#u see my au idea is uhh. u can probably guess. based off of my 2 all time fav ships (danvis and vylene)
t4tdanvis · 6 months
Me who already has a succubus Laurence au:
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riversofmars · 3 years
I have an idea for a prompt! How about 13 becomes human again for whatever reason, she meets River, and without either knowing the other still manage to get together?
Thank you for this brilliant prompt! Not gonna lie, I was thinking coffee shop AU initially but I think I’ve come up with something better! 
For River this is set post Manhattan pre Darillium while she’s teaching at Luna U, she hasn't met 13 and obviously doesn't recognise her. 13 - for whatever reason as per the prompt - is under the influence of the Chameleon Arch and human, not remembering who she is.
Hope you like it!
Rating: G
Word Count: 1800
Stuff of Legends
“What are you doing in here?“
The Doctor jumped when a voice cut through the silence at Luna University Library. It was late, very late, in fact. 2am was fast approaching and the library had been empty apart from her. She had chosen the time deliberately, she had banked on people being asleep or off partying for fresher’s week.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was…“ She looked around anxiously to see a figure approaching along the rows of shelves.
“You know this area is restricted, right?“ A woman came into view, wild curly hair, silky blouse and a keen sparkle in her eyes. There as a sort of amusement in her voice and she tilted her head as she looked her up and down. The Doctor got the sense she wouldn’t tell on her, at least not yet.
“Yeah, well, uhh… my archive request was denied so I thought…“ She didn’t really know what to say. She knew access to this section of the Library was restricted but she had come a long way for it and when her request was denied by the Academy of Time Travel, she had decided to go about it another way.
“You thought you would sneak in here instead?“ The woman concluded with a smirk.
“Well, they didn’t really give an explanation so…“ The Doctor scratched the back of her head. She was anxious about having been caught but so far, the other woman didn’t seem to mind too much. Perhaps she had snuck in here as well.
“Oh there was this incident, quite a long time ago now, a student snuck into the Academy’s archives and took an ancient vortex manipulator to have a sneak peak at her future essay papers… I mean, you can’t plagiarise yourself so they could hardly expel her but they did get a lot pickier with admitting people to their archives.“ The woman explained pleasantly.
“Well, firstly, that’s very clever of the student and secondly, very unreasonable to restrict everyone else’s access to the archives when some of us have actual research to do.“ The Doctor huffed, somewhere between admiration and annoyance. “Surely the student in question has long graduated…“
“And is a professor now. Professor River Song.“ River extended her hand to her with a smirk and the Doctor’s face fell.
“Oh, uhh… you’re a professor? You work here, I…I shouldn’t be here…“ She stammered, realising her mistake. This woman was staff! And she had caught her red handed.
“No, you shouldn’t be and yet you are.“ River observed sounding surprisingly unbothered about it which sort of made sense if she had been the student in question. The Doctor wasn’t sure whether to be impressed or worried. “What are you doing?“ River asked curiously and looked to the books the Doctor had gathered on a desk.
“Uh… just some research…“ The Doctor answered nervously.
“What are you studying?“ River picked up a book that she knew well. It was one of the more comprehensive guides on supposed Timelord meddling through time.
“Well, not technically a student…“ The Doctor admitted. She wasn’t sure what to say. This woman was thoroughly confusing. She was a professor here but also seemed to have an affinity for bending the rules. Could she trust her not to rat her out?
“So you didn’t just sneak into the Academy’s library section but into the university in general?“ River sounded impressed.
“No, I mean, I’m not a student, I’m a doctor, visiting lecturer… Luna University is meant to have the greatest collection of Timelord artefacts so…“ The Doctor felt the need to set the record straight.
“A doctor, huh? You sure you’re old enough?“ River smirked and the Doctor found herself blushing under her appraising gaze. Was she flirting with her?
“You don’t exactly strike me as a stuffy old professor either.“ She retorted before she could think better of it.
“Touché.“ River laughed lightly and looked back at the collection of books, scriptures and star charts. “Why the interests in the Timelords? Most people don’t even believe them to be real.“ She observed picking up another book to read the back of it.
“I don’t know, I just… personal interest, I guess. Something about them just intrigues me.“ The Doctor replied growing more self conscious. She felt a little silly. A lot of academics looked down on those paddling theories that the Timelords actually existed. Most people believed them to be the stuff of legends. While time travel was certainly real, the idea of almost celestial beings able to live forever seemed too fantastical to be true. While there was certainly something the legends were based on, there was no way of knowing which bits were fact and which were fiction.
“What’s your field?“ River asked curiously putting the book down.
“Astrophysics.“ The Doctor answered slowly. “Yours?“
“Archeology.“ River replied in amusement. “I’m much more likely to take an interest in this sort of thing than you, how do the Timelords relate to your research?“ It was a fair question.
“Star charts… well, that’s where I started. Everything else doesn’t really relate. I’m just… curious, they’re fascinating.“ The Doctor admitted, sticking her hands in the pockets of her coat before shrugging.
“Well, the stuff of legends always is.“ River chuckled.
“Unfortunately, I’m not likely to getting any answers here.“ The Doctor sighed feeling a little bit more comfortable now. It didn’t look like this woman would tell on her but it seemed to have been a wasted trip regardless.
“Answers to what?“ River asked and the Doctor shrugged again, with a little laugh this time:
“You know, I don’t even know… I can’t really explain it… never mind.“ She waved it off. “I can’t read it anyway, whatever this language is, I don’t understand it.“ She opened one of the books and held it out to River, pointing out the circular writing.
“It’s High Gallifreyan.“ River answered as she took the book off her. “The language of the Timelords, that’s what it’s called.“ Her eyes skimmed the page.
“You make it sound like they actually existed.“ The Doctor chuckled. “Is that your field of archeology? Mystical civilisations?“
“Perhaps.“ River winked. “Would you like some help?“ She handed the book back over with a smile.
“You can… you can read this?“ The Doctor exclaimed in shock, surprise and delight all at once.
“Don’t tell anyone.“ River chuckled and looked around to check no-one had heard her.
“How?!“ The Doctor didn’t know what to say. “How do you know how to read this? It’s not like you can just take language classes in this, can you?“ She was in awe.
“My husband taught me.“ River revealed with a sly sort of smile.
“Your husband?“ The Doctor’s face fell, she didn’t even know why she felt disappointed but she did. She had only just met this woman.
“Is that disappointment I hear in your voice?“ River had picked up on it right away and the Doctor blushed scarlet.
“What? No, I mean…“ She stuttered. “Uhm, your husband… does that mean, are you telling me you’re married to a… Timelord?“ The Doctor tried to deflect.
“If you presume that to be his one defining feature, I suppose so.“ River shrugged.
“So they are real? Timelords are actually…“ The Doctor didn’t know what to say.
“He is also the last Timelord. Or was… I’m not actually sure where he is these days, we haven’t seen each other in a while.“ River sighed with another shrug.
“But you just said he’s your husband.“ The Doctor frowned, she wasn’t making a whole lot of sense.
“He’s not the type to allow himself to be held too tightly.“ River smiled though the Doctor was sure there was a sadness behind her eyes. “We… things are complicated, when you’re married to a time traveller. For all I know I might never see him again.“
“And you’re just fine with that?“ The Doctor asked softly.
“Like you say, if he’s really a Timelord, he’s the stuff of legends. An ageless god. You don’t expect the sunset to admire you back.“ River retorted returning her attention to the books on the table, she ran her fingers over one of the ancient star charts absentmindedly.
“That sounds painful.“ The Doctor mused sharing in her sadness.
“Makes you appreciate the shared times all the more.“ River grinned as her wistfulness passed and the Doctor smiled and nodded, she understood. “To be honest, I don’t like being tied down either so we suit each other very well.“ River smirked gaining her swagger back.
“I see.“ The Doctor chuckled.
“That means if you would like to get a drink sometime, or if you would like some help translating these, I’m available.“ River elaborated when her initial statement didn’t have the desired effect of flustering the blonde. She looked up from the star charts to the Doctor waiting for the penny to drop. Her explanation did the trick as the Doctor went red in the face again.
“Really? I mean… you’re not… he’s not gonna…“ She stammered.
“Every time could be the last time, every Christmas could be last Christmas, that’s the thing about time, something you learn as a time traveller, you have to learn to live in the present.“ River winked and reached out and ran her fingers along the yellow braces the Doctor was wearing. “You do remind me a lot of him, you know, I don’t know… probably just my imagination. Or the fact that I’m really very attracted to you.“ She smirked.
“You’re uhh… very forward…“ The Doctor swallowed nervously.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.“ River’s confidence faltered for a moment, genuine concern came over her. “If I misread the situations, I…“
“No, no, it’s fine, I mean… I’d like a drink. With you.“ The Doctor burst out quickly, she didn’t want her to change her mind. “I’d like to go for a drink with you and spend some time together…“
“Good. I mean, great!“ River grinned, relieved. “There is this nice little bar across campus… You don’t need these books, I can tell you everything you could possibly want to know.“
“Lead the way, Professor.“ The Doctor nodded, a grin spreading across her face.
“I don’t think you ever told me your name, what do I call you, Doctor?“ River asked mirroring her expression.
“Maybe just that. I know it probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but I never really… felt comfortable with my name… Jane Smith… just doesn’t mean anything to me. Most people just call me Doctor.“ The Doctor shrugged with an apologetic smile. She wasn’t sure if River would understand but she thought it best to be honest.
“Is that so…“ River gave her a smile, her expression incredibly hard to read. “It’s a funny old universe, isn’t it.“ She held out her hand to the Doctor. “You never know what the future holds, you just live it.“
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orange-antics · 6 years
Eddsworld miscellaneous hcs
ok there's probably like 100 of these already or something, but I thought I'd add mine anyway, because hey, it's fun and I'll probably change or add a few later. (Also this ended up waaaaaaaay longer then i meant it to be wh o ops so uh be warned its pretty damn long-)
Shortest! (i know it's normally either edd or tord, but after seeing saloonatics, I just couldn't resist the idea of the grumpiest one being the smallest. Cute right?)
