omgkalyppso · 1 month
top five favourite things to cook?
Oh. Hm. Okay I won't say things for baking, but I will likely still come across some kind of way... fdhdfgh
5. Tacos (indian or otherwise)
4. Tortière
3. Meatloaf...
2. Breakfast, especially bacon and chicken-with-no-head/egg-in-the-basket or pancakes
1.Those reuben / french dip sandwiches I described previously (and haven't made in like three years)
Thank you for the ask!
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catboy-beb0p · 6 months
Kinda funny that I got that after tortière posting. Bitches love my French-Canadian swag
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frankpanioncube · 6 years
Recipe Blog: Tourtière
For @msmkcreates - whose kitchen is, as I hear, on the rebound from being borked. I sympathize; my kitchen in my Glasgow flat was so small that a 250 pound dude and my 100 pound ass had trouble working side by side, so pretty well everything in that place was like a string of Fairy lights. If one bulb went, you’re more or less stuck sorting through the mess until you find the one that needs replacing.
The recipe here is a Canadian Quebeҫois meat pie, and basically what I like about it is that it’s a nice balance between needing to expend some effort and not needing the technique. I also remember pricking holes into the top in the pattern of various swear words because clearly I like to act my shoe size and not my age..
...My North American shoe size. I just realized that joke doesn’t work if you’re talking about European sizing.
I also kind of like that this is actually MY recipe from the ones  my Scottish-Canadian Godparents and I traded. Uncle Derek gave me Balmoral Chicken (Haggis stuffed chicken in a whiskey creme sauce), Aunt Margaret gave me Mince and Tatties (Mashed potatoes with a beef mince and carrot stew with gravy) and this one’s mine. 
Anyway, I hope you get to make it @msmkcreates and that you and your partner like it!
Crust - 1 1/2 cups flour - 1/2 cup butter - 1/2 cup creme cheese - (Note: It doesn’t matter if you use creme cheese or creme cheese spread or even light if you prefer, but I would suggest whichever one it is, leave it plain. I did experiment once using a garlic-herb and it sort of clashed with the flavours in the pie.) Blend using a mix master on high speed. Shape into a ball and Refrigerate for at least one hour. Filling: .75 pound mince - pork or beef is best, a blend if you can, and possibly rabbit if you’re feeling adventurous. 1 cube Chicken boullion 1/4 cup water 1 large white onion diced 1 red pepper coarsly chopped * (personal addition) 1 tablespoon ground cloves 1 tablespoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon allspice 1 tsp. black pepper 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp rosemary 2 tsp tabasco * (personal addition; if you are hyper sensitive to heat I’d either reduce to one tsp OR perhaps try Worcestershire sauce OR white miso. All those will offer slightly different flavours but a very much needed flavour enhancement.) 9 baby potatoes peeled 1/4 cup milk 4 tbsp. butter 1 large egg, beaten 1. peel and boil the potatoes 2. brown and crumble the mince and sautee with the onions (and red pepper if you choose) 3. add the spices (and tabasco) 4. mash the potatoes with the milk and butter and stir into the mince. 5. divide the chilled dough into 3/4 and 1/4 and roll flat using extra flour on the rolling pin to prevent sticking. Place the 3/4 into a casserole dish and use a pastry brush or fingers to spread egg over the dough. If you don’t have a rolling pin or just don’t want to, just press the dough reasonably evenly into the bottom of the pan. it sounds like the lazy way, but honestly if you’ve ever seen pictures of my tart shells and wonder how the balls I get it so even and straight, I don’t roll it out, I use a combination of my fingers and a sharp knife to even things. You can’t do it with a pie crust but you ABSOLUTELY can with this, it’s the equivalent of tart crust and a casserole. 6. fill the pan with the mince mixture 7. roll out the leftover 1/4 of dough, place atop the pie as a crust and prick with a fork. Again pressing it flat will work. This dough has a crapload of cream cheese fat to give it structural integrity, it isn’t going to fall apart on you.  8. Bake at 400 degrees F or 200 degrees C for 30-40 minutes
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rozdb · 4 years
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Feeling smug for #nationalpieday I happened to have on hand #tortière from my talented friend @sandrinepastry #explorekelowna #sotasty now that’s a 🥧 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7r0FEVh7Y1/?igshid=u6wbnpa0t98q
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qaaba · 6 years
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#πday #pieday #Schniblo #tortière #punkinpie #blackberry #blueberry #π (at Turkey Point Provincial Park)
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satsekhem · 6 years
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The third Sunday.
