#ty for tryna comfort me anon
atsu-i · 1 year
you dont deserve to feel this way. your feelings matter and you're not a burden whatever you might think. i genuinenly wish you'll feel better soon. be kind to yourself, friend.
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bibibi-tchx · 13 days
Sorry for sending a lot of asks, but do you think when little Dom see's one of his caregivers sad, he gives them his most prized items like Mine or his blanket? Because in little Dom's mind, these things make him happy, so they should make them happy too, right?
dont be sorry- yalls anons may take time to be seen on the tl but i schedule these so dw about spamming <3 keeps the writer in me alive during exam season
anyways YES
like he’ll hear them talking all hush hush around him, but he knows for sure he aint in trouble cus they all smile and coo at him, so it deffo aint him!
then it deffo aint jd either, cus if it was jd, his papi wld look mad- but instead he looks sad, bcus dom pouts when hes upset, and it looks like his papi is pouting too!
dunno why dame wld be upset, but jus roll w me here anon
plus, daddy and mami are hugging papi, and from where dom is sitting on the floor with all of his toys, he can spot some tears from damian
which may or may not cause dom to start crying, but he’s only crying bcus papi is. so then he’ll like scoot over on his bottom, blankie and lamb in one hand, and pacifier in his mouth
looking up to damian with the biggest puppy eyes, and the head tilt to match, dom jus moves his arms upwards
damian gears himself to prepare with an upset baby, even though he has no idea why dominik could be upset as theres no way he got hurt or anything
finn n rhea are WATCHING 👀
the moment damian opens his mouth to comfort dominik, dom takes the paci from his mouth n just slots it into his papis with a lil “sh, papi! s’ kay, we’s gotchu! mami an’ dada got you!” bcus thats what damian says to HIM, and it makes him feel better, so it shld make papi feel better!
damian looks like hes about to start crying more even as he takes the pacifier from his mouth and back into dominik’s, even though it just hangs from the pacifier clip anyways
atp finn n rhea are on either side cuddling them bcus i said so
“papi’s okay, niñito. im all good!” damian says, wiping tears from his eyes
which btw tells dom that no, papi is not all good, and papi is now saying no to the pacifier: to dom that means that his papi wants a bottle, so he immediately turns to his mami, “papi need baba, mami. p’ease?” bcus look! papi’s crying with no paci, and when doms crying with no paci, that just means he wants a bottle
damian chuckles AT LAST as hes pulling dom closer, with the lil boy confused as to why everyones laughing when hes tryna make his papi feel better! “your papi is a bit too big for a baba, pequeno! you’re still iddy biddy, so you can have one. how about i have some cuddles instead? that’ll make me feel much better!”
and ofc dom still doesnt believe him, but does cuddle up to his papi anyways
ty neko <3
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Iam looking at your phoenixverse laxus design with both eyes OPEN 👁👁 but now im so curiojz as to what else the phoenixverse has to offer. PLEASE tell me youve got any headcanons about how zeref refived natsu. Like any thoughts at all on that?
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Ohohohohohohohohohoho anon my guy my dude, my man (genderless) I am about to speak. Pull up a fuckin chair bro. Also puttin this under read more because uh, long lol
This is actually one of my favourite things to think about regarding Natsu (apart from yknow, END lol) and Zeref because it is such an interesting little story point.
For Natsu, the interest comes from the fact that he's not who he thought he was. Natsu's always confident about his identity, he's quick to announce who and what he is in a situation and he's proud of who he is. The knowledge that yeah sure, you are Natsu Dragneel, but uh Natsu's not who you think he is buddy- that Natsu, in some way died so many centuries ago but was pulled back and reshaped, reborn- repackaged even- into you in a body that you thought was human but is some almagamation of that and more? All tied to a book? Can he still say with confidence that he is Natsu Dragneel when he hardly knew the truths about himself? And if sayin that is even true when he could easily just be something molded to look like what Zeref lost? (Ofc we the readers know otherwise but imagine the dilemna man) The reality of it would've- should've- been earth shattering. It would've been an identity crisis and then some.
For Zeref, oh man. Zeref's whole thing stems from the fact that he loves Natsu. He loves Natsu so much (and his parents too i guess) that when the tragedy struck and he lost everything, it fucked him up. He just couldn't deal with the incredibly unfair hand that life dealt him that he was willing to turn the world on its head and essentially change the course of fioran history to try and undo what happened to him. To save something from his old life that he loved.
