#tribal tattoos and gap in teeth
jollmaster · 3 months
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Voryn Dagoth, first of his house
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Meet my OC from Star-crossed :
Nina Cerasus
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Pic from artbreeder
Pronunciation of her name : Nee-nuh
Family stuff:
22 standard years old born in Naboo (in Heavenbound fic she is 32)
she has a rare heart disease HCM
when her mom got sick her dad left them
her mom died when she was 7 years old
she was raised by her grandmother
she goes to law school
her best friend is Polina who is a vampire
and Anfisa a who is a fae
pale skin (comes from her disease)
160 cm, 5'2 feet
skinny but fit and flexible (side effect of her meds and pilates classes)
her cheeks looks blushed (side effect from her meds)
she has freckles
she has diastema (visible gap between her two front upper teeth)
she wears glasses at home and contact lenses when she goes out
she has brunette straight hair, mid length and with curtain bangs, she wears it in different up dos and braids like Nabooan women and likes to clip pearls and star clips in the locks
her hands are always cold (comes from the meds from her disease)
she smells like cherries, almond and mint tea (inspired by tom ford's lost cherry perfume)
she has tattoos: one is on her spine shows different phases of the moon, also it glows in the dark, several ones on her fingers she has tiny dainty stars and constellations, and on the inner side of her hip is a loth wolf in a tribal style art, and a quote on her bacl ankles "Ad astra, per aspera."
her style includes gem colored light fabric dresses, mostly pant suits with cut outs
she has a bracelet a red string with a star shaped lucky charm (gift from her gran for protection)
she has a pair of jade droplet earrings, and an enchanted red amber pendant (both gifts from Maul)
she likes sparkly make up and nailpolish
she has a raspy seductive voice (inspired by sofia bush's voice)
she is rather introvert and close to herself
likes to argue, good at keeping information to herself (she is to be a lawyer duh)
she has trust issues, and abandonment issues
says that she doesn't believe in love or relationships but secretly hopeless romantic
only dates but never in a relationship till she meets Maul and later Wolffe in my Heavenboun fic
doesn't like jedi or any Force user, she thinks they are snobs and dogmatics, but later she'll like Master Plo and his wolf pack
she isvery inteligent speaks in several languages
she enjoys art, music, dancing and reading
she is a bit of a nerd when it comes to astronomy (not the horoscope one)
she is currious and patient (especially with Maul)
she looks down on men, she thinks they all liars, and cheaters, and only good to manipulate/to be an acessory/ to please her in bed till she founds love
she will do everything to her friends and loved ones
she has a soft spot for Anfisa (my other OC)
hard to open up but actually super sweet
maybe a bit impulsive, but at same time she has a 5 year plan already
they call her the "ice queen" because her specialty is freezing out people and always looks calm and collected but under the hard shell she panic a lot
she is a party girl but only because she loves dancing
her hobby is star gazing and her dream job is to be a star cartographer
she never left Naboo before, but dreams to travel the galaxy and make star maps in Star-Crossed fic, in Heavenbound she leaves in Couruscant
she is allergic to tooka cat fur
she can't drive a ship
pretty good in self defense and shooting (both comes from Polina's idea to join self defense classes)
she collects celestial themed jewelry
she is terrible at cooking
to quit smoking she learnt how to tie a knot with her tounge from a cherry stem, so she always carry some cherries with her
AN: So that's all I could collect in this moment. Sorry for any mistype or bad English this is not my first language. Other character deep dive list and mood boards are in plans so I hope you'll like her as much as I do.
I plan to make one about what characters and persons inspired her personality, looks and name (no it not comes from mine even though it's similar to my nickname)
Taglist: @hellhound5925 @cloneloverrrrr @stardustbee @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @firstofficerwiggles
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solohux · 4 years
Fox Hux! How about Kylo helping him out of a trap that was set?
Some soft wolf Kylo and fox Hux!
