinesbjj #ufc #royalmarinescommando #bjj #jiujitsu #bjjlifestyle #jiujitsulifestyle #wedefyfoundation #military #militaryjiujitsu #vetransjiujitsu #mentalhealth #combatstress #ptsd #commando #greenberet #rvn #tomhardy #bjjbrownbelt #bjjgi
@jimmy_phoenix_mma @tatamifightwear @wedefyfoundation
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willbpropractice · 2 years
Entry 1 - About Me
Brief Background
My name is William Bolch and I am a 21-year old sports business student studying at Holmesglen Institute that is always striving for greatness. I came into the degree following the completion of a dual diploma in event management and sports development where I received the dean's award for my academic success. 2020 was an iffy year for me, 2021 I started to find myself and 2022 is the year that I become my true self. 
Sports Interests
I am a passionate sporting fan and have participated in many sports throughout the duration of my life so far including basketball, tennis, volleyball, futsal, AFL, indoor cricket and hockey. I follow many different teams across different leagues including Richmond (AFL), Melbourne Storm (NRL), Melbourne Victory (A-League), Melbourne United (NBL), LA Clippers (NBA), Melbourne Stars (BBL) and Chelsea (EPL). I am also a fan of the UFC where some of my favourite fighters are Conor McGregor, Chan Sung Jung (The Korean Zombie) and Alexander Volkanovski. 
Pictured Below: Me with UFC Featherweight Champion, Alex Volkanovski
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Work Experience
In my junior years, I held careers in the fast-food industry working at both McDonalds and KFC however both of those commitments were fairly short-lived due to different circumstances. I then took some time off from work to focus on my studies in order to realise the person I truly wanted to become. In recent years I have volunteered at many different events including running events with Sole Motive, AFL testing events with Rookie Me and gamedays at Melbourne United. In my second year of studies, I also completed two internships with SportsHosts where I was a UFC content creator and SportsMate where I wrote approximately 100 pieces for their ‘Footy Live’ app. In recent months I have commenced multiple opportunities including being the gameday and training manager at my local football club in addition to being the reserves team assistant coach and team manager. At my local cricket club, I am also a gameday assistant. At the beginning of 2022, I worked at the Australian Open which was incredibly exciting and I am currently in dealings about more opportunities in the future. 
Pictured below: William Bolch working at the Australian Open in 2022
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Career Ambitions
I think that I have too many career aspirations and have too much I want to accomplish for my own good. Working in America and the UK (particularly in America) are massive ambitions of mine. I ideally want to work in a major sporting league or for a major sporting team as I have always been drawn to the glitz and glamour of the big leagues including the NBA, UFC and Premier League. Sporting personalities that inspire me are Dana White who is the president of the UFC and Eddie Hearn who is a British promoter of both boxing and darts. 
Pictured below: UFC President Dana White (left) and Chairman of Matchroom Boxing, Eddie Hearn (right)
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(Fight Sports, 2019)
Study Performance to Date
I consider my study performance to date impressive as I have achieved great results and have featured in what I like to call the ‘90 club’ multiple times. I have also worked well across a range of means of assessment including essays, reports, presentations and portfolios in addition to seeing success in both individual and group assessments.
Pictured below: The front cover to a presentation I conducted on the sponsorship partnership between Kei Nishikori and Uniqlo
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Areas to improve
In terms of my Holmesglen life, there are three main areas I want to improve in. The first is essays and reports as they have generally been the assessments that I haven’t blossomed in compared to presentations and portfolios. Secondly is my digital media skills, mainly Photoshop and Premiere Pro as these are important functions and applications yet were hard to learn whilst the majority of those classes were in lockdown. Finally, I want to practice enjoying myself and my time. For the longest time, I would think I have to be friends with everyone but now I know this is not the case at all. I definitely have to respect and will continue to respect others but I only need to give my full effort and friendship to those that return it. 
Aspirations and expectations for this subject
If I am being transparent, I thought this assessment would be a bit boring however, so far (a week in) I have thoroughly enjoyed this subject as it involves real-world issues and solutions that have an immediate impact on my life. I also enjoy subjects that involve personal development as I strongly believe in always trying to better myself in addition to always striving to become the best version of myself. I aspire to give this subject my all and take in and apply all the lessons that are being taught.
