freechaostyrant · 2 years
Another wonderful experience at the convention this weekend was getting to show Jensen some art for the Winchesters. Some people may have seen @wigglebox 's thread about this on Twitter, and I don't have anything new to add but just wanted to share it here.
A few months ago wiggles and I started a Twitter account (@thewinchestersupdates on Tumblr, @twdailyupdates in twitter) to document and share the latest news about The Winchesters. We were both really excited about the show and she'd already written up some meta I'd read of hers. So when I told her I'd wanted to surprise her by getting her something signed by jensen, but didn't wanna do it without her permission, she shared this art with me to have Jensen sign. Funny enough it matches a photo Nida shared on her Instagram (wiggle had been inspired by a trailer scene) and so we knew it was the perfect art to show Jensen.
I had Jensen autos on Saturday evening. This was about an hour after his m&g I attended (where I also praised The Winchesters and told him how much I loved the show and the cast) so I was already mentally prepared for seeing him in person thankfully.
I walk up with my art and I start rambling about how my friend and I run this fan account and how she drew this and I'm getting the art signed for her. He's quiet and takes the artwork, looks at it for a second, and reaches down into his lap to grap his phone and takes a picture. His handler next to him says "this is the first art we've seen" so I said that there's already a lot of art out there (and if y'all haven't seen it yet, start with @wigglebox 's account cause she has ton!!!) And then I told Jensen my friend was gonna freak out because he took that picture 🥹
He signed it and gave it back to me and I have no clue if he spoke to me the entire time or even looked up - I was running on nerves and adrenaline so he could have said "Wow! " Or "Will you marry me?" And I wouldn't have heard him. But it was a wonderful experienice and I'm so glad I got to show him his first fanart for his new show.
And then of course the icing on the cake was seeing Drake and Jojo share Wiggle's post on Instagram on Sunday morning. Here's hoping Jensen sent the cast a picture of the artwork. I can't believe he'll have it on his phone forever (or at least until he gets a new phone) ♥️
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
i think it was this interview you saw :)
YESSS!! I legit came across it by accident while refreshing twitter
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lol-jackles · 2 years
Confirmed by the man in charge himself, the prequel wasn’t picked up for a full season. Any guesses on whether it’s due to the project’s obvious funding problems, or if the network always knew it was going to meet the same fate as Tom Swift and greenlit the project as either a favor to Jensen or on the hope and prayer that it would actually be well received?
The former, possibly not enough investors.  CW will only pay for the first 6 episodes and then “forget” to pay for the rest of the season until they check ratings.  So WB or Chaos Machine has to cover cost for the remaining episodes with money they raised from investors.
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freechaostyrant · 2 years
Okay, so, I'm trying to figure out how to phrase this so I don't get in trouble with creation or violate any of the rules. But I have to share what happened at my meet and greet with Misha on Sunday at VanCon and how that led to this insanity during the Jensen and guests panel...
So a little bit of background, I'm one of the administrators on the Twitter and Tumblr account for the Winchester daily updates (@thewinchestersupdates , @twdailyupdates on Twitter, give us a follow if you don't already!) Which means I've read all of the press that's come out related to the Winchester's. And it's very well documented that before Jensen and Danneel started chaos machine productions and came up with the Winchester's idea, that they had a little rewatch pilot with Misha to watch Lazarus Rising (Jensen first talks about filming it during the rosenbaum podcasts audio linked below)
So of course, being a fan of Misha and the Ackles, I knew this weekend I wanted to ask someone about this zoom call they filmed! So in my m&g with Misha I asked him basically (in a jumbled word salad cause I was nervous)
"In press about The Winchesters Jensen's talked about a lazarus rising rewatch you guys did during quarantine so (1) will y'all be sharing the video and (2) how was it rewatching your episode?"
And this man says "there's video? What?"
And then the m&g room all say it's a podcast and blah blah blah (I'm pretty sure it wasn't a podcast cause Jensen talked about filming a pilot and building a set but whatevers 🤷‍♀️) and Misha looks so confused and has no clue what I'm talking about. I chalk it up to the fact that no one can remember what happened at the beginning of quarantine. So I'm like "oh okay" facepalm and THEN this fucker (affectionately) says "oh you know Jensen and danneel, after they put the kids to bed, they just... Watch videos of me." 💀
So that was gonna be my private shame and since it's a m&g story I wasn't gonna share it.
I'm sitting in Jensen's panel and here a high pitched squeal asking Jensen about watching Lazarus Rising and watching videos of Misha. And I. ABSOLUTELY. LOSE IT. No one in the audience but the other 19 m&g attendees have no context for Misha's question, but I KNOW WHAT HES DOING. So I'm basically shaking and freaking out and cannot explain to anyone why this is insanity. Jensen mocks misha's affect and asked if he was doing Ruthie's voice but I think he was mocking ME asking that question in my scared wobbly voice lmao 🤣
And of course Jensen asks Misha if he (Jensen) should answer the fans question or "mishas horrible question" and I wanted to sink into the floor 😂
And if you've seen the video, you know how Jensen answers the question and the clusterfuck the answer turned into.
So of course, I have Misha's auto later that night and I decide I have to say something to him. I was getting the poem Taxi signed by him, which means a lot for me and how I see my relationship with my mom, and I was gonna say something about how much it resonates with me, but instead I had to pivot. So I went up to his table and put down my items to get signed and said to him:
"Misha I have a bone to pick with you. You stole my m&g question to ask Jensen at his panel today!"
And this man says "What question?!"
So of course I say "the Lazarus rising question. And I think I'm entitled to financial compensation for you stealing my question." And he turns to his handler and says something and turns back to me and says "I'm asking her if it's too late for you to get a refund."
So I laugh and then he said "it was a good question!" And I said "Thank you for asking it! I wasn't expecting the answer to go in that direction though" and he just gives me a look, cocking his head to the side, and I grab my items and run away 🤣
Anyway, I'm still waiting to find out what happened with that pilot episode and if it'll ever see the light of day 🙏
(Also, based on my own experience this weekend, I wouldnt be surprised if Misha genuinely cannot remember stuff in response to my questions because he's busy and frantic and short term memory kind of does in all the stress but if he was just jerking me around all weekend that was the best experience ever)
My auto items are in the images below. Special thanks to @wigglebox for giving me the cas & dean in the empty artwork so I could have Misha sign it. Can't wait to hang it up.
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regardingjenmish · 2 years
perfect response, found something twitter(.)com/TWdailyupdates/status/1582838930600497153
You can always count on fan update accounts!
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