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gurtmotherus · 4 years
Bat, Pumpkin, Hocus Pocus 💕
I love dragons so I wanna be a dragon, but if you mean real animals, then a cat. Call me a firestar kinnie but being a cat would SLAP.
I love tortière around the holidays, but only when my dad cooks it. My uncle is terrible at it never ask him to make tortière.
The most ridiculous thing I ever heard (that I can remember in this moment) was when my 7th grade teacher (you know the one. We ALL know the one) told me to stop comforting my female friend, because I'm a lesbian and that's inapropriate
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braidedribbon · 4 years
Tomorrow I should look through our family recipes to see if we have any for a good French Canadian tortière.
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Inspiration:  La réveillon de nouvel an (Réveillon de la Sainte- Sylvestre)
The French celebrate and have their big meal (many courses)  New Years Eve.  (There is a similar celebration Christmas Eve that is held much later in the evening.) It begins early afternoon and is done in time to celebrate New Years with a party or celebration, or to keep your own going past midnight.  There is punch and champagne. sorbet to cleanse the palate between courses, and many traditional French recipes.  
With the arrival of their mother, just before NYE, she and Stéphane pleaded with Sebastian to help do a traditional Réveillon for the family.  Sebastian purchased (sorbets, deSserts, tortière, oysters) and made most of the meal, with his brother and mother’s help and inviting their sisters.  The meal was mid afternoon to allow any party going to happen.
The tradition of mistletoe is more a New Years tradition than a Christmas one in France.  And it is believed lucky to kiss under mistletoe when the clock strikes midnight.  Maman would have gifted her children in attendance a sprig of mistletoe to ward off bad luck in 2022.
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Mercredi 20 janvier 2021 - Séance d’Education aux Médias et à l’Information
Les 4ème A s’invitent dans les commerces pour questionner les différences entre les femmes et les hommes au travail. Pour cette jeune femme, les à priori n’ont pas lieu d’être. Pour autant, dans cette boulangerie proche de la Tortière à Nantes, les femmes sont à la vente et les hommes, au fournil ! Pour la jeune vendeuse, les femmes n’osent pas forcément demander à travailler à la fabrication du pain.
Elle espère également qu’avec le temps, hommes et femmes seront payés au même salaire. “Une femme a le doit de travailler même si elle peut être enceinte !” et de souhaiter des congés parentaux de même durée pour tous. Avant de conclure : “les mentalités prennent du temps à changer”. 
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blendedlove · 4 years
Movie Vatel
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(picture taken from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0190861/mediaindex?ref_=tt_mv_close) 
To summarize quickly, the movie Vatel is about a man named François Vatel who is in charge of making sure everything is in order for the arrival and staying of the King Louis XIV. He ends up falling in love with the King’s mistress Anne de Montausier which leaves him with a conflict to move to Versailles to work for the King or follow his heart. 
Throughout the movie we are presented the foods being prepared and made for the King and his people. To be honest I was getting hungry watching the movie, everything looked so great. Only the greatest of foods are served to the King and his guests and must be presented with perfection. Fresh fruits already ready to be eaten, glazed fruits, roasted meats, hot chocolate, fresh bread and pastries, and sea food are all foods served to the King and his people throughout the movie. Two of my favourite dishes served were the glazed fruits as seen below, as well as the sugar vase and flowers made by Vatel. The glazed fruits are served to the guests and the King XIV and shows a certain amount of class and respect. While the sugar vase and rose are Vatel’s romantic touch to Anne de Montausier’s heart. He creates this beautiful structure to show her and tell her that he likes her. The sugar vase represents his admiration and love towards her.  
