#this was for a crew battle event that me and my team inherited after the original TO dropped the ball
frailgun · 10 months
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actually the most insane fit ive ever done
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crystalas · 3 years
Blazing Blue part 1
Red Son runs away from home after overhearing his father call him a worthless excuse of a demon, agreeing to a truce with MK he ends up with the Monkie crew unaware that someone wants to steal a power that was sealed away long ago.
Chapter one: Truce buddies
Demon Bull King stood amongst the ruins of his old hidden stronghold, his robot clones busy digging out the remains and salvaging anything of use. He took a weary sigh and he surveyed all of what he had built since his revival and growled at how quickly it was destroyed…annoyingly at his own hand! Only then to be enslaved by Spider Queen while trying to raise enough funds to rebuild it. Needless to say, it had a been a few rough months for the Demon Bull Family.
“Man, I had heard your family had fallen on hard times but this is embarrassing!” a voice chuckled and Demon Bull King felt himself bristle with anger, he spun around to smash whoever thought it wise to mock a ten-foot-tall bull demon only to find the black monkey warrior Macaque lounging leisurely on top of a pile of rubble.
“Begone, you annoying simian shadow, I have no time for you” Demon Bull King snarled.
“Aw and I came all the way down here to chat, how rude. I mean I’ll excuse you not getting out the fine China for me on account of well…” he gestures to the crumbling ruin as a chunk of wall collapsed behind him. “Your recent string of humiliating defeats and the fact you had to team up with Monkey King…just wow…how low can you go?”
Macaque quickly sprung to his feet and nimbly dodged a lump of molten metal that flew right past him and buried itself into the ceiling behind him.
“If you have come here just to mock me then I will make you pay for every word you speak tenfold!” he roared.
“You’re right I’m sorry, I actually wanted to see if you were interested in an alliance of sorts?” Macaque exclaimed as he hopped lightly down the rubble pile without so much as disturbing a brick and looked up at Demon Bull King with a smile.
“You come to my home…Mock me and my family and rub salt in my wounds and you ASK FOR AN ALLIENCE!!??”
“What if I told you, it’s a plan to destroy the Monkey King? And his little fan club?” Macaque offered, Demon Bull King glared at him said not a word and then with speed not many would associate with a creature of his size and bulk snatched Macaque with his hand and brought him up to his face to look him in the eye.
“Know this Six Ears Macaque just because I have been buried under a mountain for the last few centuries does not mean I am ignorant of current events! You tried to best Monkey King with his protégé’s own power and you still lost!” Demon Bull King snarled as Macaque squirmed in his tight grip before erupting into shadowy mist and escaping. Demon Bull King glanced around trying to find the real one only for what he hoped was the real one to appear perched nearby on what remained of his furnace.
“See that’s why I’m here, Monkey King knows I like to… “borrow” power from other people, and he probably think I’ll go for powers of say his fanboy or someone just as good but what if I blindsided him with powers of say… The Demon Bull King? Or Lady Iron Fan? Or maybe say the power of demon fire?”
“No. Begone.”
“Com’on I’m not even asking you to do anything just let me borrow some power and I’ll do the butt kicking!”
“Begone.” Demon Bull King replied even harsher than last time.
“Fine, I get it.” Macaque grumbled “Best shot you have of getting your revenge and you’re going to turn it down!”
“I am not as foolish as to become a mere power source to another being, that is not an alliance that is servitude at best!” Demon Bull King declared standing to his full height with his fist clench ready for battle. “And do not think me as foolish to let you even try!”
“Fine. Fine I’ll just try Red Son, he’s more open minded about these things. Plus, I’ve heard the rumours of his… hidden inheritance” Macaque smirked as he spun on his heels and walked away casually only for a fist to slammed into the wall blocking his path.
“You will stay away from my family!” Demon Bull King hissed.
“So, it is true? I mean I’ve heard stories about it but given what I’ve seen of him in action I’d begun to doubt any of them!”
Demon Bull King thought quickly but to be fair his wife was more the brains of the operation, if Macaque was beginning to doubt the stories better to confirmed it than deny them.
“Red Son is a pathetic whelp, who is an embarrassment to us and unworthy of being called my son, he only brings shame and defeat to whatever he does. Whatever rumours you had heard are merely that; rumours. If he did have any power worthy of the Demon Bull King family name, don’t you think I would have used it by now?” Demon Bull King declared coldly, “You have clearly wasted your time and mine. You have your answer. Now go!”
“I guess they must be wrong if even you say Red Son is a worthless excuse of a demon. My mistake, you know how stories get hyped up over the years…I’ll be on my way” Macaque said sadly as he hopped down and walked away arms crossed behind his back. As he did, he glanced over at one of the corridors that snaked through Demon Bull King’s hide out to see a quiet and pale faced Red Son…
Red Son had managed to find his room amongst the rubble and save some clothes, books and tools. Sadly, an iron girder had broken through the roof of his room and destroyed his computer set up and mechanics bench, in a way he was ok with that. Rebuilding his computer would give him something to do while the reconstruction was underway. Now he was heading to the main chamber as he was getting peckish and fancied going up top to grab some food, might as well see if Father didn’t want anything before, he headed out.
As he walked down the corridor, he heard his father shouting and the muffled voices of him talking to another. Who could that be? Red Son wondered as he started to walk faster, Mother shouldn’t be back just yet. She had left the city to find spell ingredients for her magics, [it is kind of hard to locate stuff like dragon scales and tree spirit sap in a dense city metropolis.]
As he came to the opening to the main chambre he heard something that made his heart stop.
“Red Son is a pathetic whelp, who is an embarrassment us and unworthy of being called my son…” his father said, as he tried to listen everything else but it just to swim in and out of his focus as his head spun. “…Only brings shame and defeat…Worthless excuse of a demon…waste of…my time…”
Why? Why would his father say that? Red Son thought they had made progress in their relationship, okay fine he had only called him son that one time but…but that was still a better than nothing? He saved him when the Spider Queen caught him in her webs, they fought her together.
Was he really back to square one? No. it was apparently worse than that he wasn’t back at square one he was off the game board entirely as far as his father was concerned. Heavens knows how his mother must see him give she has called him useless to his face! He had tried no end of times to prove himself only to come home with nothing to show for it.
He didn’t even register Macaque walk by as he spun on his heels and went back to what remains of his room; stuffing what he had salvaged into a backpack and swallowing back a painful lump in his throat as he quickly wrote a note leaving it on the metal girder for whoever to find. He took a deep breath trying to steady his emotions before disappearing in a swirl of flames.
