#thk yew
shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
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&& @blitzkriegers​ ;; how do the daughters feel about miranda? are they as loyal to her as they are to alcina? do they have a preference between the other lords and do they see them as aunts/uncles?
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Back when they were human / pagans (or in Cassandra’s specific case, since I have both a follows res lore more and she was human alt for most other people in the fandom, and the personal one i have/my own canon that’s not necessarily game canon for the most part, and i’ll only write with ppl who say it’s okay cause yknow, most ppl like res for the realism of it all n stuffs. If one can count zombies created by biology and a fungi that turns people into mutants realism. mostly thats all reserved for ppl who knew her when i wrote her as mal but that’s besides the point— hybrid.) there was once some level of loyalty to miranda. once. At the very least, bela was loyal, dani was likely indoctored at a young age (she’s the one we see in the images of miranda infecting the girls). Cassandra’s loyalty was strictly due to being part of bela’s coven, and a deep desire for family/familial bonds after being abandoned and abused. Due to that, her loyalty was to bela, not miranda, but being loyal to bela meant loyalty to miranda to a point. 
There’s still some similarity lying there from between human and rebirth. So i’ll go through it daughter by daughter for all the Qs!
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Bela holds the most loyalty to miranda— because of alcina having loyalty to miranda. That loyalty is tricky, for the most part. Everything goes to Alcina first and foremost, and if bela can avoid letting miranda know anything, she will. She doesn’t trust miranda like she trusts her mother, and she’s seen miranda not giving alcina the respect bela believes she deserves. If anything comes up, alcina’s who she lets know, and assumes if alcina wants miranda to know, then it’s probably the right decision even if she doesn’t agree with it. We see it in game too; when they find ethan, they don’t just start playing with him. They know he’s important to something mother’s doing, so they bring him over to her. 
There is a secondary factor though; even though bela will go to alcina first, we can see with her second interaction with ethan. Daniela’s excited to see what alcina does to him. Cassandra will fight him and call alcina over until the final battle with her. Bela does neither. She’s intent on taking care of him then and there. Even when ethan figured out how to weaken her, she believes she’s got the upper hand. That she knows what’s best. That it’s her responsibility to handle it.
There’s a sort of ‘what mother doesn’t know can’t affect her’ situation there. And she’ll lie if she has to. When alcina was telling her not to do anything with ethan yet, she was nearly crying in the moment; maybe assuming she was going to be scolded, maybe for not getting her way. She assumes she knows what situations will anger her and which won’t. That she knows when to do what, and alcina won’t mind. 
Which lends a hint that, despite everything, there may not be as much loyalty to her family as one might think. Unintentionally, but true loyalty by the cult’s standards was doing as wanted without thought. Bela doesn’t really do that. She thinks about it a lot. And a lot of the time it angers her. she’s loyal, just not in the way some would want or expect. 
She mentions disdain over the fact alcina kills all the staff (in the game files/voice lines not necessarily in playable game, but in game nonetheless.) and she clearly considers herself undertreated in comparison to her sisters; most of the reason she hunts ethan at all seems to be to gain alcina’s praise, otherwise she’s so against dirt and mess, it’s almost like she doesn’t like hunting at all. 
A lot of comments of note from the voice lines are also revolving around her general disdain for her siblings. She doesn’t speak much on daniela, but she insults cassandra every chance she gets. Hates cassandra’s mess, hates the situations cass gets into. She doesn’t seem to enjoy how much praise cassandra gets, and likely if there’s that hint of jealousy, she wouldn’t like the fact alcina has all of cass’ hunts on display in the house. (I don’t remember where that got confirmed, but i do remember either the actors or capcom confirmed it.  Pretty sure it was capcom but i watched a lot of nicole’s streams and, of course given what happened with Cass’ VA, I could imagine that just having been something maggie and nicole said too. so.) 
It’s all kind of ironic, too, given cass has nothing but compliments for her sisters– aside from occasionally saying they can be annoying, she compliments them a ton. Cassandra’s also the only one who was going to be given an apology (in game) from alcina. Maybe due to alcina realizing that was her only daughter left.. Except not anymore, but yknow.) i do think that could add to bela’s disdain towards everyone. She’s the eldest, and definitely seems to consider herself doing all the work, taking all the effort and blame, even though alcina raised them all the same. 
