#troped conclave submissions
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TROPED Choice: Conclave Fics!
We received nine (9!!) Fics for The 100’s TROPED Choice: Conclave Event! This Choice event had one round of a Choose Your Own Tropes Challenge, but with a Canonverse theme! Writers had to select a Clan/Location in the 100 World, a Character, optional additional Theme, and set of Tropes that were different from everyone else. Only one writer could use each trope, clan, character, and theme! Check out what they created below:
Please try to read as many fics as you can! Take some notes, leave some kudos/comments for the authors, and help us vote on the winners!
Voting will be open until May 28th at 11:59pm EST! Vote here:
i've been asleep so long (wasting away) - Second Dawn!Harper in Azgeda! (Rated M) [Harper/Roan]
Summary: Peaskepa is a legend, a woman older than time that shows up to peacefully resolve conflicts, a woman who cannot die, who does not age.
Harper is that legend, and she's spent most of the last four hundred years alone, avoiding the people she keeps alive when there's nothing to save them from.
Until she finds herself hanging upside down from a tree, caught in the trap of a banished Azgedan prince.
Here There Be Dragons - Ark!Anya on Planet Gamma! (Rated M) [Anya/Raven]
Summary: The Eligius IV sent down a reconnaissance team to determine whether the survivors from Earth can make a home on Planet Gamma. All indications are that there are communities already thriving on the unique planet. Anya Dollinger, the last surviving security officer of the Ark, and her team find themselves in trouble right from the beginning. However, the solution is more unusual than they could have dreamed.
blessed - Jacapo Sinclair in Podakru! (Rated M) [Sinclair/Indra]
Summary: The grieving Jacapo Sinclair managed to survive the years underground in the Bunker. Once it opened, he joined Podakru to help restore their community. A surprise visit changes everything he thought he knew about the past, the present and perhaps even his future.
the miracle of the sea - Floukru!Echo in Floukru! (Rated M) [Echo/Luna]
Summary: A long, low, loud horn sounded, reaching every corner of the rig. The brunette lifted her head from where she had been hunched over, sharpening a fishing spear. It was the sound of the fishermen returning. She rose to her feet, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips, a light breeze rustling her hair and bringing with it the brisk scent of the sea, a scent that had surrounded her for as long as she could remember. She let the breeze brush against her, envelope her, comfort her. This was home, would always be home.
Until it wasn't.
dreams become reality become dreams - Costia in the Deadzone! (Rated T) [Costia & Emori]
Summary: You were in love.
It was an indescribable, unendable love. You knew that your love could span across eons, across universes. Your love felt like a dream, a dream that you never wanted to wake up from.
But no one dreams forever.
- or where Costia is banished from Trikru and meets Emori in the Deadzone. Cue hostilities, insults, sarcasm, and eventually, friendship
this is me swallowing my pride - Bryan in Wonkru! (Rated T) [Bryan/Miller]
Summary: When Bryan realizes that he and Miller have differing ideas about Wonkru, he puts an end to their relationship before things get messy. When he starts exchanging secret messages with someone, though, he begins to wonder if he acted too quickly.
don't need to question the reason (i'm yours) - Bardo!Reese on Skyring/Penance! (Rated T) [Octavia/Reese]
Summary: Our story starts with the abduction of a young Bardoan on a routine prisoner pickup from Penance. The young man's father, however, was Bill - yes, that Bill - so the plan was to ransom him off. But when the three kidnappers and their prisoner get lost in one of the many forests of Penance, they spend the night in an abandoned barn, and our story changes from one of danger to one of love.
this is the life that we choose (this is the life that we bleed) - Madi in Louwoda Kliron! (Rated T) [Lexa & Madi]
Summary: Madi kom Louwoda Kliron was hidden from the Flamekeeper’s scouts by her mother. But Heda Lexa kom Louwoda Kliron found her -- and trained her in secret. Madi was never supposed to become the Commander, unless something went terribly wrong and there was no other option.
But, of course, something went terribly wrong.
You're All I Have - Eligius IV!Levitt on Bardo! (Rated T) [Levitt & OC]
Summary: "It was nights when the sky was dark and the moon shone full that Levitt liked the best. He, Jerom and Lupe would climb up to the roof of Jerom’s apartment building and howl at the moon like wolves. Fitting, as both Lupe and Levitt’s name meant wolf. With their matching dark brown hair and eyes, it was like they were perfect grey wolves in the night. Jerom’s blond hair and blue eyes didn’t really fit with the wolf vibe, but he was an honorary member. They made their own pack and Levitt wouldn’t change it for the world."
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nomattertheoceans · 4 years
The 100?