 Monkey Kid or MK was feeling down of late; his Master the Monkey King had given him the task of catching a red leaf with a gold dot on it. That didn’t sound too hard right? Not when Monkey King is making it rain hundreds of other leaves all of different colours and hues as well and expects him to find it in minutes!
MK sighed, he knew what the lesson was about he was supposed to focus on that one leaf and avoid all other distractions. If he pulled it off and mastered it, he knew he’s probably be able to find a grain of rice on a beach or something as pointless but somehow totally cool sounding. Problem was he couldn’t pull it off, he kept getting distracted or just overwhelmed by the leaves getting dumped on him from above.
So now he sat on a ledge of Flower Fruit Mountain overlooking the sunset on the city, he liked to come here when he wanted to clear his head. On one hand it was freaking awesome he was the protégé of The Monkey King a warrior of renowned legendary might and skill…on the other hand sometimes it would dawn on him on just how daunting it was to live up to the expectations of an immortal warrior who seems to have seen everything the world has to offer and then some.
He sighed as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants before grabbing his staff. He began to walk he saw that he wasn’t the only one taking in the view with a sense of melancholy. As he got closer, he squawked in alarm as he saw the familiar flaming red hair and ragged jacket.
“RED SON??!!” this outburst caused Red Son to leap out of his skin and jump to his feet. “What are you doing here?!”
“Oh, push off Noodle Boy, last time I checked you don’t own this mountain!” Red Son snapped grabbing his stuff and storming off “But if you’re here that means Monkey King isn’t far behind and I rather not have to deal with him on top of everything else!”
“Huh? Hey wait!” MK shouted as he noticed the backpack. “What’s in there?!”
“None of your concern!” Red Son barked back.
“It is my concern when you show up on Monkey King’s Mountain with a suspicious bag! What’s in it?”
“It’s not a bomb or anything!”
“You got a BOMB??!!”
“Oh, for the love of…NO! I have not got a bomb or anything of the sort! I mean for pity’s sake I can literally throw fire balls why would I need to carry an explosive weapon??!!”
MK dashed forward and tried to grab the backpack and Red Son tried to pulled it away from him leading to a very childish game of tug of war.
“Lemme see what’s in it!”
“If you’ve got nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about!”
Sadly, a backpack that had endured many scorches from its owner and grounded by rubble could only bear so much and with one last pull from both sides the backpack’s fabric tore open and Red Son’s stuff poured onto the floor. Red Son dived down to grab what he could as MK took in the sights of clothes, food, and other mundane stuff.
“Dude…are you camping or something?” MK asked as he saw one of the items that had skidded out of Red Son’s reach, he knelt down to pick it up and saw it was a hand sized family portrait of Princess Iron Fan and Demon Bull King…before he could get a good look it was snatched from his hands.
“Just leave me alone!” Red Son growled “You can clearly see that I am not a threat!”
“Red …are you ok?”
Red Son was trying to figure out how to keep his stuff in a backpack with a massive hole in it, but he was also trying desperately to ignore the look of concern that was coming from his enemy.
“Are you running away from home?”
Red Son didn’t respond to that and he had stopped fiddling with his backpack as he was now staring sadly at the photo.
“Why?” MK asked softly.
“Why do you care?”
“I mean…I dunno…you and your dad seem to be getting on when I last saw you, seems strange that you’re running away!”
“I AM NOT RUNNING AWAY!” Red Son roared his hair flaring up in flames, gripping the photo tightly as he did. The flames died quickly as did Red Son’s anger as he then whispered “I’m…I’m…just making things easier for my parents…”
MK tilted his head in confusion, he looked at Red Son for a moment. This was a guy who was always so confident, loud and proud of his name and heritage he literally introduces himself in full name whenever he’s about to do something dastardly or anything for that matter. Now he was sitting there with a backpack full of his possessions, on a mountain far from home, staring at a family picture like he’s never going to see them again.
MK sat down next to Red Son, putting the staff away to show he meant no harm.
“Want to talk about it?”
Red Son looked away angrily.
“Ok how about I go first? You know how cool it is to have someone like the freaking Monkey King show up and say that’ll they teach you? It is don’t get me wrong but then you begin to see how big of a shadow you’re stuck under? We’re talking about a guy who literally stole from the heavens and got away with it and has beaten up who knows how many monsters and demons? I sometimes wonder if I’m ever gonna be good enough for this, it’s just feels like the whole universe is just waiting for me to screw up, just to prove that I can’t do it… y’know what I mean?” there a few moments of silence and MK was about to try again when he heard a small voice.
“At least he believes in you, it must be nice to have a someone like that.”
“Your parents don’t?”
“… …no…” Red Son muttered, “I overheard my father today telling someone that he considers me an embarrassment to the family name, along with a few other choice words…”
“So, you…left?”
“I don’t know I wasn’t thinking at the time!” Red Son cried out angrily tugging at his head in frustration, “I want prove to my father that I am worthy of being his son but how? How do I show him that I’m not a …a…pathetic whelp?”
There was a heavy tense silence between them as they both looked at each other and then at the city, the sun nearing finished setting and the in the twilight the city lights began to shine.
“You know what?” MK declared as he got up. “We both need a break!”
“A break from all this living up to people’s expectations and ideals! A chance to recharge the batteries and get some of that well-being self-care stuff!”
“What exactly are you proposing?” Red Son inquired nervously.
“We can just hang out; you know play games and chill? Also, you can stay at mine till you get this all sorted out!”
Red Son looked at MK like he had just announced that the moon was made of cream cheese and was inhabited by flying guinea pigs.
“So…a truce?” he ventured nervously
“Yeah! My friends and I don’t fight you, and you don’t fight us!”
Red Son looked down at his destroyed backpack, then glanced at the mountain side he was on and realised that maybe coming up here to hide was a dumb idea.
“It not like I’ve got anything better to do!” he grumbled.
“AWESOME!” MK beamed “Let’s go! We’re gonna be Truce Buddies!”
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the-melting-world · 3 years
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Seeing as how long I have been a HUGE fan of the airbender series (ATLA), it's actually kind of ridiculous that I never got into the fandom. Anyway, humor me while I go through each of my ocs and babble about their roles, histories, and bending styles in the ATLA universe! Also please excuse the fact that they had zero afro-textured options for hair in this one lol.
