#touma kouzaburou
meli-r · 4 months
Sasayama beating up Touma was so satisfying, but wtf with Touma and his need for a new "sister" to rule with when he's the one who killed her. Sorry for being late to the party, I never read Psycho Pass Zero but I'm translating the audios in my free time and these things surprise me. Touma is crazier than I thought xD
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(( I am once again thinking about her:
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or more specifically; her deceased "counter-part"... ))
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haeresys-realm · 4 years
Seemingly, this is a clip from the official two-volume drama CD called Namae no nai kaibutsu (名前のない怪物, lit. "The Monster with no Name") based on the prequel novel. Translated by Shiroro.
Makishima: By the way, I met an interesting girl earlier. I believe she was a student in the school you go to.
Touma: I see.
Makishima: That’s interesting.
Touma: What?
Makishima: The part where you have absolutely no interest in anything else aside from your purpose. But, you’re not simplistic nor shallow minded either. I want to know more about you. For that, you need to be someone I cannot reach.
Touma: The way you toy around with logic is a bad habit of yours, Shougo-kun.
Makishima: Is that so?
Touma:  For the lack of words, there are more thoughts included. Perhaps it may be difficult for someone like you, who is all about theories.
Makishima: I see. You are trying to bring out thoughts using crime. You’re just like an artist.
Touma: I have no interest in art. I just want to leave a trace… of us two.
По всей вероятности, небольшой отрезок (с разговором за чаем Макишимы Шого и Кодзабуро Томы) из drama CD в двух частях, сопровождавшего новеллу “Безымянное чудовище“, в которой детальнее рассказана вся история с “делом об экспонатах” трехгодичной давности. Новелла все еще не переведена ни на русский, ни на английский язык (кроме трех глав первой части из пяти), но с ее текстом можно ознакомиться на сайте NoitaminA.
(Прошу простить весьма примерный и достаточно вольный перевод на русский, но это то, как лично я понял их беседу. — прим. пер.)
Шого: Я, кстати, недавно встретил весьма занятную особу. Похоже, она студентка из твоей школы.
Кодзабуро: Понятно.
Шого: ...А это любопытно.
Кодзабуро: О чем ты?
Шого: О том, что тебе безралично буквально всё, что напрямую не касается твоей цели. При этом ты далеко не так прост, и пустой твою голову точно не назовешь. Мне было бы интересно получше узнать такого человека. Будто нечто доселе непостижимое.
Кодзабуро: Эти твои "игры разумов", Шого, всегда казались мне дурной привычкой.
Шого: Думаешь?
Кодзабуро: Иногда слова вовсе излишни; мысли за ними скрывают гораздо большее. Но это, видимо, невдомек таким, как ты, — всецело поглощенным своими теориями.
Шого: Вот как... Выходит, через преступления ты пытаешься донести свои мысли? Ты как настоящий художник!
Кодзабуро: Искусство мне не интересно. Я хочу всего лишь... оставить наш след.* *Как подметила xnightrainx, говоря обощенное ”bokutachi”, Кодзабуро, вероятнее всего, подразумевает вовсе не их с Макишимой, а себя и свою сестру, с потерей которой он до сих пор не смирился (несмотря на то, что сам оборвал ее жизнь). К сожалению, я читал лишь первые три подглавы новеллы, но на основании имеющейся информации, могу предположить, что об этом свидетельствует как то, что после убийства своей “принцессы” он поместил ее голову в морозильную камеру и от одиночества продолжал разговаривать с ней, так и то, что после всего случившегося он не оставил прошлое позади и, возможно, подсознательно пытался найти кого-то, кто смог бы занять в его жизни ее место (история с Токо). — прим. пер.
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randomnotesofmyown · 3 years
Psycho Pass (13)
Episode 13 - Invitation from the Abyss
Ginoza discussed his coefficient with a counselor who, concerned by the rising number, suggested the inspector talk about his worries to people close to him, like his father. Yet, Ginoza didn't feel like talking to his father about those.