The fireflies have begun to emerge into the cool air of the evening, hovering around the overgrown grass of the forest as its inhabitants begin to settle into their nests for the night.
All except Kylo Ren.
The wolf strides through the forest, getting further and further away from the safety of his den and closer to the border that the creatures of this enchanted woodland share with the human world, which means he’s getting closer to danger.
But his mate is missing.
Hux should have returned from foraging almost an hour ago, before the fireflies ventured out. The fox’s hatred for tardiness makes his lateness all the more worrying for Kylo, who’s tracking Hux’s scent through the shrubbery and around the thick trunks of trees with a desperate heart. The two, black wolf ears upon his head are alert, listening to everything around him whilst his sensitive nose keeps tabs on the fox’s sweet earthy scent. His tail is raised and poised behind him, feeling the wind direction; all of his natural instincts are in overdrive now that his mate has gone missing. He’s never felt so strong and weak at the same time.
If something should have happened to Hux, Kylo will never forgive himself.
As he leaps over the trunk of a fallen tree, Kylo freezes on the spot. A sound, gentle and desperate, carries itself across the breeze to his ears, making them twitch. It sounds like a whimper, a quiet weeping sound that’s familiar to Kylo.
The wolf leader growls and follows the sound, sensing something in his bones; the border is near.
Just past the tribal-carved trunk of the live oak tree, there sits a pit, one that’s slippery and difficult to climb out of. It’s been known to act as a sign between the human world and that of the neko-forest creatures, tricking the silly humans into its mouth before they’re able to get any further into this enchanted world, but it has captured one of its own. At the bottom of the oit, Kylo finds his mate, though the scene before his eyes makes his entire body burn with rage and freeze with worry.
The fox is trapped underneath a large net, one made of metal instead of rope. Its four corners are weighted with heavy spheres, meaning that the creature who springs the trap has no chance of wriggling free on its own, and from the marks on Hux’s pale skin, he’s done an awful lot of wriggling.
“Hux,” Kylo exhales, skidding down the verge and into the pit without hesitation, sliding onto his knees once he’s at the bottom and at his mate’s side.
The fox is barely conscious, clearly exhausted from fighting against the restraints. Belly-down, his breathing is erratic and panicky, his pale body almost crushed by the evil net that has captured him, but the mossy-green glows of his irises are just as incredible as Kylo is used to.
“Hux?” Kylo leans down and nuzzles his lover’s head of copper hair through the gaps in the net, purring softly in an attempt to rouse his mate into wakefulness. “I’m here. I’m here now. I’ll save you.”
“Ren?” Hux blinks, gritting his teeth. He whimpers, “You’ve found me—! Oh. I-I thought I saw humans so I tried to run but I slipped a-and this net—Oh, Ren. It hurts.”
“Ssh, I know,” Kylo hushes, wishing he could get to the claim mark on Hux’s neck to gently bite it to calm his mate’s worry. “We’re going to get you out. If I lift it, can you crawl free?”
Hux hisses in pain, “I thinks so. But it’s so heavy.”
“I got it.” Kylo stands tall, fangs bared and takes the edge of the net in his hands, gripping so hard that his own claws dig into his skin.
With a growl, he lifts the metal net with everything he has, straining with the intense weight of it but he won’t falter. Nothing will ever take Hux from him.
From beneath the net, Hux scrambles free, clawing at the dirt floor to help him move quickly despite his injuries. As soon as he’s out, the wolf howls and drops it, letting it clink and clang back to the ground.
“Hux,” Kylo swoops down and takes Hux into his arms, pulling him into his lap and cradling him close as the two fall against each other, searching for the other’s embrace at the same time. They tumble to the ground, with the fox nestled tightly in the wolf’s hold.
“I thought I’d die,” Hux says, voice filled with emotion.
