#tmdg Asgore
the-writing-mobster · 6 months
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| The Tyrannical King Dreemurr has tea with Detective Dreemurr | It's a touch awkward | WDYW meets TMDG | 💙🔪💔 x 🥀💀🖤 |
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the-writing-mobster · 6 months
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| The Most Dangerous Game | Frisk Starling | 💔 |
Fly home, Starling...
“We found another body.”
The steely grip of dread slowly wrapped its claws around her stomach and she sucked in a long breath. 
Somehow, she’d always known it would happen. She’d prayed to gods she didn’t believe in that maybe it wouldn’t. 
Maybe he’d slack off. Maybe they’d catch him just in time. But she’d always known that the other shoe would drop. 
Another body would fall. 
They always do. 
“I'll be on my way.”
“I don't know if that's a good idea.” 
She was already grabbing her camera off the shelf over her computer and slinging it around her neck. “Not a good idea to do my job? You called me,” she pointed out as she jogged back down the hall, her footsteps still hauntingly quiet against the wood boards. 
“To warn you.”
Intrigued? You must be! That's why I very conveniently linked the chapter right here! 🤯 Read TMDG if you know what's good for you!
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the-writing-mobster · 17 days
God, your detective Asgore makes me happy I got back into reading thriller mystery books. What was your inspo for that AU?
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*Art by @marihem
Firstly, the reason I was even inspired to write a serial killer fic in the first place was after reading a very fun fic titled "Knives & Blood, & me + You" by @missraindancer. I absolutely loved the first chapter. Definitely recommend that fic if you want something like a snuff thriller. It's giving campy 80s slasher and has a lot of Sans POVs, which I'll admit, did take away from the suspense but he has some funny commentary, and there's a charm to it when you go into the fic expecting more of a "Scream" movie and not "Hannibal."
That being said, the fic DID get me back into watching more serial killer related things like "Silence of the Lambs" - which is the BIGGEST inspiration for TMDG. I even named Frisk after Clarisse, that's how big of an inspiration the movie is to me.
I'm honestly so glad you like Detective Asgore, that was a last minute decision I made! At first he was going to be the Commissioner and the detective working with Frisk was another human... then I realized, wow, these are a lot of humans, and Frisk and Asgore's F/D relationship is getting lost in the weeds! So it was like... a day before I published? When I just changed all of that hahaha, and now he's like, one of my favorite characters so look at that! I would say Asgore is heavily inspired design wise by Jim Gordon.
| 💙 🔪 💔 |
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the-writing-mobster · 7 months
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| TMDG | Detective Dreemurr| Chapter 8 is out! | 💔
His daughter was gone.
Gone into thin air. 
He would never be able to give out blessings to fiances, or walk her down the aisle. All of that, robbed from him… 
And looking at Frisk… looking at her, in all her physicalities and potential, knowing what he'd lost and what he could never have again lest he over step their delicate boundaries… It only made that aching envy grow more destitute than ever… 
But who was he to rain on the young couple’s joy with his heartache? 
Intrigued? Read the rest of Goat Dad's POV! Link below:
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the-writing-mobster · 9 months
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| T M D G | Detective Dreemurr | 💙🔪💔 |
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the-writing-mobster · 8 months
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| T M D G | Chapter 2 Excerpt | 💙 🔪 💔 |
The grand lobby of the sterile police station was so bare that even the dull thuds of her rubber-soled oxfords bounced off of them and seemed to echo through each and every corridor.
If the summons from her contacts in the forensics team and detective Dreemurr wasn’t enough to announce her presence, those empty, echoing hallways were. 
A few loitering officers casted her underhanded looks, their gazes following her as she passed them.
“Evenin’ Starling. You snoopin around for more dirt?” Grumbled a policeman as she approached the front desk. She didn’t even know who he was, but he certainly knew her. God. I don’t have time for this. 
Detective Dreemurr had said it was urgent… It took everything in her not to roll her eyes out of frustrated annoyance. Instead, she flashed him a generous smile he didn’t deserve. 