Relatively strong arms, more fat around his stomach and torso then his legs.
Occasionally works gigs at local clubs and stuff for money.
Doesn't have much social media aside from Facebook so he can occasionally stalk his old college mates.
He actually likes sports like football and tennis. (His favourite sport is seeing how many bars he can hit up in one nigh-//shot//)
His hair smells like pineapple! (And the rest of him like booze-)
He's up for pretty much anything if he's drunk enough to have fun and not remember enough to regret it
But not bowling.
N e ve r bo wl ing
He's still got a scar on his left arm from The End. :( But Matt and Edd helped him to fix it up, so it's all good!
He's actually a pretty chill and sensible guy, and despite being snarky and sarcastic whenever he can, he genuinely cares about his relationships with people, scared that one day they'll get bored of him and cast him aside. He's really just a goofball with big city dreams of becoming a rockstar.
Spends like two hours in the shower crying and listening to MCR
His favourite show is Bad Education. It's good for when he needs cheering up.
He likes snacks and foods that are crunch, and salty, spicy, and sometimes savoury. So Crisps, Pringles, Doritos, chex mix etc.
Second shortest/third tallest
Kinda chubby tbh but he's the BEST at hugs.
His forearm game is actually pretty strong because of all the time he spends making art to pay for their bills (because hey, someone's gotta do it amirite). You don't wanna head into an arm-wrestling contest with this guy.
Makes money by selling his art and also taste-testing all the latest cola products! (Just...not the diet ones).
Aside from a devianart, redbubble and maybe even a tumblr for art commissions, he doesn't really care about social media. Or regular media. Politics who?
His favourite sport? Seeing how many cans of cola he can get through on an especially difficult project. (Cricket always looked kind of fun though)
Smells like cola and not taking a shower in days because he HAS to get the lineart perfect and edd are you ok when was the last time you slept- (jokes aside, i can see him smelling like graphite and paints and sharpies from his art supplies).
Can pull the perfect poker face like damn son having a baby face sure comes in handy when lying to your roomate about why there's broken guitar strings hanging out of Ringo's mouth again
Has a scar on the inside of his eyelid from the time Tom 'accidently' poked him in the eye with a pencil (...may or may not be based off personal experience)
Edd is pretty friendly and open with people, he likes getting to know them and joking around. He's the Ultimate Punmaster ™, and loves nothing more to poke fun. He sees the world through the eyes of a cartoonist, and will never miss a comedic opportunity.
Be warned! He's actually fairly smart, and can read people well, knowing just how to really get under someone's skin. It's a good thing he can't be bothered with any of that though.
Gets his best ideas either in the tub or when hes just about to sleep. Because of that, he keeps a water-proof and regular notebook. Nearly had a heart-attack countless times because he accidently swapped them around.
Despite his complaints about absurd plot conveniences, he actually likes Doctor Wh- i mean "Proffesor Why", there's just something about the concept of time travel...he also likes cartoons! Like, a lot. He'll watch most anything and everything if it's animated and the writing is decent.
Likes anything sour, sweet, and chewy! So Jelly Babies, Wine gums, Sour patch kids, that kind of thing
(Most of these are heavily based upon his life as Red Leader so sorry if you were looking for more domestic Tord. Maybe I'll do seperate hcs for that one day)
Second tallest! Quite a bit taller then Tom, a bit taller then Edd, just about average height, if a bit taller. He's closer to Matt in height then Edd.
He's actually quite well-built! You wouldn't think it because of the baggy hoodie he wears but he's got pretty good muscle, and his endurance and strength is well above the others. This mostly comes from the logic that he's been training and leading the Red Army, so it just makes sense to me that he'd resemble a soldier physically, yknow? AU-wise, or before he started the whole world domination thing, he'd be a little more scrawny, but he could still kick everyone's ass (he probably tried copying numerous anime battle stances lol-)
He's pretty well off, it turns out you can get quite rich by adopting some uh...rather unconventional means of money-making. Of course you could always say he just sold his inventions.
Does having your own private network of underground intelligence-gathering units count as social media? No? Nevermind.(He has a hentaihaven account-)
He likes dodgeball, archery, and you guessed it, arcade shooter games. Anything where he can point and hit something basically.
He smells like gunpowder, dirt, oil from machine maintenance and the cold? Like if the cold had a smell, he would have that smell, does that make sense? He also probably smells like Old Spice because idfk it just reminds me of him ok.
He doesn't exactly get out to socialise much, be prefers to stay at his desk, or curled up next to the fire with a mug of hot cider when he wants to relax. Sometimes Paul and Pat will drag him outside when they think he needs a breath of fresh air, and they'll go visit the nearest marketplace for food and other supplies. He likes strategic games like Chess or Draughts, and it's a good way to show off and get practice at the same time.
Scar-wise, he probably has quite a few from his fights. Post-the end, I'm not sure what would happen to him, since I've seen people go in a lot of different directions. I DO think he'd replace him arm with the robotic one, since that seemed too heavily implied to not happen. Regarding his face, I think the burns and stuff would probably heal over time, and depending on the technology in the future, he'd either still have some heavy scarring, or maybe he'd develop some kind of treatment so that it restores him to almost fully healed. He could always go the cyborg route and end up half-man half-machine like we see with future Matt and Tom.
(About the patch on his face, I have a theory about how he he aquired that scar/injury. See, I don't think Tord founded Red Army by himself, no. I think he was introduced to it by Paul (who we see in the same classroom as them in Poweredd) who was kept back a few years cause....uh...yknow- Anyway I have a theory that Tord eventually climbed the ranks until he became second-in-command, and he then murdered Red Leader and took his title. Their fight is where he got that injury. It's not really canon-supported much, but I find it an interesting concept!)
You've probably guessed, but I kind of disgree with Tord's portrayal sometimes. I think I prefer the darker, meaner side to him. I wouldn't say he's (completely) evil, but I'm not really one for the whole "self-hating, regretful angsty Tord who just wants some love and support" and stuff. I mean, it's cute with ships amd fluff, amd ideally he does make amends and rejoin the group, but I just like the thought that he's genuinely not a nice guy yknow? Like, he's actually done some fucked up stuff, and The End is probably just one case. (Of course this is all opinion based so feel free to disagree if u wanna wheeze-)
Has the WORST sleeping schedule. Has been known to fall asleep in the bath/shower.
He prefers movies to shows. His favourite is the Kingsman series (he can relate on many different levels).
Likes bittersweet things, (just like his personality amirite-). So cake with coffee, or tarts, liquorice, hard candy, that kind of thing.
(My favourite-)
He tol. Tallest of them all!
Someone once described him as "borderline twink" and tbh i agree. I feel like he'd have a slightly feminine figure (which is perfectly normal!) and he both rocks it, and knows he does.
He works at a nail salon every now and again, his self-confidence and bubbliness makes him get along well with customers. (Also Matt would definitely wear nail polish ok dont even try to convince me otherwise. Actually speaking of,)
He has EVERY kind of social media possible. Instagram, twitter, facebook, tumblr, facebook, snapchat, you name it! He's especially prominent on instagram. He likes to keep an ~aesthetic~
He likes gymnastics and dance, activities like that. Anything which puts him in a creative spotlight. He'd probably take up acting classes, and then insist on only being given monologues.
He'd probably have quite a pleasant and nature-y smell? Like uhh citrus-y, pine tree, a hint of flowers, that kind of thing. Although he'd DEFINITELY slap on way too much cologne on a date or something and end up smelling like he just emptied out a bottle of febreeze.
He'd probably go out quite a lot! I can see Matt being a social butterfly, his friendliness and general likeability probably mean that he's got a few friends and stuff around. I can also see him as the kind of person who'd enjoy taking walks in the park, sitting below a tree, that kind of thing. He probably runs a self-love session (that works a little TOO well). He wants to get out there and show off his beautiful face, so it doesn't take a lot to drag him outside (provided you keep a mirror on you, that is).
He doesn't really have any physical scars. I mean, i do hc him with freckles, but they don't count so. he has a mental scar. After he hit himself with the memory eraser gun, he completely erased his memories. It took a while for him to settle onto the personality he has now. His face was the one thing that he knew for certain held a sense of familiarity and stability, so that's partly why his narcissism boomed so much. He sometimes gets random flashbacks of being a zombeh leader, being less of a nicer person, and it can be quite unnerving for him. He also has other memory issues, which is why he can forget things so easily, and comes across as an idiot most of the time.
He can be quite oblivious, but I dont think hes a total idiot. He can read people fairly well, and is emotionally intelligent. He says stupid things sometimes despite knowing they'll get a reaction, just because he wants to, and thinks that life should be as fun and full of joy as possible. He's too trusting, and wants to see the good in everyone. At the end of the day, if you disrespect him (and his face), you'll see that he can be more then just the nice guy.
LUSH!! Matt is HERE for all those lush products. I'm talking bath bombs, lip scrubs, shower jellies, all that good stuff! And ofc he has like 100+ products for his hair and skincare routine, because let's face it, it's Matt. I also like to think he owns a bunch of bath toys and rubber duckies, and like the kid at heart he is, he'll sit in a bubble bath playing with them, and re-enacting all of their adventures.
He mostly prefers youtube videos over TV, so you bet he's subscribed to all the beauty gurus, vloggers, people like that. He does think children's cartoons are nice to watch though, so every once in a while he'll force Tom and Edd to sit with him and watch the latest season of My little pony.
He likes anything sweet and fun to look at! Especially if it's trending, so he can post pictures of himself eating/drinking it. So if there's another rolled ice cream/new starbucks-ccino/unicorn themed food item floating about, he'll probably be trying it.
(Ah man this turned out way longer then i thought. It went from simple headcanons to like full blown theories whoops- maybe i should make seperate posts if its too difficult to read? Anyway let me know what you think nonetheless!)
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janethepegasus · 6 years
BMC Miraculous AU RP Thing: Cookie Run
An RP me and @pika-ace did relating to the BMC Miraculous AU, and yes you read the title right, an akuma based off of Cookie Run does a thing to the Holders, and a LOT of Cookie Run related stuff happens here.