Kylo’s lips finally find the claim mark on Hux’s beautifully pale throat and he kisses it, grazing his teeth across the skin, “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”
Hux melts against Kylo, relaxing at the touch, just enough for his mate to check over his body for injuries. Cuts and red imprints of the heavy net mark Hux’s skin like ugly and unwanted tattoos but with some salve and some rest, Kylo’s beloved fox will be alright.
“Let’s get you home,” Kylo says, smoothing his hand through Hux’s crown of red hair to scritch behind his ears, making the fox’s tail wag. “Where you belong.”
“Please,” Hux says softly, curling up against Kylo as the wolf takes his weight in his arms and stands up, using his strength to take one leap out of the pit and follows the familiar trail back to their den.
Every few steps, Kylo checks on Hux and gives his head a quick kiss, thanking their lucky stars that no real harm has come to his beloved this evening. The fox falls asleep almost instantly, using his thick, bushy tail to cover himself like a blanket. Kylo smiles.
The fireflies light his path like a guard of honour for the victorious wolf. They know that their two leaders are safe and that all is well.
True to their name, the fireflies will visit the human’s camp later tonight and light it up, sacrificing themselves in little balls of fire that will chase the humans away from their borders. No one brings harm to the wolf’s precious fox, and all must know it.
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Gotham Rogues Profile #1: Dr. Jonathan Ulysses Crane AKA The Scarecrow
The first part of a rather long series of profiles, both because I wanted to write them out and also because they were requested by @the-mighty-sorceress, @spacetabbi, @hugsforvillains, @michi0no, and @perfunctoryusernamecreation .  I hope you guys like it.
Gender: Male
Grammatical Gender (Masculine, Feminine, Androgynous, etc.): Masculine with a very heavy tint of femininity.  His upbringing and appearance had an innate femininity imprinted on him.
Age: 27-30
Race, ethnicity, culture: Mixed race, half Irish, half Native American of the Crow tribe.  Though he was officially made a member of his father’s tribe in his early teens, much of the culture he ascribes to is that of Gotham and the Deep South.  He speaks Crow and attends tribal celebrations when he has the time and isn’t in Arkham.
Height: 6’3”
Body type: tall, long, and wiry.  There’s not much fat to him and while he has muscle, it’s mostly lean
Appearance: Jon is very pretty, in that his features and appearance are rather feminine and doll-like.  There are small “off” things about his features.  When he’s neutral or tired he looks fine, but his expressions can look quite daunting, especially his smile.  He has a gap between his two front teeth.
Jon’s hair is a mop of black curls, a trait he gets from his mother.  In his early years, it was cut rather short and managed, but a lack of care has turned it messy and untamed.
If there’s a defining, terrifying feature of Jon, it’s his eyes, they’re icy blue and piercing, it almost looks like he knows more than he’s been told.
Jon’s skin is copper, you can definitely see his native heritage in his skin color.
Jon has multiple tattoos, the most prominent being a tree growing from a heart on his back, a spade on his left forearm, and a bird behind his right ear.  Others include an octopus over his navel, a cursive note under his collarbone (Reads “Jasper-Maximillian-Zachariah”, the other three boys groomed by his third abuser), and a cross on the side of his right hand.  His childhood has left his body a web of scars, many of which are hidden by tattoos.
Where is he from? Jon was born and raised in a small Southern town in Georgia called Arlen, where he lived until he was 11 when his great-grandmother died. Afterwards, he was placed with his father in Columbia, South Carolina.  He was placed in a mental facility in Columbia when he was 14 after suffering a severe nervous breakdown, but was released at 16, and moved to Gotham to attend Gotham University.
Family: Jonathan’s first known family was his great-grandmother, Mary Keeny. Mary was the product of a very prestigious Southern family and hated her great-grandson, an illegitimate, mixed-race boy.  Mary severely abused her great-grandson until her death when he was 11.
Jonathan’s mother, Karen, is largely uninterested in either of her children, especially not Jon.  Her treatment of him is mostly disgust and fear.  Jon greatly resembles his mother.