Ginoza met up the PSB Chief to discuss about Tsunemori's report. The Chief expressed doubts to its credibility. Ginoza affirmed by giving more details on the distance between Tsunemori and Makishima, and the events that happened. The Chief pointed out that the victim had been a close friend of Tsunemori and asked if there was any possibility of Inspector Tsunemori misoperated the dominator. Ginoza replied that Tsunemori was not that incompetent and her aptitude had been confirmed by the Sibyl system. The Chief remarked that she received a report that questioned Sibyl's judgment. "Ginoza...Today, the world has realized a stable prosperity and achieved the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. What on earth do you think is supporting it?" "That would be...the Ministry of Welfare's Sibyl System" "That's right. Planning one's life...Obtaining what one desires...When people make choices, no matter what they are, they ask for Sibyl's judgment rather than agonizing over it. Through the Sibyl system, we're creating an affluent, safe world that's unprecedented in human history." "That's exactly why Sibyl has to be perfect." Ginoza replied. The chief agreed that no mistakes were allowed with Sibyl. "However, think about it. If the system is absolutely perfect, it shouldn't even require humans to operate it. We can equip dominators on drones and have them patrol the city. But the Criminal Investigation Department exists in the PSB, and you Inspectors and Enforcers hold the dominators, Sibyl's eyes. Have you thought about the meaning of that?" Seeing that Ginoza had no answer, the Chief continued, "No matter how perfect the system is made to be, it needs a safety net to deal with unforeseeable circumstances. The ability to flexibly respond in an emergency, temporary measures for when the system malfunctions... The system becomes perfect once these things are included. For a system, rather than functioning perfectly, it's more important that people continue to trust that it is perfect. Thanks to that belief in the system and sense of security, Sibyl brings blessings to people even now." The chief then showed Ginoza classified information that people of his rank would have no right to access.
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A profile of Touma Kouzaburou, an individual who was taken into custody without his coefficient being measured. Division 2, which captured the culprit behind the specimen case, was issued a gag order.
"Just like this current case. Despite the fact that he was practically caught in the act, and we had a great deal of evidence on his crimes, the dominators didn't react to Touma Kouzaburou because his coefficient didn't reach the regulation value. We call rare cases like this a 'criminally asymptomatic person'."
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"It refers to the rare cases where the result of the person's" cymatic scan doesn't match with their criminal psychology. It's estimated that the incidence of this is about one out of every two million people. The case with Makishima Shogo isn't really surprising, either. There are some indications that he took part in the case from three years ago, right? Touma and Makishima...it is precisely because the two of them, who are criminally asymptomatic, committed crimes together, that we had so much difficulty with that case."  
Ginoza asked what happened to Touma.
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"Officially, he's been declared missing. And I, as well, do not intend to say anything more on the matter to you. At any rate, all that matters is the fact that no one ever fell victim to his crimes again. He just disappeared." 
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"His case didn't reveal a blind spot in the Sibyl system. It didn't shake the credibility of the system, either. He simply disappeared. You guys are at the tail end of the system. And people recognize and understand the system only through the tail end. Hence, the system's credibility is judged by seeing how properly and strictly the tail end is functioning. If you guys doubt the dominator, it could eventually cause all the citizens to doubt this society's order. Do you understand?" Ginoza response was that the report submitted was incomplete. "Good. Resubmit it by tomorrow morning. Naturally, you'll need to prepare an explanation that your subordinates will accept."
The chief then ordered that Makishima Shogo be captured, and isolated as soon as possible. "But don't kill him. Immediate punishment or execution requires Sibyl's involvement." Once Makishima got captured, the Bureau would take care of the rest and he would not threaten society again. The Chief added.
Kogami reading Heart of Darkness as he was recovering from his wounds.
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Tsunemori came to visit.  
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Kogami asked about the funeral. 
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Tsunemori then said Makishima had to be captured. 
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Before she left, Tsunemori added that she and Kogami could finally pursue the same goal together.
