#truly the backbone of spn conventions
sunglassesmish · 7 months
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sinditia · 7 years
AHBL8 Part 6 – Saturday – Autographs
​I bought extra J2 autos for today (which probably contributed to the whole issue with the autos selling out, but i only got one extra each so likely in the grand scheme of things it's not so much). It's tough because i have so many things i want them to sign but since they are pretty pricey i decided to just get one extra each. For today I decided to get my funko pops signed and for Sunday i want them to sign my epi and biostat SPN notebook to sort of motivate me during exams.
Plus it's nice to get extra time to interact with the guys. We're discouraged from interacting too much with them during photo ops because of time constraints and instead we're directed to say whatever we needed to say to them during the autos (which also probably contributed to the issue of autos selling out faster).
Autos were on straight after J2's panel so the guys went straight from that to the auto room. Seriously I don't envy their workload during these conventions.
The volunteers directed me to Jensen's table first. While standing in line, i was rehearsing what I wanted to say to him and i think it went quite well. I thanked him for taking the time to come see us in Australia and I apologized for being such a spaz in the photo ops that i don't remember if i thanked him or not. That seemed to amuse him and he chuckled and said, "it's really no problem" and i stuttered some more thank yous, collected my signed funko and left the table. I was so flustered from having his attention on me (green green eyes!) that i almost left the room, forgetting that i had a Jared auto as well. I quickly turned around and joined the line for Jared.
This is where I screwed up. I was so preoccupied with rehearsing what i wanted to say to Jensen that i had no idea what I'd say to Jared. I mean, admittedly, I'm not a Jared-girl and my feelings for him aren't as strong as for Jensen and you'd think that would make me cool and calm and articulate. But no, it's still Jared and he was right there, looking at me, and his strange-colored eyes are just as beautiful as Jensen's and you'd never know that I had an IELTS score of 8.5 with the way I was speaking. I forgot how english worked and it was so inexplicably difficult just to say thanks for being here with us. Goddammit why am i such a spaz??
Oh i also have to report a really cute thing I witnessed in the auto room. One of the ladies a few spots in front of me in the Jared line gifted Jared with a jar of vegemite that had his name on it and she was having a conversation with him about it. Obviously it's a universal running joke that Americans find vegemite repulsive, but Jared had the idea of using it as negative reinforcement for when his kids misbehaved and he was really excited about it. He called out to Jensen from across the room to run the idea by him. Jensen laughed and was like, "you sure that's gonna work with your kids? Shep will probably like it" and he imitated Shep lathering vegemite all over his face which made Jared laugh. Jensen was like, "vegemite bath!" which made Jared laugh even more. I also blame that adorable exchange for distracting me from properly preparing what i wanted to say to Jared.
Legit I'm so glad that J2 have each other for these things. Cons seem absolutely brutal, meeting so many people, hearing so many stories, but still needing to go through basically every single person. I mentioned last year that AHBL7 seemed hard on Misha because he was the "backbone" of the con so to speak and he was by himself. This year, a huge amount of the con's weight is on J2 but they have each other for support and I'm so glad for it because what happened to them is so much rougher that what happened to Misha last year.
Jared and Jensen are truly amazing people, like my respect for them increased exponentially after seeing them handle this weekend. All through the jetlag and exhaustion and general annoyance at the disorganization, their energy levels were still pretty high, they delivered a stellar panel, they're still very friendly and cheerful when interacting with fans, and they genuinely care about us. Like when some people would go up to them during autos and ask how they're doing and hope theyre feeling okay in the middle of all this madness, they'd be like, "how about you? Are you guys having fun?" Like for all of their understandable and justified anger and frustration about the event, in no way is that directed towards the fans.
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