Jon’s father Gerald was the one to take him in after Mary’s death.  Though he cared for his son, he was extremely controlling and protective of Jon, not allowing him enough space.  He also ignored that Jon began suffering from bipolar disorder until Jon had a nervous breakdown at 14.  Gerald is currently in prison for child abuse.
Jon has a single half-sister, Adriane Jarvis, who was taken from Karen by their grandmother.  Adriane has a relatively healthy relationship with Jonathan, though it is slightly damaged by their large age gap (Adriane is 10) and Jon’s mental illness.
Jon’s maternal grandmother, Marion Keeny, is the closest thing teenage Jon ever had to a maternal figure.  She and Jonathan have the closest relationship of anyone on his maternal side.
Lyndon Keeny is Jonathan’s great-great-uncle, Mary Keeny’s “wayward” brother.  He and Jon seldom meet face to face because he lives in Europe, but their relationship is healthy enough that they keep in touch.
Jon’s paternal grandfather, Chayton, is the closest thing Jon has to a proper father figure.  He was Jon’s major teacher when it came to learning about Crow culture and language.
Jon’s paternal grandmother, Ruth, is the closest Jon will probably ever get to a proper grandmother.  She’s protective of him but nurturing.  She isn’t controlling and loves cooking for her very thin grandson.  She also has a concealed firearm and has 100% threatened Batman with it.
Friends: Jon’s closest friend is Harley Quinn, they’ve known each other since college and even dated for two years (and then again later while both were dating the Joker).  Their relationship is casual, comfortable, and full of very bad puns, sarcasm, inside jokes (Peach Pie Moonshine is a phrase that will send them both into a laughing fit), and dirty humor.
Jon grew up with Charlie McIntyre and Hartley Rathaway, both are rather close friends and Jon and Hartley briefly dated when both were teenagers.  Jon visits both regularly.
Jon’s closest male friends are Jervis Tetch, Edward Nygma, and Maxwell Mavis.  The three pull regular heists together and Jon has had an on-off romantic relationship with Edward.
Jon’s tensest friendship is with Pamela Isley. The two became friends in college, and even then, were a little at odds.  Pamela’s opinions strain their relationship on occasion, as does Jon’s relationship with Harley, especially before Pamela and Harley begin dating. While not jealous of Jon, Pamela is a little sour that Jon didn’t defend Harley enough while dating Joker.
The three other boys abused with Jon by Hugo Strange, Jasper Curtis (6 years younger), Maximillian Zeus (2 years younger), and Zachariah Bloom (4 years younger), are all still friends with him, they’ve formed a brotherly relationship. Jon, being the eldest, watches all three carefully and does his best to make sure they don’t get hurt or in any danger.
Jon drinks regularly with Waylon Jones and Leonard Snart, he’s also slept with both.
Jon has become good friends with Timothy Drake, but the relationship has become more brotherlike than anything else.  Much of the relationship is Jon keeping Tim from drinking coffee concoctions to stay awake.
Jason Todd has befriended Jon because Jon saved his life at least four times, probably more.
Bane, Angelo Sanchez, has formed a tense sort of friendship with Jonathan while trying to get clean.  Bane refers to Jon alternately as lobo, meaning wolf, or mestizo, referring to Jon’s mixed heritage.  Jon also works for his cartel regularly.
Jon and Selina became friends early in Jon’s criminal career, they’re still rather close.
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
What is he attracted to?: Jon has relatively variable preferences, but in general he’s very focused on eyes, he loves them.  Despite his ridiculous height he is extremely attracted to people who are taller than him.  Being shorter clearly isn’t a dealbreaker though.  One of the more interesting notes is that Jon prefers submissive men and dominant women.  He is rather attracted to any kind of intelligence, be it emotional, logical, etc., and likes small traits like, for instance, Edward listing riddles when he’s nervous.  Jon also enjoys people who have a sense of humor.