Thank you Nonnie!!! :) 
Top 5 favourite characters:
Echo / Emori / Raven / Murphy / Octavia
Other characters you like:
A lot, actually! Off the top of my head, Lexa, Clarke (although not in the way most people like her, I enjoy her as an anti-hero lmao), Bellamy, Monty, Jasper, Lincoln, Indra!
Least favourite characters:
Aside from the obvious villains obviously, I’m gonna say Kane and Abby. I never really cared for their stories, I’ve hated Abby since season 1 and Kane since s5 there’s just something about them being absolutely awful leaders and blaming kids for their failures that I can’t get behind.
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Basically lmao.
No but seriously, I think their love story is just great on so many levels, they’re the only love story I really care about in the show.
Other couples I really like are: Bellamy and Echo, Octavia and Lincoln, Octavia and Niylah, Octavia and Diyoza, Murphy and Emori and Raven, Echo and Raven, Jasper and Maya, Monty and Harper
..... Bellarke lmao.
I enjoy the dynamic between Bellamy and Clarke, but I never saw it as romantic, and that’s how I enjoyed it. I love their ennemies to reluctant allies dynamic, I love the fact that their relationship is dysfunctional I love the parallels between Clarke and Octavia. But I don’t enjoy it at all as a romantic dynamic.
Favourite friendships:
Monty and Jasper, Octavia and Jasper, Raven and Murphy
Favourite family:
This is almost only found family because this show has a ton of found family dnamics that I love!! The Blake siblings, Spacekru, Octavia Diyoza and Hope, Raven and Finn.
Favourite episodes:
Murphy’s Law, Blood Must have Blood part 1 and part 2, Thirteen, The Chosen, Pramfayia, Red Queen, The Garden
Favourite season/book/movie:
Season 2. It has my favorite version of Lexa, it has Bellamy and Echo meeting, it has the most interesting antagonists (in my opinion haha). Season 4 is a close second though!
Favourite quotes:
“You believe that to defeat an ennemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that any different than Blood must have Blood?” - Luna in s3, because I think this quote shows very well the central conflict of the show, one that was established by Finn in s1: We have to try not to repeat history, and yet everytime, they do repeat it. I disagree with Luna in that instance because the threat that was ALI wasn’t like any other, but I agree with her sentiment.
“In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels. Until our final journey to the Ground. May we meet again.” LISTEN. If there’s is one thing of the world building I absolutely adore, it’s the Traveler’s Blessing. It’s a beautiful prayer, and it gives me all the right emotions when I think about it. I was disappointed with what the show was making of it in seasons 2 and 3, with characters saying it all around, but then there are two instances that really get to me: Octavia and Bellamy saying it over the dead radio at the end of s4, and Monty / Bellamy and Clarke saying it at the end of season 5.
Best musical moment:
I loved the way the music carried the scene right after Lexa’s death, how it melts from Lexa’s death and Titus saying his ritual words, to Becca reaching earth, back to Lexa and the Flame coming out of her.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest:
Oh boy there are a LOT Off the top of my head: when Monty refuses to leave Jasper alone when he gives his blood to Maya, when Murphy says “Touch me again and I’ll end you... in a non-criminal way”, when Becho was confirmed in s5, When Clarke managed to align the satellite dish in Pramfyia, when Octavia confronted Skaikru in The Chosen,.... I can’t think of others right now but there are a lot lmao You can check out my favorite scenes series if you want, I’m working on it slowly!
When it really disappointed you:
A lot of times, honestly... I’m gonna say, all of season 6. I hated it. It had so much potential, with characters having to deal with the aftermath of season 5, Monty and Harper dying, Jordan existing, Wonkru.... Instead we got a whole mess that didn’t do much for any character and I was really disappointed.
Saddest moment:
Lincoln’s death. I knew it was coming because I knew the actor was leaving the show, but I was so NOT READY for it omg it’s the scene I still cry everytime I watch it because it’s so sad and heartwrenching....
Most well done character death:
Okay so I think The 100 is really bad at having well done character deaths, so I’m gonna say my less well-done one lmaoooo
Lexa’s. Her death was so stupid. I wasn’t in the fandom at the time so I wasn’t aware of the awful queerbaiting that was going on, so without talking about BTS and marketing ploys, I do believe that her death was heavily predicted by the show. However, it was a stupid death and Lexa was too awesome a character to die by a stray bullet. She deserved a proper send-off, she deserved to die in an epic battle, or fighting for what she believed in,..... not a bullet. 