Pictured below: Me celebrating an NBL Grand Final win with my friend Ben
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Aspirations and expectations for the internship
In the internship, I am expecting to give my best and demonstrate all the skills that I have learned during my time so far at Holmesglen. I also expect the person/organisation that is hosting my internship to help me grow and let my talents shine whilst also teaching me valuable lessons. I aspire for the internship to be something that is not only enjoyable but something that I can be proud of when I reflect on my time at Holmesglen. 
Fight Sports. (2019). Eddie Hearn explains photo with Dana White. https://www.fightsports.tv/eddie-hearn-explains-photo-with-dana-white/. 
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goldaprolegal · 2 years
Perks of learning MMA Richmond
When most people hear the term "Mixed Martial Arts" or "MMA Richmond," they envision UFC fighters battling inside a cage. But there is another side to this art...the average guy or gal who trains at the local MMA gym. This student may not aspire to be the next Bellator champion, but he recognises the tremendous benefits of training in Mixed Martial Arts.
Benefits of learning MMA 
The ability to carry out realistic self-defense techniques with greater speed, accuracy, and force. Learning MMA doesn’t mean you will kick around hurting everybody. It is a way to train your body in a certain way so that it can tackle every odd circumstance. 
Depending on the style used, you can expect to see increased upper and lower body strength. Increased core strength, first and foremost.
When a student goes to jiu jitsu classes london they get increased range of mobility in every muscle.
Many techniques necessitate a high level of balance. The more a student uses these techniques in jiu jutsu classes London, the better his or her balance will become.
The ability to control one's breathing, remain calm under stress, and concentrate on one's goal As the month progresses, train for longer and with greater intensity. It increases the trainer's stamina.
Martial arts, like many other forms of exercise, is excellent for stress relief. One advantage of martial arts over the gym or working out alone is the human connection; you're usually training alongside new friends, which feels good.
Martial arts necessitates your undivided attention. To have a productive training session, you must be "in the moment." This type of practice extends to other daily activities (driving, conversing, exercising, having dinner with friends, etc.). Experts recommend little children to learn and practice MMA, as it helps to study them better.Martial arts training is a full-body workout with unusual and unpredictable physical requirements... As a result, you will be exhausted after class and will sleep like a baby. And who doesn’t know, a good sleep means a good start for the next day.
Obviously, learning and practising martial arts techniques will improve your skills. Hopefully, you can see the numerous advantages of learning and practising Mixed Martial Arts. Whether you want to be a champion on the mat or in the cage, or you just want to improve your quality of life, a great martial arts school can provide you with a lot of growth and experience.
As you have already guessed, mma is not something you can do while sitting at home. Like every other martial art, MMA also needs a lot of dedication and handwork. Which burns out your calories way faster than any cardio exercises. So if you think that lately you have put on some weight, you must take an MMA lesson.
All of the above mentioned points implies that if your kid is pro-active then taking them and enrolling their name in MMA Richmond lessons harness their energy to a right direction. 
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williambolchaboutme · 3 years
About Me
Name: William Bolch
Age: 21
Previous Study: Event Management/Sports Development (Holmesglen)
My Interests: Majority of my interests revolve around sport wether that be playing, watching or writing on it. I also enjoy watching movies with my chromecast being one of my best purchases in recent times. I also love hanging out with my friends and geting around bowling alley’s and pool bars. I’ve also started to take up running having completed my first 10km a few months ago. 
Sports I Play: I play football for the Masala Dandenong Football Club where I consider myself to be a Utility that can play any position. I also play tennis on Monday and Tuesday nights at the Wheelers Hill Tennis Club. I play futsal on Sunday nights for the LTS Old Boys and I also recently participated in a 10km race and look to do so again on Sunday, November 28.
Sports I follow: I follow many different teams across different leagues including Richmond (AFL), Melbourne Storm (NRL), Melbourne Victory (A-League), Melbourne United (NBL), LA Clippers (NBA), Melbourne Stars (BBL) and Chelsea (EPL). I am also a fan of the UFC where some of my favourite fighters are Conor McGregor, Chan Sung Jung (The Korean Zombie) and Alexander Volkanovski. 