Sexual experience: While Jon’s initial sexual experience was negative, Jon is very comfortable, perhaps a little too comfortable, with sex.  Jon has had multiple sexual partners of all genders.
Romantic experience: Jon has had a number of romantic relationships alongside sexual partners.  His most prominent and long lasting being with Harley and Edward.  Jon’s romantic experience can be a bit trying though, he has a hard time trusting people because of his past.
Skills: Jon is extremely intelligent and intuitive, being able to read people and situations very easily.  He’s skilled at mimicking voices both speaking and singing, can play violin and piano, and is multilingual (speaks French, Latin, Ancient Greek, Crow, and ASL). Despite being unable to shoot a handgun, Jon has two civilian sharpshooting medals for his ability to shoot a hunting rifle.  He’s also skilled with most knives and, while not strong or disciplined enough to hold his own against a trained opponent, knows enough to overpower larger or stronger opponents in a fight (provided said opponent does not have any other considerable advantage, Jon can’t beat someone who can literally break his arm by biting it), both skills were taught to him by Bane and Selina.  Jon is largely immune to most toxins due to extensive fear toxin testing on himself and regularly being close proximity to Pamela Isley.  As an added note, Jon is hypermobile, making him unusually flexible.
Occupation/schooling: Jon has a PhD in psychology gained at 25 (equaling out to 9 years of schooling).  He also has a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry.  Before becoming a major criminal in Gotham he taught psychology at Gotham University, also acting as a consultant for the GCPD.  Despite regularly being incarcerated at Arkham Mental Facilities, he also consults there as a patient.
Hobbies: Reading is Jon’s main hobby, though he’s obsessed with fear and often studies it whenever he can, he’s fond of cooking, particularly baking, and loves horror and slasher films, Jon also loves playing the violin.
Introvert or extrovert? Definite introvert, though he can occasionally come off as extroverted from his mannerisms.
Strengths: Jonathan is intuitive and has a strong sense of empathy, he can easily connect to people and their emotional state (the problem is he doesn’t give two shits about either, unrelated to the empathy part), and also has a good skill in using both to his advantage.  Jon can come off as misleading, he feigns sympathy well and is skilled at playing the manipulator, making him excellent at drawing people in. He’s also learned how to use his looks as a draw (basically how to use sex appeal as a weapon) and has cultivated this as a strength.  That said, when he comes across a person he cares about, he’ll happily lay his life down for them and is a very loving, while a touch overprotective, friend.
Weaknesses: Jon is reckless, often putting his life in danger for thrills or fun. He can also be very cruel and vindictive.  His lack of sympathy and high empathy makes him a very skilled and calculating manipulator, but makes him less good at being trustworthy or kind to strangers. Jon also lacks much trust in others, being quick to withdraw his trust if it’s broken.  Jon’s near-obsession with control can make him erratic if things aren’t going his way.  Jon also drinks heavily, barely sleeps, and eats sporadically.
Goals/dreams/aspirations: Jonathan’s goal, above all others, is to be able to push past fear, to not be afraid of anything.
Beliefs/affiliations: Jonathan was raised Catholic by his great-grandmother, who was very radical and practiced flagellation.  Jonathan was taught this form of religion, but the flagellation was ended with his father, and the nurses at the Columbia Mental Hospital taught Jonathan a much gentler form of Catholicism to help him cope with his bipolar disorder. Jonathan is still a practicing Catholic.
Beyond his religion, Jonathan values heavily independence and honesty, as well as loyalty.  While he is rather cruel, he has a very high opinion of people who are kind regardless of their circumstances (Jon has a massive amount of respect for Becky Albright for both her kindness and adherence to his other values).
Fears: Jonathan has already confronted many of his fears in the past. His most principle fear is losing his sovereignty and free will.  He’s been exploited, abused, and groomed by a man whose motives were extremely disturbing and never wants to go back to that time again.  He reacts very poorly when people attempt to manipulate him and has been known to stab people who touch him without asking.