But heres the thing about Zeref's love. It's twisted. It's fucked up. It's dark.
Working years, decades- possibly even centuries- on the single minded task of reviving his brother (and why just Natsu? Why not the parents well? Why only the younger sibling? Did he intend to bring them all back but became single minded on just his brother?) could lead to obsession. Obsession with making him perfect, no longer just as a human but more than that. Stronger so he won't be killed as easily. Obsession with keeping him close, tying him to his soul in such a way that if Zeref goes, Natsu goes as well. Making sure that he's pulling the strings that when it comes to, when he finally closes his eyes at the hands of his brother, he has a comfort in knowing that his brother is going with him and he won't be left alone, like what his very first tragedy did to him. (Plus also making Natsu, his creation that he brought to life, kill him would be a back stab at Ankhserham. Because the god cursed him for fucking around with life and death, so having his demon kill him would be Zeref controlling the life he chose to create and determining his own death. It'd be a last gotcha).
Zeref may have loved Natsu enough to bring him back, and he still loves him in a way, but it's messed up. Because the whole ordeal of everything messed him up.
But I digress, this is just side stuff, your question really. How did Zeref really bring Natsu back?
Now since you asked specifically for phoenixverse, i can get a lil bit loose with canon details and not feel as restricted.
So we have our hard facts- Natsu and Parents die in Zeref's youth, Zeref fucks around tryna undo their deaths and finds out by getting cursed for doing this, then proceeds to use the curse to his advantage and over an undisclosed amount of time to create his demons and what not.
'Undisclosed amount of time' being the key thing here.
Canon implies that the time between Natsu's death, Zeref getting cursed and Zeref reviving Natsu happened within a relatively close period of time. And if it's anything I love, it's spacing out events.
I'd like to think that between the loss of his family and when he gets cursed is a decent gap of time, like a decade or so to really push the fact that he's so fixated on the loss. Then after getting the curse he sets to work of reviving Natsu over the course of decades to almost a century and a half.
(Am i implying Zeref to be a bit older than the 400 years? Yes, yes i am. The way I saw it the events of 400yrs past were inciting incidents i.e Zeref giving Natsu to Igneel, slayers gettin sent to the future, and not the actually set date where everything happened. And again, I like the idea of Zeref fixating on this for a very long time. Him being older drives home the single-mindedness and determination to get it done)
As prodigious as Zeref is, creating life and being the first wizard to do so, i don't think he could do it so easily within a few short years which is why i personally love the idea of Zeref taking so long to be able to revive Natsu. A touch of realism to something magical kinda grounds it in a way, gives it some weight at the very least.
Specifically Natsu being Zeref's final project ever and all the other demons he created over the years prior being experiments and steps taken to perfect the process so Natsu would be the culmination of all that he learnt (demons like deliora and lullaby being demons of inorganic matter given humanoid form-> tartarus- esque demons being humanoid demons with animalistic features (organic matter) -> Natsu, human demon and hybrid traits all working together in cohesion).
And speaking of a touch of realism, or sorta realism anyways, riddle me this.
Zeref needs something to make Natsu well, Natsu. Sure he could probs make a demon that looks like him, but thats not what he wants. He wants his actual brother so, what could he get to add into the mixture to really do that? Why a few samples of course :].
But Phoenix! I hear you cry, how could he have gotten samples if you said in your version that it took him forever to finally revive Natsu?
And so leads into the actual true definitive answer to your question anon.
Zeref, in needing the most important ingredient in the Natsu stew took things from the OG body to help build the new one. But! The kicker here is the samples I imagine him using aren't blood but instead, bone.
Maybe he realizes a decade or 2 down the line in his demon experiments that he missed a step in what he needs to see this through. Maybe he thinks he's too late because what can he do now at that point. Maybe he realizes that he can use not flesh and blood, but what remains for his plan. Maybe he commits another sin in the hopes of it bringing for another and digs up his young brother's bones. Maybe he whittles them down piece by precious piece over the long period of time after failing so many times (am i also implying failed Natsus? Failed ENDs? Hell yeah i am) and coming dangerously close to it all ending for naught, with the last shard of bone. And maybe after so long and so many atrocities, he finally succeeded?
TL:DR Zeref snagged OG Natsu's bones and used those to help in the process of quite literally rebuilding him from scratch to give us our Natsu.
I dunno man, it just adds a layer of fucked up-ness to the whole situation of how far Zeref was willing to go- even defiling his brother's bones to get him back.