*Check under the cut for an unnecessary amount of lore.*
Kipling ~ Waterbender | Northern-style waterbending, vine/plant-bending, healing
Water Tribe Babeyyyyy
I don't really see Kip hailing from the Southern or Northern Water Tribes, but rather from a coastal village that developed after a handful of Southern Water Tribe hostages escaped one of the prisoner of war strongholds in the Earth Kingdom. I mean, if Hama (The Puppetmaster) and the plant benders from Foggy Swamp were any indication, there were water benders scattered all over the Earth Kingdom during Lord Ozai's military campaign.
Bending-wise, Kip has always been an average waterbender, whose bending is strongest when she's manipulating the water in plants and vines. When she comes of age, she is determined to advance her skills and find a way to serve her tribe more directly. So she travels to the Northern Water Tribe to seek an apprenticeship. There Kip advances her skills in traditional water bending forms (because up until then, her methods have been rather unorthodox) as well as her affinity for healing.
While Kip is up north, she does get close to Princess Yue in their healing classes. For a long time, Kip develops what she believes is a stupid crush, but eventually discovers the Princess has mutual feelings. Step aside, Sokka, you ain't the only one. Kip and Yue explore their relationship, but only briefly until the guilt and paranoia of getting caught and tarnishing Yue's reputation catches up to them. Kip ends up leaving in the dead of night leaving nothing but - you guessed it - a poem for Yue to find.
Kip happens to be one of the travelers Team Avatar meets while they're on the road. It's quite some time after the invasion of the Northern Water Tribe. This is after Yue has passed on, but before the group reaches Ba Sing Se. Both being kind of self-taught waterbenders, Kip and Katara bond very easily. Kip has a hard time being around Sokka since it's the first time she's felt something for someone since Yue. Still, despite Kip's efforts to ignore Sokka, they end up bonding over a lot of stuff, both stupid and serious. I'm not going to go into details about what went down when they inevitably learned of each other's past relationships with Yue, but yes, there were lots of emotions. A lot of Kip trying to run away and shake herself of Sokka. A lot of Sokka battling between pursuing her or leaving her alone. It's a mess. And no I still don't know how it turns out. Haven't planned it out that far.
After Ozai is defeated, Kip makes her living as a traveling waterbending instructor with her good Earth Kingdom friend, Khleo. She travels the territories, finding hidden water tribes and informing them of the fall of Ozai. She works with Khleo and the community members to open smalls schools, closely modeled after the earthbending schools in Omashu.
Khleo ~ Earthbender | earthbending, sandbending, lavabending
Khleo had a rocky start to their journey. Sorry, I couldn't help it.
They were born in an area that bordered on the Si Wong Desert and the mountain chain dividing the land from Chameleon Bay (where they later meet Kipling.) Naturally, Khleo picks up a little bit from each of the known forms of earth manipulation. Although they develop into a fully realized master by the time they reach adulthood, they don't ever try their hand at meltalbending when it starts to gain popularity after the fall of Ozai.
Khleo grew up poor and had to resort to unsavory business ventures with the local sandbenders in order to keep food on the table. But since they were the sole bender that could calm down the nearby volcanoes whenever they acted up, they were always regarded as a hero within the community.
Eventually, the Fire Nation finds a way to complicate Khleo's existence and they have to flee their home. First, they cross the mountain range to Chameleon Bay, where they meet the waterbender Kipling, who they easily bond with. Khleo and Kip travel together for some time until they run into Jet and his crew. Jet's lifestyle appeals to Khleo, who was tired of roughing it. But Kip takes one look at Jet and knows that he's bad news. She and Khleo part ways.
Like most of the kids in Jet's crew, Khleo blinded themself to his activities in order to survive and stay connected to a family group. But when his actions become too hard for them to go along with, they abandon the Freedom Fighters and go to go look for work elsewhere.
Khleo had set their sights on Omashu, where they believed they could earn an honest living and still practice their bending without the eyes of the Fire Nation bearing down on them. The journey was tough and Khleo had a few brushes with death, but they made it to Omashu. There they were immediately hired by a cabbage vendor who struggled in the past with keeping his wares in one piece. Khleo guarded his cabbage stand for all but a week before they were noticed by some Omashu academy trainers. They offered Khleo a job as an instructor in multiple earthbending forms. Surprised, but very willing, Khleo accepted. Eventually, Khleo was inducted into the Order of the White Lotus.
Years later, Khleo reunites with a very emotionally scarred Kipling. She stays with them until the capture of King Bumi, after which they quickly leave the city so that they can carry out the will of the White Lotus in hopes to undermine the Fire Nation's plan to conquer the Earth Kingdom on the day of Sozin's Comet 2.0.
Ozy ~ The Avatar Firebender/Airbender hybrid | firebending, airbending
Ozy's kind of special. He has an affinity for two elements.
He was born in the Fire Nation in a very, very small village on the coast of Crescent Island. When Ozy's parents noticed that their child was something of a prodigy, they brought him straight to the Fire Sages.
Now, there was a split among the sages. Some were loyal to Lord Ozai while others were secretly members of the Order of the White Lotus. One of the members recognized Ozy's affinity for airbending very early on and did everything they could to protect him.
Without being able to say goodbye to his parents or getting an explanation for what was happening, Ozy was sent to the Western Air Temple (you know, the cool upsidedown one) where he learned airbending with the help of older White Lotus members as well as spiritual experts like Guru Pathik (the same guru who taught Aang how to navigate the Avatar State.)
As Ozy became more and more enlightened, he came to believe that his gift was not a rare one. When he was not actively practicing the rudimentary components of bending, he was meditating on the factors that led the majority of people to believe that the ability to bend was inherited based on the ethnic and cultural group into which they were born. He thought that while this was true to some degree, additional affinities could be unlocked through the forgotten teachings of the Air Nomads.
To test his theory, Ozy went on a very dangerous journey to the Library in the Si Wong Desert, where he met and became very bonded to Uncle Iroh. Thankfully, Iroh and Ozy managed to not get eaten by the Library's spiritual patron. Later, Ozy declined Iroh's invitation to the Order of the White Lotus, instead choosing to retire to the Northern Air Temple. Thre he ended up assisting the mechanists with the construction of the flight technology (part of which had already been stolen and weaponized by the Fire Nation.) Ozy never left the Northern Air Temple to help in the fight against Ozai. Instead, he remained and became the first of the Air Acolytes, from which grows a community that later founded Air Temple Island and discovered the next child born into the Avatar Cycle - Korra of the Water Tribe.
Sun Bai ~ Airbender | proficient in airbending. Technically.
Bai, unfortunately, did not discover that he was an airbender until he was well into his twenties. The only way he unlocked his affinity for bending was through a traumatic event, the effects of which he managed to suppress for several years. It wasn't until Bai found himself in another flight or fight situation that he spontaneously called upon his connection to the air element. (Turns out Ozy was kind of right!)