Jonathan also fears getting attached to people, mainly because soon after befriending Pamela she was abused by Woodrue.
Insecurities: Though Jonathan is relatively attractive and is aware of this, he is insecure about many aspects of it.  His feminine and often unsettling features were a source of ridicule for him as a child, and he was often the subject of cruel teasing over his resemblance to a doll and his unnerving features, as well as his mixed heritage.
He heavily underestimates his own ability to handle situations, often making him easy to pass over.
What would he die for? People he cares deeply about like Harley, his family (even members he hates like his parents), abuse victims.
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heroes-of-legend · 7 years
Reminder, this is a very rough overview of each race; not an in-depth or serious look into them.
Consider this as a sort of a appetizer to pique your interest; this is normally how I describe them to new players, to help them along picking one to play as.
(In this, they are listed from “most humanlike” to “least humanlike”)
Terran are the most “human” of all the races, and would likely pass a squint test for most people. They have tan, earthy-toned skin, often with freckles, dark hair, and often brown or sometimes green eyes. 
Most Terran make their living as nomadic tribesfolk and shepherds, in traditional tribal and family groups that can sometimes trace their lineages back over a thousand years. Some Terran have recently started establishing walled cities at the edge of their territory, imitating their former neighbors, the Nafrin. 
The Nafrin are a race of slightly short, blue-skinned humanoids, with metallic-colored hair and often gold-colored eyes. In those eyes sits a glint, a shimmer of a military mind, as every Nafrin who desires any political power, or even the right to vote, serves in their massive legion for 2 years, at the least. 
They hold claim to one of the greatest empires in recent memory, though that empire has been gradually collapsing inward due to overexpansion of borders, political infighting, a lack of strong leadership, and a series of failed wars against the Terran and Cranid. Most Nafrin are very proud of their families and their empire, and want to see the glory days restored, though many are also very keen to do whatever it takes to push their family to the front of political power, even at the expense of the empire as a whole. 
The Davien are a race of roan-skinned peoples, with digitigrade feet, dark curly hair, and bald, prehensile tails that end in a small tuft of black hair. Quick with a smile and a witty word, they are famous as the group that brokered a peace between the Nafrin and Cranid, ending a 8-year-long war that was devastating to all sides.
Davien occupy a land if mostly desert, with a few fertile rivers turning long strips of land into fertile oasis's. They have a government of loosely affiliated tribes and kingdoms, all of which view for power among themselves. This can be seen as a weakness, until some other force attacks them, in which time it becomes clear they do this to keep their blades and military minds both sharp and steeled. They control the land trade routes between the northern continent and southern continent; making them both an invaluable ally, and often a very wealthy one.
The Ijosai are a race of semi-amphibious humanoids, with rough, almost sandpapery skin, streamlined features, webbed fingers, and rows and sharp, serrated front teeth.  Despite their wild, almost bestial features, many are very easy-going, if incredibly sarcastic. Famous pirates and seafaring explorers, they control their territory incredibly tightly.
Ijosai control a series of islands and coastal cities, with a navy which has essentially no equal among the races. Their government, a confederation island states which each choose a representative to sit on a central council, allow each isl;and state (sometimes groups of islands) to maintain a level of autonomy, while still being capable of handling greater issues. Most Ijosai have wild, bright blue tattoos on their bodies and faces; often these tattoos and scars are marks of an ancestral rite of passage for young Ijosai, where they seek out a variety of giant cephalapod and wrestle it to death, underwater, often with their bare hands and sometimes a simple flint knife or stick. The fight riddles them with small injuries from the barbed suckers of the creature and it’s razor-sharp beak, and after they succeed, they tear the creature open and pour the ink sac of the creature over their heads, giving them their tattoos.
