#toochy tooch tooch
discluded · 1 year
Melting 🫠
😭😭😭 the quality of picture from the first tweet isn't particularly good so I won't pull it but everyone should go take a look
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as for the second... if they don't touch they will turn into pumpkins 🎃
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ditttiii · 4 years
Enchanted to meet you backstory.
So this is rater self-indulgent of me but I am going to give myself a free pass today. I was introduced to BTS a little less than a year ago and fell in love with the fanfictions that this fandom had soon after. While I had been thinking of writing a story for them for a long time it wasn’t until this April that I finally did. 
Last January I lost my pet (who was a rabbit) of 10 years. He lived a long, healthy, happy & peaceful life. His name was Toochu // Toozie // Toochie (or any of the random strings of letters that I would clump together to call a word and then use as his name). Calling him my pet feels weird, because anyone that has ever grown with one would know that, if you grow up with them-they rarely (if ever) feel like pets. Toochu to me was my son. The one I would play house with, the one who I would occasionally (much to his absolute disgust) dress up and the one who I loved and showered upon all my love. 
I wasn’t as naive to think that he wouldn’t ever die, but I also didn’t expect him to die on my birthday. On the morning of that day (14th January) I woke up to this feeling of wrongness. Most people who have ever lost someone (a human or animal close to them) can tell you that they felt it, even before they knew the truth, they could somehow feel the lack of this beings presence. As if the complete puzzle that they were now had a missing piece to it, the jagged edges of which, refused to sit back with any other piece.
That was what I felt when I woke up. My parents, beyond sad and heartbroken after loosing (in some ways) basically their third child, were also terrified that his death would make me start hating my birthday. That I would spend the rest of my life feeling some sort of guilt for being happy on the day that I had lost him. And so they buried him without ever telling me. No matter how many times I asked on that day about his whereabouts the answer was always the same—He’s with your brother, they’ll both be back late. 
The thing about death and heartbreak is that it is going to hurt. It always will, no matter who it happens to. But what hurts even worse is knowing—feeling, that sense of dread, but still having that last flicker of hope because reality hasn’t yet set in and you can still hope. pray—wish that you were wrong. That you were just being paranoid.
I however was not wrong. The next day I woke up early before dawn and went out to where my rabbit would usually sleep (his favourite corner of the house or his turf as we would all say) and found an empty bed. All his food bowls empty without any sign of him ever being there. I woke my parents up as my screams echoed across the walls of our house, because by that point somehow I just knew.
I grieved and grieved and hated my parents for weeks. Some part of me still resents that they did that to me. He was always my baby. It’s me who still has his bite scars still burned into her skin from when he was a baby and I an annoying pesky child.
I wish I could hug him—pet him, one last time. Say Goodbye properly.
More than anything else “Enchanted To Meet You” is a tribute to Toochie. Jungkook and his habits through out the fic will be a reflection of what he represents along with what Toochie was like. I grew up with him and I would like you all to know that it is neither good writing, nor good characterisation on my part, but simply fond memories of what my bunny used to be like. 
Thankyou so much Kaheryn for giving me all the feedback that you have given me today and I am genuinely surprised but really happy to know that some things have shone through.
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The medic part of OC comes from me being a med student as well :)
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This is Toochie :’) ((and yes my baby had claws. He wasn’t fond of getting them cut and I loved him too much to force him to do anything so I do have a rather impressive array of faint scars on my thighs and hands. We did get them blunted though))
Feel free to ignore this ramble. I just wanted to have it off my chest and on paper. 
I Love You Tooch~ You are, were and forever will be my baby. 
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Hi! :3 I love your blog so much. Can you write more for that stoned Noodle imagine? How would that play out?
Thank you, sweetie!
2D walks into the kitchen while nursing his bruised shoulder, “Finally I can get me hands on my sweeties, I thought Murdoc would never stop talkin’- heya Noodle!”
Noodle giggles in response and as 2D looks up towards the medicated chocolate squares he was looking forward to eating,and he nearly has a stroke. Some of the brownies were missing…
“No, no, no, no, no I was just gone for an hour!  Noodle-girl please tell me Murdoc or Russ came in here and took some of these!?” The frightened lanky man bolts to Noodle (who is staring off into space with her head tilted and a slight smile…) and grabs her to look closely at her face. Her eyes are red and lidded and she gives him a grin.  
“Toochi, I hoped you would not mind, I helped myself to a couple! They tasted funny though…I’m hungry, can we order pizza?”
2D suddenly looks terrified, he lets out a string of curses as he snatches the plate with the brownies and then he snatches the little girl up and pulls her into his room.
“If Russel finds out… Nonononono… if Russel finds out, I’ll be as good as dead.” 2D squeaks out.