Once Bai realized what he was made of, he made it a point to gather as much knowledge on the subject as he could. Everything that he came to understand about bending was self-taught. Meditation came more naturally to him, but even that required additional training, discipline, and theory to fully master. (He was basically the opposite of Avatar Korra, who picked up on the manual technique of airbending quite easily, but struggled with its spiritual component.)
Bai didn't really play a role in the fight against Lord Ozai. He didn't run into any of the Trio or Team Avatar. His journey didn't really start until after the war. At which point he meets General Adrenaline, and then later, Sascha of the Water Tribe.
General Rosario Adrenaline ~ Firebender | firebending, master in lightning redirection
Like Ozy, Adrenaline was another firebending prodigy. (In fact, it was Adrenaline who worked very closely with Princess Azula to hone her lightning redirection technique.) Eventually, Nali's skills were exploited to the fullest in the Fire Nation's military campaign, but long before that, firebending for her was a means to perform and entertain the masses.
Adrenaline grew up in the same circus troupe as Ty Lee! They had been best friends since childhood and ended up escaping together.
While Princess Azula always favored Ty Lee and Mei over Nali as bodyguards, she often went to Nali for "companionship." Azula kept her relationship with Nali very private. It lasted well into Azula's teenage years and got pretty serious. Though neither of them considered themselves in love with the other (just due to the fact that there was so much of a strain on them thanks to social hierarchy, and Azula being Azula) Nali developed a very deep, unhealthy loyalty to Azula, that in the end, resulted in her banishment from protecting the royal family.
After she was banished, Nali linked up with Zuko, who wasn't really all that happy about it, but Iroh steps in and gives the wise compassionate uncle lecture. Zuko folds and Nali becomes one his crew!
Nali and Azula continue to pursue their relationship. And now that it started to hinge on whenever Azula came around to fuck with Zuko's head, you can imagine how even more unhealthy and eventually toxic it became. Nali was torn between her loyalty to Azula versus her loyalty to Zuko. And Azula... didn't really care. It was a mess. Didn't end pretty.
Only after Azula was imprisoned by her brother did Nali finally wipe her hands completely clean of the Fire Nation's royal family. Not really caring what was happening in the rest of the world, she stumbled around from territory to territory, drinking, gambling, and taking up muscle for hire gigs to keep herself afloat. Until she meets and unexpectedly bonds with a very lazy monk, who needed an escort through the Serpent's Pass.
Sascha ~ Nonbender | weapons specialist - firearms and projectiles
Solo ~ Waterbender | Southern-style waterbending, bloodbending
Sascha and Solo were both students of Hama. Nuff said.
Although the twins soaked up much of Hama's ruthless, yet practical attitude towards survival, they just didn't inherit her very deep, eternal loathing for the Fire Nation.
They also realized that she was pretty messed up.
When Sascha and Solo were of age, they made a clean break from Hama and decided to open up a business in one of the towns along the mountainside.
Having grown up in the Fire Nation colonies, Sascha and Solo were very used to hiding their connection to their Water Tribe heritage. They blended in well and opened their garment and optics shop. It was a strange combination, but they managed to stake their claim in the community.
However, the two of them were still very clear enemies of the Fire Nation. They rebelled by getting the information out to other Water Tribe refugees living in hiding. Solo taught bloodbending in his self defense classes (which was much easier for him to pull off rather than traditional waterbending because it required less physical labor and thus did not put as much of a strain on his body.)
Meanwhile, Sascha would show Water Tribe nonbenders how to assemble firearms, which at the time, were considered still very new and dangerous technology.
Solo was happy with their life, but Sascha grew bored and restless. She wanted an adventure.
Then one day a very strange monk winds up wounded on her doorstep in the middle of the night. He's riddled with bullets - the kind of which only Fire Nation militia and Sascha herself would know how to remove and treat the damage they could cause...
And a treat for those that made it this far! 😜
Me!!! A water-airbender hybrid. And you're damn right I would have some hair loopies!
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billauthor6 · 2 years
One Surprisingly Efficient Option to Minecraft Install
It's a facet challenge that is of lower precedence than putting out new content material for the established playerbase. These games have been largely performed out within the fields. Let's face it; many of these pre-World of Warcraft games are considerably foreign to the modern gamer. The problem here is when a gamer from 2012 decides to return and play an earlier title that he or she never tried before because there's typically a jarring transition between the games of now and the games of method-back-when. However after you are finished, get back to taking part in Minecraft proper - that large lava tower is not going to build itself. Steve is blogging It includes plenty of items to search out, terrain to explore and issues to build that can keep both new and veteran players engaged just because the Laptop model did when it was still a baby beta. As a healer, I'm all the time passing tier items and ambiguous caster objects to my raid's DPS courses. Whereas I don't play on an RP server, I nonetheless take the battle to coronary heart. You can play Minecraft on a variety of platforms - find the one that fits you! You can find articles on extra of our staffers in earlier Concerning the Bloggers profiles.
Something that deviates more than that risks alienating loyal players who make up the paying core of the game. He went on to say that RIFT Lite was one solution that makes the game accessible to those who could be tight on cash. The picture involves thoughts of that man or woman we know who's pushing up via the years and but combating it each step of the way in which. Algalon was the right closing boss; we fought our approach into the corruption, slime, and filth of the Old God, which was then starkly contrasted by unfeeling bleakness. If there's an individual on the market prepared to endure by a broken, incomplete game within the interest of creating it better, the publisher must be paying that somebody for the service -- not the other method around. There's nothing fairly like watching somebody realize that resistance is futile. And the good news is that these servers are safe - you don't need to fret about someone destroying your recreation. One query about permadeath and experience loss led to a curious hint about whether or not RIFT fans may see some servers with more hardcore rulesets at some point in the future. The belt has saved my life more than once and gained me greater than just a few honorable kills, and it never leaves my side.
Whereas I was there, I would sometimes complete a couple of quests whereas waiting for contemporary meat to fly in. While the production groups are separate, as we talked about above, since we're an independent studio, all of our central teams are shared, so the advertising and marketing and PR folks are a touch busy proper now with the launch of The key World, so we'll hold the adventure pack reveal until after that. While the Nether Ray is superior and I love the way it matches the Nether Ray Fry pet, it is the truth that I paid for it in gallons of Alliance blood that makes it my chosen mount. I love main my guild by way of new encounters. I've tanked on Cure when my guild wanted it and I have several alts that I play sometimes, however practically all of my taking part in time is spent getting bloody with Madsushi or healing with Cure. I inherited Cure from my brother within the Burning Campaign, and she's been the chief of my guild and its 10-man raiding crew. Blizzard's resolution to take care of 10-man raiding as a viable progression path is the neatest thing that's ever happened to our guild, as we are able to work as a small group to accomplish our targets.
