#tvn ghost doctor
Ghost Doctor’s Guide to Hospital Procedure (for newbies)
1.) If you see something strange, say nothing. Particularly if that something is Go Seung Tak.
2.) It’s still not clear if Kang Sejin works here, but it’s not worth your pay grade to ask. Nurse Jang will come for your head.
3.) Recent addendum: DO NOT let Go Seung Tak steal any more patients from the ICU.
4.) The roof garden forever belongs to Professor Cha and his relationship issues.
5.) Re: Professor Cha, *looks around furtively* now that he’s awake, if he starts reminiscing about surgeries that happened while he was comatose, just nod along with it. No pissing off the surgeon in a designer suit.
6.) It’s fine and normal for interns to hit residents.
7.) Don’t question whatever the hell is going on between Professor Cha and Go Seungtak. Seungtak will get heart eyes and ramble enthusiastically about how they’re so close they practically share the same body, and Professor Cha will level his Medusa stare at you and start accusing you of conspiring against them.
8.) Sometimes, residents with a history of performing advanced surgeries aren’t qualified to change a catheter. Pretend the cognitive dissonance doesn’t exist.
9.) When in doubt, page Crystal. She’s literally the only reliable one.
10.) If you suddenly find yourself missing a few hours and you’re on a different floor of the hospital doing something unexpected, just start doing multiplication tables.
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confusedgoldenflower · 2 months
Dr Cha stopped dead when he turned the corner of his home territory to find Dr Koh waiting for him in a bright orange doctor coat. The younger man hadn’t stationed himself far so they were close.
Dr Koh waved with his dimpled smile, “good morning!”
“What is this!?” Dr Cha immediately demanded.
“Oh…” Dr Koh looked around mischeviously, “well, since you missed Halloween, I thought I’d-.”
“I missed Halloween!?” Dr Cha cut himself off and glanced around at his own volume, firmly telling off the other residents and interns, “what? Have you all forgotten how to be a doctor?” They all quickly averted their gazes. The nurses sighed to themselves.
He pulled Dr Koh closer by the collar, “I don’t like Halloween, so-.”
“Hello, Dr Cha.” Dr Oh greeted as she passed, also in obnoxious orange. He stared after her in disbelief.
“You see, we’re pumpkins! Like ‘Jack-o-lanterns!’”
Dr Cha leaned closer, “how am I not the ‘Jack-o-lantern’ considering how you carved me up twice!?”
“Technically, it was you both times. I stitched you up once.” Dr Koh continued smiling as he held up a finger to accentuate the point. “Besides, Crystal hasn’t ever needed open heart surgery.”
Dr Cha blinked at his continued glee.
“… You can’t wear this around the patients!”
“Why not?”
“Sensitivity!— And it’s against dress code!”
“Nope, Dr Ban even gave us his approval.”
“Take it off right now.”
Dr Cha cleared his throat and raised his voice to clarify to any eavesdroppers, “I won’t tolerate that in my department.”
“Then I’ll man the ER!”
He grabbed hold of Dr Koh and yanked the top energetic man back, “no, you have a surgery to oversee.”
“Rescheduled. Dr Jang needed them now for a sudden brain issue, this was her only opening. She’s wearing one too, you know. Out of surgery. And I put one in your office for you~.”
“Will. Not. Happen.”
“I like Halloween.”
Dr Cha immediately picked up on Dr Koh’s attention being won away by something else.
“What? What is it?” Dr Cha whispered.
“Well, we got a new friend. I think they’re a fan of yours. Now’s your time to make a good impression with your people skills!” Too shocked at a new ghost already finding their way to probably the only living person who could see them on campus, Dr Cha was pushed halfway to his office before he could retaliate.
Idk if Tale of the Nine Tailed got a prequel sequel, then we deserve the silliness of a sequel too, I think. (Idk most about TotNT, just got on E4 of the main(?) series.)
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emerald-notes · 2 years
TV Series I’ve Watched in April-May 2022
I’ve watched the 1st three mainly for Kim Bum and I regret nothing...
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Mrs. Cop - Season 2 (2016)
- A female lead crime/thriller - Both the antagonist and the protagonist have great characterizations - A heroine you’d love and a villain you’d love to hate - Talks about justice and morality
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Law School (2021)
- Murder case investigation centering a law school’s students and professors - The characterization of each is a work of art - Highly anticipating and detailing; will keep you on the edge - Very educational and motivational - This show is how you do women empowerment - No romance plotline, wait a second...
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Ghost Doctor (2022)
- Two doctors with polar opposite characters sharing a body - Cute enemies to lovers kind of bromance - Nothing too complicated; (tw: surgeries scenes are a bit too much) - Relatable to almost all the Asians out there
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Myths and Monsters (2017)
- A docu-series about European legends - Discuss historical events that inspired many famous mythical stories - Deep psycho-analysis of each myth - Really cool illustrations and ancient paintings
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
It's almost May 6th. My boi is coming back!!