If she could, she would have ignored them completely. She didn’t like many of them on the best of days… but she needed them to at least be on good terms so she could get access to evidence.
“Good evening to you too, officer. Do you know where I can find Asgore?” She asked.  
He twitched at the mention of the detective, and it almost seemed like he was going to screw his mouth shut… 
Try as he might, however, her unyielding stare forced the answer out of him.
 “Yeah, he’s back in the Evidence Room,” he muttered. She nodded, her grin growing wider, nearly wolfish as she wrinkled her nose at him. She’d already known that. 
“That’s lovely. Thank you. Do you think you could call him up? That victim was identified and we’re going over the autopsy today.” 
 The officer narrowed his eyes at her. “Right… I'm sure if he knows you're here he'll be on his way, but you're gonna need to sign visitation and NDA forms, y'hear? Can't just come in here demanding everyone to bend over backwards for you,” he grumbled, mostly to himself as he pulled out the tedious paperwork.
She gave a small sigh and tried her best to smile along. Remind herself that she was lucky. If she was any other member of the press, she’d probably get escorted out of the building and told to wait for the official statement just like everyone else. 
But thanks to her connection to the Detective, she was practically untouchable to these hogs. Hog is a generous term. Pigs are lovely animals, she thought as she took the papers he passed over to her.
“Can you at least call him while I'm filling these out?... Please?” she requested with a charming smile. 
She lifted her tortoise shell reading glasses off her chest where they hung on a string of small pearls, and pushed them onto her nose. The officer stared across at her with a flicker of contempt before sighing and giving into her demands. 
A few rings of silence and the scratch of a fountain pen scribbling on paper passed between them.  
“Hmm… looks like I can’t—”
“—Howdy Starling! Sorry for not greeting you at the door, I got caught up with something!” Called Asgore from across the lobby. 
The desk-jockey officer gave a disgruntled pout and hung up the phone. 
Frisk finished signing the NDA and visitors form before shoving it back in the officer's hands. He grumbled under his breath as she immediately abandoned him at the desk to greet her much more amiable associate. 
Asgore took Frisk under his arm and led her away from the lobby, their footsteps loud in her ears. 
“My condolences about Hank. The men are still mad about the op-ed you wrote last year,” murmured Asgore when they were out of earshot. She scoffed with laughter. 
“Let them stay mad. Barney shouldn’t have turned off his body camera.” hissed Frisk and Asgore nodded along in understanding. 
“I know. Still, you know what happens when you come for one of us.” Frisk finally allowed herself to roll her eyes and smirked. 
“Yes I do. I get scowled at behind my back but still get all the special access I want. You know why?” She asked, her smirk growing increasingly more smug as Asgore swiped his card to access the elevator to the morgue. 
“Let's not get too ahead of ourselves, Frisk—”
“—Because I caught the Massachusetts Mangler, and that was before you let me sit in at the crime scenes and observe the autopsies,” she said with a touch of well deserved pride. 
Asgore let out a small scoff of laughter as they stepped into the elevator, blue light cascaded down their forms, setting their eyes in deep shadow as they descended. 
He sent her a hidden look, his beard creasing with a frown she caught from the corner of her eye. But, when she turned to catch him, it was gone. “I haven't forgotten that.”
Intrigued? Read the rest HERE on AO3! ↓↓
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the-writing-mobster · 8 months
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| T M D G | Chapter 3 is out! | 💙 🔪 💔 |
“I'm in a lot of hot water right now thanks to this monster killer business. They did a mold of my teeth just to make sure it didn't match up to the bites. It didn't of course but… I'm still shaken. It's such a betrayal. My own race.” 
She frowned at that. Of course she'd known it would happen, and again, she tried to imagine being in his shoes and dealing with his experiences. A monster in the police force was one thing, but a monster officer dealing with a monster killer? It had to be nerve wracking. 
“Fuck them.”
A bark of familiar, jolly laughter exploded from across the line at the words. 
“Right… Stars above you're right… I'll tell you what… She never said anything about not taking interviews.” 
↓↓ Read the 3rd chapter of TMDG Right here! ↓↓
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