He or she desperately clings to the most recent trend, undergoes repeated plastic surgery, and all however denies any data of world events prior to 1990. The ironic thing is that the extra these sorts of people try to struggle aging, the more their actions illuminate their age to everyone round them. As you proceed, you may earn shells that give you extra skills. Content material that attracts and affects more folks is more essential than the content material that has restricted enchantment. These kids are thinking like recreation designers, and the best of them are learning the finer factors of making a fun sport, like zone layout, challenge level, and the tempo of the content material. However, it seems that Minecraft's large open-world nature makes it a terrific game for virtual reality. You'll need to start out out by chopping down trees to get wood which will be was sticks and boards. I have been spending my evenings constructing new PCs for among the players in my guild, choosing out the best elements and putting all of them together. At first, I'd enter a housing plot and assume that the fort or ship or temple was a pre-constructed item that was positioned, and only after further inspection did I understand that players had positioned the tiles, panels, and staircases piece by piece to construct it.
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comictoy1 · 2 years
One Surprisingly Effective Option to Minecraft Install
It's a aspect undertaking that's of lower precedence than placing out new content for the established playerbase. These games had been mostly performed out in the fields. Let's face it; many of those pre-World of Warcraft video games are considerably overseas to the modern gamer. The problem here is when a gamer from 2012 decides to go back and play an earlier title that he or she never tried before because there's often a jarring transition between the games of now and the games of means-again-when. However after you're achieved, get again to enjoying Minecraft correct - that large lava tower isn't going to construct itself. MINECRAFT SERVERS includes loads of gadgets to search out, terrain to explore and issues to construct that may keep each new and veteran gamers engaged just as the Pc version did when it was nonetheless a child beta. As a healer, I am all the time passing tier items and ambiguous caster objects to my raid's DPS courses. While I don't play on an RP server, I nonetheless take the battle to heart. You'll be able to play Minecraft on a variety of platforms - find the one which suits you! You'll find articles on more of our staffers in earlier In regards to the Bloggers profiles.
Something that deviates more than that dangers alienating loyal gamers who make up the paying core of the sport. He went on to say that RIFT Lite was one answer that makes the game accessible to those that is perhaps tight on money. The image comes to mind of that man or lady we know who's pushing up by means of the years and yet combating it each step of the way. Algalon was the right closing boss; we fought our method into the corruption, slime, and filth of the Previous God, which was then starkly contrasted by unfeeling bleakness. If there's an individual out there keen to endure by way of a damaged, incomplete recreation within the curiosity of constructing it higher, the writer must be paying that someone for the service -- not the opposite way round. There's nothing quite like watching somebody understand that resistance is futile. And the good news is that these servers are safe - you do not want to worry about someone destroying your sport. One query about permadeath and experience loss led to a curious hint about whether or not RIFT followers may see some servers with extra hardcore rulesets at some point in the future. The belt has saved my life greater than once and gained me greater than a number of honorable kills, and it by no means leaves my facet.
Whereas I was there, I would often complete just a few quests while waiting for fresh meat to fly in. Whereas the manufacturing groups are separate, as we talked about above, since we're an unbiased studio, all of our central teams are shared, so the advertising and marketing and PR people are a touch busy proper now with the launch of The key World, so we'll hold the adventure pack reveal until after that. While the Nether Ray is awesome and I really like how it matches the Nether Ray Fry pet, it is the truth that I paid for it in gallons of Alliance blood that makes it my chosen mount. I really like main my guild via new encounters. I've tanked on Cure when my guild needed it and I've a number of alts that I play often, but almost all of my taking part in time is spent getting bloody with Madsushi or healing with Cure. I inherited Cure from my brother in the Burning Crusade, and she's been the leader of my guild and its 10-man raiding crew. Blizzard's decision to maintain 10-man raiding as a viable development path is the smartest thing that's ever happened to our guild, as we are able to work as a small group to accomplish our goals.
She or he desperately clings to the most recent fashion, undergoes repeated plastic surgical procedure, and all however denies any information of world events previous to 1990. The ironic factor is that the extra these sorts of people try to fight aging, the extra their actions illuminate their age to everybody around them. As you proceed, you will earn shells that offer you more abilities. Content material that attracts and impacts more individuals is extra essential than the content material that has limited appeal. These children are considering like recreation designers, and the better of them are studying the finer points of creating a enjoyable recreation, like zone structure, challenge stage, and the pace of the content. Nevertheless, it seems that Minecraft's large open-world nature makes it an awesome game for digital actuality. You will have to start out out by chopping down trees to get wood which may be changed into sticks and boards. I've been spending my evenings constructing new PCs for a few of the gamers in my guild, picking out the very best components and placing all of them together. At first, I would enter a housing plot and assume that the fort or ship or temple was a pre-constructed merchandise that was placed, and solely after additional inspection did I notice that players had placed the tiles, panels, and staircases piece by piece to assemble it.
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donnataiwan7 · 2 years
One Surprisingly Efficient Technique to Minecraft Install
It's a aspect mission that is of decrease precedence than putting out new content for the established playerbase. Those video games have been mostly played out in the fields. MCNAMES Let's face it; many of those pre-World of Warcraft video games are considerably international to the modern gamer. The issue here is when a gamer from 2012 decides to go back and play an earlier title that she or he by no means tried before as a result of there's typically a jarring transition between the games of now and the video games of method-again-when. But after you are done, get again to playing Minecraft correct - that large lava tower is not going to build itself. It contains loads of gadgets to seek out, terrain to explore and issues to construct that may keep each new and veteran players engaged just because the Laptop model did when it was nonetheless a child beta. As a healer, I'm always passing tier items and ambiguous caster objects to my raid's DPS lessons. Whereas I don't play on an RP server, I nonetheless take the battle to coronary heart. You can play Minecraft on quite a lot of platforms - find the one that suits you! You will discover articles on extra of our staffers in earlier In regards to the Bloggers profiles.