Even where the demo’s concerned, cassandra’s called upon, cassandra’s playing the most with the maiden, and cassandra seems to have the most run of the house (understandably from a play perspective, since their swarms cause a huge lag issue, but yea) daniela says she receives the most praise, but there’s no sure way of telling who all is telling the honest truth there. Even in the trailer for the dlc though, cass is who got called, and that’s gotta weigh down on bela when she wants all of alcina’s love and affection centered on her. 
Also of note: cassandra’s the only one who, when she calls for alcina, alcina appears. Gameplay wise i think it’s because the girls are all in locked rooms, which is why with cass when you finally can kill her, she’s by herself and locked in where alcina can’t get, but outside of the fact it was 100% gameplay mechanics, it’s also hard to ignore the fact cassandra was the only one hunting him throughout the house, and who could call alcina to her, as well as her sisters, and alcina would show up. 
Bela tries her hardest to act like alcina most of the time, and while their personalities are similar, bela has her mother’s professional and rich personality: neat, manners, control freak. Trying to be exactly like alcina– minus the pure joy for hunting, ironically– forced bela into the position of forcing herself to a perfect daughter mold. And she hates it. She hates that mindset, she hates feeling undervalued and underloved. And overall, because of her causing herself to enter that mindset, she’s also got some disdain for her mother and sisters as well, and it’s pretty evident when you look towards the fine details. Despite all the respect bela has for mom, she’s also angry, and thinks she may know better in some situations. 
With the other lords, Bela lacks respect for.. Any of them, really. She recognizes Karl is constantly working, but thinks he’s dirty and gross and doesn’t like him because of it. That, and he’s a man. 
Similarly with moreau, he’s a fishy little man, and that makes her hate him. Bela doesn’t tend to try and develop any relations with any of the lords, but moreau especially she dislikes.
She probably sees donna as the most respectable of the lords, but still considers her less than her mother. Angie just annoys her, tbh. She’d be extremely cruel to angie, probably even to the point that alcina would scold her for it, despite alcina’s distaste for them too. 
Bela, specifically, only considers them ‘mother’s siblings’. And doesn’t necessarily deem them worthy of the title. Especially since she’s older than a lot of them, and kind of believes she deserved her own ascension to a lord status.
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Cassandra’s loyalty to miranda.. Doesn’t exist. She knows Alcina respects her, and her respect for her is more in the sense of ‘this death gave me family in a new life’. Other than that, she doesn’t have much of an opinion of miranda or the cult. She’s not a religious person by nature, and even with the cult status, she doesn’t even know miranda’s prayer. Cassandra has dyspraxia, dyslexia, (dyscalculia but it likely doesn’t matter here since numbers arent really used), she’s autistic and ADHD. mentally, she was never going to be good enough for Miranda to use for Eva. the fact she was already blind in her right eye didn’t help matters, and the transformation left her with the greyed eye becoming silver, as her brown eye had become gold. Most of her scars seemed to have faded a fair bit, thanks to insects making up most of her form now. 
She’s not as good at the ‘business’ side of things like bela is. And cassandra praises bela’s brain from end to end. Her loyalty lies strictly to her sisters and alcina. Alcina praises her, raised her, and even though cassandra does get scolded fairly often (I actually think bela might have been scolded more originally, but cass gets most of it for her behavior. Cass just does more more often so bela sees the praise cass gets more often.) 
If alcina tells cass to pray to miranda, she’ll do her best to try because mother wants her to. That’s it. Much of alcina’s rage towards miranda’s lack of care over bela’s death? Raise that even further for cassandra, because cassandra knew she wouldn’t care. Miranda rarely visits, only calls to lay orders or complain, all the lords seem to hold meetings purely to boost miranda up. It’s all behavior that, in my main canon (that’s again only used w ppl who are chill w the fae thing hmu) she dealt with that before– she was locked away in a prison beneath his kingdom for years because of someone like that. Those memories are blocked out, but she can’t stand the behavior, and thinks alcina would do better than miranda ever could at being the ‘black god’s hand’. 
Loyalty to her sisters, too, is there. Despite bela’s obvious distaste towards her, cassandra does just about everything bela asks her to. Even with dani– if she’s already doing something for bela or alcina, cass won’t have time to do things with her, but if dani wanted cass to play with her, cass wouldn’t deny it. Chances are she’d love for dani to join her on hunts. Keep that safe distance, but still get to play together in a way. Even if cass thinks dani can be childish, she still wants her sisters to be happy.
And she definitely mostly hunts with alcina. Alcina’s who taught her to be as sadistic as she is. She loves alcina to and fro, and would do anything momma asked her to. Even if she doesn’t understand alcina’s loyalties, she loves alcina so much that it doesn’t matter. As long as alcina remembers to care about her sisters more than their grandma. 
