#trust that your dream will someday come true ♠️ asks
carrdsoldier · 2 years
7. Do you you believe your parents know best? If not, then who? ;)
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7. Do you you believe your parents know best? If not, then who?
"Parents know best...I think it's a tricky question to answer."
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"After all, they might know some things better than you do so you should trust their word on it but...knowing best for everything? I don't think so at all." "I think only you can really know what's best for yourself. Getting advice from others is important but if you make decisions based on only what other people say or expect you to do, you might wind up unhappy. I've...seen what that does to someone, and I don't think that should be the life anyone lives."
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
1, 2, 12
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1. How do you view people who are similar to you?
"People who are similar to me?"
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"Naturally, I want to cheer them on. People like me...we've gotta look out for each other! Second chances don't come easy."
2. Is copying the sincerest form of flattery?
"Copying...I think in some ways it can be, but there are better ways to flatter people. Copying can come off like mocking if you don't do it carefully."
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"I'm sure I've tried to copy how people do things in some ways, but I wouldn't call it flattery. Maybe admiration? But you've gotta be true to yourself at the same time."
12. Are problems best shared or should people keep them to themselves?
"Sometimes, you have to keep your problems to yourself. Whether it's out of fear that people will judge you, or that you just can't say without getting them into trouble too..."
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"...but after you learn that it's okay to share, things get so much easier. I think it's okay to share the problems you have, that you know you can trust people with."
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
I!!!!!!! LOVE YOUR DEUCE!!!!!! WITH ALL MY HEART hes always been my fave heartslaybul boy and continues to be everytime i read your writing he is SO CUTE!!!! my precious son absolute baby.... you write him so well and your headcanons are always so spot on big W krypto
WAAAAAaaaa thank you thank you!!!
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i usually write such goofy little carefree guys with multifaceted personalities so deuce is always a fun break from that! he's just a little guy a little fella. im so glad people enjoy my head canons for him too??? i just think he's an autistic trans legend fr........
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
[DUNK] ( i chose chaos )
Being flipped off the pool float he was sitting on was...really not what he expected to happen, in agreeing to go hang out at the pool with Ace. But honestly he should have expected it.
"Did you really need to do that...!?"
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Swimming back up and poking his head out of the water, he settled a small glare onto Ace...before a small grin grew on his face, and he started to make his way over to him. You're getting dunked next, punk.
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
i...i made egg puns, deuce. dude you got my heart all scrambled.
"Ah...! I get it now. Well I think you're an...egg-ceptional...boyfriend?"
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"Why did I say that?"
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
it's fine deuce. they are just yolkin' around. you crack me up!
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"Oh! Did...I say something funny?"
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
scrambled fried or poached go
"Oh! Well, I think it depends...a fried egg is really good on sandwiches, ramen, and toast. Scrambled can be good just for a quick breakfast or in a wrap. Poached eggs are also really good on toast."
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"My favorite though? Probably fried, with the yolk still a little runny."
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
egg boy isn't as funny
"...well, I did think all eggs hatched until I went to Night Raven. Even the ones you eat..."
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"I was told that's funny?"
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
you can never be gluten boy
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"Um! Well...I could be...egg boy?"
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
what is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count? ; if you are writing a wrong reply that’s not working out, do you save what you have to be continued at another date, or do you scrap it and rewrite?
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roleplaying habit questions ( accepting ! )
17. what is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
it's honestly just time. i work roughly 60 hours a week, almost 9 hours every day. i only ever have the time and energy to do big replies on friday and sunday mornings - because i work the night shifts those days. sometimes i can get them during the week if i'm not too worn out from work!
20. if you are writing a wrong reply that’s not working out, do you save what you have to be continued at another date, or do you scrap it and rewrite?
i scrap it and rewrite it! i'm incapable of leaving something half written and then coming back to it. it's just too hard for me - i lose my train of thought and i struggle to remember what i was trying to say.
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
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roleplaying habit questions ( accepting ! )
2. are there any languages besides english in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
unfortunately no! english is the only language i know. i probably could have attempted french in the past - but i haven't practiced in five years and i've forgotten most of what i learned.
4. how often do you need to translate your own or the other’s writing with a dictionary or google when writing and reading replies?
not super often! there's occasionally words i need to double check the meaning of or like. double check to make sure i'm understanding which way they're using it - but i don't really need to translate.
6. do you have ideal writing circumstances when you can do a lot of drafts or tackle really long ones very easily?
oh yeah. i just get in a mood and i fucking go for it. especially given how much i've been working lately - i usually just sit down on friday or sunday mornings and get through as many replies and starters on my blogs as i can, before i go to work. i'm good at getting like minis and short replies done if i have the time after work but usually if it's when i have a good period in the morning before i need to go to work (which is usually only fridays and sundays) then that's when i get through the long ones.
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
[LIFT] - sender lifts receiver off the ground (or attempts to).
simple actions prompts ( accepting ! )
"Um...Viper-senpai?" He starts, tone a bit uncertain as he feels the other student's arms around him and squeeze tight.
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"...are you trying to pick me up?"
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
carnelian & citrine
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gemstone questions // not accepting !
carnelian : do they like being alone?
Hm...I think Deuce does enjoy being by himself from time to time - but not all around! I think it took him awhile to get to the point where he's okay just being by himself, and he takes that time more to "recharge" more than anything else. Morning jogs, riding his Magical Wheels, going out to the ocean to vent his frustrations by yelling at the waves - those are all moments I think he enjoys having to himself. Any other time of day though? He'd prefer being with other people.
citrine : do they like themself?
...yes. It took him only until recently to get to that point, however.
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There are still plenty of things Deuce is ashamed of that he did in the past, and there are aspects of himself he doesn't want people to know but...he does love himself - both past and present. And sometimes that feeling falters, making him think that maybe he doesn't, but progress isn't a straight line and he knows that it's still a work in progress. One day he can say with more confidence that he does love himself, all the way through. But for now? He can at least say that he loves the person he's working on becoming, and he appreciates the person he used to be for carrying him to this point.
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
"hey deuce. silly little question. have you like...been back to see our older selves?"
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"...no? Is everything okay with them?"
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
wow who could this anon be. who could it be!! anyways i really love your deuce, you put a lot of love and effort into him. you have a lot to say about him and to me that always shows someone who is really passionate about the person they write! gives him a little head kissy.
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thank you!!! he's just a silly guy and i love how much they shared about his past but also gave a ton of wiggle room for head canons...i try my best to be as true to him as possible while still adding in some of my personal thoughts and ideas and im glad that that shows through well!!!
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carrdsoldier · 2 years
Egg boy tunununununu egg boyyyyyy tunununununu
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