(The bell rings for the end of the school day and everyone walks out. Jeremy and Eric get their things and they walk out of the school together.) (They talk for a bit, but then Eric notices a small figure passing by carrying a phone in its tiny hands)
Eric: Hm?
Jeremy: *looks at Eric* What is it? :/c
Eric: I thought I saw something...
(Eric looks again and sees the small figure passing by again)
(Eric starts to move after it and Jeremy follows)
(They move closer and closer towards the thing until they can see a small ginger bread man that's alive and is carrying a smartphone in it's tiny hands)
Jeremy: Whaaaaaat The fuuuuuuuuu-?!
Eric: What...am i looking at?? Akuma Cookie: A living, talking Ginger Bread Cookie! THAT'S what you're looking at! >:/
Jeremy: But...But Why...?
Akuma Cookie: Akuma, that's why! >:/
(Eric keeps Jeremy behind him)
Akuma Cookie: Anyway, i'm looking for some Holders, have ya seen em? >:3c
Jeremy: Uh.....no? *sweats nervously*
Akuma Cookie: Hm...you sure? Cause i could've sworn i saw two of them walking down here... :/c
Jeremy: What did they look like?
Akuma Cookie: Hmm...kinda like you two. *smirks evilly* In fact...i think they're in front of me right now! >:3
Eric: Run. Run, now!
(Eric and Jeremy run as fast as they can, however, Akuma Cookie raises the phone high, and the phone shines a spot light on the two, making freeze in their tracks)
Jeremy: What?!
Akuma Cookie: Heh, i'm not gonna let you two go! Once i see ya, you're already mine! >:3
(They struggle and try to move)
Akuma Cookie: It's no use tryin' to escape, Holders! I'm gonna put ya in the perfect place to trap ya! >:3 (The screen on the phone glows and suddenly, a magical force starts sucking Eric and Jeremy towards the phone)
(They both cry out and try to resist) Jeremy: Dad What do we do?!?
Eric: I don't know!! (They struggle and try very hard to resist, but the magical force gets worse and worse, making them closer to the phone)
(They both cry out and keep struggling)
(Eventually, they got close to the phone and they get sucked into the phone)
Akuma: Two down >:3
(Akuma Cookie runs off to find other Holders to capture) (Meanwhile in the phone, or the game Cookie Run for that matter, Eric and Jeremy stir and they feel intense heat around them)
Jeremy: *sniffs* ...Why does everything smell delicious?
(They open their eyes and they see that they're in an oven, but everything around them seems so big)
Eric: Oh god...
(They look around and see gingerbread men around them, laying on the steel cooking sheet.)
Jeremy: Oh god...we’re being cooked!!! D:
Eric: Oh god, what do we- (Just then, Eric noticed something on himself, that he is now a living gingerbread man)
Eric: JEREMY!!
Jeremy: What?!
Eric: Look at me!! *blinks* Oh god look at YOU!!
Jeremy: Wha? *looks at himself*
(He sees that he’s a cookie) Jeremy: Oh god we ARE being cooked!!!
Jeremy: I don't wanna die in an oven!!! DX
Eric: T-There’s got to be a way out of here!
(Eric and Jeremy look around for a way out, while panicking at the same time) (But then, Eric noticed another living gingerbread man trying to open the over door)
Eric: Oh god...we’re not the only ones?!
(The gingerbread cookie looks back and sees Eric and Jeremy) Gingerbrave: Hey! Can you two help me break out of this oven?!
Jeremy: Dont need to ask us twice!!
(Eric and Jeremy run up towards the oven door and they help Gingerbrave try to open the oven door)
(They push as hard as they can)
Eric: C'mon...!! (They keep pushing, even a few cookies stepped in to help them)
(Finally the oven door opens)
Eric: Finally!! Gingerbrave: FREEDOM!!!! (All the cookies, including Eric and Jeremy, leap out of the oven and start running)
Jeremy: Now what?!
Gingerbrave: We run! Follow me! (Eric and Jeremy run alongside Gingerbrave and the other cookies, as they run through the kitchen)
Jeremy: Dad, do you think we can transform like this??
Eric: One way to find out! (They both transform, resulting in their costumes appearing on their cookie bodies)
Leo: Huh, Okay!
(They keep running alongside the cookies until they managed to escape the kitchen and run out to a nearby garden)
Cyber: Are we safe?
Gingerbrave: For now, once we get our energy back, we can run more!
Leo: Okay now what? Are we in a phone game or something?
Cyber: Seems like it, after all, we did enter this world through a phone. :/
Leo: Then how do we get out?? We gotta warn the others about this akuma!
Cyber: I have no idea, hopefully we would find a way out... (Meanwhile in the real world, Akuma Cookie runs through the city, carrying the phone, but then stops when he spots Jordan)
Akuma: Aha! >:3
Akuma: Found ya! >:3 *runs towards Jordan*
(The cookie lands right in front of Jordan...only to land too close and almost get stepped on)
Akuma: AHHHHH!!!! DX
(The akuma glares at Jordan’s back) Akuma: How dare...? >:((((
Akuma Cookie: *screams* HEY!! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING BUD!!! >:((((
(Jordan blinks and stops)
Jordan: Wha...?
(He turns around and sees the cookie) Jordan: .....The fuck?
Akuma Cookie: Ya almost stepped on me, and all ya have to say is "The fuck"?! >:/
Jordan: Oh lemme guess, you’re an akuma; only an akuma would be that rude >:/ Akuma: >:O
Akuma Cookie: Okay for that, i'm gonna do my thing! >:/ (Akuma Cookie lifts up the phone and a light freezes Jordan in his tracks, then a magical force starts pulling Jordan towards the phone)
Jordan: Hey! What the hell?!
(The magical force keeps pulling Jordan in until he gets sucked into the phone)
Akuma: That's three!
Akuma: Now to find more! >:3 (Akuma Cookie runs off to find more Holders)
(Meanwhile, Jordan wakes up)
Jordan: Wha...?!
(He sits up and looks around)
(He finds himself in the oven, but the oven door is open)
Jordan: Oh thank god...
(But then, he sees someone approaching the oven door, seeing the shadow of a witch like figure) (Then, they slowly close the oven door)
Jordan: NO! *he runs up to the door*
(He runs as fast as he can and he leaps out of the oven)
(Jordan runs as fast as he can, transforming without a second thought to run faster)
(He keeps running until he manages to escape the kitchen and run towards a garden)
Timber: Where the hell did I end up?!
Timber: *looks at himself and sees he’s now a gingerbread cookie* And What the hell did I turn into?!
(He runs into the garden)
(He keeps running until he spots a few figures in the distance)
Timber: Who's that?
(He approaches closer and sees the figures more clearly; its Cyber, Leo, and a bunch of other living Cookies)
Timber: Will! :D
(Cyber perks up, hearing Timber’s voice)
(Cyber turns and sees him running towards them) Cyber: Jordan! :D
(Timber runs towards them until he tackle hugs Cyber)
(Timber lifts Cyber up and spins him around a bit before putting him down) Timber: Am I glad to see you!
Cyber: Same with you!
Timber: *takes in Cyber's appearance* Well, don't you look delicious ;3
(Cyber blushes)
Cyber: Shut up X3c (Leo makes a gagging noise) Random cookie: Get a pantry!
Timber: Oh shut it! >:/
(They have a quick kiss)
Gingerbrave: Aaaanyway, we should get moving again. *gets ready to run* C’mon guys let’s go!
(They start to run) Timber: Is anyone else here?
Cyber: So far it’s just the three of us. But I bet the Akuma is gonna capture more.
Timber: Oh shit...did you guys wake up in an oven?
Leo: Yeah we did!
Timber: So did I! Everyone's gonna be separated in here if they're coming in one or two at a time!
Leo: Yeah, they’ll be left in the dust if they start running through this place now!
Cyber: But how can we find a way out of here? If we wait, the akuma will have caused much more damage!
Leo: I have no idea! But it has to be somewhere!
Leo: So...so we wait or not? Timber: Well...I guess we could split up. One or two of us could stay here while another goes and looks for an exit
Leo: Alright, So who’s gonna stay?
Timber: Well I should probably stick with Will either way so he doesn't get himself eaten or something Cyber: ExCUSE me, I can take care of myself- Timber: No, no you can't -_-
Cyber: Yes i can! I can capable of taking care of myself! >:/
Timber: Maybe in the real world but NOT when we're in these other dimensions. Do I need to list off all the times and places you decided to go off yourself only to get
yourself nearly killed?
Cyber: ...Fair point. >_>
Cyber: So since I don't want Leo out in this world by himself, Jordan and I will look for an exit and Leo will wait for the others
Leo: Okay, sounds like a plan!
Timber: Alright, sounds good to me
Cyber: Alright, let's go.
Leo: Be careful out there
Timber: We will!
(Cyber and Timber run off and Leo finds a spot to sit in the garden to wait)
(But then one of the cookie notices Leo sitting down) GingerBright: Uhh...aren't you gonna run with us? :/c
Leo: Uh, I got a few friends I'm waiting on
GingerBright: But didn't all of us escape the oven? Leo: Well uh- (Suddenly, a whole batch of new cookies comes running in and the crowd drags Leo with them)
Leo: Whoa Hey!
Knight Cookie: Onward to freedom!! (The new batch of cookies and the other cookies run through the garden while dragging Leo with them) (Meanwhile in the real world, Akuma Cookie keeps running around the city, looking for any Holders)
Akuma: Run Run Run as fast as you can, you can’t hide from me I’m...Uh...dammit I need a rhyme
(He keeps running until he spots Joe in the distance)
Akuma: Ooooh!
Akuma: Time to capture the boss of the Holders! >:3
(He runs up to him) Akuma: Hey! Lose a few kids? >:3
(Joe looks at Akuma Cookie in confusion) Joe: ......What on Earth am i looking at...?
Akuma: You're worst nightmare! I already snatched three of your kids! >:3
Joe: Wait, what?