Sad as it might seem, she honestly would let her sisters get away with anything so long as she felt like family with them. As selfish and sadistic as she is, she canonically shows loving her sisters more than anything else, and is broken to no end with their deaths.
As for the other lords–
She feels bad for moreau. Chances are she’s insulted him and shit on him too, because she can and she speaks before she thinks. But she also feels bad for how alone he is. Again, she doesn’t remember her past life, she doesn’t know why she feels for him. Though chances are she’s brought some of the random food items her mother’s brought back from business trips at moreau’s door. Even though she doesn’t necessarily know how to have an actual relationship with him, she still wants him to feel like someone cares about him. Even if he’s under the false impression that it’s miranda. He’s the brother mom doesn’t like or talk about, but more acceptable than the other brother. 
Donna she has a sort of understanding of, but she also doesn’t talk to her at all. Or hang around her. The dolls tend to make her uncomfortable, especially because she can’t exactly see them as well as her sisters could with their actually two functioning eyes. Her depth perception and general balance are both off, due to her blind eye and dyspraxia, so being around those things wouldn’t be the best for her all in all.  Mom’s sister, but again, mom doesn’t like to talk about her much. Even if she’s been invited for tea before and no showed more than once. 
I have a personal headcanon that the pipe bombs around the dimitrescu residence are from the girls (aka, dani and cass, bc bela refused) hanging out with Karl. Alcina and Bela went off on some trip and Dani and Cass, bored as hell, decided to drop in on uncle Karl and bug him. And what else is he gonna teach a few girls that like chaos and destroying everything? 
Aka, it’s kind of ironic that ethan essentially used Heisenberg’s creations to kill the niece that doesn’t like him, and it was sort of dani and cass faults too for leaving them around. 
I also have a headcanon that cass, while not knowing wtf he uses them for, assumes karl uses male bodies to create the lycans. Possibly ‘other things’ since she considers necromancy perfectly normal and fine and something she does regularly, and probably wouldn’t register.. Ahem.. any gross things being gross. If u catch my drift. Sorry uncle karl, ur niece thinks ur weird. Tho in her mind its not weird. Ig. 
So the one area by the dimi residence that karl accesses, she just leaves some bodies there for him sometimes. Or drops them off by the bridge to his factory. She doesn’t want to go in there. Factories mean machines, machines mean lights, and lights make her dizzy. 
I’ve also had the joke headcanon before that if alcina actually did do the opera nights maggie talked about in nicole’s streams, and karl was actually forced to sit out in the hall like maggie and neil said he would, cass would hang out with him since she wouldn’t be that interested in taking part in opera night. Especially an event that miranda forces the other lords to go to to shut alcina up, doesn’t go to herself, and the only one allowed to talk the entire night is alcina. Cass doesn’t have the attention span to sit still that long lol. When alcina scolds her she clocks out mentally after a few minutes, so.
Probably even if she got to know him a little bit more, even as of right now tbh, she likes karl the most. Especially if she learned that rebuilds the bodies and turns them into little working machines, since when she brings people back from the dead its to make guards for the castle. Plus, it’d mean he’s not using them for something else. Mostly cause then she could drop off the scarecrows she made from men that have been pecked too much, since they wouldn’t need to be soft and fleshy. 
is worthy of note, she only really brings him men. the few times women were dropped off, someone probably daniela found the bodies and just tossed a few she didn’t want reanimated in there, lol
Plus, if he did want to talk her into his war against grandma miranda, she’d be for it tbh. She doesn’t like miranda and thinks she’s too mean to mom. Thus eating her would be funtimes. talking her into fighting someone she’s seen treat mom with disrespect isn’t hard, even though she likes the uncle that disrespects mom the most lmAO 
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Dani’s loyalty is only, only to alcina. A little bit to her sisters, but she does feel left out a lot. She considers bela the smartest, and cassandra the best killer. Her emotions run high and fast, and she jumps between stability and slashing a maid’s face for not doing something quickly enough in a moment. She’s purely chaotic, and miranda’s structure and beliefs don’t resonate with dani at all. 
She doesn’t seem to follow along with what alcina wants most of the time, either, but she loves her mother and is loyal to her to a fault. If it messes with her good time, though, she won’t do it. Much as she loves mother and is loyal to her, she doesn’t believe loyalty means doing everything said on a whim. Things on a whim would be fun, not work. 