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When it comes to the foods served throughout the movie, the food that intrigued me the most would have to be the food that looks like a “tortière” to me. We only see it very briefly in the movie but it intrigued me the most because here in Quebec im familiar with what we call a “tortière” and it basically looks the same. Its a flaky pie dough filled with meat. Of course this one looks abit different but it still looks really good and I was shocked to see that in the movie. 
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Throughout the whole movie I would say my favourite character has to be Vatel because he is so hardworking and shows compassion towards others. He is a character who is strong headed and does not let himself get intimidated by the royals guests, but he also knows his status and would not dare to provoke a royalty guest. He is considered to be of lower class, he is for sure not royalty and we see that in the way he dresses and because he works amongst everyone else. He works hard to make everything perfect and he pays attention to all the smallest of details. Vatel in the movie is the cook of Prince Condé who is the one recieving the King XIV, and he has the most important role into making sure everything with the arrival and stay of the King is perfect.  He does such a great job that in the end the King XIV wants Vatel to come work for him in Versailles which is an opportunity anyone would want to have. But Vatel does not see it as so, he is very grounded and sadly he sees this opportunity as the Prince Condé treating him like a slave, making him run around doing so much work for perfection and then just giving him away to the King XIV over a card game. And of course being given away to the King XIV, Vatel knows that saying ‘no’ to the king is not an option. I really admire the humanness in Vatel’s character. 
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ciellesprit · 4 years
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Bonjour les ami.es.s ! . On est dimanche aujourd'hui et je vous invite à venir me rejoindre pour mon premier LIVE sur ma Chaîne Youtube "Sophie COLLOT" ! . RDV à 17h30 ! ;) . On va parler de Pair-Aidance, de Créativité et d'Empathie, mes trois amours en ce moment... ❤️ . Vous pourrez me poser toutes les questions que vous voulez, je me ferai une joie de vous répondre ! Et il y aura du soutien dans les commentaires, des ami.es.s Pair.es.s-Aidant.es.s et d'autres personnes formidables. 🙂 . Je pense à vous ma communauté sur Facebook aussi. Je ne suis pas allée sur FB depuis longtemps car c'est un réseau social où je ne me sens pas secure. Instagram est vraiment un lieu ressource pour moi en ce moment ! Mais j'ai prévu de venir vous voir la semaine prochaine.  . Mon compte Instagram est professionnel et ma page Facebook également. J'ai lié les deux. Donc quand je suis active sur Insta, je suis également active sur Facebook ! Pratique !!! \o/ . En ce qui concerne mes nouveaux horaires de télétravail de Paire-Aidante en Santé Mentale Numérique, j'ai identifié les LUNDIS, MERCREDIS et VENDREDI. Je serai donc relativement disponible de 10h à 13h et de 15h à 18h ces jours-là. . J'en profite pour vous annoncer également que le programme #legouterpsylive sur Instagram évolue à partir de la semaine prochaine : . 🤍Lundi : Sur mon compte Insta., avec un.e invité.e du mon de la Pair-Aidance. . ⬛ Mardi : Off pour moi ! Mais le créneau est disponible si un.e ami.e des secteurs de santé publique, sanitaire, médico-social, Communication NonViolente, où toute autre personne responsable et volontaire souhaitant m'aider à maintenir #legouterpsylive en bonne et due forme ! ❤️ . 🤍 Mercredi : Sur mon compte Insta., avec un.e invité.e créati.f.ve. . ⬛ Jeudi Off pour moi et comme pour le mardi. . 🤍 Vendredi : Sur mon compte Insta., avec vous, mes followers d'amour. ...la suite en commentaire... (à Pont de la Tortière) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mVw3wJEzG/?igshid=dzdptoz6fcak
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antikorg · 4 years
les éboueurs nantais s’inquiètent pour leur santé
[ad_1] 2020-03-26 09:17:52 Reporterre
Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), reportage