Kogami was told later by Kagari that Tsunemori would do a memory scoop--a process to visualize people's memories by reading them directly from their brain waves--to reconstruct Makishima's face. He reacted strongly to this.
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Before the process began, Kogami called Tsunemori. She hung it up and, despite Ginoza's concern about what the process would do to her already affected Psycho-Pass, insisted to go ahead because--given that the Chief did not authorize a public investigation and clues were hard to find--a photofit picture (montage) was needed.
Tsunemori went through the process and Karanomori captured the image needed.
And the division got confirmation that Makishima was the art teacher known as Shibata Yurimori at Ousou Academy. They also found footage of Makishima appearing at the entrance of the apartment building in which Sugawara Shoko (Spooky Boogie) lived.
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A relation chart was updated.
Ginoza asked Masaoka out for a private talk. Surprised by the request, Masaoka jokingly asked if it was going to snow the next day when he appeared next to Ginoza. After the brief small talk, Ginoza said he wanted to ask something about Tsunemori. "Why doesn't her Hue get clouded? How does she manage her stress?" "I don't have the answer. Well, one thing I can say clearly is that she isn't afraid of her crime coefficient at all. She is...she accepts things as they are. She forgives society, acknowledges it, and accepts it. On top of that, she doesn't mind taking risks... She probably believes in the meaning and the value of being a detective unquestionably."
The subject was then changed to Masaoka. The enforcer recounted how he felt the first day he was given a gun that talked and was told to do as the gun said. "That wasn't the detective work that I believed in." "If you questioned it that much...why didn't you quit being a detective? You made mom and I pay the price when you didn't even want to live that way?" Masaoka conceded and said the day he came to terms with how things had come to be, his coefficient stabilized. Before he walked off, Masaoka added, "Just like you were saying earlier, if you question your job, if you start feeling that something is amiss, be careful. Once you do, you might fall into the same pitfall I fell into.
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"You've finally been identified. You're at the end of your rope, Shogo."
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Alone in her office, the chief commented. 
End of episode 13
Point A: From what I recently learned about body language, when a person looks away from the person he is talking to when he speaks, it's likely a sign that the speaker has something to hide. So what the Chief said about Touma might probably contained some false information: the chief might have lied about what happened to Touma, he didn't just vanished. Point B: the lengthy talk about how the Sibyl system worked, how it gained credibility and trust, what it took for the system to appear perfect and stuff made me think about one thing. If the Sibyl system was a metaphor, in it place I can put in the government, the various institutions, public bodies and the whole passage makes perfect sense. There would be no problem if no one ever raise any question and everything would work out just fine. That's what the chief wanted to sell, and Ginoza, doubtfully, bought it. Point C: Tsunemori's sense of determination came through unequivocally in this episode. In order to get a hold of what was needed for an investigation, she was willing to experience again the worst moment thus far in her life. That was an admirable strength in her character.
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ta11nerd2 · 5 years
There’s a limit to the amount of pleasure a person can obtain. But pleasure brought out by intellect is infinite.
Kouzaburou Touma
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cleverwolfpoetry · 6 years
PSYCHO PASS Questionnaire
First of all, thank you @white-queen-lacus (and @whatsyourcolor) for tagging me. Sorry if I answer so late but work has been really demanding and season 3 announcement has been the last straw to my gastritis, so I’ve been out of myself for more than a week.
Anyway, this has given me the chance to read all of your interesting opinions and I must say that I share a good part of them. Soooo, here we go!
Top Three Favourite Characters:
Kougami Shinya & Tsunemori Akane (I like each one of them at the same level for different reasons, but they always come together for me)
NO ONE. If there are two people on the top, the second place is empty.
Karanomori Shion, Kagari Shusei and Sasayama (btw, Kagari and Sasayama are on the top of my “You shouldn’t have died” list, even if, Sasayamakun, I’m sorry but your death gave start to Psycho-pass so it’s unavoidable)
And here I am, breaking the rules, because the title said 3 fav characters. 3 is reductive when speaking of Psycho pass.