With her relatives, dani has the most of a relationship with all of them. She loves bothering unkie heisy (yes I stole that from neil and its gr8), they behave sorta similarly and it’s hilarious. i could go on and on about it, but this is already p long, but i do think she’s the most likely he’d let hang around since they’re so similar. she probably also annoys him too, though; a lot of people hate others that are similar to them, so, up in the air really. 
She likes moreau, sorta, but he’s also still smells fishy and she doesn’t like that very much. Plus his romance films are really boring to her.
Donna shares her care for plants; dani’s canonically got a lot of quotes related to gardening, and seems to be responsible for most of the houseplants. With how her mind is, she probably isn’t bothered as much by donna’s hallucinogenic plants, and can bring donna thinks to help care for them. Maybe even taught her some things, cause again, she’s much much older than donna, and would have a lot more experience. Plus, it gives her an excuse to endlessly go on and on about something she enjoys. It’s v v cute and we love that for her. Auntie donna and auntie donna’s weird doll, basically. 
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sillyism · 5 months
Dont like yew very much . Lord take all my pain and give it to yew .
what the fuc,k ddid you jus,t fuckin spay aobut mee, you lit;ttle bitch? ii;;ll have oyu know i graduatde t,op of my clca;.;ss in the navy sveals, and i've been involv,,;ed ni n. ,umerous secrett raids o;n al-quaeda, and ii a;.ve evr 300 cnoffrimd kils. i aam tr,ained in goorilla warfare and i;m the t op nsi,pre in thhe eentier.,. uus ar;mde f,orrcees. yoou arre nntohi,;.nn to me but just aonther tkargeet. i willl wipe you; the fucck uot witth precsiion t,,he liikes of whch has never bee, n seenn be; fore o nthis earth, mark my fuckkin words. yuo thk noyuu can gget aawy. wwith assiynn thatt sihtt to mme oevr thhe innetrne.tt? think gaain, fuckre. as we sppeak iw amm conttacctiin my sce;,rret netwrok of; sspies across th usa and yaou..,r ip , is ein ttraced right nnow so you bbetter prepaer for thee tsorm, ma.ggot. thee storm thatt wipe soutt the, paathhet.ic l..,iit tlle thin yuo;, cal,,ll your liffe. you;;re fuckiin d,ead, ki[d; . i can bee anyywhhere, a;nyytime, annd i can kill yoou ni voer,, seevn eehundred waayys, an dthhat;;s,; just wi,th my bar ehaands. noto oonlly,, am i eextnesi,vvley ttrained in u.,,narrmed ccombat, but i ha vve acccess to hte enttiree asrenaal of tth..e u,.nited states mar;;,ine ccorrps, and i wiill uuse io ttto iitts full extenntt too wiipe yyou mi,.ser,able sas of fthe face of thee cconntnient, yuo littlee shi,t. if nol.y y.,,ou cou l,,d h,ave knoaw hwat;,, u,nhool.. yrretirbution your little "clevenr" commment was about to bri ndown upo .n you, mayeb yu wou,;.ld havee heel dyoour fuckinn ton,,guue. but you could.n;t, youu ddidn, ;t, aand now oou,'rre payin t,hee priec, you ggoddanm idiot. i will siht fuury a;,.l,,l over;, you and,, you willl d,.,rown in iitt. you;re fucck;i nddeead, ki ddo.
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ars-argury · 1 year
some inspirations for greyfades characterizations . read more if yew wanna see i dont like clogging up peoples pages
- SORA . sora is a big one (kingdom hearts)
- manga appearance
rest is original stuff! hes from kalos and is mixed :] heavily based on my girlfriends writings of him
she has no outward influences on her except the fanon that she likes to kick ass? evrrything else is very different.
- thk/pure vessel from hollow knight
- rainer from petscop
- mix of gameverse and mangaverse
i dont write bia so i am unsure if she has outward inspiration from other media like hilda .
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pelican-echidna · 5 years
“I love y’all 3000!”
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To the future members of Echidna Six:
Many thks to all who participated in The Amazing Water Resources Trail last Saturday. It couldn’t have been done without all of u guys helping us. It has been a heck of a journey and we have overcome many obstacles that came in our way. To all the parents too, thanks for all the support u guys provided in helping us win number 1. This may be my last Amazing trail with y’all but it was my best! To all the future sixers leading the six after I’m long gone, know that I will forever love y’all 3000❤️❤️🏆🥇
Yew Chung (sixer 18-19)
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