“If Russel finds out what, Tooch?” Noodle looks up with her now droopy red eyes,  confused. “I feel funny…” She chortles.
“Ahhhum, nothing, donchya worry about a thing Noods, just sit tight…”
“Okay!” She giggles, “I want wings, can we please get food now …pleeeeaaaase, D?” Noodle sounds like she’s desperate for food, 2D can’t help but laugh at the girl, he felt bad for laughing but stoned Noodle is quite adorable and she seems to be having the munchies. His laughter is contagious and it has Noodle cracking up as well.
“Sure, Noods, I’ll pop in a movie first then we’ll figure out the food situation… ”
“I’m so thirsty… I don’t think I have ever been this thirsty… 2D, I’m so thirsty!”
Well, the cotton mouth seems to be setting in…
“Hold on Noods, we’ll fix that soon, just watch the movie for now and I’ll get the food and drinks, please Noodle, just sit tight though, you are not to leave this room for anything understand?”
“Hai!” And she resumes concentrating on the TV, and every so often she would giggle at the most ridiculous things.
2D sighs, slightly amused and slightly disappointed.  That’s supposed to be me right now… She’ll be like this for the next couple of hours considering how much she ate. I doubt she’ll move from that spot any time soon. It really couldn’t hurt to eat some now that I’ve got the situation all fixed now, could it?
He takes a brownie and munches on it while on his way back to the kitchen to get the pizzeria’s menu. He orders a large cheese pie, tons of water, and two orders of boneless wings. Suddenly 2D needs to use the t o i l e t b a t hroom. When he’s done with his business,  he enters his room again.
“Noodle I ordered th-”
Noodle is gone.
Suddenly 2D hears her giggle.
“Ah crud…” He was just out the room for 20 minutes he’s already starting to feel the effects of the edible he ingested.
“NOODLE! Where are you? Come back!”
2D sticks his head out of his room to see Noodle playing by Russel’s room, and Russel is making his way up the stairs, he’s on his way towards his room. The horrified 2D’s eyes go wide and he shrieks:  “Nooooodle come here I have to show you something!!! Noodle, I have pizza! C’mere Noods!”
Noodle turns around and runs back with her back facing Russ and 2D breathes a sigh of relief. I thought I was a dead man…
Noodle enters the room as Russ reaches the top of the stairs and 2D slams the door.
“You. Are. Not. To. Leave. This. Room. Noodle.” 2D manages to squeak this out as he is out of breath, he has his hand over his chest.
Noodle seems this funny and she starts having a laughing fit in which 2D ends up partaking in later on because he too is starting to feel the full blown effects of the cannabis.
They sit down and start to watch a zombie movie (every time someone screams, gets dragged or bitten, they both burst out into laughter.) This goes on for another 30 minutes until 2D hears the doorbell.
The two very stoned musicians look at each other immediately and both shout: “t h e  f o o d!”  And 2D leaves to get the food he ordered, feeling like he’s in some sort of trance.
He takes his time going downstairs and trips twice, not because of the weed but because he’s just very clumsy.  2D opens the door, takes the food, and hands the delivery person money and a hefty tip then slammed the door. When he spins around to make his way back up the stairs, he hears a little girl’s giggle and shortly after Russel’s booming voice:
That’s when 2D’s stomach fell and his high was killed. His buzz was completely gone and replaced with fear.
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maerenee930 · 3 years
1,11 and 17!!!! I hope you feel better soon Bestie!!!!!!!!
1. what are your nicknames? what do you prefer to be called?
(heads up, my answer for this is super long and i’m so sorry! it’s unnecessary, i totally realize that but i feel some of the explanations for those nicknames should be known so no one thinks my family is just really weird. i mean we are weird lol but like idk how to describe it. just- i wanted to include how i got them because i did 😅 )
- so my nicknames are mae-mae (or my family spells it may-may 😅) mame, meaganooch - so for context- of all of my cousins on my mom’s side of the family, can be said in italian. mine can’t. like it’s just saying my name but with an accent lol.
so i believe my nonnie (my grandma) came up with meaganooch lmao. um there’s also toochie (which idk who came up with it but it just came from meaganooch and it’s stuck lol. whenever i tell people my family calls me that, they naturally think of it like stanley tucci lol. but yeah, it’s not cause of him. my family is just special lol.)
or i get called tooch. since i don’t like my name and i don’t feel that it suits me, i prefer to go by Mae. but, you can totally call me Mae-Mae (or if you prefer to spell it may-may, that works for me too) or you can call me mame cause i go by that, too 😊
oh, and there’s bacon 😑 my cousin eva would call me that. so she’s the one who came up with mae-mae when she was learning to talk and no one had ever thought of coming up with something like that until she did when she was like maybe almost 2 so i was like almost 16 lmao.