Favourite guest star:
I know Shawn Mendes (Mendez? I don’t know lmao i don’t know him) was a guest star but I don’t know any other guest star so I guess that’s my answer lmao
Favourite cast member:
I don’t follow the cast, so I don’t have a favorite xD
Character you wish was still alive:
Jasper and Finn both deserve to still be alive, because the show treated their mental struggles like shit and I’m very bitter about that!
One thing you hope really happens:
Honestly, I don’t know? We have four episodes left of the entire show and I have no idea where it’s headed lmao I guess I hope both Emori and Murphy survive to see the end and have a long and happy life <3
Most shocking twist:
Okay I actually have three so I’ll you my top three:
1- The revelation of the Mountain Men. I was absolutely NOT expecting this to happen and I was gasping and going “nooooooooo way!!!” at my computer because it was so out of nowhere!! I loved it lmao
2- Murphy discovers that ALI destroyed the world: the ending of s2. That scene is so chilling, Murphy watching the video of Chris crying and killing himself, cut with scenes of Jaha getting to the mansion and the wholse scene with ALI herself... that whole scene was really cool and unexpected!
3- Clarke and Jaha steal the bunker during the conclave. I was so SHOOK by this moment, it was such a bold move and I loved it!
When did you start watching/reading?:
Early January, 2015. I was back at my appartment waiting for the semester to start, my roommates weren’t back from the holidays yet, and I was bored. So I started the show, and I binged all of season 1 and half of season 2 in 24 hours xD I caught up at Spacewalker, and then had to wait two weeks for the next episode to air and it was agony!!!!
Best animal/creature:
Favourite location:
The Second Dawn Bunker. Yeah I know it’s strange coming from me because I absolutely hate so many things about the bunker xD But it was such a cool location!! With the rotunda/arena, the farm, the huge corridors,.....
Trope you wish they would stop using:
“It’s the end of the world, whatever shall we do???” I’m just tired you guys. Nuclear apocalypses and other bombings should not be that common lmao
One thing this show/book/film does better than others:
I love the fact that it has so many different and well developped female characters.It shouldn’t be rare, but it still is, and this show really stands out to me for that reason. I’m not saying it’s the peak of feminism or anything because lmao IT’S NOT. But the women of the show have agency, freedom, they’re all distinct from one another and not just tropes and cliches. I really like it.
Funniest moments:
Nothing comes to mind right now? I feel like an idiot lmao I have so many moments that make me laugh and I can’t think of a single one right now x)
Couple you would like to see:
I would love to have canon Murphy x Emori x Raven!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:
Nobody haha sorry
Favourite outfit:
Blodreina’s cape thingy!
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Favourite item:
Raven’s necklace!!! I’m actually hoping to make myself one someday, it’s my favorite thing ^^
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:
I wish I could be spacekru haha they’re the best found family of the whole show and we deserved a flashback episode for them <3
Most boring plotline:
the entirety of season 6 xDDDDD
No but seriously, I’m gona say Illian’s plot. Honestly I never got into it at all, I didn’t care enough about him, or his family.
Most laughably bad moment:
I mean, the pilot is pretty cringe-worthy xD
Best flashback/flashfoward if any:
the flashbacks of the Dark Year.
Most layered character:
Most one dimensional character:
Jordan lmao I was so disappointed with his story in s6.....
Scariest moment:
OMG in season 2 when Bellamy, Octavia and the guards go into the old parking garage and CAROL OF THE BELLS START PLAYING THAT WAS SO FUCKING CREEPY
Grossest moment:
Ewwww the whole worm thing happening in s5, AND the weird trees growing inside people in s6 xD
Best looking male:
S5 Murphy, hands down. Also s7 Murphy cause he spends half his time shirtless lmao
Best looking female:
Emori! She’s so pretty.
Who you’re crushing on (if any):
I mean everybody is gorgeous but I don’t have a particular fixation haha
Favourite cast moment:
I don’t watch interviews or BTS stuff so I don’t know much, but Richard Harmon wearing hie sister’s costume and wig was really funny ^^
Favourite transportation:
Becca’s rocket
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise):
It’s very obvious symbolism, but I love the last shot of Blood must have blood part 1, with Clarke standing alone in front of the door of Mount Weather.
Also, Octavia forcing the clans into submission in Red Queen, the mini conclave in fron of the doors of the vafeteria. The shots in that scene were really good!
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
Lmaooooooo do you have ten hours? Because that’s how long I can ramblr about the inconsistencies and plotholtes of this show x) Off the top of my head:
- Why does everybody on the Ark speak Enlighs?
- If Becca knew Nightblood could let you live on Earth then why didn’t she distribute it among the space stations?
- Why did Cadogan build the bunker in the middle of the city when he had a prefectly good FOREST??
- If Lexa is the first Commander to unite the clans then what was the role of the Commander before her?
