#tht being said the sheer whiteness of those movies IS an issue and has always stood out to me as a glaring flaw
thesituation · 4 months
i find it kind of emblematic that movies that explore stereotypical manliness like fight club and whatever else are seen as like.. movies with something to Say and it being a barometer for film literacy whether you took the right message or not, while like mean girls or legally blonde or gone girl are just seen as movies that girls like because girls are shallow and there’s no way a movie exploring aspects of womanhood and feminity could have deeper themes beyond the surface level commentary being made. i’m not saying they’re masterpieces by any means but i do think they carry more depth than they’re given credit for and i think it has a lot to do with how little value society seems to place on the inner lives of women and the even lesser value that is given to women wanting to express that in art
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