Anything that deviates greater than that dangers alienating loyal players who make up the paying core of the game. He went on to say that RIFT Lite was one solution that makes the game accessible to those that might be tight on cash. The picture comes to thoughts of that man or lady we all know who's pushing up via the years and but preventing it every step of the way in which. Algalon was the perfect closing boss; we fought our method into the corruption, slime, and filth of the Previous God, which was then starkly contrasted by unfeeling bleakness. If there's a person on the market willing to undergo via a damaged, incomplete sport in the curiosity of making it higher, the writer ought to be paying that someone for the service -- not the opposite way round. There's nothing fairly like watching someone realize that resistance is futile. And the good news is that these servers are secure - you don't want to worry about somebody destroying your sport. One question about permadeath and experience loss led to a curious hint about whether RIFT fans would possibly see some servers with more hardcore rulesets at some point sooner or later. The belt has saved my life greater than once and gained me greater than a number of honorable kills, and it never leaves my facet.
Whereas I was there, I might occasionally full a number of quests while waiting for contemporary meat to fly in. Whereas the manufacturing teams are separate, as we talked about above, since we're an impartial studio, all of our central groups are shared, so the advertising and marketing and PR people are a touch busy proper now with the launch of The secret World, so we'll hold the journey pack reveal until after that. While the Nether Ray is awesome and I love how it matches the Nether Ray Fry pet, it is the fact that I paid for it in gallons of Alliance blood that makes it my chosen mount. I like main my guild by new encounters. I've tanked on Cure when my guild wanted it and I've several alts that I play often, however nearly all of my taking part in time is spent getting bloody with Madsushi or healing with Cure. I inherited Cure from my brother in the Burning Campaign, and she's been the leader of my guild and its 10-man raiding crew. Blizzard's choice to keep up 10-man raiding as a viable progression path is the smartest thing that's ever happened to our guild, as we are able to work as a small group to perform our objectives.
He or she desperately clings to the newest vogue, undergoes repeated plastic surgery, and all however denies any knowledge of world events prior to 1990. The ironic factor is that the more these types of individuals attempt to combat aging, the more their actions illuminate their age to everybody round them. As you proceed, you may earn shells that provide you with more talents. Content material that attracts and impacts extra folks is extra vital than the content material that has limited enchantment. These youngsters are thinking like recreation designers, and the better of them are studying the finer factors of constructing a enjoyable recreation, like zone layout, challenge stage, and the tempo of the content material. However, it turns out that Minecraft's massive open-world nature makes it an important game for digital reality. You will have to begin out by chopping down timber to get wood which can be turned into sticks and boards. I've been spending my evenings building new PCs for a few of the gamers in my guild, choosing out the perfect components and putting them all collectively. At first, I might enter a housing plot and assume that the fort or ship or temple was a pre-built item that was positioned, and solely after further inspection did I understand that players had positioned the tiles, panels, and staircases piece by piece to construct it.
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tarisilmarwen · 7 years
I am full to bursting with rambles about the romances in my own stories so congrats Tumblr, you are now my writing dump box.
I will babble a lot.
Adventures of the Sea Siren: High fantasy, sea-faring adventures.
Fen/Maeve-- Main couple.  Captain Farrell “Fen” Armant is a newly reformed ne’er-do-well pirate.  Lady Maeve Endeleva, noblewoman of the Tarshaani court, was the one to convince the Calif to pardon him, moved by some strange pity.  He does not make that decision easy for her early in the story, being kind of a pain in the ass and slipping back into old habits.  They clash a lot initially but eventually come to have a friendship that blossoms slowly into love.  Married at end of the series.
Fisrock/Tabitha-- I think they were supposed to be my already together stable happy married couple, lol.
Evander/Cappy-- Junior member of the crew and apprentice mage Lady Maeve picks up later on their adventures.  They crush on each other.  It is cute.
Allemant/Rura-- Teased.  Ship’s scientist/inventor guy and a Mysterious Waif they found frozen in ice.  I suppose the appeal would mostly be Allemant’s utter science nerdy glee in figuring out how she worked (she’s not exactly human).
Relligon/Aisha and Relligon/Nashiko-- Teased.  Loyal bodyguard of Lady Maeve’s with either another member of the crew or a local girl they picked up with Rura.  Don’t think I had anything major planned with them, maybe just little teases here and there for both of them.
Venderick/Rowena-- Villain couple.  Hella unhealthy in the end but they seem genuinely enamored of each other at first.  It does not end well.
Artelia: Queen of Eevalond: High fantasy, kickass single mom queen rules a country and fights evil ‘n stuff.
Haegan/Artelia-- Loyal soldier/guard and the queen herself.  Artelia did genuinely love her husband and misses him terribly but has been rather lonely since he passed.  Haegan is always there and caring and supportive and has been nursing an affection for her for a while now.  The UST is real.
The DM Can’t Roll For This: Comedy.  Local D&D-type chapter finds their real life problems seeping into their campaign.
Kenji/Helena-- Main girl and dorky sword nerd newbie.  Helena awkwards all around him and he’s mostly either oblivious or hilaritized.
Bruce/Rika-- Married couple that games together.  They play as two tanks with Belligerent Sexual Tension.  IRL they are adorably smoopy.
J.C./Casey-- Perpetually shy Shrinking Violet and oversensitive drama queen.  She eventually develops the spine needed to ask him out.
Eternal Skies: Sci-Fi/Steampunk, advanced city is isolated out in the middle of a seemingly endless ocean.
Levi/Aya-- Loyal bodyguard and the Empress of the city.  The idea for the story first came out of a dream but frustrations with the outrageous injustice that was Aldnoah.Zero’s Slaine/Asseylum not being a thing reignited my deep and burning thirst for Bodyguard Crush ships so I revisited this idea and that kind of relationship dynamic fit right in with them, lol.  Levi’s family tried to leave the city once, caught themselves in a storm, they drowned, the then-princess Ayalin saved him.  He is hopelessly devoted to her and constantly worries about her safety.  As well he should, given that Aya is sometimes reckless and prone to battling bouts of crippling depression.  He doesn’t know it, but she’s loved him nearly as long as he’s loved her because he, in her own words, was “the first person who made me want to live”.
Jobei/Hiriko-- Teased.  Jobei lucks into the airship guard via a chance meeting with Aya, and Hiriko sort of becomes his trainer.  She’s intense and scary and very intimidating sometimes but he kinda likes her.  She comes to be kind of fond of him too, though she’d never admit it.  I still don’t know if I wanna make it canon or leave it up in the air yet.
Four Seasons Warriors: Magical Girl type series, themed around the four seasons.  (Duh.)
Sean/Soldad-- Stable couple that gets together early on.  Sean is in theater.  For some reason I always read his dialogue in a British accent, I should do something with that.  Soldad is bubbly cheerleader type.  They are full of playful banter and when she eventually confesses to the Masquerade he takes it rather well.