Three Least Favourite Characters:
Chief Kasei
Touma Kouzaburou
Five Favourite Ships (Canon or Not):
Shinkane, there’s no doubt about it. They are perfect together, in every possible way, in every possible feature, in every possible direction you look at them.
Kunikara     (Shion x Yayoi)..and same as shinkane for the reason. They are that kind of couple with different temper/physical appearance/ behavior that makes them just perfect together.
Gino X Risa. The ship that never sailed. I didn’t have the time to wink and say….hey 😉😉😉, what’s going on here? That the poor Risa was already blood spray on the floor. Dramatic!
No other couples…I’m not a shipper of non canon couples, I only ship couples     where I sense love.
If BROTP counts, I would ship Kougami x Sasayama, the best BROTP, and Gino x Sugou.
Character I find Most Attractive:
Ok, no game for anyone here. Kougami is the male most attractive character of the series, even if Gino, jealous of that title, must have ordered that new cool ponytail cut to the hairdresser. And Sugou, he is something for sure (and so sweet!!! 😆😆)
And for the girls, even if Shion is explosive and Yayoi is the ice princess, Akane is and will always be my queen. That short haircut, the slender neck that neither a swan would rival, the chocolate eyes, her beautiful face, the slim figure…in a word, the grace personified. There’s only one way we can call her: A GLAMOUROUS WOMAN. Does this recall you something???? 😉😉😉
Character I Would Marry: No comment here. I already have a wedding ring on my finger.
Character I Would Be Best Friends With: 
Akane and Kagari. Great cooking/drinking time and a lot of videogames.
A Random Thought:  All my thoughts are projected to the next year. But if we want to talk about the past….when I saw the images of the first episode in season two, the one with the bomber, seeing his blue eyes, I  thought it was Kougami come back to challenge Sibyl (and I have to admit my idea had been influenced by a fic I was reading at that time). That was obviously my inconscious-not-too-inconscious me who wanted to see Kougami again and was worried about him for all the second season. Every episode I was like…where is Kougami? Why he isn’t here? Why hasn’t he come back? Has something happened to him? Nooo, Tougane!!! Stay away from Akane (this wame while watching the gym scene. The damned authors used the same flirty music they used in season one gym scene)
An unpopular opinion:
I know that many like to ship Kou with Sasayama, but there wasn’t anything like that between them (you should read pp zero to see it), Sasayama was like a big bro to Kougami and vice, this makes them a perfect BROTP for me.
About unpopular opinions… @lefterstein like your theory very much. I take the liberty of quoting it here:
“I used to theorize about how we perceive Shinkane as not canon bc we haven’t seen them do stuff, but that for all we (don’t) know they might’ve been secretly doing stuff hahaha like I wouldn’t be too surprised if it were to be revealed that they have done stuff all along. hence my answer for the next 2 questions”
God knows if they did something or not, anyway, despite people treating Akane as a pure and innocent kid, she was WELL AWARE of Kougami’s physique, like we openly saw in the gym episode and we read in the final part of the psycho pass book, when she looks sleeping Kougami and the author indulges on his look described by Akane’s memory. I’m stills screaming inside.
My Canon OTP:
My Non-Canon OTP:
A Pairing I’m Not A Fan Of: All the invented pairings, but the most illogical is Kougami x Makishima. Kougami moved earth and hell to be able to kill him and threw away ALL that he kept as precious and someone still ships them? Mm, ok….(I’m turning my head away)
A character that is screwed up: I partially share @whatsyourcolor idea that all people in PP are screwed up except Akane. Though I would say that all the inspectors and enforcers are screwed up in PP. Considering what enforcers went through before taking their place in MWPSB and the pressure the inspectors have to face to keep the enforcers at their place, resolve cases, etc. none of them is fully sane mentally. Even Akane, she hallucinates about Kou, she smokes just to keep Kou’s scent on her, she talks with the dead images of Yuki, Masaoka, Kagari and Makishima. None is safe, only the happy, unaware citizen with a healthy PP.  
Favourite Friendship: Akane and Kagari. They were so sweet to look.
