#tim looks so pretty in this foto
ronnnyroxx · 3 months
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Now I understand when they say that dogs look like their owners 💀
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It struck me so hard especially in these last few days what home is to me. Well, to be exact, what and where home is. To put into context, from last Sunday evening to today, I've stayed in a campus accommodation called The Hub which is in the Royal Holloway uni complex. The first time I arrived here, I was so surprised by the non-existence of people. Turns out it is now out-of-term time and plus, because of covid-19, despite the lifted restriction on July 19th, people don't have any reason to be around. Well, it's a pretty similar situation we'd find back in ITB when it's out of term. However, there's always students' social thingy in ITB back then (pelatihan oskm lah, osjur, persiapan wisuda etc2), so it's not a zombie apocalypse situation, unlike here.
It's not that I don't like quietness (I'm very much into a calm and serene situation rather than a busy one), but this is just too much. Being alone in a new place (?). Not only that, the HEAT. The summer heat is crazy and I only got a not-so-bad fan actually, but still, I believe my room back in Headington would feel so much cooler than this room now I'm staying. I miss being close to Tesco/Sainsbury's/Waitrose just to buy snacks and drinks (anaknya suka banget jajan). These whole 4 days I can't wait to go back to Headington, which now I pretty much called home.
The only things I love from being here are the forest and the pond (the other day I even saw a small deer? Googled it, it's called Muntjacs), and the fact that I got to buy Iced Caramel Macchiato so easily. And of course, the hospitality of Alex and James. AH! And also the isotope lab with a 17C degree AC on full blast. Well, now that I listed what I like here, it's not so bad though.... (the power of journaling).
Ah yes, back to the title post. Home. So, what's home to you? What's home to me? Can't believe what I'm going to say, but after not being in Headington for so long, I now can confidently say that 9 Woodlands Close is definitely my home. Heck, I've lived there for 10 months, how can I not call that place my home? It's definitely a comfortable space for me. It's a place where I feel safe doing anything I want without having to worry about a thing. I have spent my 27 years living and sleeping in >50? different beds and rooms, but I don't know why this one I'm sleeping in right now just feels so... wrong? Let's blame it on the heat, then.
*swith mode ke Bahasa Indonesia*
Terus berhubung lagi di RHUL juga dan tadi lihat foto-foto di dinding SEA-RG (ada Mas Igun, Mas Alfend, Mas Ega, wow banyak banget ya orang-orang geodin di RHUL ini), jadi keingetan how it was back then in Timor. Ini sebetulnya part of reflection juga sih, dari kemarin selalu mikir "kenapa ya kok w ga betah di sini, padahal tinggal di rumah kepala desa, di hotel di antah berantah, di kamar asrama sekolah sekamar sama ibu guru, di sleeping bag dalem tenda, di musola, pokoknya segala macem experience tidur tuh udah pernah ngerasain tapi nggak pernah ngerasa se..nggak nyaman ini. Padahal ini dipikir-pikir ya not bad juga: kasur empuk, bantal ada 2, kopi teh lengkap (tapi ya emang lebih ke panasnya ajasihya kayanya mah). Iya! Jadi pas di Timor juga ngerasain hal yang aneh tapi ku berani bilang: hotel timor megah di Soe was indeed my home. Ada waktu-waktu di mana kita split team (tim ku nginep di mobil/nyari hotel sambil jalan ke Betun dan Atambua, sempat nginep yang bareng Bang Nanda juga di desa mana tapi lupa yang hampir keseret sungai itu) dan pas lagi split team itu betul-betul can't wait to go back to Soe.
Pada akhirnya kesimpulan dari mikir-mikir dan ngomong-ngomong sendiri ini adalah: rumah itu ada tingkatannya.
Ada yang rumah betul-betul rumah di hati (basically place where we're growing up), in this case for me berarti adalah rumah kemuning.
Ada rumah yang di level nggak sedalem rumah tempat kita tumbuh, tapi we usually can't wait just to go back to that place when we're away for too long. In this case, sekarang bagi saya adalah 9 Woodlands Close, dulu pas di IFP berarti adalah IFP Residence 204 (selalu ga sabar ingin pulang kalau lagi field trip atau lagi ngetrip sendiri ke Itali waktu itu atau ke Jerman), kemudian kosan Bandung Cisitu Lama 1 kamarku yang kecil tapi sangat ngangenin, mana lagi ya... udah kayanya so far yg I'm attached ya baru 3 tempat ini untuk di level ini
Ada rumah sementara. Yang ditinggali tidak lebih dari 1 bulan tapi cukup membuat kangen karena sheltering us enough, tapi kalau disuruh milih mau tinggal di sini apa pulang ke rumah beneran ya mendingan pulang ke Jakarta: tadi si Hotel Timor Megah di Soe, kayanya Karsam bisa masuk grup ini, rumah Mbah Putri di Karanganyar, rumah Tante Nana (Mbah Putri Pedan), rumah Bude Reni, kosan di Balikpapan (ini lebih dari 1 bulan sih, tapi yang bikin ga nyaman sebetulnya lebih ke kondisi psikologis sayanya sih instead of physical tempatnya), wisma kartini!, P4TK jogja!, Hotel Bunga-bunga, si vila yang dekat Boscha itu apa sih namanya (Barusan ngecek google maps pake street view terus ketemu namanya adalah Pondok Buah Sinuan 2! Senang banget), Lotus Hotel, Dago's Hill. Iya udah sih itu aja kayanya yang inget untuk "home" di level ini.