Family and Friends: I live with my sister and my mum, my dad lives a little over an hour away and I see him every fortnight. I love hanging out with my friends and when we do sport is generally featured whether that is playing or watching.
Unique or Interesting Talents: I don’t have any real unique or interesting talents however I consider myself to be a bit of a funny dude who is always great at giving speeches (when he has time to prepare them).
Memorable Moments (Whilst at Holmesglen): During my dual diploma I loved being a part of a team that put together an intervarsity futsal competition. I also enjoyed our week away in Eildon. We had lots of fun activities, helped out a lot of schools and I also got to bunk with one of my best mates.
During my Bachelor’s degree, my best memories have been spending time with my classmates at Chaddy having good food and a shop. My favourite memory however is having two of my favourite classmates who are two of my best friends (one being more a uni acquaintance) come out to celebrate my 21st birthday with the rest of my friends and family.
Memorable Moments: I don’t necessarily have any moments that stand out as memorable in my life but my 21st birthday week was great as I got to spend the week with all of my different friends culminating in fish and chips with one of my best friends whilst watching the footy on a computer screen. 
Secondary school was also an incredibly exciting time for me as I took up many different titles of leadership including public speaking captaincies, debating captaincies, social justice captaincies, SRC leadership and house captaincies. I was also awarded different titles for my leadreships but more importantly I was able to form lifelong friendships.
What makes me tick: I get my tick by being good to people and by being around good people. I love hanging out with my mates wether we’re watching a game or taking in a movie. I also want to be the best version of myself all the time with the knowledge that I should learn like I will live forever and live like I could die tomorrow.
My Inspirations: I have many different inspirations in my life with the main two being Charlie Rocket and Conor McGregor (before he went a bit evil). Charlie Rocket is an incredible person in my eyes and although his messages can sometimes come off as extremely cheesy he has a great story and loves helping people which is elite. I also love Conor McGregor and how he completely changed the fight game. I also admire how he was super persistent in completing his mission and never giving up on his dreams.  
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sportsponsorship · 3 years
About Me
Name: William Bolch
Age: 21
Previous Study: Event Management/Sports Development (Holmesglen)
My Interests: Majority of my interests revolve around sport wether that be playing, watching or writing on it. I also enjoy watching movies with my chromecast being one of my best purchases in recent times. I also love hanging out with my friends and getting around bowling alley’s and pool bars. I’ve also started to take up running having completed my first 10km a few months ago. 
Sports I Play: I play football for the Masala Dandenong Football Club where I consider myself to be a Utility that can play any position. I also play tennis on Monday and Tuesday nights at the Wheelers Hill Tennis Club. I play futsal on Sunday nights for the LTS Old Boys and I also recently participated in a 10km race and look to do so again on Sunday, November 28.
Sports I follow: I follow many different teams across different leagues including Richmond (AFL), Melbourne Storm (NRL), Melbourne Victory (A-League), Melbourne United (NBL), LA Clippers (NBA), Melbourne Stars (BBL) and Chelsea (EPL). I am also a fan of the UFC where some of my favourite fighters are Conor McGregor, Chan Sung Jung (The Korean Zombie) and Alexander Volkanovski. 
Family and Friends: I live with my sister and my mum, my dad lives a little over an hour away and I see him every fortnight. I love hanging out with my friends and when we do sport is generally featured whether that is playing or watching.
Unique or Interesting Talents: I don’t have any real unique or interesting talents however I consider myself to be a bit of a funny dude who is always great at giving speeches (when he has time to prepare them).
Memorable Moments (Whilst at Holmesglen): During my dual diploma I loved being a part of a team that put together an intervarsity futsal competition. I also enjoyed our week away in Eildon. We had lots of fun activities, helped out a lot of schools and I also got to bunk with one of my best mates.
During my Bachelor’s degree, my best memories have been spending time with my classmates at Chaddy having good food and a shop. My favourite memory however is having two of my favourite classmates who are two of my best friends (one being more a uni acquaintance) come out to celebrate my 21st birthday with the rest of my friends and family.
Memorable Moments: I don’t necessarily have any moments that stand out as memorable in my life but my 21st birthday week was great as I got to spend the week with all of my different friends culminating in fish and chips with one of my best friends whilst watching the footy on a computer screen. 