- Why didn’t the Ark send one adult with the 100 (Pyke) to protect and help them?
- How come the Eligius IV prisoners don’t die when they come back to Earth in s5 since they have no nightblood and didn’t adapt through evolution?
- How is it that Spacekru survived with algea alone but Wonkru had to have this huge variety of plants?? WHAT’S THE MAGIC ALGEA MONTY???
- Why did Mount Weather crash the Exodus ship?
- If the ressources on the Ark are so scarce then why would they float people with clothes on them?
- How come Raven could visit Finn in prison but Bellamy couldn’t visit Octavia?? If Octavia was in solitary, why?
...... Okay i’m gonna stop for now lmao but I could write an entire memoir on the inconsistencies of this show lmao
Best promo:
That one:
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At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: 
I’m thinking Murphy’s Law? The first few episodes were a little too teenage-drama for me but this episode shifted my opinion enough to get me to keep watching ^^
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Round 1: Canon Divergence (S1 - S6)!
Tropes for Round 1:
Somebody lives...or somebody dies: A major character (a character who has been in three or more episodes) who died in canon lives in your fic, or a major character who lived in canon dies in your fic.
A dichotomy: It can be an external or internal conflict for your character(s). You must show a clear contrast between two things. (Examples: A character struggling with Good vs Evil or the Soul vs the Body, a physical reaction to Hot vs Cold or Sharp vs Dull, or a group dealing with Order vs Chaos, etc.)
Bonus Poll: The bonus poll for this round will be “Best fic centering around a Platonic Relationship”, so if you would like, give us your best ‘best friends’ fic, your best sibling fics, your best mentor/mentee fics, your best... you get the idea. 
Voting will be based on your use of each individual trope, your use of the theme, and your use of all four tropes and the theme combined (best overall), as well as the bonus poll question above. There will be also be a question in the poll for ‘most unique pairing’, which includes either romantic or platonic pairings. 
Theme Rules:  Take any scene in Canon and change its course. Kind of like ‘Canon did this, but I’m going to do this instead. Change something, and then take the story in a different direction than canon took it as a result. What happens if Wells lives, or if Clarke doesn’t leave at the end of S2? What if Jaha never found find A.L.I.E, or no one died in the Conclave? What if Octavia didn’t eat people in the Bunker, or if Bellarke kissed instead of hug in 6x13? What if Memori hadn’t been seperated in the desert, or Lincoln had lived? What if Luna had won the conclave and had to what Octavia did, or maybe Jasper made it onto the ring? Present us with a question, a what if about how canon might change, and then answer it for us! Theme Guidelines can be found in this ask! 
Please Note: While the major character dying or living may be used to ‘diverge’ from canon and take your fic in a new direction, if you would like to diverge in another way, we encourage it. You do not have to make the death/life the central point where the story diverges if you wanted to do something else, we just ask that the life/death has some impact on the story to a degree. (Ex. Wells lives but your story picks up in S2 and you give Mount Weather a different outcome)
Timeline: Round 1
Prompt released: 12:00am October 1
Submissions close at 11:59pm October 7
Voting begins 12:00am October 9
Voting ends 11:59pm October 10
Don’t forget the rules! Include ALL tropes, and follow the theme! You will be disqualified if you don’t! Also, no rape. no incest. no underage. no negativity!
Have fun! A separate post will be made with a link to voting!
The AO3 Anonymous challenge to upload your fic for this round is called “the_100_chopped_challenge_round_1″. please make sure to upload to the correct challenge for this round, and make sure to upload before 11:59 on October 7! Here is a link to the AO3 Challenge!
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The challenge will be anonymous until the voting has ended, and then we will reveal the fics, so there is no need to repost on your own AO3 account, it will show up as soon as we reveal it. Feel free to reach out to us here, or at @dylanobrienisbatman or @thelittlefanpire with any questions about anything, including plot points or questions about our rules!
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The 100 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Lincoln & Luna (The 100), Octavia Blake & Luna, Octavia Blake/Lincoln Characters: Luna (The 100), Octavia Blake, Lincoln (The 100), Bellamy Blake Additional Tags: Vampires, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Parallel Universes, Doppelganger, Thriller, This is extremely dark i will warn you, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Compliant, surprisingly, Angst, Heavy Angst, mind the warnings please, Vampire Violence, Vampire Turning Series: Part 12 of Chopped: The 100 Fanfic Edition Summary:
During the Conclave, Luna and Octavia find themselves in another version of Polis where vampires have been terrorizing what's left of humanity.
We received a submission to our Non-Anon collection, following the tropes for Chopped Madness: Round 4! 
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