The Mortei, at first glance, look to be walking trees, more foliage than flesh; this is a clever camoflage, with their bark-like skin doubling as toughened, natural armor. Skilled infiltrators, survivalists, and woodsmen, they tend to be reclusive, or at least introverted, though that isn’t always the rule.
Mortei control a relatively small amount fo land, on the southern continent, and are separated from their main neighbors, the Avur, by a impressive mountain range. In that series of valleys and gulches, thick, sometimes tropical forests are rife, filled with both the Mortei, and the beasts which would try to make them food. Living here has instilled a sort of subtle paranoia in the Mortei, who are always careful to pass with as little notice, if at a ll possible. Yet, this desire to be unnoticed should not be mistaken for weakness; as the Avur have found many times, to their own pain and embarrassment. Mortei export mostly timber, rare spices, and some medicinal plants; but there are very few cosmopolitan harbor cities in their land, as foreigners are often driven out, either with force, or through seclusion. 
The Elemeis, in a word, were bred for war. Literally. Crafted by the Nafrin over 100 years, they are the culmination of experiments in grafting life itself through magic. They have an imposing build, covered in short, coarse fur, with feline heads that hold a glint of cold, military intellect behind them. 
The Elemeis are, in no small part, a people searching both for a home, and for a culture. After a bloody and violent rebellion against their forebears, the Nafrin, they’ve essentially been filling the gaps, living nomadic lives of diaspora wherevery they can. Some have banded together to make small towns, even some small cities, but most have been scattered along the front lines of the Nafrin’s old borders. It’s not uncommon to see some still in owenrship of the Nafrin; as they never officially stopped fielding Elemeis troops, or keeping them as property, but it’s far less common now, both because of the social stigma, and the mortality rates of Elemeis under Nafrinan command. 
The Avur appear in one of two flavors; the somewhat shorter, and often brilliantly colored males, whose fine silks and finer manners are the truest marks of a gentlemen in Avur culture, and the more muted, more severe appearance of the females, who hold the real political and military power in their culture.
Avur hold  a great amount of land, and have theoretically the largest standing army; but they’re hamstrung by the divided noble houses which vie for power and influence. Generations-long quarrels, grudges, alliances, and intrigue are almost baked into the very fabric of the culture. Young males vie to be seen as good suitors, both through gentlemanly acts as well as more conniving ones, but it’s the matriarch of each noble house, the mistress of each lineage, that has the final say on all arranged marriages of the men under her purview.
Cranid are, out of all the races, likely the most alien and least human-looking. While bipedal and roughly humanoid in shape, they have compact, short torsos and long, lanky limbs, with thick necks and heads with 6 iridescent, compound eyes that seem to shimmer in the light. 
Despite this appearance, and their reputation as impressive ambushers and warriors, the Cranid are mostly peaceful; their culture prizes industriousness and individualism above all else, and many Cranid are skilled architects, engineers, and cosmopolitan travelers, returning to their ancestral homeland with goods, knowledge, and resources. Their biggest issue, in dealing with foreign groups, is their lack of a centralized government, something which they only temporarily precipitated to deal with the recent war with the Nafrin. That said, times are changing for the Cranid people, as this centralized war council has strengthened both the ethnic identity of the Cranid as a whole, and is reticent to return the powers it has, out of fear of further attacks by the Nafrin. 
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equinoxnursery · 7 years
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I worked each nail above a below the idea I explained and gently pried the paneling at the middle. I did so the same method with the top of the paneling after I'd the initial part done. At this time, I was ready to pry the paneling out of the wall's place area to the drywall without harm that is a lot of it. Now, the lavatory doorway shut, so I continued around the door frame until I'd removed the hedge- a clutter of paneling.
Seeking Utah debt assistance is nothing. The same uphill climb is being faced by huge numbers of people around the world, of course, if we support others and can all merge what we've learned, we can all be successful in battling debt.
The post Bluffdale Household Air Purifiers – Five Factors To Get A High-End Oxygen Purifier appeared first on Equinox Nursery Salt Lake City.
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