#to this day pixel art feels more intuitive to me with a mouse lmao but i never use a computer anymore so i make do
recolourrhys · 1 year
MAN........ rly missing the early 2000s internet experience of pixel doll bases. I feel like those are really fucking hard to find still being made??? Like KawaiiHannah was and still is the shit those r stunning pixel art I adore them. But I do have trouble finding n remembering the names of other old school pixel artists who were around at the same time (Ichitoko on dA is also an incredible pixel artist tho they sadly went MIA years ago)
But I can never find new ones being made or any pixel artists still doing that?? It was SO much fun and I mean the KH ones r still right there so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It feels like a relic from old deviantArt days or smth. Like the websites where you could make rooms n houses entirely out of isometric n 2D pixel art assets?? Who else remembers n obsessively used those
I MISS THAT SHIT so fucking much,,,,,
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