Bukan "rumah" tapi lebih ke tempat yang pernah dikunjungi. No hard feeling or anything tapi kalau bisa milih banget mendingan nggak tidur di sini atau PP: sekarang di The Hub RHUL ini!, tempat-tempat ku menginap kalau lagi ngajar olim full 5-6 hari (ini ku-list dengan sambil liat google map, of course w ga hapal): hotel di Medan (Garuda Citra Hotel), hotel di Padangpanjang (namanya Wisma Pangeran rupanya), hotel Srikandi di Kendari, Wisma SMA Barana di Rantepao (OMG I submitted my Oxford application here! Inget banget itu mendekati 24 January 2020 deadlinenya), Muara Hotel di Ternate, rumah di MAN IC Sambas! (OMG w main tu jauh2 banget ya), KNO hotel di Lubuk Pakam, LPMP Sumbar di Padang (ini bagus btw kamarnya, w suka, seru bgt juga karena di sini rame ada Dewi dan Isna), Grand Zuri Padang, Premiere Pekanbaru, OYO Palembang waktu itu acaranya ISPG, Archipelago Carita acara student exchangenya UI sama UTP, MAN 4 Jakarta, Hotel Benua diminta ngisi SMA8Bandung ngesot ke TSM, Airy Buah Batu NGAMBIL DATA PALEOFLOOD CRI, Ardan Hotel ngisi pelatnas + wisudaan Mita, Hotel Mutiara Purwokerto, Semesta Semarang (lol jaman-jaman mendekati diputusin 2013), Hotel Siliwangi Semarang jalan kaki ke Lawang Sewu, Hotel Horison Kota Lama Semarang berenang sm Isna beres kelas + bela-belain ke sbux ngegojek, Villa Taman Eden Kaliurang OMG!, Hotel New Saphir Jogja (IESO dan terakhir acaranya FMIPA), MMUGM buat tes jadi dosen UGM ditemenin Papa, Swiss-Belinn Saripetojo (ini juga dianter jemput Papa apa ya kalo gasalah ke bandaranya), MAN 2 Malang (lupa nginep di MAN-nya apa gimana, kayanya w masi kecil bgt dulu), Bali Bay View Hotel! (ICES 2019 sesungguhnya adalah kenangan yang ingin kulupakan), yes udah itu aja kayanya yang w ingat. Ada crumbs2 macem pas OSN nginep di dekat BPK Penabur 1 dan dekat stasiun Senen juga, dan Mataram OSN jaman kapan lupa, + Medan OSN sebagai peserta juga, dan tempat-tempat fieldtrip jaman di IFP gitu, plus traveling2 yang nginep2 tapi ya udah yang lupa ya biarkan saja. Intinya kalau dihitung-hitung mungkin ada kali ya 1/7 waktu hidupku dihabiskan untuk tinggal di "rumah" level yang ini. Tapi ini juga yang bikin bingung, I mean, I'm not typically very picky in terms of sleeping place dan yaudah adaptasi aja, makanya kalau sampai ga betah dan pingin pulang tu sesuatu banget berarti.
Yaampun bikin post ini berujung 2 jam reminiscing places. Ya intinya jadi refleksi diri aja sih. Bagi 27-year-old Asri yang masih belum punya rumah sendiri ini, definisi home masih amat sangat ambigu. Dan mungkin akan masih terus ambigu entah sampai kapan(?) To be honest, settling down as in beli rumah terus tinggal selamanya di tempat itu sampai sekarang belum menjadi opsi hidup yang kubayangkan di masa depan. Masih pengen explore, mau ke US nyobain tinggal 1-2 tahun di sana, mau ke Middle East juga, mau coba tinggal di Korea juga, atau Japan? Melbourne looks like a pretty great place gara-gara kemarin habis nonton tripnya 2PM back then in 2016 itu. Yasudah mari berdoa saja semoga di mana pun kelak "rumah" itu nanti buat saya, yang penting adalah saya bahagia dan nyaman. Dan tentu saja juga: sehat, baik fisik maupun mental.
21:09 pm 22 July 2021// 3-08 The Hub Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, UK in a scorching 27C evening
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makeupwisudadepok · 5 years
Makeup Wisuda Depok Paket Jasa MUA Depok #1 Rekomendasi
Makeup Wisuda Depok (WA)O858-8493-3463. Makeup By Ima adalah Jasa Makeup artist Wisuda Depok. Bagi Mahasiswi nantelah lulus skripsi dan telah Kepada wisuda, pasti Demi mencari Makeup artist terbaik Bagi mendandani di dikala Wisuda. Makeup By IMA adalah Jasa Make up dapat panggilan datang ke rumah. Lokasi rumah anda di Depok timur, Depok Utara, Depok Sentra, Depok Selatan, atau pun Depok Barat, amat dapat Terjangkau Oleh kami.
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Wisuda jadi momen spesial Akan biasanya orang. Bertahun-tahun mencari ilmu, mengerjakan tugas, atau pun juga kerja praktik tentu merupakan pengorbanan tidak gampang. Make Up Wisuda Daerah Depok. Seandainya ingin mendokumentasikan peristiwa spesial ini, ada banyak persiapan juga Demi dipandang. Mulai dari memilih busana, hingga riasan apa berkeinginan digunakan. Soal riasan, Anda juga dapat lho menggunakan jasa MUA Depok.
Salah satu hal krusial yang Bagi dipersiapkan saat kau mau wisuda ialah memilih makeup artist. Apakah kamu sudah punya opsi? Apabila belum, tenang saja. Memilih makeup artist memang sedikit rumit, hampir sama seperti memilih jodoh. Apa lagi kalau kamu berharap makeup artist karyanya layak dengan selera kau Bagi tampil flawless ketika wisuda nanti. Nah, Kepada menolong kamu memilih, ini anjuran makeup artist terbaik Akan hari wisuda kau terspesial.
