#this stemmed from the idea that i want Eddie to have proper curls...and Steve has hair rituals
missingexaltation · 2 years
It was one thing remaining from the start of their relationship, but Steve still couldn't get Eddie's hair to behave. He'd tried all sorts of products over the years, all sorts of techniques, but all in vain. It either frizzed up and went all static, or started alright and ended up with more grease than a breakfast pan by the end of the day.
Eddie didn't mind too much. Part of his entire aesthetic was grotty and grungy, and if his hair was a bit frizzy from overwashing, or stiff with mousse, it didn't matter too much to him, as long as he was vaguely clean and could headbang to his music. Whatever tricks they tried lasted maybe a day, and was way too much effort for Eddie to keep up with on a day to day basis.
It bothered Steve though, so Eddie put up with the sighs and new lotions and conditioners (and oh one memorable occasion...rollers, like he was a eighty year old woman) until even 'The Hair' Harrington threw his hands up in defeat and left Eddie to whatever shampoo was on offer at the store that week.
After Eddie started his internship at the tattoo parlour, he stated wearing his hair up, out of the way, as he was literally violating health and safety codes with it down. He only really wore it down for gigs, and despite the growing crowds that he now played for, metal fans weren't the most picky with hygiene, and if he reveled in being a bit gross for the set, Steve wasn't to know.
So the years passed, and despite Steve's occasional attempts, 'the mop', as he called it, remained untamed.
It wasn't until a couple of decades later, until after Eddie's music career had exploded and calmed down, did anything change. His D&D podcast turned streaming sessions with the old Hellfire club, garnered a lot of interest from fellow nerds, old and young.
An offhand comment (Eddie wasn't sure who from), about his lack of proper curls ignited chat into hair care. More specifically the 'curly girl method', that was apparently setting social media on fire.
'We're trying it.' Steve said, excitedly reading chat over his shoulder. 'I'm finally gonna win this one, babe.'
And they do. Eddie even let Steve film the process, and to both of their surprise...it worked! AND it lasts longer than half a day.
More importantly to Steve, Eddie's hair was now properly curly, soft and photoshoot ready. 'You look like someone cares about you now.' He says, pulling on a stray curl from Eddie's temple.
He's so pleased with himself that it makes Eddie's heart ache with adoration. Nearly thirty years but he won the war in the end.
Steve's less fond of their video going viral though. He loves Eddie, is proud of his career, but definitely hates being in the spotlight, especially as his excitement at the result is the thing mentioned in most of the comments.
'Wish my man looked at me like that.'
'Imagine being that happy together after thirty years'
'Awww you can tell they're high school sweethearts.'
'Get me a man that looks at me like Eddie's husband looks at him.'
'Love my gay rock dads.'
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