Secondary school was also an incredibly exciting time for me as I took up many different titles of leadership including public speaking captaincies, debating captaincies, social justice captaincies, SRC leadership and house captaincies. I was also awarded different titles for my leaderships but more importantly I was able to form lifelong friendships.
What makes me tick: I get my tick by being good to people and by being around good people. I love hanging out with my mates wether we’re watching a game or taking in a movie. I also want to be the best version of myself all the time with the knowledge that I should learn like I will live forever and live like I could die tomorrow.
My Inspirations: I have many different inspirations in my life with the main two being Charlie Rocket and Conor McGregor (before he went a bit evil). Charlie Rocket is an incredible person in my eyes and although his messages can sometimes come off as extremely cheesy he has a great story and loves helping people which is elite. I also love Conor McGregor and how he completely changed the fight game. I also admire how he was super persistent in completing his mission and never giving up on his dreams.  
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dfwafasfsd · 3 years
The voice was no more than a whisper
If GIGABYTE had release the G1 Killer series of motherboards in the Intel P67 chipset I think it would have been a better move on their part. Not overbearingly pissed, cuz it just a purse, but still.. Others skittered off Drogon’s scales, lodged between them, or tore through the membrane of his wings. The voice was no more than a whisper, yet somehow Dany felt that he was walking just behind her. When he asked for paper, quill, and ink, Therry brought them the next day. Take a tree perhaps as we have all seen them get bent over by the wind and then straighten up afterwords. They are there received by an attentive nurse, who has an assortment of medicine, additional bed-clothing, and the command of as much light food as she may require, either from the table or the store-room of the proprietor. It has a range of 200 kilometers, or about 124 miles. Some nice soft porridge, would you like that? Perhaps a pease pie laced with bacon. Tell them simply, and don’t keep anything back. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.. Some were topped with great domes of colored glass. The second was not on, but you never know what fielders are liable to do under such pressure situations. Even the editors of professedly religious papers cheer on the mêlée, and sing the triumphs of the victor. The recipe will appear in your "All" folder within your Recipe Box. Women on the labour bed pendientes bulgari preciowill never be a pretty sight, most images that the husband/boyfriend sees of there beautiful wives or companions are like that of a drowned rat or a cockroach on its back fighting for survival to get through the agony. Hairstylists charge a premium for the traditional up do. Recyclers are required to keep records of copper and aluminum sales other than cans, thanks to a state law passed last summer. Great was the lore that raised it, and great the spells locked beneath its ice.. The three Dornishmen broke their fast in the predawn chill—a simple meal of fruit and bread and cheese, washed down with goat milk. To top it off, there
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sharepal · 3 years
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PS4 Games Every Player should try once
While gaming on mobile or PC is cheaper, console gaming is still quite expensive in India. The cost of a console is a one-time investment, but one has to shell out a lot of money to buy and play games. The price of new titles for PS4 games starts at Rs 3999. While sports game titles like FIFA, NFS, & UFC can be played often, other story-mode games like Last of Us, Ghost of Tsushima are playable only once. So spending Rs 4000 on every title doesn’t make sense. SharePal offers a vast library of PS4 games on rent in Bangalore at an affordable cost. SharePal offers all categories of PS4 games on rent on a daily, weekly & monthly basis. PS4 Games rental in Bangalore You can rent PS4 games at SharePal easily. All you need to do is select your favorite PS4 game, choose your rental duration, and checkout. We provide doorstep delivery & pick-up service across Bangalore. So the next time you have an urge to play the latest title, don’t buy, instead just rent, play & return. Sharepal offers PS4 games on rent across Bangalore and covers BTM Layout, Electronic City, Mahadevapura, HSR Layout, Marathahalli, Koramangala, Akshaya Nagar, Jalahalli, Indiranagar, Rajajinagar, Whitefield, New Thippasandra, AECS Layout, Kundalahalli, Sanjay Nagar, Richmond Town, Hebbagodi, Yelahanka, Ayyappa Nagar, K R Puram and more. Renting is the latest trend, and SharePal is one of the leading companies that offer rental services across India in various locations.
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