???: Dad? (The akuma turns and sees Post coming towards them; the akuma grins and runs over to Post)
(He runs up to Post) Akuma: Hello, i'm your worst nightmare! >:3
Post: Wha- (The akuma jumps up and kicks him in the chest with his tiny legs, but Post falls onto his back regardless and the akuma activates his phone)
(A light shines on Post, freezing him in his tracks, and a magic force starts pulling Post towards the phone)
Joe: What are you doing?!
Akuma: I'm capturing him! Soon he'll be trapped in the phone! >:3
(Post squirms and tries to move and Lin and Michael happen upon the scene as well) Michael: Post?!
Post: Guys!! Help me!! DX (Post struggles to move until he gets sucked into the phone)
Joe: NO!!! Lin: Holy shit!
Akuma: Now i got four kids! >:3
Akuma: Just two more!
(Akuma Cookie looks and sees Michael and Lin)
(He starts sucking them in too)
Lin and Michael: AHH!!
(They get sucked in and the Akuma faces a fuming Joe)
Akuma: Aww what's the matter? Angry that i took your kids? You can join them if you want! >:3
(Joe transforms)
(Owl charges towards Akuma Cookie, but Akuma Cookie uses the phone to shine the light on him to freeze him in his tracks) Akuma: Gotcha! >:3
(Owl is sucked into the phone) Akuma: And that's the big seven >:3
Akuma: Now, to find the rest of them! >:3 (Akuma Cookie runs off to find the other Holders) (Meanwhile in the game, Post, Lin, Michael, and Owl wake up and find themselves in an oven)
(They all react about as well as to be expected)
Lin: Where's the exit!!???
(They run to the oven door)
(The over door was closed, so they try to push it open)
(Eventually they push it open and run out)
(They run as fast as they can through the kitchen)
(They soon make it to the garden)
(They run for a bit until they stop to catch their breath)
Michael: Okay...where are we and why are we cookies?!?!
Lin: I have no idea! XS Owl: Hmm... *thinks for a bit while observing themselves and the area, then he gets it* I think...i know what game this is...
Post: Which one?
Owl: It's a game called "Cookie Run", i seen Jane play this game all the time on her phone.
Michael: Oh yeah!
Owl: So i believe this akuma trapped us in a world based off that game, and fittingly, we turn into living gingerbread men, to fit the world we're in now.
Lin: Oh great
Post: So how are we gonna get out? :/c
Owl: I guess...play the game?
Lin: And how we do that? Owl: Run. Just run, avoid obstacles, and just keep running. Michael: Soo...it's an endless runner? Owl: For the game itself, not exactly, since i do recall the game having a time limit. But i believe here, we just keep running until we find something to get us out
of here.
Michael: Okay then... (The others transform)
(They start running through the garden) (Meanwhile with Cyber and Timber, they search through the game's world to find some kind of exit, they searched through forests, caves, and all kinds of lands but
still no luck of finding an exit)
Timber: Jesus, everything's just out to get ya, huh?
Cyber: Yeah apparently...
(They keep wandering through, avoiding more obstacles, needing to watch each other's backs quite a bit)
(They keep wandering through the land, watching each other's backs. However, they are unaware of two large claws made out of candy canes slowly hovering towards them)
(Timber's ear twitch and he sniffs the air) Cyber: Something wrong? Timber: I just...feel like something's off...
Cyber: Like what? (Before they could say or do anything, the two large candy cane claws grab Cyber and Timber)
Cyber and Timber: AH!!
Cyber: What the hell?! (Suddenly, a dark cookie floated down, smiling evilly) Dark Enchantress Cookie: My, my, what an interesting batch we got here. Two little cookies running aimlessly through the land. Completely vulnerable for me to
snatch... >:)
Timber: Let us go!!
Dark Enchantress Cookie: I’m afraid not. You lured yourselves into my trap, and I’m not letting you go! >:)
(Timber and Cyber struggle)
Dark Enchantress Cookie: And now...you’re mine! >:) (Dark Enchantress Cookie flies through the sky while the candy cane claws holding Cyber and Timber follow her) (Eventually, Cyber and Timber spot a large tree with a dark aura around it in the distance)
Timber: What the hell is that?!
Cyber: I don’t know!! (Dark Enchantress Cookie leads them through a temple that’s nearby the cursed tree and takes them to the dungeon)
Cyber: *softly* What do we do?!
Timber: *softly* I don’t know...!! (Dark Enchantress Cookie leads them to a cell and the candy cane claws throw them in and she locks the door)
(They get up and dust themselves off) Cyber: So...I can't take care of myself, huh? >:/ Timber: Oh shut it, you'd be in here by yourself if you went it alone >:P
???: Alone? You’re not alone! (Cyber and Timber look behind them and see a bunch of cookies that are in the cell with them)
(Cyber gives Timber a look)
Timber: What?? I didn’t notice the bunch of other cookies in this damn cell! >:/
Cyber: Anyway, why are you all here?
Wizard Cookie: We were all captured the same way as you, the evil Dark Enchantress Cookie found us and locked us up in the dungeon.
Timber: Why are we here?
Lime Cookie: Uh, like that wizard guy said, she found you, she captured you, and now you're stuck with us.
Cyber: For no reason...?
Adventurer Cookie: Well, she got a reason. Ya see, we're in the ancient temples of the Millennial Tree, an ancient civilization built around a thousand year old tree.
However, Dark Enchantress Cookie, and her servant Pomegranate Cookie, put a dark curse on the tree, as a way to spread darkness throughout the land. She's trapping
Cookies like us so we won't get in her way of her goal, but even if a few of us, being those Legendary Cookies, managed to escape her grasp and try to settle the score
with her, they barely made a dent in stopping her. From what i heard, Wind Archer already got corrupted by that witch, and the rest are either locked up or on the run.
So unless some miracle comes and frees the tree from her grasp, we're stuck here for lord knows how long.
Cyber and Timber: ........ Timber: ...Who the hell would eat a POMEGRANATE cookie???
Cyber: And anyway, we're just trying to find a way home!
Grapefruit Cookie: Well whatever the reason ya have, we're pretty much stuck here. XS
Timber: There's gotta be some way out!
(Timber looks at the cell bars) Timber: Maybe i could- Werewolf Cookie: Don't bother, she put a spell on this cell so our regular abilities won't work. *points to the cell bars* those things are what's causing the spell to
affect us. So unless there's some way to break those things, we can't do anything about it.
Timber: ....I'll try breaking them anyway >:/
(Timber grabs the cell bars and uses all of his strength to break or at least bend the cells) Lime Cookie: Yeeeaaah, good luck Fur Cookie, Just “try” to break us free. -_-
(Timber grits his teeth and pulls with all his might, making the bars creak)
(The Cookies perk up upon hearing the creek) Orange Cookie: Wait...is he...?! O_O Herb Cookie: He can manage to break the cells?! O_O Mustard Cookie: ...Holy shit. O_O Wasabi Cookie: Mustard! Watch your language! >:/ Mustard Cookie: Whatever Grandma... >_>
(Timber keeps slowly pulling out the bars, Cyber silently cheering him on) Cyber: *whispers* C'mon honey, you got this, you got this...!
(The Cookies observe Timber as he pulls on the cell bars)
(Finally, there's a snap and Timber flies back, having broken the bars)
(All the Cookies stare at Timber in shock) Adventurer Cookie: Oh...my...god...this dude managed to break the cell bars?! O_O Macaroon Cookie: That means the spell is lifted!! :D
(Cyber beams, filling with pride on the inside while Timber stretches and throws the bars away) Timber: Sheesh, that wasn't easy...
Kiwi Cookie: Yeesh, How the hell did ya do it? That spell pretty much blocked us from all the abilities we got! Chili Pepper Cookie: Even my blades couldn’t cut em! So what’s ya secret?
Cyber: Hes just naturally strong :3
Ice Candy Cookie: Woah, haven’t really thought of using mere strength. *flexes her muscles* makes my muscles look like dough compared to him. XS Avocado Cookie: Same here sister! XS
Timber: *blushes slightly* Aw c'mon...
Moon Rabbit Cookie: Wish I was just as strong as you! :0c Peppermint Cookie: Same with me! :0c
(Cyber keeps beaming while Timber gets flustered a bit)
(Some of The Cookies admire and praise Timber for his strength) Timber: *blushes* Oh stop, ya making me blush! X3c Adventurer Cookie: Aaaanyway, now that wolf boy over here broke us out, now we can get out of here!
(The cookies all hurry out of the dungeon)
(Meanwhile with Leo, he gets dragged along with the bunch of Cookies that are still running) (But he looks back and notices four figures running towards them from a far far distance)
Leo: Hey, wait a sec, stop!
(The bunch of Cookies stop and look at Leo) Knight Cookie: What’s wrong Sir Lion?
Leo: I see more cookies! I think I might know them!!
Gingerbrave: Really?! (All the Cookies look at the four figures running towards them)
(It's the rest of the main seven, all transformed as well)
Leo: Guys!! :D
Hound: Hey! :D
(The rest of the Main Seven run up towards Leo and they hug)
Leo: I had a feeling that guy would get you in here too
Swan: Yeah he did!
Dasher: Where's Tank and Sparky? Leo: They went ahead to look for a way out
Owl: That’s good, I hope those two find it.
Leo: Same
Dasher: Sooo...now what we’re doing? Leo: Running. Running through all kinds of stuff, right next to these patch of cookies *gestures the group of cookies*
Hound: Sounds like a plan :/
Leo: Honestly, that’s the only thing we’ve been doing for a while, running, avoiding obstacles, taking a small break, and keep running again. I honestly have no idea
where we’re going. Gingerbrave: That’s simple! To freedom from the witch! Leo: But we’re miles away from that place, and I bet that ugly gal’s not looking for us!
Swan: Yeah, we haven't seen her chasing us
Dasher: I bet she didn’t even bother looking for us after we broke out. :/ Hound: Soooo...I guess you guys are running to find a new home? Gingerbrave: Pretty much.