Makeup Wisuda Depok, MUA Depok (Recommended)
Makeup Wisuda Depok. Baut kau meski udah sedikit banyak ngerti teori dasar makeup, tetapi Bagi event wisuda saya tetap memastikan Kepada pakai jasa MUA aja. Kecuali karena belum punya kelengkapan makeup komplit, agak ngeri juga ya apabila makeup wisudaan sendiri pula failed. Cuma sekali seumur hidup lho momen wisudaan, selain buat mau kuliah lagi.
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Selamat buat kau nantelah selesai dengan urusan skripsi dan sebentar lagi berharap wisuda! Gimana rasanya telah selesai dengan kuliah? Pasti excited ya, karena sebentar lagi masuk dunia kerja bersama mulai belajar hal-hal baru lagi. Pastinya wisuda menjadi momen paling kalian tunggu, sebab ini momen kau merayakan jenjang pendidikan tertinggi setelah SMA.
Make Up Wisuda Daerah Depok. Nah, gimana persiapan kau Buat hari H nanti? Kebaya pastinya telah jadi dong? Sekiranya makeup gimana? Sendiri, atau booking MUA? Kecuali lebih praktis, kamu juga bisa menekan budget tuh Bakal perayaan wisuda kamu. So, buat kau yangpingin nyoba jasa Make up.
Makeup Wisuda Depok, Paket Harga Wisuda Secara
Tampil menawan di hari kelulusan memang dambaan setiap wanita. Apapun di peristiwa spesial, di mana telah keharusan belajar di bangku perkuliahan serta siap menyongsong kehidupan baru. Tampil menawan telah menjadi hal harus Kepada pesera wisuda.
Makeup Wisuda Depok. Dikala dikerjakan Buat dapat tampil bagus di hari kau terbebas dari begadang pengaruh banyaknya tugas. Mulai dari membuat kebaya hingga memilih MUA manaakan mengubahmu jadi princess sehari.
Make Up Wisuda Daerah Depok. Tetapi ini, banyak MUA bisa kamu pilih, mulai dari amatiran hingga profesional, dari memasang tarif rendah hingga tinggi. Bisa, buat kau berkeinginan Makeup dengan MUA Depok supaya tak diribet dengan persiapanya. Peristiwa Hubungi Nomer ini .
Make Up Wisuda Daerah Depok, Make up Artis Depok
Untuk mengasah kecakapan aku, saya berlatih pada keluarga dan teman-sahabat. Kemudian kami memulai karir profesional tim kami sebagai makeup artist di 2016. Aku merasa bahwa kami telah menemukan panggilan MakeupByIMA dalam industri ini saat pekerjaan MakeupByIMA memberi begitu banyak kepuasan kepada pelanggan aku. Raut wajah mereka saat mereka memandang diri mereka di cermin memberi saya banyak sukacita dan kebanggaan.
Sesudah mendapatkan pengalaman di make up , sekarang kita fokus di make up artist Depok . Apabila ini sungguh-sungguh menyenangkan dan suatu kehormatan mengaplikasikan make up pada hari khusus mereka. Sesuatu yang mereka bakal ingat untuk seumur hidup. Makeup Wisuda Depok. Oleh sebab itu, Tim MakeupByIMA tidak mengambil pekerjaan ini ringan. Saya menempatkan segala usaha aku ke dalamnya. Make up, terutamanya pengantin make up, bukan hanya tentang mendapatkan gigs dan menerima pekerjaan dijalankan. Bagi kita pribadi, ini ialah perihal menghubungkan ke orang. Memiliki kekerabatan bagus sama klien MakeupByIMA amat penting.
Setelah kita tahu lebih banyak perihal kepribadian mereka, suka dan berharap mereka, menjadi lebih gampang buat aku bagi memakai make up nan buat pantas atas individualitas mereka. Tiap orang memiliki keinginan dan kebutuhan berbeda. Tak ada tata tertib khusus dikala datang akan membuat, namun wajib tampak menawan alami pada mereka dan mewujudkan kepercayaan diri.
Make Up Wisuda Daerah Depok, Make up Wisuda Barbie Hijab
Make Up Wisuda Daerah Depok . MUA di Depok yang ketika ini sedang menawarkan promo yaitu MakeupbyIMA, berapa harga mua Depok hasilnya bagus akan acara wisuda, pernikahan/wedding atau acara formal lainnya? Anda dapat menghubungi MakeupbyIMA sama harga benar-benar bersahabat serta selalu banyak promo nan bisa kamu peroleh disini.
Pastikan di jadwal dulu ya sist sebelum pakai jasa makeup wisuda Depok kisaran seminggu sebelum hari H atau 3 hari sebelum Wisuda. Karena pasti kau akan kehabisan jasa makeup wisuda Depok misal ordernya dadakan. Pastikan mereferensikan makeup artist ke temen-temen kamu biar dapat diskon khusus untuk kamu. Pastikan Kau memilih jasa yang benar-benar berpengalaman melainkan konsisten atas harga pas bakal budget ya sist.
Make Up Artist Depok by MakeupbyIMA. Kami percaya bahwa tiap-tiap wanita tidak ada yang tidak cantik. Tetapi oleh sedikit polesan make up, all women can be pretty powerfull. oleh spirit dan kecakapan Make Up Artist Depok, Make Up Artist Depok dapat membantu seluruh wanita dalam menghasilkan keinginan bagi tampil lebih indah di hari spesialnya seperti Pre Wedding, Wisuda, Engangement, Photo Shoot, Year Book Photo Shoot/ Foto Buku Tahunan, Party, Bridesmaid dan lainnya.