And on Natsu's side learning about all this would just twist the knife of his identity crisis even deeper (especially on that implication of failed END attempts before him).
Also like, by stretching out the time of events and making Natsu being the very last demon Zeref ever made bring so much for layers of meaning to the name END in itself.
END, being the literal meaning 'Etherious Natsu Dragneel'
END, signalling the last demon Zeref's made. An end to his experimentations.
END, as in the last and perfected version of his brother, with the last remains of OG Natsu's bones going towards his creation.
And END, as in Zeref's end, where he intends for Natsu to kill him thus ending his life.
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t4tstarrailing · 2 months
hallo! sorry if this seems like me tryna stir up a drama and make things longer / worse, but, have you seen the apology made by the writer who wrote the aventurine slave fic, if so, then what do you think of it? shehehdjskwkjsjsjsn this sounds weird but i rlly wanna hear what you think of it, considering your one of the most vocal about the issue from the start, tbh.
again im so sorry if this sounds hella weird and like a drama queen, you rlly dont have to answer this soo no pressure :) ty and have a great day!
so, i just want to preface my response with this. it's not my place to accept the user's apology. why? i'm a pasty ass white dude whose family has never been negatively affected by slavery. i made that post because i have a background in worldbuilding, specifically for d&d, and actively work to make my campaigns and worlds sensitive because, well, ttrpgs don't have the best history when it comes to being culturally sensitive.
... also this is my second fandom that has had slave discourse similar to this. i am, unfortunately, familiar with this discourse and have seen what it can do to folks in fandoms.
i would also like to acknowledge that this specific user is not the only person that has done this. all of the examples that i used in my initial post are things that i have seen in the fandom since aventurine was announced and it was speculated that he was a slave. this person's post was just the most egregious and the one that ended up blowing up and becoming fairly popular in terms of x reader content, which is where i'm more involved in.
that being said, my formula for a basic ass apology is: acknowledge that you fucked up, explain why you fucked up to show that you learned from it, find out what you should do next, apologize, move on. a lot of the apology from what i read sounded very victimizing. and yes, there is a conversation to have about hoyo including the slavery plot line, as they're using romani oppression and history as a 1:1 reference for aventurine's oppression and racism he faces. but hoyo is not holding you at gunpoint to make a "fix him" fic where the reader buys slave!aventurine. you are a person with your own free will. no one is making you write this, and it's very strange to shift the blame onto hoyo.
also i saw multiple folks respond with "these people should have educated you on why its bad" and people actually did. but when i went to read the apology, they were deleted and long gone. here's the screenshots from a few anons sent last night that have since been deleted by the user.
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how do i know this? because i sent a few myself trying to explain to them why it's problematic. i will out myself as one of these anons. multiple people tried to explain why this content is problematic to write and this was the response that we got. so to say that no one tried to educate them is a complete lie.
overall, there are ways to write comfort aventurine content. have the reader help him through a bad headscape episode! have the reader help him establish boundaries and show that they respect him as an individual! you don't have to focus your content on his slavery and "fix" that part of him. you can write comfort of him as he is by having reader being a supportive partner and understanding him as an individual.
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cynettic · 3 years
welp, apparently 4am it isn't late enough for the damn chickens to stfu. *cough* Anywhoo fuck it im gonna make an acc in America server lmao, ive been meaning to make one for each server but im legit scared of the DS quest and the story in konda (I haven't finshed the Konda one and my exploration in DS is 48% n my DS tree is at level 4 or 7) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and this time ill be choosing aether for experimental and educational purposes ofc not bc I found out i was a simp for him or anything ehe
And awww hopefully in her rerun you'll get her!! advance gudluck on her boss lmfao. also fun fact-actually it's not fun but it's still a fact-I slandered Ayaka like rlly slandered ik it was a shameful dark part of my life 😔
"Oh it's just mona and kaeya i dont see what's the big deal, nah i aint rolling for her" but boi her story quest was the literal definition of 'gay panic' then i was so shocked when she said 'keep your eyes on me' then she aahhhyutyu hummed that tune and started to dance ughefgaijugyufb 😫 I kid you not i was speechless lmao pls tell me im not the only one- n when i got her-not tryna brag dont bonk me-i felt so satisfied i could die then and there with no regrets except maybe the regret of not finding u/ur blog sooner lmao
im cutting this short bc dont get me started on the ppl in my simp list bc i swear i wont stfu- btw can i be Cinna anon? or just Cinna?