Owl: We're running to get back to our old home
Gingerbright: Then join us! Skater Cookie: Yeah! Maybe we’ll find your old home on the way to our new one! :D
(They run off)
(Meanwhile in the real world, Akuma Cookie managed to capture Hayden, Adri, Matthew, Momo, and Tobias, but still had a handful to go) Akuma Cookie: Alright, who’s next on the list? >:3 (He keeps running until he spots the Trinity in the distance)
Akuma: Yisssssss >:3
(Akuma Cookie runs up to the Trinity)
Max: What the fuck?! Sebastian: Talking cookie....! :D
Philip: A living Cookie......what.
Sebastian: *reaches towards it* I'm gonna eat it... :D
Akuma Cookie: NOO!! DON’T EAT ME!! DX
(Sebastian picks it up) Max: Sebastian, for fucks sake, don't eat that, you don't know where it's been >:P
Sebastian: But it looks delicious! D:
Akuma: I'm not dirty either! >:(((
Max: But your little feet were on the dirty ground. >:P
Sebastian: Then I won't eat the feet! At least let me eat the head, that's the best part!! Akuma: NO!!
(Akuma Cookie struggles madly as Sebastian leans in to eat his head)
Philip: It's so weird seeing it move...
Max: Yeah. >_> (Akuma Cookie struggles madly, until he manages to pull the phone out and shines a light on Sebastian, making him freeze in his tracks)
Max: What the?!
Sebastian: Wha?! Akuma: Heh heh!! >:3 (A magical force sucks Sebastian into the phone and Akuma Cookie safely lands on the ground)
Philip: NO! Max: You little SHIT!! *lunges to grab it*
(Akuma Cookie shines a light on Max and he freezes in his tracks)
Philip: MAX!! *He grabs him to pull him away*
(A magical force pushes Max towards the phone and Philip gets dragged. Until when they got close to the phone, Max and Philip got sucked into the phone)
(The three of them wake up in the oven)
Philip: Wha?! Max: Oh god, why do I feel hot?!
(They see the oven and see the door starting to close)
Sebastian: AH!! No!! DX (They get up and they start running towards the oven door)
(They leap out of the oven and out the door) Max: Jesus christ!!
Philip: Why the hell did we wake up in an oven?!
Sebastian: *looks at them and himself* ...Cause we're cookies O_O
Max: Wha? (Max and Philip look at themselves)
Max: What the shit?!
Philip: We’re cookies!! O_O
Max: How the fuck are we- Sebastian don't eat yourself!! (Sebastian moves his hand away from his mouth)
Sebastian: But I smell delicious! D:
Philip: No! We need to find where we are!
Max: And how the hell are we gonna get out of here! XS
Philip: I don't know!
Max: We All Don’t know! XS
Sebastian: I guess we just...walk
Sebastian: Or run...whatever works... >_> (The Trinity wonder through the area) (Meanwhile with Cyber and Timber, they, alongside the other cookies, run through the temple. But then Adventurer Cookie signals the cookies to stop running)
Cyber: What is it?
Adventurer Cookie: I think I see somebody over there...! *looks and his eyes widen* It’s Pomegranate Cookie! Hide!
(Everyone hides, Cyber staying close to Timber)
(Pomegranate Cookie appears, watching and observing the area around her, looking for anyone. She slowly walks down the hall, her eyes looking at both sides)
(The cookies stay as still as possible, Timber hugging Cyber close)
(Pomegranate Cookie looks for a bit, then she stands still.) Pomegranate Cookie: ...Hmm, silent. Oddly silent.
(The cookies tense and Cyber suddenly slips slightly, making the smallest of noises)
(Pomegranate Cookie perks up and hears the noise)
(Timber holds Cyber close, covering his mouth and no one moves)
(Pomegranate Cookie looks around for the source of the noise) Pomegranate Cookie: Show yourself coward! (There’s silence, no one moves or responds)
(Pomegranate Cookie keeps looking around)
(Until eventually, Pomegranate Cookie leaves)
(Once she's gone, everyone deflates in relief)
Whipped Cream Cookie: Oh thank heavens she’s gone!
Timber: That was too close...
Chili Pepper Cookie: Yeah, thank god Electric Blue over here didn't blew our cover!
Cyber: Sorry...
Adventurer Cookie: It's fine, you did a little slip up, that's all. Blackberry Cookie: Oh sure, a "slip-up", a slip-up IF it gotten worse, we could've been found and captured! Adventurer Cookie: Really, sweetpea? Are ya gonna complain to me about something that fella did? Blackberry Cookie: Yes i am! >:/
Adventurer: Let's just keep going
Blackberry: *sighs* Alright then...
(They keep wandering through, keeping a sharp eye out)
(As they keep wondering, they start to hear echoes of someone trying to break out of a cell) Mint Choco Cookie: Hm? What is this i hear?
(They listen carefully)
(They hear the sounds of something slamming themselves onto the cell doors and screaming) ???: HEY!! LET ME OUT OF HERE!! RELEASE ME YOU FILTHY WITCH!!!
(The cookies hurry towards the sound)
(When they got to the source of the sound, they see one of the Legendary Cookies, Fire Spirit Cookie, slamming his body on the cell bars, trying his damn hardest to
Timber: Whoa, easy there
Fire Spirit Cookie: *isn't even aware that the cookies are there* GET ME OUT OF THIS CELL!!! LET ME BE FREE YOU DAMN DIRTY WITCH!!! *keeps slamming on the cell bars*
Timber: Uhh...I got this... *grabs the bars*
(Fire Spirit Cookie, blinded by rage, backs up and slams on the bars once more, in the same spot Timber has his hands on) Timber: OW!! *quickly moves his hands away and winces at the small burn he got from Fire Spirit Cookie*
Cyber: Hey, calm down in there!
(Fire Spirit Cookie blinks and he finally sees the other cookies and Cyber and Timber) Fire Spirit Cookie: AH!! Where did all of you come from?! Wizard Cookie: We were locked in a cage, just like you. But he *uses his staff to point at Timber* uses his mere strength to break the cell bars.
Timber: Yeah; so stand back, I'll getcha out
(Fire Spirit Cookie stands back and Timber holds onto the bars)
(Timber pulls with all his might and eventually yanks them off)
(Fire Spirit Cookie flies out of the cell and smiles with glee) Fire Spirit Cookie: Yes!! I'm free!! *to Timber* Thanks big guy!
Timber: No problem
Adventurer Cookie: Glad to get one of the Legends out of there. Whipped Cream Cookie: Do you know where the others went? Fire Spirit Cookie: Well, i recall Dark Enchantress sealing away Sea Fairy, and i think Moonlight escaped the place before she had a chance to capture her.
Timber: Pomegranate isn't anywhere nearby is she?
Adventurer Cookie: For now, hopefully we don't spot her again when we get to the other Legends.
(They move on)
(Meanwhile with Leo and the rest of the rest of the Main Seven, they run alongside the rest of the cookies, avoiding obstacles and going through different areas.) (As they moved to another area, Owl spots a large tree in the far far FAR distance from where they are)
Owl: That looks significant...
Swan: *notices Owl looking at something* See something, Dad?
Owl: Look *everyone sees the tree*
(The Holders look at the tree with amusement while the cookies stare at it with wide eyes) Gingerbrave: WOAH!! That tree looks HUGE!! :Oc
Hound: I think we should head that way
Leo: Yeah! *to the cookies* C'mon, let's go!
(They head towards the tree)
(The cookies run towards the tree, but then a booming voice called out...) ???: STOP!! If you come any further, she'll capture you!! (They all stopped and looked up, seeing Moonlight Cookie hovering above them with a worried look)
Swan: What do you mean?
Moonlight Cookie: The tree that you are approaching, the Millennial Tree, is cursed by the evil Dark Enchantress Cookie and her servant! She will capture anyone who
comes close to the tree, to prevent anyone from stopping her. So please, if you plan going to the tree, i advise you all to go another direction, for your own safety.
Leo: Wait...did two other cookies come through here??
Moonlight Cookie: I spotted two cookies wondering through the land in the same direction as you all are, so i'm afraid they did and they were captured by Dark
Enchantress Cookie...
Hound: No! Leo: Those were our dads!! D:
Moonlight Cookie: Oh dear...your poor fathers...trapped by that dark enchantress...
Leo: We gotta go in there and save them!!
Moonlight Cookie: I appreciate your willing to save them, but Dark Enchantress Cookie would find you and capture you just like your fathers and other cookies she
locked away! Are you willing to go there KNOWING she would find you?
Hound: Yeah! D:< Leo: We'll just be super careful!
Hound: Yeah! We'll just sneak in there and find our dads!
Swan: We'll go too!
Owl: Yes, they matter to us as well! Gingerbrave: W-Well...if THEY'RE going, WE'RE going too! Cookies: YEAH! >:D
Dasher: Lets go!! (They charge towards the tree)
(The Holders, the cookies, and Moonlight charge towards the tree, with the set goal of finding Cyber and Timber)
(Meanwhile, in the tree...)
(Cyber, Timber, and the cookies are carefully walking through, staying alert for Pomegranate Cookie and looking for Sea Fairy Cookie) (But then, Timber's ears perk up and he hears someone crying)
Timber: I hear something? Cyber: Pomegranate? Timber: No...someone crying...
(As the cookies keep wondering, they start to hear the crying too) Snow Sugar Cookie: You hear that? Cherry Blossom Cookie: Yeah, sound like someone's crying! :( Fire Spirit Cookie: *listens to the crying and recognizes the voice* It's Sea Fairy! She's somewhere close by!
(They follow the crying)
(Eventually, they find the source of the crying. Sea Fairy Cookie is curled up and crying in a cage made out of ice)
(Fire Spirit runs up)
(He uses his flames to burn the ice)
(The cage opens)
(Sea Fairy looks up and sees the cage is open and the cookies are around the cage) (She gets up and walks out of the cage)
Cyber: Are you Alright?
Sea Fairy: *wipes her tears* Yes...i am now.
Kiwi: Um, is freeing these guys gonna tip off Pomegranate?
Adventurer: If she did, then we'll be screwed. Let's just find the exit and- (Suddenly, they feel a gust of wind pass through them. Though the cookies, Cyber, and Timber, are a bit caught off guard, Fire Spirit and Sea Fairy seem to recognize
this wind) Fire Spirit: Oh no...
Timber: What’s that?!
