#timothy heller
“Melanie was proven innocent” and it’s a carrd made by a 14 year old that just victim blames timothy
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18514 · 10 months
Soooo... I have a lot of thoughts on the Melanie Martinez v Timothy Heller situation.
I will write them under the cut. TW: mentions of rape, molestation, victim-blaming.
I get a little personal with my own experiences with sexual assault. Please only read if you are in a good head space for those topics.
I found it difficult to research and discuss the rape allegations initially because I had recently been molested myself during that time. Years have passed, and I have finally been able to broach this topic without getting triggered.
There were many parts of Timothy’s story I could relate to. Convincing myself that it wasn’t a big deal, “jokingly” telling people what had happened to me, although I would describe it more as light-heartedly venting about it rather than joking. I was never really taken seriously. My boyfriend at the time even blamed me for what they were doing to me. I wish someone had told me that what was happening to me was wrong. I wish someone would’ve helped me. I never got the responses that Timothy Heller claims she got, where people grew concerned. Well, there was one person, but it was a while after the abuse had stopped. I wish I had someone while it was happening.
My abusers often silenced me, and I have struggled with codependency my entire life. Both of those things made it incredibly difficult for me to say “no, I don’t want to do this. I don’t want you to do this to me.” I only ever tried telling them to stop a year into the abuse. Neither one of them took me seriously.
Part of me still blames myself for what happened, but I know that’s just what people like my ex-boyfriend want me to feel. They never bothered to ask for my consent and I never gave an enthusiastic yes regardless. I didn’t deserve to be treated that way.
I considered them my friends at one point, and like Timothy says about her friendship with Melanie, our friendship was all about them.
I was also broken down.
I say all of this not to incriminate Melanie. I don’t think anyone will ever truly know what happened those nights except for the two of them.
I say all of this to properly display why all the victim-blaming Melanie’s fanbase did doesn’t just potentially hurt Timothy, it hurts all victims of sexual assault. Even if Timothy’s story is false, real people have gone through real instances of abuse similar to the ones she described.
I can’t imagine if I came public with what happened to me and was bombarded by people picking apart my body language and words. It would break me even more. I could not mentally or emotionally handle that, on top of being molested. I could barely handle the pain of my abuse not being taken seriously by the people I had already told.
I love her music, but personally I cannot see her fanbase the same. I can’t see her the same for never bringing this issue to light, especially when she went out of her way to thank her fans for “debunking” the allegations. She could’ve condemned victim-blaming, too.
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xoivy · 1 year
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Brad has been going strong for 5 hours now (and is still going) on a felonie martinez stream, here are some chat highlights bc i'm losing my fucking mind
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janny-aqua · 9 months
I want to say something but here goes..
I've used to love Melanie Martinez's music as a teenage girl, I've stopped listening to her stuff when SA allegations against her in 2017. Over the years, fans try to dig up evidence to prove mel to be innocent while calling Timothy(the person who outed Melanie as a predator) a liar, and I was one of those people. Nearly 6 years has passed and I've realized that some of these claims against Timothy were victim blaming tactics and some of the images and tweets were fabricated. An video posted on tiktok of Melanie addressing the SA allegations and fans claimed that it's AI generated. I really don't know who or what to believe anymore when this was happening, by the way, I don't believe that Melanie herself isn't innocent.
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pieisnotreal · 2 years
Melanie Martinez stans will look at a victim being questioned about every detail of her story and getting confused as proof of lying.
They'll look at a victim not getting the dates of her assault exactly right as proof that she's lying.
This is me pointing out you're just Johnny Depp stans in pink.
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she’s literally so beautiful
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mingot-studios · 1 year
ok so like
what happened with the melanie martinez timothy heller situation again? because I've been hearing mixed info about it and idk which side to listen to
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killapoetsdept · 1 year
Didn't Timothy heller post revenge p0rn of Melanie /gen?
yeah she first posted the revenge porn and then when mel fans got mad she tried to make it seem like it was “proof” that melanie had raped her even though 1. the dates of the pictures taken did not line up with the dates that timothy claimed the assault happened (timothy claimed this was an error on iCloud’s behalf) and 2. the “evidence” was melanie in what seemed to be the submissive position in a silly “sexy board game” type scenario. the pictures were probably taken while they were just goofing around but it was also sus because at no point in Timothy’s original statement did she indicate anything about a sex game taking place that night
honestly the fact that people still think this happened in the year 2023 even though timothy was, (at least until recently) following Melanie on her TikTok and liking on her videos is mind boggling to me
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finalcreacher · 1 year
Y’all ever notice how easy it is for people to accept rumors as the truth because they don’t want to deal with the discomforts of reality? 
Like, remember when Timothy Heller came out about her sexual assault from Melanie Martinez? And at the time, there were a lotta folks outraged by that. Cry Baby fans turning on Martinez; or pretending like they know everything about a celebrity, like she’s their fucking buddy, and trying to discredit, disprove, Heller’s statement.
It is discouraging to see so many people hyping up and shamelessly supporting Melanie’s newest music. As if nothing happened.
Or worse, believe that Timothy Heller lied about what happened and only did it for attention.
It is very frustrating and hard to think about how Heller must be dealing with all this. To have others decide she doesn’t understand her own situation at all.
That her timeline and dates are wrong.
That Melanie was just too nice of a person to do something so awful.
And if she didn’t say no than it’s not fucking rape, right?
This is why people don’t come out about their stories. They don’t want to be nit picked and pulled apart.
I was sexually assaulted by my, at the time, boyfriend (original statement includes his name, I am taking it out for anonymity sake).
And he was the sweetest and I loved him. I loved him a lot and it took me a few months to accept what happened, to actually label it as assault- because I didn’t want to hurt him. And I didn’t want everyone else in my life to call me a fucking liar.
I don’t remember a lot of the details. Because I was scared and confused and under the influence. And I was experiencing a traumatic event that my brain was trying to protect me from- so, no. I don’t remember most of my sexual assault. I don’t know all the knitty-gritty details. And I don’t think most survivors of assault do.
I know it happened in December 2022. About a week before Christmas. 
I know that he threatened to rape me.
I know that I told him I didn’t know where I was or what was going on. 
I know I couldn’t move because he was so strong and he was pinning me down.
I don’t know much besides that.
But I know you’d have to be a fucking sick person to lie about that for attention.
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loroliyesplaything · 2 months
any other Self Titled fans out there? I love all these songs, especially Self Titled (lol), Not Even For You, and Sensible Thing
hit me right in the mental illness
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"always believe victims" and it's a melanie stan...
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btw haven’t forgot how the internet treated a rape victim (timothy heller). this is still very important
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olipeaksforever · 1 day
We are NOT re-evaluating the Affleck bros, Marlon Brando and Melanie Martinez just because they supported Palestine. Fuck them
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myrmeraki · 1 year
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to be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. to be known and not loved is our greatest fear. but to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God - Timothy Heller
these violent delights, micah nemerever / x-men first class / black sails / lincoln in the bardo, george saunders / black sails / love love, take that / x men first class / hamlet, Shakespeare / black sails / prism, superet / the long and the short of it, richard siken / x men first class / epilogue, dave malloy / x men first class / epilogue, dave malloy / the long and the short of it, richard siken / black sails / x men dark phoenix
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stargirlsuicide · 13 days
havent listen to melanie in a long time cause i honestly feel rlly iffy about her (also cause honestly i dont even rlly like her music anymore even if i have good memories of it but like thats besides the point). honestly dont care abt the claims that timothy hellers timeline didnt match up when in her defence statement she said 'she never said no' thats like borderline an ammition girl go home
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