Makeup Wisuda Depok, Harga Make up Wisuda
Makeup Wisuda Depok. Seluruh wanita mempunyai keinginan bakal mendapatkan total look yang membikin mereka tampil lebih cantik, oleh karena itu Make Up Bagus Di Depok sangat diperlukan oleh setiap wanita. oleh adanya jasa Make Up Bagus Di Depok, bakal mempermudah setiap wanita tampil seperti nan mereka inginkan di hari spesialnya. Make Up Bagus Di Depok tentu menggunakan products alternatif.
Umumnya setelah acara selesai dikerjakan acara foto-foto bersama pada orang tua, sahabat-sahabat serta suami/istri dari wisudawan/wisudawati atau sama pasangan wisudawan/wisudawati. Pada wisuda lazimnya mengaplikasikan pakaian yang diatur, baju pria menerapkan hem putih dan celana hitam bersepatu hitam, pakaian wanita mengaplikasikan kebaya tradisional tipis atas kain jarik, melainkan secara lazim mengaplikasikan baju toga. kami melayani jasa Make Up Artist Wisuda Depok sama harga terjangkau dan konsisten menjaga mutu hasil Make Up Artist Wisuda Depok. Demi booking Make Up Artist Wisuda Depok minimal H-7,
Makeup Wisuda Depok semakin diminati oleh para mahasiswi kekinian. Selain lebih praktis, menerapkan jasa MUA nan profesional menjamin penampilan wisudawati secara maksimal. Bagaimana sista? sekarang opsi kau untuk makeup wisuda Depok serahkan saja pada ahlinya. Seandainya kau di wilayah Depok dan sekitarnya bisa segera hubungi Makeup by IMA (WA)0858 8493 3463.
Makeup Wisuda Depok (WA)O858.8493.3463 (Recommended)
Make Up Wisuda Daerah Depok (WA)0858 8493 3463. Hai, Berita baik dan sehat-sehat segala yaa gaes. Para mahasiswi yang lagi linglung cari MUA wisuda nanti. Berikut info make up wisuda di Depok. Beberapa hal nan perlu dipersiapkan mahasiswi menjelang wisuda. Salah satunya yakni make up.
Gak diacuhkan, makeup yakni unsur penting dalam sesi wisuda. Nah, untuk kalian mahasiswi Depok yang keder cari perias untuk makeup wisuda, gak usah bingung lagi ya guys. Makeup by IMA merupakan Makeup artist Wisuda. Jasa Makeup Depok dan dapat dipanggil bakal datang ke rumah anda. Hasil makeup dapat menyesuaikan permintan kamu serta sesuai sama tone warna kulit anda.
Makeup artist ini bisa datang ke kos. Kamu cuma perlu janjian tanggal dan dimana kau untuk di-makeup. Pada seperti itu, keribetan acara wisuda bisa berkurang kan? Nah, siapa nih nan belum booking Makeup Artist akan Wisuda? , yuk buruan booking. Mudah kok caraya tinggal telepon atau WA ke nomer ini 0858 8493 3463.
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jt-fmp · 7 years
Project Report
Summery Of Project
For my FMP I wanted to be able to combine my skills as a landscape photographer with something more personal. I thought including people into the project would separate it from my previous projects and give it the individual significance that it needed. Australia seems like a place so distant to us, being half way around the world, that I wanted to explore it. My project developed into an East Coast Australia road trip, capturing the landscapes, people and towns/cities of this stretch of Australia. For the project I made contact with a custom motorcycle builder, ex-British surf champ, wine maker and wildlife park manager. Four completely different people living up the east coast, all deeply passionate about what they do.
For the trip I travelled with a film crew, who I had worked with before on many occasions. The four of us all travelled in two camper vans, which gave us a lot of flexibility to move around and sleep where we want. The trip was also sponsored by Teamwork Photo, who gave me the latest Phase One medium format camera system for the trip, with two lenses. Lap Foto in Sydney, Phase One’s Australian distributor, gave me a much needed lens for the trip as well.
The film crew filmed the entire trip from Sydney to Cairns with an aim to create a feature length documentary in the future. They also filmed 4 short documentaries of the people that I had found through the east coast. The plan is to include the 4 docs into the feature length to create one large film for the project. I have designed a book as well that includes the images from the trip. The book has a minimalist look that allows the reader to focus on the imagery.
One of my main influencers for my projects and especially this one is Camp4 Collective. They’re a production company that started with three guys, Tim Kemple, Renan Ozturk and Anson Fogel. All three are directors and Time Kemple is also a photographer who’s work I admire very much. They create content that focuses on real stories about people from all corners of the world. Camp4 Collective is something that I aspire to do with the production company that I am working with. We all have experience in directing, especially two of the members! We have an amazing DOP, Editor, Drone operator and myself as a photographer and producer. They shoot a lot with a helicopter which is why I wanted the drone operator, to add a different view for the docs.
Another photographer and filmmaker that I have been following for years now is called Andy Best. His landscape photography has a mixture of travel and adventure, which back the films he makes as well. He directs, produces, films and edits by himself; with occasional help with the producing side. Again his films and photos concentrate on people and places, normally taking place in and around the mountains in America. His images are rich in colour, often including the night sky with an array of different tones. I look at his work to see what techniques he has used in his imagery. Whether it’s a long exposure, composite, or a lot of the time, how he frames his work to include a lot of reflection in the water. These things I try and practice in my work all the time.
One more large influence to me is Chris Burkard and especially his latest project. Chris is a photographer and film maker from America. Again like many of my influencers his films and photos concentrate on the world’s landscape and people living in it. His latest project is called ‘Under An Arctic Sky’ follows six surfers trying to find the best wave in Iceland, during the winter months. They film the surfers catching waves at day and at night, under the Aurora lights. With our final feature doc, we want it to include a similar theme. A film that shows the entire journey and behind the scenes, to make it more personal.
