clarionglass · 8 months
tagged by @monimolimnion! thanks for the tag babe, it always takes me forever to get around to filling these in but i do love em :D
Last Song: oh god. okay yeah i have been playing neath! a fallen london musical on a loop for the last like. four? four days. yes i know i'm a nerd, but it's a bop and i do not apologise. (the only other thing i listened to today is a bardcore cover of i'm just ken (the youtube algorithm finally got me pegged) and once again i apologise for nothing)
Favourite Colour: purple! it just slaps as a colour!
Currently Watching: does dimension 20 count? if so, i'm tag teaming burrow's end and a starstruck odyssey. if not, i'm watching a show called wolf with the parents purely for reasons of sacha dhawan being unhinged. look the man has never played what i would call a hinged character in his life and i am loving this for him
Last Movie: finally successfully went to barbenheimer part 2: 3 hours of man pain with a pal a couple of weeks ago--we tried it like a month before that and there was only one ticket left. so we just went to see barbie instead (my second time, his first)
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: on the whole, sweet! i am a fiend for chocolate ngl.... although that said, sometimes i get a craving for salty/savoury (usually hash browns) that supersedes the desire for sweet
Current Relationship Status: single,,,,, perpetually so
Current Obsessions: the fuckign. the fuckign larp thing i did a couple of weekends back. fuck. i had to write something for my character over the last couple of days bc i felt actually possessed. wow. other than that i am currently going insane over fallen london, everything d20, and i am preparing for november when i will once again fall deep into my doctor who emotional hole
Last Thing You Googled: "40*8*2=" (although i just used the search bar as a calculator, i didn't actually press enter) bc i wanted to double check my maths was right before i sent an email
tagging @trekthecyborgwizard, @classicallymar, @nonsense-palace, and any other mutuals who see this and want to do it!
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clarionglass · 3 years
my pal @trekthecyborgwizard sent me this re these: Got your back for the fanfic asks, can I have questions G, L, P, S and T? 
thanks man! here we go :D
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? ahahaha ahahahahahahahahaha oh boy do i write out of order, i write where the inspiration is and then link up the scenes as needed. my docs are usually liberally peppered with [square brackets], which mean “there’s something that needs to go here but i don’t want to write it at the moment” :’D this works very well with the chatfic, although i only try to only write one chapter at a time and jump around within that (ask me how that’s going, i dare you). it works less well with my plotted longform fics where i write all the cool bits and then have to actually link stuff in a way that makes narrative sense :P still, if i force myself to sit down and write chronologically it never works out, so this is where we’re at i guess :D
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? let me laugh maniacally again :P most of my fics i do not revise. like, there’s a lot of minor editing during the writing process? but i don’t actually sit there and do a dedicated edit (other than a ctrl+f sweep for square brackets, for reasons detailed above :P), which leads to me reading my posted fic back, and realising i’ve used entirely the wrong word, or forgotten a very simple formatting thing :P if i wasn’t just writing fic for fun, i’d definitely edit! but for me, the writing is enough of a job, so i just like to release it out into the wild as soon as i’m done getting plot on paper :P
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?) it depends on the fic! my longform fics are all plotted in advance, i love working out the nuggets and intricacies of how stories unfold. the chatfic, though, has been entirely on the spot, and the plot threads have evolved naturally. that’s been a real gardening-type fic, that one! the germs of my plot arcs have never been planned, they’ve all come from throwaway lines and 1am shower ideas that have miraculously all panned out into a coherent narrative. i think my subconscious is a better writer than my conscious mind :’D
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? to paraphrase That Meme, i’m always a slut for chatfics :’D idk, there’s something about chatfics in the tma fandom that just mean pure unfiltered shenanigans, which make me incredibly happy! i adore lighter aus that allow characters to breathe :) in the words of a message i sent a mate fairly recently: i need to take these characters gently into my grubby little hands and transplant them into better soil (a message that led to my best accidental summary of s2!jon: “touch grass you paranoid little man”)
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? not really? i’ll give most things a shot! there are pairings that i stay away from, and things with dubcon type content warnings generally aren’t my jam, but i don’t think that there are any specific tropes i hate :P Oh Wait no big-miscommunication-as-a-plot-device makes me want to cringe into my lungs so yeah that should be on here :P
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clarionglass · 3 years
Questions 2, 11 and 13, please and thank you? :D
thank you!!! very very belatedly (i forgot all about your ask until recently i'm so sorry!), for this:
2. has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you cry? okay not literally but there have been So So many beautiful heartfelt comments on fic that have made my heart go "hhhhh" and i couldn't respond to for days because they're just so lovely???? yeah there have definitely been comments that have made my poor lil writer brain bluescreen out of the sheer joy and gratitude and appreciation i have for the commenter (and then me being me i usually just respond with "aaaaa thank you so much!!!" because i apparently cannot express human emotion adequately but there we go :shrug emoji:)
11. what grammar mistake do you keep making no matter how many times your beta corrects you? actually i'm usually the grammar nazi, although you wouldn't think it from a) chatfic and b) my typing style in casual conversation :P my masters supervisor always Always picked me up on ending sentences with prepositions but the more i think about it the more i think it creates convoluted sentences so suzie i refuse to cave to your demands (not in my thesis tho. oh god you can bet ur butt i changed everything in my thesis bc i am a perfectionist) spelling tho? maneouvre is one that always confuses me because of the Fucking Vowels and the Fucking Vowel Placement. can never get it right first go.
13. do you make playlists for when you write? if so, share! not properly, actually! i've got playlists for tfojmas from chatfic and concert 2 electric boogaloo from chatfic 2.0 (which are naturally playlists of the songs i'm scabbing off), but usually i just listen to a few songs on repeat, depending on the stories. achilles come down informs all of unific, so i like to have that one blaring while i write that. shanties in general are fun to write to! and just lately i've been getting into taz, and the taz music is very very good writing music :D
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