but anyway, she started saying “mae-mae” because she couldn’t say meagan. and so when she got a little older, we all would try to see if she could say meagan so we would say “mma-mma-meagan” and she would look at us and say “mma-mma-bacon” no idea why. she couldn’t say meagan so it came out bacon. and then she saw it bothered me and didn’t like it, so she did it and will still do it to annoy me. lol)
ah and i almost forgot one of my nicknames, bebe (sounds like bee-bee) and for context, my family will call me that sometimes because when i was maybe one and a half, i would ask my mom or dad for bebes. and no one knew what i was talking about. i would look at the top of our fridge and put my arm up towards the fridge and do you know like the grabby hand motion and go “bebes! bebes!!”
so (and we actually have this on a home video and we’ve watched it a few times lol. and i think it was the first time i did it like was when my mom was recording that specific video) my dad picks me up and moves towards the fridge and puts one of his arms by the top of the fridge. and so i started saying it again. and they see me looking at the bags of chips that we had up there, so my mom and dad ask me if i want chips and i shook my head yes and then my dad grabs a bag of plain chips and i started getting mad and frustrated and said “nooo!! bebes!”
so he grabs the bag of cool-ranch doritos we had up there and asks me if i want those and i got super excited and said “bebes!!” no idea why i called them that but i did, and so my mom started calling me that and it stuck with some other family members and friends lol
11. what’s the strangest thing you believes as a child?
- umm… so because my dad’s step mom passed away before i was born, i only had my grandpa (his dad) on my dad’s side of the family and i had both my nonnie and my papa on my mom’s side and for the longest time i thought it was just normal and everyone only had three grandparents 😅
or my papa hurt himself when my mom was young, had a bad accident while he was working and so he only has 6 fingers (one of his hands he only has a thumb.) and so i thought that everyone just also had one grandparent who only had a thumb on one of their hands 🤦‍♀️
oh i also believed (and still do! i swear i stand by this 😂) that you know how some pastas will have green and orange noodles? and also normal noodles lol. so i fully believed as a kid that those noodles tasted like vegetables! the green ones tasted like broccoli and the orange ones tasted like carrots. and i refused to eat them! everyone would tell me they tasted exactly the same but i insisted they didn’t. and while they don’t actually taste like those, they do taste different and not like the normal noodles! i don’t care what anyone says, they don’t taste like normal noodles! 😅😂 i’m sure there were other things but those are the were the ones i thought of first lol.
17. what was the most recent compliment you’ve received and savored?
- ooh! one of my best friends, (her name is Madison) on Friday night told me that i’m unconventionally beautiful (like she meant that as a genuine compliment) and idk it just really meant a lot to me and made me so happy 🥺🥰
like we were talking about how a very sweet anon on here told me that they think i’m stunning and beautiful and that i’m beautiful inside and out 🥺🙈🥰
and i was telling her that i just couldn’t believe someone would/could/does feel that way about me. like i told her that not to put myself down but like realistically i don’t think by how i look that i’m stunning or beautiful and i just don’t understand how anyone could feel that way.
like idk.. i just don’t see myself as stunning. and she understood what i meant and then she said that i’m unconventionally beautiful. like she said that she didn’t mean it in a negative or mean way, she meant it as my beauty is unique and that I’m not necessarily beautiful in the way that people would normally define that word.
like, she was saying that I’m pretty in the sense that it’s not like the classically pretty people you know like when you think of someone who’s pretty, some people tend to have a certain image in mind and i’m beautiful in a different way.
like she was being so sweet snd sincere and wanted to make sure I didn’t think that she was trying to be rude. i knew she wasn’t lol. she’s one of my best friends and has always been so sweet and says that I’m beautiful and it’s not fair or that I’m gorgeous and it’s not fair and she just makes me feel very special and i know she didn’t mean it as like a backhanded compliment 😅💙 but yeah, it just meant a lot to me and has stuck with me 🖤
sorry my answers are so long 🤦‍♀️ and thank you so so much for asking these!! i really appreciate it! 💙 aww, thank you so much, bestie!! 💜
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discluded · 1 year
this clip always sends me bc what was the reason?? there's no rational explanation for this other than apo wanting to hold onto mile
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I'm completely out of other reactions than help these days. They've wrung all all the rest of them out of me.
Listen... me and @nattaphum have a theory the cute airport train from Manila that the boys did in the KPWT stuff was actually MileApo's excuse to toochy tooch tooch.
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Like this one, where literally everyone else has let go of the train and they're doing HANDS HANDS HANDS. THE HELL.