Sea Fairy: He found us...!! Cyber: Who found us?! (Suddenly, the wind gets stronger and dark mist starts to form. Then the dark mist fades to reveal the corrupted form of Wind Archer, Night Raven)
Timber: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me...
Night Raven: I was warned of your escape...now i must rightfully punish you all for doing so...
(Cyber shudders at the raven symbolism, hiding a bit behind Timber)
(Night Raven readies his bow and aims his dark arrow at the Cookies) Adventurer Cookie: ...Run!!
(They run)
(The Cookies, Cyber and Timber, all run for their lives as Night Raven starts firing dark arrows at them)
(Night Raven shoots another arrow and Timber covers Cyber, letting the arrow graze his shoulder)
(Timber yelps in pain and winces)
Cyber: JORDAN! Timber: I’m fine, keep going!
(They keep running as fast as they can, trying their best to avoid the arrows) (But then, Night Raven fires an arrow that aimed towards Cyber's back)
(Timber sees it at the last minute and shoved him out of the way)
(The dark arrow hit Timber's back and the sharp end sticked out between his chest (though not near the heart) and stomach)
(Timber stops in his tracks and Cyber looks up in horror) Cyber: NO!!!!
(Timber falls to his knees. As the dark arrow remained in his body, the dark magic from the arrow started to corrupt his heart)
(Cyber runs up and kneels in front of him) Cyber: Jordan! Jordan? Jordan, honey? *holds his face* Honey, look at me!
(Timber looks directly at Cyber's eyes)
Timber: Will, I...I don't feel so good...
Cyber: I-Is it the arrow in your chest?!
Timber: I...I think... *slumps against Cyber*
Cyber: Jordan!!
(Cyber reaches around and yanks the arrow out of Timber as fast as he can)
(Even if Cyber yanked out the arrow, Timber could still feel the dark magic from that arrow slowly corrupting him)
Timber: Will... Cyber: Just stay with me, alright, it's gonna be fine... Timber: Will...I...love...you... Cyber: Jordan...! Timber: Get...away....
Cyber: Wha...?! Timber: Get...away...from...me...!
Timber: Run...now...!
Cyber: B-But...!! (One of the cookies notice this and dashes towards Cyber and pulls him away from Timber) Grapefruit Cookie: C'mon let's go!!
Cyber: *reaches towards Timber* No...I can't just- Adventurer: Yes you can, cmon!
(Adventurer Cookie helps Grapefruit Cookie pull Cyber away from Timber)
Night Raven: *laughs* Oh come now, if he wants to stay, let him stay >:3 *reaches towards Cyber*
(Adventurer and Grapefruit pull Cyber away faster, while Cyber struggles madly in fear) Cyber: No...NO...!! (Suddenly, one of the cookies, being Werewolf Cookie, sees this and his werewolf instincts kicked in. He transforms into a giant werewolf and charges towards Night
(Night Raven smacks him away with his wings while Cyber's eyes are still on Timber)
(Werewolf Cookie growls and tries to smack him away with his claws, making sure he stays away from Cyber)
(Meanwhile, Cyber is oblivious to the danger and keeps struggling and pushing towards Timber)
Cyber: JORDAN!! JORDAN!!! *struggles and his eyes are locked on Timber*
(Finally, he breaks away and runs back to him)
Adventurer: AH! Come back!! (Adventurer and Grapefruit chase after Cyber, a few cookies turn around to stop Cyber while the rest kept running)
(Cyber kneels in front of Timber again) Cyber: Jordan, c'mon, I know you're still in there, I know you can hear me! Timber: W...Will... Cyber: Yes, c'mon, we have to- (Timber raises his head, revealing his eyes to be blood red and glowing) Timber: GO!!
Cyber: Wha?! Jordan, what's- (Adventurer, Grapefruit, and the few other cookies grab Cyber) Grapefruit: We gotta go, NOW!! (They yank Cyber away and they run away as fast as they can while holding Cyber)
(Finally, they manage to get away and they stop dragging Cyber, who falls to his knees, tears falling)
Cyber: No...no...Jordan...!
Adventurer: C'mon, we gotta keep running before they catch us Cyber: But what about Jordan!?!
Adventurer: I'm afraid that close buddy of yours is long gone...
Cyber: *strained* W...What...?
Fire Spirit: Since Night Raven is corrupted version of Wind Archer, his abilities of purifying souls, and maaaybe living cookies, is revered. Cause if those arrows hit
a purified soul or a living cookie, they're corrupted. So unless we get Wind Archer back, your friend is basically gonna be a corrupted version of himself for god
knows how long...
Cyber: W-Well how do we do that?! Kiwi: Dude calm down- Cyber: Don't tell me to calm down!! Tell me how we can get my husband back!!!
(All the cookies look at him) Blackberry: Husband...?
(The cookies then see the ring on his finger)
Wizard: You're...married to him?
Cyber: Yes. I am. So?
Blackberry: You're married to him...and you still love him...regardless for whatever stupid thing he does...?
Cyber: Of course I do! All those stupid things he does he does for ME! While I would like him to worry about himself for once, he’s still saved my life more times than
I can count! He’s the most loyal, dependable, chivalrous...strong...kind...honest... *starts to tear up again*
(Some of the cookies go over to Cyber's side to comfort him. Blackberry stares at him with slight jealousy) Blackberry: .....You're lucky to have a man like that...
Cyber: I need to get him back...I can’t go on without him...
Blackberry: Well, since he's corrupted now, any thoughts about you are probably thrown out the window. Maybe he doesn't care about you anymore with that dark magic in
his heart... (Cyber looks at Blackberry with an offended look)
Kiwi: Dude, not cool >:( Adventurer: Berry, please, don’t do this now...
Blackberry: Yes i am doing this now! In fact, i bet if he DOES get purified, he'll probably lost his memory of the reason WHY he even LOVED him in the first place!
THEN he'll probably run off doing whatever and not even bothering seeing his husband at all!! >:'(
Adventurer: Blackberry!! >:((( Grapefruit: Hoo boy, get ready for a domestic...
Blackberry: Oh, he may SAY he can't live on without his husband, but once he lives a couple of weeks or even a month without him, then the whole idea of missing him
would just leave his mind and live on his days by himself! If THAT ever happens, then me and HIM are on the same boat of HUSBANDS who get up and LEAVE and never come
back home!!!
(Adventurer gets close to her) Adventurer: *softly* Blackberry, knock it off, he has nothing to do with us!
Blackberry: *softly* Oh excuse me for expressing my thoughts and possibilities for what would happen IF his husband gets purified! >:(
Adventurer: *softly* Look just a lay off him, he’s been through a lot! Keep your stupid jealousy aimed at ME if you really have to! >:(
Blackberry: *softly* Fine! If you want me to vent about the fact that MY husband got and left me to do god knows what, then i'll do it! >:(((
Adventurer: *softly* Fine! Save it for when we’re NOT in an evil tree run by a crazy cookie!
Blackberry: *softly* FINE! I will! >:(((
(Meanwhile Cyber gets himself together) Kiwi: You good? Cyber: Yes...I’m fine...now, how can we purify Night Raven?
Fire Spirit: Well, my best guess is lifting the curse Dark Enchantress put on the Millennial Tree. Cyber: And how we do that? Fire Spirit: I.....have no idea.
(Just then they hear voices and footsteps in the distance) ???: Dad...?! Are you here...?
(Cyber recognizes the voice but the cookies don’t) Grapefruit: Who’s that?
Cyber: That’s my son! :D
Kiwi: You have a son??
(At that moment, the rest of the main seven appear) Leo: Dad!! :D
Cyber: Son!! :D
(They hug tightly) Hound: Pop! :D (Cyber lets him into the hug) Cyber: My boys!
(Leo and Hound smile at Cyber)
Rocker Cookie: Dude, a husband and two kids...nice... :)
(The other cookies appear, alongside Moonlight. Fire Spirit and Sea Fairy see her and they lit up) Fire Spirit and Sea Fairy: Moonlight!! :D
Moonlight: Guys! You’re okay! :D
Sea Fairy: Same with you! Thank goodness you're okay!
Hound: Wait...Pop, where’s Dad? Wasn’t he with you? (Cyber tenses)
(All the other Cookies tense and sweat nervously)
Owl: Eric...? Cyber: .....They took him...They...did something to him...
Owl: What did they do...? Cyber: They...they corrupted...him...
Swan: Oh no... Hound: We...we can fix it though, right, Pop...? We can save him, right...?
Adventurer: Well...unless we find some way to lift the curse and purify anyone who got corrupted, i'm afraid that...your Dad is gonna be corrupted for god knows how
Dasher: Oh Tank...you’ve really gotten yourself in it this time...
Hound: N-No...dad...
(Cyber hugs Hound) Cyber: We’ll get him back...I’ll make sure of it... >:(
(Hound nods and hugs Cyber back)
Owl: Fill us in on everything that happened...
(Cyber, plus a few cookies, explain to them what happened)
Dasher: Sheesh...
Leo: You guys went through a lot...
Hound: So what’s the plan now?
Cyber: Well, i suppose it's finding a way to lift the curse Dark Enchantress put upon the Millennial Tree.
Leo: Okay...so how do we do that?
Adventurer: Well we have no idea how, we just have to figure out some way to do it. Kiwi: IF we could ever get close to that tree... Wasabi Cookie: If we do, we'll just have to EXPERIMENT it and see what works! Nyheheheh!!
Pancake Cookie: Maybe Pomegranate knows? :3c
(All the Cookies look at each other) Adventurer: Well...maybe, since she's Dark Enchantress' servant... Chili Pepper: But i bet we won't even give us an answer if we DO just walk up to her and ask. Though i bet she won't even spill the beans if we do anything. :/
Hound: But don't we outnumber her and Night Raven?
Moonlight: True, we can outnumber them, but i am VERY uncertain about Dark Enchantress. She is a powerful magician of darkness, she shows no mercy to those who stand
against her. Fire Spirit: Even when me, Sea Fairy, Moonlight, and Wind Archer went toe to toe with her, even if we used all of our powers to bring her down, she still won't go
Owl: Well, *looks at the main five* Perhaps the powers of the Miraculous will be able to help
Moonlight: The Miraculous?