Okay, so my first post on tumblr and the reason why I started posting is because my boi Rang is going to be back on my screens from tomorrow and I know I am going to need a place to start talking about it or else I might combust..
Been waiting for this lovely boy for 2 years now and I need him to have a happy happy storyline this time. I need it the way I need air to breathe. His death ruined me post the 1st season so I am hoping this season gives me the best fix it possible. I know I am most probably setting myself up for heartbreak again but fingers crossed for my "I am gonna act as a big bad villain but am actually a total softie who just needs a hug from my brother to make the world alright" boy.
Lee yeon, please be a better older brother this season and keep my baby safee. He deserves only love ❤
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Is anyone shipping Dr. Koh Seung tak and Dr. Cha Young min???
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jepretpress · 11 months
Napak Tilas 2022 Kdrama Versi Jepretpress Part 2
Manusia memang boleh membuat rencana, namun Tuhan lah yang menentukan. Aku sudah berniat untuk membereskan tulisan ini di bulan puasa kemaren. Namun apa daya. Laptopku bermasalah dan harus keluar masuk tempat service untuk dirawat inap. Bahkan sampai aku menulis ini juga, laptopku masih bermasalah, namun aku masih belum bisa membawanya ke tempat service. Jadi ya sambil menunggu aku menyelesaikan…
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cloudusa · 2 months
[8 images][Netflix] WATCH: Rain starring in TV drama Ghost Doctor this Friday. (2/23/2024)
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Reseña del kdrama "The Ghost Doctor" (2022).
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Título: 고스트 닥터 / goseuteu dakteo / Ghost Doctor / The Ghost Doctor
Género: Fantasía, Medicina, Comedia, Bromance.
Episodios: 16
Cadena: tvN
Periodo de emisión: 03-Enero-2022 al 22-Febrero-2022
Sinpsis: Cha Young Min es un médico genio, pero arrogante y egoísta. Un día, se ve involucrado en un caso inesperado, debido a ello, su espíritu posee el cuerpo de otro médico. Estos dos médicos son completamente opuestos, con personalidades y habilidades médicas opuestas.
Rate: ★★★★☆ 4.5 estrellas
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Decidí empezar a ver este kdrama porque estaba aburrida, nada me enganchaba y la premisa sonaba muy interesante. El hecho de que cuando lo empecé a ver, era reciente (Marzo 2022) y tenía a Kim Bum como uno de los protagonistas, terminó por convencerme y darle a este kdrama una oportunidad. No esperaba que fuera de comedia (casi no suelo leer los tags de los doramas ya que espero que me sorprendan), por lo que hasta que vi el opening lo entendí y ya no estaba tan segura de continuarlo, pero no le quise negar la oportunidad. Bueno, al final del primer capítulo quedé encantada y súper picada por descubrir que pasaría en el siguiente capítulo, y el siguiente, y el siguiente, y así sucesivamente, lo terminé como maratón y me encantó en general la historia. 
¿Lo mejor?
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¡¡Definitivamente los MinTak Moments!! 🤍💙 ¡El bromance fue perfecto! Me hubiese encantado aún más que hubiese sido un BL porque honestamente la química entre Young Min y Eun Tak era mil veces mejor que la química entre Young Min y su exnovia.
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Ahora, dejando de lado la química entre este dúo, ambos personajes crecieron a nivel personal y colectivo, dejando momentos divertidos y enseñanzas a su paso.
El personaje de Tess y los coma ghost fue otro de los elementos que también me gustó. Me gustó conocer su historia y como aportaron a la trama. Además, esta fue mi segunda vez viendo al actor que personifica a Tess, en un kdrama médico, por lo que me pareció aún más entrañable este personaje.
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El Gran Plus de The Ghost Doctor fue la escena final que referenció a un rom-com. Sin duda fue la cereza del pastel. 
¿Lo que no me gustó?
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La residente de emergencias, Kristal y la que se supone que es el interés amoroso de Ko Seung Tak. Simplemente la detesté. No sé si fue su personaje tan entrometido o la actuación de la actriz, pero simplemente no la soporté.
En algún punto de la historia, me dio pena la neurocirujana, sentí que tenían su mente hecha u lio al no decirle la verdad.
Entre los capítulos 11 a 13, sentí que hubo demasiados momentos románticos entre Rain y la neurocirujana que pudieron usarse para desarrollar más a los coma ghost.
También me hubiesen gustado más momentos MinTak con Young Min despierto.
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Le doy a "The Ghost Doctor" 4.5 estrellas.
OST: 3.5 estrellas 
Actuación: 5 estrellas
Personajes: 4 estrellas
Historia: 3.5 estrellas
Cinematografía: 4 estrellas
Química de la pareja: 5 estrellas *NOTA: Aquí tomo como pareja a Seung Tak y Young Min, no necesariamente en el sentido romántico, sino en el sentido en que la historia giró en torno a ambos personajes y fue la evolución de su relación la que vimos a lo largo de todo el dorama.