Ils sont fidèles au poste dans la rue, aux premières lueurs de l’aube. Malgré la crise sanitaire, les éboueurs continuent de sillonner Nantes. En ce début de semaine matinal, les voici qui patrouillent à 7 h dans les beaux quartiers, de Saint-Félix aux Hauts-Pavés, remontant le pont de la Tortière. Rue de la Coquetterie,…
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frankpanioncube · 6 years
Recipe Blog - Tortière
As many of you know, I have lived in Scotland and in Canada. While I was living in Scotland, there were a couple of things that I and my Godmum both missed from Canada and my Grandmother would send regular care packages. These things included cream based Renee’s ceasar and ranch salad dressing and Kraft peanut butter (The Scots do many things well but peanut butter is NOT one of them). At any rate, I’m sure the ilk of @cracksandcraters, @calligraphy-skele and @ladyanatares all know what I’m talking about when I say one thing I always made sure to get sent over was the LCBO magazine. For the non-Ontario Canadians, our LCBO (liquor store) produces a free magazine with some beautiful recipes. Of course the point is to suggest whatever product/wine pairing/beer pairing etc. thing to go with them, but you can walk into the store, not have to buy anything and pick one up and the recipes don’t necessarily include the booze. They’re about the size of a Cosmopolitan magazine and they’re seasonal.
My flatmate was an American (From Texas) and his particular hangup was about salsa. We both wound up findiing ways to introduce eachother to regional dishes; I had my godfather make him Balmoral chicken (look it up) and I explained to him that Coriander = Cilantro in the UK so he could make me fresh salsa. I made this, based off a recipe from the LCBO magazine with some of my own additions
Crust - 1 1/2 cups flour - 1/2 cup butter - 1/2 cup creme cheese - The flowers from two fresh thyme branches OR 1 tbsp dried thyme.
Blend using a mix master on high speed. Shape into a ball and Refrigerate for at least one hour. Filling: .75 pound mince - pork or beef is best, possibly rabbit. 1 cube boullion 1/4 cup water 1 large white onion diced 1 red pepper coarsly chopped * (personal addition) 1 tablespoon ground cloves 1 tablespoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon allspice 1 tsp. black pepper 1 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp rosemary 2 tsp tabasco * (personal addition.) 9 baby potatoes peeled 1/4 cup milk 4 tbsp. butter 1 large egg, beaten 1. peel and boil the potatoes 2. brown and crumble the mince and sautee with the onions (and red pepper if you choose) 3. add the spices (and tabasco) 4. mash the potatoes with the milk and butter and stir into the mince. 5. divide the chilled dough into 3/4 and 1/4 and roll flat using extra flour on the rolling pin to prevent sticking. Place the 3/4 into a pan and use a pastry brush or fingers to spread egg over the dough. 6. fill the pan with the mince mixture 7. roll out the leftover 1/4 of dough, place atop the pie as a crust and prick with a fork 8. Bake at 400 degrees F or 200 degrees C for 30-40 minutes
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lexgofurther · 7 years
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Tonight I went to #KnightSchool and learned to make tortière from @dreid63 at @thedrakehotel's Commissary. So much fun, followed by a tasty tasty treat which in my household is usually reserved for Xmas or New Year's Eve. I think it will be in heavier rotation now I know how to make the filling. I've been intimated by tortière for years.No more! . . . #creativeculinaryhub #drakecommissary #bakerybarlarder #Tourtiere #meatpie #canada150 #traditionalfood #tourtière #acadianfood #canadianfood #cookingclass #sterlingroad #dailyhivefood #foodto #sharefood #homecooking #madefromescratch #cooking #Toronto #eventsTO #LexGoFurther http://ift.tt/2xJaEVo
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satsekhem · 6 years
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The message of Christmas is that the visible material world is bound to the invisible spiritual world. - Author Unknown
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