#tiny details I love about Puss in Boots: the Last Wish
Tiny details I love about the Last Wish
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WARNING: *spoilers ahead*
No one has talked about this before,
but let me just say...
I just love the fact that Goldi was still not on first-name terms with Puss and Kitty, even at the end of the movie. (Not sure about the other way around, but there is probably no such thing as a family name for Goldi and bears? XD)
For Goldi, it's always been Softpaws, this cat and Boots, and Puss in Boots.
How one addresses another is not merely about manners, it's about intimacy and closeness.
At the very beginning, Puss and Kitty were sort of hired by Goldi to steal the map (or probably assassinate Jack Horner). However, being Puss and Kitty, they certainly have their own ideas of the map. So what began as an employer-employee relationship soon exploded into an enemy (Goldi)-friend (between Puss and Kitty) relation... until the epic battle for the wishing star.
Something has changed ever since baby (bear) was blasted away and Goldi abandoned her wish and came back to save him. It was a moment that Goldi and her bear family realized that Puss/Kitty/Perrito - despite their thirst for the map - were never really ill-intentioned. They were just a bunch of guys who would have the map, and walk away coolly. Not like Jack Horner, who wanted nothing more than the ultimate destruction of the entire world, and had certainly been merciless and cruel throughout. And the bear family did have a taste of that before, after being hit in the head by the Sword in the Stone during their first ever encounter.
So perhaps it's that realization, or perhaps seeing Puss and Kitty both seriously challenged by the same enemy they faced moments ago really hit them, Goldi (aka the bear family) and Puss/Kitty had not only agreed to a temporary truce, but also became strong allies. Helping both cats to perform the Spanish Splinter, and tearing up the map together.
Even at the very end of the movie, Goldi and Puss/Kitty/Perrito were still not that close. They are more of friends who hold mutual respect than those who stay intimately close.
Calling each other by family names just proves that.
(PS, I love how Miss Pugh pronounced "Softpaws", it's almost musical :D)
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