Leo: They give us OUR powers
Hound: Yeah! And they give us super powers!
Leo: That's what I just said... Owl: The point it, perhaps with our powers and yours, we'll be able to tilt the scale in our favor
Adventurer: Are you saying...? Owl: Possibly, with our powers and yours combined, we could lift the curse and restore those who were corrupted, including Timber.
(The cookies all light up with hope)
(Even Cyber lights up with hope)
Dasher: Alright, then lets take her down! >:D
Gingerbrave: Yeah! C'mon guys! Let's go!! >:D Adventurer: Time to save the Millennial Tree!
(They all rush off)
(Meanwhile, the Trinity are still wondering through the land, wondering if there's a way out.) (But then, Sebastian spots a few cookies ahead of them)
Sebastian: Over there!
(They get closer to the cookies, until they see that these cookies are Hayden, Adri, Matthew, Momo, and Tobias)
Max: Oh great, more of us got cookie-fied...
Sebastian: Hey guys!! (They turn around and see the Trinity)
Hayden: Maxie! :D Max: >:(
Philip: You got sucked into this world too? Momo: Yep... XS
Tobias: It's very odd... Matt: It sucks
Momo: Yeah! I should NOT smell delicious! XS
Momo: Do you know how hard it is to NOT eat myself!?
Sebastian: I know, right?!
Adri: Do you think the others are in here too?
Philip: Possibly...
Philip: Perhaps we should keep looking...maybe head towards that tree *points to the tree in the distance*
(They look at the tree)
Hayden: I guess that's a start (They start towards the tree)
(They walk towards the tree, however, they are unaware of two large candy cane claws slowly approaching behind them)
(They walk for a while, when the candy cane claws reach down and scoop them up easily)
Holders: AHH!! Max: What the hell?!
Enchantress: Lovely; more cookies as my prisoners >:3
(The other holders struggle as she flies towards the tree)
(The claws follow her as she enters the tree)
Enchantress: Unfortunately, some ruffian destroyed my cells, so I'll simply have to keep you all close to me
(The Holders tense as Dark Enchantress brings them to a room where the base of the tree is.) (They look at the tree and see that it has a dark aura around it and it has a seal on it)
Adri: W-What is this...?
Dark Enchantress: This is the Millennial Tree, my curse will spread darkness throughout the land and bringing out the darkness out of everyone! >:)
Max: Why do all the places we end up have shit like this happening...?
Philip: I have no idea...
???: Enchantress! (All the cookies file into the room)
Dark Enchantress: What the?!
(The holders see the captive cookies she has) Leo: Guys! Owl: Oh no...
Dark Enchantress: You!! The ruffians that escaped!! Adventurer: That's right! And we're here to purify the Millennial Tree! So anybody you corrupted could be their real selves again! >:(
Enchantress: I'd like to see you try! (Night Raven and the corrupted Timber enter the room) Cyber: Jordan-!
(Then Pomegranate enters and stands alongside Night Raven and corrupted Timber) Pomegranate: We shall not let fools like you interfere with master's plan! We will do whatever it takes to stop you!
(They start to fight)
(The Holders used their powers to fight against Night Raven, corrupted Timber, and Pomegranate. Even some of the cookies used their abilities to fight them as well)
(The kids try to work their way up to the claws holding the others to try and get them out)
Leo: Don't worry guys! We'll get you out!
Sebastian: Jere-bear! :D
(Once they got up to the claws, they start pulling on the claws to set them free)
(Eventually they pry them out)
(They hold onto them and they climb down the claws)
(Once they're down, Leo hugs the trinity)
Leo: Guys! :D Sebastian: Jere-Bear! :3
(The others transform and help with the fight)
(They keep fighting) (During the fight, Cyber sees some of the cookies beating the crap out of corrupted Timber, giving everything they got onto him)
Cyber: Jordan!
White Choco: You may have saved us from our cell, but the darkness has turned you into a beast that we must slay! Engarde!! (White Choco dashes towards corrupted Timber and slashes him)
(Timber roars in pain)
(Other cookies attack corrupted Timber; Chili Pepper using her knifes to stab him, Salt using his harpoon, Ninja using his shuriken, Pistachio and Tiger Lily stabbing
him with their spears, etc)
Cyber: STOP!!!
(The cookies keep fighting corrupted Timber, even Werewolf Cookie slashed and bites Timber in his transformed state)
(Cyber runs over, tearing up) Cyber: STOP YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!
Salt: But he's corrupted! We at least have to do something to weaken this vicious beast!
Cyber: Can't you do that without stabbing him?!
Chili Pepper: Isn't that what Werewolf is doin? :/ (Suddenly, a hockey puck flies in and smacks corrupted Timber on the head) Ice Candy: *from the distance* That was for Pomegranate but at least i hit something!
Cyber: W-Well...what about when he's back to normal?! He'll still be hurt!!
Chili Pepper: Dude!! We're not even close to getting to the tree yet! The least we can do now is knock him out so he won't be a pain in the ass for us!
Cyber: Then hurry up and DO THAT!!
Chili Pepper: Kay *to the cookies that are fighting corrupted Timber* Hey guys! Keep doing what you're doing to the guy! If he's out, make sure he's still breathin,
kay?! (The cookies nod and they keep fighting Timber)
(Cyber nods and turns his attention back to the enchantress and the tree)
(He sees Fire Spirit, Moonlight, and Sea Fairy fighting Dark Enchantress. He noticed that Dark Enchantress is protecting seal that's on the tree)
Cyber: Guys! The seal! Aim for that!
(The Holders nod and they run towards the tree. However, Night Raven pushes aside any cookies that were fighting him and he appears in front of the Holders)
Night Raven: You're not going anyw- (Dasher zooms up and slaps him HARD, making an opening and runs up to the seal)
(Night Raven gets up and glares at Dasher) (Before Dark Enchantress would notice Dasher, he fires a dark arrow at Dasher and it hits his back, making him stop in his tracks)
Hound: SHIT! Owl: Move, now!!
(The Holders run towards the tree, however, Night Raven keeps firing his dark arrows at them.)
(They all dodge as best they can and Cyber gets more and more angry, building up his electricity in his hands)
(But when they got close, Dark Enchantress noticed them and summons a giant candy cane claw to appear and scoop the holders up)
Cookies: Oh no!
(The Holders struggle in the claw's grasp) Dark Enchantress: Did you really think you would sneak past me? Heh, you probably think i'm so gullible to NOT notice you and let you break the seal. Well sad to say,
i'm not as stupid as you think i am! (She makes the candy cane claws tighten it's grip on the Holders)
(They all scream) Adventurer: C'mon! We gotta help!!
(The cookies nod and they run over, but a group of cookies land one hard hit on corrupted Timber, knocking him out, and then they join along the cookies running
towards the scene)
(A bunch of them start crawling on the claws to set the holders free while others head for the seal)
(However, they were completely unaware of Night Raven glaring at them and firing dark arrows at the cookies to stop them)
Kiwi: Ugh! Could someone PLEASE knock him out too?!
(The Legendary Cookies look upon the scene and Fire Spirit gets an idea) Fire Spirit: I got an idea to keep Night Raven down! (Fire Spirit flies down to Pomegranate, who's recovering from the beat down she gotten, and snatches her mirror) Pomegranate: Hand that back!!! Fire Spirit: Sorry, need it for a thing! (Fire Spirit flies into the scene, Night Raven fires an arrow, Fire Spirit uses the mirror to knock the arrow away, and it hits Night Raven)
(The arrow pins Night Raven to the wall)
Night Raven: *struggles* What the?! *looks at Fire Spirit* You planned this?!
Fire Spirit: >;P *to the others* C'mon, we got a seal to wreck!!
(The cookies manage to pry open the claws so the Holders can escape, some of the cookies manage to get to the seal and try to break it. However, no matter how hard
they try, it doesn't seem to break) (Dark Enchantress sees the whole thing and fumes. Finally, she snaps) Dark Enchantress: ENOUGH!!!!!! (She sends a powerful wave of dark magic that sends all the cookies flying, including the Holders, and they all hit the wall)
(They all fall to the ground) Atlantic: Where the fuck did THAT come from...?!
Dark Enchantress: You really think you could slip past me and break the curse? Well i won't let ANYONE do so, i will NOT let any undercooked weaklings stop my darkness
from spreading!! *she creates two dark portals and two large candy cane claws appear out of them* And i will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal, even if i have to
turn those who stand before me into crumbs! (She starts attacking them with her dark magic and the giant candy cane claws)
(Everyone dodges and fights back as best they can)
(The Holders fight back with everything they got) (However, during the fight, Dark Enchantress fires a powerful dark beam that hits the Holders and knocks them out. But Cyber and Leo were the only ones to dodge the
Leo: Guys!! Cyber: C'mon, it's up to us!!
(They keep fighting, however, Dark Enchantress seems to be a bit tougher than Cyber and Leo thought, so they have to fight with everything they got, alongside the
Cyber: Quantum Analysis!
(A visor appears on Cyber's face and he scans the area) (During the analysis, he looks at the seal and finds out that it cannot be broken normally, like breaking it with brute force, instead, it requires very powerful magic
to break it and restore the tree to it's proper self.) (When scanning for possible candidates to provide such magic, the legendary cookies are suggested, including someone else, that being the Union Forms of Cyber and Leo.
The Legendary Cookie's magic plus the Union Form magic can break the seal if they used it together)
Cyber: Leo! Union Form! Leo: Wha- but we're still learning! Cyber: There's no other way, c'mon!! *holds out his hand*
(Leo was a bit unsure, since he doesn't know why, but he takes his hand)
(They activate Union Form and they change)
(The Cookies see their transformation and they stare at awe) Cookies: Woah!! 8Oc
(Cyber and Leo turn and face the dark enchantress) Enchantress: W-What is this!?
Leo: *Union voice* This is the power of the sun and moon, united to create a powerful magic!