Chase/Autumn-- My Slap Slap Kiss couple.  Chase likes to flirt with her and she gets so confused and offended and “What is this thing called human flirtation my files contain no such data.” and acts prickly to him sometimes but then sometimes is like, “Two can play at this game, Mister.” and banters back.  For the most part he’ll shrug and back off when she’s in NOPE mode but when she teases back he’s like, “OKAY WAIT I’M SO CONFUSED.” and they basically bumble around accidentally being good supportive friends to each other in their low moments until they finally have to have the dreaded, “Okay what is this relationship exactly?”  Which starts as an argument but ends with kisses.  I mostly have it to add lulz. :)
Mitsuki/Lina-- Mitsuki is a shy nerdy geek type and Lina is the cool stoic big sister of the group.  So a big Geek Boy/Stoic Girl dynamic here.  They have a Meet Cute early on and Mitsuki is hopelessly crushing on her for much of the story.  Lina is oblivious to most of it but tolerates his hanging around, as it keeps the bullies off him.  She gets a temporary love interest (Sedaris) that is the polar opposite of Mitsuki--tall, charming, good with words, classically handsome, basically fangirl bait--and falls for him pretty quickly but PSYCH! turns out he’s evil and just wants to kill her.  Mitsuki is a really supportive shoulder to cry on and she warms up to him soon after that.  They get together about three-quarters through.
Adam/Elsie-- Elsie is cripplingly shy and timid and has had a crush on him forever.  He’s oblivious.  He remains oblivious until Trickster, a flirtatious villain with a thing for Elsie, involves him in a hostage situation.  They get together.  His (almost) death triggers her super-powered form.
Trickster/Elsie-- One-sided on Trickster’s side.  He likes to flirt with all the girls and annoy them but Elsie he particularly takes a shine too.  Hypnotizes her into serving him once.  It doesn’t stick.  Continues to try and get under her skin whenever he can.
Trickster/Brittney-- Brittney is actually a clingy jealous ex of Chase’s.  Through some odd events she falls in with Trickster, and they hit it off... remarkably well.  To the girls’ chagrin and disgust.
The Geek In Glass Slippers: Basically Cinderella at Comic-Con.
Chris (Leonid)/Cindy-- Like a lot of modern Cinderella retellings, I had the prince and the Cinderella equivalent meet before the ‘ball’.  They were actually friends in high school.  Then he went off and got rich and famous. :D  They’re just your basic nerd couple really.  She fights his fangirl army in the climax.  It is awesome and hilarious.
Gutter Glamour: Steampunk/Historical Romance, three brothers gotta get married before their grandpa kicks it in order to secure their fortunes.  Family drama and fiendish plots ensue.
Evander/Rita-- Main couple.  Rita was a homeless urchin Evander encountered in the streets and treated to lunch.  Having no luck finding a wife elsewhere, he returns to her the next day and proposes marriage.  They are awkward dorks together.  It is precious.
Sebastian/Vivian-- Evander’s more responsible older brother and his spacey artist girlfriend.  They just recently got engaged at the start of the story so his search for a bride is over fairly quickly, lol.  They have a baby partway through the story.
Destan/Lilian-- Lilian, a prim and proper seamstress, doesn’t think all that much of wild, trouble-making Destan when he comes to call and begs her parents for her hand at first.  But she can’t deny she’d be marrying well so she doesn’t put up much protest.  They become rather... comfortable with each other over the story.
Aidelaird/Evaline-- Happily married couple.  They are so sickeningly in love it is almost revolting.
John/Penny-- Past relationship.  Penny passed on before the beginning of the story.  She and John had a nice little Sunshiney Optimist/Grumpy Grouch thing going on.
Farraday/Tamara-- ‘nother happily married couple, mostly got a Savvy Guy/Energetic Girl dynamic.  And hella kids.  Tamara wears the pants in the relationship, and Farraday is most just constantly amused by her antics.
Donovan/Cherise-- Yet another married couple although much less happy, lol.  Both schemers and plotters, Donovan is still hung up on Evaline, who rejected him in favor of his older brother way back when, and Cherise is a crafty seductress whose womanly wiles play a big role in her manipulations.  She initially snared Donovan in an attempt to get away from her family, only to have Donovan wind up working for her family’s company out of resentment at his own family.  So their relationship is a bit, uh... frigid.  And complicated.
Devin/Tia-- Hella unhealthy.  Devin only married Tia to fulfill the requirements for Grandpa John’s will, and thus inherit the family’s fortune.  Tia tries her best to be a good wife but Devin isn’t interested in being loving or kind.  Protagonists break them up and pointedly keep her in the family and ostracize Devin.
Haegar/Ianna-- Antagonist couple.  A more stable and cooperative version of Donovan/Cherise.  Their machinations and schemes work more harmoniously with them as a cohesive team.
Nolan/Ingrid-- Semi-sleezy politician and snobby upper-class lady.  Despite said character flaws they’re rather happy together.
The Protectoress: High Fantasy/Gateway Fantasy.  Every hundred years an asteroid fragment carrying an ancient evil immortal despot comes to terrorize and destroy a magical realm.  The power to stop him reincarnates into a partner team of a Chosen One from that realm, and a Protectoress from ours.  Story is about the last partner team.
Ren/Lori-- The Chosen One and the titular Protectoress.  Mostly inspired by MeruPuri and also just because I have a thing for relationships where the older member is sortofkindofbutreallynotreally a surrogate parent/guardian to the younger member.  So Ren starts getting hot as he gets older and Lori has this moment of, “Well look at YOU!”  They have a simmering kind of slow-burn chemistry, Lori naturally feels very protective of him (and not just because her inherited magical powers make her feel that way) and comes to care about him a whole lot, but holds herself back from pushing anything until Ren is older and actively starting to pursue his own feelings for her.
Sakura Squad: Sci-Fi war drama IN SPAAAAAACE.  Protagonists become a mini propaganda shoujo heroine squad to inspire hope in the masses.
Keiji/Aiko-- Aiko is smitten at first sight and has a lot of trouble making herself coherent around him.  He mostly just thinks she’s cute at first, and brings a good vibe to the team, but unconsciously starts taking steps to protect her in combat.  His freakout when he learns about her secret Sakura Squad doings are partly motivated by his fear of her dying.  Through some close calls they quickly warm up to each other and get together towards the end.
Ryuuki/Masayo-- Ryuuki is the fangirl-bait ladies’ man who is always flirting with the girls on the team, but finds himself inexplicably flustered and awkward around shy mousy timid Wrench Wench Masayo.  She’s oblivious to his affections and her own feelings for most of the story.