The Project
I started the pre production work early for this project as I knew there would be a lot of it. I feel that the production side of a project is one of my strong points, having a lot of experience with interning an established photographer in the summer of 2015. As the project was being held in Australia I had the challenge of arranging everything from the other side of the world. Booking travel and accommodation was fairly basic, it was the organisation of shoots where I had to knuckle down. It involved a lot of emailing companies and people that I was interested in shooting. I had quite a few negative responses, companies not wanting a film crew to document them. However, I did get some good results, leading to the shoots that happened in Australia. A lot of the production work was arranging camera equipment with Teamwork photo. Using a contact from Phase One, a guy called Peter who taught me the POCP, I was put in contact with Steve from Teamwork. I negotiated the latest XF camera, IQ3 80mp back and 2 lenses (80mm and 150mm). As there was one more lens that I wanted, the 28mm, I spoke to Pete again. He put me in contact with Lapfoto in Sydney, who were kind enough to loan me a 28mm lens for free for the duration. I had to arrange insurance for the entire trip as well, as part of the deal. An important side to the project was having a film crew to shoot the entire project when out in Australia. Fortunately I know a group of guys that are starting a production company. They went to Ravensbourne and I know them as I worked on a lot of their FMP projects. I was a gaffer on many of their short films, as I have a lot of lighting experience. I also shot a lot of BTS for them too. I introduced the idea to them and straight away they were interested. They were ready for a large project like this, so the timing was perfect. We had many meetings in person and over Skype to arrange the trip and decide where and who to shoot.
Whilst actually out in Australia I had some ups and I had some downs. When arriving in Sydney I had my first challenge and a big one. My equipment bag, containing all of my equipment excluding the Phase One gear hadn’t arrived in Sydney. I especially paid for special baggage as well, to make sure it arrived safely. I had to spend the next 3 days in Sydney calling and emailing various people from Air China and the airport to try and locate my bag. Of course it was a very stressful 3 days, as I couldn't shoot in Sydney without my tripod at the desired locations. After the 3 days the bag was located and returned to me which meant we could continue the trip. The first shoot with Jeremy went very well. Although we only had around an hour with him to shoot, we got enough shots for a good doc. We asked appropriate questions to get him to tell us about his past and how he got to work for such a prestigious company. This was the first time I shot on the Phase with a person, I found the camera worked very well and I straight way knew I had some good shots.
The next few days travelling towards Byron Bay went as expected. We stopped off at all the planned locations, shooting landscape and BTS for the project. The next shoot would be in Byron Bay with Stuart Campbell. We had originally planned to shoot with him over an afternoon and evening. We met with him at a local beach, went to his house and then drove to the location; filming along the way. I entered the water with my camera and underwater housing. After around 15 minutes in the water a large wave hit me, sending me spinning under water. The underwater casing had opened slightly due the the impact of the large wave. My camera there and then was unusable! I was mostly upset about not being able to get any more surf shots, but knew it wasn't the end of the world and tried to stay positive; I still had the Phase camera. We had arranged to meet Stuart the next day as well to shoot some more and interview him. The following day went very well, capturing a number of amazing shots on the Phase. We interviewed him and shot more for the doc, filming later in the day as well to get some more surf shots. I filmed in the water with my GoPro, knowing this one wouldn't break.
We continued up the coast shooting at the planned locations. Everything was going well and I was getting some great shots, up until we arrived at Noosa; just after Brisbane. We had booked a boat tour through a system of salt water rivers. It was one of the hottest days we had experienced on the trip so far; as Australia was experiencing a heatwave. The Phase was in my bag the entire time, also inside a dry bag. Condensation had built up inside the bag after I had taken it out to capture some photos. The camera didn't turn back on when trying to capture some photos at lunch. I called Phase One to see if there was anything I could try, nothing worked. They made some efforts to try and get another camera to me but because of the Australian boarder, it wasn't possible. This was a very disheartening point of the trip, knowing that I couldn't shoot on any of my cameras any more. However, I tried to stay positive and not let it ruin the trip. I shot the remaining 11 days on the Sony A7s that one of the crew had. It was a big drawback but at least I had a camera to shoot on. I wasn't able to get as many shots as I wanted on the last stretch of the trip, as the camera wasn't sometimes available as we were still shooting for the doc.
The rest of the trip went pretty well. I had one health issue where I got heat/sunstroke towards the end of the vineyard shoot. This knocked me out for the rest of the day but I got over it within 48 hours. We finished the trip off back in Sydney where we had a fashion shoot with a well known Australian model and also an established art director and stylist, who was started a new company.
I estimated that the project would cost just over £5500 all in. Most of the costs I knew before hand, like the flights, van hire, some of the accommodation etc… It was the spending money where I had to set a number that I was happy spending. I thought that I would spend from £1500-2000 out there. This wasn't a budget but just an estimate. I was happy spending more. All in spending money, I spend around £2300. Some of the costings I didn't include just simply because it was sometimes hard to keep track on everything for a whole month. All in then the project cost me around £5000. The Air BnBs cost a but less than expected and a lot of the days we had minimal spend, as we were on the road.
The project still continues. We still have more documentaries to edit and this thing takes time. There are more people involved like sound design and colourist and the editor. We have the main surf doc out but the other three are going to be finished through the summer. The final feature doc will hopefully be finished after the summer. I am still working with the production company as well as a photographer and producer. We have more projects coming up in the summer. I also have an exhibition in June, where I will feature my book and photography.
