#trans women have had it too good and been too centered in discussions of transmisogyny
hundilisse · 21 days
it's so cool how not a single human being on earth is exempt from experiencing transmisogyny. in fact, i think we should turn our focus away from how trans women and transfems are affected and focus on the ways it affects everyone else.
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transsexualromantic · 2 months
"transfems talk over transmascs and my proof is that some trans women said "i feel similarly about my body do you wanna trade?" on a trans mans post on facebook!" be so fucking for real right now. it is not fucking oppression to have someone show solidarity with you. have you ever been physically threatened for your transness. or assaulted in a bathroom. oppression is not some comments you dislike on facebook. oppression is transfems being denied employment, education, housing, or given it only on the condition that she does not have any amount of wiggle room to make a mistake lest she be banned from those things.
these things happen to transmascs too. this is extremely true. but the level on which trans women are targeted with violence, held to a higher standard, and denied basic human needs such as shelter proves itself to be enormous and shows a double standard on how transmascs are treated vs transfems.
nobody is saying that violence against transmascs does not happen, i am transmasc, i have faced a disturbing amount of violence for being transgender. acknowledging that transfems (particularly black transfems) face a unique form of violence and have a relationship to misogyny and transphobia that leaves them at the forefront of the picking grounds for transphobes is not ~baeddels~ trying to deny that transphobia against transmascs isnt real. people just want you to acknowledge that transmascs are more likely to be considered to be stepping into something Noble and Good whereas transfems are more likely to be considered to be abandoning manhood and therefore logic, strength, and worth itself for the Lesser Sex and face a form of violence that we are exempt from by virtue of not being considered "failed men"
and yes, there is nuance to that. but theres nunce to literally everything. transmascs of colour, particularly darker skinned transmascs face more violence than white transmascs. disabled transmascs face more violence than abled transmascs. but those are not... symptoms of transandrophobia, they are examples of racism and ableism and other forms of systemic oppression and bigotry at play.
the plain and simple fact is that transfems face a unique form of oppression and violence and the fact that some of yall are so quick to ignore that because it doesn't put you at the center of attention is concerning!
and the way that the transandrophobia tag is just full of transmascs being overtly misogynistic towards their transfem sisters is just obscene and it only further proves the point that transandrophobia as a discussion only exists to beat down transfeminists into shutting up when they discussed transmisogyny.
you can discuss the way your oppression harms you without trying to prove you have it worse than the people who, historically, have had the most to lose and fought the hardest for queer rights.
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