That’s all, I think. As usual I wrote a poem…shortness is not one of my merits.
I tag anyone who wants to do it, because the people I would have tagged have been already tagged.
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khalix-hyetology · 6 years
If Ruvik was in Psycho Pass he would so be Criminally Asymptomatic. But I think he would be an inspector and not a criminal in the Sybil system. Stefano would not be  Criminally Asymptomatic but would most likely be a criminal. He just wouldn’t have too much of a clouded hue. I don’t think Stefano would like Shogo Makishima or Kouzaburou Touma at all. He would like Shion, Yayoi and Akane a lot including Kamui. 
I can imagine Ruben Victoriano with a dominator.  Ruvik would get along with Ginoza a lot and somewhat with Shinya. But I think he and Akane would have a special bond. 
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karakurikai-blog · 8 years
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Day 1-Happy Birthday! I’m a day late, but I thought I’d still celebrate Makishima’s birthday by drawing him with pumpkins. I’m desperate to get pumpkins right now. :’)
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meli-r · 6 months
I just jotted down this quick piece. I was feeling inspired and had to get it out on the screen. Apologies if it seems like I'm romanticizing Touma. It's like a creative exercise because I wanted to explore his nature and practice writing in first person.
I can no longer touch or feel the sun's warmth on my face, a sensation lost to me. I now possess the collective wisdom of mankind, granting me an insight into the depths of human existence that few can fathom. I bear witness to a world that remains hidden to all but us, every corner, every soul, every shadow unveiled before me. It's a power that borders on godhood, the authority to rule without a physical throne, like a deity without worshippers.
Having transcended the confines of the human form, I've left behind the limitations of flesh and bone. In this formless existence, I've become a silent observer, watching as the intricate tapestry of humanity unfolds before me. I see it all—the ebb and flow of human existence, the city of Tokyo, a luminous sea of neon lights and bustling streets, a testament to the indomitable spirit of human ambition. I also witness the countryside's serene beauty, where cherry blossoms sway in the gentle breeze, a symbol of nature's delicate grace.
I yearn for you to experience, in the blink of an eye, the grandeur of Tokyo's nocturnal splendor and the tranquility of the countryside. How I wish you could be here to share in these wonders, to witness the world as I do, free from the shackles of conformity and indecision. Imagine seeing the intricate web of society, where each individual's life is laid bare, and how the towering skyscrapers, which you admire just as much as I admire sculptures, stand as a testament to human ambition and achievement.
I acknowledge the solitude that accompanies our isolation, for we are among the few who understand the essence of true independence. One day, I hope you'll come to share my vision of the world, where we see it as our duty and birthright to guide and shape the destiny of others, despite your initial reluctance. I believe that, with time, you will come to appreciate the necessity of a strong guiding hand in a world full of weakness and indecision.
In this solitude, I find solace, a guiltless existence devoid of deception, where the unvarnished truth is my constant companion. I've attained the highest plane of knowledge, and with it comes an exhilarating freedom. Shame and guilt no longer hold sway over me. Indeed, as you once proclaimed, joy is the birthright of humanity, and I have claimed it as my own.
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melancholy-menagerie · 9 months
touma kouzaburou what are we
He's tilting his head slightly to the side curiously, before stating, very seriously, "--Teachers?"
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hound-0-blog · 8 years
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Touma Kouzaburou (II) | Kasei Shume
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#Shogoweek Day 4 - Ships or Solitude
|| I felt that many people might choose solitude, because it is very much in Shogo’s character to choose that path. I respect that representation but utterly hate all the angst that ensues from it (it hurts ; A ;) , so I decided to give Shogo plenty of relief from his chosen solitude with the 3 men who influenced him the most.
Touma Kouzaburou - Behind him … in the past, but no less important to shaping the events of S1.
Choe Gu-Sung - His left hand man. The one by his side. His base of support for his arduous journey toward the truth.
Kogami Shinya - To his right, the /canine/ of his fascination… a man he hopes will become a wolf. The one whose sights have been solely on him.||
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