Overall I am happy with the way the project went. The images generated from the trip were as expected and beyond. Getting my foot in the door with Phase One was a big aim of mine and hopefully I have done it in a good way; despite the camera breaking. It was an environment that I wasn't used to shooting in. Extremely hot a humid weather made it tough sometimes, especially when trekking with all the gear. I had some bad luck with late kit arriving in Sydney and both my cameras breaking. I’ve never had this happen to me before, even on this scale. But I continued on with the project and still managed to get some good content on the film crew’s camera. The trip was by far the biggest project I had embarked on, being in charge of a film crew and having to organise the whole trip for everyone was an enjoyable challenge. Arranging the shoots from England had its downsides as well. Being able to call them over the phone would have been easier but email and social media had to do and still worked.
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pertamax7 · 7 years
Pertamax7.COM, Mega Galeri Team Suzuki Ecstar MotoGP 2017
Team Suzuki Ecstar MotoGP 2017
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Team Suzuki Ecstar MotoGP 2017
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Suzuki MotoGP 2017 GSX-RR
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Team SUZUKI ECSTAR eager to step-up in an  exciting 2017 Championship
   New line-up of rider is formed by Andrea Iannone (ITA) and Alex Rins (SPA)
The goal is to close the gap with top teams and fight regularly for podiums
   Team Suzuki Press Office –Sepang (Mal), January 29th, 2017 Team SUZUKI ECSTAR has today presented its new MotoGPTM project at the Sepang International Circuit as a foreword to the kick-off for the season, which officially starts tomorrow with the first IRTA test of the year here in Malaysia.
The Japanese team, led by DavideBrivio as Team Manager, Satoru Terada as Project Leader and Ken Kawauchi as Technical Manager, will begin the third season in the top category of motorcycling. After two seasons of creation, hard work and development, 2017 will be a crucial exercise in which Team SUZUKI ECSTAR seeks to become one of the best teams in the World Championship.
Pursuing that goal this year, it has renewed its line-up of riders with the acquisition of the Italian Andrea Iannone and young Spaniard Alex Rins, coming from the Moto2 category. The GSX-RR 1000 will be contending among the top machines of the world again with a good basis and many improvements Suzuki wants to enhance the performance.
Iannone, born in Vasto (Italy) 28 years ago, debuted in the premier class in 2013 with the Ducati Pramac and from the beginning he showed his credentials with an extreme, aggressive and exuberant ride that served him well, respect of his rivals and this permitted him to be amongst the fastest riders in the world. Four years later, and after winning his first race in the category last year in Austria, Team SUZUKI ECSTAR wants to be the launch pad for Andrea to aim for new targets and to be able to regularly fight with the top riders for podium positions.
On the other side of the box will be Rins, a 21-year-old Barcelona teenager who begins his adventure among the world’s best motorcycle riders. With a natural talent for riding, and several times as a runner-up in the lower-class categories, Rins looks to 2017 as a year of learning in the premier class to get the experience to fight for higher goals in the coming years.
Team SUZUKI ECSTAR, based in Hamamatsu city, is one of the most popular teams in the MotoGP category. The racing history of the Japanese factory is a tale of success from the 70’s when legendary British rider Barry Sheene achieved his first 500cc crown in 1976. Then the legacy was taken by other famous names such as Marco Lucchinelli, Franco Uncini, Kevin Schwantz and Kenny Roberts Jr. who added a total of six 500cc titles. The very latest success happened last year when the team scored victory at Silverstone in the UK.
          ANDREA IANNONE #29
“I’m really happy to start this new adventure! Suzuki for me has always been an icon of motorcycle racing and I hope to gain the affection of fans and enthusiasts as the great riders who have been part of the history of this great team! The coming season is a big challenge, but at the same a huge motivation for me after some years riding for the same brand. This change of direction in my career is so stimulating and I’m eager to return Suzuki with all the interest and affection they have demonstrated to me. I look forward to kicking-off the new season with the new blue colors and do my best to try to achieve the best results possible for the team!”
“The main objective of any rider in the world is to reach the MotoGP category because it is the maximum expression of motorcycling. Then doing it with the hand of Suzuki is the best way I could ever have imagined. The team is amazing at the very first sight and the treatment they have given me since the first minute is fantastic. The bike is awesome as well so I am very pleased, very motivated and very grateful to Suzuki for the trust placed in me. It’s going to be a fantastic year in which we will learn a lot and that’s our main goal from the beginning. The Valencia accident was a setback in our plans, but we are working very hard to counteract it. I’m looking forward to getting back on my Suzuki GSX-RR and meeting my new ‘family’ in the box”.
SATORU TERADA – Project Leader
“This season is going our third season after coming back to MotoGP and we have so many expectations for that. We worked really hard to improve and develop the bike during last two years and we could see the results coming out throughout 2016, so we feel happy checking out the direction we took was the correct one. Now we are pretty focused on 2017 and with the same hunger. We think we’ve got a really good GSX-RR base for the coming season and we have to still improve in some areas like electronics, but overall we are satisfied. We are keen to see how our performance is at this very first test of 2017 in Sepang and compare with our rivals where we are. Furthermore, I would like to welcome our new riders Andrea and Alex to the team. Hopefully together we will do a nice job!”
DAVIDE BRIVIO – Team Manager
“The 2017 season will be important for us because it is already the third consecutive season since returning to MotoGP. We are no longer rookies so we must try to get closer to the other rivals. In addition, we have as a great incentive two new riders. I think Andrea Iannone is mature and is ready to achieve great goals if we are able to give him a good package with the bike. And in the other side of the garage Alex Rins, with whom we started a new adventure, a young driver with great talent and we will try to guide him to the top of MotoGP. This is why we are looking at an interesting season, but we know it will be difficult because all the teams have been very strong. It looks like 2017 will be a crucial year for everyone for different reasons, so we will face a very strong group of opponents. But we want to be with them, we want to try to be in the fight and get closer to the top, so we must try with Andrea at the first moment and, once he gains experience, I think Alex will be in a position to do so.”