Tarou/Kiyomi-- They have a supportive, friendly, playful banter kind of friendship.  Always kind of low-key flirting with each other.  Kiyomi fervently denies that they’re anything but friends but they’re caught later making out in a closet.   It is hilarious.
Shiki/Kaname-- Happy stable married couple.  Kaname wears the pants hard.  Sunk at the end when Kaname dies in battle.
Starship 227: Sci-Fi.  Elite investigative team for the galactic government fly around in their spaceship and have adventures and stuff.
Arden/Kina-- Ship captain and cute resident nurse.  Arden also has a female first mate that you’d think he might get together with in a Slap Slap Kiss fashion but nope, they just don’t like each other and are also half-siblings oops.  Arden is constantly hitting on Kina or looking for excuses to see her and she’s somewhat oblivious at first but soon grows to have feelings for him as well.
Squadron 15/Haven Academy: Your basic superhero high school.
Redbird/Firelily (Aiden/”Lily” Keliannar)-- Main couple.  Very Brooding Boy Gentle Girl.  Redbird is awkward as hell around her and she makes him go all blushy but he can be real sweet and protective and caring and she just warms up to him more and more over the story and becomes protective over him too and there’s a lot of mutual caring and concern for each other.  They get together later.
Shard/Vapor (Cliff/Shawna)-- Shawna’s dated around and actually has a boyfriend at the start of the story, whom she breaks up with because he’s a ~dramawhore~.  Shard lowkey has a bit of a crush on her the whole story and she doesn’t exactly discourage him and jokes about how she should totally date him all the time.  Eventually he realizes he really likes her and plucks up the nerve to ask her out.  He is huge and she is tiny and it is cute.
Quickster/Silkworm (Miguel/Kimiko)-- Just cute kids who like each other being cute together and going on fun dates.
Captain/Illusion (James/Janet)-- Team Dad and Team Mom.  They have a playful, comfortable sort of relationship and just like to spend time around each other away from the craziness of their “kids”.
Captain/Sketcher (James/Ellie)-- Teased.  Not emphasized much but hinted on occasion that Sketcher has a crush on him.  It never develops into much and she forgets about it quietly as the story goes on.
Crimson Ray/Silver Shield (Leonid/Alisa)-- Sweet good-natured nice boy and sweet good-natured Ill Girl.  They are lowkey and quiet and very heartwarming.  Also endlessly tragic when the ship is sunk with Alisa’s Heroic Sacrifice to save the city.  I milk the angst for all it’s worth.  It is almost mean.
Flint/Solar (Andrew/Doris)-- Happy married couple.  They kind of needle and poke each other playfully and make each other flustered.  It’s cute.
Nighteagle/Cosmar (Douglas/Zoe)-- Stoic introverted Angsty McAngsterson and the bubbliest, sunniest, most energetic ball of energy ever.  Cosmar has a massive, not-so-secret crush on him and it confuses and baffles the hell of out Nighteagle.
White Eyestones: High fantasy war drama.
Indin/Elarin-- Happy married couple.  They have their rough patches but they smooth them out quickly.  Sunk when Indin dies halfway through the story.
Elsiron/Thelnaela-- This one was almost kind of an accident?  Lol IDK I just really liked writing Thelnaela being all teasing and playful around him and their banter almost wrote itself and I was like, “Ah yes.  This should be a thing.”
Winds of Ikilia: Fantasy quest in an asian-inspired world.  To try and win a war against an evil empire a crown prince kidnaps a young tribesgirl with mysterious powers.  Her friends come after her to rescue her.  They have adventures.
Kai/Nadi-- Main couple.  Hella cute.  Been friends since childhood, get matched by the matchmaker early on in the story.  Have a very deliberate Older Girl/Younger Boy thing going on.  They spend a lot of time being worried about each other and having playful banter and saying heartwarming things to each other that make my character Tiri groan and roll her eyes.  Decide to start officially referring to each other as betrothed and fiance partway through the story.  Married in the epilogue.
Ainusan/Ta Lian-- Oh gosh this is... *giggles*  This is actually kind of a running gag.  See my protagonist Nadi once disguises herself as a noblewoman while she’s looking for her friend and Prince Ainusan comes in and basically confuses her for Princess Ta Lian and is rather impressed by her spunk, being that he thought she was more of a ditz.  Ta Lian herself hears about his poor first impression of her later, from Nadi, and is so OFFENDED and ANNOYED and “That jerk I liked him!” and from then on I basically just make cracks about how they should totally get together.  And then the payoff comes in the epilogue where I reveal that they totally did.  I did it because it was funny.
Ainusan/Kiria-- Teased.  Little bitty hints here and there that Kiria has a tiny crush on him.  Nothing major.
San/Tiri-- Teased.  Tiri likes to flirt at him and he sometimes banters back.  Doesn’t go anywhere but provides much lulz
San/Kiria-- Also another case where little hints are dropped that Kiria has a crush on him.  What can I say, she likes dem older boys.
Korda/Keyla-- Married couple.  Nadi’s parent’s.  No big.
Wings: Magical girlfriend story.  Fairy family gets stuck living with normal human family for a while.  Their kids fall in love.  Drama ensues.
Hideki/Elaina-- Main couple.  It’s pretty much love at first sight for Hideki, and he immediately wants to ask her out.  She’s thrilled at his attention and forwardness and caring and becomes super protective of him and they are basically adorable at each other.  They get married partway through, in a magic ritual that will serve to protect him from fairy machinations.
Kubo/Haruna-- Married couple.  Hideki’s parents.  Not much else to be said about them.  They’re stable and healthy and long-suffering together.
Oberon/Titania-- Their marital problems are the driving background noise behind literally every single problem the two families ever have.  They seriously need counseling.
Ronan/Amara-- Married couple.  Elaina’s parents.  Amara had a lot of bitterness in her heart from a previous first love (a human, ordered killed by Oberon when he found out because he’s hissy about fairy/human relationships because Titania’s a cheating skank with them) but Ronan managed to soften her and help her find a measure of healing and happiness.
Tallas/Elaina-- One-sided.  Tallas is a fairy noble who has a creepy interest in Elaine and has on one occasion tried to ask her father for her hand.  Ronan sensed he was bad news and vetoed that right away.  Amara was later approached with the same offer and told Tallas where to shove it.  He persists in trying to woo her himself but she’s not flattered or interested and he basically slips more and more into an adolescent hissy fit of If I Can’t Have You, outright brainwashing and threatening Hideki in one case.  Roundly thwarted in the end.
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