p.s. ur sweeter <3333 although ur ayaka angst made me doubt just a little im jk <33
Pffft, getting sleep with any noisy animal is a feat. I have an adorable dog who wakes up at 3am and starts barking at the bears in our backyard, its not usually an issue though cause the majority of my motivation to write happens at 3am ;)
And it’s fine haha, I don’t have too much progress on ds either- I regret not choosing aether at the beginning oml, I love precious Lumine, but I want to experience playing with both twins and just don’t have the motivation to ;-;
And ty!! I’ll be sure to wish on her rerun, and you weren’t the only one who got attached to her in her story quest. I literally started crying, mainly cause I had to stretch the quest thing for a few days (cause of work) and built up a connection to her during that time. And when she had that whole ‘keep your eyes on me’ dance and aidbeusbsksshsj- heart captured, then and there. My life and soul offered to her- if only I could somehow transfer to the game and just stay with her :,)
Ofc you can be known as Cinna anon, I would prob just call you Cinna in general but that’s a cute name :3
don’t judge me based off my angstttt- I swear I just think of Ayaka when I’m emotionally unstable (comfort character) and I just end up writing angst. I’ll write some sweet fluff dw
I know you said you had a ton of people you simped for, but who would be your top? Top 3?
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the100imagine · 7 years
Imagine: Extraction.
Requested by Anon. Includes: Bellamy Blake x Reader. Request: * would you write a bellamy imagine where the reader is next in line for a bone marrow extraction and bellamy is watching from the control room and tries to save her?
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Note: Tryna get my shit together.
Probs not going to be long long, just saying.
Kinda crappy??
Correction: it is crappy. 
    You had just watched the Mountain Men take one of your friends away. They killed him for his bone marrow and they didn't even care that he was just a kid, like everyone else in the room. The tears that rolled down your face turned cold on your skin, the cold air from the vents made a shiver run down your spine. But then again it could have been from the fear of being killed that made you shiver.
    You were chained up next to Harper, another one of your friends, she stood completely still, obviously in shock. Cage was walking around observing the delinquents and a few of the Sky People, like Abby and Marcus, to decide who was going to be next. The rest of the Mountain Men were cleaning up the table—at least they were sanitary in their unethical work—as well as their equipment. You watched them, not watching Cage as he continued to make his way around, talking to himself and another worker, who had a clipboard of names and data.
    "Please don't be me, please," you heard Harper whisper.
    "It's going to be okay," you told her, still not taking your eyes away from the table.
    "How'd you know?"
    "Because I won't let them take you, I'm close to breaking out of the chains so with what remaining energy I have, I'll fight."
    "They'll kill you."
    "Right now, I'm pretty sure I'm already dead."
    "That's not comforting."
    "Sorry," you replied.
    Cage was now standing at the person next to you, they were shaking and crying, pleading not to be next. Cage simply laughed and said something to the person next to him, they nodded and noted something down. A smile almost dropped off of Cage's face when he stepped up to you. He mustn't have been happy that you weren't looking at him as his hand gripped your chin and forced your head to look at him.
    Bellamy and Clarke were watching from the control room, helpless, as Monty was typing away. Clarke had just killed Dante, which prompted Cage to start the extractions early. She knew how close you and the other boy had been, everyone had assumed you two were either siblings—although that probably wasn't likely due to the one child policy—or dating. That had sparked nerves with Bellamy at first, obviously jealous.
    Bellamy stepped closer to the screens when he saw Cage stand in front of you. "Clarke," he started, catching her attention. "Look." Clarke looked to the screen he was looking at.
    "You don't think—" She watched as Cage gripped your chin. "No, no, no. Monty, hurry up."
    "I'm doing the best I can!" He argued back.
    "Clarke, she can't die," Bellamy told her quietly.
    "We won't let it come to that." She shook her head.
    "I have to go stop them." He moved to run out of the control room.
    Clarke grabbed his arm. "Emerson is out there with a bomb, possibly a gun. If you go out there two things will happen. Either you get shot, or you get taken to be killed like her. None of those options help her."
    Bellamy breathed heavily, having no option but to stay there, no matter how badly he wanted to be with you in that moment. He nodded his head, rubbing his face before stepping back to where he was standing beforehand. Clarke let out a sigh, relieved that he was going to stay, she couldn't do this on her own. Her gaze turned back to the screen, Cage was dragging your weak body to the table, silent screams coming from everyone's lips as you were strapped down onto the table.