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Anyway, I guess this was Apo telling Tong to know his place (not behind Mile in the train 😂 that's Apo's job)
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discluded · 1 year
This is killing me….Mile’s secret little touch on Apo’s belly. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Clgh800jl44/?igshid=Zjc2ZTc4Nzk=
hahaha this is very cute but tbh they were sooo tappity tap tap during all the KPWT. Here's one of Apo toochy tooch Mile's butt while walking past🤣
It's not that the gentle tum touch isn't cute, I'm just like...they do this all the time it's hardly a secret even though it's sooo cute.
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discluded · 2 years
How they hug
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A lot of fans noticed Mile and Apo were suppper touchy at the D7 event. Notice the arm under Apo's jacket here 🤭🤭🤭 Here's a cute compilation fan edit of them toochy tooch tooch.
I'll tell y'all a secret: I noticed this a while back but kept it to myself but the D7 Grand Opening really showed how true it was.
Have you noticed that Apo usually goes for Mile's neck or shoulders, while Mile usually goes for Apo's lower back? Apo goes high and Mile goes low...
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Because it's how they usually hug.
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Not always, they're not some weird robots locked into a specific hugging formation or aren't like, doing the tappity tap tap all over. But more often than not. Even when Mile's hands start high they often end up at Apo's back.
They hug so much they have a "usual" way of hugging! Because it means they can hug faster without clashing arm placements getting in the way.
And it's leaking into where they naturally go for when touching each other even when they're not hugging... 🤭🤭🤭🤗
I yoinked the hugging gifs from @nattaphum's post here so give that a like and reblog cause there's even more 😋
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discluded · 1 year
Something that I have always been curious is the fact that mile doesn't like or isn't a touchy person yet from the beginning he was fine with apos affection like compared to now apo was a cat giving him hugs, head butting his shoulder when shy, putting his feet on his legs and mile just let it happen. I wonder if it's because they had to play a couple he let himself get use to apos affection so its easier doing intimate scenes or he just genuinely felt comfortable around apo probably both lol.
nasdlkfjlas;kfjd as I was just very publicly discussing with @ohyesididnotjustdothat, Mile initiated the excessive levels amounts of physical contact by shoving his tongue down Apo's throat in the first audition 😂😂😂 Mile really said: "if I only get one shot at this, Imma take it"
But it seems like a good time for us to re-enjoy some of their old intimacy workshop footage 💖
As I said in my meta about their chemistry, the trust they have between them was fought for and earned together. Many actor pairings can have an intense level of chemistry (well, this intense is rare still), but what they worked on is the trust element for how they fit together in the physical aspect of their work. Even if that is sometimes trusting your partner when they do something a little unexpected within a scene *cough* "footsie" *cough*
As for their tendency to be extra toochy tooch tooch within the context of their personal relationship and why... well. I wouldn't analyze that too much. Physical contact is comforting, and humans really need physical contact. Actually one of the greatest risks for seniors in western societies is how often they don't get enough physical contact.
If you enjoy it, just enjoy them being cute. :)
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also please enjoy this cute edit @soft-husbands of them holding hands today.
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discluded · 1 year
just absolutely in my feels about how apo takes care of mile as the more experienced one in the industry. how he made sure mile had a good experience filming kp bc it's his first tv series or how he listens to his input about the show or his character or the scene that they're doing. how he makes sure all the time that mile never gets left behind like in the rsff. he made sure all the important people's talking to mile too. they clearly love and take care of each other so much and their affection doesn't always have to manifest physically but in things like these too. I love them a lot.
oh yeah, they love and support each other so much 🥺 I think we'll never get to understand the full extent of how much they take care of each other... the emotional support aspect is absolutely not lesser than or secondary to the way they express their affection via touch or gifts. the toochy tooch is just the part we get to see.
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discluded · 2 years
This era is so fascinating to me, so chaotic, and yet it was the era that gave us a full on window of the development of their relationship and how it evolved 😌😌💛
I keep seeing new vids everyday, keep them coming
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Filmania era styling and photo shoot!!!!
Mile waited 10 years to get his hands on this beautiful boy, he's not letting a moment go to waste from the stolen first kiss at the audition (that he dared to accuse Apo!!! about!!!) to as much toochy tooch tooch as he could 😭😭😭
Let's just say the touchy clinginess is mutual now 😊 (Though that second clip has been driving me insane for hOURSSS NOWWWWW Apo that is the LEAST CASUAL THING I'VE EVER SEEN also it took me 30 minutes to process HE STRAIGHT UP WENT FOR MILE'S ZIPPER WAHHTHTH 🥴🥴🥴)
it's been. a day of emotions.
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