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kojandra · 1 year
✨ dramas i watched in 2022 and my ratings for them ✨
Had a short kdrama year because I fell into a random slump. Here’s what I watched this year:
1. Strongest Deliveryman ⭐️⭐️  (it got very skippable near the end. cute ships but wish i got to see the thriving company at the end. good ending tho. not great, just good. i have a girl crush on Lee Dan Ah tho)
2. Chicago Typewriter - TvN ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐  (soliiiddd!!! the friend 😭 ship 😭 got me back into writing too omggg. excellent plot. excellent cast. excellent characters. chef’s kiss. ending was excellent. did not feel unfinished at all.)
3. Move to Heaven ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (solid slice of life and v nice characters and OOF TAE JOON NEED I SAY MORE. subtract a star for the unfinished side story tho like why’d they build it up like that to not give me closure goddamn)
4. The Silent Sea - Netflix ⭐⭐⭐⭐  (scifi!! in a!!!!! drama series!!! give me more!!!! and bae doona!!! again shoulda been a five star if they gave me a little bit more at the end for closure)
5. Happiness ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (would have had 5 stars if the resolution wasn’t so rushed! 4.8. can i do that? anyways this is a post pandemic apocalypse drama...i lowkey needed therapy after finishing it. 12 episodes and very bingeable! how to ruin your weekend 101.)
6. All of Us are Dead - Netflix ⭐⭐⭐ (i already watched happiness so this just felt like a re-hash of it....oops. unsatisfying ending imo ://// idk it was as expected. nothing major.)
7. Ghost Doctor - TvN  ⭐⭐⭐.5 (mehhh...got predictable and slow but I loved the ending and the beginning was so intriguing)
8. Through the Darkness ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (more like a 3.6! some familiar stories and overall good acting. if you like criminal minds, you’ll like this!)
9. Twenty-five, Twenty-one -TvN  ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (v nice youth show except I feel like I’ve seen this concept before already)
10. Forecasting Love & Weather - JTBC  ⭐⭐ (what was that honestly)
11. 39 - JTBC  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ (YUP. It gave me everything I wanted. Romance. Friendship. EMOTIONAL. Everything.)
12. Little Women - Netflix  ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (IT WAS SO STRONG. SO MANY HOPES. Then it fell off. Did not like the ending.)
13. Extraordinary Attorney Woo - Netflix  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ (PERFECTION. NEED I SAY MORE?)
dramas from this list i’d rewatch in the future: chicago typewriter, move to heaven, and extraordinary attorney woo!
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chltlssbtm4793 · 2 years
Naeun Son right? I think it's someone else...
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Na-eun Son, who is from Apink and is working as an actress, shared her current status with a different charm than before.
On the 12th, Naeun Son posted a picture of her through her personal Instagram account.
In the published photo, he is posing with a visual that matches a white look. She perfectly digests the bold fashion that reveals her inner skin.
In particular, Son Na-eun has his head slightly bowed and his eyes closed. Because of this, he exudes a different atmosphere and charm than before, capturing the attention of netizens once again.
Meanwhile, Naeun Son appeared in tvN's 'Ghost Doctor', which ended in February. Then, he decided to withdraw from Apink, collecting topics.
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jehoon · 2 years
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Kim Bum as Ko Seung Tak Ghost Doctor EP.1
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Ghost Doctor (but it’s text posts)
Summary of the show:
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Han Seung Won:
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Residency mentorship be like:
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Ahn Taehyun:
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Jang Minho:
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Jang SeJin:
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Another day, another possession:
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confusedgoldenflower · 2 months
Cha YeongMin, trying to pick up a cup: *it sticks to the table so it hits him in the face and splashes him*
Koh SeungTak: *laughs bc it’s funny*
KST: Not me! Ahahaha *laughs as he’s chased around*
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emerald-notes · 2 years
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Just something I made...
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pdcola · 2 years
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b612sunsets · 2 years
Let’s discuss how Rain, Kim Bum and the network of Ghost Doctor confirmed that MinTak is the real couple of the drama. We’re not making it up but at the same time we’re 🤡 either way. You can see lots of moments in the BTS videos with the staff, actors and editors more than once making remarks and playful comments about it.
We have Rain and Kim Bum calling each other’s character “my love” in the tags of the first pictures of them together right before the drama first aired. Bumie commented “❤️” in Rain’s and Rain commented “Can't come true... crying ❤️" in Bumie's.
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tvN calling them a “hidden couple” and summarizing the drama as the relationship between MinTak in one of the behind the scenes videos. The one that Rain said “In my heart, we already kissed” about Youngmin and Seungtak. It’s canon folks, the straight circus is just a cover up (unfortunately). They wished for MinTak to be endgame too but alas SK isn't prepared for that yet in their mainstream dramas.
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Bonus: prettylilthing07's post on how the OST "You Better Not" is totally a Youngmin x Seungtak song.
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