Last,, selamat dan sukses tim Suzuki ECstar 2017 MotoGP/ gasssssss
–irfan- Semoga berguna Gan ikuti berita terbaru dan silaturahmi via •    email : [email protected] •    Facebook : pertamax7.wordpress.com •    twitter : @ipanase •    Google+ : ipanase megison •    Intagram : pertamax7 •    nike+ : pertamax7 Wonogiri Sukses
Mega Galeri Team Suzuki Ecstar MotoGP 2017 Pertamax7.COM, Mega Galeri Team Suzuki Ecstar MotoGP 2017 nih om wallpaper Team Suzuki Ecstar MotoGP 2017, banyak, bisa di download resolusi besar buat wallpaper
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makeupwisudadepok · 5 years
MUA Wisuda Depok Paket Jasa MUA Depok #1
MUA Wisuda Depok (WA)O858-8493-3463. Makeup By Ima yaitu Jasa Makeup artist Wisuda Depok. Bagi Mahasiswi yangtelah lulus skripsi bersama telah Bakal wisuda, pasti Untuk mencari Makeup artist terbaik Bakal mendandani di dikala Wisuda. Makeup By IMA yakni Jasa Make up bisa panggilan datang ke rumah. Lokasi rumah anda di Depok timur, Depok Utara, Depok Pusat, Depok Selatan, atau malah Depok Barat, amat dapat Terjangkau Oleh kami.
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Wisuda jadi peristiwa spesial Untuk biasanya orang. Bertahun-tahun mengejar ilmu, melaksanakan tugas, atau malahan juga kerja praktik tentu adalah perjuangan tidak mudah. Makeup Wisuda Depok. Apabila berkeinginan mendokumentasikan momen spesial ini, ada banyak persiapan juga Bagi dipandang. Mulai dari memilih busana, hingga riasan apa mau diaplikasikan. Soal riasan, Anda juga bisa lho menerapkan jasa MUA Depok.
Salah satu hal krusial nan Untuk dipersiapkan dikala kamu ingin wisuda ialah memilih makeup artist. Apakah kamu telah punya opsi? Jikalau belum, hening saja. Memilih makeup artist memang sedikit kompleks, hampir sama seperti memilih jodoh. Apa lagi apabila kau mau makeup artist karyanya sesuai dengan selera kau Untuk tampil flawless ketika wisuda nanti. Nah, Buat membantu kamu memilih, ini anjuran makeup artist terbaik Untuk hari wisuda kau terspesial.
MUA Wisuda Depok, MUA Depok (Recommended)
MUA Wisuda Depok. Baut kau walaupun udah sedikit banyak ngerti teori dasar makeup, namun Akan event wisuda aku konsisten menentukan Untuk gunakan jasa MUA aja. Kecuali sebab belum punya kelengkapan makeup lengkap, agak ngeri juga ya kalau makeup wisudaan sendiri dengan failed. Cuma sekali seumur hidup lho momen wisudaan, selain buat mau kuliah lagi.
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Selamat buat kamu yangsudah selesai dengan urusan skripsi dengan sejenak lagi ingin wisuda! Gimana rasanya telah selesai dengan kuliah? Pasti excited ya, karena sejenak lagi masuk dunia kerja serta mulai belajar hal-hal baru lagi. Pastinya wisuda menjadi momen paling kalian tunggu, sebab ini momen kamu merayakan tahapan pendidikan tertinggi setelah SMA.
Makeup Wisuda Depok. Nah, gimana persiapan kau Demi hari H nanti? Kebaya pastinya sudah jadi dong? Jika makeup gimana? Sendiri, atau booking MUA? Selain lebih praktis, kau juga dapat menekan budget tuh Bagi perayaan wisuda kamu. So, buat kau nanpingin nyoba jasa Make up.
MUA Wisuda Depok, Paket Harga Wisuda Terpenting
Tampil cantik di hari kelulusan memang dambaan setiap wanita. Apa di momen spesial, di mana sudah kewajiban belajar di bangku perkuliahan serta siap menyongsong kehidupan baru. Tampil cantik sudah menjadi hal wajib Demi pesera wisuda.
MUA Wisuda Depok. Dikala dikerjakan Akan bisa tampil bagus di hari kau terbebas dari begadang pengaruh banyaknya tugas. Mulai dari membikin kebaya sampai memilih MUA manaakan mengubahmu jadi princess sehari.
Makeup Wisuda Depok. Namun ini, banyak MUA bisa kau pilih, mulai dari amatiran sampai profesional, dari memasang tarif rendah sampai tinggi. Bisa, buat kau berkeinginan Makeup dengan MUA Depok agar tidak diribet dengan persiapanya. Momen Hubungi Nomer ini .
Makeup Wisuda Depok, Make up Artis Depok
Untuk memacu kemampuan saya, kita berlatih pada keluarga dan teman-sahabat. Kemudian tim kita mengawali karir profesional aku sebagai makeup artist di 2016. MakeupByIMA merasa bahwa Tim MakeupByIMA sudah menemukan panggilan saya dalam industri ini ketika pekerjaan Tim MakeupByIMA memberi begitu banyak kepuasan kepada pelanggan aku. Raut wajah mereka saat mereka memandang diri mereka di cermin memberi kami banyak sukacita dan kebanggaan.