    "Let's try this again shall we." Cage gritted his teeth as he wiped away your spit from his face. You glared at him as you were forced onto the table, thick straps tying you down. "This time, don't be stupid."
    "Giving yourself a pep talk? That's always good," you sneered.
    He grabbed your chin roughly, making you look at him. "Shall I tell them to just drain you straight away?"
    "Isn't that what they're doing anyway?"
    "For you well make an exception."
    "Special treatment? That's hardly fair."
    "I will kill every single person you care you," he threatened.
    "You already have."
    Cage stayed silent, he looked up to one of the other men before looking back to you. "I heard that your boyfriend is in the control room. So, when I'm done with you," his voice got lower as he gazed over your body. "When I'm really done with you...And I'm not just talking about the extractions." He grinned. "I'll drag your dead body to him, and I'll laugh and tell him how much you enjoyed it, just before I kill him too."
    "Go to hell," you spat out at him.
    "Sweetheart, that's where you're going."
    The pain spread through your body as the drill stabbed into your leg, and that was just on the surface of your skin. You could hear everyone screaming, pleading for the men to stop, to just leave you alone. Kane tried to persuade them that you would all give your bone marrow willingly, so there wouldn't be a need to go through all of the mess that they were going through.
    Cage didn't listen.
    You weren't sure when Jasper had been brought in, or by who, but there was a commotion behind you that you couldn't see. You weren't sure what was going on but a small hiss in the vents broke out and suddenly everyone was choking. The Mountain Men gripped their throats, coughing and sputtering out as they dropped to their knees. You could just about see one of them. His skin was blistering and bleeding, something must have happened to make the radiation seep into the room.
    Your leg stung as Abby made her way over, checking your leg before she quickly grabbed hold of some of the medical supplies, applying pressure to your leg. Kane came over to help, telling you that it was all over, that you were all going to go back home. A pained laugh came from your mouth as he helped untie you, Abby giving you a sad smile as she began to wrap your leg, saying how she would need to get back to camp to really take a look at it.
    "Thank you," you mumbled out.
    "It's going to be okay, you're safe now." She nodded, stroking your hair out from your face.
    "What happened?" You asked. Octavia appeared in front of you, dressed as a Grounder. "Octavia?"
    She nodded her head. "Good to see you're still alive."
    "You too," you replied weakly, confused as to how she got there.
    "Where is she?" You could hear Bellamy's voice yell out amongst the remaining delinquents who were now free of restraints. Abby stepped back when she saw Bellamy run in, he looked over at the table and stopped moving, his mouth opened and closed.
    "Bellamy?" Your voice was sore, but the sound of it seemed to snap him from whatever he was thinking of as he made his way over.
    "Hey." He smiled lightly.
    "Could you help carry her out?" Abby asked him, even though she already knew the answer.
    He nodded his head, placing his arms underneath you, gently lifting you up as your tired arms wrapped around his neck, trying to keep yourself up. Bellamy continued to look at you as he followed the rest of them out of the mountain. Apologising every time you winced from being jolted around as they walked through the woods. He stayed near the back with Clarke, occasionally looking back at the doors of the mountain.
    "How'd you do it?" You asked weakly.
    Clarke's jaw tightened. "We had Monty switch the fans so they sucked in the radiation instead of filtering it out," she explained, glancing over to you.
    "You saved us." You sent a small smile towards her. "Thank you." You nodded.
    "I let all those people die."
    "They were going to let us die, even the Grounders. You saved more people than those you had to let go." Clarke sent you a forced smile, not really believing your words. "I didn't think I was going to see you again." You glanced at Bellamy.
    "I didn't think it was going to work." He shook his head.
    "Cage said something to me, it scared me more than the thought of dying. But it doesn't matter now." You sighed, laying your head against his shoulder as he continued to carry you back to camp.
    "What did he say?" Bellamy raised an eyebrow.
    "It's not important now."
    "But it is."
    "Can I tell you later?" You moved your head to look at him. "When we're back home?"
    Bellamy nodded his head, still itching to know what Cage had said to you, but obviously dropped the subject as you laid your head against him, closing your eyes to fall asleep. He gently kissed the top of your head, knowing that they still had six hours to walk until they all got back to camp. He let out a sigh, a smile playing on his lips when he looked down at you, at least now you were safe and with him, and not in the hands of Cage and the Mountain Men.
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