Cyber: *Union voice* You have scarred this land with terror and darkness, and brought misery on these innocent beings; for that, you must be punished
Dark Enchantress: *scoffs* Oh, you think just because you got a magic boost, means you can defeat me? We’ll see about that! >:( (Dark Enchantress commands the giant candy cane claws to charge towards Cyber and Leo)
(Cyber simply raises his hand and a bolt of lightning completely shatters the claws into pieces)
(The Cookies stare in shock while Dark Enchantress looks at it with disbelief) (She glares at them and fires a dark magic beam from her wand)
(Leo raises his hand and the beam is easily blocked)
Dark Enchantress: W-What?! This...this CAN’T be possible! No one in this world shouldn’t possess a greater magic than me!! (Dark Enchantress keeps firing beams at them)
(They keep blocking the beams) Cyber: *Union Voice* Your magic is mere child's play; a brash little thing simply used for rebellion and showing off power.
Dark Enchantress: What?! You’re saying MY magic is child’s play?! *charges a magic beam* I’ll have you know that my magic is BEYOND a mere child’s play thing!! (Dark Enchantress fires a large magic beam. The cookies tense up in fear as it draws closer to Cyber and Leo)
(Cyber and Leo raise both their hands and match it with an equally if not more powerful blast of energy)
(The two giant beams of magic clash with each other)
(The enchantress clearly struggles with the beam while Cyber and Leo are completely calm as they slowly overtake her)
(Dark Enchantress uses all of her dark magic to make her magic beam grow bigger, hoping she would get an advantage. But Cyber and Leo’s beam still slowly overtakes
(Finally the beam hits her, overtaking her own beam)
Dark Enchantress: No...No...NOOOO!!!! *gets hit* (The beam sends her flying and she’s pinned against a wall)
Leo: *to the cookies* Now everyone, combine all your power and might on that seal. We will assist you With our powers combined, we can end this evil once and for all!
(Before any cookie would respond, the Legendary Cookies step in) Moonlight: Let us assist you Sea Fairy: Our powers are more than enough to break the seal Fire Spirit: However, if Wind Archer weren't corrupted, we would've done it with the four of us. But since he is...mind if you take his place in doing the seal
breaking thing?
Cyber: It would be our pleasure
(The Legendary Cookies help lift up Cyber and Leo as they float up towards the seal) (Once they did, the Legendary Cookies and Cyber and Leo nod to each other and all of them start to glow) (During this, Dark Enchantress winces and manages to open her eyes to see the Legendary Cookies do their thing) Dark Enchantress: No...No...!!! (The Legendary Cookies and Cyber and Leo fire powerful magic beams at the seal)
(Using all their power, the seal slowly cracks and finally breaks)
(Upon the seal breaking, a small ball of light formed and then it exploded into a large blast of light) Dark Enchantress: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! (The light blast hits Dark Enchantress and she disappears into mist) (The light blast covered the whole area, restoring the tree to it's former self)
(The corrupted cookies get hit with the light, returning to normal as well)
(The light hits Timber and Night Raven, making Night Raven transform back into Wind Archer) (Once the light blast fades, small light orbs start falling around the area. When the orbs touch a cookie, all of the damage they gotten from the battle is healed.) (The Legendary Cookies and Cyber and Leo float to the ground.)
Cyber: I'm afraid we must go; these bodies will not last long with us
Leo: Farewell... (They transform back and they immediately fall to the ground) (However, two light orbs hit Eric and Jeremy and with it's magic healing powers, Eric and Jeremy suddenly wake up with all the aftermath effects of the Union Form
strangely gone)
Jeremy: Whoa, that's new...
(Eric looks up and sees the light orbs floating down around them) Eric: I think...the tree healed us... Jeremy: Huh... (Then, one of the cookies called out to Eric) Orange Cookie: Hey Electric Blue! You're uh...Husband is awake, but barely moving. Should we be worried?
(Eric's eyes widen and he hurries over to Timber)
(Eric rushes over and sees that Timber is heavily breathing and barely moving)
Eric: Jordan?! Jordan!! *gently shakes him*
Timber: ...Ugh...P...Peach...?
Eric: Yes! Jordan, are you alright? Can you hear me?
Timber: Y-Yeah...i-i can hear ya...
Eric: Can you move? Do you hurt anywhere??
Timber: Erk...barely...and...i hurt...everywhere...
Eric: But why...? Why didn't the light heal you like it did for us??
Timber: Wha...what...light...? Cherry: The one that's heading straight towards ya? *points to a orb of light* (A orb of light floats down towards Timber and it hits him, healing all of his wounds)
(Timber blinks and sits up no problem) Timber: Oh. That. Well thank god for-OOF! (Eric tackles him with joy)
Eric: Oh thank god you're back!!
Eric: I missed you so much!! Timber: Heh, I missed you to, sorry about...you know... Eric: Oh shut up *kisses him deeply*
(Timber kisses him back and they both kiss deeply)
(The cookies blush at the sight while The holders roll their eyes)
(But then, a large orb of light appears in front of the tree, which catches everyone's attention)
Scarlet: Oooh :0c
(The large orb floats for a few seconds, then a cookie emerges out of the light, that being Millennial Tree Cookie, and he float down gracefully to the ground)
Jeremy: ...Whoa
(Millennial Tree Cookie looks upon everyone and smiles) Millennial Tree: Thank you...thank you all for lifting the curse...i am grateful for your kind act.
Fire Spirit: You’re welcome
(Millennial Tree looks at the Holders) Millennial Tree: *to the Holders* Come to my presence, i must share my gratitude with all of you.
(Most of them tense) Dasher: Uhhh define gratitude O_O
Millennial Tree: *tilts his head in confusion* Why the odd reaction? I just wanted to speak to you!
Dasher: Oh, never mind then (They go over to him)
Millennial Tree: Thank you all for doing your part on breaking the curse, your powers that lie within the jewels you possess is something that i have never seen
before. In fact...i have a feeling these powers of yours are new to this world, perhaps you were dragged from another world and came into ours...
Jeremy: Yeah that’s about it
Owl: An Akuma, that looks just like all of you, put us into this world. Perhaps you know a way out? Millennial Tree: For the actual exit the Akuma has made? I am not certain. However, i will grant your desire of going back to your world.
Eric: Thank you
Millennial Tree: You're welcome (Before Millennial Tree Cookie could do that, all the other cookies approach them) Gingerbrave: We're gonna miss you guys... :(
Jeremy: Us too...
(Blackberry approaches Eric) Blackberry: Before you go, i just want to say this... *sighs* I'm...sorry for saying all those things to you...i just...i was just projecting myself onto you and...i-i
just rambled on and on about MY experience with my husband...and projected it onto you and your husband...like i said, you're very lucky to have a man like him that
loves you no matter what you do or what he does... *sighs sadly* Wish i had that kind of love for my husband...
Eric: It’s alright...not all couples are perfect. In fact, Jordan isn’t my first spouse, and it took a long time to get where we are. I’m sure you’ll find it
Blackberry: I hope so...because oddly, inspite everything that has happened to me...there's still a bit a love for him...i just don't know how to make it bloom...
Eric: It will come to you eventually; one day you'll realize just how much you mean to each other
Blackberry: Yeah...hopefully that day comes...
(They share a smile and the holders face Millenium Cookie)
Owl: Alright, we're ready. (Millennium nods and uses his magic to cover the Holders in light) (The cookies wave goodbye to them as the Holders fade away and go back to their world)
(The holders all appear back in the real world, shooting out of the akumas phone)
Akuma: AH!! *gets knocked back by them shooting out the phone*
(Atlantic is the first to compose himself and grabs the akuma and yanks the phone away) Atlantic: Now we got you, you little shit! >:(
Akuma: Eep! O~O
(Jade takes the phone) Jade: I'm assuming this is the akuma since this is all because of an app
(Jade breaks the phone and an akuma flies out)
(Scarlet purifies it)
(The Akuma turns into his normal self and suddenly a few more Holders appear, being the Squip Squad)
Jeremy: Whoa, where'd you guys come from?
Jake: We got sucked up into a phone by a walking, talking cookie.
Hound: You were in the game the whole time?
Christine: Wait, we were in a game? Chloe: Yeah, we got kinda lost in there, we had NO idea where we were going... XS
Owl: Goodness...well at least we were able to stop the akuma
Atlantic: Yeah, thank god... (They look at the former Akuma, who's a bit distressed) Former Akuma: Can you PLEASE fix my phone with your fixing magic?? Please?! D:
Cyber: Oh! Oh...oh dear... *he looks at Owl who grimaces* Owl: I'm afraid it's broken...Cyber didn't purify the akuma
Former Akuma: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! DX *bursts into tears*
Timber: Ah geez... Leo: Hey, uh, it's not all bad...
Former Akuma: MY HIGH SCORES!!! ALL THE TIME SPENT ON THAT GAME!!! GONE!!!!!! *keeps crying loudly*
Jenna: Uh...not really. Former akuma: Huh? Jenna: The game scores and accounts are all in the cloud on the game center; once you get a new phone and back up your former data it should all be there. You have a
back up somewhere don't you? Former akuma: *sniffs* I...I think so...?
Jenna: So if you get a new phone and back up your former data, all the stuff you did on your old phone would be on your new one!
Former Akuma: Really?! Jenna: As someone who's broken their phone quite a bit, I'd say I'm an expert ;)
Former Akuma: So...everything i did...won't be lost! *smiles widely at Jenna* Thank you!! :'D
Jenna: No problem Christine: Never pegged you for a tech expert, Jen :3c Jenna: *shrugs* Eh
Jenna: I just know the ins and outs of tech through experience, that's all.
(The former akuma runs off to get a new phone) Dasher: Thank god that didn't end awkwardly...
Hound: Yeah...
Leo: I DO wanna get that app now though... Arctic: RIGHT??
Leo: And how come i haven't heard about the game until now?! Owl: Perhaps due to your, um, over-reaction to seeing sweets and any media that has sweets in it, we assumed that you would eat your phone upon seeing it... XS
Leo: Fair enough, but in my defense since we MET those cookies I won't WANT to eat them since they're all pretty nice guys
Hound: Yeah!
Swan: And maybe it IS fun
Leo: Yeah it is!
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