Sesudah menerima pengalaman di make up , kini tim kami fokus di make up artist Depok . Sekiranya ini sungguh-sungguh menyenangkan dan suatu kehormatan menggunakan make up pada hari khusus mereka. Sesuatu nan mereka bakal ingat akan seumur hidup. MUA Wisuda. Oleh sebab itu, kita tak mengambil profesi ini ringan. tim kita menempatkan semua usaha kami ke dalamnya. Make up, terpenting pengantin make up, bukan hanya perihal menerima gigs dan mendapatkan pekerjaan dikerjakan. Bakal tim kami pribadi, ini ialah tentang mengaitkan ke orang. Mempunyai kekerabatan bagus bersama klien tim kami betul-betul penting.
Sesudah kita tahu lebih banyak tentang kepribadian mereka, suka dan berkeinginan mereka, menjadi lebih gampang demi MakeupByIMA akan memakai make up nan demi sesuai bersama individualitas mereka. Tiap orang mempunyai keinginan dan keperluan berbeda. Tidak ada hukum khusus saat datang buat membuat, tapi patut nampak menawan alami pada mereka dan menjadikan kepercayaan diri.
Makeup Wisuda Depok, Make up Wisuda Barbie Hijab
Makeup Wisuda Depok . MUA di Depok nan dikala ini sedang menawarkan promo yaitu MakeupbyIMA, berapa harga mua akibatnya bagus bagi acara wisuda, pernikahan/wedding atau acara formal lainnya? Anda dapat menghubungi MakeupbyIMA sama harga amat berteman serta selalu banyak promo yang bisa kau peroleh disini.
Pastikan di jadwal dulu ya sist sebelum pakai jasa makeup wisuda kisaran seminggu sebelum hari H atau 3 hari sebelum Wisuda. Sebab pasti kamu demi kehabisan jasa makeup wisuda Depok misal ordernya dadakan. Pastikan mereferensikan makeup artist ke temen-temen kamu biar dapat diskon khusus bagi kau. Pastikan Kau memilih jasa yang benar-benar berpengalaman tapi konsisten oleh harga ideal buat budget ya sist.
Make Up Artist Depok by MakeupbyIMA. tim kita percaya bahwa tiap-tiap wanita tak ada nan tidak indah. Tetapi pada sedikit polesan make up, all women can be pretty powerfull. pada spirit dan kesanggupan Make Up Artist Depok, Make Up Artist bisa membantu semua wanita dalam menghasilkan keinginan bakal tampil lebih cantik di hari spesialnya seperti Pre Wedding, Wisuda, Engangement, Photo Shoot, Year Book Photo Shoot/ Foto Buku Tahunan, Party, Bridesmaid dsb.
MUA Wisuda Depok, Harga Make up Wisuda
MUA Wisuda Depok. Semua wanita mempunyai keinginan buat menerima sempurna look nan membikin mereka tampil lebih indah, oleh karena itu Make Up Baik Di sangat dibutuhkan oleh tiap-tiap wanita. pada adanya jasa Make Up Bagus Di Depok, akan mempermudah tiap-tiap wanita tampil seperti yang mereka inginkan di hari spesialnya. Make Up Bagus tentu mengaplikasikan products opsi.
Umumnya sesudah acara selesai dilaksanakan acara foto-foto bersama dengan orang tua, teman-sahabat serta suami/istri dari wisudawan/wisudawati atau pada pasangan wisudawan/wisudawati. Pada wisuda lazimnya menerapkan pakaian yang ditentukan, pakaian pria mengaplikasikan hem putih dan celana hitam bersepatu hitam, baju wanita mengaplikasikan kebaya tradisional tipis sama kain jarik, melainkan secara umum menerapkan pakaian toga. MakeupByIMA melayani jasa Make Up Artist Wisuda Depok sama harga relatif murah dan konsisten menjaga kualitas hasil Make Up Artist Wisuda Depok. Buat booking Make Up Artist Wisuda Depok minimal H-7,
Makeup Wisuda Depok kian diminati oleh para mahasiswi kekinian. Kecuali lebih praktis, menggunakan jasa MUA nan profesional menjamin penampilan wisudawati secara maksimal. Bagaimana sista? kini alternatif kau demi makeup wisuda serahkan saja pada ahlinya. Jikalau kau di wilayah Depok dan sekitarnya dapat langsung hubungi Makeup by IMA (WA)0858 8493 3463.
MUA Wisuda Depok (WA)O858.8493.3463 (Recommended)
Makeup Wisuda Depok (WA)0858 8493 3463. Hai, Informasi bagus dan sehat-sehat seluruh yaa gaes. Para mahasiswi nan lagi kebingungan cari MUA wisuda nanti. Berikut berita make up wisuda di Depok. Sebagian hal nan perlu dipersiapkan mahasiswi memasuki wisuda. Salah satunya ialah make up.
Gak disampingkan, makeup ialah elemen penting dalam sesi wisuda. Nah, buat kalian mahasiswi Depok nan keder cari perias bagi makeup wisuda, gak usah keder lagi ya guys. Makeup by IMA merupakan Makeup artist Wisuda. Jasa Makeup Depok dan bisa dipanggil bagi datang ke rumah anda. Hasil makeup bisa menyesuaikan permintan kau serta pantas sama tone warna kulit anda.
Makeup artist ini bisa datang ke kos. Kau cuma perlu janjian tanggal dan dimana kau untuk di-makeup. Sama seperti itu, keribetan acara wisuda dapat berkurang kan? Nah, siapa nih nan belum booking Makeup Artist buat Wisuda? , yuk butuan booking. Mudah kok caraya tinggal telepon atau WA ke nomer ini 0858 8493 3463.
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