#ty for indulging my insanity!!! u always do like a real one KEKW
crepusculum-rattus · 2 years
heyyyy rat whats up ^-^ feeling a little insane about the philza today? do you think hc phil does art? I think he'd definitely draw a bunch but I'm wondering if he would do other art stuff as well
hiiiiiiiiiii ^v^
i am about to throttle tumblr bc i answered this ask extensively and it all disappeared.. so The Insanity is truly getting to me now. so it is now time for my favorite kind of response where i say “source? i made it the fuck up.”
NE WAY yesyes i think he does Tons of art including drawing. the entire base is always crowded in incomplete art projects and ideas for future ones. hardly any free space along his floors.
and i think he’s tried all sorts of art. doesn’t mean he Enjoys all forms of art, but he’s definitely tried a Lot. i mean, he’s got a lot of free time, a lot of time alone… what else is there to do but create? not only is it time consuming, it’s also Fun :D
a small list of art related things he consistently does/enjoys (other than drawing):
- sewing/embroidery
- photography
- specifically watercolor painting (he doesn’t Hate other mediums, it’s just his preferred one)
- pottery/ceramics (he’s honestly not even great at it, but he enjoys it still)
basically… i think the art stuff he enjoys Most are things that are practical and useful as something other than just art (the biggest exception is painting as he can make arguments for photography being useful for memory purposes)
aaandddd a list of things he’s attempted and decided never again:
- writing (he’d rather stick with his field notes, thank you very much)
- glassblowing (he somehow managed to burn himself Multiple times and then shattered what he was making)
- crocheting (although he enjoys the process of making yarn like a freak /affectionate)
And there’s Tons of other stuff he’s tried for sure, gods he’s got so much time to do it. but those are the things he has the strongest opinion on.
and most of the stuff he makes is Definitely drawn from the inspiration he gets from the builds he uncovers. since we’re talking about more canonical hc phil, our beloved traveler discovering all of this history.
he’s just a very artsy guy with lots of time to create :]
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