#tristan hc
sunsetdoweoo · 1 year
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I hc him with horns in his demon form, i thought it would be a cool idea!!
Originally they are tiny but in his demon form they grow a tad bit long depending on his power level and emotions.
If he’s losing himself they grow larger than usual, if he’s upset the tips are bloody red, neutral color is purple, light blue is when he’s happy, dark blue when sad.
these colors were inspired by abbys idea! @darkelf-7​ 
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Also the earring was from a Crossover au!! where meryl is like a big sister to tristan and they swapped earrings <3 i wanted to add it here because why not
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cuteteacakes · 26 days
Sakura in any verse: *exists*
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orionscelt · 1 year
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Older lads- Early 30s ish.
Version w/ only Seb and Ominis under the cut;
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nasiens-father · 8 months
4kota being like siblings HC's 💝
1. They all sleep in a big AHHHHH bed, after the guys find out that Gawain can't sleep at night, so they accompany her and sleep all together, Percy sleeps in a weird position aside Lance, Lance sleeps like a stiff bread "🧍" , Tristan snores like a LOT, Gawain sleeps aside him, she puts her foot on his face sometimes, if she's feeling happy dreaming she just put it on his stomach.
2. Lance and Percy cook, Gawain is banned from the kitchen cause she was eating in secret the food while they were cooking, and Tristan... I don't have to explain HAHAHS.
3. Once Lance bought Gawain's bras, the situation was something like this; "I'm going to the market, you need something?" "Ah ye, my bras are all burned, buy me some" siblings thing yk.
4. Tristan and Percy goes out for shopping sometimes, they like to chat and buy things for their friends.
5. When there's a drinking time (like in Nnt) after a battle they do two parties, one for them, family and friends and one for only them, they sing and just relax on their house.
6. They all live in a big house, they have their own space, a training space, a garden that Percy and Lance they care of, a big closet cause their clothes are mixed lmao, and a big living room for visits and ofc ofc a big table for the dinner's.
7. The boys like to embarrass Gawain by acting like "one of the geeerlzz" they fake a girl voice and start doing cringe stuff, yes even Lance, he is one of the gerlz.
8. They call each other "Brother, sister"
I love this, I have thinking about sharing this with you all, is like I feel pretty things whenever I think about this 💗‼️
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alwaysamor · 1 year
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happy pride month <33 i love all of you
💘: this is a personal hc of myself and some friends that Tristan is ftm trans,don’t like it,ignore and move on
dedicated to:
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uu-tella · 3 months
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From the popularity poll for 2023.
Full page under the cut.
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hc that Tristan likes to occasionally put on lipstick and cover Lance’s face and hands in kisses
Tristan takes being called pretty wholeheartedly
He doesn't even care how feminine it makes him
He just likes being called pretty, especially when it's his boyfriend calling him it
And whenever he does it, Lance likes to complain and pretend to be bothered by it but in reality, he loves it cause he thinks it's adorable, but he also enjoys it because then Tristan takes him out in public and makes Lance keep all the lipstick marks on and it's almost like Tristan showing off some kind of claim on him and that's why Lance usually doesn't get flustered or embarrassed by it cause instead he's just proud to be shown off as taken by his boyfriend
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
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creo que nunca dibuje una micah tan genuinamente contenta. el poder del guiso
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anxiously-awaiting · 11 months
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laz and four of his knight boyfriends btw. if u even care
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
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Never play chicken with me, my High Priestess.
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cuteteacakes · 29 days
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{🗡️} - He's 28 btw-
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noblehcart · 2 years
random hcs: margu.erite st. just edition! (ft. @lordofthestrix)
firstly it DID take some time for them (or rather him) to warm up to her thanks to her republican stance, but it does very soon become apparent that her home / invitations extend to those whom are titled as it becomes apparent that she fosters focus on thoughts, ideas, intellect and other aspects that don't just pertain to politics.
he always gets excellent seats to her performances at the Comédie Française bc he is one of her favorite guests.
surprisingly i DO think tristan is one of the few who actually knew that margot did not denounce the Marquis de St. Cyr. now whether that is due to his strix gathering that information or that he actually believes her when she tells him idk but i leave that to you.
tristan is probably one of the few who actually braved asking her why on god's earth she married blakeney. he's probably also though one of the few who knows her character well enough to know that it wasn't for the money.
modern margot however ALWAYS welcomes tristan into her apartment for a game of cards and a smoke. they always have the most interestingly languid verbal repartee, but also when they battle wits dear lord it is so fast and dizzying. their dancing is absolutely the same as well (both in french revolution eras and in modern)
she loves to call him and rehearse/discuss her lines with him in whatever new productions she's involved in when she feels puzzled by a piece.
i do think she's clever enough to call tristan on his faults or argue with him, but still in the most polite and charming way. their debates are historic however and guests (esp during the revolution) make sure to come because they want to witness the clever volleying of ideas in the most polite sociable way.
lets be honest she adores his gifts. he gives the most amazing spectacular gifts which she gladly and greatly accepts.
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riotmade · 2 years
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augh. my Fucking Schedule!!!!!
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monstersxxorxxmen · 3 months
Tristan, what's the dirtiest thing you've ever done with your magic?
"Hm..... I created a double of me and fucked myself once? That's definitely near the top."
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ofginjxints · 4 months
where should you be kissed? tagged by @radicalrascals
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tristan - palm.
you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
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kenneth - forehead.
over-worrying and overthinking everything, your mind is always a whirling storm. no matter how you try, the fears overwhelm all else. you need someone trusted to press a kiss to your forehead, helping to quiet the thoughts that just refuse to settle.
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patrick - cheek.
you are made of light. your cheeks hurt from grinning, sun-kissed and lifting in a bubbling laugh. you should be kissed there. and often. a reminder that you are a joy to be around, and that your smiling face is a gift.
tagging: @thefvrious @bluejeanbaby @apt30mess @ohnlyfans @highinfidelty @seolinah @thecagedhearts @spellbindingnights @aconites @thedevilsbckbone anyone else I've missed/if ur reading this for any muses I write opp xoxo
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